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1.1 Background
There are several stages in learning English. Somes, in Learning
English, we have to understand about Vocabulary and we have to
understand about The Grammar.
A person's vocabulary is the set of words within a language that
are familiar to that person. A vocabulary usually grows and evolves
with age, and serves as a useful and fundamental tool for
communication and acquiring knowledge. Acquiring an extensive
vocabulary is one of the largest challenges in learning a second
In linguistics, grammar is the set of structural rules that govern
the composition of sentences, phrases, and words in any given natural
language. The term refers also to the study of such rules, and this field
includes morphology, syntax, and phonology, often complemented by
phonetics, semantics, and pragmatics. Linguists do not normally use
the term to refer to orthographical rules, although usage books and
style guides that call themselves grammars may also refer to spelling
and punctuation.
Grammar and Vocabulary can’t understood easily, In point of
fact, people english too can’t understand grammar or vocabulary with
English language is a second language in many country.
Indonesia is a country that using English as they second language.
Many food or beverages brand, the objects at department stores, and
etc, is using English language, especially in Bandung.
Common people in Bandung is a Sundanese people that they
language is Sunda language. Sunda language or Indonesia language
too (In this paper, Sunda and Indonesia language called mother
Grammar Mistakes Made by Sunda and Indonesia People | 1
language) is affected they English language, especially at they
grammar. For example, the mother language is “Saya melakukan itu
dengan hati-hati” , they translate that is “I did it with carefully” , they
answer is wrong. Based by Grammar, the right translate is “I did it
carefully” , we don’t use “with” word, and many more mistakes made
by Sunda or Indonesian people because they English language is
affected by they mother language.

Based by statement above, the level of Sundanese

people(students) understanding about grammar in English language,
need to be measured in order to perform the action if they
understanding is low. To measured the level of understanding, authors
cunducted a research with title is “Grammar Mistakes Made by Sunda
and Indonesia People”, which was done to students at One Baleendah
Senior High School on class X.

1.2 Definition and Restriction Problem

1.2.1 Definition Problem
Generally, this research will prove that Mother’s language is
affected to target language (English language), it will proving at One
Baleendah Senior High School on class X.
Operationally, the definition problem in this research are :
1) Can students of One Baleendah Senior high School on class X
understand about grammar?
2) Can students of One Baleendah Senior high School on class X,
answer the Adjective, Adverb, and Preposition grammar test with
good mark?

1.2.2 Restriction Problem

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Based by defintion problem above, authors feels need to
restricted the problem so we doesn’t lose the focus and the direction in
this research that will explained in this paper.Therefore, authors
restrictioning based by :
1) Authors ability about grammar. In this research, authors just use
Adjective, Adverbs, and Preposition Grammar.
2) Students ability about grammar.

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2.1 Basic Assumption
Basic assumption that underlying this research are :
1) Authors has studied about adjective, adverbs, and prepositions
grammar at authors school and at authors guidance school.
2) Adjective, adverbs, and prepositions grammar is important
especially for Student of Senior High School and for Indonesian
people to communicate.

2.2 Hypothesis
Opposite with the basic assumption above, authors can
calculated the temporary answer this research are :
1) Mothers language is affected English language.
2) Students of One Baleendah Senior High School on class X, can
answer Adjective grammar properly, but adverbs and prepositions
can’t answer goodly.

2.3 Grammar
2.3.1 Adjective
An adjective modifies a noun. It describes the quality, state
or action that a noun refers to.

2.3.2 Adverbs
Adverbs in English are formed by adding –ly to an
adjective. An adverb is word that modifies the meaning of a verb,
an adjective, another adverb, a noun or noun phrase,
determiner, a numeral, a pronoun, or prepositional phrase and
can sometimes be used as complement of a preposition.
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2.3.3 Prepositions
Prepositions are a class of words that indicate relationships
between nouns, pronouns and other words in a sentence. Most
often they come before a noun. They never change their from,
regardless of the case, gender etc. of the word they are referring

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(Methods and Technique research)
3.1 Research Purpose
Based by Background and Definition Problem, generally this
research purpose are :
1) To knows authors ability in adjective, adverbs, and prepositions
2) To knows students of One Baleendah Senior High School on class X
ability in adjective, adverbs, and prepositions grammar.
3) To prove that mothers language is affected English language.

3.2 Methods Research

This research authors done by using experimental descriptive .
Authors wants to knows students of One Baleendah Senior High School
on class X ability with the way is using test about adjective, adverbs,
and prepositions grammar. For answer the test, student must choose
one between two possible answers.

3.3 Technique Research

In this research, authors using somes technique in collecting
data. The technique that using in this research are:
1) Book Study
Book study done as a theorytical source data that used in this
research is Internet Web Source.
2) Test
The technique of the test is just one test. The participants is one
class at One Baleendah Senior High School on level X.

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3.4 Instrument Research
Instrument that using in this research is a set of questions that
must be answered by students, by choosing one between two possible
answer. Material questions can looked in this chapter.

3.5 Processing Data

In this research, the marks that get by the authors is writing
mark test, and then calculated and set as a numberic magnitude. The
steps that authors will do are :
a) Selecting data
b) Interpretation data

3.6 Population and Sample

3.5.1 Population
Population or subjects that will investigated in this research
including :
1) Authors ability in giving the test
2) All students at One Baleendah Senior High School on class X-
10, that the amount is 30 persons.
3.5.2 Sample
The sample taken for analytic in this research using all
students, all students get same test, same questions.
The sample in this research is 100% from all students on
class X-10, that the amount of students is 30 persons.

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I. Grammar
a) Adjective
An adjective modifies a noun. It describes the quality, state or
action that a noun refers to.

b) Adverbs
Adverbs in English are formed by adding –ly to an adjective. An
adverb is word that modifies the meaning of a verb, an adjective,
another adverb, a noun or noun phrase, determiner, a numeral, a
pronoun, or prepositional phrase and can sometimes be used as
complement of a preposition.

c) Prepositions
Prepositions are a class of words that indicate relationships between
nouns, pronouns and other words in a sentence. Most often they come
before a noun. They never change their from, regardless of the case,
gender etc. of the word they are referring to.

I. Cheklist at the space that is the true answer based by

good Grammar
Example : Saya sudah membaca buku itu
( ) I was read that book
( ) I after read that book
a) Adjective

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1. Saya melihat wanita cantik
( ) I saw a girl beautiful
( ) I saw a beautiful girl
2. Saya telah mendengar suara keras
( ) I was hear a rock sound
( ) I was hear a sound rock
3. Ini hal yang buruk
( ) This is the thing bad
( ) This is the bad thing
4. Mereka melakukan itu dengan baik
( ) They do it well
( ) They do well
5. Saya menemkan emas besar
( ) I found the big gold
( ) I found the gold big
a) Adverb
1. Saya melakukan hal itu dengan hati-hati
( ) i did it with carefully
( ) i did it carefully
2. Saya tiggal disini
( ) I live in here
( ) I live here
3. Ini adalah waktu yang sangat sulit bagi kita semua
( ) It was terribly difficult time for all of us
( ) It was time difficult terribly for all of us
4. Mereka hidup secara lokal
( ) They live locally
( ) They live with locally
5. Jangan membuang sampah dengan sembarangan
( ) Do not throw the rubbish carelessly
( ) Do not throw the rubbish with carelessly

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a) Prepositions
1. Upacara ialah pada hari senin
( ) Ceremony is at Monday
( ) Ceremony is on Monday
2. Saya marah kepadamu
( ) I am angry to you
( ) I am angry with you
3. Saya tertarik pada musik
( ) I am interested in music
( ) I am interested to music
4. Saya tinggal di Jalan Braga
( ) I live in Braga street
( ) I live on Braga street
5. Dia datang jam 6 pas
( ) He comes at six o’clock
( ) He comes in six o’clock

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Remarking :
Part A (adjective) A=Summarize right answer per number on class30

and then, we take 20% from per number A'=A x 20%

Summarize all number.
Part A = 5 number , score ideal is 100

Part B (adverbs) B=Summarize right answer per number on class30

and then, we take 20% from per number B'=B x 20%

Summarize all number.
Part B = 5 number , score ideal is 100

Part C (preposition) C=Summarize right answer per number on class30

and then, we take 20% from per number C'=C x 20%

Summarize all number.
Part A = 5 number , score ideal is 100

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4.1 Result
4.1.1 Analysis data

Part A(adjective)
Table 1
Right answer Marking (20% from marking
per number)
1 28 93 18,6
2 25 83 16,6
3 19 63 12,6
4 28 93 18,6
5 29 97 19,4
Total marking 85,8

Part B(adverbs)
Table 2
Right answer Marking (20% from marking
per number)
1 14 47 9,4
2 17 57 11,4
3 25 83 16,6
4 16 53 10,6
5 23 77 15,4
Total marking 63,4

Part C(prepositions)
Table 3

Grammar Mistakes Made by Sunda and Indonesia People | 1

Right answer Marking (20% from marking
per number)
1 19 63 12,6
2 11 36 7,2
3 0 0 0
4 11 36 7,2
5 29 97 19,4
Total marking 46,4

Table 4
Marking Criteria
Mark Result

Less than 75 Not too good

75-80 Good

More than 80 Very good

Based by tables above, we can conclude that students at One

Baleendah Senior High School on class X, is “very good” in adjective
grammar with the mark is 85,8. But “not too good” in adverbs and
prepositions grammar with they marks is 63,4 and 46,4.

4.2 Hypothesis Testly

Looked at the data above, it is enough for authors to testing the
hypothesis that showen before. The hypothesis that was showen
before are :

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1) Mothers language is affected English language.
2) Students of One Baleendah Senior High School on class X, can
answer Adjective grammar properly, but adverbs and prepositions
can’t answer goodly.
We can accept the first hypothesis. Beacuse, it can be prove
with the mark of adjective, adverbs and prepositions. Mothers
language is affected english language, the students(sundanese people)
most wrong in part C on number 3. No one students can answer this
question rightly, it is because they mother language.
“Saya tertarik pada music” , all of students answer “I am
interested to music” . Music is activity, not a thing that we use. Maybe,
they all think that “pada” it’s mean “to”, it’s not wrong, but they are
wrong in using. So the true answer for “Saya tertarik pada music” is “I
am Interested in music” not “I am interested to music” .
We can accept too, the second hypothesis. It was proven by the
marking above. Tha adjective marks test is more than 75, its mean all
of students at One Baleendah Senior High School is very good in
adjective grammar. But, the adverbs and prepositions marks test is
less than 75, its mean all of students at One Baleendah Senior High
School is not too good in adverbs and prepositions grammar.
With accepted both of the hypothesis above, so we can
concluded that mothers language is affected people’s english language
and we can conculde too that, students at One Baleendah Senior High
School on class X ability in using grammar is good at adjective, but not
too good at adverbs and preposition grammar.

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In this chapter, authors will explain somes conclusion in this

research. After that, authors wants to try give somes suggestion.

5.1 Conclusion
Conclusion in this research, which has done by the authors be a
paper, are :
1) The result In this research has answered somes problem in this
country, that mothers language is affected people’s English
2) After authors give an instrument test for the students at One
Baleendah Senior High School on class X, the result of Adjective
grammar test is 85,8 ,the average of Adverbs grammar test is 63,4 ,
and the average of Prepositions grammar tests is 46,4. We can
conclude that, students is good at adjective, but students can not
answer Adverbs and preposition goodly.With the ideal mark is 100.
5.2 Suggestion
After explain the conclusion, authors wants to give somes
suggestion below, are:
1) The key, we can good in Speaking or Writing in English is Grammar
and Vocabulary. So, its more better if teacher give a subjects
always explaining Grammar and Vocabulary, grammar is important
2) Its more better, if someone make a paper with a title Vocabulary
Mistakes made by Sundanese people.

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