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Numerous studies have been done on the health benefits of quercetin, which are the pigments

found in plants. Many scientists agree quercetin is beneficial to your health in a variety of ways. It
is beneficial because quercetin is a natural and abundant phytochemical, known as a flavonoid,
and flavonoids are important because they seem to enhance the function of vitamin C so that it is
better absorbed by the body. Quercetin is also an antioxidant, and antioxidants are responsible to
control and fight disease-causing free radicals.
There have also been many studies about quercetin, and many have indicated significant anti-
inflammatory properties may be present in quercetin. For instance, Paul Kroon, lead researcher in
one athersclerosis study stated, “we can confirm that eating quercetin-rich foods may help
prevent chronic inflammation leading to cardiovascular disease because the metabolites still have
an effect on the cells lining the blood vessels.” A study conducted in 2003 also noted quercetin’s
ability to modulate the inflammatory response. In the 2003 study inflammation was induced in rats
with carrageenan, and quercetin was able to suppress the inflammation successfully.

It also seems quercetin doesn’t just quiet inflammation. The British Journal of Cancer published
an article asserting quercetin seems to have anti-tumor properties. Another study conducted in
2005 found quercetin may indeed have “chemotherapeutic potential or chemoprevention of
human cancers,” and, for that reason, researchers want further investigations done into quercetin
so its true medicinal capabilities can be accurately determined.

As mentioned, quercetin is found primarily in plants, such as fruits, vegetables, and herbs. If
you’re interested in making sure you get quercetin into your daily diet, here’s a list of foods that
contain some of the highest quercetin levels:
Best Quercetin Foods

Quercetin Food mg/100g Quercetin Food mg/100g

Green Tea Leaves, dried 255.55 Jalapeno Hot Peppers 5.07
Black Tea Leaves, dried 204.66 Coriander, raw 5.00
Capers 180.77 Spinch, raw 4.86
Lovage Leaves 170.00 Chives 4.77
Dillweed, fresh 55.15 Apples 4.42
Yellow Wax Hot Peppers 50.63 Watercress 4.00
Hartwort Leaves 29.30 Grapes 3.54
Ancho Peppers 27.60 Celery 3.50
Buckwheat 23.09 Broccoli, raw 3.21
Bee Pollen 20.95 Blueberries 3.11
Cocoa, powder 20.13 Bilberries 3.04
Onions, red, raw 19.93 Yellow Snap Beans 3.03
Green Hot Chili Peppers 16.80 Cherry Tomatoes 2.77
Cranberry Juice, raw 16.41 Green Snap Peas 2.73
Serrano Hot Peppers 15.98 Apricots 2.55
Scallions, raw 14.24 Grapes, black 2.54
Cranberries, raw 14.02 Iceberg Lettuce 2.47
Ligonberries 12.16 Gooseberries 2.00
Tarragon, fresh 10.00 Currants, white 1.95
Chokeberries, frozen 8.90 Tomato Juice 1.46
Kale, raw 7.71 Plums, raw 1.20
Rowanberries 7.40 Butterhead Lettuce 1.19
Black Currants, raw 5.69 Broccoli, cooked 1.06
Onions, white raw 5.19 Blackberries 1.03

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