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Autism is a disorder of neural The causes of autism are not certain. After
development characterized by impaired social research we conclude in these possible The symptoms of autism spectrum disorder
interaction and communication, and by causes: vary from person to person. One person with
restricted and repetitive behavior. These signs autism may be very verbal, bright and
all begin before a child is three years 1)Genetic factors, which means that engaged, while another is non-verbal,
old. Autism affects information processing in abnormal genes alter the normal function intellectually challenged and almost entirely
the brain by altering how nerve cells and of the brain. The genes show differences self-absorbed. Generally the signs are:
their synapses connect and organize.Ȱutism in children with autism. These differences
has no cure and therapies have uncertain á no babbling or pointing by age 1
are probably small and they probably
results. á no single words by 16 months or two-word
need to interact with other genes to cause phrases by age 2
the disability. The abnormal genes may á no response to name
alter the brain͛s architecture. á loss of language or social skills
á poor eye contact
2)Genes affect the synapse, which is the á no smiling or social responsiveness

junction where nerve cells communicate
á impaired ability to make friends with peers
with each other. á absence or impairment of imaginative and
social play
3)Failure of cerebellum, cerebral cortex and á stereotyped, repetitive, or unusual use of
amygdala to work together. language and behavior.
á restricted patterns of interest that are
4)Environmental factors like viral infection or abnormal in intensity or focus
complications during pregnancy. á preoccupation with certain objects or
5)A gene may be responsible for controlling inflexible adherence to specific routines or
the number of nerve cells in the cerebellum.



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