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5, MAY 1998 1463

selected as B (q ) = I222 and Broadband DOA Estimation Using

Frequency Invariant Beamforming
^(q ) = I222 +
00 6 : 0 01 + 0:1 0 02 :
0 01 4 :
0 0:5
q (5.5) Darren B. Ward, Zhi Ding, and Rodney A. Kennedy

Notice that the initial guess is not too far from the true values. It is Abstract— A new method of direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation
seen from Tables I and II that the proposed approaches are successful for multiple broadband farfield signals is presented. The technique
in removing the bias due to measurement noise that results when uses a beamspace preprocessing structure based on frequency-invariant
time-domain least-squares method is used. The output error method beamforming. Specifically, a set of beam-shaping filters focus the received
yields consistent estimates in noise, but it is known to have false local array data in the time domain, thereby avoiding the need for frequency
decomposition. Hence, the proposed method is conceptually different
minima. This is reflected in the tables where the performance of the from most other broadband DOA estimators, which require frequency
output error method does not improve with increasing record length; decomposition. Numerical results are presented to demonstrate the use
however, the proposed approaches do show this improvement. of the new method and compare it with conventional coherent signal
subspace methods.


Two new frequency-domain solutions to the linear multivariable Several methods of broadband direction-of-arrival (DOA) esti-
system identification problem given time-domain IO data were con- mation have been proposed based on the coherent signal subspace
sidered. The results of [9] pertaining to SISO models were extended to (CSS) approach introduced by Wang and Kaveh [1] (for example,
MIMO models. The main focus is on a pseudo-maximum likelihood [2]–[4]). The CSS method is based on decomposing the wideband
approach where explicit knowledge or explicit modeling of the noise data into several nonoverlapping narrowband frequency bins and
model was not required. The PML approach requires a good initial finding focusing matrices that transform the data in each bin to
guess to converge, which, in this correspondence, was provided by an a reference frequency bin. The focused data is then combined to
equation-error approach that yields a closed-form, consistent solution. form a composite covariance matrix. Conventional narrowband DOA
Some further properties of the proposed approaches may be found in estimators such as MUSIC [5] may then be directly applied by
[14]. eigendecomposition of the composite covariance matrix. Incoherent
methods such as [6] find DOA estimates for each frequency bin and
REFERENCES then statistically average these to form a broadband DOA estimate.
CSS methods have been found to have lower SNR resolution and
[1] P. A. Regalia, “An unbiased equation error identifier and reduced- estimate variance than incoherent methods.
order approximations,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 42, pp.
1397–1412, June 1994. Recently, Lee [4] proposed a CSS method based on beamspace
[2] R. Pintelon et al., “Parametric identification of transfer functions in the processing (as opposed to elementspace processing, which is per-
frequency domain—A survey,” IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. 39, formed directly on the received sensor data). For each frequency
pp. 2245–2260, Nov. 1994. bin, Lee constructs a beamforming matrix chosen such that the
[3] J. K. Tugnait and Y. Ye, “Stochastic system identification with noisy
resulting beampatterns are essentially identical for all frequencies.
input-output measurements using polyspectra,” IEEE Trans. Automat.
Contr., vol. 40, pp. 670–683, Apr. 1995. The beamformers are designed by solving a multiparameter least
[4] T. Söderström and P. Stoica, System Identification. London, U.K.: squares optimization problem. We will refer to this method as
Prentice-Hall Int., 1989. beamspace CSS (BS-CSS).
[5] L. Ljung, System Identification: Theory for the User. Englewood Cliffs, In this correspondence, we present a new DOA estimator that
NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1987.
[6] T. Söderström and P. Stoica, “On the stability of dynamic models performs broadband focusing using time-domain processing, rather
obtained by least-squares identification,” IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., than frequency decomposition. Specifically, we perform beamspace
vol. AC-26, pp. 575–577, Apr. 1981. processing using frequency-invariant beamformers [7], i.e., beam-
[7] D. R. Brillinger, Time Series Data Analysis and Theory. New York: formers whose beampatterns are constant over a wide frequency
Holt, Rhinehart & Winston, 1975.
band. A set of appropriately designed beam-shaping filters ensure
[8] P. A. Regalia, Adaptive IIR Filtering in Signal Processing and Control.
New York: Marcel Dekker, 1995. that the same array manifold is produced for all frequencies within
[9] J. K. Tugnait, “Identification of stochastic linear systems via spectral the design band. Unlike CSS-based methods (including BS-CSS), the
analysis: Reduced-arder approximation, performance analysis and trans- proposed estimator removes the requirement to perform frequency
fer function bias,” in Proc. 35th IEEE Conf. Decision Contr., Kobe,
Japan, Dec. 11–13, 1996, pp. 2042–2047. Manuscript received October 22, 1996; revised September 19, 1997. This
[10] J. K. Tugnait, “Stochastic system identification with noisy input using work was supported in part by the Australian Research Council and the
cumulant statistics,” IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. 37, pp. 476–485, U.S. Army Research Office. Parts of this work have previously appeared
Apr. 1992. in ICASSP’96. The associate editor coordinating the review of this paper and
[11] P. van Overschee and B. de Moor, Subspace Identification of Linear approving it for publication was Dr. Yingbo Hua.
Systems. Boston, MA: Kluwer, 1996. D. B. Ward was with the Department of Engineering, Australian National
[12] R. J. Serfling, Approximation Theorems of Mathematical Statistics. University, Canberra, Australia. He is now with the Acoustics and Speech
New York: Wiley, 1980. Research Department, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill,
[13] J. K. Tugnait, “Frequency-domain identification of multivariable linear NJ 07974 USA.
systems with noisy input,” in Proc. 34th IEEE CDC, New Orleans, LA, Z. Ding is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Auburn Univer-
Dec. 13–15, 1995, pp. 1246–1251. sity, Auburn, AL 36849-5201 USA.
[14] , “Identification of multivariable stochastic linear systems via spec- R. A. Kennedy is with the Telecommunications Engineering Group, Aus-
tral analysis given time-domain data,” in Proc. 1997 ACC, Albuquerque, tralian National University, Canberra, Australia.
NM, June 4–6, 1997, pp. 622–626. Publisher Item Identifier S 1053-587X(98)02012-1.

1053–587X/98$10.00  1998 IEEE

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where rFI () is the frequency-invariant response. See [7], [14] for
details of how to design the FIR filters bn [m]:
Note that throughout this correspondence, we will use bold low-
ercase and uppercase characters to denote vectors and matrices,
respectively. Time series will be indicated by square brackets, e.g.,
b[m], and frequency responses will be denoted by round brackets,
e.g., b(f ):


Having described the structure of the FIB, we will now consider
its application to the problem of broadband DOA estimation.

A. Problem Statement
Consider a linear array of N sensors that are not necessarily
uniformly spaced. Assume thatD < N farfield broadband signals
arrive from directions 2 = [1 ; 1 1 1 ; D ], where d is the direction
to the dth source measured relative to the array axis. The time series
received at the nth sensor is
Fig. 1. Block diagram of general frequency invariant beamformer. D
yn [k] = sd [k 0 n()] + vn [k] (6)

where sd [k] is the dth source signal, and vn [k] is additive white noise.
decomposition; instead, we exploit an underlying frequency-invariant
The frequency response of yn [k] is given by
beamforming structure (which is based on FIR filtering) to implicitly
perform focusing over a wide frequency band. Furthermore, use of
this underlying structure eliminates the need to perform computation- D
ally intensive numerical optimization procedures in order to design yn (f ) = ej2f ( )
sd (f ) + vn (f ): (7)
the beamformers (as is required by BS-CSS). d=1

Define the N -dimensional vector of stacked array data as

In this section, we consider the design of a beamformer in which y [k] = [y1 [k]; 1 1 1 ; yN [k]]T (8)
the resulting beampattern is constant within a wide frequency band.
with a frequency response given by
We will refer to this as a frequency-invariant beamformer (FIB).
Several methods of designing a FIB have been proposed [7]–[14]. y (f ) = A(2; f )s(f ) + v (f ) (9)
In general, these methods consist of a filter and sum structure as
shown in Fig. 1, where Hn (f ) is the FIR filter on the nth sensor, where s(f ) = [s1 (f ); 1 1 1 ; sD (f )]T is the D 21 source signal vector,
and Hs (f ) is an optional normalization FIR filter. The sensor filters v (f ) = [v1(f ); 1 1 1 ; vN (f )]T is the N 2 1 additive noise vector, and
perform the role of beam shaping and ensure that the beam shape is A(2 ; f ) = [a(1 ; f ); 1 1 1 ;aa(D ; f )] is the N 2 D source direction
constant as a function of frequency. matrix.
The response of this beamformer to plane waves arriving from an Without loss of generality, we assume that the source signals
angle  (measured relative to the array axis) is and noise have finite (but arbitrarily wide) bandwidth [fL ; fU ]:
N The problem we consider is determining the source directions 2
r(; f ) = Hs (f ) Hn (f )ej2f ( )
(1) from the observed array data vector y [k] over a finite time period
n=1 k = 1; 1 1 1 ; K:
where n () is the propagation delay to the nth sensor. This may
be rewritten as B. Beamspace Formulation
r(; f ) = b (f )a(; f )
(2) Assume we apply an FIB to the received array data. The beam-
former output is
N M 1 0
b(f ) = Hs (f )[H1 (f ); 1 1 1 ; HN (f )]H (3) z[k] = bn [m]yn[k 0 m] (10)
is the N 2 1 filtering vector, and n=1 m=0

a(; f ) = [ej2f () ; 1 1 1 ; ej2f () ]T (4) where bn [m] is the set of FIR filter coefficients on the nth sensor; note
that these filters are designed as outlined in the previous section such
is the N 2 1 array manifold vector. that the resulting beamformer spatial response satisfies (5), i.e., the
Assume that each row of b(f ) is an FIR filter with filter coefficients beamformer spatial response is frequency invariant. The frequency
bn [m]; m = 0; 1 1 1 ; M 0 1: Through proper design of the filters response of the beamformer output is
bn [m], the response of this beamformer may be made approximately
constant with respect to frequency over the design bandwidth, i.e. z(f ) = bH (f )y(f ): (11)
r(; f ) = bH (f )a(; f ) Assume we now form J (D < J  N ) such beamformers using
 rFI (); 8; 8f 2 [fL ; fU ] (5) J different sets of filtering vectors. Denote the stacked vector of

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Fig. 2. Superposition of the three beampatterns calculated at f0 = 0:3:

beamformer responses as A broadband FIBS data covariance matrix can now be formed as
bH1 (f ) f
Rz = Rz (f ) df = Ac (2)RsAc (2)H + Rv
z (f ) = [z1 (f ); 1 1 1 ; zJ (f )]T =
. y (f ) (12) f
bJH (f ) where
where bi f is the ith set of beam shaping filter responses. These
Rs = Rs (f ) df
beamformers are designed to cover a spatial sector  in which 1 f

the sources are assumed to lie, and they should have uniformly
is the broadband source covariance matrix, and
low sidelobes to attenuate unwanted out-of-sector sources [4], e.g.,
Chebyshev beamformers. We will refer to z f as the frequency
Rv =
Rv (f ) df
invariant beamspace (FIBS) data observation vector. Let C f ()= f
[ () ( )]
b1 f ; 1 1 1 ; bJ f be the N 2 J beamforming matrix. This ma-
trix transforms the received elementspace data, y f ; to a reduced is the broadband FIBS noise covariance matrix.
dimension beamspace z f : () The broadband FIBS data covariance matrix (16) is now in a form
Using (9), the FIBS data vector can be rewritten as in which conventional eigen-based DOA estimators may be applied.
Denote the eigendecomposition of Rz ; R v as R z E ( 3Rv E , ) =
z (f ) = C H (f )A(2; f )s(f ) + C H (f )v (f ) (13) where
= Ac (2; f )s(f ) + v c (f ) (14) 3 diagonal matrix of sorted eigenvalues;
=[ ]
E E s jE v corresponding eigenvectors;
(2 ) =
where Ac ; f C H f A ; f is the J 2 D FIBS source
( ) (2 ) Es eigenvectors corresponding to the largest D
direction matrix, and v c f C H f v f is the J 2 FIBS noise
( )= ( ) ( ) 1 eigenvalues;
vector. Ev eigenvectors corresponding to the smallest J 0 D
Because the beamformers are designed to satisfy the frequency- eigenvalues.
invariant property (5), the FIBS source direction matrix is approx- The ranges of E s and E v are referred to as the signal and noise
imately constant for all frequencies within the design band, i.e., subspaces, respectively. Specifically, for the MUSIC algorithm [5],
(2 ) (2) [ ]
Ac ; f  Ac ; 8f 2 fL ; fU : Hence, the broadband source the source directions are given by the D peak positions of the
directions are completely characterized by a single beamspace source following FIBS-MUSIC spatial spectrum:
direction matrix Ac(2) : H
Assuming the source signals and the noise are uncorrelated, the 8() = a (a)cH(E) EacH(a) () (19)
FIBS data covariance matrix is c v v c
Rz (f ) = E fz (f )z H (f )g where ac () are the FIBS source location vectors.
= Ac (2)Rs (f )Ac (2)H + Rv (f ) (15)
C. Approximation of Broadband Covariance Matrices
where R s f E fs f s f H g is the D
()= ()() 2 D source covariance Consider approximation of the broadband FIBS noise covariance
()= ()
matrix, and R v f C H f E fv f v f ( ) ( )H gC (f ) is the J 2 J matrix (18). Assuming the element space noise covariance matrix, i.e.,
FIBS noise covariance matrix. E fv f v f H g, is known, then the broadband FIBS noise covariance

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Fig. 3. Beampatterns for the center beamformer calculated at 50 frequencies within the normalized band [0.2, 0.4]. (a) Superposition of all 50 beampatterns.
(b) Variation of beampattern with frequency.

matrix (18) is fixed (for a given set of beamformers). Hence, it may filters in the time domain, it is unnecessary to perform frequency
be calculated off line. In the specific case in which the noise is decomposition in order to form the FIBS data covariance matrix.
spectrally white and uncorrelated from sensor to sensor, the FIBS Assuming the received array data contains no frequency components
noise covariance matrix is outside the design band [fL ; fU ],1 we can write the broadband FIBS
Rv = 2V (20)
where V = f H
sf C (f )C (f ) df:
1 Note that because of the structure of the FIB (see Fig. 1), it is straight-
forward to include a bandpass filter on the normalization filter of each
Consider approximation of the broadband FIBS data covariance beamformer, thus ensuring that z (f ) contains no frequency components
matrix (16). Note that since focusing is performed by a set of FIR outside of the design band.

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Fig. 4. Comparison of the resolution performance of CSS, BS-CSS and FIBS for several SNR values (100 independent trials per plot point).

Fig. 5. Comparison of the average RMSE’s for CSS, BS-CSS and FIBS for several SNR values (100 independent trials per plot point).

data covariance matrix as where z [k] is the J -dimensional stacked time series of data observed
f =2 at the J beamformer outputs, i.e., it is the inverse Fourier transform
Rz = Rz (f ) df (21)
of (12). Note that each row of z [k] is given by (10). Hence, the
0f =2
f =2 broadband FIBS covariance matrix is formed directly from the ob-
= E fz (f )z H (f )g df (22) served beamspace array data. This represents a major departure from
0f =2
where fs is the sampling frequency. Assuming the data is wide-sense
conventional broadband DOA estimators. In CSS, the broadband data
covariance matrix is formed by performing frequency decomposition
stationary, and using Parseval’s relation, we have
and summing the focused covariance matrix in each frequency bin.
R^ z = K1 z [k]z H [k] (23) The proposed method differs in that the broadband data matrix is
k=1 formed by time-domain processing only.

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D. FIBS Source Location Vectors was decomposed into 26 frequency bins using an unwindowed FFT
In calculating the FIBS-MUSIC spatial spectrum (19), focused of length 128, and ten snapshots were used to calculate each DOA
FIBS source location vectors ac  are required. These location estimate. Thus, a total of 1280 data samples were used for each DOA
vectors are defined as ac   C f H a ; f ; 8f 2 fL ; fU : In
() () ( ) [ ] estimate, and the same amount of data was also processed by FIBS for
practice, these location vectors can be computed at any frequency in each DOA estimate. Diagonal focusing matrices [1] were calculated
the design band. Hence, we define the FIBS source location vectors for CSS using a focusing angle of 90.5 . The beampatterns shown in
as ac  C f0 H a ; f0 for some f0 2 fL ; fU : It is important
( )= ( ) ( ) [ ] Fig. 2 were used as the desired beampatterns in BS-CSS.
to note that this is not the same as the focusing frequency used in The probability of resolving the two sources is shown in Fig. 4 for
CSS methods. In CSS, all the source location vectors at different various SNR levels. Results are based on 100 independent trials for
frequencies are transformed to the focusing frequency and the data each SNR, using the same array data for each method.3 The resulting
covariance matrix calculated from the focused data. In our method, all sample root-mean-squared error (RMSE) of the DOA estimates are
FIBS source location vectors are virtually identical for all frequencies, shown in Fig. 5 for various SNR levels. Note that each RMSE value
no explicit focusing calculations are performed, and f0 plays a far represents the average of the sample RMSE’s for the two sources.
lesser role. Thus, any frequency in the design band can be used as the These results show that the performance of FIBS is comparable with
frequency at which the FIBS-MUSIC spatial spectrum is calculated. that of BS-CSS, and that, as expected, the beamspace methods exhibit
better resolution performance than conventional element space CSS.
E. Comment on Fully Correlated Source Signals
Consider two broadband source signals, one of which is a delayed V. SUMMARY
and attenuated version of the other. In this case, the source covariance In this correspondence, we have presented a new method of
matrix Rs f will be singular at every frequency. However, as shown broadband DOA estimation. Unlike DOA estimators based on CSS,
in [1], as long as the time delay between the two signals is nonzero, no frequency decomposition is required. Instead, a set of beam
the spectral averaging implicit in the calculation of the broadband shaping filters focus the array data in the time domain. This avoids the
source covariance matrix (17) removes this singularity. Hence, just as problem of designing a separate focusing matrix for each frequency
CSS is able to resolve fully correlated sources, our proposed method bin. In addition, the proposed technique does not require preliminary
is also able to resolve fully correlated sources. DOA estimates and is able to resolve correlated source signals.
Numerical results indicate that the new estimator has comparable per-
F. Summary of Proposed Algorithm formance with the recently proposed BS-CSS method [4]. However,
by eliminating the need for frequency decomposition, the proposed
An outline of the proposed broadband DOA estimator is given as
estimator is computationally less expensive.
1) Design J FIB’s that cover the selected spatial region : 1 REFERENCES
2) Calculate the broadband FIBS noise covariance matrix Rv (18).
This can be done once off line (assuming the noise covariance [1] H. Wang and M. Kaveh, “Coherent signal-subspace processing for the
does not change over the observation time). detection and estimation of angles of arrival of multiple wide-band
3) Collect data from each of the J beamformers over the obser- sources,” IEEE Trans. Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, vol. ASSP-33,
vation time period, k =1
; 1 1 1 ; K , and estimate the broadband pp. 823–831, Aug. 1985.
FIBS data covariance matrix Rz (23). ^ [2] J. Krolik and D. Swingler, “Focused wide-band array processing by
4) Find the source locations from R z and R v using a conventional
spatial resampling,” IEEE Trans. Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing,
vol. 38, pp. 356–360, Feb. 1990.
narrowband DOA estimator such as MUSIC. [3] B. Friedlander and A. J. Weiss, “Direction finding for wide-band signals
using an interpolated array,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 41,
pp. 1618–1634, Apr. 1993.
IV. SIMULATIONS [4] T. S. Lee, “Efficient wideband source localization using beamforming
To demonstrate the use of the FIBS-MUSIC algorithm, we consider invariance technique,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 42, pp.
an array of 27 uniformly spaced elements, with a spacing of = , 2 1376–1387, June 1994.
[5] R. O. Schmidt, “Multiple emitter location and signal parameter estima-
where  is the wavelength corresponding to the maximum frequency tion,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. AP-34, pp. 276–280, Mar.
component of the received signals. 1986.
Three FIB’s were designed (using FIR filters with 201 taps) [6] M. Wax, T. J. Shan, and T. Kailath, “Spatio-temporal spectral anal-
ysis by eigenstructure methods,” IEEE Trans. Acoust., Speech, Signal
according to [14] to be frequency invariant over the normalized
frequency band [0.2, 0.4]2 and to cover the spatial sector 
: [80 100 ] Processing, vol. ASSP-32, pp. 817–827, Aug. 1984.
[7] D. B. Ward, R. A. Kennedy, and R. C. Williamson, “Theory and design
The corresponding beampatterns are shown in Fig. 2 and calculated of broadband sensor arrays with frequency invariant far-field beam
at the center frequency f0 = 03
: : The variation of the center patterns,” J. Acoust. Soc. Amer., vol. 97, no. 2, pp. 1023–1034, Feb.
beampattern with frequency is shown in Fig. 3, from which it is seen
[8] R. Smith, “Constant beamwidth receiving arrays for broad band sonar
that the resulting beampattern is approximately frequency invariant systems,” Acoustica, vol. 23, pp. 21–26, 1970.
over the entire band. Similar results were obtained for the other two [9] J. Lardies and J. P. Guilhot, “Realization of a broadband constant
beamformers. beamwidth end-fire line array,” Acoust. Lett., vol. 10, no. 8, pp. 122–127,
A set of simulations was performed to compare the performance 1987.
[10] J. H. Doles, III and F. D. Benedict, “Broad-band array design using the
of FIBS with that of conventional element space CSS [1], as well asymptotic theory of unequally spaced arrays,” IEEE Trans. Antennas
as BS-CSS [4]. Signals from two wideband uncorrelated sources Propagat., vol. 36, pp. 27–33, Jan. 1988.
arrived at the array from directions 89 and 92 . Spatially white [11] M. M. Goodwin and G. W. Elko, “Constant beamwidth beamforming,”
Gaussian noise was present at each array element. All signals had in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, Signal Process. (ICASSP),
1993, vol. 1, pp. 169–172.
flat spectral densities over the design band and zero spectral density
outside the design band. For CSS and BS-CSS, the received data
3 The two sources were considered resolved if the values of the MUSIC
2 The normalized sampling frequency was 1. spectrum at 89 and 92 were both above the value at 90.5 .

Authorized licensed use limited to: IEEE Xplore. Downloaded on March 30, 2009 at 04:28 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

[12] F. Khalil, J. P. Jullien, and A. Gilloire, “Microphone array for sound This algorithm may be viewed as an “enhanced” Viterbi algorithm
pickup in teleconference systems,” J. Audio Eng. Soc., vol. 42, no. 9, (VA) that retains several surviving sequences and associated channel
pp. 691–700, Sept. 1994. estimates for each state of the trellis. The quantized channel algorithm
[13] T. Chou, “Frequency-independent beamformer with low response error,”
in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, Signal Process. (ICASSP), [11] is a batch procedure that maintains a family of candidate channels
Detroit, MI, May 1995, pp. 2995–2998. with discrete parameters. Each channel model is used by the VA
[14] D. B. Ward, R. A. Kennedy, and R. C. Williamson, “FIR filter design for to decode data, and the algorithm selects the most likely quantized
frequency-invariant beamformers,” IEEE Signal Processing Lett., vol. 3, channel. In this correspondence, we propose a novel scheme for
pp. 69–71, Mar. 1996.
joint channel and data estimation using genetic algorithms (GA’s)
We develop a two-layer strategy for joint optimization over channel
and data by combining the GA with the VA. At the top layer, an
Maximum Likelihood Joint Channel and efficient version of GA known as the micro-GA (GA) [15] searches
Data Estimation Using Genetic Algorithms the channel parameter space to optimize the ML criterion. The bottom
layer consists of a number of VA units: one for each member of the
S. Chen and Y. Wu channel population. Each VA unit decodes data based on the given
channel model and feeds back the corresponding likelihood metric
value to the GA. The performance of this GA scheme is investigated
Abstract— A batch blind equalization scheme is developed based on
in a simulation study. The results obtained clearly demonstrate that
maximum likelihood joint channel and data estimation. In this scheme,
the joint maximum likelihood optimization is decomposed into a two- the GA-based scheme has superior performance over other existing
level optimization loop. A micro genetic algorithm is employed at the methods for joint channel and data estimation.
upper level to identify the unknown channel model, and the Viterbi
algorithm is used at the lower level to provide the maximum likelihood
sequence estimation of the transmitted data sequence. As is demonstrated II. MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD BLIND EQUALIZATION
in simulation, the proposed method is much more accurate compared with Throughout this study, the channel is modeled as a finite impulse
existing algorithms for joint channel and data estimation.
response filter with an additive noise source [17]. Specifically, the
Index Terms—Blind equalization, genetic algorithms, maximum likeli- received signal at sample k is given by
hood estimation.
n 01
r(k) = ai s(k 0 i) + e(k) (1)

Since the pioneering work of Sato [1], three families of blind where
equalization techniques have emerged. The first family of blind na channel length;
adaptive algorithms, which is commonly known as Bussgang al- ai channel taps;
gorithms, constructs a transversal equalizer directly to unravel the e(k) Gaussian white noise with zero mean and variance e2 ;
effects of the channel impulse response [1]–[4]. This class of blind and the symbol sequence fs(k)g is independently identically dis-
equalizers has very low computational complexity but suffers from tributed with a variance s2 . We will assume that the multilevel pulse
the drawback of slow convergence. The second family of blind amplitude modulation (M -PAM) scheme is used. The signal-to-noise
equalization algorithms is based on higher order cumulants [5]–[8]. ratio (SNR) of the system is defined as
This second class of blind equalizers, although very general and n 01
powerful, requires a large amount of received data samples and SNR = s2 a2i =e2 : (2)
extensive computation to estimate higher order cumulants. The third i=0
family of blind adaptive algorithms uses some blind approximations
of the maximum likelihood sequence estimation (MLSE) to perform Joint channel and data estimation can be performed based on the
a joint channel and data estimation [9]–[12]. The resulting blind ML criterion. Let
equalizers are therefore computationally very expensive. A major r = [r(1)r(2) 1 1 1 r(N )]T
advantage of this third approach is that relatively few signal samples
s = [s(0na + 2) 1 1 1 s(0)s(1) 1 1 1 s(N )]T
are required to achieve the equalization objective.
When both the channel and transmitted data sequence are unknown, a = [a0 a1 1 1 1 an 01 ]T (3)
in theory, their optimal estimates can be obtained via the maximum be the vector of N received data samples, the transmitted data
likelihood (ML) optimization over channel and data jointly. The sequence, and the vector of channel taps, respectively. The probability
computational requirement of such a joint optimization procedure density function of the received data vector r conditioned on the
is, however, prohibitively large. In practice, approximations are channel impulse response a and the symbol vector s is
adopted. A straightforward way is to employ a batch iterative process
p(rja; s) =
between data decoding and channel estimation [9]. Seshadri [10]
presented a recursive algorithm for joint channel and data estimation. (2e2 )
N n 01 2
Manuscript received October 22, 1996; revised September 16, 1997. The
associate editor coordinating the review of this paper and approving it for 1 exp 0 21 2 r(k) 0 ai s(k 0 i) : (4)
e k=1 i=0
publication was Dr. Ali H. Sayed.
The joint ML estimate of a and s is obtained by maximizing p(rja; s)
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineer-
ing, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, U.K.
Publisher Item Identifier S 1053-587X(98)03267-X. over a and s jointly. Equivalently, the ML solution is the minimum

1053–587X/98$10.00  1998 IEEE

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