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Introduction Of Topic:

Substantial research has been conducted to perceive the effect of The Geo Tv Network sports
channel Geo Super “BolainKyaBaatHai” because this program is most viewed sports program in
Pakistan because this program deals with all sports related controversial issues. This program
normally consists of a host and one or two guests, with live calls, short text messages and emails
coming from all over the country in which people of Pakistan can ask any question to their sports
celebrities, board officials etc. this program considered to have big influence on our minds and
clear audience concepts about any sports rather than something else.

ReviewOf Literature:
Two studies using distinct methods focused on affective gratifications obtained from watching
TV talk shows. In study one, respondents recorded thoughts and feelings as they watched a talk
show in their homes. Results suggested esteem benefits from viewing were related to derogation
of the program's guests. In study two, subjects were randomly assigned to view a show in which
downward or upward comparison opportunities were available. Results from the second study
again showed affective benefits from viewing talk shows. These results, along with others, are
discussed in the context of implications for future research. Daytime talk shows have been
neglected as a focus of inquiry in mass media research. However, talk shows are a popular
vehicle and may satisfy viewers' needs to feel better about themselves. Self-enhancement, or
feeling better about oneself and one's life, may be one of the primary reasons people watch what
some consider to be "trashy" TV talk programs. An experimental 2 (comparison: upward vs.
downward) x 2 (self-esteem: high vs. low) x 3 (feedback: positive vs. negative vs. none) x 2
(time: pre-social comparison opportunity vs. post-social comparison opportunity) factorial
design was used to evaluate predictions made from social comparison theory.
Changes in mood and life satisfaction scores from the pretest to the posttest were used to
measure the effects of exposure to particular comparison targets on an individual's attitude and
affective state. Data obtained suggest that high self-esteem individuals felt better and
experienced greater benefits after exposure to downward comparison targets. No support was
found for an expected relationship between threat and downward social comparisons. It appears
that threat may not be necessary for people to benefit from self-enhancing comparisons. The
data suggest that downward social comparison may be more prevalent than upward comparisons.
Results of the study are used to speculate about the functions of television talk shows and may
help to explain the popularity of this popular program genre. One implication of the study is that
research could provide insights into the processes that motivate television viewing preferences
and program choice. The theoretical and societal implications of these results are discussed, as
are the future directions for research in social comparison theory and media consumption.
"As we watch, listen, and are entertained, TV talk shows are rewriting our cultural scripts,
altering our perceptions, our social relationships, and our relationships to the natural world. TV
talk shows offer us a world of blurred boundaries. Cultural distinctions between public and
private, credible and incredible witnesses, truth and falseness, good and evil, sickness and
irresponsibility, normal and abnormal, therapy and exploitation, intimate and stranger,
fragmentation and community are manipulated and erased for our distraction and entertainment.
" Quote taken on 5/28/98 from the web site of Dr. Vicki Abt, a sociology professor and TV talk
show critic.
Mass media commentaries suggest that television talk shows are dramatically increasing and
have become quite popular with American viewers. Despite the public's interest in TV talk
shows, mass media researchers have paid little attention to assessing the short-term and long-
term effects of watching these programs. In addition to encouraging violence and aggression,
critics feel that television talk shows distort reality. Despite what many talk show hosts and fans
believe, many critics of TV talk shows believe that these programs do not reflect the real world
or the true context of American life.
Recent audience ratings revealed that Jerry Springer is now the number 1 talk show in the United
States. Why? Why is it that Jerry's "Too Hot for TV" video is selling by the millions? It is
hypothesized that self-enhancement or feeling better about oneself and one's life may explain
why people watch what some consider to be trashy, morbid TV programs. The article reviews
social comparison theory, defines the social comparison process, and provides ideas and
research techniques for future research that could be used to test the idea that consumers might
use certain media to engage in social comparisons with media images.

Aim Of Study:
The objective of this research is to assess the effect which are brought about by the Geo Super
program ,“BolainKyaBaatHai” over its viewers in terms of improve knowledge about sports in
people like Cricket, Hockey, Squash, Table Tennis etc.Because this program is most viewed
sports program in Pakistan because this program deals with all sports related controversial
issues. This program normally consists of a host and one or two guests, with live calls, short text
messages and emails coming from all over the country in which people of Pakistan can ask any
question to their sports celebrities, board officials etc. this program considered to have big
influence on our minds and clear audience concepts about any sports rather than something else.

This research totally depends upon primary data, so the research follows the method of collecting
data called Survey method; such form of the method used in data collection based on primary
data. Survey method is the method that is popular with mass media researcher because it is an
efficient way to investigate the effect of the media. Survey method is a method of studying and
analyzing communication in a systematic, objective, and qualitative manner for the purpose of
meaning variable.

It is taken to be representative of the entire population because of financial inflexibility and
limited time. It was not quite possible to make research study on the whole population of Mass
Communication Department. Therefore, the researcher has randomly selected the students of
Mass Communication Department for research in which he will take the students of Department
of Mass Communication, University of Sindh as population sample while total population of The
Mass Communication Department 10%.

Through random sampling, researcher will go to Mass Communication Department University of
Sind Jamshoro and will give the questionnaires separately to the male and female students
according to the sample size and were allowed them to fill the questionnaires with the
demographic information and then analyzed the views or answers of the respondents of various
questions that what became the percentage of each question which have proved my hypothesis.

Through this program people get awareness and they can give their point of view about issues
which is related to sports.

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