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TIN No. 07590049084 PAN No. AAFPD 1857 R


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1 Lab Electronic Balance: Digital Direct weighing.

a) Cap. 500gm Sensitivity 0.1gm (100mg). Routine quality Each
b) Cap. 600gm Sensitivity 0.1gm (100mg). Superior. quality Each
c) Cap. 300gm Sensitivity 0.01gm (10mg) Routine quality Each
d) Cap. 300gm Sensitivity 0.01gm (10mg) with re-chargeable battery back-up
superior quality Each
e) Cap. 300gm Sensitivity 0.005gm (5mg) with re-chargeable battery back-up
superior quality Each
2 Single Pan Analytical Balance: Electric Cum Battery Operated. Deluxe Model.
Mechanical, Digital with full locking system Cap. 200gms. Sensitivity. 0.1mgm
Scales Range. 100mgm. Each
3 Analytical Balance: Saratarious type short triangular beam with vertical
arrestment, Teak wood case. Sensitivity - 0.1 mg. Capacity - 200 gm:
Varanasi Make. Each
4 Analytical Balance: Medium Price Sartarious type short beam vertical
Arrestment. Teak wood case Sensitivity-0.1 mg.Capacity-200gm
Varanasi Make, Superior quality Each
5 Analytical Balance: Short Aluminium Alloy Beam. Varanasi Make.
Sensitivity-0.1 mg.Capacity-200gm Each
5 Low Price Semi Analytical (Chemical) Balance : Varanasi make
Sensitivity - 0.2 mg. Capacity — 200 gm. Each
6 Physical Balance: with divided door Teak wood case and expended support.
Varanasi make. Sensitivity - 0.5 mg. Capacity — 200 gm. Each
7 Beranger Balance: Without weights.
a) Capacity 2 kg Each
b) Capacity 5 kg Each
8 Top-Pan : dial type Balance :
Capacity 500gm 1 kg. 2 kg. 5 kg.
Rate Each


9 Weight Boxes. 1mgm-100 gm

a) Chemical (Semi Analytical) Each
b) Analytical Quality, ‘CSI’ Weights Nickle plated. Well finished Each
c) Analytical ‘CSI’ Superior quality Weight Brass, Chrome plated Accurate Each

d) Analytical ‘CSI’ Very Superior Export quality weight accurately calibrated.

Accuracy guaranteed. All weights Brass with works test certificate. Each
10 Fractional Weights : 1 mg to 500 mg.
a) Good quality. Chemical, with rider Each
b) Superior quality, Analytical, with rider Each
c) 'UTC' makes. Accuracy guaranteed. Each
11 Rider: Aluminium 5/10 mg. doz
12 Forceps : Stainless steel 4” Each
13 Loose gram Weights: Analytical. Chrome plated
Weights 1 gm 2 gm 5 gm 10 gm 20 gm 50 gm 100 gm
Rate Each
14 Weights for Beranger balance :
a) 50 gm - 1 kg. Set
b) 50 gm - 2 kg. Set
Note: all above balances & weight boxes are for lab use only-Not for trade.

Charts : (Ordinary)

1 Charts: Chemistry Printed charts in Hindi & English (list of available charts can
be send on request) size. 55x90 cm. Beautiful Lamination charts. Each
2 Charts:- On Polyart, thick PVC, Very Superior Size: 75x100cm Each
Periodic Table, Laboratory Safety, Laboratory Technique, pH Colour
3 CHARTS: On Rexine. D-Bios Make. Size. 100x74cm Each

Note for Bio-visual make charts.- See separate list


16a) Chart Rack: For 24 Charts. All metal. Each

b) Chart Rack: For 36 Charts. All metal. Each
c) Chart Display stand. All metal Adjustable. Each
17 Test tube holder :
a) Wire type. Superior. Zinc plated. Each
b) Thick quality Nickel, plated Superior Each
c) Chrome plated Superior. Each
d) Extra Superior quality. Brass Rust-less Each
18 Crucible Tonge: Superior quality Size: 6” 8”
a) Iron N.P. Each
b) Brass N.P. Each
c) Stainless Steel Each
19 Blow pipe : Brass Nickel plated
a) Routine quality Each
b) Thick, Superior quality Each
20 Pinch clip :
i) Wire type a) Routine quality Each
b) Superior quality. Thick wire. Each
ii) Screw type ( Adjustable). Superior quality Each
21 Cork borer set : Set of 3 Set of 6
a) Brass. Nickel plate Set
b) Extra superior. German pattern Set
22 Cork Pressure: Wheel pattern Iron Painted. Each
23 Rubber Cork: No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Rate Doz
No. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Rate Doz
24 Cork Rubber: Acid Alkali proof. Soft
a) For small test tube & woulf bottle Doz
b) For 250ml, & 500ml flask Doz
c) Assorted No. 1-12 doz
25 Charcoal Blocks : Compressed, Superior quality, Size 4" x 1" x 1" Doz
26 Charcoal Borer: Superior with handle. Each
27 Clamps with boss head :-
a) Moulded, Oxidised, Superior. Medium. To hold burette & test tube use. Each
b) Clamp Jaw type. Brass oxidised. Medium. To hold condenser & flask and
another general use. Each
c) Clamp-three finger type ( Large). Brass Moulded. Oxidised Medium size. To
hold condenser & flask etc. Each
d) Superior quality complete with boss head. Die-Casted. Large Size Each
28 Burette clamp: Fisher type. Easy to hold the burette & no possibility of any
breakage. for One burette
a) Superior. Die-pressed. Metallic Each
b) Polythene POLYLAB make. fisher type. Superior quality. Each
29 Ring with boss head: Black painted. Funnel holder.
Dia 2" 3" 4"
Rate each
30 Iron Stand: 8" x 5" base and rod 24", complete with oxidised clamp and boss
a) Routine quality with small oxidized clamp and boss head Each
b) Superior quality with oxidised Universal Jaw type clamp and boss head. Each
c) Retort stand: Extra Superior, Export quality Polypropylene POLYLAB Make.
Base & rod only
Base Size 22x15cm 30x20cm
Rate Each
31 Tripod-Stand:-
a) Routine Quality. Triangular top. Black painted
Height 6" 8"
Rate Each
b) Superior with thick legs. Zinc coated Sturdy.
Height 6" 8"
Rate Each
32 Wire gauge : With asbestos centre 6"x6"
a) Good quality Each
b) Superior quality Each
c) Superior thick' G.I. Wire Each
d) Export quality made from thick G.I. wire with having frame of all sides Each
33 Bunsen burner :
a) Brass Pipe, Routine quality Each
b) Thick Brass pipe. Superior Each
c) Export quality. On heavy base with thick brass N.P pipe ‘PARCO’/ Fitwell Each
d) Export quality. fitted with tap for closing the gas. Each
34 Mecker burner: large size each
35 Spirit lamp :
a) Soda glass Each
b) Aluminium. Die pressed, Base jointless. Each
c) Stainless Steel. Die pressed, Base jointless Each
36 Deflagrating spoon :
a) All iron. Each

b) All brass. Each

37 Sodium spoon: Nickle plated Each
38 Triangular file: With handle.
a) Superior New 5" long. Each
b) Extra superior 6" long J.K. make Each
39 Round file: With handle. Superior quality. 6" long. Each
40 Test tube brush: Nylon.
a) Good quality Doz
b) Superior quality. Thick hair & thick wire. Doz
41 Burette brush: Nylon.
a) Good quality Each
b) Superior quality. Thick hair & thick wire Each
42 Pipette brush: Nylon. Good quality. Each
43 Sand bath: Circular Dia 6" (15 cm) Made of G.I. sheet thick. Each
44ia Spatula : 6" long. Stainless- Steel. Routine quality. Each
b) Spatula : 6" long. Stainless- Steel .Superior thick Each
ii)a) Spatula : POLYLAB .P.P Size: 6” Each
b) Spatula : POLYLAB .P.P Size: 8” Each
45 Gas jar cover :Glass. Dia. 7.5 cm
a) Cut edged. Routine quality.. Each
b) Superior. Ground edged. Each
46 Label book :
a) Self Adhesive labels for Chemicals/Reagent with formula having 248 labels Book
b) Loose P.V.C. lable sheets for Chemicals of General use. Double colour printing
with excellent self adhesive. (9 pcs) Sheet
c) Plane lables Sticker type (pkt of 40 pcs) Pkt
47 Platinum wire: Fused in Glass rod. Complete with the test tube.
a) Good quality. Each
b) EKI made from imported platinum wire. Each
48 Filter Pump :
a) Borosil glass. Each
b) Metal N.P. Each
49 Water tap: Swan Neck. Brass. Chrome plated. Superior heavy pattern
a) 1 Way Each
b) 2 Way Each
c) 3 Way Each
50 Gas tap: Good quality fitted with leak proof stop-cock.
a) 1 way 2 way 3 way 4 way
Rate Each
b) Extra superior quality Mansfield type, heavy quality fitted with leak proof Each
superior stop cock. All brass
1 way 2 way 3 way 4 way
51i) Test Tube Stand : 6 holes & 6 pegs. Wooden
a) Good quality Each
b) Superior polished. Well finished Each
ii) Test Tube Stand : 6 holes & 6 pegs Polythene
a) Superior quality. made from fresh raw material. Each
b) Very superior. made from heavy density raw material. Fixed POLYLAB Each
c) Very Sup. POLYLAB for 25 mm(1”) test tubes. Each
52 Burette stand :
a) All metal. Extra superior. 8" x 5". Hammertone finished base. Rod zinc coated
rustless. Complete with superior quality fisher type clamp. Each

b) 22x15 cm PVC heavy base with steel PVC coated Rod and PVC fisher type
clamp. Totally rust proof. POLYLAB make Each
53 Pipette stand : Polythene POLYLAB make
a) Horizontal for 12 pipette Each
b) Round for 28 pipette. Very Superior quality, heavy base. Export quality Each
54 Funnel Stand :
a) All metal. Base 8" x 5". Hammertone finished Rod zinc coated rustless. Complete
with ring/polythene funnel holder. Each
b) 22x15 cm PVC heavy base with steel PVC coated Rod and PVC Funnel holder.
Totally rust proof. POLYLAB make. Each
55 Water Bath : With concentric rings Made of Copper
Size 4" 5" 6"
56 Water Bath : Electrical 'CSI' make Double walled Fully automatic. Fitted with
temperature control thermostat. Inside Chamber made of Stainless Steel.
a) 6 holes of 3" dia. Each
b) 12 holes of 3" dia. Each
57 Hot Plate :
a) Single. Round with cord & plug Each
b) ‘CSI’ Single.Extra superior, Fitted with 3 way rotary energy switch 1500. watts Each
58 Distillation Apparatus: Borosil glass. Fitted with standard quick fit joints
i) having a flask, leibig Condenser, L-type connecting. Thermometer pocket and
receiving bend.
a) Flask cap. 250 ml Each
b) Flask cap. 500 ml Each
c) Flask cap. 1000 ml Each
58 Distillation Apparatus: "CSI" Electrical, Wall pattern. Automatic. (For
Pyrogen free Distilled water). Stainless-steel. Superior, thick sheet.
Capacity- 4 liter. Each
59 Melting point apparatus : "CSI" For determination of single or mixed melting
points upto 35o C having low high provision with energy regulator, thermometer
make. Each
60 Centrifuge Machine: Hand driven "CSI' which can be fitted on the table
a) Four tubes: Good quality, Complete with "Soda glass" centrifuge tubes. Each
b) Four tubes, Extra superior. Heavy pattern. With 'Borosil glass' centrifuge tubes Each
60 Centrifuge Machine: Electrical, 'CSI' .Superior quality. Fitted with heavy duty
motor & speed regulator. 4 tubes Each
61 Vacuum pump : 'CSI' Electrical, Fitted with 1/4 H.P. motor with moisture trap
& vacuum gauge. each
62 Oven: 'CSI' make. Laboratory type. Double walled. To work on 220 volt,
(i) temperature 35oC-250oC, Fully automatic Fitted with temperature control
Size 12"x12"x12" 14"x14"x14" 18"x18"x18"
a) Aluminium Chamber Each
b) Stainless-steel Chamber Each

ii) Oven: 'CSI' make Mammert type. Double walled. To work on 220 volt,
temperature 35oC-250oC, Fully automatic Extra superior. Fitted with element on
three sides & automatic temperature Control thermostat
Size 12"x12"x12" 14"x14"x14" 18"x18"x18"
a) Aluminium Chamber Each
b) Stainless-steel chamber Each
63 Spare Elements, For Distillation Apparatus .1500 watts

a) Non-automatic. Good quality Each

b) Automatic cut of arrangement. Superior Each
c) 'ISI' marked with automatic cut-off. Extra superior Each
64 PH Meter : Digital (Table Model) with Manual Temp. Compensation and
a) combination PH Electrode. 3½ digit. LED Display. Each
b) PH Meter: Digital ,Pen type: Imported Each
65 Magnetic Stirrer : CSI with hot plate. Stainless Steel top, Variable speed.
a) Capacity 1 liter Each
b) Capacity 2 liter Each
66 Heating Mantle:- Tempr. Upto 350deg.C, mantles are lagged with special grade
Mineral wool with energy regulator.
a) for flask 250 or 500ml Each
b) for flask 1 lit. Each
c) for flask 2 lit. Each
67a) Silica Crucible : 15 ml. without lid Each
b) Silica Crucible : 15 ml. with lid Each


68 Filter Paper sheet Indian Handmade Superior quality Size:18½" x 22½" Ream
69 Filter paper packet: 100 circles. Round shape
a) Indian Good quality, Handmade
Dia 11 cm 12.5 cm
Rate Pkt
b) Superior Indian, machine made Dr. Watts make.
Dia 11 cm 12.5 cm
Rate Pkt
c) Very Superior quality as good as Whatman No. 1 English GEM/SONAR Make.
Dia 11 cm. 12.5 cm 15 cm
Rate Pkt
d) Whatman No. 1, Made in England
Dia 11 cm. 12.5 cm
Rate Pkt
e) Whatman No. 40, 41, 42. Made in England.
Dia 11 cm. 12.5 cm
Rate Pkt
70 Filter Paper: Sheets. For chromatography. sheet


71 China Dish :Size 2" 3" 4" 5"

a) Routine 2nd quality Each
b) Superior 1st quality Each
72 Crucible: Porcelain. 15ml ,With lid.
a) Routine quality Each
b) Superior. having, high heating resistance power Each
73 Clay pipe Triangles: Porcelain Each
74 Procelain tiles : Glazed, Superior. Size 4"x4" Each
74 Procelain tiles : Glazed, Superior. Size 6"x6" Each
75 Beehive Shelve: Procelain. 3" Each
76 Pestle & Mortar: Procelain. Superior quality.
Dia 4" 5" 6" 8"
Rate Each
77 Descicator Plate : Spare

Size 4" 5" 6" 8"

Rate Each
78 Cavity plates: Spotting tiles. Required for Titrations
a) 6 Cavity Each
b) 12 Cavity Each
79 Buckner funnel: Dia. 2" 3" 4" 6"
Rate Each


80 Aspirator bottle: POLYLAB with leak proof stop cock.

a) Capacity. 5 lit. Each
b) Capacity. 10 lit. Each
81 Beaker P.P. POLYLAB
Capacity 50 100 250 500 1000 2000ml
Rate Each
82 Descicator : POLYLAB PP/PC
a) Dia. 150mm (6”) Each
b) Dia. 200mm (8”) Each
83 Funnel: Very Superior P.P. POLYLAB
Dia 2" 3" 4"
Rate Each
84. Funnel holder: POLYLAB for Iron Stand Each
85. Kipp's Apparatus: Polythene. Fitted with stop cock. Heavy duty POLYLAB
a) Capacity 250ml Each
b) Capacity 500ml Each
c) Capacity 1000ml Each
86 Washing Bottle : Capacity 250 500 1000ml
Superior ‘POLYLAB Each
87 Atomic Model Set : 'CSI' Routine Sup. 1st POLYLAB
a) 60 ball in box, Set
b) 120 balls, in Box Set
c) 360 balls, in Box Set
88 Syphon : Polypropylene. Automatic, superior quality Each
88a) Dropping Bottle: POLYLAB Size 60ml Each
b) Dropping Bottle: POLYLAB Size 125ml Each


89a) Test Tube: Pyrex type. Ordinary. Routine quality. Size: 5”x5/8” Gross
b) Test Tube: Neutral thick glass. Heat Resistant as good as Borosil.
(100 pcs Box packing)
Size 125x15mm 150x15mm 150x18mm 150x25mm Each
c) Test Tube: BOROSIL
Size 125x15 150x15 150x18 150x25mm
Rate Each
90 Glass Tubing : Lab Size, Soft glass Kg
91 Glass Roding : Lab Size. Soft glass Kg
92a) Capillary Tube: For melting point Pkt
b) Capillary Tube: superior, Fine bore Pkt
93 Ignition tube : Superior quality Gross


94 Aspirator bottle:
Capacity 1 2 2.5 3 5 Liter
Rate Each
95 Beaker:
Capacity 50 100 250 500 1000ml
a) Soda glass Each
96 Burette-50x1/10ml. Fitted with glass stop cock
a) Neutral glass. Routine quality. Each
b) Neutral glass. superior quality Each
c) Borosil glass. Routine quality Each
d) BOROSIL, superior quality. With Teflon screw type stop cock. Each
e) POLYLAB Transparent with leak proof stop cock. Plastic PMMA/TPX each
97 Bell jar :Height x Dia 20 x 10cm 22.5 x 15 cm.
a) Knobbed stopper Each
b) Ground stopper Each
98 Condenser Leibig: Size 20 25 30 40 cm
a) Borosil glass Each
b) Neutral glass. Size 30cm Each
99 Condenser Reflex: Coil type BOROSIL glass Each
100 Descicator: With cover. ADD DECICATOR PLATE RATE with soda glass
Size 10 12.5 15 20 cm
a) Soda glass Each
b) Plastic POLYLAB Each
101 Dropping Bottle: (Dropper type).
Cap. 30ml 60ml 125ml
Rate Each
b) Dropping Bottle: T.K. Pattern. Soda glass.
Cap. 30ml 60ml 125ml
Rate Each
102 Distillation Flask : 'BOROSIL' with side arm
Capacity 100 250 500 1000ml
Rate Each
103 Evaporating dishes : BOROSIL/DURAN. 80x45mm Each
104 Flask Conical : Cap.100 150 250 500 ml 1000ml
a) Soda glass Each
b) BOROSIL' Each
105 Flask-Flat Bottom :
Capacity 100 250 500 1000ml
a) Soda glass Each
b) 'BOROSIL' Each

106 Flask Round Bottom:

Capacity 100 250 500 1000ml
a) Soda glass Each
b) 'BOROSIL' Each
107 Flask Filtering:
Capacity 250 500 1000ml
108 Flask-Volumetric (Measuring) :

Capacity 50 100 250 500 1000 2000ml

a) Soda glass Each
b) 'BOROSIL Each
109 Funnel :Dia 5 6.25 7.5 10 cm
a) Soda glass Each
b) 'BOROSIL' Each
110 Gas Jar : Soda glass. Size 6"x2" Each
110 Gas Jar : Soda glass. Size 8"x2" Each
110 Kipp's Apparatus : Capacity 250 500 1000ml
a) POLYLAB Sup. Quality Each
b) Soda Glass Each
c) BOROSIL' Each
111 Kjeldahal. Flask, 'BOROSIL'
Capacity 100 300 500ml
Rate Each
112 Measuring cylinder :
Capacity 10 25 50 100 250 500 1000ml
b) Soda glass Each
c) 'BOROSIL' Each
113 Pipette -volumetric : One mark
Capacity 1 2 5 10 20 25ml
a) Neutral glass Each
b) Borosil glass Each
c) 'BOROSIL' Each
114 Pipette -Graduated (Measuring) :
Capacity 1 2 5 10 25ml
a) Neutral glass Each
b) Borosil glass Each
c) 'BOROSIL' Each
115 Reagent bottle : Soda glass.
Capacity 60ml 125 250 500 1000ml
a) Narrow mouth Each
b) Wide mouth Each
116 Reagent bottle : Amber colour, Narrow mouth
Capacity 125 250ml
Rate Each
117 Retort : Capacity 250 500ml
Borosil glass
118 Separating funnel : Capacity 125ml 250ml 500ml
b) Borosil glass
119 Sprit Lamp : Soda glass Each

120 Soxhlet Apparatus: 'BOROSIL' glass Complete with flask, condenser and
extractor. Fitted with standard inter-changeable joints.
a) Flask size 250ml. Extractor size 60ml Each
b) Flask size 500ml. Extractor size 100ml Each
c) Flask size 2000ml Extractor size 200 ml Each
121 Test tube: 'BOROSIL'glass Stoppered with Ground Stopper. 18x150 mm Each
121 Test tube: with side U-tube for carbonate test. 'BOROSIL'glass Each
122 Thistle Funnel :

a) All glass, Good quality. Each

b) Neutral glass, Superior quality. Each
c) Borosil glass. each
123 Trough : Size 8"x4" 10"x4" 12"x5"
a) Soda glass Each
b) POLYLAB Plastic Superior Each
124 Winchester bottle :
Capacity 2 3 5 10 liter
Rate Each
125 Woulf bottle : Soda glass. Capacity 250 ml Each
b) Woulf bottle : Soda glass. Capacity 500 ml Each
126 Weighing bottle : with glass stopper
a) Plastic, transparent Each
b) Neutral glass Each
c) Borosil glass Each
d) 'BOROSIL Each
127 Watch glass : Size 2" 3" 4"
a) Routine quality Doz
b) Superior quality Doz

128 Hand Gloves : Acid and Alkali proof, Superior
a) Medium Pair
b) Large Pair
129i Vaccupet : (Pipette sucker). No need of sucking by mouth
a) Rubber, Bulb type Each
b) Plastic Knob type Each
ii) Pipette bulb: Soft , red rubber Small Medium Large
130 Rubber tubing :
a) 6 mm. bore Routine quality 10mt
b) 6 mm. bore Superior quality 10mt.
c) 8 mm. bore Routine quality 10mt
d) 8 mm. bore Superior quality 10mt.
e) Pressure type Extra Superior thick walled ISI Marked to Work with L.P.G.
Burners. 1.5 mt. piece Each
f) Pressure type Extra Superior thick walled ISI Marked to Work with L.P.G. Each
Burners. 1 mt. piece
131 Apron: Plastic. To cover front of body Each
132 Apron Coat: (Lab coat). For use of students & teachers (Doctor's type)
a) Good quality, Cotton Each
b) Superior quality, Terricot Each
133 Balance Cover :
a) Good quality Each
b) Superior quality, thick plastic Each
134 Stop Watch :
a) Electronic Digital 1/100th Sec. Imported. Routine quality Each
b) Electronic Digital 1/100th Sec. Racer India. Superior Each
c) Mechanical 1/10th sec. metal body. Superior quality Each
135 Thermometer : Good Quality Superior quality,accuracy guaranteed
a) o
110 C x 1/2 Co Each
b) 110o C x 1/5o C Each
c) 110o C x 1/10o C Each

d) 360o C Each
136 Dropper : Glass, with rubber teats
a) Small. Routine quality Doz
b) Small Superior quality 4” Doz
c) 6" long Each
d) Superior quality with rubber teats. With bulb. to fit in reagent bottles of
60ml ,125 ml and to avoid fuming Each
e) Superior quality with rubber teats. With bulb. to fit in reagent bottles of
250 ml and to avoid fuming Each
137 Spare Item for Kipp's Apparatus.
a) Stop Cock: Neutral glass, ordinary quality to be fitted in Kipp’s using Rubber
cork. Each
b) Same as above but made of Borosil glass. Each
c) Stop cock for Borosil make Kipp's Apparatus having quick fit standard joints
(Same as Borosil stop cock). Each
d) Thistle Funnel for Kipp's Apparatus to be fitted in Kipp's by using rubber cork. Each
e) Thistle Funnel to be fitted in Borosil make Kipp's Apparatus having quick fit
standard joints. Each
138 Spare Jet for Burettes:
a) Neutral glass Doz
b) 'BOROSIL' glass. Superior Thick Each
139 Thermos Flask each
140 Spare metal Plates: with terminals Zinc Copper Aluminium Iron.
a) Routine quality Each
b) Superior thick Each
141 Connecting Wire : D.C.C.S.W.G - 22 500gm
142 Plug Key: One way. Superior Each
143 Voltmeter/Ammeter/Galvanometer (Any one) :
a) Routine quality with Desk stand. Each
b) ‘CSI’ Very Superior accurately calibrated MO-65 Round Shaped accuracy 1.5%
complete with sturdy desk stand having locking type socket terminals. Each
c) ‘CSI’ Extra Superior Square shape Our Deluxe Export Model DCF-80 fitted on
ABS desk stand. Each
d) OSAW makes. Accuracy 2.5 % with Works Test Certificate.Model-MO-65 Each
144 Viscometer Ostwald : Borosil glass each
145 Stalagmometer : Borosil glass Each
146 Syringe : Plastic with needle Each
147 Musline Cloth : Mt.
148 Calcium Chloride tower : Made of Borosil glass Each
149 Haffman's Voltammeter : Borosil glass Each
150 Fractionating Column : Borosil glass
a) 4 bulb Each
b) 6 bulb Each
c) 8 bulb Each
151 Test Tube with a Side U Tube : Borosil glass Gas tube-for Carbonate test Each
152 Nickel Crucible with Lid : 15ml 25ml 50 ml
Rate Each
153 Self Adhesive Lable Book for Chemicals with formula having 248 lables. book
154 Loose P.V.C. Sticker label sheets for Chemicals of General Use. Double Colour
Printing with excellent self adhesive (9 pcs) Sheet
155 Crystal Model:-
a) Sodium Chloride. Each
b) Sodium Chloride.- arranged in acrylic case Each

c) Graphite Each
d) Graphite- arranged in acrylic case Each
e) Diamond. Each
f) Diamond -arranged in acrylic case Each
156 Sprayer: Borosil glass, with rubber bellows. Each
157 Parchment Paper Sheet
158 Blue Glass Each
a) Routine quality Each
b) Original, Blue- Cobalt glass Each

Thanking You,

Yours Faithfully,

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