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God's Design for the Universe

Lessons 1-2

The study of the earth is broken down into 4 general categories:

astronomy ___________________________________________________________
meteorology ___________________________________________________________
geology ___________________________________________________________
hydrology ___________________________________________________________

First Law of Thermodynamics says _________________________________________


Second Law of Thermodynamics says _______________________________________


Geocentric Theory (Ptolemaic Theory:


Heliocentric Theory:
God's Design for the Universe
Lessons 3-4

The Earth moves in two ways: ___________________ and _____________________

List several observations that show us that the Earth is rotating:

List several observations that show us that the Earth is revolving:


What is the Coriolis Effect? _______________________________________________


What is a solstice? _______________________________________________________

What is a equinox? ______________________________________________________

Types of Telescopes
Refracting Reflecting Radio
Newtonian Cassegrainian
Tell me about it: Tell me about it: Tell me about it: Tell me about it:

Draw a picture of it. Draw a picture of it. Draw a picture of it. Draw a picture of it.
God's Design for the Universe
Lessons 5-6

Define light year: ___________________________________________________________________


Where is our solar system located? ______________________________________________________

What shapes do galaxies have? _________________________________________________________
What is the shape of our galaxy? _______________________________________________________

Ptolemy mapped 48 different ______________________ in AD 150.

Draw a picture of two of the easiest constellations to recognize. (Ursa Major “Great Bear” and Ursa
Minor “Little Bear”)

Although these are usually called

constellations, they are really asterisms. What is
an asterism? _____________________________

What are these two asterisms commonly called?


What characteristics of a star do scientists look at in order to describe it? ________________________


The brightness of a star depends on what 2 things? ________________________________________


Tell me about Hipparchus. ____________________________________________________________


What is the closest stat to Earth (not including the sun) and where is it located? __________________

Tell me about the different colors of stars and what that tells us about the star. ____________________
God's Design for the Universe
Lessons 7-8

What are star clusters? ________________________________________________________________

Describe the two types of star clusters. (1)________________________________________________

What is a galaxy? ___________________________________________________________________

List their common shapes._____________________________________________________________

Describe a Cepheid variable star. _______________________________________________________


Describe a nova. _____________________________________________________________________


Describe a supernova. ________________________________________________________________


Describe a neutron (pulsar) star. _______________________________________________________


Describe a black hole. ________________________________________________________________


Describe a nebula. ___________________________________________________________________

bright nebula___________________________________________________________________
dark nebula ____________________________________________________________________

Describe a quasar. _______________________________________________________


Who was the first person to discover an asteroid? __________________________________________

Tell me what you know about asteroids. (Include definition, where found, and another name for them)
God's Design for the Universe
Lessons 9-10

What is a comet? ____________________________________________________________________

What is the comet's period? ____________________________________________________________

Who was the first scientist to apply the laws of astronomy to comets? __________________________
Tell me about the comet that was named after him and why it was named after him. _______________

Parts of a comet
Head Tail
The nucleus..._____________________________ A Type I tail... ____________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________

The coma..._______________________________ A Type II tail...____________________________

________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________

What causes the comet's tail and why is it always pointed away from the sun? ___________________

Does the distance from the sun affect the appearance of a comet's tail? ________________________
Explain. __________________________________________________________________________

Define meteor. _____________________________________________________________________


Define meteoroids. __________________________________________________________________


Define meteorite. ___________________________________________________________________


When are you most likely to see meteors? ________________________________________________


Tell me about the largest meteorite ever found. ____________________________________________


Tell me about the most famous Meteorite Crater located near Winslow, Arizona. __________________
God's Design for the Universe
Lessons 11-12

Copy the chart on page 44 into your notebook. Color if desired.

List the terrestrial planets. _____________________________________________________________

These planets are also called the _________________________ _________________________.
What do they have in common? _________________________________________________________

List the Jovian planets. _______________________________________________________________

These planets are also called the _________________________ _________________________.
What do they have in common? _________________________________________________________

What is found between the terrestrial planets and the Jovian planets? ___________________________

Copy the following sentence to help you memorize the order of the planets: My Very Excellent
Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas. (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune,

NOTE: Some scientists no longer consider Pluto to be a planet. It is now considered a moon.

List at least 5 facts about the sun that you discovered today in your reading. ______________________

What are the main elements from which the sun is composed? ________________________________

Tell me about the sun's energy. _________________________________________________________


How does it travel to the earth? ________________________________________________________

God's Design for the Universe
Lessons 13-14

Describe the 2 parts of the sun's atmosphere:

corona: ___________________________________________________________________________
chromosphere: _____________________________________________________________________

Describe the sun's surface components:

photosphere: _______________________________________________________________________
sun spots:__________________________________________________________________________
solar flare:_________________________________________________________________________

Describe the 3 parts of the sun's interior:

radioactive zone:_____________________________________________________________________
convective zone: _____________________________________________________________________
What is plasma? ____________________________________________________________________
What causes the Aurora Borealis(Northern Lights) and the Aurora Australis (Southern Lights)?
What is an eclipse? ___________________________________________________________________

What is the difference between a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse? _____________________________

How often does a solar eclipse occur? ___________________________________________________

Should you ever look directly at the sun even when it is being eclipsed? ________________________

What is the difference between a partial and total eclipse? ___________________________________


When will the next total solar eclipse be visible in the United States? __________________________

God's Design for the Universe

Lessons 15

What is solar energy? ________________________________________________________________

Is this a renewable or nonrenewable source of energy? ______________________________________

List the advantages and disadvantages of using solar energy:

Advantages Disadvantages
● __________________________________ ● __________________________________
● __________________________________ ● __________________________________
● __________________________________ ● __________________________________
● __________________________________ ● __________________________________

Describe solar panels and how they are being used today.

Describe solar cells and how they are being used today.
God's Design for the Universe
Lessons 16-18

List at least 5 facts about the moon you learned in your reading today.

Why is the surface of the moon covered in craters? _________________________________________


What are maria? ____________________________________________________________________


What causes the phases of the moon? ____________________________________________________

Why does the same side of the moon always face the earth? __________________________________
What is the near side of the moon? ______________________________________________________
What is the far side of the moon? _______________________________________________________
How long does it take the moon to revolve around the earth? _________________________________
How long does it take the moon to rotate on its axis? _______________________________________
What is the difference between “waxing crescent” and “waning crescent”?_______________________

When is the Harvest Moon? ____________________________________________________________

When is the Hunter's Moon? ___________________________________________________________

Summarize the four theories about the moon's origin (besides the Biblical account).
1. Capture Theory ______________________________________________________________
2. Fission Theory ______________________________________________________________

3. Accretion Theory _____________________________________________________________


4. Impact Theory ______________________________________________________________

God's Design for the Universe
Lessons 19-20

Tell me what you know about Mercury's orbit around and proximity to the sun. _________________

Is Mercury a terrestrial or Jovian planet? __________________________________________________

Describe the surface, temperatures on the surface, and atmosphere of Mercury. _________________

How much would you weigh on Mercury since its gravity is 0.38 times as much as that of earth's
gravity? ___________________________________________________________________________

Who was the planet Mercury named after? ________________________________________________

Why are Mercury and Venus referred to as the interior and/or inferior planets? ____________________

Tell me what you know about Venus' orbit around and proximity to the sun. _________________

Is Venus a terrestrial or Jovian planet? __________________________________________________

Describe the surface, temperatures on the surface, and atmosphere of Venus. _________________

How much would you weigh on Venus since its gravity is 0.91 times as much as that of earth's gravity?

Who was the planet Venus named after? ________________________________________________

Why is Venus so bright in the sky? ______________________________________________________


What are some other names given to Venus? ______________________________________________


Why can't life exist on Venus? __________________________________________________________


How many moons does Venus have? ____________________________________________________

God's Design for the Universe
Lessons 21-22

Tell me what you know about Earth's orbit around and proximity to the sun. _________________

Is Earth a terrestrial or Jovian planet? __________________________________________________

Describe the surface, temperatures on the surface, and atmosphere of Earth. _________________

How many natural satellites does Earth have? ______________________________________________

Tell me what you know about Mars' orbit around and proximity to the sun. _________________

Is Mars a terrestrial or Jovian planet? __________________________________________________

Describe the surface, temperatures on the surface, and atmosphere of Mars. ______________________

Who was the planet Mars named after? ________________________________________________

What is another name given to Mars and why? _____________________________________________


How much would you weigh on Mars since its gravity is 0.38 times as much as that of earth's gravity?

How many moons does Mars have? ____________________________________________________

What are their names?________________________________________________________________

Why is Mars called a superior planet? ___________________________________________________


Why do we know so much about Mars? __________________________________________________


What causes the dust storms on the surface of Mars? ________________________________________

God's Design for the Universe
Lessons 23-24

Tell me what you know about Jupiter's orbit around and proximity to the sun. _________________
Is Jupiter a terrestrial or Jovian planet? __________________________________________________

How are the outer planets different from the inner planets? ___________________________________

Describe the surface, temperatures on the surface, and atmosphere of Jupiter. _____________________

What is the Great Red Spot? ___________________________________________________________


Who was the planet Jupiter named after? ________________________________________________

How much would you weigh on Jupiter since its gravity is 2.64 times as much as that of earth's
gravity? ___________________________________________________________________________

How many moons does Jupiter have? ____________________________________________________

What are the Galilean moons and their names? ____________________________________________
Describe them.
1) ________________________________________________________________________________
2) ________________________________________________________________________________
3) ________________________________________________________________________________
4) ________________________________________________________________________________

Why are space probes important to space exploration? _______________________________________

What did the space probe Voyager discover about Jupiter? ___________________________________

What did the space probe Voyager discover about Saturn? ___________________________________
Tell me what you know about Saturn's orbit around and proximity to the sun. _________________

Is Saturn a terrestrial or Jovian planet? __________________________________________________

Describe the surface, temperatures on the surface, and atmosphere of Saturn. _____________________

How many moons does Saturn have? ____________________________________________________

What the name of Saturn's largest moon, and what makes it unique among moons?________________

Who first saw Saturn's rings and what did he call them? When?________________________________
Who actually discovered what they were and when? ________________________________________

Of what are Saturn's rings composed?____________________________________________________


God's Design for the Universe

Lessons 25-26

Tell me what you know about Uranus' orbit around and proximity to the sun. _________________
Is Uranus a terrestrial or Jovian planet? __________________________________________________

Describe the surface, temperatures on the surface, and atmosphere of Uranus. ____________________

When and who discovered Uranus? _____________________________________________________


Who was the planet Uranus named after? ________________________________________________

How many moons does Uranus have? ____________________________________________________
What is unique about the orbit of the moons around Uranus? __________________________________
What did the space probe Voyager 2 discover about Uranus? _________________________________

What do the rings around Uranus contain? _______________________________________________

What makes Uranus unusual compared to other planets? ____________________________________

Tell me what you know about Neptune's orbit around and proximity to the sun. _________________
Is Neptune a terrestrial or Jovian planet? __________________________________________________

Describe the surface, temperatures on the surface, and atmosphere of Neptune. ___________________

When and who discovered Neptune? _____________________________________________________


Who was the planet Neptune named after? ________________________________________________

How many moons does Neptune have? ___________________________________________________

Tell me about Neptune's largest moon, Triton. ____________________________________________

What did the space probe Voyager 2 discover about Neptune? _________________________________

What do the rings around Neptune contain? _______________________________________________

What is the Great Dark Spot in Neptune's atmosphere? ____________________________________
Is it still there? _____________________________________________________________________

Has Neptune made a complete orbit around our sun since its discovery? ________________________

List some similarities between Uranus and Neptune. _______________________________________


What affects the color of a planet?

God's Design for the Universe
Lessons 27
Review this Chart to Prepare for Test
Famous Astronauts

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