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Thermoacoustic Refrigeration

Jonathan Newman, Bob Cariste, Alejandro Queiruga, Isaac Davis, Ben Plotnick, Michael Gordon, and Sidney
San Martín
We explored the basic principles of thermoacoustic refrigeration, replicating the work of Russell and Weibull to
produce a small thermoacoustic refrigerator out of readily available parts. Combined with an understanding of
the underlying thermodynamics, the model enables us to spread awareness of the viability of thermoacoustic
devices as refrigerators and heat pumps.

Introduction as light, sound, or water waves. In a closed tube,

columns of air demonstrate these patterns as sound
From creating comfortable home environments waves reflect back on themselves after colliding with
to manufacturing fast and efficient electronic devices, the end of the tube. When the incident and reflected
air conditioning and refrigeration remain expensive, waves overlap, they interfere constructively,
yet essential, services for both homes and industries. producing a single waveform. This wave appears to
However, in an age of impending energy and cause the medium to vibrate in isolated sections as
environmental crises, current cooling technologies the traveling waves are masked by the interference.1
continue to generate greenhouse gases with high- Therefore, these “standing waves” seem to vibrate in
energy costs. constant position and orientation around stationary
Thermoacoustic refrigeration is an innovative nodes. These nodes are located where the two
alternative for cooling that is both clean and component sound waves interfere to create areas of
inexpensive. Through the construction of a functional zero net displacement. The areas of maximum
model, we will demonstrate the effectiveness of displacement are located halfway between two nodes
thermoacoustics for modern cooling. and are called antinodes. The maximum compression
Refrigeration relies on two major of the air also occurs at the antinodes. Due to these
thermodynamic principles. First, a fluid’s node and antinode properties, standing waves are
temperature rises when compressed and falls when useful because only a small input of power is needed
expanded. Second, when two substances are placed in to create a large amplitude wave. This large
direct contact, heat will flow from the hotter amplitude wave then has enough energy to cause
substance to the cooler one. While conventional visible thermoacoustic effects.
refrigerators use pumps to transfer heat on a All sound waves oscillate a specific amount of
macroscopic scale, thermoacoustic refrigerators rely times per second, called the wave’s frequency, and is
on sound to generate waves of pressure that measured in Hertz. For our thermoacoustic
alternately compress and relax the gas particles refrigerator we had to calculate the optimal resonant
within the tube. frequency in order to get the maximum heat transfer
The model constructed for this research project rate. The equation for the frequency of a wave
employed inexpensive, household materials. traveling through a closed tube is given by:
Although the model did not achieve the original goal v
of refrigeration, the experiment suggests that f =
thermoacoustic refrigerators could one day be viable 4L
replacements for conventional refrigerators. where f is frequency, v is velocity of the wave, and L
is the length of the tube.
Sound Waves and Pressure
Thermoacoustics is based on the principle that
sound waves are pressure waves. These sound waves
propagate through the air via molecular collisions.
The molecular collisions cause a disturbance in the
air, which in turn creates constructive and destructive
interference. The constructive interference makes the
molecules compress, and the destructive interference
makes the molecules expand. This principle is the
basis behind the thermoacoustic refrigerator.
One method to control these pressure
disturbances is with standing waves. Standing waves Figure 1: Shows the relationship between the phase of the wave, the
pressure, and the actual arrangement of the molecules. The black line
are natural phenomena exhibited by any wave, such shows the phase of the sound wave, the red shows the pressure and the
dots below represent the actual molecules. From Reference 2

GSET Research Journal 2006 1

Thermodynamics, Heat Cycles, The surroundings now do work on the system,
adiabatically compressing the gas and allowing the
and Heat Pumps piston to fall back to its rest position. However,
because it is easier to compress the cooler gas than to
The second fundamental science behind
add heat to the warm gas, net work is done on the
thermoacoustics is thermodynamics, the study of heat
transfer. The Ideal Gas Law states that the pressure
To determine the efficiency of the cycle, the total
on a gas is directly proportional to absolute
useful work done is compared to the total heat
temperature, or, as the pressure on a gas increases,
transferred. In Figure 3, the total heat transferred
the temperature increases. On a microscopic scale,
equals the red area plus the white area. The work
the gas particles in a system will collide more
extracted from the system is represented by the white
frequently if the temperature is increases or if the
area. Even the Carnot cycle, the ideal thermodynamic
volume is reduced. The basic thermodynamic cycles
process where each step is reversible and involves no
rely on this relationship between temperature and
change in entropy,2 transfers more heat than it does
pressure. In any heat cycle, gases will expand and
work. However, the Carnot cycle has the best work
contract, circulating heat throughout the system.
output with the given temperature difference and
These movements of kinetic energy can be used to do
entropy difference, so it is defined to be 100%
work. Depending on how the heat oscillations are
controlled, different heat cycles become more
efficient, involving less loss of heat from the system. The Stirling Cycle
Thermoacoustic refrigerators use variations of these
cycles to pump heat. The Stirling cycle is a variation of the Carnot
cycle, but unlike the Carnot cycle, an engine can
The Carnot Cycle actually be constructed that effectively utilizes the
Stirling method of heat transfer. In a Stirling engine,
The most efficient cycle of thermodynamics, the
an external heat source (often external combustion)
Carnot cycle, takes advantage of this principle of gas
transfers heat into the gas in the chamber. As in the
expansion. The Carnot cycle uses gas in a closed
Carnot cycle, the gas expands, pushing the piston to
chamber to extract work from the system. In engines,
its extended position. The chamber into which the gas
pistons are used to output work. The cycle begins
expands, however, has a heat sink, usually consisting
with the piston in its rest position. Heat from an
of metal fins, through which the heat in the expanded
outside source is transferred to the gas via an
gas can dissipate into a cooler chamber. The gas then
isothermal process where the temperature does not
compresses, and the piston returns to its rest position.
change. By the ideal gas law, the gas expands,
A Stirling engine is useful because it can be powered
pushing the piston to its extended position. This is an
by almost any external heat source, such as solar
adiabatic process where no heat is transferred into or
power, nuclear power, or conventional combustion.34
out of the cylinder. The heated gas then transfers the
Both the Stirling cycle and Carnot cycle involve
heat to a low temperature container doing work on
the following basic thermodynamic cycle: heat enters
the surroundings. This is also an isothermal process.
from a hot container, work comes out of the engine
(i.e. moving a piston), and, as a result, the heat is
dissipated into a cooler container.

Figure 2: P-V diagram of the Carnot cycle. From Reference 3.

Figure 3: T-S diagram showing the four stages in the Carnot
cycle. From reference 4.

GSET Research Journal 2006 2

thermoacoustic refrigerator cycle. The left end is towards the
closed end of the resonator tube. From Reference 5.

heat transfer occurs between the walls of cylinder and

the gas. However, since the vast majority of the
molecules are far from the walls of the chamber, the
gas particles cannot exchange heat with the wall and
just oscillate in place, causing no net temperature
difference. In a typical column, 99% of the air
molecules are not near enough to the wall for the
Figure 4: Shows the cylinder positions of the four steps of the
temperature effects to be noticeable. The purpose of
Carnot cycle. From reference 3. the stack is to provide a medium where the walls are
close enough so that each time a packet of gas moves,
A heat pump, or refrigerator, operates on the the temperature differential is transferred to the wall
same basic cycle as a heat engine, only in reverse. A of the stack.
heat pump requires an input of work to transfer heat Most stacks consist of honeycombed plastic
from a cooler container to a hotter one. This heat- spacers that do not conduct heat throughout the stack
pump cycle is the basic mechanism by which our but rather absorb heat locally. With this property, the
refrigerators will work. stack can temporarily absorb the heat transferred by
the sound waves. The spacing of these designs is
Thermoacoustics crucial: if the holes are too narrow, the stack will be
difficult to fabricate, and the viscous properties of the
Thermoacoustics combines the branches of air will make it difficult to transmit sound through the
acoustics and thermodynamics together to move heat stack. If the walls are too far apart, then less air will
by using sound. While acoustics is primarily be able to transfer heat to the walls of the stack,
concerned with the macroscopic effects of sound resulting in lower efficiency.
transfer like coupled pressure and motion
oscillations, thermoacoustics focuses on the Thermoacoustic Cycle
microscopic temperature oscillations that accompany
these pressure changes. Thermoacoustics takes The cycle by which heat transfer occurs is
advantage of these pressure oscillations to move heat similar to the Stirling cycle. Figure 55 traces the basic
on a macroscopic level. This results in a large thermoacoustic cycle for a packet of gas, a collection
temperature difference between the hot and cold sides of gas molecules that act and move together. Starting
of the device and causes refrigeration. from point 1, the packet of gas is compressed and
The most important piece of a thermoacoustic moves to the left. As the packet is compressed, the
device is the stack. The stack consists of a large sound wave does work on the packet of gas,
number of closely spaced surfaces that are aligned providing the power for the refrigerator. When the
parallel to the to the resonator tube. The purpose of gas packet is at maximum compression, the gas ejects
the stack is to provide a medium for heat transfer as the heat back into the stack since the temperature of
the sound wave oscillates through the resonator tube. the gas is now higher than the temperature of the
A functional cross section of the stack we used is stack. This phase is the refrigeration part of the cycle,
shown in figure 6. In typical standing wave devices, moving the heat farther from the bottom of the tube.
the temperature differences occur over too small of In the second phase of the cycle, the gas is
an area to be noticeable. In a usual resonator tube, returned to the initial state. As the gas packet moves

GSET Research Journal 2006 3

back towards the right, the sound wave expands the
gas. Although some work is expended to return the
gas to the initial state, the heat released on the top of
the stack is greater than the work expended to return
the gas to the initial state. This process results in a net
transfer of heat to the left side of the stack. Finally, in
step 4, the packets of gas reabsorb heat from the cold
reservoir to repeat the heat transfer process.
Penetration Depth
An essential variable in building a
thermoacoustic refrigerator is the spacing between
the walls of the stack. If the walls of the stack are too
close, the sound cannot pass through the stack
efficiently since the viscous properties of air prevent Figure 6: The basic design of our thermoacoustic refrigerator. The
the air from vibrating. If the walls are too far apart, design of the stack is shown on the left, which consists of closely
the process described above cannot occur, since gas spaced film walls. The design on the right shows the entire setup,
packets are too far away from the wall to effectively with the loudspeaker, stack, and plug. The thermocouples (not
shown) were inserted one above the stack and one below the stack.
transfer heat. According to G.W. Swift, the ideal
spacing in a stack is 4 thermal penetration depths.6 p
The thermal penetration depth is the distance heat can ∇ Tcrit =
diffuse in a gas over a certain amount of time. For ξ ρ cp
example, if a block of aluminum is at a constant low where p is the acoustic pressure and ξ is the
temperature and suddenly one side is exposed to a
high temperature, the distance that the heat penetrates acoustic displacement amplitude. The variation in
the metal in 1 second is the heat penetration. As time local wall temperature is represented by 2ξ ∇ Tcrit
passes, the heat penetrates farther into the material, over the maximum displacement of the gas
increasing the temperature of the interior sections. molecules. The maximum temperature variation
However, since sound waves are constantly
caused by the sound waves is 2 p / ρ c p . If these two
oscillating between the roles of heat source and heat
sink, the thermal penetration depth is roughly quantities are equal, the critical temperature is
constant. The thermal penetration depth for an reached and no heat is transferred. This temperature
oscillating heat source is a function of the frequency is important in determining the properties of a
of the standing wave, f , the thermal conductivity, thermoacoustic device, since efficiency depends on a
κ , and density, ρ , of the gas, as well as the isobaric temperature differential caused by the sound waves
that is larger than the critical temperature so that a
specific heat per unit mass of the gas, c p , according large cooling effect is created.
to the equation: 5
κ Procedure
δk =
π fρ c p To create the thermoacoustic refrigerator we
followed a plan similar to one designed by Russell et
al.5 We began by creating the stack, which we
Critical Temperature constructed with film and fishing wire. The design
specified an optimal thermal penetration depth of 4;
The critical temperature is the temperature at however, we were restricted by material constraints
which no heat will be transferred through the stack. If and achieved an acceptable penetration depth of 2.5.
the temperature difference induced by the sound This was achieved with 15-lb nylon fishing wire with
wave is greater than this critical temperature, the a diameter of 0.34 millimeters. The design called for
stack will function as a refrigerator, transferring heat the fishing line to be placed in 5 mm separations, so
from the cold end of the tube to the warm end. If the we each created looms as templates for stack. The
temperature is less than the critical temperature then looms were created from 5 cm wide cardboard
the stack will function as an acoustic engine, moving roughly 33 cm in length with slits placed every 5 mm
heat from the warm region to the colder region and on each side. This allowed for a straight application
creating sound waves. The function for the critical of the fishing line to the film. The film was then cut
longitudinal temperature gradient is5 to a meter in length and taped to a flat surface. The

GSET Research Journal 2006 4

loom wound with fishing wire and the film were both
sprayed with spray adhesive. The line was then
applied to film with an even distribution of weight in
order to insure optimal strength. After 10 minutes the
glue was cured enough to cut the line from loom.
However, while removing the line from the loom, we
had to take care not to remove it from the film. This
process was repeated approximately 3 times until the
entire meter of film was covered with fishing line.
We allowed the stack to cure for several more days in
order to ensure the best quality.
We then machined 8 by 8 inch squares of
Plexiglas with a 2.5 cm whole in the center. This
would later serve as the base. We then cut 2 cm
diameter Plexiglas tube into lengths of roughly 25
cm. The edges of the tubes where then beveled to
allow for proper sealing. The tube was then inserted
and glued into the hole in the center of the Plexiglas
squares. After the glue dried we then attached the
Plexiglas square to a 6-inch, low-range speaker. The
hole in the square was centered over the speaker and
silicon caulk was used to properly seal the
After the glue dried we took the completed stack
and coiled the film tightly enough to fit into the 2.5
cm diameter tube. We then pushed the stack down 4
cm as specified from the top of tube using a
Figure 7: The final modified thermoacoustic device with heat sink.
machined 2.5 cm tool designed not to destroy the
stack. We then created the two thermocouples
required for determining the temperature gradient. To Next, we connected a frequency generator to a
accomplish this, we took a length of 0.015 cm 40w amplifier and connected this to the speaker via a
chromel and a length of 0.015 cm alumel and welded BNC to RCA connector. We then determined the
them together to create each thermocouple. We then impedance of the speakers and used this knowledge
drilled holes 1 cm below and 1 cm above the stack to properly connect the speaker to the amplifier with
where the thermocouples were inserted into the 8-gauge wire. After, we inserted the machined
center of the tube. We then used the thermocouple aluminum stoppers, roughly 2.5 cm in diameter,
calibration device to ensure that the thermocouples which were needed to create the closed tube
were working. We then sealed the tube by plugging necessary for standing waves.
the end with an aluminum cap. Next, we determined the proper frequency
needed to achieve a standing wave. This is supposed
to be at the first harmonic, or, when the wavelength is
4 times the length of the tube. We measured the
length of the tube to the bottom of the aluminum cap
and multiplied by 4 and divided the speed of sound at
room temperatures, or roughly 349 m/s, by the length
of tube. We determined the frequency to be around
340 Hz.
Once we found the optimal resonant frequency
for our refrigerator, we used a tone generator, which
outputs a sound at a specific frequency. Basically, the
generator vibrates the speaker cone at that frequency,
which subsequently vibrates the air and causes the
heat transfer to occur. We listened to verify for the
sound of the harmonic, and when verified, we
increased the intensity of the frequency and then
recorded the temperatures of the two thermocouples.

GSET Research Journal 2006 5

Possible Modifications to increase the surface area of the pipe and dissipate
more heat. However, as described in the results
One of the major problems that we had was the below, this was largely ineffective, probably because
heat build up at the top of the tube. Most of the the acrylic pipe was unable to effectively transfer
possible modifications we thought of involved of heat.
dissipating the heat from the top of the tube. In the Another method for improving the heat transfer
original design the aluminum plug was responsible within the tube would be to use helium as the sound
for conducting heat from of the top end of the tube medium. Of all gases, helium behaves the most like
into the surrounding air. However, the aluminum an ideal gas in that diatomic helium molecules
proved to be unable to dissipate enough heat, because exhibit weak electrostatic attractions upon each other.
as we ran the experiment the temperature of the Due to low dispersion forces and a low atomic mass,
bottom section soon reached room temperature. This helium molecules have a greater thermal conductivity
is because heat will only be transferred from the cold than any other gas except for hydrogen. Hydrogen
region of the bottom end to the hot region of the top gas, however, is reactive, whereas helium is
when the temperature gradient created by the sound relatively inert. Using helium as a sound medium,
waves is greater than the temperature difference though beyond the reach of this study, would only
between these two regions. When too much heat is in require an evacuated airtight tube that would then be
the system the bottom temperature stays at the pressurized with the helium gas. This process is used
surrounding temperature, while the area on the top of in many professional-grade thermoacoustic
the tube becomes very hot. refrigerators where helium gas has led to increased
One possible way to dissipate more heat is to efficiency and heat transfer across the stack.7
increase the surface area of the cap by cutting Unfortunately we could not try this modification
grooves into each end of the aluminum plug. The because of a lack of materials.
increased surface area gives air particles a larger area
to collide into the aluminum plug and transfer heat, Results
allowing for there to be more collisions at a single
We successfully created a thermoacoustic heat
time, thus increasing the rate of heat conduction of
pump. The problem with this, however, is that we
the aluminum plug from the top end of the tube into
were attempting to create a thermoacoustic
the surrounding air. The grooved aluminum plug will
refrigerator. Our results showed that we were able to
decrease the temperature in the top end of the tube by
create a high temperature gradient above room
dissipating heat faster than the flat aluminum plug
temperature, but were unable to significantly cool the
could. This will decrease the temperature difference
air. We tested three thermoacoustic refrigerators that
between the top end and the bottom end, allowing the
we built. Two of these devices were created from the
bottom end to become colder than with the flat plug
instructions in the procedure section without any
before the temperature difference reaches the point
modifications. The third had the heat sink
that it exceeds the temperature gradient created by
modification that was described in the modifications
the sound waves and heat can no longer be
transferred. Unfortunately, we were unable to test this
We collected the data for these results by
modification since we did not have the appropriate
sampling the temperatures at the top and bottom
machine tools.
thermocouples of the refrigerators as they ran every
Another possible method of dissipating the heat
ten seconds, stopping when it became apparent that
from the refrigerator would involve heat absorption
there would be no more significant change.
by water. Thin pipes could be run across the top end
In the three tests performed on the devices, the
of the stack. Liquid could flow through the stack,
temperature difference between the hot end and cold
effectively transferring the excess heat from the
end of the stack increased rapidly for the first thirty
system. Water, with a relatively high heat capacity,
seconds and reached the final value after around
would absorb the heat quickly. The hot water could
ninety seconds of operation. The unmodified models
then be used for other applications, such as spinning
exhibited temperature differences of 11ºC and 14ºC
a turbine in a generator or an engine. This would be
after thirty seconds with final temperature differences
using the device as a heat pump to power a device.
of 19ºC and 20ºC. The model with the heat sink
Unfortunately we did not have the tools to try this
created a larger temperature difference, reaching a
modification as well.
temperature gradient of 22ºC after thirty seconds with
Instead, in our experiment we tried to create a
a final temperature difference of 28ºC.
heat sink around the top end of the tube, to try and
The three tests also showed similar trends in the
create effective refrigeration on the bottom of the
absolute temperatures of the top and bottom of the
tube. We wrapped copper around the top of the pipe

GSET Research Journal 2006 6

Temperature of unmodified model allowing the excess heat to dissipate to the
surroundings. However, our device did demonstrate
that thermoacoustic device have the ability to create
50 and maintain a large temperature gradient, more than
Temperature (ºC)

40 20 degrees Centigrade, which would be useful as a

heat pump.

20 Applications
Thermal management has always been a concern
0 for computer systems and other electronics.
Computational speeds will always be limited by the
Time (s) amount of noise produced by computer chips. Since
Figure 8: The unmodified model data. The top red bar shows the most noise is generated by waster heat, computer
readings of the warm thermocouple. The bottom blue bar shows components and other semiconductor devices operate
the readings for the cooler thermocouple.

Temperature of Second Unmodified Model

stack. The bottom of the stack, the cold end, became
colder during the initial rapid rate of temperature 60
change. When the rate of change of the temperature 50

Temperature (ºC)
difference began to decrease, and the hotter end
started transferring heat back to the cooler one, the
temperature of the bottom end of the stack began to 30

increase. For the unmodified models, the maximum 20

temperature gradient was 15ºC. For the modified 10
model with the heat sink, the temperature difference
was 22ºC. For the two unmodified models, the




temperature of the bottom of the stack gradually








increased until it reached room temperature. The Time (s)

model with the heat sink actually exceeded room Figure 9: The unmodified model data for the second refrigerator.
temperature by 3ºC. The top red bar shows the readings of the warm thermocouple. The
bottom blue bar shows the readings for the cooler thermocouple.
Based on this data, the refrigerator was able to
generate a large temperature gradient. However, as
time went on, the refrigerator returned to room faster and more efficiently at lower temperatures.8 If
temperature, or even slightly above it. This can be thermoacoustic cooling devices could be scaled for
attributed primarily to unwanted heat diffusion of the computer applications, the electronic industry would
top end of the stack to the outside of the tube and to realize longer lifetimes for microchips, increased
the cooler end of the tube. Heat may have also speed and capacity for telecommunications, as well
diffused through the acrylic which would have as reduced energy costs.9
brought the cool section back up to room
temperature. Additionally, the vibration of the Modified Model Temperature

speakers could have added heat to the cool part of the 70

device, thus adding enough heat to result in no long 60
Temperature (ºC)

term cooling effect. Therefore, over the long term, we 50

were unable to cool the air significantly, and instead 40
created a 20 degree centigrade heat pump. 30

Conclusion 20
Our device worked as a proof of concept device 0
showing that a thermoacoustic device is possible and










is able to cool air, abet for only a short period of Time (s)
time. If we were able to build the device with better
Figure 10: The modified model data. The top red bar shows the
materials, such has a more insulating tube, we might readings of the warm thermocouple. The bottom blue bar shows
have been able to get better results. In order to create the readings for the cooler thermocouple. As shown in the diagram,
a working refrigerator we probably would have to the actual temperature difference was slightly greater in this
attach a heat sink to the top of the device, thus, design, but not significantly different.

GSET Research Journal 2006 7

Although this project was specifically Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream, in collaboration with
designed to test the effectiveness of thermoacoustic Professor Garrett’s research team, has begun
refrigeration for electronic devices, low-cost, high- production of thermoacoustic freezers to keep its ice
efficiency cooling devices have broad applications in cream cold. Investing over $600,000 in Garrett’s
commercial industries and households. Research program, Ben and Jerry’s has already placed the
conducted by Professor Steven Garrett at freezers in many of its New York stores.11 The ice
Pennsylvania State University has yielded reliable air cream company’s experiment has successfully
conditioning devices used in submarines and space demonstrated the viability of thermoacoustic
shuttles.10 However, future applications of refrigeration.
thermoacoustic air conditioners would not be
restricted to industrial uses but could offer Acknowledgments
inexpensive heating and cooling for homes.
The Governor’s School of Engineering and
Additionally, since current air conditioners use HFCs
Technology for providing this opportunity to be
and other potentially harmful chemicals,
exposed to conducting small scale research
thermoacoustic cooling systems that employ inert
Professor Stephen Tse, Advisor
gases would have long-term benefits on the
Dr Galiang Sun, Graduate student
environment.10 One thermoacoustic device could
Megan Smith, Graduate student
potentially operate an entire household’s air
Stephanie Chen, GSET counselor
conditioner, water heater, and furnace, eliminating
Mr. Anthony Welch, Program director GSET
the need for natural gases and oils.
All the Governor’s School counselors and staff

GSET Research Journal 2006 8

“Standing Waves.” Rod Nave, Georgia State University. Available: http://hyperphysics.phy- 17 July 2006.
Daniel A. Russell and Pontus Weibull, “Tabletop thermoacoustic refrigerator for demonstrations,” Am. J. Phys. 70 (12),
December 2002.
G. W. Swift, “Thermoacoustic engines and refrigerators,” Phys. Today 48, 22-28 (1995)
“Thermal Management of Computer Systems Using Active Cooling of Pulse Tube Refrigerators.” H.H. Jung and S.W.K
Yuan. Available: 17 July 2006.
“Thermoacoustic Refrigeration for Electronic Devices: Project Outline.” Stephen Tse, 2006 Governor’s School of
Engineering and Technology.
“Frequently Asked Questions about Thermoacoustics.” Penn State Graduate Program in Acoustics. Available: 17 July 2006.
“Chilling at Ben & Jerry’s: Cleaner, Greener.” Ken Brown. Available: 17 July 2006.

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