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/METHOD=ENTER convert age miles trans air cyl color model owner.


[DataSet1] C:\Users\EeePC\Desktop\temp.sav

Descriptive Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

Asking Price in Dollars 8431.03 3785.895 35
Convertible .26 .443 35
Age of the car in years 3.80 2.139 35
Approx. Odometer in
reading 4.71E4 31020.317 35
Transmission .40 .497 35
Air Conditioning .94 .236 35
Number of Cylinders 6.91 1.772 35
Color of th Car 4.86 1.942 35
GT Model .37 .490 35
Ownership .34 .482 35


Asking Price Age of the car Odometer in
in Dollars Convertible in years reading
Pearson Correlation Asking Price in Dollars 1.000 .432 -.822 -.753
Convertible .432 1.000 -.130 -.267
Age of the car in years -.822 -.130 1.000 .740
Approx. Odometer in
reading -.753 -.267 .740 1.000
Transmission .225 .320 -.227 -.111
Air Conditioning .124 .145 -.023 .069

Page 1

Air Number of Color of th

Transmission Conditioning Cylinders Car
Pearson Correlation Asking Price in Dollars .225 .124 .633 .045
Convertible .320 .145 .066 .180
Age of the car in years -.227 -.023 -.447 .000
Approx. Odometer in
reading -.111 .069 -.479 .068
Transmission 1.000 .201 .040 .061
Air Conditioning .201 1.000 .129 .046


GT Model Ownership
Pearson Correlation Asking Price in Dollars .323 .382
Convertible -.046 .264
Age of the car in years .017 -.417
Approx. Odometer in
reading -.154 -.306
Transmission -.386 .025
Air Conditioning .189 .178

Page 2

Asking Price Age of the car Odometer in
in Dollars Convertible in years reading
Pearson Correlation Number of Cylinders .633 .066 -.447 -.479
Color of th Car .045 .180 .000 .068
GT Model .323 -.046 .017 -.154
Ownership .382 .264 -.417 -.306
Sig. (1-tailed) Asking Price in Dollars . .005 .000 .000
Convertible .005 . .228 .061
Age of the car in years .000 .228 . .000
Approx. Odometer in
reading .000 .061 .000 .
Transmission .097 .030 .095 .262
Air Conditioning .238 .203 .447 .346
Number of Cylinders .000 .353 .004 .002
Color of th Car .398 .150 .500 .350
GT Model .029 .396 .462 .189
Ownership .012 .063 .006 .037
N Asking Price in Dollars 35 35 35 35
Convertible 35 35 35 35
Age of the car in years 35 35 35 35
Approx. Odometer in
reading 35 35 35 35
Transmission 35 35 35 35
Air Conditioning 35 35 35 35
Number of Cylinders 35 35 35 35
Color of th Car 35 35 35 35
GT Model 35 35 35 35
Ownership 35 35 35 35

Page 3

Air Number of Color of th

Transmission Conditioning Cylinders Car
Pearson Correlation Number of Cylinders .040 .129 1.000 .159
Color of th Car .061 .046 .159 1.000
GT Model -.386 .189 .478 .026
Ownership .025 .178 .035 .022
Sig. (1-tailed) Asking Price in Dollars .097 .238 .000 .398
Convertible .030 .203 .353 .150
Age of the car in years .095 .447 .004 .500
Approx. Odometer in
reading .262 .346 .002 .350
Transmission . .123 .410 .364
Air Conditioning .123 . .230 .397
Number of Cylinders .410 .230 . .181
Color of th Car .364 .397 .181 .
GT Model .011 .138 .002 .440
Ownership .444 .153 .420 .449
N Asking Price in Dollars 35 35 35 35
Convertible 35 35 35 35
Age of the car in years 35 35 35 35
Approx. Odometer in
reading 35 35 35 35
Transmission 35 35 35 35
Air Conditioning 35 35 35 35
Number of Cylinders 35 35 35 35
Color of th Car 35 35 35 35
GT Model 35 35 35 35
Ownership 35 35 35 35

Page 4

GT Model Ownership
Pearson Correlation Number of Cylinders .478 .035
Color of th Car .026 .022
GT Model 1.000 .192
Ownership .192 1.000
Sig. (1-tailed) Asking Price in Dollars .029 .012
Convertible .396 .063
Age of the car in years .462 .006
Approx. Odometer in
reading .189 .037
Transmission .011 .444
Air Conditioning .138 .153
Number of Cylinders .002 .420
Color of th Car .440 .449
GT Model . .134
Ownership .134 .
N Asking Price in Dollars 35 35
Convertible 35 35
Age of the car in years 35 35
Approx. Odometer in
reading 35 35
Transmission 35 35
Air Conditioning 35 35
Number of Cylinders 35 35
Color of th Car 35 35
GT Model 35 35
Ownership 35 35

Variables Entered/Removedb

Mode Variables Variables

l Entered Removed Method
1 Ownership,
Color of th
, Number of
Cylinders, Air
Convertible, . Enter
Odometer in
reading, GT
Model, Age of
the car in
years a
a. All requested variables entered.
b. Dependent Variable: Asking Price in Dollars

Page 5
Model Summary

Change Statistics
Mode Adjusted R Std. Error of R Square
l R R Square Square the Estimate Change F Change df1 df2
1 .967 a .935 .912 1124.441 .935 40.047 9 25

a. Predictors: (Constant), Ownership, Color of th Car, Transmission, Number of Cylinders, Air Conditioning,
Convertible, Approx. Odometer in reading, GT Model, Age of the car in years

Model Summary

l Sig. F Change
1 .000
a. Predictors: (Constant), Ownership, Color of th Car, Transmission, Number of
Cylinders, Air Conditioning, Convertible, Approx. Odometer in reading, GT Model,
Age of the car in years


Sum of
Model Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 4.557E8 9 5.063E7 40.047 .000 a
Residual 3.161E7 25 1264368.060
Total 4.873E8 34
a. Predictors: (Constant), Ownership, Color of th Car, Transmission, Number of
Cylinders, Air Conditioning, Convertible, Approx. Odometer in reading, GT Model, Age of
the car in years
b. Dependent Variable: Asking Price in Dollars


Standardized Correlatio
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients ns
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Zero-order
1 (Constant) 10771.195 1558.420 6.912 .000
Convertible 2967.451 517.624 .348 5.733 .000 .432
Age of the car in years -1299.346 164.964 -.734 -7.877 .000 -.822
Approx. Odometer in
reading -.003 .011 -.022 -.255 .801 -.753
Transmission 638.010 482.429 .084 1.322 .198 .225
Air Conditioning -334.281 909.759 -.021 -.367 .716 .124
Number of Cylinders 245.693 165.076 .115 1.488 .149 .633
Color of th Car -88.714 105.256 -.046 -.843 .407 .045
GT Model 2684.803 580.254 .348 4.627 .000 .323
Ownership -711.225 514.138 -.090 -1.383 .179 .382
a. Dependent Variable: Asking Price in Dollars

Page 6

Model Partial Part
1 (Constant)
Convertible .754 .292
Age of the car in years -.844 -.401
Approx. Odometer in
reading -.051 -.013
Transmission .256 .067
Air Conditioning -.073 -.019
Number of Cylinders .285 .076
Color of th Car -.166 -.043
GT Model .679 .236
Ownership -.267 -.070
a. Dependent Variable: Asking Price in Dollars

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