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Kone: The Monospace Launch In Germany

This paper predominantly addresses the role of emotional behaviour in marketing
and will serve as an umbrella topic throughout the report. Next we explore the g
ender differences in emotional responses; how do men and women differ in their m
arketing emotions and assumptions? To concentrate our literature study on specif
ic areas, the theoretical research is split into advertising- and consumption em
otions in marketing. The final goal of this paper is to present the reader with
a research proposal that further elaborates on the topics discussed from the lit
erature study.
Although little consistency can be found in the use of terminology related to em
otions, we define emotion as the mental states of readiness that arise from cogn
itive appraisals from events or one's own thoughts (Bagozzi et al. 1999). Emotio
n, together with other mental process
ses including mood and attitude, are frequently considered
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as subsets of the term affect.
There is a thin line between emotions, moods and attitudes regarding their defin
ition and evaluation, making it essential to highlight their differences prior t
o placing them into context. By convention, a mood is regarded as being longer l
asting and lower in intensity than an emotion. Moreover, moods are generally uni
ntentional and global whereas emotions are coupled with action tendencies and ty
pically intentional (Frijda 1993). Attitudes seem to be dichotomous with respect
to its comparability with emotion since some authors adopt a narrower view than
others. Sometimes, attitudes are measured similarly to emotions (e.g. happy-sad
, pleasant-unpleasant, etc.) and on other occasions they are defined as evaluati
ve judgments (measured, e.g., by good-bad reactions) rather than emotional state
s (Bagozzi et al.).
Elaborating on the definition in the first paragraph, the state of readiness dis
tinctly portrayed by an emotion tends to be more intense than that of...

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