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Importance of Communication

No group can exist without communication: the transference of meaning among its members. In fact
research indicates that poor communication is probably the most frequently cited source of
interpersonal conflict. Because individuals spend nearly 70 percent of their waking hours
communicating- writing, reading, speaking, listening.

Communication can be defined as The Transference and Understanding of meaning.

There are four major functions of communication:

1. Communication acts to Control member behavior in several ways. Organizations have authority
hierarchies and formal guidelines that employees are required to follow.

2. Communication fosters Motivation by clarifying to employees what is to be done, how well they are
doing it and what is to be done to improve.

3. For many employees their work group is a primary source for social interaction, a fundamental
mechanism by which members show their frustration and feelings of satisfaction. It provides for release
of Emotional Expression.

4. It provides the Information that individuals and groups need to make decisions by transmitting the
data to identify and evaluate alternative choices.

The Communication Process

The steps between a source and a receiver that results in the transference and understanding of

Direction of Communication

Downward: Communication that flows from one level of a group to a lower level is a downward
communication. It is used by leaders and managers to assign goals, provide job instructions,
inform underlings of policies and procedures, point out problem that need attention.
When management sends letters to employees’ home to advise them of the organizations’ new
sick leave policy, it is using downward communication.
Upward: Communication that flows to a higher level in the group. It is used to provide feedback
to higher-ups, inform them of progress towards the goal. Managers also rely on upward
communication for ideas on how things can be improved.

Lateral: Communication that takes place among members of the same work group, among
members of work group at the same level, or among any horizontally equivalent personnel.

Communication Networks

Communication networks define the channels by which the information flows.

 Formal networks: Task-related communications that follow the authority chain.

 Informal network: The communication grapevine.
Effective Employee Communication in Leading Companies

There are eight factors related to effectiveness of employee communications:

 The Manager Must Be Committed to the Importance of Communication: Managers by personally

championing the cause of good communication, they lessen employee fears about changes that
are being implemented and set the precedent for other managers to follow.
 Managers Must Match Action and Words: When the implicit message that managers send
contradicts the official message as conveyed in formal communications, mangers lose credibility
with employees. Employees will listen to what management has to say and these words must be
backed up matching actions.
 Commitment to Two-Way Communication: Successful programs balance downward and upward
communication. It is more important than the content. In social intercourse a communication
cycle must be established before acceptance of the speaker can occur. Then one might get
across a message.
 Emphasis on Face to Face Communication: Employees have a lot of fear and concerns.
The maximum amount of information can be transmitted through face to face conversation.
Candid, open, face to face communication with employees presents executives as living,
breathing people who understand the needs and concerns of the workers.
Shared Responsibility for Employee Communications: Every manager has some responsibility in
ensuring that employees are well informed, with the implications for changes becoming more
specific as they flow down the organization hierarchy.
People prefer to hear changes that might affect them from their boss and not peers. This
requires the top management to keep middle management fully apprised of planned changes.
Dealing with Bad News: All organizations at times have product failures, customer complaints.
The issue is how comfortable people feel in communicating those problems. When bad news is
candidly reported, a climate is created in which people are not afraid to be truthful and good
news gains increased credibility.
Treat communication as an Ongoing Process:
Managers convey the rationale underlying decisions
Timeliness is vital
Communicate continually
Link the big picture with the little picture
Don’t dictate the way people should feel about the news
Implications for Managers

The less distortion that occurs in communication, the more that goals, feedback, and other
management, messages to employees will be received as they were intended. Yet evidence
demonstrates a positive relationship between effective communication and worker productivity.
However the issue of motivation is critical, so the manager should briefly review how communication is
central in determining an individual’s degree of motivation.

A final Implication from the communication literature relates to predicting turnover. The use of realistic
job previews acts as a communication device for clarifying role expectations. This makes a strong case
for managers to convey honest and accurate information about a job to applicants during the
recruitment and selection process.

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