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structuresacceptedintectorsoftwares - jacquesangelier

Structures accepted in Tector softwares and examples

Jacques Angelier

Keywords: inversion, stress, paleostress, stereoplot, extension, compression, strike-slip, thrust, normal fault,
shear, volcanism, magmatism, metamorphism, displacement, kinematics, dynamics, tensor, slip, fault, vein, dyke,
fracture, cleavage, schistosity, stylolite, pressure-solution seam, fibre, gash, joint, crack, brittle structure, bedding,
tilt fold, axis, lineation, tectonics, seismotectonics, focal mechanism, pressure, tension, Fortran, classification,
encoding, field work, geology, data base, right dihedra

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The Table above indicates geological structures considered in Tector XXI (inherited from Tector
2000, extinct in 2008). The older Tector 1994 softwares used less numerous symbols (with J
instead of B for bedding and * instead of ? for unknown slip sense). Data file formats of Tector
1994 and Tector XXI differ, the latter being more flexible. For each datum, the couple of
structural identifiers is followed by orientation and additional quantitative and
qualitative information.

The examples given below show the minimum information required by Tector. This basic information is
recommended for becoming familiar with softwares, before using advanced topics (comments, comment lines,
offsets, relative chronologies, coupled data, weigting, regime, etc).

A program (ANGANG) allows conversion of a Tector 1994 data file into a Tector XXI file. Tector XXI offers three
input/output modes (geological, seismological, microscopic), a correct use of which requires specific training. With
Tector 1994, double couple focal mechanisms of earthquakes must be entered as faults. Tector XXI includes a
specific program (SISANG) to check and translate a variety of usual formats for seismological data files.

The reader interested in processing the data can use the following fault slip data to check his ability to use Tector
1994 softwares (contact author for downloading executable files) or compare with other softwares. To make
application easier, four very simple sets of normal fault slips are provided below and used in subsequent
applications. Brittle structures other than faults, bedding and additional information have been discarded in these
lists. These examples have been published, including stress tensor results, in: ANGELIER J. (1990). - Inversion of
field data in fault tectonics to obtain the regional stress. III. A new rapid direct inversion method by analytical means.
Geophys. J. Int., 103, p. 363-376, and partly in: ANGELIER J., TARANTOLA A., MANOUSSIS S. and VALETTE B.
(1982). - Inversion of field data in fault tectonics to obtain the regional stress. I: single phase fault populations: a new
method of computing the stress tensor. Geophys. Journ. roy. astr. Soc., 69, p. 607-621.

The reader using Tector 1994 only needs to enter the data of the Table below with MESURE, determine stress
tensors with TENSOR, plot diagrams with DIAGRA, and so on. The Table above shows structural indexes and know
that the following information includes strike, dip and pitch in degrees. For comparison with the results shown in
papers and below, magnetic deviation must be taken into account (2, 2, 13 and -6 degrees respectively, at
the location and time of field measurements). If necessary, user's data can be corrected for magnetic deviation by
MESURE (for magnetic deviation at a given place and time, use external tools like Declimag).


CN 237 71N 74E CN 45 61S 80E CN 20 64E 50S CN 62 66S 64E
CN 223 65N 69E CN 36 59S 80W PN 10 50W 64N CN 65 67S 64E
CN 220 70N 68E CN 90 80N 58W PN 152 37W 57N CN 37 55E 86
CN 225 63N 84E CN 52 68N 78W PN 160 50E 77S CN 66 52S 139
CN 222 56S 83W CN 45 63N 78W PN 137 66S 20W PN 5 36E 89
CN 250 65S 81E CN 110 88N 59W CN 120 45S 38W PN 148 70E 73N
CN 241 70S 81E CN 74 78N 65W CN 150 55S 50W SN 123 55N 03
CN 224 61N 83E CN 46 60S 80W CN 105 54S 55 CD 66 67N 30E
CN 248 73N 85E CN 77 61N 86E CN 105 54S 48W CN 98 60N 02
CN 250 72N 90* CN 67 56S 88E PN 110 52S 25W CN 130 64N 68W

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CN 231 86N 72E CN 49 70S 69W CN 145 71S 70W SD 52 39S 36

CN 238 74N 71E CN 36 50N 132 CN 110 68N 35E CN 64 40S 135
CN 225 77N 61E CN 58 51S 79W CN 128 69S 82W CN 161 51E 109
CN 233 65N 60E CN 79 62S 77W CN 152 75W 77S CN 127 73N 42E
CN 253 52S 62E CN 56 62N 84W CN 128 66S 50N PN 120 70N 74W
CN 217 85N 71E CN 34 61N 75W CN 130 66N 35E CD 70 28S 32
CN 220 71N 69E CN 34 60S 76W CN 150 70E 42S CN 144 35E 48
CN 237 63N 71E CN 37 63S 85W CN 165 64W 65N CN 166 40E 57
CN 227 58N 69E CN 68 72S 63E CN 153 58E 30S CN 156 43E 47
CN 225 57N 78E CN 49 53S 90* CN 135 64W 63N CN 102 50S 02
CN 262 56S 67E CN 189 47W 115 CN 46 40S 08
CN 227 40N 68E CN 57 45N 116 CN 122 29S 03
CN 247 51S 64E CN 112 74S 66W PN 136 35N 38
CN 255 32S 318 CN 25 42W 116 CN 166 40E 58
CN 230 54N 55E CN 34 56W 129 CN 142 82E 66W
CN 57 67S 73E CN 37 77E 50S CN 107 28S 32
CN 225 65N 61E CN 57 61S 62W CN 57 52S 37
CN 239 86S 67E CN 68 58N 74E CN 147 85E 80N
CN 225 74N 49E CN 61 67S 81W CN 151 78E 88N
CN 209 69W 45N CN 28 58E 58S CN 128 77N 88E
CN 237 65S 85W CN 30 69E 85N CN 174 76E 58N
CN 234 56S 79E CN 41 63S 84W PN 133 77N 67W
CN 248 80N 90* CN 23 68E 87N CN 58 23S 22
CN 69 48N 85E PN 125 46N 34
CN 68 69N 88W CN 86 77N 76E
CN 15 68W 80N CN 150 17E 12
CN 94 70N 72W CN 150 17E 75
CN 87 71N 89E PN 122 49N 49
PN 109 68N 83E
CN 60 44S 179
CN 75 50N 22
CN 122 60N 90*
CN 95 57N 69E
CN 55 46N 25
CN 65 51S 42
CN 70 60S 29
CN 73 42S 179
CN 79 45S 02
CN 66 43S 01
CD 107 85N 56E

Step 1: download Tector programs

Contact the author first. The Tector 1994 softwares may be freely obtained for academic,

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non-profit use. Users must agree to (1) let author know about their work, (2) provide acknowledgement and (3) refer
to related papers.

Step 2: create a data file

The data input is made with program MESURE. Before entering his own data, the beginner is strongly encouraged
to consider entering the above examples and checking that the results obtained using Tector 1994 are the same as
in the above-mentioned papers.

For user's convenience, the results obtained using the Tector XXI softwares with these four data files are shown in
the Figures below (stereoplots in the same order from left to right as the above data lists). Neglecting differences
in graphic output between Tector 1994 and Tector XXI, the user's results should be similar.

Step 3: plot the data

Using DIAGRA (Tector 1994 version) with the files created in step 2, one obtains various types of stereoplots as
Ascii-Calcomp type languages files named Plot1, Plot2 and so on. Such Ascii files can easily be converted into
other types by the user (writing his own programs or using Tector 1994 facilities for viewing or converting plot
files, see page Summary). For instance, software TRADUC converts Plot files produced by Tector 1994 programs
into HPGL files that can easily be imported in vector-supporting commercial softwares such as Corel
Draw. Several other programs of Tector 1994 versions provide similar Ascii files for graphic output. Following
Tector 2000, Tector XXI shows real-time screen graphics on screen and provide exportable graphic files of
Postscript type. With DIAGRA, one obtains the following stereoplots for these four data sets respectively (among
other possibilities including poles, a variety of projections, etc). Version 1994 provides similar results, in black-
and-white only.

Step 4: evaluate the mechanical consistency of data: right dihedra method

With DIEDRE (Tector 1994 or Tector XXI), one determines the probability distribution for pressure and tension
to occur in all directions of space. This program provides the following types of stereoplots with Tector XXI. With
Tector 1994 the graphic output is simpler, indicating numerical percentages . Preferred axes are calculated, as
barycentres of stress compatibility domains (they should not be regarded as optimum stress axes).

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The slip vectors that best fit the evaluated preferred stress are calculated (in black) and compared with the
actual slickenside lineations (in colour), as shown in the diagrams below also obtained with DIEDRE (Tector XXI
version). With Tector 1994 this a posteriori misfit evaluation requires separate programs.

Step 5: perform inversion and determine stress tensors

Using programs like TENSOR or INVGLI, one determines the best-fitting stress tensor for each data set. These
stress tensors are illustrated below for the same examples (respectively), using Tector XXI version of
TENSOR. Similar results can be obtained with Tector 1994, with less variety in inversion criteria (e.g., the method
referred to below did not exist) and simpler graphic output (e.g., confidence ellipses not drawn). In the steroplots
below, the stress axes are shown as stars, the ratio of stress difference is shown in a bar, from 0 (base) to 1 (top),
the directions of extension are shown as pairs of arrows, with azimuth confidence intervals deduced from confidence
ellipses (90%, 75% and 60%).

In addition to a posteriori reviews of individual misfits, a significant criterion of quality of determinations is the stability
of the solutions obtained when good fit demand increases (detailed explanation: ANGELIER J. (2002) - Inversion of
earthquake focal mechanisms to obtain the seismotectonic stress IV- a new method free of choice among nodal
planes. Geophys. J. International, 150, 3, p. 588-609. This stability is demonstrated below by the tight grouping of
the stress axes obtained for each step. An example of stress tensor variations during inversion refining

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process with very large data sets in Iceland is given in: ANGELIER J., SLUNGA R. F., BERGERAT F.,
STEFANSSON R. and HOMBERG C. (2004) – Perturbation of stress and oceanic rift extension across transform
faults shown by earthquake focal mechanisms in Iceland. Earth Planet. Sci. Letters, 219, p. 271-284, 7 fig., 2 tabl.

Step 6: advanced applications

When the user has become an expert in brittle data processing and stress tensor determinations, not only with the
above examples but also with his own data sets, he can consider using more sophisticated applications such as
PHASES (separation of stress regimes for heterogeneous data sets) and other programs. The following stereoplots
shows how PHASES could separate three main seismotectonic regimes within a large data set (more than 100,000
focal mechanisms), using the same inversion criterion as before.

Example of automatic separation of stress regimes using the program PHASES (Tector XXI
version) with a total data set of 110,261 focal mechanisms of earthquakes from the South Iceland
Seismic Zone. The diagram on left shows all stress axes obtained, the next three steroplot describe
each regime (in this case three main regimes have been separated). Dynamic clustering method
described in ANGELIER J. (1984). Tectonic analysis of fault slip data sets. Journ. geophys. Res., 89,
n°B7, p. 5835-5848. In this case, the inversion criterion is that described in ANGELIER J. (2002) -
Inversion of earthquake focal mechanisms to obtain the seismotectonic stress IV- a new method free
of choice among nodal planes. Geophys. J. International, 150, 3, p. 588-609. . Regional detail in
ANGELIER J., BERGERAT F., STEFANSSON R. and BELLOU M. (2007). Seismotectonics of a newly
formed transform zone near a hotspot: earthquake mechanisms and regional stress in the South
Iceland Seismic Zone, Tectonophysics, 447, p. 95-116 [doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2006.07.016].

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Mots-clés: inversion, contraintes, paléocontraintes, projection stéréographique, extension, compression, décrochement,

chevauchement, faille normale, cisaillement, volcanisme, magmatisme, metamorphisme, déplacement, cinématique, dynamique,
tenseur, glissement, faille, filon, dyke, fracture, débit, schistosité, stylolite, pression-dissolution, fibre, fente, diaclase, fissure,
structure cassante, litage, axe de pli, linéation, tectonique, sismotectonique, mécanisme au foyer, pression, tension, Fortran,
classification, codage, travail de terrain, géologie, base de données, dièdres droits

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