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Conservation problems and a new method of protection:

The case of bronzes at the Archaeological Museum of Rabat, Morocco
Najat Hajjaji1, Fatima Zohra El Harrif2, Choumicha Kaouane3, Abdellah Srhiri4,
Hisasi Taknouti5 and Kamal Rahmouni5,
Laboratory of Electrochemistry, Corrosion and Environment, Faculty of Science
National Institute of Science of Archaeology and Patrimony, Morocco
Direction of Patrimony, No 17, Morocco
SERVICHIM SARL society of corrosion inhibitors production, Morocco
LISE - UPR 15, CNRS, Paris VI-France
Faculty of sciences BP 133
Kenitra city, MOROCCO
Phone: (00212)61109025
Fax: (00212)37379682

The paper outlines the general conservation problems and needs for the archaeological bronzes at the museum
in Rabat Morocco. It also describes the preventive conservation measures that were taken in order to improve
the environmental conditions of the bronzes on display in the exhibition room of the museum. However, the
main aim of this study was to test a new corrosion inhibitor able to protect archaeological bronzes against corro-
sion. The authors have synthesized an organic product named 3-phenyl 1,2,4- triazole-5 thione noted PTS. This
compound acts as good corrosion inhibitor to protect bronze in neutral chloride medium. So as to facilitate its
use in application to bronze artefacts, a special formulation known as FPTS was prepared. The inhibiting effect
of FPTS was studied using transient electrochemical technique and surface analysis. The results indicate that
FPTS has good inhibiting effect and this inhibitor formulation acts on both anodic and cathodic processes.

Keywords: archaeological bronze, museum, preventive conservation, corrosion inhibitors

1. INTRODUCTION The PROMET project is very important in this effort

Since the end of the 19th century, the excavations car- to preserve this museum collection by helping our effort
ried out in Morocco have produced a large number of ar- to preserve such a metal collection, and to strengthen our
chaeological objects made of copper alloys such as bronze. international cooperation with leading scientists in this
The most spectacular and important bronze objects are ex- field to determine the best practice for our country. Ten
hibited at the Archaeological Museum of Rabat. bronze artefacts were selected to test new corrosion in-
Most of these objects have been discovered in Volubilis, hibitors after initial testing using bronze coupons. The re-
a prosperous Roman city between 1st century BC and 3rd sults of this investigation will allow for new knowledge as
Century AD, but many objects were also found in Banasa, to the best way to protect such artefacts.
Thamusida, Sala, Lixus or Tamuda, and represent one of
the most important and famous collections of Roman 2. THE EXHIBITION CONDITIONS
bronzes from North Africa and the Mediterranean basin [1].
The museum collection is representative of different The bronze collection encounter great problems re-
periods of the ancient history of Morocco and expresses lated to the conditions of their exhibition at the museum,
the first influence evidences of the Mediterranean civi- which are divided into two factors: natural and human
lization in Mauritania Tingitana, which corresponds to the ones. As far as the natural factors are concerned, uncon-
Roman period in Morocco. Some of the objects are on trolled environment (temperature, light and relative hu-
display to the general public, but many are stored away in midity), insects and dust are the leading threats. Less
the museum in uncontrolled conditions, which favours qualified technical staff and a lack of resources is also
active corrosion for the bronze objects. contributing to the continued corrosion of these collec-
To deal with the problems of preserving this impor- tions. In 2003, the renovation of the museum’s buildings
tant collection, scientific, analyses, conservation treat- helped to improve the environmental conditions.
ment were carried out in Morocco and abroad to find a
best solution to preserve them.
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Conservation problems and a new method of protection: Bronzes at the Archaeological Museum of Rabat

2.1 Exhibition Room a. Lighting: two luxmeters were placed in the open show-
Between 1952 and 2003, the bronze collection was ex- case. One of them is located near the door and another in-
hibited in an oval room in a surface area of 162m2. This side the room. On average 250 lux was recorded during the
room has 24 windows situated in the roof and permanent- year with a large peak of 900 lux in July and August between
ly closed to avoid the entrance of the natural light Howev- 6 and 8a.m. in the morning coinciding with the morning sun-
er, some of them can remain opened for a long time, es- shine. Whereas, those placed near the door recorded on av-
pecially when broken and aerosol salts from the Atlantic erage more than 350 lux with a peak in October equivalent
Ocean can easily contaminate the room especially by the to 500 lux recorded between 8 and 10a.m. in the morning.
wind and the salty fog. This room was accessible by a
large door leading directly to the outside. The museum is b. Climate: sensors were placed at the entry and the bottom
located in a narrow street and only approximately 200m of the room to control the thermo-hygrometric variations
from a main avenue, which exposes the collections to the recorded in the room. The overall results have still not been
pollution created by the heavy traffic. Such conditions given to the museum. However, initial results show that the
will also be enhanced by the climate of Rabat, the hydro- RH recorded during three days in November oscillated be-
gen sulphide and the sulphur dioxide as well as the carbon tween 73% and 92% and the temperature between 18 and
dioxide, which is producing carbonic acid. 21oC with a marked increase between 12 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Salt efflorescence traces were located in the roof of
this room, which is a sign of water infiltration. Further- 2.3 New data
more, the walls were covered by low density wooden pan- During July and August 2006, new measurements
els, which absorb the humidity during winters and release were carried out by the Moroccan members of the
it in the summers. PROMET project inside the showroom. The results (Fig-
The exhibition room of the bronze collection was dis- ures 1, 2 and 3) do not reveal big fluctuations in the tem-
played in a long showcase along the wall and totally perature nor in the RH during three days: the 3rd and 15th
opened at the top. The objects were organized according July and the 3rd August. However, the RH is always
to the themes and laid out on wooden panels. The statues greater than 60%, and in the presence of salt aerosols
were put on marble or rock plinth without any more pro- greatly increases the corrosion rate of metals.
tection, and could be easily touched by the visitors. The
lighting was issued from fluorescent tubes and the natural
light from the door and the 24 windows.
Apart from the curator, the technical and scientific
staff do not have sufficient training in conservation to
deal with the preservation of such large collections.

2.2 New exhibition conditions

During the summer 2003, the museum was completely
renovated. The large glass case in the wall was replaced
by several mobile showcases with filtered and incorporat-
ed lighting. Such conditions largely decreased the pene-
tration of the insects, dust and airborne pollutants. As far
as the water-tightness of the new display cases no water
Figure 1 - Variations of temperature in Bronze room
infiltration is possible.
at different time of the day
Lighting was also improved by installing a new electri-
cal network to avoid natural light by closing completely
the 24 windows of the room and the door leading to the
outside. The showroom became accessible by another
large room for the exhibition of the marble collection.
Between 2000 and 2001, the International Centre for
the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural
Property (ICCROM) organized a course of conservation-
restoration of the cultural heritage collections of the mu-
seums called “Rabat Course” with the aim to strengthen
the experience of scholars from the Maghreb countries.
Thus the metal collections (bronze and iron) benefited
from several studies related to the conditions of their ex-
hibition and storage rooms. Our paper provides a sum-
mary of these studies [2]: Figure 2 - variations of RH in Bronze room at different
hours of the day
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N. Hajjaji et al.

3.2 Inhibitor
The product tested is an organic corrosion inhibitor,
PTS, which was synthesized in our laboratory and tested
as a formulation noted FPTS [3].

3.3 Corrosive medium

The bronze coupons were exposed to atmospheric
corrosion. The electrochemical test was carried out in 3%
NaCl solution, prepared with distilled water and the
reagent grade chemical products.

3.4 Techniques
The electrochemical tests was carried out using a
Figure 3 - variations of the temperature in bronze EG&G apparatus 6310 with a classical three electrode
room and reserve at different days cell. A platinum grid was used as counter electrode,
Ag/AgCl as a reference electrode, and bronze coupon as
3. NEW ORIENTATION TO PROTECT THE AR- a working electrode. The analysed frequency range was
CHAEOLOGICAL BRONZES 100 KHz to 1 mHz, 5 points per decade and 5mv as ampli-
tude of the sinusoidal signal used.
The PROMET project aims at establishing a common The SEM EDX analysis was carried out using HV 16
vision for the problems of museums and a practical ap- KV with ZAF quantification.
proach for resolving conservation problems and looking
for better and efficient method to protect and preserve 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
their metal artefacts.
We have chosen a “phalere” from the ten bronzes se- 4.1 SEM/EDX observations of phalera fragment
lected in PROMET project for further analysis and to test A small thin section of the phalera was taken and is
the new corrosion inhibitor using some electrochemical shown in Figure 5.
and spectroscopic techniques. First the phalere’s compo-
sition and patina layer were determined using scientific
analysis. Then, a new organic compound, 3-phenyl 1,2,4-
triazole 5-thione (PTS) as corrosion inhibitor was tested
on bronze coupons before applying this new protection
method to this archaeological object. The bronze
coupons were prepared by author’s partner in PROMET

3.1 The “phalera”

The photo illustrates in Figure 4 the original form of
this bronze. The patina layer formed is a green to grey
Figure 5 - SEM photograph of Phalere cross section

The SEM observations revealed various zones on the

sample area as shown in Figures 5 and 6.

Figure 4 - General view of phalere

This phalere measuring: L= 8,2cm and l= 5,9cm was

manufactured locally during the Roman period. Figure 6 - Cross-section of Phalere
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Conservation problems and a new method of protection: Bronzes at the Archaeological Museum of Rabat

The patina layer in grey colour at the surface was few The values of R (resistance) and C (capacitance) as-
tens of micrometers. This patina layer analysis permits to sociated to high frequencies semi circle, are given in
class it in type II as described in previous work [1]. EDX Table 2. The associated characteristic frequency Fc corre-
analysis was also carried out on the cross section to deter- sponds to the apex of the capacitive loop.
mine the metal’s chemical composition. The correspond-
ing results are summarised in Table 1. Table 2 - Fc, C and R values issued from Figure 7
Table 1 shows that oxygen is the major constituent of
I’immersion Frequency Capacitance Resistance
patina layer, and Si, Cu, Zn, Sn, Pb, Cl and P were also
period (h) (Hz) (ÌF) (kø)
2h 1 106 1.50
The results at the substrate show that the bronze is
24h 0.398 110 3.61
quaternary Cu-Pb-Sn-Zn alloy.
48h 0.251 123 5.18
72h 0.158 269 3.75
Table 1 - Bronze composition of phalere
The resistance value associated to this high frequency
loop, and obtained by intersection of obtained semi circle
with real axis. The obtained value increases with an in-
crease of immersion time. Simultaneously, the capaci-
tance is raised. This may correspond to a roughening and
the accumulation of corrosion products at the surface,
External part of patina is rich in exogenous elements which can result from the hydrolysis of patina layer or the
like O, P, C, Mg, K and poor in principal constituents of formation of corrosion products. The patina layer may re-
substrate like Cu, Sn, Pb, and Zn. The first elements sult in a volume increase. The application of surface
come from soil during patina formation. analysis techniques indicate that the electrical properties
It is interesting to note that the P is present only in the of patina layer are modified.
superficial layer, and this element may come from human The impedance diagrams in presence of inhibitor are
manipulations. presented in Figure 8, which shows that an increase of im-
We can also note that the Cu/Sn ratio is higher in the mersion time modifies the behaviour of the bronze
corrosion layer rather than the metal substrate. This may coupon.
interpreted by selective dissolution of copper named as The polarisation resistance increases dramatically when
decuprification in accord with previous paper [4]. the immersion time increases from 2 to 144 hours. This re-
sistance increase is accompanied by an apparition of two
4.2 Electrochemical measurments with bronze coupons time constants. The second one seems to have a higher val-
ue than 8 kohms. The inhibiting effect may be reinforced
Electrochemical measurements were carried out with with immersion time and in comparison with blank test, a
the PROMET bronze coupon, which have roughly a same frequency shift was noted to higher values in presence of in-
composition as the archaeological artefacts. hibitor. It passes for example from 1Hz to 250 Hz after 2
The electrochemical impedance spectra were collect- hours of immersion time. The low frequency loop is very
ed at the open-circuit potential. The diagrams obtained marked by the presence of the inhibitor and at high immer-
without inhibitor are illustrated in Figure 7. The shape of sion time values. The associated resistance values seem to
these diagrams is not modified by immersion time, and diverge to the infinite [2]. The polarisation resistance is like-
one capacitive loop followed by an initiation at low fre- ly very high with inhibitor addition compared to blank es-
quencies of a beginning of second time constant as shown say. The values of dielectric parameters for the two capaci-
in this figure. tive loops are displayed in Table 3.

Figure 7 - Effect of immersion time of bronze coupon Figure 8 - Effect of immersion time of bronze coupon
in 3% NaCl solution in 3% NaCl solution + 0.07% of inhibitor FPTS
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N. Hajjaji et al.

Table 3 - Values of parameters associated to impedance were developed in the Laboratory of Electrochemistry, Cor-
spectra presented in Figure 8 rosion and Environment in the Faculty of Sciences in Kenitra
(Morocco). The inhibiting performance was tested on bronze
Time RHF RBF CHF CBF FHF FBF coupons. The FPTS shows good inhibition efficiency, and it
(h) (kΩ) (kΩ) (ÌF) (ÌF) (kHz) (Hz) will be very interesting to test it on real artefacts for protec-
2 0.088 0.661 0.450 240 3.98 1.00 tion especially in a marine environment. Currently, the effect
24 0.104 1.67 0.380 378 3.98 0.251 of the corrosion inhibitor on the phalera fragment is being
48 0.161 2.73 0.240 584 3.98 0.100 tested, and this inhibitor will be tested other bronze artefacts
72 0.677 3.89 0.230 648 1.00 0.063 selected from our collection from the Rabat museum.
120 1.85 »8 0.216 - 0.398 -
144 2.95 »8 0.210 - 0.251 - ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

For the surface area of 1cm2 This work was realized in the framework of “PRO-
MET” project and the authors gratefully acknowledge the
The summary of this table suggests that the low fre- financial support. We also would thank the Direction of
quency loop has the same physical origin to the loop ob- Patrimony for giving agreement for this study, and the LISE
served in absence of inhibitor. The values of RHF associ- Laboratory (Paris VI-France) for its collaboration through
ated to high frequencies semi circle are lower than those CNRS – CNRST project PICS no3388.
obtained. Thus, the attribution of this loop to charge
transfer leads to an increase of the rate of corrosion. This REFERENCES
would be contradictory with previous analyses confirming
inhibiting effect of FPTS to protect bronze. The high fre- [1] Boube-Piccot, Ch.: ‘‘Les bronzes antiques du Maroc”,
quency loop may be therefore associated with a thin in- I la statuaire, Etude et Travaux d’Archéologie Maro-
hibitor film formed on bronze surface. caine IV, (1969).
In accordance with this interpretation, the low fre- [2] Serarfi, S., Annane, S.: ‘‘La conservation des objets
quency tail observed after long immersion may be attrib- de bronze en exposition”, Mémoire de fin d’études
uted to the Faradic process being held on the level of the pour l’obtention du diplôme d’étude supérieure spé-
sites where the film is missing. cialisées en conservation-restauration, «Cours de
The estimated values of polarisation resistance are Rabat», (2000-2001).
higher than those obtained for blank tests the inhibitor [3] Dermaj, A., Chebabe, D., Hajjaji, N., Joiret, S., Rah-
acts as a barrier to protect the substrate bronze. Simulta- mouni, K., Srhiri, A., Takenouti, H., Vivier,V.: ‘‘Étude
neously, the FPTS may be linked with the patina layer de- de la corrosion de bronze Cu-8%Sn et l’effet inhibi-
posited on bronze coupon and reinforce its stability [4]. teur de 3-phenyl-1.2.4- triazole-5-thione”. Acte du
17ème Forum d’impédance, électrochimique, édité
5. CONCLUSIONS par C. Gabrielli, Paris 257-268(2005).
[4] Rahmouni, K.: ‘‘Corrosion et protection des bronzes
No one doubts the importance of archaeological bronze recouverts de patine: étude électrochimique spectro-
objects at the Rabat museum in terms of their great historical scopique de la surface d’objets archéologique et syn-
and cultural value. However, for preserving and safeguarding thèse d’une patine sur un bronze B66”. Thèse soutenue
this rich and diversified inheritance, new corrosion inhibitors l’Univesité Ibn Tofail à Kénitra (Maroc) le 16 Decem-
ber 2005.


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