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Judah’s Roar!

May 2010

Proverbs 3:5-8
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understand-
ing; in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.
Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear
the Lord and shun evil. This will bring
health to your body and nourishment to
your bones.”

My Calling… missionary for Christ!

Gospel for Asia’s School of Discipleship is a one year program that gives young single believers an opportunity to grow
closer to the Lord, visit the mission field and work in Gospel for Asia’s International Headquarters as an Intern. I am in
the 9th month of this program and the Lord is calling me to join staff after my year is done.

My program is finished at the end of July. Since my senior year in high school, I have been seeking the Lord in what He
would have me do with my life. During the past two years I have held on to Proverbs 3:5-8. I trusted Him with all I had
and took a leap of faith by coming to Texas for a year. On top of leaving my family, friends and everything that I have
ever known, He sent me to India to visit the Mission Field.

When I went to India, I met brothers and sisters in Christ that were more then willing to DIE for the Gospel. They do not
have any big dreams or aspirations. The thing that really hit me is that they did not seem to care for this life at all. They
dream about Jesus. That is all they talk about. They strive to know Jesus intimately every day, and without ceasing they
pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The only thing that really matters to them is: HOW MANY PEOPLE THEY
ARE GOING TO BRING INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD. I can’t honestly tell you I have ever been beaten for Loving Je-
sus. But when I went to our Bible school in Hyderabad, I don’t think I met one student that hadn’t been beaten for our Lord
Jesus. I don’t believe that God is calling me to go to India for the rest of my life, but He is definitely calling me to be a
home team missionary in Dallas, Texas.

Last September I spent time praying and fasting seeking the Lord to give me wisdom for my future after my year would
be done in July. My choices were apply for staff or go to college. After four weeks of diligently seeking the Lord it was
clear that joining Gospel of Asia’s staff was in my near future. I asked Him to provide me with an opportunity to go home
for Christmas and He did. During my time home I was able to speak in my home church and by the time I got back to
Dallas the Lord had raise $795 for my support.. Coming to the School of Discipleship was a leap of faith for me. The Lord
has guided me on straight paths this far, so I am convinced that He will continue to provide for all of my needs as I take a
step of faith by joining staff. I am in love with this ministry because of the impact that we get to have on the people of
South Asia. Together with our brothers and sisters on the field we have a part in seeing more then a thousand people come to
Christ each day.

Someone once asked Jesus what the Greatest commandment was. The story takes place in Matthew 22:36-39: “Teacher,
which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all
your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your
neighbor as yourself.“ The two greatest things we can do here in this life is love Jesus and love others by telling them of
Jesus’ love for them. The best day of my life was the day I got born again. I am sure you can say the same thing for your-

I have already been accepted back on staff by the leadership and now I have to raise monthly support before I can come back
and serve in the office. Once my year is over in July I will be coming home to California to raise my support.. Please pray
with me that the Lord of the harvest will raise up monthly support so I can get back to Texas as soon as possible. There is a
great need for staff here in our office. Jesus also said; “The harvest truly is great, but the workers are few...” Luke 10:2
(NIV) that makes coming to work each day much more then just filling a need. By working in the office we impact eter-
nity in a significant way, our brothers and sisters on the field start about 17 small Christian fellowships each day.
WOW!!! Praise the Lord. It is amazing just how much I can see Jesus in the lives of our brothers and sister on the field and
in the office. With your help and many prayer’s I will be able to be part of this great team who’s sole purpose is to reach the
lost at any cost.
What I have been learning.
In our classes we have been going through a unit on sharing our faith a.ka. witnessing. The teachers have given us really
good ideas and resources on how to share your faith. A few days ago, I felt the Lord leading me to share the gospel with one
of the delivery drivers who picks up mail from GFA. At first it was really casual and then I started to tell him a few stories
from my trip to India. From there, I used a method called, The Way of The Master with a few verses that the Lord had put
on my heart to share the gospel message with him. It worked out pretty good, I think. He was very thankful and took it
well. Praise the Lord! Now it’s up to the Lord to water the seed He planted through my witness. Next time he comes, I am
going to ask him if he has a Bible and if he doesn't I am going to give him a gospel of John. I just want to thank my teach-
ers for all their great tips and encouragement, it has been very helpful. The Holy Spirit will never leave us nor forsake us. I
hope this little story has encourage you.
Philippians 4:13
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
Field Story May 18, 2010
Pastor Parakram Nayar came closer attack but completely delivered from
to Laila, the young girl before him. Satan's clutches.
She and her parents came to his
church for deliverance, but the girl Before coming to Parakram's church,
seemed frightened. Laila's family had visited many
temples to find a cure for their trou-
"What's your name?" the Gospel for bled daughter. They offered poojas, a
Asia-supported pastor asked the girl. form of worship that requires
prayers, offerings and sacrifices, to
"Manga," she replied in a voice every- their gods and goddesses and even
one knew was not hers. went to witch doctors for help, but
their hope was quickly dwindling as
An evil spirit had taken Laila cap- nothing seemed to work.
Laila continued to act unnaturally,
Parakram and the believers of his biting people who were near her and
church gathered together to pray for bursting out in fits of vicious rage. Just like Laila, many people are delivered
from demon possession after GFA-supported
her. The pastor fervently rebuked the Fearful of the young girl's outra- pastors pray for them in Jesus' name.
evil spirit, commanding it to leave geous behavior, people would beat her
the young girl in Jesus' mighty to try to calm her down.
has since then given her life to
It was only when Pastor Parakram
serve Jesus Christ. Her testi-
Immediately, the demon left Laila, prayed for Laila in Jesus' name that
mony of deliverance is a bless-
and she collapsed to the ground. she was freed from the demonic op-
ing to many.
pression that disturbed her family
She woke up later weakened from the and their entire community. Laila

The first time I read this story I wasn’t sure what to think. I have heard stories like this one before but the Lord used this story to show me that,
“If He is for me who can come against me?” There is power in the Name of Jesus and its freely given to us who believe in Him.

California here I come!!!

My sister is graduating for college on the 13th, so I will be going back to Sacramento for a few days in June. I will be
sharing at Full Gospel Assembly on June 6th. The Service starts at 10:30 and ends around 12. You are welcome to come.

The address is:

622 G St. West Sacramento, California 95605.

It is right across the river from Old Sac. Please pray that everything regarding my trip home will work out according to
the Lord’s will and that the Lord will speak through me. Like I said my program ends here at the end of July, I am pray-
ing that the Lord will provide me a truck before I leave, so I can drive back home. I also need to find people that will support
me on a monthly basis. I am nearly finished with my support raising for the School of Discipleship. Praise the Lord! Now
I need to raise $2,000 in monthly pledges. Pray that the Lord would bring me dedicated supporters who are committed to
prayer and that I will be able to grow in the Lord.

Thank you so much for linking your life with mine and our brothers and sisters on the field. We are reaching the most
unreached!!! I hope to see you soon!
Your Brother in Christ

Judah Kent

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