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Running Head: Unit 4 Group Project 1

Gathering Information in UNIX

LaRon Walker

Master of Information Technology and Internet Security

July, 2010

There are many different tools investigators can use to gather information and track

offenders. Unix-based operating systems house a vast majority of these types of tools, and are

commonly used in computer crime investigations. These tools can include, but are not limited to

finger, showmount, mount, echo, rlogin and whoami. These specific tools are designed to

retrieve user information that can help locate where an intrusion or attack originates from.

According the article Finger (2009), finger is a Unix software utility that can help

remotely retrieve user information from another computer across networks. It can also be used

to retrieve details from emails that are otherwise hidden from the general user. This utility can

be very useful when trying to track the origination of email viruses, intrusions, or denial of

service (DOS) attacks.

Showmount is a command line utility used to show information about clients that are

connected to an NFS server. This can be very useful to investigators when trying to determine if

a suspect’s computer is connected to a specific NFS server. This command can display

information about the hostname as well as the mounted directory or file system of a connected


In basic terms, to mount a device is to make it available for access. Based on the article

mount (2006), for users to have access to files or file systems, the drive must first be mounted.

This is a very common tool that most investigators use to access files on computers and hard

drives, as it also allows the copying or displaying of files without altering them in any way. This

utility plays a vital role in investigating computer crimes, and it is the most commonly used

method in operating systems to give access to different file systems.

The echo utility a very useful tool when you cannot see what you are typing when

remotely connected to a host through a terminal or shell connection. Echo can also be used with

a pipe or redirect to display the contents of files or directories. Some investigators also use the

echo command to display the contents of environmental variables when searching for embedded

code used to hide data.

Per the article rlogin (2003), the rlogin tool is used to connect Unix machines to each

other on a network. When attempting to gather information from a Unix host, investigators can

use the rlogin utility to connect remotely to machines. Once connected, investigators can use the

mount utility to gain access to file systems and directories, as well as run commands like echo

and finger to gather other forensic evidence.

The whoami utility displays information about the current user logged in to the current

session. This is a very useful command to investigators when verifying the identity of the

current user that is logged in to a system. In Unix, this can also help verify the current owner of

a terminal session after running commands that may have previously required additional

permissions (e.g. root).

When used together, all of the above discussed Unix utilities can be a very useful toolkit

for investigators in the process of gathering evidence in computer crimes. Investigators can use

the rlogin utility to connect to remote Unix hosts, use the showmount utility to show the mounted

files systems, use the mount command to mount these drives, and use the echo and finger

commands to display the contents of these file systems and directories. These tools for gathering

information are commonly used to gather forensic evidence.


finger. (2009). In The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather guide.

Retrieved from

mount. (2006). In High Definition: A-Z Guide to Personal Technology. Retrieved from

rlogin. (2003). In Webster's New World™ Computer Dictionary. Retrieved from

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