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Types of Mediums:

What It Means?

MEDIUM (medium, mediator, intermediary): person accessible to the influence of the

Spirits, and more or less endowed with the power to receive and transmit their
communications. The medium is for the spirits an intermediary agent, or a more or less
comfortable instrument, depending on the nature or the degree of the mediator.

There are many varieties in the mediumship, according to his particular aptitude for this
or that
transmissive mode, or this or that method of communication.

MEDIUMS of physical effects: they are those who have the power to provoke
demonstrations or visible manifestations.

They include:
Mobile Mediums: those that cause movement and displacement of objects;
Tiptological Mediums: those that cause noise, percussion, and blows
Mediums of Appearances: those that cause the appearances

Among the mediums of physical effect, they are also:

The Natural Mediums: those who produce the phenomena spontaneously, without any
participation of his will; and
The Faculty Mediums: those who have the power to provoke phenomena by an act of
MEDIUMS of Moral Effect: are the most appropriate especially to receive and
transmit smart communications.

They are distinguished by their special ability, in:

Mediums Scribes: those who have the power to write for themselves under the in
yield stress of the spirits (Psicographics)
Pneumatograph Mediums: those who are entitled to receive the direct writing of the
Artists Mediums: those who draw under the influence the spirits;
Musical mediums: those who run, compose or write music under the influence of the
Speaking mediums: who transmit the word that the scribes convey in writing:
Communicative mediums: those who have power, by its willingness to engage in
others the
Ability to write, whether they are or not mediums scribes.
Inspired mediums: people who in the normal state or Ecstasy, receive, by thinking,
communications hidden and beyond their preconceived ideas;
Mediums of Premonition/hunches: which, under certain conditions, have a vague
intuition of things in the future;
Seeing (Vidente) Mediums: people who enjoy the power of the dual view or see the
spirits; and
Sensitive and impressionable mediums: the people that sense the presence of the
spirits by a
vague impression, to which they are not previously aware of.. This variety does not
have a well-defined nature: all the mediums are necessarily impressionable: the
impressionability, in turn, is more a general quality that special; something like a faculty
rudimentary, essential to the development of all the other.

Why offer the Spiritual Misa/Mass:

Through the goodness brought to us by the Doctrine of Spiritism, we can help spirits to
be elevated to a higher enlightenment, and through it every day, they can visualize us
clearly, from the Dimension where they are, and in this way provide us
recommendations and advice in each warning premonition message that cross our
minds, or that arise in our dreams and give us the blessing to be able to decipher the
orientation that they transmit to us. In this way we will always be fortified and protected
from all perturbation, spiritual or earthly, that could be reflected in our Health,
Evolvement, Evolution, and Protection of our lives.
It’s important to point out that the Misa Spiritual or Spiritual Mass is a Ceremony of great
internal and external Peace, rich in Spirituality and Harmony. If, at any time, you should,
by obligation, need or enthusiasm require to perform a Misa, request the spiritual
service of a spiritualist who has extensive knowledge in this ceremony, only a
spiritualist, is the right person to pay the tribute mentioned above, because he/she
would know the different kinds of spiritual entities, how to interact with the same, either
Mentally or in physical form.

Reasons to do it There are various reasons that may warrant to carry out a Spiritual

(a) During the initiation of the doctrine of Spiritualism, it is necessary that the person
is prepared as medium (matter), carries out a "spiritual mass", so the medium
can gather the knowledge as to how to carry out its process or phase of spiritual
development and through it learn which entities of light, are protecting him/her .
This knowledge previously acquired will help you to understand and also as you
must care for them; so that these Spiritual Entities can help you strengthen as
spiritual instrument (materia/ matter), and at the same time you can begin to give
them the attention that they request and can reach a higher level of light and

It is necessary that medium (matter), channels this situation with priority basis and thus
avoid for lack of knowledge to care for unwanted spirits (dark spirits), at the time these
spiritual rituals are carried out. It is important to highlight this situation, as is often the
case in wwhich the medium (matter), serves to spirits only because they feel they have
certain affinity and therefore neglecting their "spirits guides and protectors", and those
who actually protect them. This spiritual confusion, can produce the demotivation of the
medium (matter), leading him to abandon the doctrine for lack of guidance.

(b) to raise tribute and pay homage to our loved ones and for these to have eternal
rest and in this way they don’t remain as spirits without light; and contribute with
their experience that they gained on this plane, so to transmit to us, their advice,
recommendations on our walk through the plane of this Earth; to strengthen our
plans and see them materialized in and out of our lives , and rid us of all the
difficulties, conflicts of health, family, labour, spiritual, economic among others.

(c) in the religion of Osha (Santeria) perform the spiritual Misa is performed on the
Aleyo, i.e. the person that will be crowned with his tutelary Orisha. Through this
Misa, suggestions will be given by the entities connected with the ceremony of
the coronation. It is important to note that in Santeria , this Misa takes place in
support of a premise - IKU LOBI OSHA- “the Dead give birth or way to the
Orisha” that if the dead did not exist the Orisha/Saint would not either is for this
reason that they first pay you tribute to the EGUN (spirit) and then to the Orisha

(d) Finally, it should be noted, that anyone regardless of religion or doctrine to which
he belongs, can offer a spiritual mass, but not soon to forget that the same
should be done by a spiritualist, and that the same widely know the steps that
must be met in the realization of a spiritual Misa.

Types of spiritual Misas:

-Mass of spiritual elevation

-Mass of spiritual research

-Mass of ratification of the spiritual box

-Mass of spiritual detachment

-Mass of Coronation prior to the coronation of the Holy in the Yoruba religion (osha).

that is always the same. The purpose and development of the Misa will vary, depending
on the object to to which they it is directed. Here’s a simple description of the various
types of Misas:

It is the work that is done with people who are starting on the spiritual path. Through it,
one should learn how to act in a Misa, and the way to work in one; prayers suited to
each case, as well as the best route most appropriate in order to communicate with the
spirits of one’s spiritual table or court. Whoever comes to form part of a group of
spiritual development Misa, should be guided by a spiritualist with knowledge of the
spiritual work, and fully prepared. These Misas can be initiated because external or
internal manifestations that escape logic are manifesting, and denoting the presence or
suggestion of other creatures that intend to communicate with someone on this Earth
plane. It is important at the beginning of these, to shed light on the root of the problem,
as soon as possible in order to receive an indication of how we are faced with the
problem or issue, before it begins to lead to other events that most affect our personal

Research/ Investigation:
Performed by sitting the person in front of the spiritual Bóveda set for this ocassion, with
a minimum of 2 people, and the mediums start to give advice without being in
possession. It gives you tips to overcome the problems, then begin to describe the
spirits accompanying him, their guide and protector, as well as family beings that can
also occur. In the event of Yoko Osha taking place over the person in question, the
purpose of this research is a prelude to the spiritual coronation of the person.
In this work, the medium describes to the person the problems that are affecting him/her
in their life, as well as the reason or cause that is creating a particular situation; by
detecting the degree of negativity that the person has. If there is a backward, dark or a
spirit that is not evolved or is stuck between planes, work will be done in order to place
the spirit in their right plane, position or in the right path towards evolution.

Ceremony in which the spirit guides of one’s individual make up or court are given or
allowed their rightful place to be able to guide the person on the road from which it
came to this world and to fulfill its mission while on this Earth place. Not all have the
same amount of spirits, or the same commissions; this can vary widely.

Novena of the recently deceased:

This work is performed on the day that the deceased is buried, and hence lasts 9
continuous days. The spirit is called from the Bóveda, the participants give prayers,
candles are lit and acknowledgement of the deceased as a spirit is given, so that it
knows that the level that it has have entered, is not dark nor to be confused. This is a
culminating cycle of progress and evolutions in the process of lifting.

This work is addressed to any spirit that occurs at this level, and already have a time of
late, through the intervention of prayers is given knowledge and takes away all feelings
of hatred or rancor that aided by other spirits of more elevation can reach another level.
There are also other masses such as spiritual baptisms, spiritual marriages, homages
and spiritual festivals, and the grace and gratitude
The spiritual Boveda positions:
According to practitioners of the Crusader Spiritism, the spiritual Vault is a center of
power where converge different servers spirits of multiple interests, whose powers can
be evoked by the devotee to benefit his own, his family, or those who want to perform
an act of charity, or professional.
It consists of 7 containers of glass, you divided in 6 cups and a crystal ball, all with
water from the key, a rosary, a preferable crucifix wood pedestal and a table with a
white tablecloth, a porta also ensuresa vase, candles, cigars and other extra
For mounting here attached letters that mean each object of the Bóveda.

O glasses X glass bowl + crucifix F flowers V candle

There are 3 basic positions to work with the spiritual Bóveda. The same may vary
according to the Ilé/House and the Godmother/Godfather, or their own spiritual guides.

Bóveda at rest




In this case the Bóveda and the beings represented caters tof you and your home, to
pick up negativity that can enter. The glass of the Centre is dedicated to the Blessed
Sacrament with his spiritual guide, and the rest for other spirits who work and take care
of the devotee. It is suggested to clean the glasses, replace the waters, on Fridays.
Change the flowers, and never let them dry in the Bóveda.

Bóveda at defense



On this occasion, the Bóveda is protecting against enemies. If the name of a know
“enemy” is known, or is suspected of the same, it is placed on a paper written seven
times or nine times. This then is placed under the central bowl. Place white flowers on
the Bóveda, for a maximum of 21 days in this position. The glasses forming a first
horizontal row with three/four glasses, the central Cup and then behind another row with
the rest of the glasses. This Bóveda is to help protect from enemies.

Bóveda on the Attack

O + O

In this position, the guides are fighting someone or resolving something that has been
asked. The candle glows at noontime, and also at 12 mid night. Just Red flowers and
candles are used.

The Bóveda will remain in this position for no more than 9 days, after which it will
assume the Resting position for 3 days, and return to this position if the attack must
continue in order to overcome. The glasses are set in a triangle-shape, leaving always
the central Cup on its spot. In this position the Bóveda is fighting against obstacles and
you are looking for opening the way to achieve a purpose with the tip out, It must be
made for nine days, if the purpose has not been achieved is the position of rest for three
days and then is it brings back the attack.

In this position, the guides are fighting someone or resolving something that has been
asked. The candle glows at noon of the day, and the 12 at night. Just flowers and Red
candles are used.
The Bóveda will remain in this position for no more than 9 days, after which happened
at rest by 3 and if they failed to overcome will be the same position. The position of the
glasses are triangle-shaped ,leaving always the central Cup on its site, in this position
the vault is fighting against obstacles and you are looking for opening the way to
achieve a purpose. It must be left in this position for nine days, if the purpose has not
been achieved, change the position to Bóveda at rest for three days and then bring
back to Bóveda on the attack for 9 more days.

Spiritual commissions:
We call Commission spiritual kindred spirits of all trends whether religious, cultural,
nationality, or professional.
These commissions include the following:
• Commission of the Blessed Sacrament: high purity and elevation.
• Commission of Saint Claire: to help clarify and overcome obstacles.
• Divine Commission: are high and powerful.
• Commission of the Triangle: are called for control and spiritual force.
• Scientific Commission: are those who in life were researchers in any field.
• Controlling Commission: help control the negative actions.
• Naval/Marine Commission: working in the sea.
• Commission of Thought: they explain and positivize thinking.
• Medical Commission: were medical or healers.
(Example: Commission of José Gregorio Hernández and Juan Bruno Saya: doctors.)
• Commission for Help: serve to help overcome obstacles.
• Arab Commission: are Arabs with political, religious and cultural trends of importance.
• Egyptian, Chinese, and Executive Committee: these lands prone to politics, law,
engineering, religious, and cultural importance.
• Committee of monks and nuns: Catholic religious of all orders.
• Commission Roma: Gypsies and travelers.
• Indian Commission: Indians of all tribes on the planet.
• Commission of Auxiliary Saints: are messengers of the saints of all beliefs.
• Familiar Commission: the familiars known or not.
• Righteous Commission: do justice in time of difficulties.
• African take-up Commission: with power and strength to fight and collect demons and
all kinds of negativity.
• Commission of the African powers seven: are Africans with religious trends in African

Hierarchy in the spiritual world: spirits are a reflection of what they were in life. This
means that death does not produce a change in the essence, taking all their strengths
and weaknesses as in the past. The spirit does not immediately understand that a
transition from material to spiritual life has occurred; or how life unfolds in the other
world. Therefore, we find that the spirit with which we are dealing with has the same
level of morality, intelligence, courage, and desire owned by them when they were on
this Earth plane.

In the world of spirits one can differentiate a series of degrees, according to the degree
of evolution that these entities have achieved throughout their path.

In third degree, as the lowest, are entities that have a predominance of matter over
spirit. They are very much alive and awake in their instinct, their morality is at the
service of evil and vices, being malicious and selfish.

At the second level are those who have the dominance of the spirit over the matter,
and their intentions are put towards acts of assistance, love, charity, and protection to
persons in the earthly plane.

In the first level are the spirits which have achieved a very high level of wisdom and
evolution, maintaining a degree of goodness and total purity, though in some cultures
can also be warriors relentless in fair defense to their protected.
Materialized and Imperfect spirits
They belong to the third grade or level, are those that they are suitable for any kind of
agreements no matter how it can affect the person that leads the attack, and they enjoy
much effect and mission. They are ideal for all kinds of black magic, and can damage
an individual.
Among them are the different categories:
Dark spirits: in the ancient civilizations they were considered as malicious and demonic
entities. In life they were people with high passions and low vices. They do not suffer
any remorse even if the damage is irreparable. In general, their death was violent and
they have a long way for its cleansing and spiritual elevation. This group also include
suicidal, violent spirits, or those who died violently, or victims of addictions.

Mocking spirits: manifested in a mischievous and malicious manner. With his actions
people do not realize the damage they’re producing through their malicious influences.
They often take advantage of blows or noise to demonstrate that they are among us.
They live in the water, air, Earth, and fire, being responsible for many ailments in Mother
Nature. In some cultures, they are called elves, Gnomes, IMPS, etc..... Generally hiding
behind a personality that is not theirs, as in the case of the OUIJA or spiritual sessions
that do not have control of a professional with all its well-defined elevation level.

Hardened spirits: are those who reject the effects of prayer and the Councils of good
spirits; still those whom after their death did not overcome the problems of life. They are
very dangerous as to have more power in life, they can do much damage to enemies in

Obssesor spirits: they are those who disrupt a future spiritualist causing much
discomfort, and feeding on its light, thus weakening it with the passage of time. These
have the power to weaken the spiritual or family court of a person, causing much
discomfort of a different nature. This being must be picked up by a spiritualist with a
high level of enlightenment, or with the help of a spiritual guide who has the hierarchy
for that mission. In the event that this may not be possible there is a danger a wrong
irreparable damage or even death itself of the equal status of the spirit person as meat.

Repentant spirits: they belong to the third group but are not malicious. They are those
who have committed offenses but will repent; they need our prayers to mitigate their
sorrows and pains.

Good spirits
They belong to the second order and their interests move away from the matter, as well
as any feelings such as anger, anger or selfishness. They are called into this order by
the beliefs of some civilizations that they are good and protective genies.

For our criteria, they belong to commissions of high spirits such as physicians,
scientists, mystics, Africans, etc. Beings concerned with guidance and education at the
level of the Earth and that when they were alive they served as good examples of
people with broad humanitarian motives and inspiration.
Within the spiritual makeup of the person they take the place of guides. Their
manifestations move surrounding to aid, as well as acts of kindness and charity towards
men. They help with their knowledge to other spirits of lower status to their elevation,
development and depuration. Despite being spirits that have attained a good spiritual
level to improve their condition they need to supplement it through the medium with the
mission that has been assigned to them. Within this order they stand out as protective

Pure and high spirits

Those who have completed any test, been lifted of any chain or dragged cause,
surpassing all feeling that can keep them attached to earthly life.

Here are the angels, archangels, and Seraphim, to some beliefs, other Saints, and other
deities that were more than beings with a human or semi-human identity; which after
their death, they are worshiped for demonstrating certain gifts above of the rest of

It is a mistake is to think that these spirits can be incorporated in the terms of a medium,
taking him to a trance. What they can do is serve as a Messenger, in which case a
serious spirit of the second order, will manifest itself, having soon to have a point of
affinity that identifies them as such.

Additional Prayer Resources:

Oremus El Evangelio Segun el Espiritismo The Bible

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