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Annotated List of Classes

English/ Language Arts Classes:

ENG 101:
Intensive instruction in academic writing and research. Basic principles of rhetoric and
strategies for academic inquiry and argument. Instruction and practice in critical reading, including the
generative and responsible use of print and electronic sources for academic research. Exploration of
literate practices across a range of academic domains, laying the foundation for further writing
development in college. Continued attention to grammar and conventions of standard written English.

ENG 208:
Representative examples of novels and short stories from different periods, emphasizing
understanding and appreciation of fiction as a genre, a knowledge of the features and techniques of
fiction, and a sense of the development of the genre. Authors included, Hawthorne, Poe, Shelley,
Gilman, and Mpe.

ENG 262:
A survey of English literature from 1660 to the present. Poetry, fiction, drama and intellectual
prose by such writers as Dryden, Pope, Swift, Johnson, Wollstonecraft, Wordsworth, Keats, Shelley,
Bronte, Carlyle, Tennyson, Browning, Yeats, Woolf, Joyce and Eliot.

ENG 265:
A survey of American literature from the beginnings to the Civil War, including such authors
like Edwards, Franklin, Irving, Emerson, Hawthorne, Melville, Poe, Stowe, Douglass, Thoreau, and

ENG 326:
Development of the English language from its Indo-European origins to the present. Emphasis
on historical and comparative linguistic methodology and on changes in sound, syntax, and meaning.
Discussed the implications of Standard American English in the classroom.

ENG 468:
Focused on major American writers between 1825 and 1865 with an emphasis on writers like
Emerson, Hawthorne, Poe, Melville, Thoreau, and Whitman. Along with the writing, discussed the
relationship between the literary developments and social change.

History/Social Studies Classes:

HI 233:
National and international problems in the 20th Century Western and non-Western world;
institutions and ideas at the turn of the century, origins and effects of the First World War, the postwar
challenge to Western democratic supremacy, the Second World War, and problems of the postwar

Themes in modern American history: impact of war on American foreign and domestic policy;
the repercussions of industrialization and economic modernization; continuity and change in American
institutions and values; problem solving in pluralistic society.

HI 275:
The African kingdoms (Lunda, Buganda, and Zulu); the European encroachment; the origins of
colonialism and the character of colonial societies and economies, South African apartheid; African
protest, nationalism and independence.

History of North Carolina from early European exploration to the present. Features of North
Carolina society which made this state similar to and different from other southern states and the nation
as a whole.

Non- Degree Content Courses:

SOC 305:
Study of the nature of the relationships among racial and ethnic groups in societies around the
world but with emphasis on the United States. Explores topics such as inequalities of wealth, power,
and status, racism, conflict, and social boundaries among groups. Current trends in intergroup relations
are discussed.

SOC 306:
Study of processes whereby behavior is defined as crime and persons are identified as criminals.
Includes a sociological investigation of agencies of law enforcement, adjudication, corrections and
prevention; patterns of criminal behavior; explanations of variations in criminality with emphasis on
sociocultural and sociopsychological theories.

ENG 289:
Experience in writing poetry. Class critiquing of student work and instruction in techniques of

ANT 252:
Comparative study of contemporary human culture, social institutions and processes that
influence behavior. The range of human cultural variation shown throughout the world, including the
student's own cultural system.

Transfer credit from UNC-Chapel Hill.

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