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It is difficult to live with a mangalik person as they have problems

diverting their energy constructively and in a positive way. Mostly it is

because of them having to live a love deprived childhood. These
people would not have seen romantic, patient and lively behaviour
from their own parents most of their life. Hence, they have problems
incorporating such behaviour in their marriage. The behaviour of
manglik is surprising for the non-manglik as the non-manglik would
not have seen it in his entire life. Each would not know how to deal
with each other as both believe that their ideas are correct.

When Manglik and non-manglik are already married, you need to

check the strength of Mercury in the Manglik chart. If Mercury is
strong, the person is capable of analyzing the current situation, their
weaknesses, assess accurately how happy or sad they are and take a
decision with calculated risk involved. Atleast, they should have a
strong Jupiter which can give them will power in setting things right. If
both mercury and Jupiter are weak, nothing much helps the person.
Improvement over time can only happen when Mercury and Jupiter are
strong enough. The manglik person will have abundant energy to work
hard but, the chanelling of the energy is given by Jupiter and the
intelligence to decide where to chanel is given by Mercury.

In the non-manglik chart, you need to check the strength of moon. A

strong moon can give enough patience to deal with the manglik
partner. Moon gives emotional tranquility and can be very useful in
being less hurt by the Manglik partner.

Mercury is important in both your charts as both need to work to

improve the marriage.

In my opinion, I feel the Manglik dosh in you wife is not too severe. If
it was severe, I don't think she would have stayed married for 10
years. Severe Manglik dosh people generally end in divorce within a
few years or even months after marriage.

Second marriages generally are better than first marriage for

mangliks. This is because they would have learnt their mistakes from
the first marriage and would be more willing to set their priorities in
better order during the second married life. The question comes, why
not set it right in the first marriage itself. Well, the problem here is the
feeling of "NEW RELATIONSHIP" does not exist in the first marriage.

Sun represents father and moon represents mother in charts. People

having bad dosha and badly afflicting malefics can still have good life
for the simple reason that Sun and Moon were good in their chart. This
means you and wife play pivotal roles in shaping your children's life.
So, be strong individuals so that your children can derive strength
from you. Then, they will grow strong in their life as well.

Everyone has to die sometime or the other. Just by marrying a

manglik person the non-manglik would die is nothing but a hoax. Even
if this were true, the problem facing partner is the manglik as life
should still go on for this person and that too, without the
companionship of the dead partner. There are other various factors in
the horoscopes to assess a spiritually significant event like death.

Below are some things you can do before endng a 10year marriage
which has given 2 beautiful daughters :

1) Both should get married to each other again with a second

honeymoon. Live and behave like you are married for not 11 but 1
year, not 12 but 2 years, etc.
2) Perform Satyanarayan pooja every year on the day of your
3) Talk more to each other without any egoistic nature.
4) Share responsibility of your kids.
5) Understand the weaknesses of each other and work at improving
them together.

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