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Compact Household Cogeneration Units

」のブランド名で各ガス会社から販売さ The household cogeneration system that is sold by various gas
companies under the ECOWILL brand name generates electricity
using a gas engine as the power source and simultaneously
源として発電し、同時にエンジンの排熱を利用して給湯や暖房を行 utilizes the waste heat from the engine to supply hot water and
うシステムです。家庭用のコージェネレーションは長寿命で高効率 heat to the home. Development of a household cogeneration
system was not considered possible before because of the
な小型エンジンの開発が難しく困難とされてきました。しかし Honda
difficulty of producing a very compact engine featuring long life
は世界最小で、耐久性の高いガスエンジン GE160V エンジンと、 and high efficiency. However, by combining the GE160V engine
良質の電気を取り出すことができる独自の正弦波インバーター技術 (world’s smallest gas engine featuring high durability) with
unique sine wave inverter technology that enables high quality
electricity to be generated, Honda succeeded in the development
トの開 発に成 功しました。2003 年、この発 電ユニットと排 熱 利 of the world’s first household cogeneration unit. The ECOWILL,

用の給湯暖房ユニットで構成される「ECOWILL」が誕生、その consisting of this generator unit and a hot water and heating
unit that uses waste heat came into existence in 2003. This was
後 2006 年にはさらに性能をアップさせた新モデル、第 2 世代へ followed by a new second-generation model with a higher level
と生まれ変わりました。発電効率は第 1 世代が 20% だったものが of performance that was released in 2006. Power generation
efficiency which was 20% in the first generation was increased to
22.5% に向上、給湯暖房も併せた総合効率は 85% から 85.5%
22.5%, and total efficiency that includes supply of hot water and
と向上しています。 heat has been upgraded from 85% to 85.5%.
これらの高いエネルギー効率は当然、高い経済性を実現すること This high energy-efficiency naturally leads to achieving high
economy. When compared to a conventional hot water and
につながります。戸建住宅 4 人家族での想定で比較すると、従来
heating system for a home for a family of four, it enables the
と比べ電力購入量が年間約 40% 低減できるとともに、従来の給 volume of electricity purchased to be reduced by approximately
湯暖房システムに比べ年間の光熱費も約3万円安くなります。また 40% per year, saving about ¥30,000 on yearly utility charges. It
also reduces CO2 emissions by 32.5% compared to when power
従来の電力会社からの電力購入のみのシステムに比べ CO 2 の排
is purchased from the local electric power company. This has
出量も 32.5% 削減できるなど、これからの時代に適合した環境負 resulted in a lot of attention as a household energy system with a
荷の少ない住宅エネルギーシステムとして注目されています。 very low environmental impact that is highly suited to the times.

寄せられる高い評価 High Evaluation of System

Hondaが実現した家庭用小型コージェネレーションユニッ The compact household cogeneration unit created by
Honda and the technology it incorporates have won high
acclaim at home and abroad. It has won numerous awards,
GE160Vエンジンが高効率化を実現 にはドイツの省エネルギー・環境保全ガス工業会
(ASUE) including the “2004 Gas Industry Innovation Award” from
の高効率性能を実現した最大のポイントはGE160Vエンジンにあります。Hondaが早 の
、2005年にはわが国環境省の The Association for the Efficiency and Environmentally
などさまざまな賞 Friendly Use of Energy (ASUE) in Germany in 2004, and
を受賞しています。 the “Global Warning Prevention Activity Award” from the
長期間の連続運転を必要とされる暖房システムにおいて力 Minister of the Environment in Japan in 2005.
信頼性に高い評価と支持を獲得しています。 海外事業の展開 Development of Overseas Business
In 2007, the Climate Energy Company in the United States
(Climate Energy)
began selling a household cogeneration system called
GE160V Engine Achieves High Efficiency 社はHondaのコージェネレーションユニットと暖房ユニット
Freewat that combines Honda’s cogeneration unit and
The foremost factor in enabling the high efficiency performance of ECOWILL is the GE160V engine. Honda
」と呼ばれる家庭 a heating unit. Collaboration with the Vaillant Company
pioneered the development of a practical 4-stroke engine for this application, and the high combustion
また2009年3月 in Germany, one of the main manufacturers of boilers
efficiency and environmental performance achieved combined with the high level of durability are utilized to
their fullest in a heating system that is operated continuously for an extended period of time. The durability には欧州の主要ボイラーメーカーであるドイツのヴァイラント in Europe, was announced in March 2009, and joint
development of cogeneration system has been started.
and reliability of Honda’s engines have won particularly high acclaim overseas where heating systems are (Vaillant)
operated continuously during the winter. システムの共同開発が始まりました。

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