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SolidWorks 2010 Tutorial 2.

Revolving parts

Part 1: Bottle stopper core

Step 1: Setting up the drawing (using construction lines)

1. Open SolidWorks 2010,
2. Select ‘New’ from ‘File’ menu,
3. Select ‘Part’ from ‘New SolidWorks Document’
dialogue box and click ‘OK’.
4. Left-click on ‘Front Plane’ in the FeatureManager
design tree to activate and select ‘Sketch’ from the
CommandManager (‘Sketch’ tab),
5. Draw a ‘Centreline’ (CommandManager/’Sketch’
tab/‘Line’) from the ‘Origin’ (centre of plane),
6. Use ‘Smart Dimension’ (’Sketch’ tab in the
CommandManager) to constrain the centreline to
7. Draw a line perpendicular to the centreline and
constrain it to 30mm from the bottom of the centreline
and 4.3mm long (horizontal),
8. Click on ‘tick’ to close ‘Smart Dimension’
9. Right-click on line and select ‘Construction Geometry’
from pop-up,
10. Repeat Steps 1.7 – 1.9 for a line 6.5mm in length and
18mm above previous line,
11. Draw a line (not construction) between the right-hand
ends of the construction lines from Steps 1.7 – 1.10,

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Step 2: Sketching the Bottle Stopper core profile (part 1 – taper of core)
1. Within the sketch started in Step 1, draw two horizontal
lines; one from the top (constrained to 3mm in length)
and the other the bottom (constrained to 3mm in
length) of the line from Step 1.10,
2. Select ‘Line’ from CommandManager (‘Sketch tab’),
3. Select ‘Infinite length’ from the ‘Options’ settings in the
‘Insert Line’ PropertyManager,
4. Place line by left-clicking on the end (right-hand) of both
lines from Step 2.1,
5. Select ‘Trim Entities’ from the CommandManager and
‘Trim to closest’ from ‘Options’ in the ‘Trim’
6. Repeat Step 2.5 for the line segment below,
7. Click on upper part of line (red opposite) to trim
8. REMEMBER: the line below is still infinitely long!
Step 3: Sketching the Bottle Stopper core profile (part 2 – tip of core)
1. Select ‘Circle’ from CommandManager and ‘Circle’
from ‘Circle Type’ In ‘Circle’ PropertyManager,
2. Click at desired centre-point for rounded tip (along
vertical centreline,
3. Hover cursor over taper line, which will turn red and a
construction line perpendicular (at 90°) the tangent will
4. Click on line (red) to place circle,
5. Click ‘tick’ to accept,
6. Select ‘Trim Entities’ from the CommandManager and
‘Trim to closest’ from ‘Options’ in the
‘Trim’ PropertyManager,
7. Click on the arc to the left of the centreline
and in the top right segment to trim line (see
vignettes on right),

Step 4: Sketching the Bottle Stopper core profile (part 3 – completing the top/grip)
1. Design an appropriate top/grip for the bottle stopper
core, using appropriate sketch tool (and constraints,
where necessary),
2. When using the ‘Spline’ tool (CommandManager), click
to place the start of the line, and make subsequent clicks
to place ‘Nodes’ to fix the curve,
3. Double-click to complete spline,
4. The splines can be manipulated using the ‘Handles’ ,
5. Click ‘tick’ to close the ‘Spline’ PropertyManager,

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Step 5: Revolving the profile
1. Remaining within the sketch started in Step 1, draw a
line from the top to bottom end of the profile (along the
vertical centreline in Step 1.5),
2. Check that the profile is closed (no gaps),
3. Click ‘Exit Sketch’ ,
4. Click on Sketch1 (Steps 1 - 5) in the
FeatureManager design tree to activate,
5. Select ‘Revolve Boss/Base’ from the ‘Feature’ tab in
the CommandManager,
6. With ‘Axis of revolution’ in the
PropertyManager active (blue), select the
vertical centreline,
7. Ensure that the ‘Revolve Type’ is set to ‘One-
Direction’ and the ‘Angle’ is set to ‘360°’,
8. Click ‘tick’ to accept settings,
9. Add appropriate fillets to edges and save
10. Save part as “Bottle stopper – core”,

End of Part 1

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Part 2: Rubber ferrule

Step 6: Setting up the drawing

1. Select ‘New’ from ‘File’ menu,
2. Select ‘Part’ from ‘New SolidWorks Document’
dialogue box and click ‘OK’.
3. Left-click on ‘Front Plane’ in the FeatureManager
design tree to activate and select ‘Sketch’ from the
CommandManager (‘Sketch’ tab),
4. Draw a ‘Centreline’ (CommandManager/’Sketch’
tab/‘Line’) from the ‘Origin’ (centre of plane),
5. Use ‘Smart Dimension’ (’Sketch’ tab in the
CommandManager) to constrain the centreline to
6. Draw a line perpendicular to the top end of the
centreline and constrain it to 6.5mm long (horizontal),
7. Click on ‘tick’ to close ‘Smart Dimension’
8. Right-click on line and select ‘Construction Geometry’
from pop-up,
9. Repeat Steps 6.6 – 6.8 for a perpendicular line at the
bottom of the centreline, constrained to 4.3mm long
10. Draw a line (not construction) between the right-hand
ends of the construction lines from Steps 6.6 – 6.9,
11. Select ‘Offset Entities’ from the CommandManager, click
on the line drawn in Step 6.10,
12. Set ‘Offset Distance’ to 1mm and select ‘Reverse’ in the
Parameters setting (‘Offset Entities’ PropertyManager),
13. Click ‘tick’ to accept offset settings,

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Step 7: Creating ferrule profile
1. Draw and constrain a 4mm (or 5mm for wider ribs) line
at the top and bottom of the line from Step 6.10
(projecting horizontally to the right)
2. Draw a horizontal line and constrain it 1.5mm above the
bottom end of the previous drawing,
3. Draw a second horizontal line above this, constrained to
4. Select ‘Linear Sketch Pattern’ from the
5. Select the two horizontal line from Step 7.2 and 7.3
(displayed in ‘Entities to Pattern’),
6. Set ‘Spacing’ to 3.3mm, ‘Number’ to 5 and ‘Angle’ to 90°
in the ‘Linear Pattern’ PropertyManager,
7. Click ‘tick’ to accept ‘Linear pattern’ settings,
8. Complete profile shape (bottom-right screenshot) using
line tool (either using a line from the top to bottom right
or individual vertical lines on each rib – as desired),
9. Use the ‘Trim’ tool to remove all excess lines (especially
at the bottom),
10. Click ‘Exit Sketch’,

Step 8: Revolving around a remote profile

1. With the Sketch highlighted in the FeatureManager
design tree, select ‘Revolve Boss/Base’ from the
‘Feature’ tab in the CommandManager,
2. Click on the centreline (Step 6.4) to set as ‘Axis of
Rotation’ (setting as opposite),
3. Click ‘tick’ to accept Revolve settings,

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Step 4: Finishing the ferrule
1. Select ‘Chamfer’ from the drop-down menu in ‘Fillet’
2. Left-click on the top edge of the part,
3. Change the ‘Distance’ setting to 2mm and the ‘Angle’ to
4. Click ‘tick’ to accept Chamfer settings,
5. Repeat Steps 4.3 and 4.4 for the bottom edge,
6. Use ‘Fillet’ tool to add 0.2mm radius fillets to all
external edges,
7. Click ‘tick’ to accept Fillet settings,
8. Save part as “Bottle stopper – ferrule”,

End of Part 2

Extension Tasks:
1. Assemble and mate components,
2. Set material properties in FeatureManager design tree, by right-clicking on “Material <Not Specified>”
and selecting ‘Edit Materials’ – set the Core to “Chrome Stainless Steel” and the Ferrule to “BUTYL” (Rubber).,
3. Use PhotoView 360 to render the Bottle Stopper (with Chrome finish on the Core),

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