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The American Revolution, Civil War and the upcoming US Partisan War

29 March 2009

The precepts that led the American colonists to fight for independence in the American Revolution, and later to fight
each other in the Civil War, are similarly significant now and seem to make the US Partisan War inevitable.

The American Revolution

In 1776, British subjects living in the American colonies had exhausted their patience for a tyrannical monarchy
affecting their lives and declared their independence from Britain and King George. Seven year later, after suffering
defeat at the hands of the colonial army led by George Washington, the last of the British soldiers left New York
City. America was free.

What compelled these British people to take such a drastic step? Why did they do it? Well, the answers of course
of complicated, but there are some reasons offered in the Declaration of Independence. In fact, the first paragraph of
this magnificent document states, in part, “… when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the
same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw
off such Government…” So what were these abuses and usurpations that inspired colonists to exercise their rights
and duty? The document says “…a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the
causes…” So, they listed them. They included the following list of complaints, asserting the King…

… ignored laws passed by the colonies and forbid Governors from passing laws

… pressured large groups of colonists to give up their right to representation in the legislature

… convened legislatures “…at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their Public
Records…” to compel their compliance

… dissolved colonial legislatures for opposing him and assumed lawmaking powers himself

… refused to allow new legislatures to be elected

… obstructed immigration laws

… obstructed attempts to form a judiciary, controlled the judges, and denied colonists jury trials

… increased the number of government workers and sent them to harass citizens and eat their food

… deployed armies among the citizens, and in their homes, without their permission and allowed them to murder
colonists without punishment and declaring “…the Military independent of and superior to…” civilians.

… allowed foreigners to hold sway over the colonists and cut off foreign trade

… imposed taxes without consent

… forced colonists back to England to try them for pretend crimes

… rescinded colonial charters, abolished laws and fundamentally altered the colonial forms of government

… abdicated colonial Government, declared the colonies out of his Protection and waged war on them
… plundered the seas, ravaged the coasts, burnt towns, destroyed colonists‟ lives, and forced them to join the army
against their fellow colonists, conspired with the Indians and “excited domestic insurrections”.

Confronted with all that, you can hardly blame the colonists for taking action. And thank God they did. They gave
us freedom and liberty in America.

The American Civil War

Soon after America‟s birth, Americans had already started arguing about slavery, which lingered as an unresolved
matter between slave owners and what became known as abolitionists. After nearly 70 years, the matter came to a
head, along with other disagreements, when US federal forces fired on Fort Sumter, SC to regain control from
secessionist Confederate forces. Nearly 5 years later, and hundreds of thousands of Americans dead, the US Civil
war came to an end at Appomattox Court House. The union was preserved and slavery was outlawed completely
with the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution, December 6, 1865. In the decades that followed, through
Reconstruction in the late 1800‟s, women‟s suffrage in the early 1900‟s, and the civil rights movement of the 1950‟s
and 60‟s led by Martin Luther King and others, America is now, in the 2000‟s a place where the rule of law reigns
supreme and every person has equal opportunity to pursue happiness. Right?

Beyond slavery though, why did southern states secede? Why did the remaining union states take up arms against
the confederate states to maintain their union? It‟s interesting to contemplate, that had we remained an English
colony, America might never have had a Civil War at all. But we didn‟t and so we did. But why?

Starting in the 1780‟s, northern states sought benefit by negotiating with Spain to cede control of Mississippi, which
was very important to the southern states‟ economy. The south vociferously complained and the negotiations were
called off. As early at 1800, conflict over slavery resulted in a slave rebellion in Virginia led by Gabriel Prosser. In
1808, the slave trade was outlawed, but slave breeding continued. Slave prices went up and up. In 1811, slaves
revolted in Louisiana. In 1825, US Federal troops killed 60 slaves in New Orleans and beheaded them. After
fighting the British again in the War of 1812, Congress negotiated the Missouri Compromise which designated new
states and territories as slave or free, but it only delayed the inevitable. The Missouri Compromise was effectively
rescinded with the Nebraska-Kansas Act and the Dread Scott decision in the 1850‟s.

Throughout the decades of the 1800‟s leading up to the civil war, the northern states would come to benefit from the
inevitable march of technology that resulted in the industrialization of America, but predominately in the north. The
south remained an agrarian based economy, for the most part, up to the Civil War. As the economies of the north
and south diverged, so did the attitudes of the people. In the 1820‟s, southerners benefited from slave labor and the
cotton gin, and became ever more impatient with federal infringement of states‟ rights. By 1821, Liberia, Africa
was established to „repatriate‟ black slaves, though only a few thousand did, preferring to stay in America instead.
In 1828, Congress passed the “Tariff of Abominations” and South Carolina declared it unconstitutional, pitting the
north against the south. In 1829, David Walker called for a slave insurrection. In 1831, Nat Turner led a slave
rebellion in Virginia, killing 60 whites. The Underground Railroad then started spiriting slaves from the south to the
north and freedom. In 1832, the Virginia legislature voted against gradual emancipation. In 1833 abolitionists
founded the American Anti-Slavery Society.

Continuing in the decades leading up to the Civil War, calls for abolition grew louder, but were distracted in part by
efforts to secure women‟s rights. In the 1850‟s southern cotton farmers enjoyed a boom, raising prices and profits,
while increasing demand for slaves. In 1850, Henry Clay tried to outlaw slavery in DC. In 1852, the Fugitive Slave
Law inspired bounty hunters to simply kidnap blacks, free or not, and sell them in the south. In the mid 1850‟s,
Kansas‟ quest for statehood inspired forces on both sides of the slavery issue to mobilize. When the US Supreme
Court legalized slavery, the delicate balance between free and slave was upset.
As Lincoln rose to the Presidency, slave owners became very concerned over talk of „slave rights‟. In 1859, John
Brown raided the US armory at Harper‟s Ferry, VA (later WV), called on blacks to join him, and offered them guns.
Future Confederate General Robert E. Lee led the Army forces to stop Brown. But John Brown succeeded in
becoming the spark that lit the powder keg. The south began to form their own army. In 1860, cotton prices
reached an all time high which inspired southern plantation slave owners to protect the institution of slavery that
allowed them to collect these profits. Then, when Lincoln was elected President over the Democrats that split into a
north and south faction, southern states seceded and formed the Confederate States of America. In 1861, the US
attacked the CSA held Fort Sumter, starting the „shooting war‟.

The US Partisan War

Today, we find ourselves in a similar set of circumstances as the American Revolution and the Civil War. But this
time, it is not Confederate vs. Union, colonists vs. British, but Conservatives vs. Liberals. The Revolutionary War
had Lexington & Concord. The Civil War had Ft. Sumter. Will/where/when will the American Partisan War
begin? How did we get here? Is war as inevitable now as the Civil War seemed in 1860? What has led us to this

The Partisan War is to be fought between forces on either side of the partisan spectrum. On the right, we have
Republicans, conservatives, and traditional Americans. On the left, we have Democrats, liberals, Marxists,
socialists, communists, labor leaders and progressive Americans.

Labor Unions and Communism

For many, the division began in the early 1900‟s. Industrialization brought opportunity for wealth on scales
incomparable since the southern cotton farmers of the pre Civil War years. These successful capitalists and
industrialists included those known as the Robber Barons and countless other entrepreneurs. This industrialization
required unseen amounts and concentrations of labor. This led to the labor movements of the early 1900‟s and the
formalization and organization of labor unions. Ironically, during this same time, Lenin and Marx led revolutions in
Russia taking advantage of class envy to bring socialism and communism to the people in the name of Utopian
equality. A further link between American leftists and Russian communists came around 1920 when socialists and
communists in America formed political parties and aligned with the Communist Party led from Moscow. In 2009,
the decedents of these groups now espouse the same goals as the leaders of the Democrat Party.

The New Deal

In October and November 1929, the US stock market fell during a time of declining real estate values. Does this
sound familiar? The US real estate bubble of the early 2000‟s burst in Sep 2008 which precipitated a dramatic drop
in stock value in the US. In response to the 1929 crash, President Roosevelt instituted a series of government
spending programs that extended the recovery period, leading to what became known as the Great Depression. In
response to the 2008 financial downturn and ensuing recession, President Bush ushered in a massive bailout of the
financial industry in the hopes of averting further downturn in the financial markets fearing it would impact the
wider economy. Months later, President Obama ushered in more federal bailout money, leading to calls for
gargantuan increases in federal spending.

The Rise of Socialism and the Fall of the Constitution

Throughout the latter half of the 1900‟s, the Democrat party exerted the majority of control over Congress,
especially the House of Representatives, where spending originates. Federal budgets continued to grow over the
decades, increasing the annual deficits and compounding the US debt year after year.
A major precursor to the US Partisan War is the „Culture War‟. This „mostly non shooting‟ war has pitted
traditional Americans against a host of liberals and their pawns. America, like most societies, has not been immune
to division in cultural identity, but, throughout her history, America enjoyed a relatively uniquely American culture
until the 1960‟s. This decade brought such profound change that it constitutes a major cause of the upcoming US
Partisan War. Before the divergence, American culture was characterized by a prioritization of the nuclear family as
the foundational building block of our country. The nuclear family is defined as a father, a mother and their
children. The father was the leader of the family and primary bread winner, while the mother built a nurturing home
where the children could thrive and family could grow. Abortion was taboo and out of wedlock births were
stigmatized. Americans were independent, hard working, and compassionate. They believed in the value of hard
work and education. Taken together, these were the components, that when combined with initiative and ambition,
rocketed America‟s status in the world to the top, in a relatively short period of time.

In 1980, Ronald Reagan, a conservative Republican was elected to President, serving 2 terms. Starting in the 1980‟s
the philosophy of leading Democrats increasingly moved to the left, eventually aligning with Socialists by the early
2000‟s. In 2000, disagreements over the election process, especially in Florida, brought the partisan conflict to a
head, eventually resulting in a US Supreme Court decision that stopped the recounting of certain votes in Florida,
leaving George Bush the President. The divide between conservative and liberal was cemented.

On September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on America galvanized Americans briefly to support military action in
Afghanistan to neutralize those responsible for the terrorist attacks. By 2003, the umbrella effort known as the
Global War on Terrorism was ratcheted up by President Bush‟s decision to enforce UN Resolutions in Iraq. Most
leftists did not support the war. In 2004, a black Illinois state legislator, Barack Obama, delivered a speech at the
Democrat Party National Convention. The speech shot Obama to national attention, and led to his winning the 2008
Presidential election.

Obama – The Final Straw

After Obama‟s election, Congressman Paul Broun feared Obama would establish a Gestapo-like security force to
impose a Marxist dictatorship. Now, in the Spring of 2009, those on the right of the US Partisan War continuously
raise fears over Obama‟s presidency. Why the fear. What‟s so different? Obama himself has compared himself to
Lincoln, whose presidency kicked off the Civil War. Will Obama‟s presidency kick off the US Partisan War?

The conservative partisans have a lot to be concerned about. The following is a partial list.

 The Executive Branch and Legislative Branch (both houses of Congress) are controlled by Democrats.
And not just any Democrats either. President Obama was rated the most liberal member of the Senate
before becoming President. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi represents the ultra liberal bastion of San
Francisco very well.
 Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, has been reported to have been born in Mombasa Kenya by his
grandmother. He refuses to release his original birth certificate and has frozen access to his records in
Hawaii, Kenya and Occidental College. He has spent significant legal fees so he won‟t have to expose his
records. What does he have to hide? The US Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, requires one to be a
„natural born citizen‟ to be POTUS. It seems Soetoro is NOT eligible, and is fighting efforts to reveal the
truth. He has even deployed US federal authorities (Homeland Security), as well as state and local law
enforcement to „monitor‟ lawyers who seek the truth.
 Leftists seek to open America‟s borders and grant citizenship to illegal aliens, while Obama seeks to have
these „new Americans‟ join labor unions and vote Democrat, thus cementing power for the leftists for
 The Speaker believes that enforcing immigration laws is „un-American‟.
 Obama‟s background and career path raise many questions and concerns for Americans who make the
effort to objectively inform themselves.
o In 1996, the Democratic Socialists of America endorsed him in his early political career in Illinois
o At least one of his campaign offices in 2008 included a poster of communist revolutionary hero
Che Guevara, indicating a communist revolutionary sympathy among his supporters
o His campaign physically disrupted the local caucus meetings in Iowa and bussed in out of state
people to ensure victory over the local caucus goers. This is where his challenge to Democrat
presumptive nominee took hold. These physical tactics continued in Texas where he „closed the
deal‟ against Hillary Clinton by literally locking the doors to the buildings where some of the
Texas Democratic caucuses were being held, leaving Clinton supporters outside and unable to
participate. Clinton won Texas‟ primary, while Obama won the Texas caucus.
o Obama campaigned for Socialist Party Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who said the two year
Senator (Obama) was "one of the great leaders of the United States Senate". Must be his Socialist
credentials that warrants such accolades.
o Obama‟s “Global Poverty Act” attempted to address international goals (i.e. UN) by giving
hundreds of Billions of dollars to foreign governments in aid. The bill‟s co-sponsor was Sen. Joe
Biden, future Vice President under Obama.
o Obama‟s religious mentor is a radical black theologian Rev. Jeremiah Wright and is supported by
fellow radical Chicago preacher Father Flager. Obama‟s long coming and troubled denunciation
of Rev. Wright followed over 20 years of close relationship with the exposed radical preacher.
o His early work involved a number of radicals and anti-American influences
 Saul Alinsky – Obama is a student of this author of “Rules for Radicals” and committed
Socialist. His current agenda and modus operandi mimic the teachings of Alinsky.
Obama‟s famous campaign statement “…spread the wealth around…” seems to support
the opening remarks in Alinsky‟s final book where he wrote “What follows is for those
who want to change the world from what it is to what they believe it should be. The
Prince was written by Machiavelli for the Haves on how to hold power. Rules for
Radicals is written for the Have-Nots on how to take it away".
 Tony Rezko – Obama is financially and politically connected with this convicted felon
through personal land deals, political favors and questionable financing
 Bill Ayers – Obama‟s political and professional relationship with Ayers should concern
Americans because of Ayer‟s murderous and domestic terrorist leadership of the Weather
Underground and his radical socialist based ideas on education in America
 Louis Farrakhan – The anti-Semitic and radical leader of the Nation of Islam offered an
unsolicited endorsement of Obama‟s presidential bid, likely stemming from Obama‟s
cooperation with Farrakhan years earlier, including the Million Man March
 Rashid Khalidi - Khalidi has direct ties to the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO),
a group on the US State Department's list of known terrorist groups. He hosted Iranian
President A and raised funs for Obama. They were friends in Chicago and very inter-
connected with questionable financial deals and political favors.
 Alexi Giannoulias – A well known Mob financier also raised millions of dollars for
Obama and were political allies when Giannoulias rose to be Illinois State Treasurer.
o Obama supports infanticide and abortion on demand but obfuscates to avoid political retribution
o He seeks to control guns (anti-2nd Amendment) despite appearing to support the US Supreme
Court decision that ruled the Washington DC gun bans unconstitutional
o He used to work for the community organization ACORN, who gets federal funding yet violates
campaign/election laws. Despite receiving public funds, ACORN openly endorsed Obama‟s
Presidential election
 Obama‟s plans, current initiatives and recent efforts are equally troubling to traditional Americans
o He intends to nationalize medicine in the US, spending over a ½ Trillion dollars, AS A DOWN
PAYMENT on the initiative, not the whole initiative. Socialized medicine has never worked (see
Canada and UK) and we can‟t afford it right now.
o His stimulus bill simply increased spending on left agenda priorities, increasing the power of the
federal government and intrusion into our lives.
o States that refuse the federal stimulus money are faced with a leftist clause in the law that allows
state legislatures to override state Governors, an unconstitutional usurpation of states‟ rights.
o His gargantuan spending spree since taking office is the same mistake FDR made in the 1930‟s
but he is undeterred from that fact because he sees it as an opportunity to implement his radical
socialist ideas, as he says, to transform this country. Most Americans don‟t want to transform our
capitalist economy and democratic republic into a socialist state.
o He seeks to redistribute wealth from the upper income earners to lower income earners and non
earners – a tenant of socialism, communism and Marxism.
o His Treasury Secretary is hiring a „Corporate Compensation Expert‟ to „determine how to reclaim
corporate executive compensation from private citizens‟. The plans extend beyond those
receiving federal bailout assistance but the Obama administration has not outlined the limits.
o His administration seeks the power to take control of any private company he deems to be in
trouble and whose failure could impact the American economy – could yours be next?
o Department of Defense Directive 1404.1 was issued 3 days after Obama‟s inauguration and
establishes the DoD Civilian Expeditionary Workforce. Obama‟s campaign promise was to create
a “…civilian security force at least as powerful and well funded as the US military”. This sounds
a lot like the Soviet secret police or the Nazi Brown Shirts.
o To ensure control of the 2010 Census, Obama has taken direct control from the Commerce
Secretary, and plans to use ACORN to execute the Constitutionally mandated count which effects
congressional districts and federal spending
o The House of Representatives passed a bill to tax the pay of executives at AIG Corporation. Such
a move was made while the federal government whipped the body politic into a frenzy,
obfuscating the fact that the liberal policies, and specifically many of the liberals currently in
office, were in direct responsibility for the root causes of the problems they used to justify such far
reaching actions. In Constitutional terms, this is known as a „bill of attainder‟ and is
unconstitutional because it seeks to retroactively punish an small identified group of citizens.
o Treasury has announced efforts to control the salaries of private citizens, supported by Rep.
Barney Frank, Chairman of the House Finance Committee.
o Obama‟s spending threatens the viability of the American economy
 Requires the Fed to print money, raising inflation
 2009 deficit is highest ration to GDP since 1940s
 Russia and China are pushing to replace the dollar with a single world currency (Obama‟s
Treasury Secretary initially indicated the proposal was worth considering, before
retracting his comment)
 The federal debt has, and is projected to rise at/to unsustainable rates
o Secretary of Homeland Security is no longer going to enforce certain immigration or drug laws
o Obama plans to control citizen gun ownership, minimizing American‟s 2nd Amendment rights
 Ammunition is America is nearly unavailable. Guns sales skyrocketed after Obama‟s
 Some believe Obama‟s administration is buying up all the ammunition to keep it out of
citizens‟ hands
 Obama has announced plans to tax and control guns and ammunition to effectively make
it impractical to become or remain armed
o The left is pushing for a law known as „Card Check‟ which eliminates employees‟ right to a secret
ballot when voting on unionizing, opening it up to corrupt pressure tactics designed to increase the
number of members in labor unions. It also would require federal arbitration in disputes between
employers and unions
 Rep Frank and Sen. Dodd are the leading members of the left partisans, who, in conjunction with others,
caused the collapse of the US real estate market by attempting to force private banks to lend money to risky
borrowers they otherwise would not – Yet they deflect responsibility by attempting to blame members of
the right, despite the right‟s attempt to highlight the problem for years and their attempts to avoid them
 Leftists, such as Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, campaigned in 2006 to eliminate
corruption in Washington but instead have reversed anti-corruption rules in Congress and many leading
members of the left have been caught in corruption enforcement efforts, such as the Governor of Illinois
who tried to sell Obama‟s Senate seat.
 Obama campaigned on a foreign policy of engaging our enemies in discussions without pre-requisites; the
antithesis of traditional American foreign policy because it rewards our enemies and weakens our efforts
o North Korea is testing a ballistic missile and threatening to finish development of nuclear weapons
o Iran continues their nuclear weapons program and is very close to success. Iran‟s support of
Hezbollah and the Iraqi resistance, collusion with Russia and China, and their stated aims to
destroy us and our long time ally Isreal presents a frightening future if/when Iran goes nuclear.
Despite Obama‟s efforts to negotiate with Iran, they have rebuffed Obama‟s overtures, mocking
him in the process
o Hugo Chavez has converted a democratic country into a socialist dictatorship in America‟s
hemisphere, is collaborating with Russia and Cuba and threatening Obama
 Thousands of Americans all over the country are holding „Tea Parties‟ to protest Obama‟s fiscal policies
but it‟s not reported in the liberal controlled media
 The American media is no longer the watch dog envisioned by our founding fathers as they are now, and
have been for many years, willing accomplices with the left partisans
 Where the right is dominant in the media, AM Talk radio and the internet, leftists are planning to use
federal government control to snuff out this resistance by reviving an outdated and long rejected
mechanism known as the “Fairness Doctrine”. The leftists intend to eliminate dissention.
 As we approach the summer of 2009, Radio Talk show host Rush Limbaugh sights rising unemployment,
higher gas prices, and leftist disillusionment with Obama, and right partisans‟ frustration as the pretext for
civil unrest in the US. Could these this civil unrest combine with the Tea Parties held in various cities
around America simultaneously, to serve as the precursor to the Partisan War?
 A Russian diplomatic professor has predicted that American disillusionment with Obama will eventually
result in the separation of American into possibly 6 individual countries in 2010. Could he be right? Is the
US Partisan War going to be the reason this prediction comes true?

The totality of the “Obama Situation” with his eligibility to be POTUS still in question, his socialist agenda being
implemented with breakneck speed and while riding roughshod over those who oppose the efforts, his dangerous
naïve defense and foreign policies, and his questionable background have inspired many Americans on the right to
contemplate revolution, civil war, insurrection, legal action, protests, and unprecedented involvement in the political
process. When you consider this after years and decades of liberal led attacks on our Constitution, our freedom and
our liberty, one can understand how such inspiration might permeate America.

When you consider the mounting reasons that inspired our colonial forefathers to revolution or our southern brothers
and sisters to choose secession and our northern states to fight to maintain the union that led to the civil war, you
must wonder, how much reason do we need to rise up against the anti-American forces on the left to return our
country today to its constitutional roots. When you compare the colonials‟ grievances and the Confederate‟s attempt
to assert states‟ rights to the grievances and usurpation we suffer today, at some point, one must conclude an
equivalency. Once this conclusion is met, then how can we justify our unwillingness to stand up for the country our
colonial forefathers fought to give us? At what point do we disgrace our forefathers by not acting, not fighting?
Consider all the previous generations that have fought to support and defend our Constitution and gave the ultimate
sacrifice for our country; from the colonists, to the Union and Confederate soldiers, to those who fought and died in
the World Wars, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War and the Global War on Terrorism. Eventually, our inaction denigrates
the sacrifices of Americans that have preceded us. We must stand up now and fight for our country. America,
with her traditional ideals, has been the greatest force for good on Earth. Our humanity compels we
maintain her.

God Bless America,

David A. Turner, Jr.

The American Revolution, Civil War and the upcoming US Partisan War

29 March 2009

Mr. Turner was born and raised in southern West Virginia, is a former military officer and veteran of the Gulf War
and the Global War on Terrorism. He is a management and technology consultant for the defense industry. He
holds a BS Computer Engineering (WVU) and a MS Administration (CMU). He has two sons and lives in northern
Virginia in the Washington DC metro region.

Questions or inquiries can be directed to Mr. Turner. Phone: 703-969-8411 or e-mail:

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