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Abbotsford, 69 Barron, W. (& Barron Company), 8, 31–3,

Ablett, W., 14 34–5, 159–63, 167, 177–9, 187, 192,
Abney Park, Stoke Newington, 197 196, 197
agriculture, 155–6, 163 Bartram, J., 20
Aiton, W. T., 98, 205 Bartram’s botanic garden, Philadelphia, 112
America, 46, 51–2, 80 Bass, M. T., 217
Anderson, J., 205 Bateman, J., 162
Arboretum Britannicum (Arboretum et Bath, 190–2
Fruticetum Britannicum), 7, 18, 22–3, Bayswater villa, 92–6, 230
83–108, 109–134, 144–6, 146–7, 231–2 Bean, W. J., 106

arboretum Bedford, Duke of, 98, 183
audiences, 8–9 Belper, 137
cemeteries, 194–7 Belper cemetery, Derbyshire, 196, 197
definitions, 1, 6, 84–108, 229–32 Belper River Gardens, Derbyshire, 221
designs, 1–5, 69–70, 86–96, 141–9, Berkeley, M. J., 112
169–76, 185–6, 189–92, 194–209, Bicton, Devonshire, 204–5
229–32 Biddulph Grange, Staffordshire, 162, 171,
historiography, 2–3 172, 231
management, 217–28 Blair, R., 33–4
architecture and gardening, 94–6 Borrer, W., 112
Argyll, Duke of, 19 Borrowash, Derbyshire, 167
aristocracy and gentry, 7–8 botanical gardens, 59–68, 147–8
artistic depictions of trees, 72, 74–8, 85, 99, botanical societies, 6, 59–68
104–6, 232–3 botany, 37–58, 109–134, 179–82
Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University, Bowman, J., 33
Boston MA, 232 Bowood, Wiltshire, 175–6
Atkinson, W., 69 box (hedge), 31
Audouin, J. V., 111 Brandis, D., 16
Bristol, Clifton and West of England Zoo-
Babbage, C., 7 logical Society gardens, 68
Baines, T., 166, 172–3 British Association for the Advancement of
Balfour, I. B, 222–3 Science, 84
Balfour, J. H., 222 Brown, J., 15
Banister, J., 18 Brown, L., 169
Banks, J., 40 Brown, R., 43
bark, 14, 29, 35, 52, 56, 101 Burton, D., 206

– 293 –
294 The British Arboretum

Caledonian Horticultural Society, 96 Derby scientific culture, 136–9

Candolle, A., 150 Dickson, A., 222
Candolle, A. P. de, 21, 39, 41–4, 86–7, 101, domestic economy, 137–8
109, 110, 112–13, 114, 117, 118, 119, Don, D., 71–2, 112
120, 147–8, 199, 230 Don, G., 98
Catesby, M., 17 Douglas, D., 67, 80
Cavendish, W. S., sixth Duke of Devonshire, Downing, A. J., 152–4, 197
158–9, 170 Drayton, R., 86
Cavendish family (dukes of Devonshire), druids, 33
156, 158–9, 170 Dryden, J., 18
Cedar of Lebanon, 171, 174 Dublin Botanical Gardens at Glasnevin,
Central Park, New York, 231 6, 64
Chadwick, E., 152, 195
Chambers, D., 18 East India Company, 78–9, 80
Chatsworth, Derbyshire, 8, 158–9, 169–71, Eastnor Castle, Herefordshire, 14, 166, 168,
177, 197 171, 172–3, 181
Christmas tree, 33 Edinburgh (Royal) Botanic Garden, 6,
civic pride, 139–41, 149, 188–9, 212–14 62–3, 222–4
climate, 2, 52–3, 124–8 Edinburgh, town council, 222
Cocks, A. H., 181 Edinburgh University, 222–3
Coleman, W., 168, 181 elm, 11, 18, 23, 32, 50, 55, 57, 69, 102, 111,

collecting, 158–9 116, 117, 119, 143, 179, 203, 225
Collinson, P., 20 Elvaston Castle, Derbyshire, 159–63, 167,
Commissioners of the Woods and Forests, 177–9, 231
206 Elwes, H.J., 30–1, 106
common lands, 25, 139–40, 187, 192, 193, equalization, 126–9
221 estate arboretums and forestry, 7–8, 13,
Compton, H., 18 129–31, 155–84
Cooke, E., 162 Evelyn, John, 18
coppicing, 13–14 evergreens, 31–5, 160–3, 167, 171–2,
Coventry, A., 84 173–4
Crown forests, 15 Everton, T., 221
Crystal Palace (& Crystal Palace Company),
Farey, J., 137–8
53, 158, 177, 181, 187
Fischer, C. A., 112
Curtis, S., 189–90
Forbes, A. C., 15
Darwin, E., 37, 54, 147–8 Forbes, J., 182, 183
death, perceptions of, 194–7 forestry, 13–14, 16, 24–7, 155–6, 163–6,
Deodar cedar, 168, 171 167
Dendrologia Britannica (Watson), 70–81 forests, ancient, 24–7
Denson, J., 112 French botany and natural history, 6–7
Derby, 193 frost damage, 220–1
Derby Arboretum, 7, 135–154, 186,
gardeners’ education, 87, 163–4, 165–6
189–90, 191, 212, 214, 215, 216–17,
Gardener’s Magazine, 96–7, 230
gardenesque, 141–3, 176, 230
Derby philosophers and Derby Philosophi-
Gawsworth Hall, Cheshire, 163
cal Society, 135–9, 147, 149
Genus Pinus (Lambert), 70–81
Index 295

geographical plan, 175–6 Japan cedar, 165–6, 174

Gilpin, W., 25, 33 Japanese larch, 28–31
Gilpin, W. S., 173 Japanese gardens and plants, 28–9, 231
Glasgow botanic gardens, 67 Jarvis, P. J., 17
Glendinning, R., 162, 171–1, 204, 206 Jeffreys, W. B., 188
Gordon, G., 97–8 Jerdan, W., 152
Gothic and Gothic revival, 33–4, 161 Jeykll, G., 207–8
Granville, A. B., 152 Jones, N., 137, 151–2
Green, J. R., 84–5 Juniper, 31
Grey, J. E., 43 Jussieu, A. L., de (and Jussieuian system),
Grigor, J., 230 39–58, 110–34
Jussieu, B. de, 41, 62
Hardy, T., 14
Haworth, A., 55 Kalm, P., 19
Hearne, G., 132 Kemp, E., 171
Henry, A., 30–1, 106 Kennion, E., 132
Henslow, J. S., 43, 188 Kensington Gardens, London, 202
Hickson, W. E., 152 Kew, Royal Botanic Gardens, 86, 98, 178,
Higginson, E., 137 180, 204–7
Hofland, B., 157 King, P. P., 80
Hofland, T., 157 Kinglsey, C., 185

Holford, G. L., 159 Knight, T. A., 54
Holford, R. S., 159, 164–6, 179, 183
Holford family, 156–7, 159, 183 labelling, 2, 8, 166–7, 202, 220, 221
holly, 31, 47, 161, 172, 174, 208, 211, 227 La Chair, Jersey, 189
Hooker, W. J., 43, 67, 86, 150–1, 205, 206 Lambert, A. B., 34, 70–81
Hope, J., 62–3 Landed classes, 155–84
Horticultural Society (London), 69–70, 80, Lincoln, 193–4
86, 88–90, 97, 180 Lincoln Arboretum, 187, 188–9, 192, 213
hothouses, 180–1 Lindley, J., 41, 43–4, 46–7, 86–8, 101, 111,
Hope, J., 6 144–6, 150–1, 180, 199, 200, 230
Hovey, C. M., 152 Lindsay, R., 222
Hudson Bay Company, 86 Linnean Society (of London), 40, 71–2, 98
Hull, botanic garden, 64–7, 73 Linnaeus, C. (and Linnaean system), 9,
Humboldt, A. von, 43, 101, 125 37–58, 70–81, 110
Hunnewell, H. H., 231 Liverpool botanic garden, 64–7
hunting, 17 Loddiges family (Loddiges company of
Husbands, T., 227–8 Hackney), 4, 69, 86–90, 97, 168, 177
London, 20, 104–5, 194–5
Indian forestry, 16, 17, 181 Loudon, J. C., 1, 7, 17–18, 19, 20–3, 43–7,
Imperial forestry, 16, 17, 178, 181 49, 70, 83–154, 158, 160–1, 174–5, 176,
Ipswich, 193 196–7, 198, 200, 202, 219–20, 233
Ipswich, Lower and Upper Arboretums, Loudon, J. (Webb), 21–2, 76, 85, 97, 106–7,
187–8, 213, 214, 219 130, 140, 160–1
Ipswich Museum, 188 Lowe, R., 187
Irving, W., 26–7 Lowestoft, Arboretum Hill Gardens, 213

Jackson, A. B., 174, 182 Marlborough, G., fourth Duke of, 157–8
Japan, 28–9 Marnock, R., 67–8
296 The British Arboretum

Martius, C. F. P. von, 79–80 Paxton, J., 8, 67, 86, 156, 158–9, 169–71,
Martyn, T., 37–8, 78, 101 177, 180–1, 197–8
McIntosh, C., 175, 201–4 Percy, H., third Duke of Northumberland,
McNab, J., 63 98
McNab, W., 63 Persoon, C. H., 66
Miller, P., 101 Petrie, Lord, 20
Milner, E., 171, 187, 192 picturesque, 2, 21, 25–7, 56–7, 130–2,
Milner, H. E., 192 141–2, 176, 230
Morley, S., 213 pinetums, xii, 5, 63, 98, 158, 160, 162,
mounds, 148 169–76, 182, 191, 196, 201, 203, 205,
Mount Atlas cedar, 173 206, 207, 221, 230, 231
Muhlenberg, H., 52 Pinus lambertiana, 80–1
Munro, D., 97 Pococke, R., 19
Munstead, 207–8 political reform, 6–7, 90–1
museums, 2 Pontey, W., 149, 188
Muskau, Silesia, 167 Portland, Duke of, 27
Price, U., 2, 12, 25–6, 49
national pride, 214 public access to arboretums and parks,
natural history, 38, 62, 68, 85–7 185–6, 214–19
natural history magazines, 5, 7, 33, 62, 68, public health, 151–2, 194–7
85–7, 90–1, 181 public urban parks and arboretums, 8–9,

naturphilosophie, 54–5, 56 135–54, 160, 185–210, 211–28
Neale, J., 165–6, 168 Puckler-Muskau, Prince H., 167
Nesfield, W., 205–7
New Forest, Hampshire, 24 Quincy, A. C. Q., de, 95
Nicholson, George, 2
Nisbet, J., 14 rational recreation, 2, 6, 139–40, 185–97,
North American trees, 2, 46, 51–2, 80, 112, 214–17
157–8, 180, 231–2 Ray, J., 18
Northumberland, Duke of, 159 Regent’s Park, London, 152–3, 178
Norway spruce fir, 99 Repton, H., 1, 5, 83, 130, 142, 153, 156
Nottingham, 194 Reynardson, S., 18
Nottingham Arboretum, 186–7, 189–90, Richard, L.-C., 44
213–14, 215, 217–18, 221 Richardson, A. D., 222
nurseries, 104, 166–9 Richmond, Duke of, 19
Nuttall, T., 80 Robin Hood, 26–7, 194
Robinson, W., 207–8
oak, 11, 14, 18, 23, 24, 25–7, 35, 48, 55, 57, Rolle, J., first Baron Rolle, 204
69, 98, 100, 116, 117, 121, 128, 130, 132, Rolle, Lady L. B., 204
142, 143, 164–5, 170, 172, 178, 203, Rooke, H., 25
208, 214, 229 Roscow, W., 65–6
O’Connor, F., 217 Royal Botanic Society garden, Regent’s Park,
Olmsted, F. L., 231 London, 152–3, 178
Otto, C. F., 112 Royal Victoria Park, Bath, 190–2
Ruskin, J., 86, 132, 232–3
Painshill, 34
parks, urban public, 8–9, 149 Sabine, J., 80
Parsons, S., 231 Sadler, J., 222
Index 297

Sandby, P., 132 Switzer, S., 18

Sargent, C., S., 2, 231 Sylvester, C., 138–9
Sargent, H. W., 231 Syon House, 98, 159–60
Schlechtendahl, D. F. L. von, 150
Schlich, W., 16 taxonomy, 2, 4, 5, 22, 19, 37–58, 62–81,
Scots Pine, 31 86–92, 98–101, 112–34, 147–8, 175–6,
Scott, W., 26, 69 199–201, 230–2
Scottish arboriculture and forestry, 15, 20, Terrace Garden, Gravesend, Kent, 143
62–3, 84, 159–60, 222–4 Thompson, J., 112
see also J. C. Loudon; W. Barron Thunberg, C. P., 81
Select Committee on Forestry (1885), 163 Tillery, W., 179
Select Committee on Public Walks (1833), topiary, 31–5, 161
139, 185 transculturation, 31
Sennowe Hall, Norfolk, 162 tree
Sheffield botanic garden, 67–8, 227 associations, 142–3
Shepherd, J., 65–6 collecting, 7–8, 12, 17–19, 21, 46,
Sherwood Forest, Nottinghamshire, 24–7 157–9, 202–3
Sherwood Forest group, 187 cultures, 11–36
Simo, M. L., 148 physiology and anatomy, 54–5
Siebold, P. F., von, 28 regions, 23
Sinclair, G., 1–2 transplanting, 160, 176–9

Smith, C. H., J., 198–9 trees
Smith, J., 98 artistic depictions of, 72, 74–8, 85, 99,
Smith, J. E., 40, 54, 62 104–6, 124–32, 232–3
smoke damage, 3–4, 224–7 economic importance of, 21–3
social class and class antagonism, 217–19 in burial grounds, 194–7
Society of Arts, 12, 155 in the economy of nature, 124–6
Somers, Earl, 173, 181 international exchange of, 124–9,
Somers-Cocks family, 173, 181 179–82
Sowerby, J., de Carle, 62, 105
species delimitation, 114–24
development, 193–4
Spence, W., 112
government, 136–9, 194–7, 216–19
Spencer, J., 175–6
improvement, 139–41
spiral botanical garden, 4
tree planting, 130
Stanhope, C., fourth Earl of Harrington,
Uvedale, R., 18
Stanhope, M. (Foot), Countess of Har- Veitch, J. (and nursery company), 29–30,
rington, 160–1 166, 168, 169, 231
Stanhope, S., fifth Earl of Harrington, 162–3 Vulliamy, L., 159
Strutt, E., 137–9
Strutt, J., 136 Wade, W., 64
Strutt, J., 135, 136–9 Walker, R., 161
Strutt, W., 136–9 Wallich, N., 180
Strutt family, 135–9, 177 Ward, W., 85
subtropical trees and shrubs, 128–9, 133 Wardian case, 85–6
suburban gardens, 5, 83, 92–5, 106, 120, Walsall Arboretum, 185, 187, 212, 215, 221
130–2, 175, 193, 201, 205, 209, 230 Washington, DC, 152
Sweet, R., 43 Watson, P. W., 41, 46, 54–5, 67, 70–81
298 The British Arboretum

Waugh, E., 229 Wilkins, C., 78

weather conditions, 220–1 Willdenow, C. L., 55, 73
Wellingtonia, 166, 174 Worcester, 193
West, J., 13 Worcester Pleasure Gardens (Arboretum),
Westonbirt, Gloucestershire (National 187, 192, 212, 213, 215
Arboretum), 156–7, 159, 164–6, 168, Wordsworth, W., 33
171, 173–4, 179 Wyatt, J., 161
Westwood, J. O., 112
Whigs and Liberals, 6 yew, 31–5, 161–2, 167, 171, 174
Whiteknights, 157–8
Zuccarini, J. G., 28, 29
wild forests, 124–6


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