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# Program to calculate the trace of the given A without using loops

# in the R programming language.

# Created on: Oct 27, 2010

# Ankit Dangi, CMS 1010,

# function to calculate the trace of the given matrix 'A'

# returns the trace of the matrix, if the given 'A' is a square matrix
# else returns 'NA'
trace <- function(A) {
return (ifelse(is.square(A), sum(diag(A)), NA));

# function to check whether 'A' is a square matrix

# returns true, if the given 'A' is a matrix and if the
# no. of rows and no. of cols of 'A' are equal; false, otherwise.
is.square <- function(A) {
return (is.matrix(A) && (nrow(A) == ncol(A)));

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