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The Emperor Cult

By Tim Case

"Most of the harm in the world is done by good people, and not by
accident, lapse, or omission. It is the result of their deliberate actions,
long persevered in, which they hold to be motivated by high ideals
toward virtuous ends."
~ Isabel Paterson, The God of the Machine
17/03/08 "Lew Rockwell" -- - Too often history is viewed through the blinders of
what ruler made what decision, or what war occurred, on what date. This had led to
many not understanding the effects the state and its leadership could or will have on
their lives.
This, I believe, also leads to one of the reasons for a continuing admiration, if not
adoration, of the state and the state leadership.
We don’t know or aren’t told what effect such and such ruler’s decisions had on the
masses of people and their lives. What did they feel or think? How did it change their
lives? What was the people’s response; was it flight, fright, or fight? Let me give you
an extreme, but not uncommon example.
Preceding the U.S. entry into WWI, America’s president, Woodrow Wilson, set the
stage for one (of many) of the Federal government’s most profane periods in
American history.
While still "neutral" President Woodrow Wilson in his State of the Union address on
December 7, 1915, said in part:
"There are citizens of the United States, I blush to admit, born under
other flags, but welcomed under our generous naturalization laws to
the full freedom and opportunity of America, who have poured the
poison of disloyalty into the very arteries of our national life; who have
sought to bring the authority and good name of our Government into
contempt... necessary that we should promptly make use of processes
of law by which we may be purged of their corrupt distempers... I am
urging you to do nothing less than save the honor and self-respect of
the nation... disloyalty, and anarchy must be crushed out... I need not
suggest the terms in which they may be dealt with."
He was speaking of the German-Americans and many who heard or read his speech
took it as a directive to attack German ideas and beliefs. Whole communities went so
far as to suspect anyone who spoke German of treason to the U.S. government while
being loyal to the German Kaiser.
California Congressman Julius Kahn went even further when speaking of the German
people living in America:
"I hope that we shall have a few prompt hangings and the sooner the
better. We have got to make an example of a few of these people, and
we have got to do it quickly."
The hatred that was being garnered against these American citizens is exemplified
by the New York Times headlines of April 6, 1918: "Senators favor shooting traitors,"
then six days later by the Chicago Tribune’s headlines "Cure treason and disloyalty
by firing squad."
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In 1918 my grandmother, who was of German heritage, was 22 years old. Many years
later I asked her why she wouldn’t speak German, even though I knew she could
speak it fluently. What she told me was chilling.
She related to me, with tears in her eyes, that during 1915 to 1918 she was so
frightened that she would be arrested, shot or hung by the federal government, for
speaking her native language that she swore she would never speak German again.
She never did and she forbad me from ever leaning German as a second language!
Was my grandmother an isolated example? No, there were many among the loyal
German communities that lived in fear and were dehumanized by being called
"Huns" or worse.
It is easy to see then how the perception of history may change when we can show
the consequences of government policy on people’s lives, along with the dates and
While some may think of the events of the early 1900’s as being recent history, it is
still history. Furthermore with history, regardless of the era, we are dealing ultimately
with the lives of real men, women and children who lived it, suffered through it, and
struggled to cope with the events that were overtaking them.
The same is true of those who lived, worked, and supported the Roman Empire.
When Augustus Caesar took the throne in 27 BC, at the age of 36, it marked the end
of almost a century of revolution, civil wars, civil disturbances, confiscations of
property, and prohibitions. Tacitus tells us that the whole world was exhausted and
was thrilled to acquiesce to the Roman Empire just to have peace.
One of Augustus’ first acts was to reform the tax system. Next he again standardized
the silver coin of the realm, the denarius, at 84 to the pound and the realm’s gold
coin, the aureus, at 40 to 42 to the pound.
This had a calming effect on the Romans and restored the unity, pride and material
affluence of the people (in fact only about 10% of the population would actually
benefit from the prosperity) in the Roman Empire which also solidified Augustus’
reign as emperor.
During the early days of the republic the Romans had lived comfortably with a
modest tax which can be rightfully called a wealth tax. However, by the time of
Augustus the Roman people were saddled with a progressive tax and a system of tax
collection that was fraught with repression and criminal extortion.
Augustus’ idea was to set a flat tax based on wealth and population. This new tax
was modeled on the ancient tax system of the early republic and was based on both
population and individual wealth. This is probably what he meant when he said of
"I restored many traditions of the ancestors, which were falling into
disuse in our age, and myself I handed on precedents of many things
to be imitated in later generations."
The effect of Augustus’ new tax system was that it standardized the amount of
revenue the Roman state would receive yearly and stopped the brutal
progressiveness of the older tax system.
This placed the citizens of Roman Empire in a unique position, because now they
knew each year what their tax liability was but more importantly they knew that
anything they earned above the required tax was theirs, no matter how much their
income increased.
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The obvious result of such a tax system was that there was now a major incentive to
become producers, especially since the marginal tax rate above the required tax was
zero. Never mind that the wealth earned this year would be assessed and taxed next
year; they now had a full year to use their money to increase their income before
their wealth was reassessed.
The Forum Romanum called by the Romans Forum Magnum or just the Forum, was
the center of Roman life; as such it was the Roman heart of commerce and banking
along with being the location for the administration of justice.
The importance of the Forum made the streets leading to and from it prime locations
for businesses which supported many bookshops, shoe shops, the finest spice shops
and the daily needs of Rome’s citizens.
Augustus’ pro-growth tax system brought about the lowest interest rates in Roman
history. This is turn led to people borrowing investment capital for new businesses or
speculating in commodities.
Business ventures require loans, and loan contracts were quickly standardized
throughout the empire.
Julius Alexander, the lender, required a promise in good faith that the
loan of 60 denarii of genuine and sound coin would be duly settled on
the day he requested it. Alexander, son of Cariccius, the borrower,
promised in good faith that it would be so settled, and declared that he
had received the sixty denarii mentioned above, in cash, as a loan, and
that he owed them. Julius Alexander required a promise in good faith
that the interest on this principal from this day would be one percent
per thirty days and would be paid to Julius Alexander or to whomever it
might in the future concern. Alexander, son of Cariccius, promised in
good faith that it would be so paid. Titius Primitius stood surety for the
due and proper payment of the principal mentioned above and of the
Transacted at Alburnus Maior, October 20, in the consulship of Rusticus
(his second consulship) and Aquilinus.
We have no way of knowing what this gentleman wanted to use the 60 denarii for,
but consider for a moment the timing of this loan which closed on October 20th.
In ancient Rome wheat was the staple of the people, which made its supply critical.
Estimates of the yearly market need in Rome for wheat range from 20 to 40 million
modii; where a modii is approximately 15 pounds or ¼ bushel of wheat. This means
that the average consumption of wheat in ancient Rome was 30 million modii –
450,000,000 pounds – annually.
Given that at this time the population of Rome was in the neighborhood of 5,000,000
we find the average need per person, annually was 6 modii: 90 pounds – 1½ bushels.
Of course these totals are going to be greater or lesser based on gender, age, ability
to pay and doesn’t take into account the state’s grain welfare program.
However, it shows that Rome required vast amounts of wheat, and highlights its
tenuous position.
Something happened to the grain shipments in 18 BC because Augustus Caesar
From that year when Gnaeus and Publius Lentulus were consuls, when
the taxes fell short, I gave out contributions of grain and money from
my granary and patrimony, sometimes to 100,000 men, sometimes to
many more.
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There are many things that could hinder the flow of wheat to Rome but the one thing
that not even the might of Rome could change was the weather on the
Mediterranean Sea.
The transporting of goods overland was cost prohibitive except for short distances
and that left shipping via the Mediterranean Sea to bring the majority of goods to
Rome. That is until November of each year when the storms on the Mediterranean
closed it to trade until March of the following year. Even during October and April it
would be dangerous to sail the Mediterranean, due to sudden storms, so we can
assume that wheat imports would begin to taper off in October of each year and
would not resume again until sometime in April.
The five plus months when the wheat ceased to arrive must have caused the price to
rise based on the simple laws of supply and demand since this law was the
controlling factor in Rome’s economy.
If Alexander, son of Cariccius took out the loan because he was a baker and wanted a
hedge against wheat shortages for the five months that the Mediterranean was
closed to shipping; he would have been able to purchase 120 modii – 30 bushels,
1800 pounds – of wheat.
Many have called the era from Caesar Augustus until the death of Emperor Marcus
Aurelius, in 180 AD, the golden years of the Roman Empire. In some ways it was.
Augustus’ sweeping reforms dealt with all aspects of the Roman life and set the
stage for a very successful period in Roman history. Gibbon even goes so far as to
call this period the time when the "human race was most prosperous and happy."
What is missed in all the jubilation is that Caesar Augustus was ahead of his time. His
Fabian socialist ideals were the firm foundations upon which the misery of countless
generations would eventually rest.
The Roman people loved their emperor and the peace that came with Augustus’
programs. They were caught up in their success and daily life; raising their children,
paying their bills along with the myriad of things that just living entails.
Like the sirens of Greek mythology whose sweet singing lured mariners to
destruction on the rocks, so is the promise of the state; regardless of the age.
The Romans were simply people, and being human they either didn’t see or refused
to believe the destruction that was overtaking them even as the producers in their
society started becoming insolvent then dejected due to the heavy controls that the
state was imposing on their lives.
By 192 AD the tax base began to fail; as tax revenues decreased the Roman state
began to micromanage the economy, which bound farmers to their farms and
craftsmen to their workbenches. All businesses soon became de facto organs of the
state; it was business at the point of a sword which tried to control and direct all
aspects of the markets. The Roman state’s efforts were to no avail, commerce
continued to deteriorate due to the tax burden.
The Roman state’s answer was to exacerbate the problem by increasing the money
supply, so denarii with less silver content were issued.
As inflation raged prices sky rocketed (at one point inflation reached an estimated
15,000%), people began to put aside and hide the older, high silver content coins and
pay their taxes in the newly issued coins of less value. International trade soon
slowed to a crawl. The "real" value of the state’s revenues, as expected, was
proportionally reduced.
It wasn’t long before the Roman state began requisitioning cattle and food directly
from the farmers, and other producers were simply robbed, as needs arose, by the
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army. The result was social chaos ensuing from state terrorism which some have
christened "permanent terrorism."
The Roman state even went so far as to demand that state permission be given
before anyone could change their residence or occupation. The state fixed prices and
wages which eventually led to a complete failure of the visible market, since there
was no work there was nothing to buy or sell so the people resorted to food riots,
lawlessness and city flight.
The same creeping socialism that affected the Roman Empire has been at work in
America since the adoption of the Constitution over the Articles of Confederation, and
like those ancient people of Rome we are caught in its trap. Was it the love of the
state or our foolishness that resulted in our not seeing what is now overtaking us?
Future historians will have to decide.
For the present we will continue to put up with TSA theft of private property, special
travel ID’s, threats from Homeland security that permission will be needed for
employment and government regulations designed to "monitor" commerce.
As our civilization continues its slide into the socialistic abyss of monetary suicide and
as the real possibility of famine lurks on the horizon, let’s at least not allow the words
of the Roman poet, satirist, and literary critic, Horace to be a vision of our future.
Time corrupts all. What has it not made worse?
Our grandfathers sired feebler children; theirs
Were weaker still – ourselves; and now our curse
Must be to breed even more degenerate heirs.
Tim Case [send him mail] is a 30-year student of the ancient histories who agrees
with the first-century stoic Epictetus on this one point: “Only the educated are free.”

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