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Unit Lesson LMS Activity Learning Outcomes and Target Language

study dates
Lesson A My blog Writing
Unit 7-10 March 7A My perfect Write and reply to a blog about a perfect day.
7 day
7-23 Student can fill in personal forms about self or others.
Weather (It’s snowing. It’s cold and windy. It’s warm and sunny.)

Present Continuous statements (I’m playing volleyball on the beach
with my friends. I’m drinking a cold drink.)
Lesson B Forum Writing and responding
11-14 March 7B What sports Sort words about sports and exercise by whether the student plays
do you play? or watches them.

Voice tools CEFR

7B What’s your Student can understand basic vocabulary words and phrases about
favorite sport? specific situations
My blog
Listening and responding
7B My exercise
Record true responses to intonation questions about sports.

Student can ask about people and respond to information.

Write and reply to a blog about exercise routines.

Student can complete forms with personal information about self
or others.

Sports and exercise with play, do, and go (playing volleyball, doing
aerobics, going skiing, etc.)

Present Continuous statements, and information questions (What
are you doing for exercise these days? I’m playing soccer.)
Lesson C
15-17 March
Lesson D My blog Writing
18-21 March 7D Sports and Write and reply to a blog about sports and exercise.
Student can fill in personal forms about self or others.
Sports and exercise with play, do, and go (playing volleyball, doing
aerobics, going skiing, etc.)

Present Continuous statements (These days I’m playing basketball.
I’m running for exercise.)

Imperatives (Try jogging. Go with a friend. Buy a good pair of

running shoes.)
Unit test
22-23 March
Unit Lesson LMS Activity Learning Outcomes and Target Language
study dates
Lesson A Voice tools Listening and responding
Unit 24 -26 March 8A Do you have Listen and record true responses to questions about clothing.
8 to go shopping
this week? CEFR
24 Student can interact in a simple conversation.
March My blog
-6 April 8A My favorite Writing
kinds of clothes
Write and respond to a blog about favorite kinds of clothes using
like to/want to/need to/have to.

Student can fill in personal forms about self or others.

Clothing (jacket, dress, jeans, blouse, etc.)

Like to, want to, need to, and have to (I have to wear dressy clothes
for work. I like to wear jeans on the weekend.)
Lesson B My blog Writing
27 March - 29 8B My favorite Write and respond to a blog about favorite accessories.
March item
Student can complete forms with personal information about self
or others.

Clothing and accessories (a baseball cap, a belt, a blouse, jeans, a
purse, etc.)

Jewelry (a bracelet, a ring, etc.)

Colors (black, pink, red, orange, gray, etc.)

Lesson C Voice tools Listening and responding
30-1 April 8C What kinds of Listen to questions about shopping and record true responses
clothes do you using "time to think" expressions.
like to wear?
Student can interact in a simple way.

Clothing and accessories (a baseball cap, a belt, a blouse, jeans, a
purse, etc.)

Colors (black, pink, red, orange, gray, etc.)

Shopping expressions (How much is it?)

Prices (I usually spend about $50 on clothes. It cost $20.)

“Time to think” expressions (Let me think . . . Ok. Um . . . how much

is it? Let’s see . . . about $30.)

“Conversation sounds” (Uh-huh. Oh.)

Like to (I like to shop at the mall. I like to wear casual clothes.)
Lesson D My blog Writing
2-4 April 8D Shopping Write and respond to a blog about shopping habits, likes, and

Student can fill in personal forms about self or others.

Clothing and accessories (a baseball cap, a belt, a blouse, jeans, a
purse, etc.)

Shopping expressions (How much is it? It’s really cheap.)

Like to (I like to shop at the mall. I like to wear casual clothes.)

Because (We shop out of town because it’s cheap. We go to the

mall because there are a lot of great stores.)
Unit test
5-6 April
Unit Lesson LMS Activity Learning Outcomes and Target Language
study dates
Lesson A Voice tools Listening and responding
Unit 7–9 April 9A What kinds of Listen to questions about sightseeing in your city and record true
9 fun things can answers using can/can't.
7 April you do in your
– 23 city? CEFR
Student can use simple phrases and sentences to describe where
My blog he or she lives and people he or she knows.
9A My favorite
Write and reply to a blog about a favorite town or city.

Student can fill in personal forms about self or others.

Sightseeing activities (take a ferry, visit a museum, go to a show,
take a walking tour, etc.)

Can and can’t (You can visit some interesting museums. You can see
the house where a famous author lived.)
Lesson B Forum Writing and responding
10–13 April 9B Favorite Complete a chart and write about favorite restaurants.
My blog Student can fill in personal forms about self or others.
9B Foreign
language and
foreign food
Write and reply to a blog about languages and foods from other

Student can complete forms with personal information about self
or others.

Countries (Chile, Germany, Morocco, New Zealand, etc.)

Regions (Europe, Asia, The Caribbean, etc.)

Languages (English, Spanish, Korean, Thai, etc.)

Nationalities (Vietnamese, Columbian, Spanish, Greek, etc.)

Can (I can speak Japanese, and some French. I can cook some
Indian dishes that my Mom makes.)
Lesson C Voice Tools Listening and responding
14-17 April 9C What kinds of Listen to questions about your country and record true responses.
things can a
tourist see and CEFR
do in your Student can use simple phrases and sentences to describe where
he or she lives and people he or she knows.

Sightseeing activities (go to the beach, go shopping, etc)

Nationalities (Chinese, Indian, Thai, Spanish, etc.)

Can (You can see people in traditional clothes. You can eat out in
local restaurants.)
Lesson D My blog Writing
18–21 April 9D I want to go Write and reply to a blog about traveling to a city and what people
to . . . can do there.

Student can complete forms with personal information about self
or others.

Sightseeing activities (go shopping, take a boat trip, visit historical
sites, eat local food, etc.)

Countries (Japan, Sweden, Tunisia, Mexico, etc.)

Regions (Europe, Asia, North America, etc.)

Can (You can buy local crafts. You can go to a theater and see
traditional dancing.)
Unit test
22-23 April
Unit Lesson LMS Activity Learning Outcomes and Target Language
study dates
Lesson A Voice Tools Listening and responding
Unit 24 April-27 April 10A What did Listen to sentences and record a true response about one's evening
10 you do last activities.
24 night?
April- CEFR
11 My blog
May Student can interact in a simple way.
10A Last night
Write and reply to a blog about last night's activities.

Student can fill in personal forms about self or others.

Time expressions for the past (last night, last week, before dinner

Simple past statements (Last night I watched TV and read a book. I
cooked dinner and cleaned the house.)
Lesson B Voice tools Listening and responding
28 April– 1 May 10B Did you read Listen to questions and record true short answers.
a good book last
summer? CEFR
Student can interact in a simple way.
My blog
10B My week
Write and reply to a blog about last week.

Student can fill in personal forms about self or others.

Time expressions for the past (last night, last week, before dinner

Simple past statements, yes-no questions and short answers e.g.
(Did you go to bed late last night? No. I was tired from work. I slept
most of the weekend.)
Lesson C
2 -5 May

Lesson D My blog Writing

6- 9 May 4D A day to Write and reply to a blog about a day to remember.
Student can fill in personal forms about self or others.

Time expressions for the past (last night, last week, before dinner

Simple past statements (We went to an Egyptian exhibit at the
museum. I drove home from work.)

Order events with before, after, when, and then (We had lunch and
then went shopping. We went to a movie after dinner.)
Unit test
10-11 May
Unit Lesson LMS Activity Learning Outcomes and Target Language
study dates
Lesson A Voice Tools Listening and responding
Unit 12-15 May 11A What do you Listen to questions about childhood firsts and record true
11 remember about responses using the simple past of be as needed.
your first day at
12– 29 school? CEFR
May Student can use simple phrases and sentences to describe where
My blog
he or she lives and people he or she knows.
11A First
Write and reply to a blog about first day memories.

Student can fill in personal forms about self or others.

Adjectives to describe feelings (nervous, scared, angry, shy, excited,

Simple past of be in statements, yes-no questions and short
answers e.g. Do you remember your first day? Yes. I was really
nervous. I was really shy around the other kids.
Lesson B Voice Tools Listening and responding
16 – 19 May 11B Where did Listen to questions about a vacation and record true responses
you go on using the simple past of be/go/get as needed.
vacation last
year? CEFR
Student can ask about people and respond to information.
My blog
11B My best
vacation ever
Write and reply to a blog about the best vacation ever.

Student can complete forms with personal information about self
or others.

Expressions with go and get (We went hiking in Peru. I got a new
camera for the trip.)

Simple past information questions (Where did you go on vacation?
We went Brazil. I went on a trip to Europe with my friends.)
Lesson C
20 – 23 May
Lesson D My blog Writing
24-27May 11D A funny Write and reply to a blog about a funny story.
Student can use simple phrases and sentences to describe where
he or she lives and people he or she knows.

Adjectives to describe feelings (nervous, scared, angry, shy, excited,

Expressions with go and get (We went hiking in Peru. I got a new
camera for the trip.)

Simple past of be in statements (I was so embarrassed. She was
fifteen minutes late and we were all waiting.)
Unit test
28-29 May
Unit Lesson LMS Activity Learning Outcomes and Target Language
study dates
Lesson A Voice tools Listening and responding
Unit 30 May – 2 June 12A What foods Listen to questions about eating habits and record true responses
12 do you like? using many / much, a lot, and countable and uncountable nouns as
30 needed.
May –
16 My blog
12A My family’s
Student can interact in a simple way.
eating habits

Write and reply to a blog about family eating habits.

Student can fill in personal forms about self or others.

Food and food groups (shellfish, fruit, vegetables, bananas, cheese,
eggs, etc.)

Expressions for eating habits (vegetarian, picky, allergic, diet, etc.)

Countable and uncountable nouns (carrots, potatoes, eggs, bread,
milk, rice, etc.)

How much . . . ? and How many . . . ? (Do you eat much fruit? I
don’t like many kinds of vegetables.)

A lot of, much and many (We eat a lot of meat and pasta. We don’t
eat much spicy food.)
Lesson B My blog Writing
3 – 6 June 12B This evening Write and reply to a blog about plans for this evening.
I’d like to . . .
Student can complete forms with personal information about self
or others.

Food and food groups (shellfish, fruit, vegetables, bananas, cheese,
eggs, etc.)

Countable and uncountable nouns (carrots, potatoes, eggs, bread,
milk, rice, etc.)

Would you like (to) . . . ? and I’d like (to) . . . (Would you like to go
out to dinner this evening? I’d like to stay home and have dinner
Some and any (We don’t have any food at home. We need to buy
some bread and milk.)
Lesson C Voice tools Listening and responding
7 –10 June 12C What do you Listen to questions about lunch habits and record true responses
usually do for using or something / or anything as needed.
Student can interact in a simple way.

Food and food groups (shellfish, fruit, vegetables, bananas, cheese,
eggs, etc.)

Adjectives to describe restaurants

Countable and uncountable nouns (soup, a sandwich, a salad, etc.)
Lesson D My blog Writing
11 – 14 June 12D A great Write and reply to a blog about a great place to eat.
place to eat
Student can complete forms with personal information about self
or others.

Food and food groups

Adjectives to describe restaurants (a fast-food restaurant, a good

Italian restaurant, a cheap café, etc.)

Countable and uncountable nouns (carrots, potatoes, eggs, bread,
milk, rice, etc.)

Some and any (There are some vegetarian dishes. There aren’t any
good restaurants around here.)

A lot of, much and many (They have a lot of different kinds of pasta.
There aren’t many dishes without eggs or milk.)
Unit test
15 -16 June
End of
Module Test
17 -18 June

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