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copyright: A.L. Deman, M. Erouel, D. Lallemand, M. Phaner‐Goutorbe, C. Journet‐Gau�er, F. Kulzer, P. Lang, J.

Tardy, LPMCN, Club Photo ECL, Eric Le Roux/Communica�on/UCBL, Université de Lyon • design: Zigzagone
Université de Lyon
Quar�er Sergent Blandan
37, rue du Repos
69361 Lyon cedex 07
Do you want FRANCE
+ 33 (0)4 37 37 26 70
to know more www.universite‐
about the Master in
Nanoscale Engineering? 1 µm

Contact us at: Nanoscale Engineering
Contact: Magali Phaner‐Goutorbe Contact: Karine Masenelli‐Varlot Contact: Catherine Journet‐Gau�er
magali.phaner@ec‐ karine.masenelli‐varlot@insa‐ catherine.journet‐gau�er@univ‐

Contact: Florian Kulzer


supported by

Objec�ves Overview of the Master Program Structure of the Curriculum
The Nanoscale Engineering program is dedicated to a The en�re curriculum is taught in English. The Nanoscale The program is divided into six modules:
mul�disciplinary and interna�onal approach and it is suited Engineering master is a two‐year program corresponding to
equally well for students planning an academic or an 120 ECTS credits. Students receive a universal and profound ‣ Core Modules ‣ Experimental Modules
industrial career. The two‐year curriculum provides both the training in physics, materials science and electronics at the These courses impart the fundamental knowledge in the Students first conduct lab prac�cals in the form of four‐hour
theore�cal basis and the prac�cal exper�se in all fields nanoscale, but also in nanobiotechnology. Elec�ve courses courses during which they familiarize themselves hands‐on with all
nanotechnology field applied to physics, electronics, op�cs,
related to the fabrica�on, the characteriza�on and the design can be followed by the students in their desired area of standard techniques for fabrica�on and characteriza�on of
materials science and biotechnology. Students are required
of nanoscale structures and systems. The program benefits specializa�on and/or to broaden their horizons. nanostructures. These courses are then followed by more in‐depth
to follow at least twelve courses from the subsequent list
from support by the technological pla�orms of three key prac�cal work (at least two projects of 1 week each) in the course
(obligatory modules are preassigned to specific core slots):
laboratories in Lyon, as well as by major corpora�ons in the A key educa�onal concept of the program is that each of which the students become more profoundly acquainted with
Introduc�on to Nanoengineering (core 1) • Micro‐ and Nano‐
Rhone‐Alpes region. The annual student fee amounts to student is immersed in a high‐quality research environment nanoscience and nanotechnology.
fabrica�on, part 1 (core 2) and part 2 (core 8) • Characteri‐
about 500 €, which is the standard rate for a Master in France for at least half of the �me in the curriculum. Throughout the za�on Tools for Nanostructures (core 3) • Biomolecules, Cells,
and includes health insurance. Courses start in September academic year, lab prac�cals and projects are carried out in ‣ Ancillary Courses
and Biomime�c Systems (core 4) • Basics of Physics (core 5
each year and the applica�on deadline is the 31st of May for research ins�tu�ons that par�cipate in the program, and This module deals with complementary know‐how, relevant
for non‐physicists) • Solid State Physics at the Nanoscale
non‐EEA ci�zens and the first of July for EEA ci�zens. thesis projects are undertaken in research laboratories or in both for academia and in an industrial environment. Students
(core 5‐7) • Physics of Semiconductors, part 1 (core 5‐7) and
nanotechnology companies. In addi�on to the scien�fic and follow courses on management and intellectual‐property
part 2 (core 9‐12) • Con�nuum Mechanics (core 5‐7) •
technological aspects, ethical issues and the societal impact issues. Ethical aspects and the societal impact of nanotech‐
Nanoscale objects exhibit many novel and Physical Chemistry and Molecular Interac�ons (core 5‐7) •
Academic Consor�um of nanotechnology, as well as business considera�ons, are Nano‐Op�cs and Biophotonics (core 9‐12) • Quantum
nology are covered in specialized seminars. Communica�on
extraordinary proper�es that are not found in The Master of Nanoscale Engineering is conducted under the addressed in specialized seminars and courses. Engineering (core 9‐12) • Surface‐Analysis Methods (core
skills are likewise developed through wri�en and oral
their macroscopic counterparts. The ability to aegis of the University of Lyon by a consor�um of three presenta�on of all experimental work that is carried out
9‐12) • Micro‐ and Nanofluidics (core 9‐12) • Biosensors and
during the Master program.
control ma�er at the nanoscale can therefore renowned ins�tu�ons: the École Centrale de Lyon, the INSA Biochips (core 9‐12) • Computer Modeling of Nanoscale
be expected to benefit all branches of de Lyon, and the Université Claude Bernard ‐ Lyon 1. Systems (core 9‐12)
All lectures, laboratory prac�cals, internships and thesis ‣ Internship
engineering in the next decades, and well‐ core 1 core 3 core 5 core 7

literature survey
At the end of the second semester, students conduct a four‐

semester 1
projects are carried out in close collabora�on with research ‣ Elec�ve Modules
known devices will acquire new features due to laboratories in Lyon and they o�en involve interna�onal month internship in one of the research laboratories
core 2 core 4 core 6 elec�ve 1 These courses cover a wide range of nanotechnology‐related
manufacturing processes that integrate nano‐ partners. This strong link between research and educa�on par�cipa�ng in the program. The students choose their
disciplines and thus allow the students to specialize according

year 1
elec�ve 2 projects and come into contact with their host laboratories
scale structures. ensures a con�nuous improvement of the program to reflect prac�cals and projects to their preferences as well as to broaden their exper�se. At
the progress of science and technology in this innova�ve and earlier in the academic year already, by spending two days
least five courses from the following list have to be selected:

semester 2
rapidly‐evolving field. per week in this laboratory to carry out an extensive
Nanomechanics (year 1) • Nanoelectronics (year 2) • MEMS
Moreover, nanoscale engineering embodies the literature research and to prepare their research project
internship and NEMS (year 1) • Bioengineering (year 2) • Drug‐Delivery
convergence of physics, electronics, life Systems (year 1) • Introduc�on to Systems Design (year 1) •
under the guidance of their supervisor.
sciences and chemistry, and as such it provides Scien�fic and Technological Infrastructure Mul�‐Physics System Integra�on (year 2) • Nanomagne�sm
‣ Master Thesis Project

ancillary courses
elec�ve 3
ample opportuni�es to master the challenges The state‐of‐the‐art nanotechnology pla�orms and infra‐ core 8 core 10 core 12 (year 2) • Molecular Electronics (year 2) • Solar Cells and

semester 3
structure of the École Centrale, the INSA and the Claude Photo‐voltaics (year 2) • Cell Engineering (year 2) The final six‐month period of the program is devoted to the
of the future in such diverse fields as project
elec�ve 4
master project, which can be carried out either in an
Bernard University, represen�ng an overall technological
healthcare, sustainable development, energy core 9 core 11
academic research laboratory or in an industrial environ‐

year 2
investment of nearly 10 million euros, are made available to elec�ve 5
efficiency, and many more. the students for their experimental work, including: ment. Students have the op�on to conduct their thesis
• the NanoLyon cleanroom facili�es (7 million €) project anywhere in France or abroad.

semester 4
• the nanopar�cle synthesis and characteriza�on pla�orm Master thesis
(1.5 million €)
• the spark plasma sintering pla�orm (0.5 million €)

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