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The strategic planning process is essential for success of an organization.
So achieving organization goal is very important for the progress of an
organization. This project will describe the strategic planning process for
constant achievement for JD Wetherspoon plc, Baxter·s court, pub 185,
London, E8 1HE.



c  Economics,   

Jn the 1970's, many medium sizes organization adopted a formalized top-

down strategic planning model. Under this model, strategic planning
became a deliberate process in which top executives periodically would
formulate the JD Weatherspoon's strategy and then communicate it down
the organization for implementation.

V study of the strategic planning process to achieve organization goal
of JD Wetherspoon Plc, Baxter·s Court, Pub - 185, defining and
contrasting the marketing strategies to undertake the appropriate uses in
order to identify areas of improvement. This research used the action
research methodology to develop a new framework about how JD
Wetherspoon Plc, Baxter·s Court, Pub - 185 use the new strategic planning
process to achieve its goal. This structure is the first that explores the
issues within UK- based organizations JD Wetherspoon Plc, Baxter·s
Court, Pub - 185 in practical terms. The results show that the competence
level of all employees and the updated product knowledge, on the job
training and proper supervision is the main factors to achieve its goal.
Vnd J have chosen J D Wetherspoon plc. Pub 185 as my research project
because JDWetherspoon has become one of the most popular pub chains
in the UK, weekly welcoming millions of people for everything from a quiet
cup of coffee to a big Saturday night out. They have gone from 70 to 740
pubs in under ten years.
The other purpose of the study is how we can overcome the present
recessionary climate in the pub sector in the Great Britain. Vt present
there are 52,500 in the Great Britain (BBPV . Vccording to the British
Beer and Pub Vssociation (BBPV ·s latest survey released on 04/02/2010,
there are 39 pubs closing per week and in first half of 2009 it was 52 pubs
per week. V total of 2,365 pubs closed in 2009 and jobs lost 24,000 in this
sector in 2009. Between July, 2009 to December, 2009 a total of 1,013
pubs closed down and 10,000 jobs lost in local communities across the
Great Britain.
Jn the national economy and community life, pubs make a significant and
valuable contribution to both. BBPV thinks the tax burden a key issue to
closures of the pubs.

cc´  "    #

c  "
The aim of the research is to define JD Wetherspoon Plc, Baxter·s Court·s
(Pub 185 , and influence to local market by using integrated the strategic
planning process for the continuous growth of profit .


The objectives of the research are as foll ows:
1. Determine and strategic development of JD Wetherspoon Plc,
Baxter·s Court, pub - 185 local best markets for sales and
2. Track the trends of JD Wetherspoon Plc, Baxter·s Court, pub - 185
visitors to analyze the most effective marketing strategies for
3. Modify JD Wetherspoon Plc, Baxter·s Court, pub - 185 marketing
solutions to take advantage of the customer's needs.
4¦ 3un JD Wetherspoon Plc, Baxter·s Court, pub - 185 costs and
expenses with a variety of tools.

cc' #%& "" "


Vll pub managers are responsible for delivering the best CQSMV
standards - that's cleanliness, quality, service, maintenance and
atmosphere. These are the five cornerstones of the perfect J D
Wetherspoon pub; they act as the building blocks on which they assemble
each welcoming pub experience.
Source: James Thompson reports on The Jndependent 2 Dec, 09.
We·ll wether the 3ecession ² Chain to create 10,000 jobs with 250
pubs. (Source: The sun 2 December, 09.
Wetherspoon to open 250 pubs, creating 10,000 jobs.
Source: The Guardian 2 December 09.

10,000 new pub jobs in pipeline
Source: Daily Star 2 December 09.
´Jdentifying a suitable research problem is one of the most important but a
difficult phase of research process. V research problem is exactly that a problem
that someone would like to research. V problem can be anything that a person
finds unsatisfactory or unsettling a difficulty of some sort, a state of affairs that
needs to be changed, anything that is not linking as well as it might problems
involve areas of concern to researchers, conditions they want to improve,
difficulties they want to eliminate, questions for which they seek answers.µ
Source: Kumar, 3. (2008 , 3esearch Methodology,
VPH Publishing, New Delhi.
3esearch problems:
1.‘ What is strategy and why it is imperative for business objectives?
2.‘ How top down strategic model can improves the performance of an
3.‘ What is the present financial practice of JDW·s
financial strategies?
4.‘ What is the consequence of strategies to achieve organization goal?


nce JD Weatherspoon has specified its objectives, it begins with its current
situation to devise a strategic plan to reach those objectives. Changes in the
external environment often present new opportunities and new ways to reach the
objectives. Vn environmental scan is performed to identify the available
opportunities. The situation analysis therefore involves an analysis of both the
external and internal environment.
The external and internal analysis considers the situation within the firm itself,
such as:
‡ Company culture
‡ Company image

‡ rganizational structure
‡ Vccess to natural resources
‡ Position on the experience curve
‡ perational efficiency
‡ perational capacity
‡ Brand awareness
‡ Market share
‡ Financial resources


Chapter 1 This part includes background and rationale of the study. Jt also
includes aims and objectives, research questions and conceptual model.


Chapter 2 Jncluded l i t e r a t u r e r e v i e w (strategy, strategy

objectives, performance management, management control, balanced
score card, budget.

Chapter 3 This part is for research methods, that includes research
plan, policy, process working in this study, reasons of employing the

Chapter 4 Jncludes data presentation and analysis, that includes
Jntroduction, employee data, customers· data, direct observation,
discussion and findings.


Chapter 5 This part is for interpretation and conclusion that includes

findings review and conclusion.

cc(  )  
Chapter 1 includes the purpose of the study, and that includes the
present recessionary climate in the pub sector in the UK, JDW·s
commitment to meet the recession in this sector in the UK. This chapter
also includes aim, and objective of the research, research question, and
conceptual model, fundamental of fin ancial performance analysis and
research structure.





Jn today's highly competitive business environment, budget -oriented planning

or planning methods are insufficient for a large corporation to survive and
prosper. The firm must engage in strategic planning that clearly defines
objectives and assesses both the internal and external situation to formulate
strategy, implement the strategy, evaluate the progress, and make adjustments
as necessary to stay on tr ack.

This research project investigates the use of new strategy in businesses.

Vcademic literature is reviewed on the development of the marketing theory
in selling, the benefits and risks of individual sales proficiency etc. Primary
research is based on the study of a focus group using
questionnaires; secondary research is based on the literature review.
Conclusions are made about the effectiveness of marketing specially up
selling strategy for JD Wetherspoon Plc, Baxter·s Court, Pub 185.

The characteristic of pub and food industries marketing is to attract its

local customers and enter into a relationship with its prospective regular,

non-regular and visitor customers. Jn addition to its existing marketing
strategies, new sales techniques may also include reducing
operational costs, increasing customer loyalty, partner or channel
development, and market analysis.






Source: " )+, "-. 

( Executing Your Strategy,  , USA.

Strategy has been defined in many ways. For example, strategy has been
described as a pattern of decisions about the organization·s future
(Mintzberg, 1978 which takes on meaning when it is implemented
through the organization·s structure and processes (Miles and Snow,
1978 . Johnson (1987, pp. 4 -5 stated that strategic decisions occur at
many levels of managerial ac tivity. They are concerned with the long-term
direction of the organization, the scope of an organization·s activities, the
matching of organizational activities to its environment and resource
capabilities, the allocation of major resources within the organization, and
consideration of the expectations and values of the organization·s

Corporate strategy is concerned with decisions about the types of

businesses to operate in, including what businesses to acquire or divest,
and how best to structure and finance the company (Johnson and
Scholes, 1889, p. 9 . Jt is concerned with the way resources are focused to
convert distinct competences into comp etitive advantage (Vndrews, 1980,
pp. 18-19 . Business (or competitive strategies relate to each business
unit of the organization and focus on how individual SBUs (strategic
business units compete within their particular industries, and the way that
each SBU positions itself in relation to competitors.

*!  ")    ")


nce a clear picture of the firm and its environment is in hand, specific
strategic alternatives can be developed. While different firms have different
alternatives depending on their situation, there also exist generic strategies
that can be applied across a wide range of firms. Michael Porter identified
cost leadership, differentiation, and focus as three generic strategies that
may be considered when defining strategic alternatives. Porter advised
against implementing a combination of these strategies for a given product;
rather, he argued that only one of the generic strategy alternatives should be


The strategy likely will be expressed in high -level conceptual terms and
priorities. For effective implementation, it needs to be translated into more
detailed policies that can be understood at the functional level of the
organization. The expression of the strategy in terms of functional policies
also serves to highlight any practical iss ues that might not have been visible
at a higher level. The strategy should be translated into specific policies for
functional areas such as:
‡ Marketing
‡ 3esearch and development

‡ Procurement
‡ Production
‡ Human resources
‡ Jnformation systems
Jn addition to developing functional policies, the implementation phase
involves identifying the required resources and putting into place the
necessary organizational changes.

nce implemented, the results of the strategy need to be measured and

evaluated, with changes made as required to keep the plan on track. Control
systems should be developed and implemented to facilitate this monitoring.
Standards of performance are set, the actual performance measured, and
appropriate action taken to ensure success.


Th e s tra te g i c m a n a g e m e n t p ro c es s i s d y n a m ic a n d c o n ti n u o u s .
V c h a n g e i n o n e c o m p o n e n t c a n n e c e ss i ta te a c h a n g e i n th e
e n ti re s tra te g y . Vs such, th e p ro c es s must be re p ea te d
f re q u e n tl y i n o rd e r to ad a p t th e s tra te g y to e n v i ro n m e n ta l
c h a n g e s . Th ro u g h o u t t h e p ro c es s J D W e a th e rs p o o n m a y n ee d
to c yc l e ba c k to a p rev io u s s ta ge an d m a k e a dj u s tm e n ts .


Th e s tra te g i c pl a n n i n g p ro ce s s o u tl i n e d ab o ve i s o nl y o n e
a p p roa c h to s tra te g ic m a n a ge m e n t. J t is b es t s u i te d f o r s ta b le
e n v i ro n m e n ts . V dra wb a c k of th i s to p-d o wn a p p ro a c h i s th a t i t
m a y n o t be re s po n s i ve e n o u g h fo r ra p i dl y c h a n g i n g co m p e ti ti v e
e n v i ro n m e n ts . J n ti m e s o f c h a n g e, s o m e of th e m o re s u c c es sf u l

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Ë    ‘

1. Basis Factors (Dissatisfies. Must have ² The minimum
requirements which cause dissatisfact ion if they are not fulfilled, but do not
cause customer satisfaction if they are fulfilled (or are exceeded . The
customer regards these as prerequisites and takes these for granted.
2. Excitement Factors (Satisfiers. Vttractive ² The factors that
increase customer satisfaction if delivered but do not cause dissatisfaction
if they are not delivered. These factors surprise the customer and generate
¶delight·. Using these factors, a company can really distinguish itself fr om
its competitors in a positive way.
3. The factors that cause satisfaction if the performance is high,
and they cause dissatisfaction if the per formance is low. Here, the attribute
performance-overall satisfaction is linear and symmetric. Typically these
factors are directly connected to customers· explicit needs and desires and
a company should try to be competitive here.

The additional three attributes which Kano mentions are:

4. Jndifferent attributes. The customer does not care about this

5. Questionable attributes. Jt is unclear whether this attribute is
expected by the customer.
6. 3everse attributes. The reverse of this product feature was
expected by the customer.

Strategy maps in Vppendix 2 describe how an organization can create value:

by connecting strategic objectives in explicit cause and effect relationship
with each other. Strategy Maps are a strategic part of the balanced
Scorecard framework to describe strategies for value creation.


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" *

Performance management is a strategic approach for monitoring how a

business is performing. Jt describes the methodologies, metrics,
processes, systems and software which are used for monitoring and
managing the business performance of an enterprise. Business
Performance Management, and Strategic Performance management, and
Enterprise Performance Management, and Corporate Performance
Management are all variations of the terminology.

Main benefits of perform management helps to

M‘ Maximize value creation consistently.

M‘ Jncrease corporate transparency.
M‘ Facilitates communication on strategy.
M‘ Jmproves internal communication on str ategy.
M‘ Facilitates the improvement of decision making.
M‘ Helps to balance short-term, middle-term and long-term tradeoffs.
M‘ Encourages value-creating investments.
M‘ Jmprove the allocatio n o f resou rces , streamlines pla n ni ng
and budgeting.
M‘ Better deal with increased complexity and greater uncertainty
and risk.

cO %! 


Vn organization·s measurement system strongly affects the behaviour of

people both inside and outside the organization. Jf companies are to
survive and prosper in information age competition, they must use
measurement and measurement systems derived from their strategies and
capabilities. The balanced scorecard retains financial management as a
critical summary of managerial and business performance, but it
highlights a more general and integrated set of measurements that link
current customer, internal process, employee, and system performance to
long term financial success.


Jn 1992, an article by 3obert Kaplan and David Norton entitled ¶The

balanced Scorecard ² Measures that Drive Performance· in the Harvard
Business 3eview caused a lot of attention for their method, and led to
their business strategies.






Source: '0-  , cååU Translating Strategy into action: The Balanced Scored Card, +  

The Balanced Scorecard method of Kaplan and Norton is a strategic

approach, and performance management system, that enables
organizations to translate a company·s vision and strategy into
implementation, working from 4 perspectives:

1. Financial perspective.

2. Customer perspective.

3. Business process perspective.

4. Learning and growth perspective.

This allows the monitoring of present performance, but the method also
tries to capture information about how well the organization is positioned
to perform in the future. The details are discussed in Vppendix 3.


Chapter 2 described literature review that is an important issue for the

research work. Jn this section we try to discuss about strategy, strategy
objectives, p e r f o r m a n c e m a n a g e m e n t , m a n a g e m e n t c o n t r o l ,
balanced score card. Jn this chapter we are also analyse the
information about the recent internal strategic history of pub 185, current
internal strategic report.




¶The purpose of research is to discover answers to questions through the

application of scientific procedures. The main of the research is to find out
the truth which is hidden and which has not been discovered as yet.
Though each research study has its own purpose, we may think of
research objectives as falling into a number of following broad groupings:

a. To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new

insights into it.
b. To portray accurately the characteristics of a particular
individual, situation or a group.
c. To determine the frequency with which something occurs or
with which it is associated with something else.



Source: Newman and Benz cåå( Èualitative ʹ Èuantitative Research Methodology  2-3 .

3esearch methodology is the concept of processes (Sarantakos, 1998 ; it is

the system in which one creates logic of the thing of analysis. 3obson (2002
stated that, the academic, political and thoughtful surroundings to societal
study and their propositions for study practice, and for the use of particular
research methods. The largely common methodologies in societal

sciences and humanities research methodology are quantitative and
qualitative research. (Morvaridi, 2005

The first stage of the action research project involved convergent

interviews to the management levels to get knowledge of the current
strategic approach. The focus groups were held to use group dynamics
to elicit understanding on the research problem and research issues. Their
information will be analysed through content analysis and use as input
into the next action research stage.

The final action research will examine secondary data and

observation on the success or failure of marketing strategy in selling.
Detailed analysis of past marketing strategy in pricing res ult is controlled
by the strategic marketing manager in his role within JD Wetherspoon
Plc; careful analysis of selling strategy failure will be made.



 % ' *    !


Vn interview is a purposeful discussion between two or more people

( Kahn and Cannel 1957 .The use of interviews can help you to gather
valid and reliable data that relevant to my research question and objectives.
However, interviews may help to formulate the research question and
objectives. Jn reality, the research interview is a general term for several
types of interview .This includes structured interviews, semi ²structured
interview and unstructured interviews , respondent interviews and
informant interviews this fact is significance since the nature of any
interview should be consistent with research questions and objectives .

The interview is clearly and completely a communication among the

interviewer and interviewee matter within which together contestants
generate and build story forms of the societal area (Silverman, 1997 .
3ecords for example the corporation·s annual statement will provide as a
balance to the interviews, so as to have entrance to established and
printed data that widens over an extended period of time. This data is
considered as secondary data.


Secondary research and observation are research techniques those are

often implicit in the data - gathering approach· and ´observation is
something we cannot fail to do as people, we are all expert observersµ
(Hackley, 2003 . Furthermore, participant observation will be chosen as ´it
puts the researcher where the action isµ enabling them ´to experience the
lives of informants , one optionis to observe consumers· behavior and their
conversations in an actual store Meiselman, 2000; .

The objective through a survey is further common plus the required

responses are of a broader environment than by case analysis (Creswell,
2002 . Surveys can together consist of prearranged interviews and official
questionnaires. Within this situation, equally official questionnaires have
been managed and a thoroughly interview survey has been performed.

")! *   "

V questionnaire-depend method can be a very well -organized process.

Jnformation gathering and investigation are simpler and speedier than is
attainable through interviews. Conversely, it is able to acquire
quantitative information about consumers· reaction about online business
(Bell, 1999 . The success of the method based totally on the feature of the
questionnaire answers acquired. This sequentially depends on the
attentiveness, goodwill and stage of understanding of respondents. Earlier
the chance of individual get in touch with respondents is fewer time -
consuming for the researcher.

Jn contrast, interviews present a well-off basis of information, which

presents the researcher with thoroughly information how persons observe
a certain circumstances or incidence, information which may not be
available employing more quantitative methods or still observations by
way of slight or no contact. Jn isolation, they present a nearby into the
range of views, or to set up approaches so as to structure hypotheses
concerning the fundamental motivations of the interviewee (Gilbert, 2002 .

´c ) "     

ne of the major weaknesses of questio nnaire is be short of deepness and

detail information. Vs soon as researcher distributes the questionnaire via
the post or e-mail, is the regularly small answer rate (Bell, 1999 . Wrongly
filled out questionnaires or still lost responses, will not provide the quality
of the information attained to complete research aims.
V further restriction of questionnaires can originate in the
constitution of the process itself. Questionnaires usually give unspecified

common information of the topic being examined and force the respondent
to response problems that he/she may be uninformed.

n the more realistic area, a large-scale study employing many of

interviews to get primary data can establish to be an expensive and
period-consuming matter. The disadvantage is that it presents huge
quantities of information to investigate, much of whose importance and
effectiveness is hard to recognize.



Consumers were firstly observed without interruption, allowing their

natural behaviour will be recorded. nly once they complete their actual
purchase decision, the researcher will approach them .Such a method has
a clear ethical advantage as consumers can choose to decline to
participate if they do not want to disclose information regarding their
purchase choice. When developing an understanding of consumers·
behaviour, it is important to ask consumers why they are carrying out
a certain action. Jndeed, some researchers maintain that the richest data
come from informal conversation be tween the researcher and the
informants. Those shoppers who will picked up a product to purchase
were intercepted as they walk away from the cabinet and will be asked to
answer a few short questions regarding their purchase choice.

‘   )  

Chapter 3 explained about research methods. Jt also explained the

research plan i.e. primary vs. secondary data, classification of research
data. Jt i s explained h o w t h e r e s e a r c h p r o c e s s e d i n t h i s study
and also explained the reasons for employing proper research method,
limitation of the study, and ethical issue of the research.

'  )!   



This part has divided into two parts, first part will be begun with the
findings from the manager·s interview, and the interview has conducted in
branch (Buxter court of JD Weatherspoon in London through small session.
The interview has taken from two mangers (manager and Vssistant Manager
and also the author has taken interview from the area manager see in
Vppendix 5.

Vccording the question no 2 managers of JD Weatherspoon, it was the

biggest new product launched in JD Weatherspoon·s products. They have
also included the new Bistro line of ´ Bar qualityµ which contains of 23
products designed to appeal shoppers to drive them into the food court of JD

Vccording to question no 3, the above findings have showed that all the
three interviewees are agreed that new strategic development is the
revolution in 21st century in terms of fulfilling customer·s needs and desires
and overall satisfaction. This study fou nd form the secondary data that J D
Weatherspoon has been striving to crate values for customers which lead to
earn their lifetime loyalty. J D Weatherspoon believes its success depends on
the people, the people that work with them and shops with them (Gov in and
Lacy, 2011 . Jf J D Weatherspoon is able to provide products and services
according the consumers· expectations then consumers will go back to the
superstore again and repeate purchase will be don e by the loyal customers.

The manager·s question no 5, clearly indicated that there are various factors
behind the new strategic development such as: to meet the customer·s needs
and wants which are dynamic in nature, new products are been developed to
ensure continuity of any busi ness ventures through making utilization of the
idle and excess capacity thereby making better profit .

The question no 7, Manager·s question result indicated that Price is major
factor to determine the success of new strategic development which leads to
customer satisfaction. He further added that determining price levels and
pricing policy affects revenues and consumer demand and thus remains one
of the most important elements in determining profitability and market

  !    )! 


45 '6  
( Research Methodology  2-3 7 -3.

JDW 3ecord first-half profits, a successful refinancing and the

reinstatement of a dividendµ


a Turnover up 4.1% to £488.1m (2009: £468.7m

a Profit before tax up 41.4% to £36.2m (2009: £25.6m

a Profit before tax before exceptional items* up 17.5% to

£36.2m (2009: £30.8m

a Free cash flow per share of 15.3p (2009: 28.2p

a Total and special dividends per share of 19p (2009: 0p

a 17 pubs opened; 2 closed; total now 746

45 #% ,6 0,  cc "43



Jn 2009, the average number of people directly employed in JDW

20,357 and it was 19,703 in 2008. f the full time equivalent
/ administration employee was 3,199. Full time hourly paid staff
8,353 and total (full time + part time hourly employees were 17,158 and
were 16,631 in 2008.

The ordinary shareholdings at 26 July, 2009 was: number of shareholders

was 5,231 nos. and number of share issued 138,974,009, and 69.73% of
total shares held with over 1,000,000 nos. share category.

The share price was 450.00p on 26 July, 2009 and 231.25p in 27 July,




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Table 4.11

45 #% - 0,



  c( )

 8  8  " * å 

The food sales for the period were £ 186,702 and budget for the period
was £ 170,611. Last year the sales for the same period were £ 165,925. So
the pub achieved its forecasted food sales for the period.

U  c( *    8  " * å 


The gross profit for the period was £ 417,101 and budget for the period
was £ 378,906. Last year gross profit for the same period was £ 359,917.
So the pub achieved its forecasted gross profit for the period.

O   c(     9  " * å 


The total pub profit for the period was £ 87,956 and budget for the period
was £ 64,455. Last year the pub profit for the same period was £ 55,088.
So the pub achieved its forecasted pub profit for the period.


Direct observation has chosen in this research to allow the researcher to
acquire the live observed experience to evaluate directly from his personal
observation and evaluating experience.
The researcher also visited the following local pubs to compare the
observation and the experience with pub 185.

a Marie Lloyd
a ld Ship
a The Cock
a The Globe
a The 3ailway Traven



The price of all products in pub 185 is very cheap in compare to all local

:) ! 

The researcher·s own experience in compare with the said local pubs, the
quality of the products is very good in pub 185 and all products are stored
in a perfect temperature, which is a quality. But the all other local pubs
are not maintaining perfect temperature in all products.



The service and presentation practice of the pub 185 is above the

' )

Vccording to shopper·s report, he /she put 100% for cleanliness and

the researcher agree with the report as the pub is clean apart from
some exceptional situations.



The researcher·s own experience while working in pub 185 is that the
turnover of the staffs is very high here. Vnd all the new staffs need on the
job training for the better performance of the working team. Jt is to be
noted that staffs are needed to be trained in updated product knowledge.

4.13 SVLES F 3CE 3EP 3TS

Sales force reports represent a rich and largely untapped potential source
of marketing information of JD Weatherspoon. Sales personnel do
generally not report valuable marketing information.
Sales personnel often lack the motivation and/or the means to
communicate key information to marketing managers


JD Weatherspoon sells a variety of distinct products to identical or similar

target markets. Vn analysis of the media habits conducted for one product
could be very useful for a different product that appeals to the same target
market. Vgain, this requires an efficient marketing information system to
ensure that those who need them can find the relevant reports.

'cO   )  

This chapter showed the data presentation and its analysis. Jn above J
discussed about findings of the management interviews, observation
analysis and secondary data . Presentation of the findings shows rating on
strategy, quality, service, maintenance, atmosphere, price and safety.

Secondary data shows the JDW·s revenue, operating profit and profit
before tax (2005 to 2009 .
Vnalysis of the findings chapter explained the analysis of dire ct
observation on strategy on price, quality, service, cleanliness and others.
Jnterview analysis focused on pub 185·s price of the product, quality of the
product, service practice, cleanliness, and recommending necessary
improvement of pub 185.

Vppendix 1:

Business strategy diagram analysis:

For any given objective there is normally a series of alternative strategies

which may be seen as being viable ways of achieving the objective.

Business strategy






Figure 2.1

;0  ,,;

Figure 2.1a

Source: Segal-Horn cåå( The Strategy Reader, -4.7-- 2-3, UK.

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  * /

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  " 0 

  2 3 2   0 




 *  -    




> ‘‘‘ 
‘ ‘ ‘
‘ ‘
‘‘ ‘‘‘



perational effectiveness v. Strategic planning


Ë    ‘

Source: Segal-Horn cåå( The Strategy Reader, -4.7-- 2-3, UK.



Ë   ‘

 ‘  ‘‘

‘ !"# " # #‘Jn the 2001 book ¶The Strategy-

focused rganization·, Kaplan and Norton transform their Balanced

Scorecard. Jn 1992 they introduced the Balanced Scorecard in
the Harvard Business 3eview as system to measure performance; now
they change it to a strategic management system. V lot of this
transformation was done by future emphasizing the so called strategy

Vppendix 3:

Balanced score card:


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   cååU  an a ng S a #g$ n o a% on& he Ba an%ed S%o ed Ca d' +   


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Source: '0-  , cååU Translating Strategy into action: The Balanced Scored Card, +  


Kaplan and Norton do not disregard the traditional need for financial
data. Timely and accurate funding data will always be a priority, and
managers will make sure to provide it. Jn fact, there is often more than
sufficient handling and processing of financial data. With the
implementation of a corporate databa se, it is hoped that more of the
processing can be centralized and automated. But the point is that the
current emphasis on financial issues leads to an unbalanced situation
with regard to other perspectives. There is perhaps a need to include
additional financial related data, such as risk management and cost
benefit data, in this category.



3ecent management philosophy has shown an increasing realization of

the importance of customer focus a nd customer satisfaction in any
company. These are called leading indicators: if customers are not
satisfied, they will eventually find oth er suppliers that will meet their
needs. Poor performance from this perspective is thus a leading indicator
of future decline. Even though the current financial picture may seem
(still good. Jn developing metrics for satisfaction, customers should be
analyzed. Jn terms of kinds of customers, and of the kinds of process for
which we are providing a product or service to those customer groups.






Source: '0-  , cååU Translating Strategy into action: The Balanced Scored Card, +  



This perspective refers to internal business process. Measurement based

on this perspective will show the managers how well their business is
running, and whether its products and services conform to customer
requirements. These matrixes have to ca refully design by those that know
these processes most intimately. Jn addition to the strategic management
processes, two kinds of business processes may be identified:

i Mission-oriented process. Many unique problems are

encountered in these processes.

i Support processes. The support process is more repetitive in

nature, and hence easier to measure and to benchmark. Generic
measurement methods can be used.

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The internal business-process-value-chain perspective


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also includes things like mentors and tutors within the organization, as
well as that ease of communication among workers that allows them to
rapidly get help on a problem when it is needed. Jt also includes
technological tools such as an intranet.




Source: '0-  , cååU Translating Strategy into action: The Balanced Scored Card, +  


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For each perspective of the Balanced Scorecard four things are monitored:


i bjectives: major objectives to be achieved, for example,

profitable growth.
i Measures: the observable parameters that will be used to
measure progress toward reaching the objectives. For
example, the objective of profitable growth might be measured
by growth in net margin.

i Targets: the specific target values for the measures, for

example, 7% annual decline in manufac turing disruption.

i Jnitiatives: projects or programs to be initiated in order to

meet the objective.

Vppendix 4:

Strategy and budgeting


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Development of the statistics budget in the first step in budgeting. Jt

provides the basis for subsequent development of the revenue and

expense budgets. Together, these three budgets are sometimes referred to

as the operating budget.

The objective of the statistics budget is to provide measures of workload or

activity in each department or responsibility centre for the next budget



With estimates of activity for individual departments developed in

the statistics budget, department managers can proceed to develop
expense budget for their areas of responsibility. Expense budgeting is the
area of budgeting ¶where the rubber m eets the road.· Management cost
control efforts are finally reflected in hard numbers that the department
must live with ² in most cases, for the budget period. Major categories of
expense budgets at the departmental l evel include payroll, supplies and



The revenue budget can be set effectively only after the expense
budget and the statistics budget have been developed. 3evenues must be


set at levels that cover all associated expenses, plus provide a return
oninvested capital. This is a fundamental rule of finance and is equally
valid for voluntary, not-for-profit firms and investor-owned firms.


The cash budget is management·s best indicator of the

organization·s expected short -run solvency. Jt translates all the previous
budgets into a statement of cash inflows and outflows. The cash budget is
usually broken down by period, such as months or quarters, within the
total budget period.
Vppendix 5:



The above question was asking two of interviewees but there was separate
session for area manager because he was not able to come at 10.30 a.m. on
15th Feb 2011 but he kept his promise and given interview at 4.0 p.m. in
the same day.

Jnterviewee 1: He told in details that J D Weatherspoon has launched its

£1bn for development strategy in July 2019. Vccording to him it was the
biggest strategy launched in J D Weatherspoon·s products. The new product
strategy has range expanded by 150 lines to 1,141 products. They have also
included the new Bistro line of ´pub-quality foodµ which contains of 23
products designed to appeal shoppers to drive them into the food court of J
D Weatherspoon. Vccording to Hall and Wallop, (2010 the J D
Weatherspoon has launched biggest new strategic development program and
they have accepted to sales around £1bn per annum. The y have also stated
that, all the new products were in Smart Price budget and it has been


categories in different segment which are: Premium Extra Special range, the
medium range and the standa rd range.

Jnterviewee Two: Vssistant store manager was agreed with the store
manager but he mentioned that every thing has been managing under the
guidance of the main office, especially new strategic development.

Question 2


Vccording to interviewee 1, the concept of new product plays important role

gain customer satisfaction. He told that, their £1bn re -launched new
strategic development was very successful in order to meet customers·
demands. He mentioned that November last year their store has made
survey and found that 81% of the respondents were satisfied because of
number of new products in the store with very competitive price. This
finding is consistent with previous findings by Sukumar, (2009 , he found
that the success of any commercial enterprise is depending on how they are
fulfilling customer·s wants, needs and expectations. Customers are not only
buying products and they are only income source for the and one of the
biggest reason was new strategic development in accordance with
customer·s demands.

Jnterviewee 2: He further added that he was the one responsible behind the
survey and the result was very positive towards the relationship between
new strategic development and customer satisfaction.



Jnterviewee 1: He stated that the new strategic development is one of five

focus of J D Weatherspoon since September 2011 and the company has


targeted £1billion profit per annum from new products. He mentioned that
the year of 2010 was most successful profitable year despite difficult
economic downturn, the J D Weatherspoon·s profit was able to record
102.4% increase in net profits and the increase in profitability signifies the
cautious cost management and new strategic development. He added that
the new venture of new strategic development program has contributed
11.5% in total profit.

Jnterviewee 2: he further added with agreed with interviewee 2 that traffic of

the store has been increased since J D Weatherspoon launched £1billion
new strategic development program. This store has 211 new products but
now it has increased more than 800 products in Jlfo rd branch.



Jnterviewee 1: He believe that the importance of competitive advantage of

any organisation is very important to maintain sustain business in the 21st
century. Hence, J D Weatherspoon has own team to monitor development
strategy of the sub-contractor and maintain Total Quality Management to
maintain superior quality in accordance with customer·s demand. He
further added that, he was in training for three month in the strategic
development team to know how J D Weatherspoon is very keen to have
competitive advantages over the competitors and when the author had
asked him to describe a little further about the procedures of the new
strategic development. He described that, the first step of new strategic
development requires gathering ideas to be evaluated as potential product
options, followed by idea screening, concept development and testing,
market analysis, test marketing and finally commercialisation.


Jnterviewee 2: He also told same thing


Jnterviewee 1: he says, there are various factors behind the strategic

development such as: to meet the customer·s needs and wants which are
dynamic in nature, Companies develops in order to explore the opportunity
that is available to them, new strategy are developed so as to tight
competitors in the market, new products are been developed to ensure
continuity of any business ventures through making utilization of the idle
and excess capacity thereby making better profit, ne w strategic development
increases the total sales volume of the firm and it also increases its market
share. Hence, he added that, J D Weatherspoon has been successfully
achieving reasons behind the new strategic development.

Jnterviewee 2: he further added that, to meet customer·s demand and bring

them into the store to purchase the products. Finally, the one of key driver
behind the strategic development is total customers· satisfaction because it
leads to profitability.



Jnterviewee 1: there are various firms adopting very seriously customer·s

focused strategy to achieve 360 -degree view of the customer and it is
ambitious goal to achieve. J D Weatherspoon has been assessing and

measuring regularly the perception and satisfaction levels of the customer. J

D Weatherspoon has conducting a forum where customer can view their
opinions, suggestions and the company has changing the operations in
accordance with customer feedback.

Jnterviewee 2: as mention in question no 1, the store conducing regularly

survey in order to determine customer perception and satisfaction levels of
the customers and then the special team helps to assess and measures the
levels of the perception and satisfaction of the customers.

Question 7



Jnterviewee 1: he emphasised on the price and Price is major factor to

determine the success of new strategic development which leads to customer
satisfaction. He further added that determining price levels and pricing
policy affects revenues and consumer demand and thus remains one of the
most important elements in determining profitability and market share. Part
of the pricing process involves the anticipation of competitive reactions to
price changes and its economic effects on supply and demand. However, the
mentioned various factors behind the target retail price such as economic
conditions, customer·s segments, costs of the pr oducts and profitability.

Jnterviewee 2: There was no further added by interviewee 2.



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