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Project Report

“Hartley Oscillator”
Submitted By
Mr. Vaibhavkumar H Savkare.
Mr. Manoj D Visave.
Mr. Pramod B Sultane.
Mr. Parag N Talele.

Under The Guidance Of

Prof. M.S.Sadavarte

Department Of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering,

Government College Of Engineering,
Jalgaon (M.S)

Affiliated To
(NAAC Accredted****)
This is to certify that the project “Hartley Oscillator”
submitted by
Mr. Vaibhavkumar H Savkare.
Mr. Manoj D Visave.
Mr. Pramod B Sultane.
Mr. Parag N Talele.

is bonafide work completed under my

supervision and guidance in partial fulfillment for award of
Bachelor Of Engineering (Electronics & Telecommunication
Engineering) Degree of North Maharashtra University,Jalgaon

Place : Jalgaon
Date :

Prof. M.S.Sadavarte. Prof.G.K.Andurkar

Department Of Electronics & Head Department Of Electronics
Telecommunication & Telecommunication
Prof. G G Bhutada
Government College Of Engineering,Jalgaon


v Acknowledgement I

v Hartley Oscillator II

v PCB Making III

v References IV

Ability and ambition are not enough for success.

Many able people fail to achieve anything worthwhile, because
they have not been properly guided. This project is the result of
dedication and encouragement of many individuals and our
team. We wish to express our profound Thanks to them who
have helped us in making this project directly and indirectly.

First, we would like to thank Prof. M.S.Sadavarte for

his guidance and helpful suggestion on developing the project.
He has shown a lot of interest in out work and sorted and solved
out problem at all stages.

Also, we would like to express our sincere thanks to

our HOD - Professor G.K.Andurkar and all the teachers of
EXTC department for extending their full support to towards the
completion of our project. Without their able guidance and
motivation, this project would not have been successful.
PCB Making:
For preparing the PCB’s we have required
following materials:
1) Cu-Clad
2) FeCl3 Solution
3) Permanent Marker
4) Drilling Machine
5) Soldering Gun
6) Solder Metal
7) Soldering Flux
8) Cutter
For preparation of PCBs we first draw the layout-
artwork on the Cu clad with the help of marker, then we make a
FeCl3 solution into a bucket.
Dipping the Cu clad in the FeCl3 solution for 20-30
minutes then we found that the portion which is covered by the
marker is not etched while remaining portion gets etched. Then
with the help of a blade we scratched the layer of marker to
finish the final copper tracks.
After finishing the etching, we drill the component
holes indicated on the layout with the help of drilling machine.
Finally we go on mounting the desired components in these
holes and solder it with the help of soldering iron and a solder
metal with the flux. Then we cut the leads of the components
and made the PCB for out project.

Oscillator is a circuit which basically acts as a signal

generator, generating the output signal which oscillates with
constant amplitude and constant desired frequency. The
oscillator does not require any input signal but part of the
positive feedback acts as its input. An electronic oscillator can
generate a voltage of any desired waveform at any frequency.
The frequency range for the oscillator is few Hz up to few GHz.
Oscillator satisfies the Barkhausen criterion.
The oscillator which use the element L and C to
produce the oscillations are called LC oscillators. Basically
Hartley Oscillator.

Why LC oscillator preffered over RC ?

When it comes to generating high-frequency

sinusoidal waves, commonly used in radio frequency
applications, the most common approach is to use an LC
oscillator.The RC oscillators discussed so far have difficulty
handling high frequencies, mainly because it is difficult to
control the phase shifts of feedback signals send to the amplifier
input and because, at high frequencies, the capacitor and resistor
values often become impractical to work with. LC oscillators,
on the other hand, can use small inductances in conjunction with
capacitance to create feedback oscillators that can reach
frequencies up to around 500 MHz. However, it is important to
note that at low frequencies (e.g., audio range), LC oscillators
become highly unwieldy.

LC Oscillators:
As their name implies, LC oscillators consist
of a parallel tuned inductor-capacitor tank circuit as their
frequency determining unit. The capacitor is constantly charging
and discharging through the inductor coil at its selected resonant
frequency but due to the heavy losses in the resistive element of
the coil, the dielectric of the capacitor, and in radiation from the
circuit. So in a practicle LC circuit the amplitude of the
oscillatory voltage decreases at each half cycle and these
oscillations would eventually die away to zero. If sufficient
energy is applied at the appropriate time from a d.c. power
supply in the cycle to overcome these losses then oscillations
will continue at a constant frequency and amplitude indefinitely.
Resonant frequency occurs when the coils inductive reactance
(XL) equals that of the capacitive reactance (XC). Oscillations
are controlled by varying the value of the capacitor (varactor).

RC Oscillators:
RC oscillators are also known as "phase shift
oscillators" because their oscillating elements are made up of
resistor-capacitor circuits which produce a phase-shifting circuit
which corresponds to positive feedback. RC networks are not
naturally oscillating circuits but become oscillating elements
when connected around transistor or operational amplifiers.
RC oscillators do not use inductors but instead
produces oscillations at a frequency at which the RC network
produces a 180 deg. phase shift. A single stage amplifier will
produce 180 deg. phase shift between its input and output and
which can be used as a stage to produce the required positive
feedback. The output from the amplifier is fed back via the RC
network to its input. The input is shifted 180 deg. through the
amplifier and 180 deg. through the RC network and 180 deg. +
180 deg. = 360 deg. or zero phase shift.


A Hartley oscillator uses an inductive voltage

divider to determine thefeedback ratio. The Hartley oscillator
can take on a number of forms (FET, bipolar, etc.)—a JFET
version is shown here. This oscillator achieves a 180° phase
shift needed for positive feedback by means of a tapped inductor
in the tank circuit.The phase voltage at the two ends of the
inductor differ by 180° with respect to the ground tap. Feedback
via L2 is coupled through C1 to the base of the transistor
amplifier.(The tapped inductor is basically an autotransformer,
where L1 is the primary and L2 is the secondary.)

Application Area :

The Hartley oscillator was extensively used on

all broadcast bands including the FM 88-108MHz band. An
example is given of the Scott 310E RF oscillator for its FM


This LC Oscillator uses two inductive reactance

and one capacitive reactance i.e. X1 and X2 inductive while X3
capacitive, in the tank circuit which acts as a feedback circuit.


Sr. Components Specifications Quantity


1. Transistors BC548 1
2. Resistors 20k,880Ω,220Ω,3.3k 4
3. Capacitors 20pƒ,100pƒ,0.01pƒ,100pƒ 4
4. Inductors 0.019µH; 0.98µH 2
Circuit Diagram:


The resistances R1 & R2 are biasing resistors for

FET. Practically, for FET R1 may not be used. The Cs is source
bypass capacitor. The coupling capacitors Cc1 and Cc2 are used
to keep operating point of FET stable. This capacitor is of large
values compared to capacitor C of tank circuit. The radio-
frequency choke (RFC) is an inductance 2 ƒL. As LC Oscillator
is high frequency Oscillator, at high frequency, the reactance of
RFC is very high and it almost acts as an open circuit. Thus
RFC provides complete isolation between AC and DC
conditions of the circuit. For DC as frequency as frequency is
zero, RFC acts as short-circuit and it does not disturbs the DC
conditions of the circuit.

The FET amplifier stage provides a Phase-shift of

1800. As the center of L1 and L2 is grounded the upper end
becomes positive and the lower becomes negative and vice
versa. So the LC feedback network gives an additional phase-
shift of 1800, necessary to satisfy oscillation conditions. Thus
total phase-shift around a loop is 3600stisfying the Barkheusen
criteria. The FET parameters are selected in such a way that
other Barkheusen conditions get satisfied. Thus the circuit
works as an oscillator producing sine waveform whose
frequency depens on C, L1 & L2.

Advantages of Hartley Oscillators

The frequency is simply varied by the net value of C in the tank

The output amplitude remains constant when tuned over the
frequency range.
The feedback ratio of L1 to L2 remains constant.

Disadvantages of Hartley Oscillators

The output is rich in harmonic content and therefore not suitable

where a pure sine wave is required.
Frequency Of Oscillations:

For the Hartley Oscillator,

X1 = j L1

X2 = j L2

X3 = -jXc =-j/ C ... Xc = 1/

X1+X2+X3 = 0
j L1+ j L2- j/ C = 0
j (L1+ L2) = j/ C
2 = 1/C (L 1+ L 2)
= 1/
f = 1/2π

Where, Leq = L1+ L 2

The condition for µ of FET for oscillations is given by,
µ = L1/ L2
References :
1. Shalivahanan - Electronics Circuits and Designs

2. R S Sedha - Applied Electronics

3. Electronics Circuits and Applications - Technical


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