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Oliver, Wyman & Company 1 December 1999

Credit portfolio
By Thomas
odern credit risk manage- these risks were diversified. banks thus started to rationalise
ment techniques were Banks leading the development pricing in both loan and bond port-
initiated by the banking Garside, of credit risk management tech- folios, and moving under-perform-
industry’s desire to avoid a repeat niques quickly discovered that ing assets off their balance sheets.
of its late ‘80s and early ‘90s default Henry Stott credit pricing was highly inefficient. Consequently banks that had not
experience. The heavy credit losses Typically pricing within a loan port- developed risk-adjusted perform-
during this period, driven by a
and folio would be almost flat across the ance measures started to suffer
poorly controlled rush to build mar- credit risk spectrum, generating from negative selection, often
ket share at the expense of asset
Anthony huge skews in customer profitabil- accepting significantly under-
quality and portfolio diversification, Stevens ity. Initial efforts focused on mitigat- priced assets from more sophisti-
threatened the solvency of even ing these skews by calculating risk- cated institutions.
well capitalised institutions. adjusted profitability (eg risk In parallel to developing aggre-
The need to better understand adjusted return on [risk-adjusted] gate risk-adjusted performance
portfolio credit risks was reinforced capital) by sub-portfolio and then measures, leading banks were also
by the publication of the Bank for using these measures to create risk- starting to quantify credit risk at
International Settlements’ (BIS) cap- adjusted loan pricing tools. Leading finer levels of detail. Credit portfolio
ital adequacy guidelines in 1988. models were developed which
These guidelines, whilst specifying could differentiate credit risk along

minimum regulatory capital Banks leading the multiple dimensions (credit grade,
requirements, were inadequate to industry, country/region etc) and,
provide an accurate measure of
development of credit for large corporate exposures, on a
the risk/reward characteristics of a risk management name-by-name basis.
credit portfolio. Banks therefore These credit portfolio models
started to develop more sophisti-
techniques discovered have positioned leading institutions
cated credit risk management that credit pricing was to take advantage of the increas-
techniques that recognised both ing liquidity of the credit markets
the credit risk of individual expo-
highly inefficient’ and to adopt a far more active
sures and the degree to which approach to credit portfolio man-
agement than was previously possi-
1. Optimisation of origination and portfolio management activities ble. Historically, credit portfolio
management had focused on the
Line of business Portfolio management monitoring of exposure by broad
portfolio segment and, if necessary,
product and delivery mark-to-market credit portfolio
optimisation transfer of Pr (loss) the imposition of exposure caps.
The creation of a stand-alone
optimisation of
credit portfolio management func-
origination sales/product approval syndication/ loss distribution
opportunities teams sales tion, armed with sophisticated port-
folio models and with a controlling
mandate over assets held on the
balance sheet, now enabled the
asset syndication/
disposals credit portfolio to be optimised
independent of origination activity,
asset purchases (figure 1). Active credit portfolio
asset swaps
credit derivatives optimisation has enormous poten-

tial to enhance profitability. Using effect on the book value of the

only very basic optimisation tech-
2. Definition of credit loss volatility obligation.
niques a typical institution might ● NPV-based method. Under this
expect to reduce the economic credit credit approach, the embedded value of
losses losses
capital consumed by its credit port- an exposure is assumed to be real-
folio by 25%–30%. isable. If the obligation upgrades
■ Credit risk measurement frame- then it is assumed to be worth more
work. Credit risk is conventionally than par, and if it downgrades it is
defined using the concepts of assumed to be worth less than par.
expected loss (EL) and unex- The value of the obligation can be
pected loss (UL) (figure 2). calculated using either using mar-
Because expected losses can be EL ket credit spreads (where applica-
anticipated, they should be ble) or by marking-to-model using
regarded as a cost of doing busi- CAPM or similar method.
ness and not as a financial risk. time (years) frequency In general, NPV-based methods
Obviously credit losses are not are most applicable to bond port-
constant across the economic folios and large corporate portfolios
cycle, there being substantial where meaningful markets exist for

volatility (unexpected loss) about In general, NPV-based either the physical assets or credit
the level of expected loss. It is this derivatives. For the vast majority of
volatility that credit portfolio mod- methods are most commercial bank exposures,
els are designed to quantify. applicable to bond portfolios where such markets do not exist a
Volatility of portfolio losses is more meaningful risk profile is
driven by two factors – concentra- and large corporate obtained using a loss-based
tion and correlation (figure 3). portfolios where meaningful method. Loss-based calculations
Concentration describes the ‘lumpi- have the advantage of requiring
ness’ of the credit portfolio (eg why markets exist for either the less input data (margin and matu-
it is more risky to lend £10m to 10 physical assets or credit rity information, for example, is not
companies than to lend £0.1m to required) and being simpler to
1,000 companies). Correlation derivatives’ compute. However, many institu-
describes the sensitivity of the port- tions are starting to run both meth-
folio to changes in underlying 3. Effects of concentration and correlation ods in parallel, particularly for port-
macro-economic factors (eg why it on credit risk folios where securitisation is possi-
is more risky to lend to very cyclical ble. The different credit risk profiles
industries such as property develop- generated for the same portfolio
ment). In all but the smallest credit credit risk using loss-based and NPV-based
portfolios, correlation effects will 1 methods are shown later in this arti-
dominate. concentration cle (figure 8).
of portfolio
When quantifying credit risk, two
alternative approaches can be
diversification specific risk: driven II. Credit portfolio
used when valuing the portfolio: of credit risk by concentration methodology
● Loss-based method. Under this ■ Measuring credit risk correla-
approach an exposure is assumed correlation of systematic risk: tions. As discussed previously, to
to be held to maturity. The exposure borrower driven by correlation accurately model portfolio credit
is therefore either repaid at par or risk the correlation between expo-
defaults, and thus worth the recov- size of portfolio sures must first be measured. This
ery value of any collateral. Using this seemingly simple statement con-
approach credit migration has no ceals the complex string of calcula-

1 December 1999

4. The Merton default model

tions that are actually necessary. value callable liabilities. This enables asset
Complexity arises as it is 2. volatility correlation to be transformed into
of asset
extremely difficult to calculate values credit risk correlation (figure 5).
credit risk correlations directly. In figure 5 the more correlated
Indeed, to measure default corre- 1. current the movements in the two compa-
lation (as required for loss-based value of nies’ assets the greater the ‘twist’ in
probability distribution
measures) between two compa- of future asset value the joint asset value distribution.
nies is impossible, as this would Hence the greater the probability
3. callable
require repeated observations over liabilities that the credit quality of the two
a given time-period during which default firms will rise, fall and ultimately
each company would either default together. Asset correlations
default or survive. Credit risk corre- 1 year time have the benefit of being more
lation could then be calculated easily observable (from equity
from the number of times both 5. Joint probability density function for prices, balance sheet analysis etc)
companies defaulted simultane- company asset values and their correlations have been
ously. Clearly such analysis is impos- shown to be stable over time. The
sible in practice. Similar difficulties Merton model has also been suc-
exist when trying to estimate corre- cessfully adapted to describe
lation between changes in credit credit risk correlations in financial
rating or bond spreads. institution portfolios that contain
The simplest solution is to use corporate exposures.
aggregate time series to infer credit The correlation of model inputs
Probability %

risk correlation. Unfortunately this themselves are best measured

approach is unsuitable except for 1 and 2 default using factor models in the same
the most basic of portfolio analysis 0.08 3.3 way that an equity ‘beta’ is esti-
for two main reasons. Firstly, aggre- 0.06 2.1
mated. Factor models usually pro-
gate time series are usually avail- 0.04
1.5 duce better prospective correla-
able only at a very high level, with 0.02 0.3
asset tion estimates than direct observa-
value 2
insufficient data on underlying 0.00 -0.3 tion and have the additional bene-
-1.5 -1 -0.9
credit risk rating, industry and geo- -0.5 0
0.5 1
fit, if macro-economic factors are
1.5 2 -1.5
2.5 3
graphic distribution of the portfolio. 1 defaults asset value 1
3.5 4
2 defaults
chosen, of enabling intuitive stress
Secondly, using aggregate time testing and scenario analysis of the
series produces unstable results credit portfolio. An example of a
over time. macro-economic factor model is
6. Illustrative macro- economic factor model
A more attractive solution to cal- shown in figure 6. The ‘connection’
culating credit risk correlation is to of credit risk to underlying macro-
average factor
use a causative default model that weight economic risk factors has signifi-
takes more observable financial 0.20 cant implications for credit risk
quantities as inputs, and then trans- 0.15 management and the future
forms them into a default probabil- 0.10 exchange
development of credit markets. Not
ity. The most widely used model for 0.05 rate interest only could a credit portfolio man-
index rates unemployment
commercial lending portfolios 0 ager potentially hedge credit risk
equity property
being the Merton default model -0.05 index index via equity or ‘macro-economic’
(figure 4). -0.10 derivatives, but professional mar-
The Merton model assumes that -0.15 ket-makers should ensure that
a firm will default if, over a 12- -0.20 credit, equity and other derivative
month period, the market value of -0.25 desks are positioned to take
assets falls below the value of advantage of resulting arbitrage

1 December 1999

7. Monte Carlo simulation

Monte Carlo simulation

simulated portfolio loss
input datasets
and value distribution
borrower/cluster portfolio response
details scenario 1 to scenario probability density
• exposure DEquity = –20% probability
•collateral DFX =+5% density
•margin • change
•rating • in value
DUnemp=+2% loss
opportunities. These developments •factor weights
scenario 2
are likely to be a major driver of liq- %change in value,% losses
scenario 3 • change in
uidity as these markets develop. • •

In figure 6 a positive factor weight • •

probability loss
indicates that a positive change in scenario N* density
that factor produces an increase in DEquity =+15%
asset value, with a corresponding factor-to-factor DFX =+0.5%
in value
correlations • 10% 5% 0% –5%
rise in credit quality and reduction in • loss %change in value,% losses
default rate. Conversely, a negative %change in value,% losses
factor weight indicates that a posi-
tive change in that factor produces
a decrease in asset value, with a
corresponding fall in credit quality A. Summary of credit portfolio models
and increase in default rate. Model/factor Risk measure Advantages Disadvantages
■ Simulation methods. Whilst the risk Oliver, Wyman & Co ● Loss-based ● Intuitive understanding of ● Additional complexity in
of small credit portfolios can be cal- approach (and other ● NPV-based underlying factors portfolio model calculations
culated analytically, the large num- proprietary models) ● Applicable to all portfolio ● Data availability
ber of calculations required mean Macro-economic factor models ● Links to economic
that for most portfolios it is better to forecasting models and
employ a numerical simulation provisioning
● Ease of stress testing/
technique. Monte Carlo simulation is scenario analysis
the standard method, and can be KMV Portfolio Model ● Loss-based ● Simplified portfolio ● Loss of intuitive understanding
thought of as a ‘state-of-the-world ● NPV-based model calculations of underlying factors
generator’ that generates all possi- Orthogonal factor sets based on ● Data availability for ● Applicability to non-quoted
equity prices quotedcompanies companies/retail segments
ble states of the economy and the
JP Morgan CreditMetrics/ ● NPV-based ● Data availability ● Ability of factor structure to
resulting impact on the value of the CreditManager ● Easy to understand describe correlation effects
credit portfolio. In this way a distribu- factors (especially for non-corporate
tion of all possible portfolio values is Equity indices exposures)
built up, from which its credit risk pro- CSFP CreditRisk+ ● Loss-based ● Simplicity ● Loss-based calculation only
● Speed of calculation ● Lack of macro-economic
file can be calculated (figure 7). “Market risk” volatility insights
■ Summary of credit portfolio approach – no factor structure ● Performance drop-off when

models. There are a number of cur- specifying multiple portfolio

rently available credit portfolio
models that are distinguished by
their correlation structures and capital. This is calculated from the
8. Assessment of economic capital
choice of risk measure. These mod- tails of the credit risk distribution by
els are summarised in table A. determining the probability that a
expected NPV
expected loss

reduction in portfolio value loss

III. Portfolio model exceeds a critical value. A loss-
applications based example of such an analysis
Having discussed the inner workings is shown in figure 8 where, to 99.98% 99.00%
of credit portfolio models we can achieve a Aa1/AA+ credit rating loss-based NPV

now illustrate their uses by examin- (equivalent to a 0.02% default

ing a number of management probability), economic capital
99.98% 99.00%
applications. equivalent to 7.8% of total exposure NPV-based
■ Solvency analysis. The most obvi- is required.
-9% -8% -7% -6% -5% -4% -3% -2% -1% 0% 1% 2%
ous application of a credit portfolio ■ Credit risk concentrations and % change in loss, % change in NPV
model is to calculate economic portfolio optimisation. Breaking

1 December 1999
10. Potential diversification benefits in
9. Credit risk concentrations
a typical bank portfolio
(£bn) reduction in
Economic capital as % of exposure name reduction in
6% £5.6bn concentration correlation
exposure by counterparty specific risk
10m economic capital
50 £4.0bn
50m economic capital 4%
30 risk
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Exposure (millions) 0%
existing diversified
portfolio portfolio

11. Loan loss sensitivity 12. Stress testing credit portfolios

Assessment of capital adequacy under property crash


Base Case: 7.7%

Economic capital AA+ (99.98%) solvency

Property Crash Scenario 1.90%

Probability that losses exceed 7.7% of

implied probability of scenario 1.05%*

consistent with desired solvency standard
* = 0.02% ∏1.90%

down the aggregate credit risk the underlying macro-economic iour under stress-test scenarios is
distribution to show the credit risk of risk factors can also be examined shown in figure 12.
each portfolio element allows risk to determine whether a hedging
concentrations and hence diversifi- strategy might be possible (figure IV. Conclusion
cation opportunities to be identi- 11). This article has described the
fied (figure 9). For most credit port- An extension of this application is underlying theory of credit portfolio
folios, simple optimisation tech- to use the models for ‘stress-testing’ models and illustrated their value in
niques will substantially reduce to estimate possible changes in making more effective manage-
economic capital requirements – portfolio value conditional on ment decisions.
typically reductions of 30% are extreme macro-economic scenar- With the rapidly growing market
achievable equivalent to annual ios. An example of portfolio behav- in credit derivatives and portfolio
savings of £288m (assuming a capi- securitisations, the possibility of
tal charge of 18%) for a portfolio of active credit portfolio manage-

£100bn (figure 10). Banks must ensure that ment will increase dramatically and
■ Sensitivity analysis and stress test- result in a fundamental shift in the
ing. Portfolio models can be used
they understand the way banks both originate and hold
to calculate expected loss rates economic value of their credit assets. In order to benefit
under different economic scenarios from these new opportunities,
and thus drive dynamic provision-
portfolios and how this banks must ensure that they under-
ing estimates or loan loss reserving can be maximised stand the economic value of their
methodologies such as the SBC portfolios and how this value can
ACRA reserve. The sensitivity of
through effective be maximised through efficient
portfolio credit losses to changes in management’ credit portfolio management.

1 December 1999

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