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Ali Shelnut

Mrs. Weaver

LNG 312

29 March 2011

The trial of Tom Robinson was held a year after the incident, the

incident that an innocent black man was accused of rapping a white

women. The trial took place in Maycomb County’s courtroom. People

who attended were Judge Taylor, Atticus, Mayella Ewell, Bob Ewell,

Tom Robinson, Jem, Scout, Dill, and the black community to show

respect for Tom Robinson. Everyone knew that a black man being

accused of rape would never overpower a white women and her father.

Tom Robinson’s Trial was unfair and deserves a retrial because there

was no medical evidence, there was a prejudice jury, and the witness’s

testimonies did not relate to each others.

The fact that there is no medical evidence leads to the fact that they have no

right to accuse an innocent black man for rapping a white women because no one

knows if the incident ever took place. Atticus, being the smart, educated lawyer he is

realized that when questioning he asked which side of her face was beat up, and

answered the left side, Atticus asked Bob Ewell if he knew how to read and write, he

answered yes Atticus asked for him to write his name, Bob Ewell took the pen and

began to write with his left hand, and being that Mayella was beat up on the left side

it had to have been someone eligible to hit or move with there left hand. A while back

Tom Robinson got his hand caught in a cotton gin, so therefore his left hand is
Ali Shelnut

Mrs. Weaver

LNG 312

29 March 2011

ineligible. They shall not accuse Tom Robinson of rapping Mayella Ewell because there

is no medical evidence.

To Kill a Mockingbird

Being a black man accused of rapping a white women, while being question and

listened by a prejudice jury, makes it easier to claim a black man guilty and a white

women non guilty. Whether or not they get good believable evidence from Tom

Robinson they will not accuse the white women unless they are for sure. Mayella

Ewell’s family is poor. The jury would favor to the Ewell family and not to Tom

Robinson they would think him being the color he is he would do something like that.

Because the witness’s testimonies were inconsistent, when they didn’t get

enough evidence to plead someone guilty they would accuse the black man, but he

should get another chance to plead his side of the story. Since both stories aren’t the

same they should not just plead Tom Robinson guilty because of his race, they need

to look more into the case and see which testimony sounds more believable and true.

Mayella has not been accused of anything so far her story does not seem believable.

She is trying to hide the fact that her father had beaten her after seeing her jump
Ali Shelnut

Mrs. Weaver

LNG 312

29 March 2011

onto Tom Robinson and figured that it would be easy just to blame everything on Tom


Tom Robinson is being accused because he is a black man. There was no

medical evidence so no one knows if the incident even took place. Tom Robinson

knew he was going to be pleaded guily because the color of his skin. They should

make a decision of the evidence they collected from the testimonies, not by the color

of a persons skin.

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