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eitoc.rrB,voL.Jr,No.r, rses vMk/,
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Zero gravity of free-surfaceflow over a weir

Depaftmentof Mathamatics,lnstitutTeknologiBandungJln Ganesha10 Eandung40132;
Telp : (022) 250 2545;Fax: (022) 250 6450

Septembor received:
1998; revision February

flow overa weir in a charurelof hnite deptr is presented
Theexactsolutionof free-surface for a thin weir with variousueir heights.
This exactsolutioncan be obtainedby neglectingthe efTcctof gravity.This is an exteme caseu'hich can be uscd to tuiswer
why do we haveto inclinethewall to obtainsolutionswith a curvingbackjet but the tlow leavesthc wall snroothly.
a question:
Keywords. Bernoulli'sequation;
Cauchy'sintegralformula;frc'e-surface flow;hodograph variable; I.aplace's 'zcrogravitl'.

Gravitasi nol dari aliran perrnuhaln bcbasyang melervatibendung
Solusieksakdarialiranpennukaanbebasyangmelompatibeudurgpadasuatusalurandengankedalarnan-hingga disrurrpaikmdalam
tulisanini, yaitu untuk bendungtipis dengankstinggianbervariasi.Solusi ini dapat dipcrolehdengm mengabaikanpengaruh
gravitasi.Hal ini merupakankasusekstrcmyang dapatdigunakanuntuk menjawabpertanyaan: lnengapakita hans rncrniringkan
dindingbendung untukmendapatkan solusidenganjet yangmernbaliktetapialirarurya
meninggalkan dindingdenganmulus.
Kata kunci:PersanuanBenroulli: runtusintegml'Cauchy;aliran pernrukaanbebas;vaiabel lrc<logmph;persanaa,tlaplace;

I Introduction asGoh[2] Ibr ajet cutergilgfronta rro:azle,

Tuck& Vanden-Broeck [3] for ploughing{lou's.
A free-surface flow producinga jet canbe seenin mally
engineering problerns.An exarnplefor this florv is the Tlte extrernecascof flow over a weir can coutributcto
problem here,i.e.rvhenrvaterflowsovera $eir. Sincea zurswcr a queslionin Dias & Tuck [l], i.e. transitional
free boundaryis the cluracter of the jet, and this solutionsbetrveen florvsover a weir (Figurel(a)) anda
expresses a nonlinearconditiorqthc boundary back-tuming jet (Figurel(b)). NotethatFigurel(a) and
valueproblemof tle rveir florv is difllcult to solve (b) arefronrDias& Tuck [] and Wiryanto& Tuck [1]
analytically,evenfor a steadyflorv.This rnajordilliculty respectively. The transilionalsolutionis a back-turnirrg
increases by the elevationof the free surfacervhichis jet with a smoothseparation of thc free surfaceleaving
unknownbefore. the wall (seeWiryanto& Tuck [5J).nre zero-gravity
solutionindicatesthat the last rype of solutions,such
In thispapcr,we presentan exactsolutionof florv overa cornputed by Wiryanto& Tuck [5], canbe obtaincdby
weirby assumingthat the inlluenceof gravityrelativeto incliningthewall asdescribed at theendof thispaper.
inertia is negligible.Physically,the jet asynrptotes
dorvnstrearn to a urifonn strearnwldch is straightard
inclinesupn'ard at the same unique angle to bc
deterrnined. The mathematical solutioncanbe obtained 2 Boundary value problem of zero-gravity
exactlyvia thehodograph transfonnation. This neglectof
gravitysirnplifiesthe probleurof dcterrniningtftc free-
surfaceangle,since the I'elocity magnitudeis thcn Let us considerthe steadytrvo-dimensional flow of an
constzurtalongthesefree surfaces.The siuneresult,but inviscidincornpressiblefluid in a charurel
of finitedcptlr.
onlyfor a vedcal wall, canbc secnin thepaperby Dias A urifonn slrerunis generai.edfar upstrcanrvithveloclty
& Tuck []. In the prescntrvork,t'c solvetlte problern Lr and depth/), ard an inclinedrvall rvitl height lIz
for a general anglep of the rvall (seethe sketchof the disturbs tlte stream. Therefore, tlte flow rises up
florv in Figure 2(a)). Other refereucesfor zero-gravity continuosly rvhentle effectof gravityis neglected.Tliis
sQlutions of differentproblemscanbe readin rvorkssuclt risingstrearntcndsto beconrea urifonn oneu'ith algle
4", Thesketchof Ilorvis sho*n in Figure2(a).
PROC.ITB. VOL.3], NO, I, ]999 PT



Figure 1 (a) A free-surfaceprolileof flow over a verticalweir for g * 0. (b) Flow producinga back-turningjet 3



Figure 2 (a) Sketchof flow.(b) f-plane.(c);-plane On

For convenience, we nondimensionalize the problemby function / satisSing Laplace'sequationsubjectto the real
taking U asthe unit velocityandD as the unit length.In conditions(l) and(2). plan
additioq we denotethe potentialfunction by / and 0re We
In solving thc boundary value problem of d we
streamfunctionby tz, so we can introducethe complex introducea hodographvariable d2 = r - id having a
potential/= (+ iV andthe complexvelocityu - iv = relationship x(
df dz, wlterez = N + r/ represents
tlte flow dornainin tlrc
physicalplane.a andv arethex andy components of the dfn
1 = "", ( 3) whe
velocity.Without loss of generalitywe choose0 = 0, az The
y = 0 at the sepantionpoint D. The free surfaceIJ is a
andan artificialplane(= 6+ irysatis8ing be d
strearnlineyr= l.
On the free surfacesIJ and DJ, where the pressureis f= -Ltoe (. (4)
constant, theBernoulli'sequationyields
The relationship(a) representsa mappingof the flow side
u2+r?=1. (l) ima
domainfrom they'plane to 0re (-plane. This artificial
Meanwhile,the kinematicsconditionson IC and CD planeis a half planelower whereC, D and J are mapped (n-
yield to C = $, t and 0 respectively.In the casewhere the t ut(
hodograph variableJ2is relatedto 6 our boundaryvalue give
4 _-^v ,
: (2) problernis
v20=0 or Yzr=0 (5) 0(€'
where fr is the nonnal vector of the rvall. The
mathematicalmodel is to detenninc the potential subjectto
r= 0 f o r{ < l , (6)
ITB, VOL.3], NO. 1, 1999

The integralin (ll) can be determinedby a substitution

for (> ("
(7) method,and ( I l) becomes
[u-P for l<€<€",
, 2 ( r - B'arctan
along the real (-plane. A condition (6) is the 0(€ )= for f' < l. (12)
consequence of the Bernoulli's equation (l) and t

condition(7) expressesthe kinematicscondilion (2).

Thisboundaryvalue problemis shownin tJtey'planein Therisingunifonnsreamforrnsa jet with angJe
Figure2(b),andthe florv domainin tlte (-planeis sltorvn -+0,",= -t
in Figure2(c).
o(€') +A"rct*J4

as { -+ 0. The jet anglc (13) dcpcnds on the inclining

wall p and the height of the wall presentedby artificial
3 Exact solution parameter4.

Theboundaryvalueproblemdescribedin the previous

sectionis solvedanalyticallyin this section.We first
definea complexquntity 7 relatedto Q

A0 = Qa\ - O'o (8)

This quantity takes into account the squtre root
behaviour at theseparation pointD of theflorv.We tltcn
express (6) and
(8) alongthe real f-axis by substituting

0 0.5 1 1.5 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
k+r- p (e) i
lG) = - . / 6 - t forl<(<(,
Figure 3 Plot of 01etversusw lor p = nl4, a13,#2, and
-ir 2al3 (fromtop to bottom)
for { > {".
Similarly, dre function 4$ can be derived by
Ontlreotherhand,f is an analyticfunctionandtendsto substituting(9) into (10) for | < 6 < 4 arrd€> f. Since
be zero as l(l + co. Therefore,the Cauclty'sintegral (fl appears only in lhe imaginary part of the left hand
formulacanbeapplied to x0 on a pathconsisting of the side of (10), we equate thc same put of the right hand
real(-axis,a semi-circleat 141= o in tltc lorvcrhalf side in the fonn of a dehnite integral.The inte$ation of
plane,anda circleof vanishingradiusabouttlc pointt'. this form gives
WethenletIm(t'; -r o- giving
do= ro,r'r (r4)
xlr -11-aflae,rta r_@ ,
(10) 7t I +{6-tl \116,-
wheret'=f+io. The results(12) and (14) are then usedto evaluatethe
coordinatesofthe freesurfaces from therelationship
Thetangentialof the streamlinealongfree surfacescan
bedetermined by substituting (9) into bothsidesof (10). -tlz
=-_ e-Q
For anypoint f in (-co, l), the left hand side of (10)
reducesto -iqfyJl-{' . Meanrvhile,tle right hand from (3) and(4).If v = ll'/D is
Notetlut (t5) is obtained
sideof (10) containsa complexforrn of integral.Tlte the nondimensional heiglrtof the top edgeof the wall,
imaginarypart of this integral is a definite integralof thisheightsatisfiestherelation
(n - p1t,,[I - 1 in theinterval( l. 6"),thetennscontaining
sinP 1c"e-'
rand 0aredrerealpart.Therefore,theseirnaginaryparts lf'= --l

For a fixedvaluep, theheiglrtw increascs

on incrcasing
Tlrcrefore,a plot of d,a versusw can be madefor
o ( : ' ) = J ' - 6.l'tr ; 2 * f o r f ' < 1 .( l l ) {.
1t ,'/6-t\g-E ) variousvaluesof f". We showthis plot in Figure3 for
p= /d4,td3,rd2utd2rd3.We foundtlut thejet emerges
PROC.ITB, VOL.3], NO.I, ]999

upwardwith a largervalue Qo,as we increasethe wall. 4 Conclusion

But Optneverexceeds7r- p.Therefore,tlrejet always
We havesolvedthe extretnecaseof free-surfaceflow in
crossesthe wall for p > rd2.Tltis explainswhy solutions
a channelof finite dept[ and blockedby an inclined
with ajet curvingbackdo not existfor a verticalrvall,as
wall. In the absenceof gravity, thejet emergesupward
expected in Dias& Tuck ul.
asymptoticallyto a unifonn stream with angle d,.t
On theconlrary,we canexpectto obtainsolutionswith a dependingon the heiglrtw and tlre angle/ of the wall.
jet curvingback for non-zerograyity ff e,, > rd2. Two The plot of Q"tversusw can be usedto indicatewhen
physicalquantitiesplay an importantrole to obtainthis solutions with ajet curvingbackexist.
condition.Theyare the wall angleB andrhewall heighj
p. For the first quantity,p must be lessthan r/2. Then-,
the relationbetweenw and Qo is given by the curvein 5 Rcfercnces
Figure3. Only for pointslying abovethe dashedline C",
= d2 canthejet curveback. l. Dias,F. andTuck,E.O.,Weir flows and waterfalls.
J. FluidtuIech.
2. Goh, K.H.M., Numericalsolutionof quadratically Abs
nonlinearhoundaryvalue problenrsusing integral Mod
equaliotrtechniques,with applicationsto nozzleand Mua
wall flows. Plr.D. thesis, Departmentof Applied t994
Mathernatics,TheUniversityof Adelaide,(1986). coas
3. Tuck, E.O. and Vandcn-Broeck, j.-M., Ploughing by dir
flows, Euro. J. AppliedMath.,9, 463483,(1998). (rvin
(accepted). coas
4 . Wiryanto,L.H. and Tuck,E.O., A back-turmng jct comp
.7 formed by a uniform shallow stream hitting a
vedcal wall, in Proc. Int. Conf On Differential
Figure4 A typicalzero-gravity Equation:ICDE'96 editors:E. van Groesenald E.
Soewono, Kluwer Academic Press, 3'71-379.
f = trl2. (lee7). Sari
5 . Wiryanto,L.H. andTuck,8.O.,A boundary-element
Figure 2(a) and 4 are rypical free surfacefor dillerent
solutionofa free-surface
flow in a blockedchannel,
valuesof B. We computedthesefiguresforp = da nd in Proc. of Computational Techniques and
= td2 tvith the samevalue = B
| 3. We obtain tlat ffie ApplicationsConference:CTAC'?7editors:J. Noye, Perno
heiglrtof thewall is w = forFig.2(a)andw = t.OtS M. TeubnerandA. Gill, World Scientihc,743-750, Jakart
for Fig.4. (lee8). (Nove
3 5 , 1n
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