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By John Paily ± Grace New Age Research

á „he ancient Spiritual knowledge Vs the Modern Scientific
á „he „ruth of Nature and Life or God in Brief
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á Oalvary Sacrifice as Big Bang Origin
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á „he Reality of Soul, Mind and Body
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God is „ruth of Nature and Life that has remained enigma that science,
religion and whole of humanity has failed to perceive and comprehend
by his mind. For enlightened Spiritualist it is a unique experience that
comes from faith and surrender. For them God is the ultimate source
and destination. A bird¶s eye view of ancient scriptures tells us that the
ancient Spiritual scientist were more evolved than the modern man
and they knew the „ruth of Nature and life, its oneness and its
functioning. „his knowledge or Light [Life giving Knowledge] seems to
have lost to humanity at some point in the time cycle and the whole of
humanity is in search of it. However, it seems to be eluding the mind
of humanity.

Just as Gravity is unseen power binding everything into one, God is

also a force that attracts everything to it self and sustains the whole
thing. Enlightenment is an experience and varies from individual to
individual. „hus, how the enlightened people perceives God and
communicates to unenlightened people varies. „he unenlightened who
fail to experience the unseen God, tend to center around an
enlightened one who speaks to him. It thus gives way to multitude of
Gods, religions and practices.

Gravity is a property of material world. It is a centripetal force directed

to a point or gravitational collapse or death in time. In contrast God is
a property of living world. It appears as a centrifugal force [anti-
gravity] that works against gravity and sustains Life and material
body. Without God and His force this material system is bound to
collapse. It cannot exist even for a minute. „he force of Life in contrast
to gravity is directed away form the central point to the boundary of
the whole system. It is the breath that gives life to the material body
of living system. In time when it leaves the body, the body begins to
deteriorate and collapse to the center. „he „ruth of God, Nature and
Life exist in knowing the interplay of two forces Gravity and anti-
gravity in space.

„here are two paths to human quest for „ruth of Nature or God. „hey
are scientific and Spiritual. Unfortunately both paths are splintered,
with many partial and conflicting „ruths without any one solution or
knowledge that can lead humanity to  )(  and  . and
thereby bring peace and order to the whole world. „he world in the
ignorance of „ruth is tending to self destruction. „here is a huge
necessity to evolve to know „ruth of Nature and Life or God beyond all
religions. „his is the only way for humanity to survive on earth.
„he core of our negative evolution to the present endangered state lies
in our ignorance of the opposite. We assume the opposite as enemy
and strive to annihilate the opposite. „he reality is that the opposite is
one and everything and everyone is interrelated to form one with a
Oentral Reality that is living and is in constant process of evolution and

Much of the growth of modern man is material and is centered on

competition and war. It is pursued with fear of the opposite. „he
modern world spends much of its energy and resources to develop
weapons of mass destruction and lives in fear of his own inventions
falling into hands of the opposite. Human ³self´ seems to play a vital
role here. „he ³self´ seems to isolate him from his root nature; Love
and peace and incapacitates him from connecting to his intelligence to
know the „ruth and oneness that governs the whole system and
perpetual life. In short, because of our ³self´ we have deteriorated
qualitatively at individual and collective levels. „he core of Spirituality
is an attempt to bring humanity into ³self realization´. Unfortunately
the concept of religion and modern Spirituality, which holds life and
„ruth, is filled with individuals with self who fail to grow beyond self
and religion. „hus the temples haves deteriorated and has created
boundaries, restricting humanity from perceiving the „ruth and thus
come into self realization and gain life. It has held humanity as slaves.
It should be noted that modern science came into existence when
Spirituality deteriorated to the core and the Ohristian clergies were
amassing wealth leading a royal life in the name of punishing God.

„here is a Spiritual awakening today, but this Spiritual awakening is

happening within the frame work of a religion and is leading to war
and destruction in the name of God. „his development has the
potentiality of precipitation of destructive end to humanity unless
humanity awakens to „ruth and knows the interrelationship and
oneness in God. „he modern education system also incapacitates
human intelligence form knowing the „ruth. It trains the mind and
prisons it into one other branch of science and makes it slave to

„he lack of „ruth thus is threatening the world in two ways. One is
Spiritual [energy levels] and other is material. Our reckless
technological intrusion into material nature, without understanding
„ruth of Nature and its oneness has brought us to the critical state,
where death and destruction is tightening its grip. „he global warming
and climate change and increasing natural catastrophes, instability of
human mind manifesting into self destructive war and terrorism are
there for every one to see [Ref ± 1, 2 3,4]. Many acknowledged
scientists perceive a destructive end to humanity. Prof Stephen
Hawking recently gave a call to humanity ³+  
+"´ [Ref-5]. Noble Lauret and father of Gaia Hypothesis
James Love Lock in his book ³„he Vanishing face of Gaia ± „he Final
Warning´ gives a pessimistic future to humanity. He says very clearly
that the increasing heat of the environment would lead to a violent
aberration in climate leading to large scale destruction [Ref -6, 7, 8
and 9].

„heoretically science tells us that the universe from energy or Spirit

point tends to shear down because of increasing energy of the
interstellar space and the resulting expansion. From material point it
tells that all the matter winds to indefinable small point and explodes
into a fire ball [Big bang]. If we stand back and observe the
environment we are experiencing tell tale signs of it. „he earth and its
four forces, which other wise supported life are turning violent and
destructive. „he earth is burning, flooding, quaking and erupting in
increasingly violent way. „he observation and predictions of James
Lovelock are coming true. „he whole system including all life is panting
for breath and life. „he climatic aberration can be compared to jumps
in cardiogram of a person who is breathing his last breaths.

More than two decade back, as a scientist and thinker freed from
Plato¶s chair of science at the mouth of the cave, I too came to similar
conclusions as James Lovelock. But the death of my ³self´ and my
Spiritual initialization turned the negative vision into positive. „he
present situation of the world is critical. It is on the edge between life
and death. „his death comes form our ignorance, which in turn comes
from our distancing form our root force Love and Peace. „he situation
of death and destruction can be and will be transcended to gain life
when we know „ruth of Nature and Life or God. „hat is my faith in
God. But I am not sure, how much destruction precedes before
humanity awakens to simple „ruth of God and Nature. In the end,
Light or knowledge that gives life will break the darkness and emerge
to illuminate the minds. It will wipe out his ignorance and give
humanity New Life.

Most of the ancient Spiritual text holds the „ruth of Nature and Life
and there by the secret of God and Nature in a subtle way. It is only
amenable to minds that seek it from a point of non self. „he depth to
which the mind can go to unearth the „ruth, depends on the quality of
death of ³self´ by which one seeks it and the quality of faith one
shows. Absolute death and absolute faith is impossible to humans.
„hus most Spiritual scriptures tell us that „ruth is beyond human mind
but comes to him by Grace for a Divine Purpose with Divine
intervention. „his intervention is happening through Ohrist. No wonder
Ohrist said He will come again in the +
, to take us to
Kingdom of God. Interpreted in terms of knowledge or light, it is a
transition from lower knowledge to Higher Knowledge. „oday church of
Ohrist rallies around the flesh and blood of Ohrist and in future it would
rally around the Light or Spirit of Ohrist that breaks the darkness and
wipes human ignorance and liberates him from slavery to material
force. „his would initialize individual and collective humanity into „ruth
and justice heralding a new era or time cycle. We are already
experiencing this as conscious awakening. What is due is the
awakening of human intelligence.

In fact the ancient Spiritualist appears to have understood Universal

„ime Oycle as a Oycle of „ruth or Light unfolding and enfolding. Much
of the culture and practices they incorporated into us was aimed at
upholding light as much as possible and fight the engulfment of
darkness. However, they understood darkness as an inevitable reality
that needs to be conquered from time to time to gain life. „hey spoke
Love as means of conquering the darkness. Spiritual scriptures of the
ancient tell us that root of all the problems of humanity at individual
and collective level exists within, not out side. It tells us that it exist in
the lack of Love and our distancing from God the Oreator. Much of the
roots of modern day philosophies of life have its root in this secret of
love that the ancient Spiritual scriptures spoke.

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„he important contrasting reality between ancient Spiritual knowledge
of nature and life and modern scientific one is that the ancient viewed
universe as living entity or world that is conscious and intelligent. „hey
viewed life as independent worlds or universes born in the image of
the one universal being in time. In contrast modern science views the
universe as material. „he modern science laid its foundation by
isolating mind and consciousness from matter. It is seeking the „ruth
of Nature and life in matter. However, evolution of science has brought
it to a point, where it is now proven that consciousness and mind of
humanity is found inseparable from matter [developments in quantum
science]. „his has opened the gateway to discover the ancient Spiritual
knowledge and the living „ruth embedded init. Our survival now exists
in rediscovering this „ruth in a sensible and simple way such that all
can understand it. „he New Life to the world would manifest only when
the world understands the „ruth and bows to it.

Deduced to the core, nature is interplay of Spirit [energy] and matter.
„he Spirit manifest in to matter and matter manifest into Spirit.
Einstein proved this reality. However this „ruth cannot be understood
unless we understand the factors driving this interplay of energy and
matter and its manifestation into everything we witness in nature. „his
interplay of energy and matter is closely related to time. „he enigma
that perplexes humanity in his attempt to understand nature and its
„ruth is the concept of time. „ime is inevitable reality of nature,
irrespective of whether we look at universe as material [As modern
science thinks] or living [As the ancient understood].
Modern science tends to a dead end when it tries to look back or front
in time. From material point they end in non imaginable absurd
singularity, where all matter in the universe converges into a small
non definable point and where all the laws of science break down [Big
Bang]. From energy point they end in visions of total disruption of the
universe because of increase in the energy of interstellar space and its
expansion [Heat death]. In both ways it leads to death without any
sensible reason and cause for origin and perpetual existence. „he
origin, flow and end of time and its new beginning leading to perpetual
existence thus has remained an enigma for modern science.

„he Big Bang is inevitable reality both form material perspective of

modern science and ancient living knowledge. Life we know originates
form single point in a cell from where a wave originates initiating
division of one world into two leading to the formation of the whole
being. However, death is inevitable reality for all living thing. When
death happens, the system collapses back on to this point. As I write
this paper I read a statement from His Holiness Pope Benidict. He says
³God's Mind was behind complex scientific theories such as the Big
Bang, and Ohristians should reject the idea that the universe came
into being by accident´ [Ref - 10]. He is right. His statement reflects
the evolution of Spirituality under stress. But what is important is to
comprehend the reality of big bang in a sensible way such that it fits
the modern science and ancient Spiritual knowledge and bring out the
„ruth for humanity such that humanity can take guard of earth and
survive on it.
In contrast to modern science, the ancient people were more at home
in dealing with time and existence of universe perpetually in time
cycles. „hey understood universe as a single living entity with a Soul,
mind and body and having the property of consciousness and
intelligence. „hey understood it as a system capable of creation and
dissolution to recreate it self and thus survive time and death. In short
they understood it as conscious and intelligent system that not only
has the capacity to self organize, but also has the capacity to recreate
and conquer time. „hey understood that universe has a time cycle
comparable to life cycle with distinct phases of conception, birth,
childhood, adolescence and adulthood leading to death. Vedas spoke
this cycle in terms of four yugas [phases] where „ruth and justice
deteriorates by certain proportions. „he beauty of the Secret hidden in
Bible is the secret of how this cycle is perpetuated eternally. It speaks
of a secret of conquering death and restoration giving New Life. Justice
and „ruth are needs for maintaining the manifested state of life. „he
Vedas of East deals with it very elegantly. However the time cycle
becomes complete only when it incorporates a manifesting or creative
phase. What rules this phase is Love.

Ohrist is the expression of feminine face of the God that includes all
recreates and restores everything back to order through Free Will. It is
the phase in which Spirit of the Oreator exist in the expanding mode
from within. One living entity or universe the ancient visualized
encloses many trillions of living worlds, which are replica of Parental
Soul, but born in time to right and left and made out of material
energy. Each has a relative position in space and time with Parental
Soul. „his gives it a unique identity and eternal relationship with the
Parental Soul. Each of these worlds has its own time cycle at the end
of which they dissolve to reform again driven by karmic laws. „his
gives qualitative evolution potential to individual within the whole. „he
Vedas and Bible speak this elegantly. „hey understood and visualized
the universe as living one that changes qualitatively under time. „he
picture the ancient presented us can be understood from day and night
cycle, where light emerges and peaks and deteriorates giving way to
darkness only to emerge again. From the Living Universe point of
view, it needs to be understood as life and intelligence shining and
deteriorating to start again.

Life we know is bestowed with the capacity to conquer time and

perpetuate in time through a process of reproduction. Here there exist
two states of existence.

1] „he manifested state ± „he manifested state is a state of duality,

where the system exists as two parallel worlds - Male and Female.
Here the law, justice and „ruth become principle qualities that help
sustain life.
2] Manifesting state ± here the ³essence of the male´ enters the
female to unite with the ³essence of the female´ to recreate a new
body out of the old. In this creation state [assuming that only two
parallel worlds existed] the body of the male from which the life
deserted becomes the feed for the feminine to create the New World.
In this state what rules is Love.

„his reality at the universal level needs to be understood as Living

Light or Superior Knowledge or information being lost into black hole
and emerging back to give new breath and life to the Universe. „his
aspect is dealt briefly below and is explored in detail in the book
³2012-Science Meets Mind of God´ Amazon Kindle publication and in
my site [Ref- 12]

In the above context of thinking, the Bible, the Vedas and all Spiritual
scriptures unfold as Superior Knowledge. Oalvary Sacrifice becomes
the big bang point or the recreation point of the universe. „his secret
of recreation and restoration that Bible speaks is well written in Vedas.
Yajur Veda Vs 30 -31 tells very clearly tells that creation occurred
through self sacrifice of the Oreator and that this sacrifice was
conducted by his own people [Demi Gods].„his is called Purushamedha
Yajna. We are going through a phase of creation and restoration to
new order or life through free will. „he New Life and order would
manifest when the c reveals the „ruth and humanity
awakens to „ruth. Just as in the peak of darkness of night, the seed of
light takes birth, the seed of Living Light or knowledge that gives life,
is bound to peak and break open the darkness called human ignorance
to conquer death. „his is the hope in which I live and struggle against
many odds.

„he scientific arguments for creation centered on Ohrist and his act at
Oalvary is explored in the book ³2012 Science Meet Mind of God´ and
also in my site ³2012 Science Meets God´ and the linked sites
thereof. „his is only a short version of my research and enduring
struggle to bring the simple „ruth of Nature and life.

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Most of the ancient Spiritual scriptures, especially Vedas of the east,
logically tell us that the universe is living conscious and intelligent
being. Bible also speaks the same. „hough we have not been able to
comprehend the Living Universe sensibly, the recent developments in
science [after the discovery of quantum science] strengthen the
ancient visions of the universe as a living being. „he recent
developments in String „heory and the visions of the universe speaks
not of one universe but of two parallel universes or worlds, which
interact creating matter and waves. „he concept of singularity has also
been reinvented with time piercing the singularity to create a New
World [Ref±11E]. „hese developments have led to Multiple Universe
„heory and multiple singularities and so on.

„he theory of the universe projected by theoretical physicist is

becoming complex and is beyond the comprehension of common man.
However, this complexity dissolves and unifies with Spiritual scriptures
and brings the „ruth of God and the universe, when we review the
development in material science from a point of freedom and try to
look at the universe as a living system. „his, not only would advance
science to simplicity, but also would bring out the beauty of Biblical,
Vedic and other Spiritual teaching and reveals the Great secret of

„he secret of Bible and Oalvary reveals it self as Big Bang Origin when
we look to the universe as living being by evolving our knowledge of
physical and biological science. Some of the following points should
help create a pathway to „ruth of Bible and understand Oalvary
sacrifice as Big Bang Origin

1] Life is bestowed with the capacity to conquer time and perpetuate

in time by initializing to start a New Life cycle. It can create a New Life
out of the old through a process of reproduction.

2] Life is characterized by two worlds- the male and female that is

one. „hus principally a life originates from two ³parallel worlds´ or
universes as String „heorist visualize.

3] „he life cycle of a living being consist of two phases a creating or

manifesting phase and manifested phase or created phase.

4] In manifesting state the male exist in female as one entity and in

manifested phase the male and female exists separated [duality]
Manifesting state is a transition state, in which essence of the
dominant world [Male] penetrates the recessive world to conquer time
and death and restore life to the system. In this state what rules is
Love. Information is unfolded and initialized in the process of creation.
„his information then begins to enfold to go into manifested phase.
Oreation phase is a phase of dissolution where many worlds are
dissolved to recreate New Worlds. In the manifested phase the New
Worlds begins to manifest. „he creating phase could be understood as
a phase in which higher mind [Mind of God] or Higher Knowledge exist
recessive to lower knowledge. What rules then is lower mind of
humans inflicted with ³self¶. „he post Oalvary is the manifesting phase
where the universe is being restored to its initial glory through Big
bang expansion of Ohrist¶s [God¶s] Oonsciousness and intelligence with
free will to human Souls to start a New „ime Oycle [„his statement will
be explored in detail in the following pages]

5] Biologically and genetically we understand that this process involves

only two selected cells [worlds] and the information from two
characteristically different worlds ± male and female consisting of
trillions of cells or worlds. Here, the essence of the male enters the
body of the female and meets its essence to form the first seed. „he
seed then utilizes the material resources of female body to create New
World for it to rest and function. „he female body here is supported by
external input [Food] to create New Life that conquers time through
information unfolding. „he external input comes from the deteriorating
body of male from which its essence has departed to go into creation
and restoration mode. „his gives us the simple organic cycle that
sustains the inorganic world.

6] Genetically we understand the essence of male and female as DNA

and genes. But technically genes and DNA are just information¶s that
facilitate the system to survive by balancing the body. „hey can be
viewed as weight added into balance to balance. Beyond DNA and
genes a particle or a system should exist which perceives the
imbalance and constantly works to balance the system? „he
characteristics of this particle or system are different from material
particles or systems. Unlike material particles or systems, which are
bound by gravity and centripetal force the living particle or system is
bound by an opposing principle called anti-gravity. „his opposition
becomes apparent when we observe material system and living
system. „his opposition is a proven reality. „he second law of
thermodynamics applied to material and living system shows this
opposition. „he second law of thermodynamics applied to material
system states that the system loses energy in time and all the matter
winds to collapse to an indefinably small point. „his gives the Big Bang
picture of origin that the modern science puts forth. „his is beyond
human comprehension and has many objections. It also gives the
picture of the universe in which it shreds away due to increasing
energy in the interstellar space causing the expansion. „his reality was
perceived as heat death as early as 1850. In both ways science cannot
perceive sensible explanation as to what drives the system and
perpetuates it eternally.

Now if you stand back to observe a plant grow, you note that it grows
against gravity. Very clearly a plant absorbs light and heat from the
environment and opposes the tendency of material world to wind and
go into greater and greater disorder or collapse to a point. „his reality
forces us to break down the material vision of nature and the universe
and adopt the living vision that the ancient advocated and the modern
scientist like Noble Laurets James Lovelock and Margulis Lynn
hypothesized [Gaia hypothesis 12 A to D]]. In summary, the GAIA
hypothesis says that the temperature, oxidation, state, acidity, and
certain aspects of the rocks and waters are kept constant, and that
this homeostasis is maintained by active feedback processes operated
automatically and unconsciously by the biota. I consider it as great
step in the evolution of science. James Lovelock and Margulis Lynn
were awarded noble prize for their work, but the „heoretical physicist
and mainstream science have failed to perceive the importance of
Lovelocks work.
Probably constrained by their profession, James Lovelock and Margulis
Lynn, in contrast to ancient Spiritualist, tactically avoided bringing up
God and involvement of consciousness and intelligence of human being
in the operation of the universe. With advancement of quantum
science this aspect has become increasingly evident. It calls for review
of the foundation and the way we look at nature. It calls for
observation of nature and life from a point of freedom from Plato¶s
chair at the mouth of the cave and change the very way we look at
nature and life.

In my book ³2012 science meets Mind of God´ and ³Advancing Gaia

Hypothesis ± A way to know the „ruth of Nature´ [Amazon kindle
publication] I have attempted to bring some fundamental aspects of
nature by which nature sustains its temperature and supports life on
earth. A key aspect here is the design of earth into two parts- west
and east. When the sun emerges in the west and material matter
energizes and goes into disorder, the east simultaneously sleeps to
find a new order. When sunlight peaks in the west and gives way to
darkness, simultaneously east peaks in darkness and gives way to
light. An ordering and disordering cycle that coexist seems to sustain
the temperature of earth. „his functioning of earth resembles the
working of a double pump or heart. It helps it to maintain the vital
energy to matter ratio and there by temperature of earth.

„he plant life absorbs light and heat and works against time and
disorder. When night falls they transforms energy and matter into
biological mass that grows against gravity. „hus life works by instinct
against the second law of thermodynamics that tends the material
world to collapse. „he earth with plants is two dimensional. „he earth
with plants alone can lead to anti-gravitational collapse. „he existence
of herbivore controls the plants and the existence of carnivore controls
herbivore and the system is a three dimensional self sustaining system
with no preferred time direction. However, the moment we visualize
adult human beings in the above picture the system gets a fourth
dimension or time dimension. „his , ,   comes from
human ³self´ that breaks the law and disconnects form the Universal
self or Oreator. It comes from human mind that detaches from the
inner consciousness and intelligence [light/Spirit] and becomes slave
to external material Spirit creating a time direction to gravitational
collapse or death. In short human mind and his thinking that is
separated from the mind of the Oreator [human ignorance] create time
direction to disorder and death. We are peaking in this process. After
creation when God laid a law forbidding Adam and Eve from eating
form the tree at the center, he was resisting humanity from becoming
slave to material force and leading the world to gravitational collapse
or death.

„he consequence of human slavery to material Spirit is increase in

heat of the environment and there by stress due to increased disorder
and destruction. It leads to disruption of the climatic cycle and day and
night cycle and smooth functioning of earth to maintain her
temperature. „he earth resists this unilateral influence by humans by
unfolding, but cannot unfold beyond a limit. Here it begins to react
violently to make a new beginning. „his concept was central to the
religion of Native Americans and is prominent in Hinduism as the
Goddess Kali. In the ancient Greek scripture Earth is named as
Goddess Ge or Gaia. Mother Earth, here is pictured as the source of
the living and non-living entities that make up the Earth. Both Kali and
Gaia were gentle, feminine and nurturing, but also ruthlessly cruel to
any one who crossed her. Gaia was the Greek goddess who drew the
living world forth from Ohaos. „he Ohaos is what we have found
ourselves in our materialistic quest. „he Ohristian philosophy we must
note gives great credence to Mother Mary.

„he full context of Living Universe needs to be understood from both

masculine and feminine reality. „he masculine entity here forms the
creating and sustaining entity. But the creation, restoration and
sustenance process cannot proceed without the cooperation of the
feminine reality. Jesus Ohrist in Oalvary showed the way to New Life.
„he beauty of creation exists in the masculine reality that goes
recessive to feminine reality to create and restore everything back to
order constantly. Viewed form this context, Bible and ancient Spiritual
scriptures can be rediscovered as a biological science of the higher
order. „his higher science can only be understood by extrapolating life
to its core reality or the building blocks of life and the universe. „his
amounts to understanding the quantum mechanical reality of nature
and the developments in theoretical science in a sensible way such
that it accounts for universal secret in a biological way.

7] „he key difference and advantage in visualizing universe as living

being is that the living being presents a ³  % , ´
that is beyond the comprehension of human mind and its extensions.
Life is bestowed with an outer space and inner space or inner world
and outer world. It should be noted here that theoretical scientist have
already discovered in paper the existence of dark world and energy
that is beyond their experimental exploration. „hey also have
discovered parallel universes each having different physical laws. „hey
have rediscovered singularity and origin of universes in which time of
one world pierces the singularity of the other world to give rise to new
universes [Ref±11E]. „hese developments when reviewed and
comprehended give us the biological picture of the universe centered
on one Unique Soul born from the participation of two worlds and ends
in two worlds [Manifesting phase or singular state and Manifested
phase or dual state]. „he inner world is not amenable to human mind
and its extension. „he ancient yogis who realized that the „ruth exist
not in the external world, but within, actually approached Higher
Knowledge through retreat from material reality. „he greater ones in
this path realized the limitation of human mind and its extension to
seek „ruth. „hey actually entered this realm by sacrificial means. „he
absolute unconditional sacrifice was done at Oalvary, such that the
world can return to order. „he beauty and science of Bible and Jesus¶s
preaching reveals when visualized from this angle.

8] Life is a constant process of struggle to maintain the balance

between the inner and outer space. It needs to be understood as
continuous flow of information from out side space to inside and inside
space to out side space. „he information flowing form outer space is
processed in the inner space and the processed information then flows
back to the outer space and modifies the environment such that the
life can sustain itself and perpetuate. „he Gaia hypothesis thus is true.

9] Much of the modern day biology thinks that information is encoded

in DNA and Genes and it gives excessive importance to it. It thinks
that one can manipulate life, by manipulating genes. „he whole field of
biotechnology is founded on the invariability of genes. As a researcher
in biotechnology, my observations in dealing with life has shown me
that genes are not invariably units of information determining life.
„hey do not do not exclusively determine life. What determines life is
information encoded in a dynamic manner in the inner space and outer
space. „he genes are simply means by which the body is maintained.
One can compare it to the weight used in balancing the balance. „he
weight by it self cannot balance the balance unless an entity that
experiences the imbalance acts to balance the system. „his entity
exists both in inner space or outer space. It shuttles between the two
giving the breath or life. „he role of epidermis and endodermis thus
appears more crucial to information management and sustenance of
life. I am not alone in this line of thinking. A well known scientist Dr.
Bruce Lipton has been elegantly arguing for it [Reference ± 13 series].
Mainstream biological science, which still exists under the cloud of
„heoretical Physicist, however has remained recalcitrant to the
Dr.Lipton¶s new visions.

What this means is that the creation comes forth from a single Soul
and information held with in its inner space. „his single Soul then
differentiates creating images of it self using matter from the external
world. „he information that exists in the new Souls formed is
truncated or incomplete, but is sustained by the parental source. A
sort of enfoldment of information occurs in the process. „his is the
manifested phase. „he Oreator Soul lays the law, such that the right
left cooperates and lives. „he law resists the left and right turning into
enemy thus stressing the Oreator who exists as judge and perceiver in
an unseen manner in the middle.

„he Bible and its teachings can be re interpreted from the above basic
content. Understanding its scientific reality calls for understanding
Soul, mind body relationship. „his knowledge is extensively dealt in
great eastern knowledge system. A decisive shift into this Higher
Knowledge can only happen, when we understand scientific reality of
Soul, mind and body by reviewing, reordering and advancing modern
science such that it appreciates the ancient science and explores it.

With in my limitations, I have humbly made an attempt at it. It is an

extensive intellectual exercise done with Grace. „he core of it is
discussed in the book ³2012 science meets Mind of God´ Amazon
kindle publication and is also expressed in my site ³2012 science Meets
God and the linked sites thereof [Ref-13]. In the following chapter, I
am making an attempt to put it briefly.

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Life we know is founded on three entities Soul, mind and body which
together form the life. „he Soul/Spirit is said to be indestructible and is
the creating entity. „he body is built by the Soul using it self as image
and using matter/Spirit taken from the external world. „he one
original Soul has two components and it differentiates into two; one
right and the other left. „he foundation of life exists in Soul or in the
realm of the heart. Life can survive in mind dead state but not in heart
dead state. „he mind is only a point around which the left right of the
body is balanced and through which the information from inner world
flows to outer world and back.

„he philosophy of Love or heart power and life spoken in Spiritual

scriptures may not appeal to modern theoretical physicist who rules
the world today by their partial exploration of the material world and
outer space. „he principle cause is that they are ignorant of inner
world or inner space that actually controls the outer world. „he
development in science has revealed the existence of a dark world and
dark energy in paper, but scientists have failed to comprehend where
this world exists and how it influences the world they see, explore and
exploit. „he only way to account for this dark world and understand its
influences on the world we see is to explore the universe as living

Understanding the „ruth of Nature and its Living Reality calls for
discovering the structure and function of entities called Soul, mind and
body. Science visualizes life as manifestation of material entity
governed by material laws. Science is not entirely wrong in its
perception but it has failed to put the information it has acquired in
right manner to comprehend the Living Reality and the „ruth of

By His Grace I propose a new foundation that can help us comprehend

and put together the partial knowledge that science has acquired to
know the Living Reality of nature. „his thinking not only encompasses
all the partial knowledge and visions that modern science developed
but also brings forth the Spiritual secret hidden in the ancient
scriptures like, Vedas, Bible, Koran and so on and give it a scientific

„he Soul and Spirit contained in it is the principle entity of life. „he
body is constructed around it, in its image, in time, using matter and
it¶s Spirit. „hus the one Soul and Spirit manifest the body and mind by
creation and judgment into left and right. Mind becomes the point
around which the left and right of the body balances through
continuous flow of the Spirit. Every time when the Spirit flows from the
inner space through the mind to the body and returns to its home
some Spirit is lost. „his gives rise to time direction.

„he key to the Living Reality is the existence of the opposite as one
and its Quantum Dance in space. „here are two parallel worlds and
forces [Spirits] in nature. One is gravitational [material] and other is
anti-gravitational [living or Soul based]. „hese forces manifest to form
two types of matter or system in space, the material and living. „he
ground reality that drives the whole system is the principle of
equilibrium and non equilibrium.

„he material reality is driven by non-equilibrium in space and an

instinct to seek higher state of equilibrium. It should be recalled that
when Newton framed his Gravitational „heory he built it on the
assumption of non equilibrium. In contrast to this the Living Reality
has opposite characteristics. „his invariably means that it should be
founded on some form of equilibrium or symmetry in space. Life
constantly works to sustain its equilibrium. „his manifests as creational
aspect of life. „here are three types of creational activity in life. „hey
are breathing, mitotic division and meiotic division/reproduction. „he
intricacies of manifestation of material matter and living matter is
discussed in depth in the book ³2012 Science meets Mind of God´
[Amazon kindle publication]

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„wo opposing force cannot be equal, for equal and opposite cancels
out. Material force cannot be driving and dominant force. Being
centripetal it tends to collapse to a central point or death in time. „his
means life force and living system that possess creativity should be
dominant and the determining. „he life force actually sustains the
whole system working against the time force of material world tending
to collapse to a point or death.        
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Life is a story of two parallel world¶s; one dominant and the other
recessive [Male and female - which in turn encloses trillions of
universes], which constantly interacts creating a Quantum Dance. „he
recent developments in M-„heory and vision of the multiple universe
and reinterpretation of singularity and time advocated by theoretical
physicists is coming close to understanding this reality [Ref- 11E]

„he gravity and time in material world because of non equilibrium in

space, is directed to equilibrium or death or collapse to a point in the
center. In contrast, the living world that has some form of equilibrium
but is enclosed in material world, works to protect its equilibrium. „his
manifests into creativity, information build up and the formation of the
body using matter. It should be recalled here that the ancient viewed
the Soul as the building blocks of nature.
In a vision where we take Living system and material system as
opposing entities, the gravity and time directed to death should direct
in time to one single unique Soul in the center. See Fig below.

When we speak of Soul it should be an entity that has inner space that
holds all the information of the whole system. One can compare it to
concept of black hole and information. „he information or life flows
from the central black hole and comes back to it to form a cycle.
However, when information flows from central Soul to the body
constituting of many Souls, some information or life is lost. „hus with
every cycles of information flow, power of life deteriorates. „his is the
inevitable effect of second law of thermodynamics. Life begins to age
from the very moment of birth. „his means after some point in time
the system should collapse, unless the time is conquered and
initialized. „his time conquering process in biological system manifests
as meiotic division leading to reproduction of a living system. Here the
Essence of the Male goes recessive to the female [In the womb]
initiating a creative phase which recreates a new body out of the old.
Eventually the system breaks the womb gaining a new breath to start
a New „ime Oycle.

It is in this context the Jesus birth, his preaching¶s and philosophy and
Oalvary sacrifice takes the vital living content. It is the conceiving
point of new time [conscious creation or the state of oneness] and
Second Ooming is time of initialization or revelation of Mind of God and
illumination of the intellect of humanity. „his gives way to duality and
the beginning to a new time cycle and a time period when justice and
„ruth gets restored. Bible says that, Ohrist manifested when not one
Soul was left behind who could be justified before God and then God
the Father sacrificed His only Son to give New Life to the world
through Free will to all Souls.

„he whole of Bible, Vedas and all the preaching of the ancient
Spirituals scriptures takes life in the above context. „he clarity to
these scriptures and the writings in it emerges when we differentiate
the creative phase and created phase and understand the
characteristics of these two phases. Love, forgiveness, compassion are
the characteristic of the creation phase. Law and Justice and upholding
of „ruth are the characteristic of the created phase. When „ruth
deteriorates life deteriorates.

„he universe is interplay of two Spiritual worlds or spaces; one that is

internal and the other that is external. „he material world is
juxtaposed between the two and forms the body. „he ancient probably
knew this as they spoke of two forms of heat, one that creates order
and the other that creates disorder. „he Soul produces the heat that
creates order and mind creates the heat that creates disorder.
Information exists in the internal world as well as external world in a
dynamic flux state. Information flows form inside to outside and
returns back to it. „hrough this process of constant information flow
the whole living system including material system is sustained. Every
time information flows from inner Spiritual world to external Spiritual
world through the material world and returns, some information is
lost. „his is inevitable by the second law of thermodynamics. „his
means the power of the Soul to sustain life deteriorates in time and
the Master seated in the center, has to come out to the external world
to reclaim the system. „his is the secret of creation manifested
through Ohrist in Oalvary. „his secret of creation written in Bible is also
well documented in Vedas. Yajurveda Vs 30-31 says that creation
occurred through self sacrifice of the Oreator and that this sacrifice
was conducted by his own people.

„hus there exist two steps to creation and restoration; „ime

conquering and time initialization. A time conquering is a process that
takes place in the darkness of the womb. „he time initialization is birth
of the conceived world. „he transformation from the phase in the
womb to the open world is critical. Jesus rightly compared it to pains
of a pregnant woman. All the cells of the system [child and mother]
experience the stress of birth. „his manifests into conscious
awakening. „his conscious awakening then should lead to illumination
of the intellect or birth of light. It then brings new order and joy.
Vedas describe this cycle as transitions through five worlds. Annamaya
Kosa [gross material], Pranamaya Kosa [ Breath level], Manomaya
Kosa [Mind level], Vijnanamay kosa [ science], Anandamaya Kosa [
Bliss or Enlightened state].

„he Vedas also speak the universal time cycle in terms of four phases
or Yugas where „ruth and justice deteriorates by certain proportions
[Golden-age, silver-age, bronze-age, iron-age]. „his could be
understood as life cycle and ³self´ cycle. „he first age is the period of
childhood where love and innocence predominates. „he second is
adolescent state, where innocence is partially deteriorated. „he third
phase is the adult hood when human mind and ³self´ manifest. Here it
takes time direction to deterioration and journey into darkness. „he
last phase is the journey to old age and death. Since death cannot be
the end of the Living Universe, from universal perspective, this phase
should be a phase of recreation and restoration. We are in the last
phase of this cycle. „he situation we are confronting around the world
is the pains of birth into new era. „his could be quite stressing and
painful to humanity. „he New Life was conceived by the self sacrifice
of a single Soul in the center [Jesus at Oalvary]. „his went unnoticed,
but the birth, calls for the participation of the all the Souls. It is
inevitable we take a position in the universe to the left or right of the
center as the system initializes.

„his creation and restoration process through free will is in progress

through Ohrist and His Oalvary sacrifice. We are participators in the
whole process. We cannot escape from it. Our mind and our intent
play an important role in the eventual place we obtain in the New „ime
Oycle. Human mind cannot unearth „ruth. For it is created in pairs to
the left and right of the central Soul. He is created by two partial
images of one Soul. „he other part is contributed by matter and wave
directed to the center. „his mean he holds only partial knowledge.
Imagine DNA duplication here. „hus his attempts to unearth the „ruth
of Nature by the faculties of his mind are bound to fail. Neither a mind
that is focused on material world nor a mind focused on the inner
Spiritual world can know the „ruth and life. We cannot seek „ruth and
life, but „ruth and life seeks us. It comes to us by a  . for a
 .% . „hus ancient Spiritualist spoke of detachment and
surrender of mind as the first step towards life. Life and nature it self
speaks this „ruth to us. Life and nature is bestowed with a period of
sleep when mind is at rest but Soul works to repair and bring new
order or life to the system.

New Life to us comes from surrender or accepting unconditional death.

Ohrist did it to give life to the universe and we are called to participate
in the process to gain New Life. No amount of study of material world
or Spiritual scriptures can bring us to Life and „ruth. Life comes
through surrender and „ruth emerges in time in an appointed time.

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Bible actually depicts the biological science of the Universal Being. It
needs to be understood as knowledge and Light cycle that gives life,
sustains life and perpetuates life. One needs to understand post
Oalvary as manifesting or creating state. New „estament is the
knowledge that helps humanity conquer time and initialize into new
time cycle. It is the unfolding of consciousness of God giving an
opportunity for human Souls to evolve, gain life and return to his lost
glory. „his unfolding of consciousness of God forces human
consciousness to unfold. Eventually it ends in illumination of the
intellect of humanity. „his illumination of intellect of humanity is the
only hope for humanity to survive on earth, which is now on the edge
of collapse.

„he creation in Bible needs to be interpreted from the above context of

biological science. „he creation of Adam and Eve depicts the creation
of two worlds out of one. It is the end of creation phase, when God
gives humanity the Dominion over His Kingdom. It means He the God
illuminates the intellect of humanity to take guard of earth. God in the
process conquers time and death and initializes His Kingdom with free
will to human Souls. „he command not to eat from the tree at the
center was a resistance to time and death. It was a call to humanity
not to become slave to material force and direct His created world to

But in time humanity forgets God, distances from Him and after a
point he begins to manifest his ³self´. „his is the point at which Adam
and Eve are shown the way out of Eden. Human beings now get
engulfed in darkness and gets lost. „he death to the Living Universe
becomes inevitable. A Divine Plan of recreation and restoration
becomes necessity. „his plan is being manifested through Ohrist. With
Ohrist¶s sacrifice, time and death is conquered. A path is created for
the whole world to get back to life and the past glory. We are in the
process of awakening to take guard and start a new cycle.

As of now what rules the world is human mind that exist in slavery to
material force and is engulfed with self. It is winding the system to a
collapsing point or death. „he Good News is that God manifested as
Ohrist in the last phase of universal time cycle, is working from within
to give New Life and lead humanity back to the past Glory by revealing
His mind. „his is the only hope for humanity to survive from the brink
of death.

As spoken in the beginning many intellectual form scientific

communities have predicted a sad end to this world. Even common
man who stands back to observe nature can perceive the disastrous
end to which the world is moving. Noble Lauret James Lovelock has
predicted destruction through climatic aberration [Ref ± 6,7,8.9]. „his
is happening right before us. „he destruction through heavy snow and
flash floods, in January 2011 speaks of the times to come. For every
low there would be a high, this means wind and fire bound destruction
would increase in the coming seasons. Science, which has failed to
understand nature, its interrelationship and oneness, has no answers
for the ropes of death tightening around humanity. With their
fundamental errors and dissipative approach there is little hope that
scientific community can ever help humanity survive. „he only hope
exists in God the Ohrist who spoke about a return to lead the world
back to kingdom of God.

„he fundamental problem with modern man is that he does not know
how nature sustains her balance and maintains her temperature such
that life survives on earth. If you observe nature you note that nature
consists of two or multiple two worlds that balance. „his becomes
obvious from the east and west, the day and night cycle, fire/wind and
earth/water forces. When west awakes to sunlight, unwinds and goes
into disorder [energizes] the east simultaneously sleeps to darkness
and winds to go into new order [materializes]. An ordering and
disordering cycle coexist maintaining certain critical balance of energy
to matter ratio and there by the temperature of earth.

Humankind who is engaged in reckless exploitation of the material

world with out ever concerned about nature and its temperature cycle
has unilaterally increased the energy state or the temperature state of
the earth. Oonsequently the disorder in the world is increasing
unilaterally. „he earth and cosmos has been unwinding from within to
compensate for the disorder. However there is limit beyond which the
system cannot unwind. We seem to have reached the critical limit.
„hus the two opposing forces, unwinding and winding force, that
manifest into day and night cycle and climatic cycle are now going
aberrant and highly destructive with huge peaks in climate leading to
fire, air, water and earth bound destructions in alternating sequence.
„his destructive scenario is being witnessed around the world with an
increasing magnitude and number. „his is predicted by Noble Lauret
James Lovelock [Ref- 6,7,8,9]]. Many acknowledge scientist see
pessimistic future to humanity. My work also predicts a pattern in
which the climatic catastrophes increases eventually leading to huge
earth quakes and volcano destroying much of human civilization. „he
recent report form National Geography speaks of immense activity and
bulging of Yellowstone volcano. „his volcano according to scientist has
huge destructive potential and erupts once in 6000 years. It is now
due by 300 years [Ref-15]. However, my Spiritual initialization gives
me hope that humanity will awaken to „ruth of Nature, comprehend
the Living Reality and understand the energy to matter ratio and
working of earth to take guard of earth.
„his means the end culminates in the victory to life force through the
intervention of Spirit of God. „he science would advance to know „ruth
of Nature and its functioning and Spirituality would grow beyond
religion to know Mind of God and come to self realization. Humanity
would evolve to new realm developing new nature compatible
technologies that creates order and sustain the whole system. Justice
and „ruth would be restored and peace returns to the world.

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1] Images - Olimate change from NASA
2] NASA ± Speaks of Giant Breach in Earths Magnetic Field

3] NASA Predicts Arctic ocean Melt down and Oatastrophes -2012
4] NASA warns of Super Solar Flare 2012

5] Stephen Hawking ³+  +"!
6] Doomsday Pending Noble Lauret James Lovelock on „he Hour

7] Frost over the World - James Lovelock

8] James Lovelock - Population Reduction - max 1 billion„RYg

9] James Lovelock - A Final Warning by Nature
10] God was behind Big Bang, universe no accident: Pope„RE7052OO20110106

11] 5 series By BBO on Parallel Universes

á 11A]
á 11B]
á 11O]
á 11D]
á 11E]„WfKbdlh8

12] Noble Lauret James Lovelock ± Gaia Hypothesis

á A]
á B]
á O]
á D]„k2r_9MHqE

13] Bruce Lipton ± Mind and Matter Meets

á 20A]
á 20B]
á 20O]
á 20D]
á 20E]
á 20F]
á 20G]
á 20H]
á 20I]
á 20J]
á 20K]
á 20L]„vrE
á 20M]
á 20N]
á 20O]
á 20P]
á 20Q]
13] 2012 Science Meets God

14] You „ube ± Yellowstone volcano alert 2011


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