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DOI 10.1007/s10750-009-9746-4


Effects of nutrient enrichment on C and N stable isotope

ratios of invertebrates, fish and their food resources
in boreal streams
Jenny Bergfur Æ Richard K. Johnson Æ
Leonard Sandin Æ Willem Goedkoop

Received: 20 August 2008 / Revised: 17 February 2009 / Accepted: 24 February 2009

Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2009

Abstract Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes are ranges of basal resource d13C. Moreover, ranges of
frequently used to study energy sources and food web basal resource d13C and d15N overlapped at both low
structure in ecosystems, and more recently, to study and high sites, making discrimination between the
the effects of anthropogenic stress on aquatic eco- importance of allochthonous and autochthonous pro-
systems. We investigated the effect of nutrient duction difficult. Our findings show that a frac-
enrichment on d13C and d15N in fine (FPOM), coarse tionation rate of 3.4% is not always be appropriate to
(CPOM) particulate organic matter, periphyton, assess trophic interactions, suggesting that more
invertebrates and fish in nine boreal streams in studies are needed on fractionation rates along
south-central Sweden. In addition, we analysed the gradients of impairment.
diet of benthic consumers using stable isotope data.
Increases in d15N of periphyton (R2 = 0.88), CPOM Keywords Nutrients  FPOM  Periphyton 
(0.78), invertebrates (0.92) and fish (0.89) were CPOM  Invertebrates  Fish  Boreal streams 
related to nutrient enrichment. In contrast, d13C d15N  d13C
signatures did not change along the nutrient gradient.
Our results show that d15N has potential as a sensitive
indicator of nutrient enrichment in boreal streams. Introduction
Carbon and nitrogen isotopes failed to elucidate
putative diets of selected aquatic consumers. Indeed, Stable isotope ratios of C and N have often been used
comparison of low- and high-impact sites showed to follow changes in ecosystem structure and function
that d13C of many consumers were found outside the as well as to show which processes or components are
most sensitive to perturbation (Peterson & Fry, 1987).
Much early work with stable isotopes was focused on
Handling editor: M. Power nutrient cycling and food web relationships in aquatic
ecosystems (Ehleringer et al., 1986; Peterson & Fry,
J. Bergfur  R. K. Johnson  L. Sandin  W. Goedkoop 1987; Finlay, 2001). One of the underlying reasons for
Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment,
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, this focus is that aquatic primary producers, such as
P.O. Box 7050, 750 07 Uppsala, Sweden algae, often have different d13C signatures compared
to terrestrial vegetation. As consumers tend to be
J. Bergfur (&) similar to the C isotopic composition of their diets,
The Macaulay Land Use Research Institute,
Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen AB15 8QH, UK differences in d13C ratios are often used to distinguish
e-mail: and/or trace allochthonous and autochthonous C


sources in aquatic ecosystems (Rounick & Winterbo- Northington & Hershey, 2006). For instance, changes
urn, 1986; France, 1995a). Moreover, as the 15N in N limitation can influence the feeding behaviour of
isotopic fraction increases with each trophic level consumers (Fagan et al., 2002), and therefore it is
(Mulholland et al., 2000; Finlay, 2001; Post, 2002), important to understand how functional shifts in
d15N isotopes are, on the other hand, useful to species-specific dietary changes may be altered by
differentiate trophic levels and food web dynamics. human impact in order to increase our understanding
More recently, stable isotopes have been suggested of ecosystem functioning.
as an important component in stream health assess- In this study, we analysed stable isotope ratios
ments in general (Bunn et al., 1999; Udy et al., 2006) (d15N and d13C) of different fractions of organic
and specifically as an indicator of eutrophication in matter collected from stream habitats along a gradient
aquatic ecosystems (Cabana & Rasmussen, 1996; of increasing anthropogenic stress (i.e. agricultural
McClelland & Valiela, 1998; Cole et al., 2004). For land use and nutrient enrichment of N and P) to better
example, d15N has been shown to be a sensitive understand how nutrient enrichment affects the pat-
indicator of nutrient enrichment in deposit-feeders terns and processes of organic matter transformation.
(Lake et al., 2001; McKinney et al., 2002) and Specifically, we studied how d15N and d13C in three
primary producers (McClelland & Valiela, 1998; different basal resources (fine particulate organic
Cole et al., 2004). Elevated d15N in the nitrogen matter, FPOM; coarse particulate organic matter,
source, N transformations, such as denitrification or CPOM; periphyton) and benthic macroinvertebrate
ammonia volatilization, or increased N-loading has consumers and fish collected from nine boreal streams
been identified as some of the main causes for vary with increased anthropogenic impact and nutri-
N increases in dissolved inorganic N and biota ent levels. Our study thus provides high-resolution
(Pennock et al., 1996; Cole et al., 2004; Udy et al., insight of the stable isotope patterns of basal food
2006). Similar to N dynamics, increases in d13C have resources and their consumers. We hypothesised that
been shown to be related to eutrophication (Keeley & nutrient enrichment would result in an increase in
Sandquist, 1992; Voss & Struck, 1997; Finlay, 2001). d15N and d13C of basal food resources and conse-
In brief, increased primary production leads to quently be reflected in the aquatic consumers. Finally,
reduced discrimination of 13C in photosynthesis and we used stable isotope data to evaluate if use of
hence an increase in d13C. For example, changes in dietary resources changed with nutrient enrichment.
d13C of Baltic Sea sediment have been related to
primary production (Voss et al., 2000). Most studies
of nutrient effects on ecosystem structure and func- Methods
tion have focused on lakes and ponds (Lake et al.,
2001; McKinney et al., 2002; Vander Zanden et al., Study sites
2005) or estuaries (McClelland & Valiela, 1998; Cole
et al., 2004). Although some authors have used stable The study was conducted in nine mid-order (stream
isotopes to address eutrophication in stream ecosys- orders ranging from 4 to 6, width ranging from 3 to
tems (Udy & Bunn, 2001; Ulseth & Hershey, 2005; 12 m) boreal streams in south-central Sweden
Udy et al., 2006), few have studied streams in boreal (Fig. 1). Sampling sites consisted of 25- to 50-m
regions (Harrington et al., 1998). Moreover, although stretches deemed representative of the stream sec-
stable isotopes have been used to disentangle trophic tions. Catchment area of the streams varied from 45
relationships in ecological research (Rounick et al., to 843 km2, and the study sites were located at
1982; Lake et al., 2001; Abreu et al., 2006), relatively altitudes between 4 and 158 m a.s.l. (Table 1). Land
few studies have focused on how effects of human- use and vegetation cover within the catchments were
induced stress, such as eutrophication, may affect the characterised by GIS, using a general overview map
interpretation of trophic interactions in streams. (scale 1:100,000). Catchment land use/cover was
Findings that the functional role of species might expressed as a proportion of the total area. Riparian
change with changes in environmental conditions has land use and vegetation, in a 5-m wide lateral zone on
implications for the concept of functional redundancy both sides of the stream, were assessed in the field
in aquatic ecosystems (Wellnitz & Poff, 2001; using a standardised field protocol (Johnson &


Fig. 1 a The study area in southern Sweden within the boreal region and (b) over view map of the nine study streams

Goedkoop, 2002; Wilander et al., 2003; Sandin & laboratory protocols (Johnson & Goedkoop, 2002;
Johnson, 2004). At each site microhabitat estimations Wilander et al., 2003).
(e.g. mineral substrate classification) were obtained
according to the method outlined in Hering et al. Sampling for stable isotope analysis
(2003). The streams were all circumneutral (pH
ranged from 6.5 to 7.7) and ranged from nutrient-poor Samples for carbon and nitrogen analyses included
(8 lg TP/L and 17 lg NO3 ? NO2–N/L) to nutrient- CPOM, FPOM, periphyton, benthic invertebrate and
rich (93 lg TP/L and 1436 lg NO3 ? NO2–N/L). fish. All samples were collected during 2 weeks in
For more information about stream characteristics see October 2003, except fish which were sampled in
Bergfur et al. (2007a, b). September 2005.
Water chemistry samples were taken on two CPOM was quantified (g/m2) at each site by
occasions in autumn of 2002 and on three occasions collecting the benthic detritial material in three
in 2003 (spring, summer and autumn). The water Surber samples (25 cm 9 25 cm). The substratum
samples were analysed for nutrients (e.g. TN, was disturbed and the catch gently rinsed through a
NO3 ? NO2–N, NH4–N, TP and PO4–P) and other 1-mm sieve. The samples were freeze-dried and
relevant variables (e.g. pH, conductivity, alkalinity, weighed to nearest 0.1 g to quantify the amount of
water colour and TOC content) according to certified CPOM in each stream. FPOM was sampled by

Table 1 Selected stream characteristics of the nine study streams
Site Sandån Rastälven Sverkestaån Älgängsån Strömarån Penningbyån Husbyån Hågaån Sagån

Altitude (m a.s.l.) 158 134 84 14 28 10 12 4 7.4

Mean pH 6.5 ± 0.17 7.1 ± 0.06 6.7 ± 0.09 7.4 ± 0.14 7.6 ± 0.04 7.3 ± 0.17 7.3 ± 0.21 7.7 ± 0.16 7.5 ± 0.15
(6.2–6.7) (6.9–7.1) (6.6–6.8) (7.2–7.5) (7.6–7.7) (7.1–7.5) (7.0–7.5) (7.4–7.8) (7.4–7.7)
Mean alkalinity 0.06 ± 0.02 0.13 ± 0.01 0.12 ± 0.01 0.74 ± 0.54 1.97 ± 0.14 1.80 ± 0.16 2.16 ± 0.14 3.60 ± 1.22 1.96 ± 0.47
(meq/l) (0.04–0.09) (0.12–0.15) (0.11–0.13) (0.33–1.49) (1.74–2.09) (1.62–2.03) (2.034–2.37) (1.71–4.87) (1.51–2.65)
Mean NO2 ? 17 ± 13 19 ± 5.9 17 ± 9.1 68 ± 54 83 ± 26 22 ± 14 81 ± 158 1359 ± 964 1436 ± 1490
NO3-N (lg/l) (3–36) (12–26) (5–30) (21–142) (62–126) (3–41) (3–363) (150–2662) (41–3712)
Mean TP (lg/l) 11 ± 2.3 7.8 ± 2.8 13 ± 4.0 17 ± 4.5 24 ± 6.5 27 ± 5.4 52 ± 14 74 ± 38 93 ± 44
(8–14) (5–12) (9–18) (11–21) (16–32) (23–36) (33–67) (29–119) (47–157)
Stream order 4 5 5 4 4 4 5 4 6
Width (m) 7 12 10 6 3 6.5 5.5 6 6
Catchment area (km ) 45 247 386 68 55 99 156 122 843
Mixed coniferous forest 78 71 70 74 72 53 48 50 46
in catchment (%)
Arable land in catchment 0.12 1.0 3.1 0.56 6.3 13 19 24 36
Mean ± standard deviation and ranges in brackets. Sites are ordered by degree of impact according to loadings of the first PCA axis. For more detailed information see Bergfur
et al. (2007a, b)

Table 2 Trophic level classification of invertebrates according to Moog (1995), Schmedtje & Colling (1996) and the AQEM Consortium (2005) and of fish according to

Ruffe [Gymnocephalus cernuus (Linnaeus)], Bullhead (Cottus gobio Linnaeus)

collecting water samples and retaining the suspended
FPOM on pre-combusted (550°C) GF/C glass filters
(47 mm; Whatman International Ltd, Maidstone,

(Curtis 1834), Hydropsyche pellucidula (Curtis 1834), Hydropsyche

fario Linnaeus), Burbot [Lota lota (Linnaeus)] Perch ([15–20 cm),

England). Although FPOM is usually defined as

Eel [Anguilla anguilla (Linnaeus)], Pike (Esox lucius Linnaeus)

Heptagenia sulphurea (Müller 1776), Oligochaeta, Sphaeriidae,
Asellus aquaticus (Linnaeus 1758), Baetis spp., Heptagenia spp.,

Perch (\15 cm) (Perca fluviatilis Linnaeus), Trout (Salmo trutta

0.45–1,000 lm particles (Wallace & Grubaugh,

Gammarus pulex (Linnaeus 1758), Hydropsyche angustipennis

Roach [Rutilus rutilus (Linnaeus)], Bleak [Alburnus alburnus

1996), our use of GF/C filters resulted in FPOM
samples consisting of suspended seston [1.2 lm.

(Linnaeus)], Minnow [Phoxinus phoxinus (Linnaeus)]

Periphyton was sampled from the light-exposed area
of three stones (preferably cobble). The inner area of
an open Plexiglas tube (9 cm diameter) was gently
brushed with a toothbrush, the periphyton was

Lamprey [Lampetra planeri (Bloch 1784)]

Taeniopteryx nebulosa (Linnaeus 1758)

siltalai Döhler 1963, Hydropsyche spp.

washed into 150 ml plastic containers using filtered

Rhyacophila nubila (Zetterstedt 1840)

water (GF/C) and the samples were transported in
coolers to the laboratory. In the laboratory, the
samples were centrifuged at 2,000 rpm (HERMLE
ZK 401 GmbH & Co, Gosheim, Germany), at 5°C for
10 min, the excess water decanted and the samples
frozen. Sample processing was done within 30 h after
collection. In one stream (Strömarån) too little
periphyton was collected from one of the three
samples resulting in only two replicate samples. Species
Invertebrates were collected by disturbing the
substrate and entrapping the dislodged material in a

Omnivores; benthic macro fauna/periphyton/macrophytes

hand-net with a 0.5-mm mesh size. The animals were

(turns to piscivores at later life stages) and piscivores

live sorted against a white background using 109 Shredder, grazer, filtraters, detritivores and predators
magnification, identified to lowest taxonomic unit
possible, usually to species, and thereafter frozen
(usually within 24 h). Invertebrates of the same

Predator; zooplankton/benthic meiofauna

(Feeds on CPOM, periphyton, seston)

taxonomic group were pooled to achieve sufficient

Shredder, grazer, filtraters, detritivores
Sundbom et al. (2003) and (

mass for analysis. As it was not possible to separate

the shell from the soft body tissue of molluscs (i.e. Predators; benthic macro fauna

Predators; benthic macro fauna

Sphaeriidae), our analyses include the isotopic com-
position of the entire animals (i.e. soft tissue and
shell). Previous studies on freshwater mussels indi-
Feeding mode/diet

cate that shells are more enriched in 13C than the soft
body tissue [i.e. Zebra mussels (Fry & Allen, 2003)
and freshwater pearl mussels (Geist et al., 2005)].
However, spherid clams are generally smaller and
have a shorter life history than zebra mussels and
freshwater pearl mussels, and to our knowledge it is
Predators (invertebrates ? fish)

not known if the isotopic signature differs between

the soft body tissue and the shell. Functional feeding
Predators (invertebrates)

groups were assigned according to Moog (1995),

Shmedtje & Colling (1996) and the AQEM Consor-
Primary consumers

tium (2005) (Table 2).

Trophic level

Fish were sampled by electrofishing, identified to


species and frozen before processing. Dorsal muscle

tissue was dissected from thawed fish and the samples
were re-frozen. Specimens of Eurasian minnow


[Phoxinus phoxinus (Linnaeus)] were too small to periphyton, CPOM, FPOM, pooled invertebrates and
provide sufficient tissue mass for analysis; thus the pooled fish data were analysed using linear regres-
five specimens caught were pooled. Functional feed- sions. Comparisons of invertebrate stable isotope data
ing groups were assigned according to Sundbom et al. showed that the variations were larger within species
(2003) and ( than within sites for both d13C and d15N (results not
se) (Table 2). shown). Thus, pooled means of invertebrate data at
All samples were freeze-dried, ground in a mortar each site were used in the regressions. For simplicity,
and weighed to nearest 0.001 mg in tin capsules for fish data were also pooled in the same way as
stable isotope (d13C and d15N) analyses. Samples invertebrate data. All statistical analyses were per-
were analysed by the University of California, Davis formed using JMP IN 5.1 (SAS Institute Inc.).
Stable Isotope Facility. The ratio between the heavy
(13C and 15N) and the light (12C and 14N) isotope was
measured, and isotopic d13C data are reported relative Results
to the Peedee Belemnite carbonate standard and d15N
data relative to the atmospheric N (N2) standard. Nutrient enrichment gradient
Analytical precision of reference material (NIST
1547 peach leaves) was 0.25 for d15N and 0.15 for The first two principal components explained 56% of
d13C. The delta notation indicates the difference the among-stream variance in water chemistry, land
relative to the standard. A higher (more positive) d- use/cover and habitat composition (Fig. 2). Several
value indicates that the sample is enriched in the variables indicative of nutrient enrichment were
heavy (13C or 15N) isotope (Fry, 2006). correlated with loadings of the first PC axis: the
proportion of arable and open land use in the
Statistical analysis catchment area, amount of deciduous forest in the
riparian zone, TP and TN concentration, conductivity
Principal component analysis (PCA) on centred and and alkalinity. The second PC axis was interpreted as
standardised variables was used to assess correla- representing habitat structure and composition; arable
tively the structure of the environmental data and to land use in the riparian area and variability in in-
reduce the structure to a lower number of main stream microhabitat composition (e.g. CPOM, wood
environmental gradients as linear combinations of the and coarse gravel) were correlated with this axis.
environmental variables (Johnson & Wichern, 1988). Hereafter, the first and second PC axes are referred to
All variables were log10-transformed (except pH) to as nutrient and habitat gradients, respectively.
more closely approximate the linear relationships The three sites with the highest PC loadings
assumed in PCA. The number of meaningful princi- (Sagån, Hågaån and Husbyån) were associated with
pal components was determined by examining the high-nutrient concentrations and agricultural land
eigenvalues of the first few axes. use, while the three sites with the lowest scores
Basal resource (CPOM, periphyton and FPOM) (Sandån, Rastälven and Sverkestaån) had low nutri-
stable isotope ratios were compared using two-way ent concentrations and catchments dominated by
analysis of variance (ANOVA), with type of basal mixed-forest. Hereafter, these three high- and
resource and site used as factors. The two-way low-nutrient streams are referred to as high- and
ANOVAs were followed by either Tukey’s HSD or low-impact sites, respectively.
Student’s t-test (e.g. d15N where only two basal
resources were compared: a = 0.05). All d13C and Stable isotope ratios of basal resources
d15N data were analysed for normality using the
Shapiro-Wilks test, and transformed to meet assump- d15N of periphyton and CPOM increased along the
tions of normality; data that were not normally distrib- nutrient gradient (R2 = 0.88, P \ 0.0001 and R2 =
uted after transformations, were rank-transformed. 0.78, P = 0.001, respectively) (Fig. 3A). No signif-
Relationships between the main environmental icant relationships were noted along the habitat
gradients (i.e. PCA loadings on the first and second gradient. Additional regressions showed that the
PC axes) and stable isotope composition of d15N of periphyton and CPOM were significantly


Fig. 2 Principal
component analysis (PCA)
on water chemistry, land
use and habitat variables.
The first and second PC
axes explain 38.2%
(eigenvalue: 14.5) and
17.4% (eigenvalue: 6.60),
respectively, of the
variation in the data set.
Environmental variables
with loadings between 3
and -3 have been removed
for clarity. C = catchment
area, R = riparian zone

Fig. 3 Mean (±SE) of

d15N (A) and d13C (B) for
three basal resources
(periphyton, n = 3, except
Strömarån, n = 2; CPOM,
n = 3 and FPOM, n = 2),
invertebrates and fish.
Increasing impact from
nutrient enrichment was
extracted by principal
component analysis (see
text for details). Dashed
lines follow the standard
error bars

correlated with TN and TP (periphyton against TN: revealed significant among-site differences (F5,11 =
R2 = 0.76, P = 0.0013 and periphyton against TP: 7.35, P = 0.0153); FPOM d15N increased in the
R2 = 0.91, P \ 0.0001; CPOM against TN: R2 = following order: Sagån \ Sverkestaån \ Strömarån
0.72, P = 0.0024 and CPOM against TP: R2 = 0.83, \ Penningbyån \ Hågaån \ Husbyån. No significant
P = 0.0004). Due to the small amount of FPOM relationships were found between the d15N of FPOM
collected from Sandån, Rastälven and Älgängsån we and TN or TP (P [ 0.05), respectively.
were not able to analyse the FPOM d15N content at Two-way ANOVA on d15N (H(x ? 1)) data of all
these sites. However, changes in FPOM d15N along three basal resources was not possible since data for
the nutrient gradient were seemingly nonlinear. One- FPOM were missing from three sites. However, two-
way ANOVA followed by a Tukey-Kramer HSD way ANOVA showed that d15N was significantly


higher in periphyton than in CPOM (Fdf1 = 14.6, Significant relationships were found between fish
P = 0.0005). Significant site effects on d15N were d15 N and TN (R2 = 0.651, P = 0.0053) and TP
also noted (Fdf8 = 15.0, P \ 0.0001), but no signif- (R2 = 0.852, P = 0.0002), respectively. No signifi-
icant interaction effects were found. cant relationship was found between fish d13C ratios
d13C ratios of basal resources (Fig. 3B) showed no and the nutrient gradient (Fig. 3B), or between fish
significant relationships with the two PC axes, i.e. the isotope ratios and the habitat gradient.
nutrient and habitat gradients, respectively. Differ-
ences in d13C ratios were noted among streams Dietary changes along the nutrient gradient
(Fdf8 = 12.5, P \ 0.0001), and a significant interac-
tion effect was found between basal resources and sites Comparison of changes in trophic relationships with
(Fdf16 = 6.66, P \ 0.0001). The observed interaction nutrient enrichment was difficult as species assem-
indicates that there was no consistent pattern in basal blages differed between low and high impact sites.
resource d13C along the nutrient gradient. However, Moreover, at both low- and high-impact sites the
CPOM d13C was significantly, albeit weakly, corre- d13C signal of many species was outside the ranges of
lated with TP (R2 = 0.42, P = 0.0353). d13C of the basal resource d13C (Fig. 4). For instance, at low-
periphyton was more depleted than that of CPOM impact sites (i.e. Sandån and Sverkestaån) many of
and FPOM (two-way ANOVA on rank-transformed the primary consumers and omnivores were more
data, Fdf2 = 8.38, P = 0.0008), suggesting a substan- depleted than the basal resources. In contrast, most
tial internal fractionation inside the epilithic biofilms. species at the higher trophic levels (i.e. fish) had
d13C signatures within the ranges of the basal
Stable isotope ratios of consumers resources. Finally, the C isotopic signatures of the
basal resources at low-impact sites were generally
Elemental analyses were done on 13 invertebrate taxa less depleted and more similar to each other than at
collected from the nine streams. Due to differences in the high-impact sites.
community composition we could not collect the A few common species were found at both low-
same species from all streams. The most common and high-impact sites. A. aquaticus was found to be
species were Asellus aquaticus (Linnaeus 1758), outside the ranges of the basal resources samples at
found at six, and hydropsychid caddisflies, found at both low- and high-impact sites. Oligochaeta was also
seven, of the nine sites. found at both low- and high-impact sites; however, at
Regression of invertebrate d15N against loadings of low-impact sites this group was not recognised as
the first PC axis revealed an increase along the feeding on the basal resources sampled, whereas at
nutrient gradient and showed a strikingly good fit high-impact sites the worms appeared to feed on
(R2 = 0.92, P \ 0.0001) (Fig. 3A). Regression of either periphyton (Sagån) or FPOM (Hågaån). Sphae-
invertebrate d15N against TN and TP showed a rid clams, a filterer, were found at the three high-
significant relationship between these variables (R2 = impact sites. However, the d13C signatures of this
0.83, P = 0.0004 and R2 = 0.963, P \ 0.0001, taxon indicated a diet on mainly CPOM at Sagån, a
respectively). In contrast, d13C was not related to combination of periphyton and FPOM at Hågan and
the nutrient gradient (P [ 0.05) (Fig. 3B). Further- mainly periphyton at Husbyån. At Sverkestaån, the
more, neither invertebrate d13C nor d15 N were related clams were more depleted in 13C than any of the basal
to the habitat gradient (P [ 0.05). resources sampled.
In total, 11 fish species were caught but similar to Using a trophic fractionation rate for d15N of 3.4%
invertebrates we were not able to collect the same fish (Minagawa & Wada, 1984; Post, 2002), suggests that
species from all nine study streams. Common species primary consumers were predominantly feeding on
were perch (Perca fluviatilis Linnaeus), burbot CPOM at the high-impact sites (i.e. Hågaån and
[Lota lota (Linnaeus)] and bullhead (Cottus gobio Husbyån). At the low-impact sites primary consumers
Linnaeus) found at five of the nine sites. Regression fed on a mixture of CPOM/FPOM or a basal resource
of mean fish d15N against loadings of the first PC highly depleted in 15N compared to the basal
axis showed a clear increase in d15N along the resources sampled here (Fig. 5). Also, enrichment in
nutrient gradient (R2 = 0.89, P \ 0.0001) (Fig. 3A). 15
N with increasing trophic level (i.e. comparing


Fig. 4 Mean (±SE) d13C of basal resources (FPOM, CPOM Rastälven and Sverkestaån). Different symbols correspond to
and periphyton), invertebrates and fish at high-impact sites each basal resource, invertebrate and fish species
(Sagån, Hågaån and Husbyån) and low-impact sites (Sandån,

Fig. 5 Mean (±SE) d15N of basal resources (FPOM, CPOM Sverkestaån). Different symbols correspond to each basal
and periphyton), invertebrates and fish at high- (Sagån, Hågaån resource, invertebrate and fish species
and Husbyån) and low-impact sites (Sandån, Rastälven and

invertebrates and fish) was apparent at both low- and and invertebrates, had nitrogen isotope signatures that
high-impact sites. Interestingly, eel (only found in one were highly depleted compared to other smaller fish
stream, Sagån), classified as a predator of both fish such as bullheads and ruffe.


Fish in our study was sampled two years later than ease of analysing stable isotopes compared to leaf-
the basal resources and invertebrates, thus caution is litter breakdown, which takes several months, espe-
advised when interpreting the fish data. However, fish cially in low-nutrient gradients such as these Swedish
are long-lived and relatively large organism and have systems, and low risk of losing samples due to
been shown to have relatively constant isotopic adverse weather conditions, further supports the use
signatures over time, less variable than smaller of d15N as an indicator of changes in nutrient cycling
organisms like invertebrates and algae (Cabana & as suggested by Udy and Bunn (2001) and Udy et al.
Rasmussen, 1996). Moreover, previous studies have (2006). In addition, the strong patterns across multi-
shown no seasonal effects on stable isotope signa- ple organism groups and trophic levels, coupled with
tures (France, 1997), therefore we assume that the the fact that only minor taxonomic skills are neces-
response of fish N isotope signatures to nutrient sary lends further support to the use of d15N in
enrichment is likely similar between the two years in bioassessment.
this study. Changes in d15N could indicate changes in nutrient
delivery to aquatic ecosystems that could be missed
by single water chemistry measurements (Cole et al.,
Discussion 2004). However, most studies have focused on
changes in d15N as an effect of changes in nutrient
Our results showed that d15N of fish, invertebrates, loadings from clear-cutting (Udy & Bunn, 2001),
periphyton and CPOM were positively correlated sewage treatment plants (Cole et al., 2004; Ulseth &
with nutrient enrichment. Only FPOM concentration Hershey, 2005) or agricultural land use (Harrington
was not significantly related to the nutrient enrich- et al., 1998). Therefore, more work is needed to
ment gradient. In this study, we have chosen to evaluate how other types of disturbances, such as
evaluate changes along a complex gradient (the PC acidification or alterations in habitat, affect isotope
axis) as well as against single nutrient variables (TN values in aquatic ecosystems. Collectively, our find-
and TP) so as not to increase the likelihood of ings on d15N dynamics in medium-sized boreal
spurious correlations. Our results show that d15N streams lend further support to the use of d15N as a
changes with not only increasing nutrient concentra- sensitive indicator of nutrient enrichment, and in
tions, but also with changes in land-use. Recent particular support the use of N isotope ratios as a
studies have shown that d15N increases along nutrient robust tool in bioassessment (Udy & Bunn, 2001;
and agricultural gradients (Harrington et al., 1998; Udy et al., 2006). However, more studies are
Vander Zanden et al., 2005; Udy et al., 2006), and needed, covering broader gradients in nutrient
increased d15N has even been used to track fertilisers concentration to determine potential threshold values
from surrounding landscapes in aquatic environments of d15N in order to further develop its use as a tool
(Exner & Spalding, 1994; Pennock et al., 1996). bioassessment.
Indeed, our finding of increased d15N in CPOM and In contrast to the positive relationship between
periphyton most likely originates from increased d15N and the nutrient gradient, d13C ratios of the
d15N in runoff from agricultural land use. As stream basal resources and the benthic consumers showed no
ecosystems often rely on nutrient inputs of terrestrial relationship with the nutrient gradient as implied by
origin, it is not surprisingly that both land use and Finlay (2001), Keeley and Sandquist (1992) and Voss
nutrients have been argued to be the best predictors of and Struck (1997). This finding implies that any
d15N in aquatic biota (Vander Zanden et al., 2005; effect of nutrient enrichment on photosynthetic rates
Udy et al., 2006). in these streams was probably small and had no effect
Previous studies in these streams have shown on the discrimination between heavy and light C
functional measures, such as leaf-litter breakdown, to isotopes in primary producers. Interestingly, the d13C
be poorer measures of ecosystem integrity than more signatures of different invertebrate taxa in Sagån
traditional use of biotic invertebrate indices (Bergfur, were highly variable and strongly depleted (Fig. 4),
2007; Bergfur et al., 2007a, b). Our study also possibly due anoxia in an upstream reservoir and the
showed that d15N was better related to the nutrient C-fractionation by methanotrophic bacteria (see
gradient than leaf-litter breakdown rates. The relative Grey & Deines, 2005).


Dietary changes along the nutrient gradient number of studies have shown that species’ function
varies with changes in environmental conditions
We found few differences between the d13C signa- (Wellnitz & Poff, 2001; Abreu et al., 2006;
tures of periphyton, CPOM or FPOM at low-impact Northington & Hershey, 2006). For instance, N
sites, implying that stable C isotope ratios were of limitation could induce consumers to preferentially
limited use for discriminating between allochthonous feed on more nutrient-rich food sources (Fagan et al.,
and autochthonous production. However, epilithic 2002). Thus, further studies on how nutrient enrich-
biofilms in our high-impact sites tended to be more ment affects food webs in boreal streams are needed,
depleted in 13C compared to those found in low- if possible, focussing on ecosystems with similar
impact sites (roughly -31 to -36 and -27 to -32, species communities.
respectively). These results suggest that the accumu- Both basal resources and invertebrates were sam-
lation of more epilithic biomass at the more nutrient- pled during the time of abscission, a time when the
rich sites leads to C-constraints within the epiphytic streams undergo a marked change in the main food
matrix, as diffusion across the benthic boundary layer resources available, i.e. from autochthonous to allo-
is slow and assimilation of C-fractionated occurs chthonous. Studies have shown seasonal variations in
within grazer communities (Hill & Middleton, 2006). stable isotope ratios in macroinvertebrates in both
Although stable C isotopes have frequently been used streams and lakes (Zah et al., 2001; Bohman, 2005).
to determine the origin of different food sources in This could also explain why the C isotopic signatures
stream ecosystems (Rounick et al., 1982, Finlay, of consumers were outside the ranges of the basal
2001), ratios often overlap between terrestrial plant resource samples, i.e. our sampling effort did not
detritus and algae, confounding their use (France, capture the range of temporal variability. Vanderklift
1995a, 1996). Moreover, although we did find that and Ponsard (2003) also showed how different taxo-
CPOM differed from periphyton and FPOM at high- nomic classes and form of nitrogenous waste produced
impact sites, most species were found outside the by the organisms could influence fractionation. Previ-
ranges of the basal resources complicating interpre- ous studies have shown that 15N fractionation can vary
tation. These results show that, even though we from -0.7 to 9.2% between adjacent trophic levels
analysed three different basal food resources, we (e.g. Vander Zanden & Rasmussen, 2001), although a
were not able to cover the feeding selectivity of the fractionation of 3.4% across trophic levels has gen-
consumers, i.e. on specific algal types or microfauna erally been adopted (Minagawa & Wada, 1984; Post,
in biofilms or specific fractions of suspended partic- 2002). Further studies are thus needed to unravel the
ulate organic matter (SPOM). relationship between the degree of impact on ecosys-
Given the limitations of using C isotope ratios in tems and isotopic fractionation and how this would
aquatic ecosystems, recent focus has shifted to the affect stream food web studies.
use of d15N to determine the relative importance of In conclusion, our study adds to the growing body
allochthonous and autochthonous inputs to aquatic of literature showing the effects of nutrients and land
ecosystems (France, 1995b; Zah et al., 2001). In use on, in particular, stable N isotopes in aquatic
particular, terrestrial autotrophs generally have lower ecosystems. As stable isotope analyses are relatively
d15N signatures than freshwater autotrophs (France, inexpensive and as no elaborate sampling procedures
1995b; Mulholland et al., 2000) and our finding that or taxonomic expertise are needed, the approach
periphyton was more enriched in 15N than CPOM shows promise as a tool in bioassessment schemes.
supports to this conjecture. However, determining However, discerning diet of aquatic consumers was
whether the invertebrates fed primarily on periphy- less direct. Large overlaps in basal resource isotope
ton, CPOM or FPOM was difficult since invertebrates signatures and uncertainties regarding fractionation
that feed on two or more food sources have d15N and rates in different species added to these difficulties.
d13C intermediate of their diet (Fry, 2006). Differ-
ences in d15N signatures and shifts or inherent Acknowledgements This work was partly supported by the
EU-funded projects STAR (5th framework programme,
differences in community composition also made it
contract no. EVK1-CT-2001-00089) and Euro-limpacs (6th
difficult to unequivocally show how diet changed Framework Programme, contract no. GOCE-CT-2003-505540)
with increased nutrient enrichment. Recently, a and The Macaulay Institute and the Scottish Government Rural


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