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Negotiations are so common in business Negotiations are common in life, be it business,

that managers often fail to recognize the trade, or personal matters, agreements and under-
standings are reached daily. Often such under-
elements of negotiations in their proce- standings are not explicit.
sses of interaction. The development of In business, explicit negotations are held
the necessary negotiation skills among when trade, personnel, or project finalization mat-
managers is also neglected. In the USA ters are involved. This article restricts its scope to
and other advanced countries, academics trade negotiations. The objective is to reach an ag-
actively study negotiations as an art and reement satisfactory to both the parties, ironing
out all the differences. One of the objectives of
a science. Managers take training pro- negotiations should be to build a relationship
grammes to improve their negotiating which will endure over a long period of time, with
skills. business coming as a "fall out" of the relationship
In this article, Bhupindar Singh,
If you want to deal effectively with people,
based on his study and extensive experi- convince them, persuade them, your approach to
ence in both the public and private people should be based on their needs. And that is
sectors, provides a blueprint for effective what negotiations are all about.
trade negotiations. He illustrates the con- Negotiations cannot be held when terms and
cepts and tactics from actual cases. conditions are controlled by regulations. We can-
not negotiate, for example, in a ration shop, while
buying a railway ticket, when paying statutory
levies, or while fulfilling the requirements of a
Bhupindar Singh is Executive wage act. But in competitive markets, where vari-
Director, Minerals and Metals Trading ous alternatives are available, negotiations become
Corporation of India Limited, New Delhi. the most important aspect of contracting and
finalizing agreements. Both parties endeavour to
obtain the best possible terms and conditions
through negotiations.
Because negotations take place all the time, im-
plicitly or explicitly, the skill required for conduct-
ing them is not studied and cultivated adequately.
The skill involves both the use of data and intui-
tion. Personal equations among the negotiating
teams also play a very important role. Negotiations
lend themselves to intricacies of a game of chess,
but unlike chess, negotiations are successful when
both parties win. They can be successful when their
nature is understood and planning and implemen-
tation of strategy and tactics are comprehended.
Negotiation situation is one in which: of this type.
• two or more parties have to make a decision
about their interdependent goals or Integrative Bargaining
• the parties are committed to peaceful means When the parties find a solution through a joint exer-
for dissolving the dispute, and cise to a problem which benefits both, integrative
bargaining takes place. The negotiations of the Met-
• there is no clear or established method or pro als and Minerals Trading Corporation (MMTC) for
cedure for making a decision. the sale of iron ore to Japan in 1986 is an example of
integrative bargaining. The market for iron ore is a
In other words, are negotiations a dynamic process highly competitive market. Steel production in
by which two parties, each with its own objectives, Japan was expected to be lower in 1986 (96 million
confer to reach a mutually satisfying agreement on tonnes) than it was in 1985 (105 million tonnes). The
a matter of common iterest. European market had already applied a cut on the
The process of negotiations takes place within prices for procuring ore from Australia and Brazil,
a defined time scale which imposes limitations on the major producers and suppliers of iron ore. Thus,
the objectives of the negotiations. This time scale before MMTC began negotiations with the Japanese
can include the next occasion when the parties steel mills, the downward price trend was es-
contemplate doing business. In any negotiations, tablished. MMTC, through its negotiations, did ag-
since the time scale is fixed, it is essential to main- ree to reduce the price but only against an increased
tain equilibrium and get increased productivity share of the market when consumption was falling.
per unit of time. It should be ensured that the de- Both parties gained: Japan, by reduction in the
sired objectives are reached within time available. prices, and MMTC, by getting a larger market share.
The salient features of these negotiations are given
• It must be noted that each party will have its later while discussing negotiating strategies.
own objective which it must try to achieve.
• The parties must be motivated towards reach
ing an agreement which is recognized by both Progressive Commitments
as satisfying their essential needs. Imposition
of the stronger party's will on the weaker party, Negotiations are an exercise in progressive commit-
regardless of the latter's interest, cannot be ment. This is the most interesting part of the negoti-
deemed as negotiations. ations. With each move, both parties leave their ini-
tial positions. They cannot retrace their steps. Each
• The end-product of the negotiations is a matter new position becomes the starting point for the
of common interest. next move. With every move, the area remaining for
further movement is reduced; with every step ta-
ken, the next step becomes tricky and delicate. As
Types of Negotiations negotiations advance, more caution is needed.
Monitoring and review, therefore, play an im-
Negotiations is bargaining which could be of two portant part. Each move of the other team has to be
types, distributive and integrative bargaining. thoroughly assessed. Only rarely will a negotiator
be able to increase his area of movement while
withdrawing from a position he had previously
Distributive Bargaining conceded. A step once taken, can be retraced only
at the cost of personal and organizational credibi-
It is a process in which two parties bargain over lity. Each move, therefore, should be made after de-
the allocation of a fixed resource between them. termining the degree to which the company is wil-
Their interests conflict since the gain to one is a ling to commit itself.
loss to the other. Bargaining between an employer
and a union over a simple pay increase with no Planning Negotiations
productivity strings attached or between a buyer
and a seller for the price of an article are examples Success in negotiations depends primarily on the

14 Vikalpa
skill and care with which the negotiating plan has Selection of Objectives
been prepared. Tactics at the negotiating table
help, but they too need to be planned in advance. The starting point for the preparation of any
Planning should commence before making an offer negotiating plan should be an explicit statement of
or responding to it. Planning has to continue all the objectives. The objectives should be specific in
the way through the negotiations till a final agree- terms of price, quantity, payment terms, shipment
ment is reached and recorded. schedule, port of arrival and shipment, etc. Select-
There are three stages in this activity: plan- ing such objectives calls for detailed and careful
ning, action (which are successive stages of a analysis. For instance, when MMTC had to
single process), and monitoring and review. negotiate for the procurement of copper canalized
(Figure 1) for import through MMTC, before commencing
negotiations, it had to answer the following
• What does it want: a long-term or short-term
contract? Does it want producer-trader mix?
• What should be the basis for pricing? Which
prices should be used: those for the month of
shipment, the previous month, or the follow
ing month?
• What should be the schedule of arrivals in the
country? At which ports should the goods
• What is the quantity to be covered by the con
In the course of a single negotiation, the activity tract? (This had to be decided keeping in view
cycle will be repeated many times. The review and the government guidelines, indigenous pro
planning stages may be subjects for formal review duction, inventories, anticipated demand,
meetings held away from the negotiating arena, or and replenishment imports.)
there can be quick review meetings, each lasting a • What should be the preferred payment terms:
few minutes during the adjournments of the cash against delivery, letter of credit, or credit
negotiation sessions. Whatever the form, the terms?
purpose of such meetings must be to ensure that
The objectives decided should be analysed
• The timing and extent of movement are in with reference to the factors that will affect their
accordance with the degree to which the achievement such as the strength of its own
management of the company is willing to be negotiating position and that of its competitors
committed. and constraints imposed by the government policies
• At all stages, the moves have been fully pre- or inter-governmental relations and under-
pared for in advance, the facts established, standing.
and the best strategy selected.
Constraints arising out of governmental
If these cannot be ensured, then the policies often reduce negotiating strength, for in-
negotiators should not continue negotiations, for stance, when negotiating for import from rupee
if they do, they will be driven into making un- payment areas. When a country in the rupee pay-
scheduled concessions or creating unwanted prece- ment area is offering the material, maximum ef-
dents. A note of caution is needed here. Adjourn- forts have to be made to procure the material from
ment during the negotiations should be utilized it to save free foreign exchange even if a margi-
for discussing and chalking out a strategy for the nally higher price has to be paid because these
immediate future. Frequent adjournments may countries are to be accorded priority as per the
give rise to a feeling that the team is not fully pre- government policy. The objective to buy at the
pared or cohesive. The reactions of the other party most competitive price loses some of its value.
on such occasions are important indicators for Overall interest of the country becomes paramount.
further movement.

Vol. 12. No. I, January-March 1987 15

Thus, establishing clear objectives calls for a uncertain.
proper definition of one's own needs and the inter-
The strategies could be divided broadly into
national market trends. Once clear objectives are two categories: Quick Kill and Hold Back.
established, a negotiation strategy can be
Quick Kill is the strategy of selecting and
making an offer which the recipient will accept
without further negotiations (or of accepting an
Choice of Negotiating Strategy offer without bargaining). For instance, if a party
The choice of strategy will depend on the business is dominant, this is the correct strategy to adopt.
environment at the time of negotiations, objectives
to be achieved, the nature of the business to be Hold Back is the strategy of selecting an offer
transacted, and whether negotiations are for which is sufficiently attractive to the recipient for
purchase or sale. In-the formulation of the strategy him not to reject it out of hand, but at the same
information is required on: time, it contains an adequate margin for
• the product,
• competitor's activities; their strengths and A careful analysis of objectives and strategies
weaknesses, -may enable the parties to convert a distributive
bargaining situation into integrative bargaining as
• currency fluctuations, the case below illustrates.
• future commodity trends,
• whether a terminal market exists for the
commodity, Export of Iron Ore to Japan
• activities of the buyer (in case of exports)~and
seller (in case of imports) and trends in their International iron ore trade is around 315 million
growth, tonnes. Japan is the largest importer, accounting
• buying/selling styles of the buyer/seller, for about 125 million tonnes, closely followed by
western Europe. India is one of the traditional sup-
• domestic production trends, pliers of iron ore to Japanese steel mills.
• demand pattern and future outlook of the con
suming industry, and Iron ore is the fifth largest foreign exchange
earner for India (about Rs 480 crore in 1985-86).
• government policy on duties, substitute pro India has one of the largest resources of iron ore in
ducts, rail freights and port charges and de the world, amounting to approximately 17.5 bil-
velopment of infrastructure facilities like rail lion tonnes. Domestic consumption is 16 million
ways, ports, and mines. tonnes and is expected to increase to about 30 mil-
The nature of database and market informa- lion tonnes by the year 2000. Taking into account
tion required would depend on the nature of the the present plans for domestic consumption and
subject being negotiated. For instance, the data exports, the iron ore resources are expected to last
components for negotiating the purchase or instal- for about 300-400 years. The Bureau of Industrial
lation of a plant would be different from those for a Costs and Prices in its report of 1984, has conc-
turnkey project. In import and export of com- luded that iron ore export is profitable to the
modities the strategy will depend on whether the nation.
contract is for long term, short term, or if it is a
spot transaction. With this background, MMTC has been plan-
ning its iron ore exports. With western European
In addition, the strategy chosen will also de- markets becoming unattractive to India because of
pend upon the relative state of the negotiating the freight disadvantage, Japan emerges as a large,
party, whether it is dominant, subordinate, or un- natural market. Of the total export of iron ore by
certain, in relation to the other. If one party domi- MMTC, Japan takes a little over 50 per cent share.
nates, the other would be subordinated; if one Even while concentrating on Japan, MMTC has
party is uncertain, the other party will also be been steadily developing new markets abroad.

16 Vikalpa
Aggressive Strategy. Keeping in view the import- • arrive at a range for increase (decrease) and
ance of Japan as the main market, MMTC adopted negotiate with Japan as the first party before
an aggressive strategy in the last three years. Australian and Brazilian parties commenced
MMTC's share in the Japanese market in 1983 was negotiations. Thus MMTC was to assume the
only 6 million tonnes. As against this, during role of a leader rather than a follower to get
1986-87 MMTC concluded firm contracts for 13 more tonnage rather than accept what was left
million tonnes (including 2.5 million tonnes of over.
Kudremukh concentrates). The negotiations were held as planned. Euro-
The objectives selected by MMTC were to: pean settlement of prices indicated that a reduc-
• increase its share in the Japanese market, tion was inevitable, and MMTC settled on a reduc-
tion within the range derived from Eurpoean
• obtain a share for Indian vessels in shipping, prices. The tonnage was increased from 10.5 mil-
and lion tonnes to 13 million tonnes. As a result of its
• push iron ore concentrates produced by Kud aggressive strategy, MMTC's share of the Japanese
remukh Iron Ore Company which was incur market increased by more than 100 per cent in a
ring heavy losses and was on the verge of period of three years from 6 million tonnes in 1983
closure. to 13 million tonnes in 1986.
Iron ore prices are normally first settled in
Europe by Australia and Brazil, followed by a set-
tlement in Japan. In the past, India used to follow Long-Term Contracts
Australia and Brazil in their negotiations. These
negotiations amounted to accepting the Austra- A number of factors come into play when the
lian prices. The tonnage was what was left un- strategy for long-term contracts is formulated. For
covered by the Japanese demand for ore after con- example, if a five-year contract is envisaged for the
tracts for supplies from Australia and Brazil were export of iron ore, the following assessments will
made. Thus India assumed the role of a follower. It have to be made.
got neither the price advantage nor increase in • The requirement of the buyer in the next five
quantity. This was partly due to the restrictions years.
imposed by port and rail capacities, higher freight
costs (because shipment was through small ves- • The trend of availability of iron ore.
sels), and delays in decision making on objectives • Competitors' strategies, their position, and
and strategies. the development of their ports, transporta
tion, and mines.
Between 1980 and 1982, Japan applied a price • Requirement of facilities from the ports, rail
cut of about 25 per cent. As a follower and a re- ways, and mines to meet any long-term com
siduary supplier, India suffered on both counts, mitment of increased tonnage.
quantity and price. As a result, MMTC's share in
the Japanese market fell from 7.5 million tonnes in • Government policies regarding development.
1980-81 to 6 million tonnes in 1983-84. • Availability of funds to develop the in
frastructure and mines.
For 1985-86, MMTC adopted a different
• The cost of these developments and the be
strategy. It decided to:
nefits that will accure.
• wait for the settlement of prices by Australia • Feasibility reports comparing the costs and
and Brazil in Europe, benefits to derive the internal rates of return
• accept the increase (decrease) in price for the projects.
finalized in the European markets as the basis • Plans for refunding the loans raised from out
for working out the possible increase (de side sources.
crease) to be negotiated with Japanese steel
mills after the European prices were adjusted Thus, the national scene in its entirety has to
for freight differentials and for differences in be studied for long-term trade contracts and
ore quality, and negotiations as they are closely linked with the

Vol. 12. No. January-March 1987 17

resources available, their utilization, likely return leader. There can only be one leader for any
on investment, and the additional direct or indirect negotiating team. His authority must be accepted
employment which they can generate. National by the rest. While every team leader would tailor
priorities play a key role in such negotiations. his duties and responsibilities according to the
situation, the broad areas of concern are listed
Negotiating Teams • Preparation of the negotiating plan.
Effective implementation of chosen negotiation • Ensuring the availability of necessary data,
strategies to ensure achievement of the stated ob- files, and so on.
jectives requires a careful choice of a negotiating • Conducting a briefing meeting before the
team and leader. negotiation starts. (He must allow adequate
The formation of the negotiating team is de- time for such preparation.)
pendent on the objectives and chosen strategies of • Ensuring that the necessary authority has
negotiations and people available for implement- been obtained from company management
ing the agreement. The following guidelines could and that the individual team members have
be kept in view while choosing a team. authority to act for their departments.
• The team should not consist of only one • Selecting negotiating tactics.
person, nor should it be too large. One person • Opening one's own case.
cannot be expected to present the case, listen • Responding to the other party's case.
to the other party's arguments, develop • Calling upon other team members to make
earlier arguments, take notes, and finally, • their individual contributions but personally
achieve the most favourable bargain. He must • summing up each one.
have support without which effective
negotiating tactics cannot be employed. • Revising the negotiating plan and obtaining
additional authority from the management if
• The members selected should form a team. necessary.
They must be compatible with each other and
• Allowing necessary concessions.
prepared to work together.
• Making the final bargain.
• The team should have a status equal to that of
the other party's team. • Ensuring that a written record of the negotia-
tions is made and agreed upon by the other
• Communication is received by the buyer a- party.
bout the status of the seller's team, and ac
cordingly, it formulates its own team. Status • Signing the written record.
depends on the size of the contract; in terms • Reporting on the negotiations to the manage-
of its quantity as well as value, and the nature ment. The report should include a list of
of the contract; whether it is short term or follow-up action points.
long term. When long-term contracts are un
der consideration, negotiations are done at a Stages of Negotiations
very senior level.
• Technical experts, however senior they may In discharging his responsibilities, the team leader
be in the organization, should act only as ad may find it useful to divide the core of the negotia-
visors. It may be advisable that they remain in tion process into three stages: the initial or open-
the background for certain negotiation ses ing stage, the resolution stage, and the final stage.
sions since their presence may inhibit the The objectives and styles to be adopted during
other party from making commercial deals. these stages are different as the two parties con-
verge towards a mutually satisfying agreement.

Appointment and Duties of Team Leader Opening Stage

One member must be selected to be the team The objective of the opening stage is to expose the

18 Vikalpa
whole of the area which the negotiator wishes to • If the other party has got the facts of one's
cover and to identify the strength of the case of the case wrong and is proceeding on their basis,
other party, including the degree of its opposition- the error must be immediately corrected
to or acceptance of his ideas. Until this is done, no rather than merely recorded.
concession should be made even if one agrees with In the same way, if one has submitted a writ-
the other party's point of view. If it is made, the ten proposal then:
team would be deprived of a bargaining point
needed later in the negotiations. • Answers should be brief, elaborations are
• Since the proposal is in writing, the strength
Negotiations with a Written Statement. A written of the objective is to be tested. One should not
statement or offer stipulating terms and conditions be drawn into trade-offs before all the points
may be submitted by either party at the opening have been discussed.
stage. If a written statement or offer is submitted,
the party submitting it is tied down to it. If it takes
up a position inconsistent with what is stated, its Negotiations without Written Proposals. Before
credibility will be at stake. The written statement proceeding, all the points to be negotiated must be
becomes a starting point of discussion. The other identified. The discussion should not concentrate
party would have framed its strategy based OR the on some points to the exclusion of others, and
written statement, whereas the party making a points must be prioritized so that time is ap-
written statement would have no such basis to propriately allocated for each of them. The begin-
formulate its counter-strategies. If one has a writ- ning of the discussion should be exploratory, and
ten statement available at the start of the attempt should be made to make the other party
negotiations: comfortable. In the very early stages, one should
not get drawn into definite commitments or take
• Each point can be challenged. The party can positions from which it would be difficult to with-
be asked the reasons for each of the points, draw later.
but there should be no speculation's or
assumptions. The opening phase should preferably be
limited to reviewing the trade between the two
• Justification of the case should be left to the
parties. The movement towards identifying the
party which has given a written statement.
areas of differences between the two parties
Even when facts are known, a good strategy
should be gradual. This stage must establish the
will be not to admit their knowledge.
means by which the differences would be resol-
• The clarifications given by the other party to ved. The situation at the conclusion of the initial
the questions asked on the written statement phase can be categorized into three ways:
should be noted, and the position to be taken
on them reserved. • The issues are sufficiently simple, the gaps
• When there is a written communication, it is have been identified, and the positions of the
necessary to understand what it is trying to parties are specific enough for negotiations to
convey rather than interpret the message ac move straight into the decision phase.
cording to one's understanding. • The issues are complex and/or the differences
• If there is a doubt, argument should not be wide so that further discussions are required
entered into, the statement should be on specific issues before a final bargaining
checked instead. session can be held.
• The gap is so wide that no bargain can be-
• If during discussions the party appears to be made. Or, if an agreement is to be reached,
taking a stand contradictory to its written then one—or perhaps both—negotiatior(s)
statement, one's thoughts and feelings should would have to concede more than he is au
not be betrayed by showing surprise or de thorized to do. They would have to refer to
light. The situation can be used later to ad the authorities for revised instructions.
vantage in strengthening one's case while of
fering one's terms. Negotiations should produce a good agree-

Vol. 12. No. I. January-March 1987 19

ment, if agreement is possible. They should particularly if these issues are going to be dis-
improve, or at least not damage, the relationship be- cussed by different pairs of specialists; and
tween the parties. Building of a mutual relationship • the limits to which the team leader is willing
and goodwill should be one of the primary objec- to be committed on any issue at each stage.
tives of negotiations. Business flows as a fall-out of
relations built on negotiations.
Final Stage

Resolution Stage In the last stage of the negotiations the bargain is

identified, made, and recorded. Once the two
Bridging of the gap between the parties to the parties have agreed, there should be no room for
point at which a bargain can be identified may be rethinking. The agreements and minutes of the
necessary in many cases. This is accomplished by: negotiation must be clear and not vague since they
form the basis of the contract. One should never
• setting up a small working group from each conclude a negotiation without an agreed and
side consisting of one or two experts to deal written record of the outcome.
with specific issues,
• .asking each to study further and prepare Negotiations must take into account the long-
draft proposals on controversial issues, (the term relationship to be built up between the indi-
draft proposals are then exchanged and used viduals and the companies concerned. The credi-
as bases for further discussion by the full bility and trust must be established between the
negotiating teams), two parties, and at no stage should there be a feel-
ing of mistrust or an impression that the vital facts
• establishing: informal contact between the are either concealed or incorrectly presented. One
chief negotiators of each side or their respec clear advantage of trusting others is that people
tive specialists, which could be done on an who do so are themselves likely to be regarded as
exploratory basis, and dependable.
• referring; the issue to a third party whose International negotiations have further comp-
judgement is respected by both the parties. lexities. Human nature varies. There are language
In the resolution stage, the team leader must barriers. People have different values. Life styles
ensure that his members are fully aware of: differ, sensitivities differ. Since in the interna-
tional trade the interaction is with members of dif-
• any issue which is so vital that the company ferent communities, knowledge about the other
would prefer "no bargain" to conceding the party's values, beliefs, faith, and styles is essen-
present position; tial. Human relations and understanding of human
• the relationship between specific issues, beings are also important.

20 Vikalpa

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