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Important questions

(1).write down the history of internet & World Wide Web in detail
(2).Write in detail about various HTML4 protocols namely
(1)HTTP (2) SMTP (3) POP3 (4) MIME (5) IMAP
(3).write a simple program for printing a line of text in a web page
(4).How java script is used in object based scripting in the web &explain?
(5).Write short notes in structures concept in java script?
(6).Write short notes on java script functions?
(7).Write short notes in arrays concept in java script?
(8).Write short notes on objects evolved in java script?
(9).What is mean by scripting language? Explain the features of any one of the
scripting language?
(10).What is mean by recursion in a function write the difference between the
recursion and iteration?
1. What is mean by DHTML, state the difference and similarities between HTML &
2. Explain ?(1)dynamic style (2)dynamic position (3)frames (4)navigator in DHTML
with example ?
3. What is mean by event model, state event click & event on load in DHTML in
detail with example?
4. What is mean by filters, explain with example?
5. Explain the methodology for creating gradients?
6. How transportation takes place with the help of filters?
7. How to create an image in DHTML & creation of motion with blur, explain its
8. What is mean by data binding in DHTML with example?
9. How binding to an image & binding to a table takes place?
10. What is meant by event bubbling?

Unit-III /multi media

1. How audio & video synthesis is done and recognised in a multimedia?
2. Explain any two e-business models?
3. Explain e-marketing process in details?
4. How CRM takes place in e-marketing?
5. How online payments are done in E-marketing & explain the types of
6. How security is done in e-marketing?
7. Explain various HTTP request types?
8. What is the difference between client side scripting vs server side scripting?
9. Explain IIS server (internet information service?
10. Explain Apache web server?


1. Explain RDBMS (relational data base model)?
2. What is mean by SQL? Explain the following statements -Insert, update, and
delete statement with example?
3. Write short notes on ASP & the working of ASP?
4. Write down the various file system objects evolved in ASP?
5. What is mean by session tracking in ASP?
6. Explain the process of accessing a database using ASP?
7. What are the web resources evolved in ASP?
8. What is mean by XML in detail& explain its structure with example?
9. Explain name spaces XML and how they are used in ASP?
10. What is mean by DTD &various DOM methods?


1. Write short notes on servlets architecture?
2. How HTTP request handling takes place in servlets & explains its process?
3. Explain the methodology in handling HTTP get & post requests?
4. How redirecting takes place in HTTP?
5. Explain multi-tier process in servlets?
6. Write short notes on JSP?
7. Explain the various objects evolved in JSP?
8. How scripting is done in ASP?
9. Explain any two standard actions takes place in JSP?
10. What is mean by directives in JSP? Explain with example?


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