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Paths to sustainable development in the Andes

Carla Marchant
Paths to sustainable development in the Andes Carla Marchant

chloride, copper, lead, and to a lesser extent, silver and the same time the vulnerability of these areas and their
The continental mountain range of the Andes represents gold. Moreover, this area of South America is one of the native residents, heightening social and economic dis-
one of the most heterogeneous, varied and interesting regions with great potential for generating photovoltaic, parities.
orogenic belts of the entire planet. With a length of over solar and geothermal energy. These different kinds of One case that has had an enormous impact upon
7 500 km (the range extends from 11° N to 56° S), the ecosystems have given birth to a variety of landscapes public opinion is that of the open pit mining project
Andes host an immense biological, climatic and human that have encouraged the emergence of assorted human Pascua Lama, across the border of both Argentina and
diversity. These magnificent heights with an average el- establishments, forms of land use and the exploitation Chile (in the 3rd region of Atacama, in the municipality
evation of 4 000 m and, in cases like the Aconcagua and of natural resources (Cepeda & Oyarzún 2006). of Alto del Carmen and in northern Argentina, 300 km
the Nevado Ojos del Salado, reaching beyond 6 800 m, From a cultural point of view, the Andes still are from the city of San Juan). This project belongs to the
have justly earned the name of “la Cordillera de los Su- home to most native South-American tribes. Since be- Canadian-based Barrick Gold Corporation. Their aim
perlativos” (Borsdorf 1997). These mountains not only fore the Spanish conquest, these mountains have been is to extract gold, silver and copper with an estimated
include many capital cities but also the navigable Lake home to diverse ethnic groups, such as the Aymara, investment of USD 950 000 000 over 20 years. In envi-
Titicaca in Bolivia at 3 810 m above sea level and the Quechua and Mapuche. According to the statistics of ronmental terms, the negative impact of this project is
highest railroute in the world (Peru Callao – Huancayo the Census Bureau, Quechua speakers are the biggest substantial, given that the original idea was to remove
Railways) reaching more than 4 700 m. ethnic group. In Bolivia, they make up 15.5 % of the and “transplant” three glaciers. This would have directly
population, in Peru they reach 11.9  % and in Ecua- affected the water supply reservoirs dependent on these Fig. 1: Putre, Chile, 3 500 m, a good example of an Altiplano lands-
dor 22 %. In Chile and Argentina, these groups repre- cape. Photograph by Martin Mergilli.
Table 1: Main Andean cities in Latin America. Source: United Nations glaciers, calculated at 370 litres per second. It should
2007. sent shrinking minorities. The tribes have a clearly set be mentioned that the company has bought the water
Country Capital Area Inhabitants Altitude worldview, that is, how they see the world and how they rights and is at liberty to use this natural resource. It has been calculated that, on the Chilean side alone,
(km2) (2010) (m)
interpret their natural and cultural surroundings. For The location of the project includes, on the Argen- the number of residents directly affected by this mining
Bolivia La Paz 470 1 692 000 3 600
most natives, humans and Mother Earth (Pachamama) tinean side, the Reserva de la Biósfera San Guillermo project amounts to 70 000 individuals. This has led to
Chile Santiago 2 273.6 5 599 000 567 are part of a permanently connected whole. (San Guillermo National Park and Biosphere Reserve), the mobilization of various social organizations in order
Ecuador Quito 360 1 846 000 2 850 and, on the Chilean side, the territory that belongs to to reject the Pascua Lama activities but these actions
Colombia Santa Fe de 518 8 375 000 2 600 the Diaguita, another native ethnic group. The required have not had much success.
Perú Lima 2 664.6 7 605 742 110
The Andean region and globalization – the cur- infrastructure for the operations of the Barrick Gold The second factor that Romero (2009) takes into ac-
rent situation Corporation (tunnels and new roads) implies an enor- count relates to the accelerated effects of climate change,
mous environmental impact, risking the natural and especially those that are highly noticeable in mountain
In terms of biodiversity, the Andes are the perfect According to Romero (2002), the Andes are facing two cultural balance of this region and contaminating water areas (Price & Neville 2003, Huber et al 2005, Debar-
stage for a great variety of ecosystems with high levels phenomena that have a considerable impact on societies supplies and soil with toxic and heavy materials, lead- bieux & Price 2008). Rising temperatures have caused
of endemism (Price 2007). This diversity is represented, settled in the Latin-American mountains. On the one ing to an eventual loss of the biodiversity of these areas. a visible decrease in the surface area of the permafrost
in the case of wetland ecosystems, by the plains of Ven- hand, we see the globalization of the economy, which
ezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and parts of northern Peru. in most Andean regions is strongly oriented towards the Table 2: Environmental conflicts related to mining activities. Source: Observatorio de Conflictos Mineros de América Latina (OCMAL) & Observa-
This type of high-mountain ecosystem and its climatic exploitation of natural resources of global interest, such torio Latinoamericano de Conflictos Ambientales (OLCA), 2010. *One company could be involved in more than one project.
characteristics, such as cold temperatures, cloudiness as copper and gold, extracted by multinationals. The Country Number of current conflicts until Number of projects Number of companies Number of affected
and mean annual precipitations of 1 000  mm, where impact generated in the mountain systems of these re- 2010 involved* communities

evaporation is very low, promote a positive hydric bal- gions creates conflicts among enterprises, native ethnic Argentina 19 25 34 27

ance that makes them vital for storing and regulating groups and the residents of the lowlands who mostly Bolivia 6 5 5 19

water. depend on the resources of the highlands, given that for Chile 16 17 26 15

Desert ecosystems, such as the Altiplano in the the extraction of these minerals many natural resources Colombia 13 30 19 18

western part of Bolivia, northern Chile and Argentina are needed, including water. The use of these resources Ecuador 3 3 2 2

as well as in southern Peru, are characterized by rich increases the number of environmental conflicts cur- Perú 17 16 33 18

mineral fields of sodium nitrate, lithium, borax, sodium rently affecting most Andean countries (Tab. 2) and at Venezuela No data - - -

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Paths to sustainable development in the Andes Carla Marchant

and snow in the Andean mountains. A drastic example at international level did not come until several centu- tion of sustainability of mountain areas. Improvements
of the speed of this process can be found in the tropical ries later. In 1984, the first meeting of the World Com- include:
glaciers of the Cordillera Blanca (White Range) in the mission on Environment and Development (WCED) • a global, regional and national perspective of the Environment

Ancash region of Peru, which have lost more than 20 % was held. It represents a milestone in awareness of the importance of the sustainability in mountain re-
of their surface area within the last four decades. If this principles of sustainable development on the interna- gions; better protection conditions of natural re-
trend continues, these glaciers will have disappeared en- tional public agenda. In this context, the well-known sources and improved technical and institutional
tirely by 2030. This not only threatens the water sup- Brundtland Commission and the publication in 1987 means to reduce natural disasters; Policies
and laws
ply for cities but also for most native tribes who largely of its report Our Common Future emphasized the “envi- • a stronger global network of information for or- Sustainable
depend on agricultural activities in these areas. Also, ac- ronmental crisis” that the planet was about to face and ganizations, governments and other individuals in- development in
cording to the results of this investigation, the melting identified the key factors that were going to generate it. volved in this field; mountain areas
of these glaciers has already caused a 12 % decrease in It was noted that both the poverty in the countries of • improved capacities of the countries for better plan-
water supply on the desert coast of Peru, where 60 % of the South and the excessive consumerism of the North ning, implementation and monitoring of programs
the total population live. would contribute to making global development unsus- and activities related to sustainable development; Society
In terms of risk factors, climate change also implies tainable. • the fight against poverty, support for the genera- Risk and
more natural disasters originating in mountain ar- The results of this report were vital for defining the tion of infrastructure and social services aimed at gender
eas, such as floods, avalanches and volcanic eruptions, actions taken by the UN at the United Nations Con- the protection of mountain livelihoods and native
causing increased costs for the Andean regions. A re- ference on Environment and Development (UNCED), ethnic populations; Fig. 2: Key elements of sustainable development in mountain areas.
search carried out in 2008 by the Comision Andina also known as the “Earth Summit”, held in 1992 in • the formulation and negotiation of regional or sub-
de Naciones (Andean Community of Nations, formed Rio de Janeiro. As a consequence of this summit, the regional mountain conventions, and the formula- However, despite the heterogeneity of mountain ar-
by Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru) found that Agenda 21, also known as “Plan of Action”, was drawn tion of a global charter for mountain areas. eas, key elements can be identified and will have to be
climate change could cost the Andean countries USD up. It lists the challenges that have to be dealt with by considered when creating policies and plans for sustain-
30 000  million per year, which is the equivalent of the participants of the summit at international, national The actions already taken by the UN are global in scope able development (Fig. 2).
4.5 % of the GDP of these four countries. It has already and especially at local level (Heinelt 2000). A strategic and as a result mountains now enjoy a higher degree Against this clear perspective, we have to ask our-
been forecast that by 2025, 70 % of the residents of the area of action of Agenda 21 in this context is its Chap- of attention by both politicians and scientists. They selves, what is the state of sustainability in the Andes?
Andes will have severe difficulties in accessing drinking ter 13, called Managing Fragile Ecosystems: Sustainable have improved the living conditions of the residents of What alternative ways and examples already put into
water sources. As of 2020, approximately 40  million Mountain Development. different mountain ranges in the world, ensuring food practice in other mountain ranges of the world have led
people will be at risk of losing their drinking water sup- In this chapter, some concrete objectives could be security by improving production techniques and by to improved levels of environmental sustainability and
plies as well as some crops due to melting glaciers and established in order to advance towards sustainable providing tools to stimulate these local economies. It can be successfully applied in this particular mountain
increasing desertification in the Andean mountains. development in mountain areas. Coordinating the ful- must nevertheless be emphasized that the sustainability range?
This scenario raises questions about the future of the filment of all these objectives is the task of the FAO of these diverse and dynamic mountain systems requires
world’s mountains, especially the Andes, and what we (Food and Agriculture Organization) which supervis- strategies relevant to the individual regions.
can do to ensure the sustainability of these areas and es the progress towards these targets by means of two Authors such as Price and Messerli (2002) are of the In search of sustainability in the Andes
their residents. programmes based on what is known as “integrated opinion that it is not possible to establish a one-size-fits-
ecosystem approach for the sustainable development all definition of sustainable development in mountain To advance in this regard, it is necessary to identify pri-
of mountain areas” (Hadji Séne & Douglas 1997). The areas. Such a definition would be restrictive and not ority issues and problems that should be considered in
Sustainability and sustainable development of first objective was to strengthen the knowledge about representative enough of the diversity present in these the environmental agenda of the Andean nations. Only
mountain areas: towards a definition the ecology and the sustainability of these ecosystems, regions. What is more, this concept should be defined in this way will it be possible to ensure ways of sustain-
and the second sought to promote integrated watershed taking into account the various regional scales (national, ability for these mountain areas by developing appro-
First attempts at establishing a concept of sustainability management and offer opportunities for better living regional and local) and should relate to region-specific priate plans and public policies.
date back to the early 18th century, in the context of a conditions for mountain villagers. processes of development relevant to the cultural char- From the perspective of policies and laws, these plans
crisis in German forestry (Carlowitz 1713). However, Since the Rio Summit, there has been progress in acteristics of the populations that live in and depend on should be integrated in an articulated manner among
interest in this area and recognition of its importance many aspects related to the promotion and dissemina- these spaces. the different Andean countries, taking as example suc-

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Paths to sustainable development in the Andes Carla Marchant

cessful instances of already implemented measures in prone region in the world, after Asia (44 %), where most References Romero, H. 2002. El territorio como espacio de inte-
other parts of the world. A feasible way to achieve this is catastrophic events happen. Given this perspective, we gración global y local. Revista Ambiente y Desarrollo
to adapt and recondition to our Latin-American reality must first reduce the vulnerability of the Andean coun- Borsdorf, A. & V. Braun 2008. The European and Glo- 18 (2-4): 177–181.
those models already put into practice in Europe, such tries to risks and dangers (i. e. establish regional maps bal Dimension of Mountain Research. An Overview. Romero, H., P. Smith & A. Vásquez 2009. Global
as the Alpine Convention or the Carpathian Conven- of risks and vulnerability) and secondly, we should aim Revue de Géographie 96 (4): 117–129. changes and economic globalization Andes. Chal-
tion. at a better public management of these events together Borsdorf, A. 1997. Die Andenländer. In: Länder-Völker- lenges for Developing Nations. In: Jandl, R. & A.
In the economic dimension, we have to progress fur- Kontinente 3, Bertelsmann Lexikothek, 3. ed. Güter- Borsdorf (eds.), Global change and sustainable devel-
with more effective plans of prevention and mitigation.
loh: 293–311. opment in mountain regions. Alpine space – Man &
ther in promoting and fostering those activities that are To conclude, I want to stress the need to promote
Carlowitz, H.C. 1713. Silvicultura Oeconomica oder Environment 7, Innsbruck: 71–93.
beneficial for the commercial integration among An- the development of multidisciplinary mountain-ori-
hausswirtschaftliche Nachricht und naturgemässe An- United Nations (eds.) 2008. World Urbanization Pros-
dean countries (that is, to establish fairer tax policies, ented research approaches inside the Latin-American pects: The 2007 Revision. New York.
weisung zur wilden Baumzucht. Reprint TU Ber-
to protect free competition, to control safeguards, etc). context as only these are able to address fully the di- gakademie Freiberg, 2000.
The Andean Community of Nations (CAN) is a body versity and complexity of these spaces. A valid option Cepeda, J. & J. Oyarzún 2006. Geoecología de los Andes
that has achieved dynamic free trade among member to achieve this would be to follow models that have al- desérticos: la alta montaña del Valle del Elqui. La Ser-
countries and partners and has also facilitated foreign ready been successful in other mountains in the world, ena: 41–66.
investment into this block of countries. Future chal- such as can be found in the DIAMONT project (Data Debarbieux, B. & M. Price 2008. Representing Moun-
lenges in this area lie in consolidating and strengthening Infrastructure of the Alps – Mountain Orientated Net- tains: From Local and National to Global Common
a Latin-American group as a platform for regional ex- work Technology) and in mountain.TRIP (Mountain Good. Geopolitics 13 (1): 148–168.
change to negotiate better conditions, free trade agree- Sustainability: Transforming Research Into Practice) in Hadji Sène, E. & M. Douglas 1997. Desarrollo sosteni-
ments (FTAs) with other global trading groups, such as the Alps and Europe (Borsdorf & Braun 2008). ble de las zonas de montaña. Programa 21 Informe de
the European Union. It is necessary to strengthen the Finally, both the spread of scientific knowledge gen- Avance. Capítulo 13.
conditions of economic and political stability in the erated by research groups and NGOs and the dissemi- Heinelt, H. 2000. Nachhaltige Entwicklung durch
“Agenda 21”-Prozesse. Politikwissenschaftliche Fra-
Andean countries to create proper environments that nation of successful practices are relevant as they allow
gen und Überlegungen zur Debatte. Lokale “Agenda
permit such flows of investment. the establishment of exchange networks between the
21”- Prozesse: 51–66.
In the environmental dimension, the main actions international scientific community and local people. Huber, U., H. Bugmann & M. Reasoner 2005. Global
suggested aim at creating both an agenda and a plan of Following this line and some antecedents seen in the change and mountain regions. An overview of cur-
action to face climate change which is generating in- Foro de las Montañas (Mountain Forum), an interna- rent knowledge. Advances in global change research
disputable negative effects on the natural resources of tional network responsible for contacting and divulging 23: 650.
the region. The retreat of glaciers, for instance, has a news related to the sustainable development achieved Price, M. 2007. Maintaining mountain biodiversity in
huge impact on energy generation (approximately 60 % in the various mountain areas across the world, Latin an era of climate change. In: Borsdorf, A, J. Stötter
of the electricity consumed by the Andean countries is America is seen as a region where participation and & E. Veulliet (eds.), Managing Alpine Future. IGF
currently being generated by hydropower stations using research are actively pursued. The work done by these Forschungsberichte 2. Vienna: 17–33.
the water from the glaciers). It is also vital to develop in- networks is highly valuable, especially for the mountain Price, M. & G. Neville 2003. Designing strategies to
tegrated strategies to manage water resources and plans region of the Andes. We can therefore claim that even increase the resilience of alpine/montane systems
to protect biodiversity as well as establishing payment though we still have a long way to go, we have neverthe- to climate change. In: Hansen, L., L. Biringer & J.
mechanisms for environmental services. Hoffman (eds.), Buying Time: A User’s Manual for
less progressed in terms of the current sustainability of
Building Resistance and Resilience to Climate Change
In a related aspect, the dimension of risk, the Andes the Andes.
in Natural Systems. Gland: 73–95.
is a region with frequent instances of natural disasters
Price, M. & B. Messerli 2002. Fostering sustainable
resulting in major social and economic losses. Between mountain development: From Rio to the Interna-
1900 and 1999, in Latin America and the Caribbean tional Year of Mountains, and beyond. Unasylva 208:
alone, 1 309 natural disasters were reported. This cor- 6–17.
responds to 19 % of all natural disasters reported world-
wide. Latin America is thus the second most disaster-

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