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-change and growth on a personal level is a very healthy thing..

to move on from the past, to new broader horizons is a beautiful experience.. to

find the power of forgiveness.. to open the gateway to love, as i call it.. to
love and forgive yourself, and others, in your life and find it is a pathway to
inner peace.. to see all of creation manifested in the song of a bird or the sou
nd of the wind.. to recognise your own soul within yourself and see it reflected
in all nature and all the people around you, is humbling and empowering in equa
l measure.. to recognise that you ARE life and that the energy that you came fro
m is everywhere, in everything.. to be able to trust in the process in life and
see your future filled with potential.. to give spare change to a man in the str
eet after walking past him every day for 6 months.. or just even to reach out to
others instead of judging them.. to recognise that other people are only doing
the best with the knowledge and awareness they have.. to experience a change wit
hin and to recognise the spark of truth in you.. that you are capable of wonderf
ul, amazing things, or even just beautiful, ordinary things... that is the parad
igm shift.

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