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Arts Voting Record

Vote on Senate Floor Amendment to Restrict Economic Stimulus Funds
from Distribution to Museums, Theaters, and Arts Centers

Vote on Senate Floor Amendment to halt Funding for the Transportation Enhancements program

Vote on Senate Floor Amendment to Restrict Transportation Appropriations

From Being Used for Museums

Other Indicators of Arts Support

Cosponsorship of Artist-Museum Partnership Act

Membership in the Senate Cultural Caucus

NEA “Dear Colleague” Letter

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How to Read the U.S. Senate Arts Support Record

1 Amendment to economic recovery legislation offered by Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) stating,
"None of the amounts appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act may be used for any
casino or other gambling establishment, aquarium, zoo, golf course, swimming pool, stadium,
community park, museum, theater, art center, and highway beautification project."

Date: 2/6/2009
Result: Passed by a vote of 73 to 24
Citation: 111th Congress, 1st Session, Roll Call Vote 51
Pro-arts: No

2 Amendment offered by Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) to halt funding for the Transportation
Enhancements program, which includes funding eligible for historic preservation and museums,
within the FY 2010 Transportation Appropriations Bill.
Date: 9/16/2009
Result: Failed by a vote of 39 to 59
Citation: 111th Congress, 1st Session, Roll Call Vote 277
Pro-arts: No

3 Amendment offered by Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) to prohibit funds within the 2010
Transportation Appropriations Bill from being used for any museum.
Date: 9/16/2009
Result: Failed by a vote of 41 to 57
Citation: 111th Congress,
Congress 1st Session
Session, Roll Call Vote 278
Pro-arts: No

4 Cosponsorship of S.405 in the 111th Congress, offered by Senators Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and
Robert Bennett (R-UT), allowing artists and creators to claim a tax deduction for the fair market
value of gifts of their own work to nonprofit arts organizations for mission-related use.

Date 2009 - 2010

Result: To be reintroduced in the 112th Congress
Pro-arts: Yes

5 Membership in the Senate Cultural Caucus as of 3/01/11. The list is maintained by the office of
Caucus Co-Chair Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY).
Date: As of 3/1/11
Pro-arts: Yes

6 Co-signed a “Dear Colleague” letter on April 30, 2010, asking Senate appropriators for a funding
increase for the NEA. The letter was initiated by Senator Tom Udall (D-NM).
Date: 4/30/2010
Pro-arts: Yes

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Arts Advocacy D
Day 2011
U.S. Senate Arts Support Record
Senator Party-State 1 2 3 4 5 6
Mark Begich D-AK  z z   z
Lisa A. Murkowski R-AK  z   z 
Jeff Sessions R-AL      
Richard C. Shelby R-AL  z z   
John Boozman R-AR Took office on 1/5/11 
Mark Pryor D-AR  z z   
Jon L. Kyl R-AZ      
John McCain R-AZ      
Barbara Boxer D-CA z z z z z 
Dianne Feinstein D-CA  z z z z 
Michael Bennet D-CO  z z   
Mark Udall D-CO  z    
Richard Blumenthal D-CT Took office on 1/5/11 
Joseph I. Lieberman I-CT z  z  z 
Thomas R. Carper D-DE  z z   
Chris Coons D-DE Took office on 11/15/10 
Marco Rubio R-FL Took office on 1/5/11 
Bill Nelson D-FL  z z   
Saxby Chambliss R-GA    z  
Johnny Isakson R-GA    z z 
Daniel K. Akaka D-HI z z z  z z
Daniel K. Inouye D-HI z z z   
Charles E. Grassley R-IA      
Tom Harkin D-IA z z z   
Jim Risch R-ID      
Michael D. Crapo R-ID      
Richard J. Durbin D-IL z z z z z 
Mark Steven Kirk R-IL Took office on 11/29/10 
Dan Coats R-IN Took office on 1/5/11 
Richard G. Lugar R-IN      
Jerry Moran R-KS Took office on 1/5/11 
Pat Roberts R-KS      
Rand Paul R-KY Took office on 1/5/11 
Mitch McConnell R-KY      
Mary L. Landrieu D-LA z z z  z 
David Vitter R-LA      
Scott Brown R-MA Took office on 2/4/10   
John F. Kerry D-MA z z z z  z
Benjamin L. Cardin D-MD  z z z  z
Barbara A. Mikulski D-MD  z z  z 
Susan M. Collins R-ME  z   z 
Olympia J. Snowe R-ME  z    
Carl Levin D-MI z z z   z
Debbie Stabenow D-MI  z z z z z
Al Franken D-MN Took office on 7/7/09 z z   
Amy Klobuchar D-MN     z 
Roy Blunt R-MO Took office on 1/5/11 
Claire McCaskill D-MO      
Thad Cochran R-MS  z z z z 
Roger Wicker R-MS   z  z 

z indicates arts-friendlyy position

p  indicates opposition
pp or no action taken on arts-friendlyy p
position  indicates a missed vote
Arts Advocacy Day 2011
U.S. Senate Arts Support Record
Senator Party-State 1 2 3 4 5 6
Max Baucus D-MT  z z   
Jon Tester D-MT  z z   
Richard Burr R-NC      
Kay R. Hagan D-NC z z z  z 
Kent Conrad D-ND  z    
John Hoeven R-ND Took office on 1/5/11 
Mike Johanns R-NE     z 
Benjamin Nelson D-NE  z z  z 
Kelly Ayotte R-NH Took office on 1/5/11 
Jeanne Shaheen D-NH z z z z  
Frank Lautenberg D-NJ z z z  z z
Robert Menendez D-NJ z z z  z z
Jeff Bingaman D-NM  z z z  
Tom Udall D-NM  z z z z z
John Ensign R-NV      
Harry Reid* D-NV z z z  z 
Kirsten Gillibrand D-NY z z z z z z
Charles E. Schumer D-NY  z z z z z
Sherrod Brown D-OH  z z z z z
Rob Portman R-OH Took office on 1/5/11 
Thomas A. Coburn R-OK      
James M. Inhofe R-OK      
Jeff Merkley D-OR  z z   
Ron Wyden D-OR  z z   z
Robert P. Caseyy D-PA  z z   
Patrick J. Toomey R-PA Took office on 1/5/11 
Jack Reed D-RI z z z  z z
Sheldon Whitehouse D-RI z z z z z z
Jim DeMint R-SC      
Lindsey O. Graham R-SC      
Tim Johnson D-SD  z z z z z
John Thune R-SD      
Lamar Alexander R-TN   z   
Bob Corker R-TN      
John Cornyn R-TX      
Kay Bailey Hutchison R-TX      
Mike Lee R-UT Took office on 1/5/11 
Orrin G. Hatch R-UT     z 
Mark Warner D-VA  z z   
James H. Webb D-VA z  z  z 
Patrick J. Leahy D-VT z z z z  z
Bernard Sanders I-VT z z z z  z
Maria Cantwell D-WA  z z   
Patty Murray D-WA  z z  z 
Ron Johnson R-WI Took office on 1/5/11 
Herbert H. Kohl D-WI  z   z 
Joe Manchin D-WV Took office on 11/15/10 
Jay Rockefeller D-WV z z z  z z
John Barrasso R-WY      
Michael B. Enzi R-WY     z 

* Unofficial Member of the Senate Cultural Caucus

z indicates arts-friendly position  indicates opposition or no action taken on arts-friendly position  indicates a missed vote
Arts Advocacy Day 2011

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