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WS Atkins/Institution of Civil Engineers

Training Scheme of Graduates Under Agreement


Quarter number 6
Date 2 January 1998
Essay Serial number 04

1998, Q10
Describe the main provisions of the legislation governing Equal Opportunities in the
UK. How effective is this legislation in the construction industry today?

Graduate Training Advisor's comments

Supervising Civil Engineer's comments


1. One essay is to be prepared each quarter prior to the quarterly meeting with the GTA.
2. The essay is to be accompanied by a completed cover sheet (this sheet) and the essay
3. The essay itself should be about 1000 words (5 pages) and comprise an introduction of
about 1/3 page, the main discussion, and a conclusion of about 1/3 page which is to be the
QED - the demonstration of how you have answered each part of the question.
4. The original of the first essay and one other essay each year is to be sent to the SCE after
the GTA has reviewed it.
Essay Question 10
"Describe the main provisions of the legislation governing Equal Opportunities in the UK.
How effective is this legislation in the construction industry today?"
Essay Plan

Equal opportunity in employment generally means the elimination of discrimination, both

in the workplace and the selection process.
Several acts exist, 1st in 1975.
Main areas covered are gender, race and disablity.
Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) = Govt funded body
enforces the various acts.
responds to complaints, but does not seek out prosecutions (limited funding).
educates and inform through
information leaflets
case publicity through media (press releases)
research into areas where inequaliities persist
Cases often brought by and represented through Trade Union.

General move forward in most professions
More acceptable to be seen at the top
Shift in perceptions about roles

"Opportunities" for disabled people - Job specification is closely linked with person
New technology allows tasks to be done.

Large companies more active in Equal Opportunities "Equal Opportinities Employer".

not just the law.
social responsibility and ethics.
publicity (ie potentially damaging to image).
Any company can call themselves an equal opportunities employer.

Problems in construction industry:

Perception - it's a male industry!
- Physical work (excludes women and disabled people).
Attitude - white male managers tend to employ the same.
- prejudices persist.

Effectiveness of legislation?
Law is only part of the story.
Needs an equal opportunities culture, won't happen quickly needs a general push
from many fronts to change attitudes and prejudices.
Positive discrimination? tried in the USA but not generally popular, equal opps
enshines the philosophy of the best person for the job, but sometimes the job needs
to be redefined.
Essay Question 23:
"Describe the main provisions of the legislation governing Equal Opportunities in
the UK. How effective is this legislation in the construction industry today?"

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