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Chickens Lay Eggs, Fruit Trees Bear Fruit, and

Humans Tell Stories…

The Beginning

In the mind of man, it would seem that all things have a

beginning and correspondingly an ending, but we know this
is not true…

The Ending

Since we have already spoken of the lack of truth to our

beliefs in beginnings and endings why not put the ending in
the beginning? They really do not exist right? After all, what
came first, the chicken, the question about the chicken, or
the egg?

Good & Evil

To speak of this effectively, one must acknowledge that this

too is a grand illusion rooted in the belief of separation.
Since herein is my assertion that we are all one and
therefore inextricably connected, how could one part of our
body be good and the other evil? What then of the whole?

If this does not occur as a spiritual inevitability to you the

reader, then it may help to view it from a scientific
perspective. One helpful image to more deeply understand
this concept is to picture the human body.

the Human Body

The human body is pretty clearly composed of many and

varied parts: extremities, limbs, head, torso, organs and
many other parts. It does not require any diplomas to
recognize this.

Clearly any sober human would grant the unthinkability of

claiming any one part of the body as being a completely
separate entity and really consider cutting it off without
regard for the rest of the body!

We know that the human body is one complete, inseparable

whole…but this is knowledge that any pre-schooler knows…

Well yes, until we teach them otherwise.

Microcosm and Macrocosm

On a microcosmic level there are billions of atoms

comprising one human cell, there are billions of cells in the
human body comprising one human body, there are billions
of humans on planet Earth comprising one body of souls –
the human race, there are billions of stars comprising our
galaxy – the Milky Way, there are billions of galaxies
comprising one Universe. And so it goes…

Scientific Knowledge of Interconnectedness

As advanced as we have become, surely no educated

person could reasonably argue that the cells that reside in
our toes have no connection to those in our liver, our brain
or our fingers. But still educated people commit acts of
violence upon one another failing to see the essential bond
between them as members of the same species body…

Similarly, with telecommunications and technology as

advanced as they have become it is increasingly difficult to
deny the connection that exists nearly instantaneously
between potentially all people on the planet regardless of
location. For more evidence of this think of the world-wide

Amorphous Nature of Nature

Does Nature know any boundaries? Do rivers, trees, insects,

clouds, oceans, animals recognize national borders?

Can a bee call itself Chinese? A fly Brazilian? A cockroach

American? No, I don’t believe they can or do. Only humans
felt the need to create this bizarre and seemingly arbitrary
system of separation called countries.

Indisputable Similarities

Does a river alter in anyway when it crosses into another

country? On my trips throughout the world I can’t help
notice that the sky, the clouds, the stars, the oceans, and
the seashores look the same from one place to the other.

It’s A Small World

My discovery that the world was indeed one place with little
differentiation from one place to the next came as a bit of a
disappointment to me personally!

I guess my youthful imagination wanted there to be more of

a drastic change when I went to another country. How come
nowhere I went looked like the fun, colorful worlds in some
of my favorite video games and cartoons?

Even as we begin to receive more info and photos of other

planets, I have found the results to have been soberingly
disappointing. Mars looks like dry regions of Earth as does
the Moon just with different atmospheres in the skies.
Seeking Fantasy

But where are the worlds of fantasy that I have encountered

in countless comic books, video games, movies, novels, and
artworks??? Apparently these are the efforts of man
bringing his inner world into some sort physical
manifestation…and doesn’t actually exist “out There” but
rather “in Here”.


In our “beginning” there was the formless which drifted into

form. There was the senseless which drifted into sense, the
non-existence which drifted into existence, the non-thought
into thought, the colorlessness into color, the emptiness of
nothing into the fullness of everything.

Illusion of Seperation

We were in fullness before this lifetime and we will be again

after this lifetime. In fact we were never separated from
fullness in truth, but we allowed the illusion of
incompleteness to dominate our world perhaps for the
majority of most human lifetimes.

That Which Sees Beyond the Body

But fortunately, with us today, is the observer, the watcher,

the one who knows all, sees all, and above all remembers
that this is all illusion here on Planet Earth in these
“temporary spacesuits” as David Icke so playfully refers to
our physical bodies.

Yes all this was occurring at the time of our beginning and
then there was Awareness.

When awareness first entered the scene, things were very

basic. We felt some differences in temperature, in
vibrations, in comfort, but by and large existed in a state of
bliss. All was well and the moments when things seemed
uncomfortable were fleeting and quickly returned to a state
of equilibrium. This was our “beginning”.


What is birth? Well, after the planting of a seed, the seed

either takes hold or it does not. If it does, the seed then
enters a period of gestation in which it slowly but surely
grows, enlarges, becomes stronger – more real, more
independent in its abilities.


A successfully planted seed grows into maturation providing

conditions are appropriate to support such growth. For
example arid climates may prove to be more challenging to
initiate seed growth than in lush humid environments…

Chances for Survival

Yet, once the seed does begin to grow, it has a fighting

chance at survival whether the conditions are supportive or
not. However, supportive conditions for the seed increases
its chances for survival manifold.

How Was Your Birth?

Was your growth in the womb supported by the outside

environment? Was the world of your mother (the one who
bore you) happy, healthy, safe, well-balanced? Or was the
world of your mother (while you were in the womb) violent,
angry, unhappy, unsafe, unhealthy?

Was your mother offering gratitude or cursing her

misfortunes at this time?

Our Pre-Life Request

The interesting thing is that whatever state we found

ourselves in when we were developing into a fetus was the
state in which we asked to be placed here before we were
we were created.


This is it in a nutshell or better yet in seed form. Truth is

what you define and decide is true. What is true for me is
not necessarily true for you and vice versa, but by allowing
ourselves to maintain our own incontrovertible truth without
obstructing the truth of others we are therefore creating a
much larger universe…indeed one of limitless possibilities.

Allowing For Multiple Truths

A vast creation of infinite possibilities awaits us, where your

truth is indisputable, as is mine, as is the elderly man’s
down the road, and every living thing’s truth in the creation.
Surely the life experience and “truth” of an ant is different
than that of you and me.

The Unspoken Agreement

I respect your truth (even when mine differs from yours).

Please respect my truth and let us understand that one
another’s beliefs are of equal validity and will disappear
with us when we leave this Earth, so to deny someone their
truth is as fruitless as trying to stop a river flowing or bees
from pollinating.

Better to Bend Than to Break

A truth for rivers is that they flow…no matter how many

dams we build we cannot build enough to deny all rivers
their truth. They will keep flowing whether we like it or not.

And trying to prevent bees from going about their daily

business (their truth) would not only result in many painful
stings, and the collapse of the food chain as we know
it(according to Einstein), but also prove ultimately
impossible barring the option of mass destruction of the
planet, in which case the destroyer becomes the

Ancient Ancestry

If we trace our ancestry back, back, back far enough, we

find that we all generated from the same initial spark of life
maybe a billion years ago in some sludgy swamp.

All Life Is Related

In other words we all share blood and genes with the most
detestable creatures on Earth (i.e. snakes, flies, sharks,
maggots, vultures, crocodiles…) since we all have the same

Problems As Adaptations
One of my truths that I offer from a scientific perspective is
that our “problematic” members of the human species are
exemplifying necessary adaptations for their survival
according to their truths.

For example, the problem child who is at once helpful and

making trouble is perhaps expressing an adaptation that he
learned as being integral to his continued survival.

“What the f*ck is wrong with him?”

Because life is complex and perhaps because it is difficult

some people evolve in ways to be considered “wrong” or
“annoying” or “backwards” or “problematic”. These titles
are all indisputable truths for somebody, but need not be
accepted as truth by anyone.

Labels Are Self-Reflections

Our society is filled with people whom others would deem

as “lacking” in one way or another, or “too much” in other
ways. However, these labels are reflections of our own
inability to accept some ancient, serpentine gene (possibly
mutation) that we developed perhaps thousands or even
millions of years ago when life was “finding its feet” so to

Problems As Learning Tools

In your life what are the strange adaptations that you have
been the scientific showcase for? What things has life
taught you are necessary evils? How many of these do we
accept without questioning? How many of these should we
think twice about and re-evaluate?
Personal Adaptations

One strange adaptation (or peculiarity) of mine is I like to

eat alone because the sound of people chewing or
swallowing bothers me. This curious condition has some
benefits as well as some recurring setbacks. A benefit of
this is it has given me many hours reading, studying, and
educating myself at the meal table, by myself.

But a setback of this preference (or intolerance) is that it

has caused me incalculable discomfort throughout my life
when eating together with others has been unavoidable. So
what is my stance with this setback today?

Costs & Benefits of My Peculiarity

I recognize its costs and benefits and acknowledge that it

seems the costs outweigh the benefits. I also acknowledge
that what has been my truth for the majority of my life can
change if I decide that another truth would result in a better
division of costs and benefits.


So I am currently in the process of creating a new

adaptation – tolerance of such noise and if possible a sense
of humor towards such sounds and possibly even
enjoyment of them!

My sense of annoyance at this aspect of life was only my

truth when I declared it so. There undoubtedly was a time
before I made such a distinction.

Re-Writing My History

In this example I am able to demonstrate how we can

rewrite our history, present, and future. Up until now the
story had been, “the sound of people making noises while
eating and drinking bothers me and I take it personally.”
This story paints an unnecessarily negative image of my life
condition as one that is subject to permanent suffering
influenced by outside forces that I have no control over.
Very dismal…

Change the Story

However we can change the story to “In my youth the

sound of people eating and drinking greatly bothered me,
but over time and through determined efforts to get beyond
this limitation I have come to inhabit a more evolved sense
of self in which I am at peace with the animalistic roots of
my ancient origins.”

Shift the Perspective

This new perspective allows me to change my destiny from

one of bondage to my personal idiosynchrocy to one of
liberty to choose my destiny day to day.

Patience & Process

Perhaps my words or thought processes come across as

long-winded, but this I take to be part and parcel of my
evolution. Many of my greatest influences had a lot to say
and I often enjoyed listening to what they had to say.

The Wise & Powerful Ents

In “The Lord of the Rings” J.R.R. Tolkkein portrays an old

and wise race of tree beings called “Ents”. When these
beings would say a greeting it may take an hour or more.
When they called a meeting of Ents together (an “Ent
Moot”) it would take perhaps a week or two for any
decisions to be reached due to their long-winded nature.

A Force To Be Reckoned With

But once a decision was reached after their slow and

deliberate thinking process, the power of their combined
efforts was truly force to be reckoned with!

So if my long-windedness is a necessary part of the

evolution into my next life state, then so be it…

Decide & Deliver

And another point regarding Tolkkein on the subject of

patience and process is the length of time he took to write
“The Lord of the Rngs” – ten years! This is truly a work of
dedication, single-minded purpose, and desire to (like the
Ents) come to decisions patiently and deliver the actions
with terrible force and conviction!


Does it exist or not? Of course in the daily workaday world

that we live through everyday it certainly seems like it
does. But what is time…really?

From One Point to Another

Traditionally we see time as linear commencing at one

point and proceeding linearly and evenly until the next or
ultimately final point.

No Beginning???
But this picture presents a small problem. When does it
begin? And therefore when does it end? Clearly birth and
death represent satisfactory beginnings and endings, but
the trouble is…our history books tell us that there was time
existing before we were born.

Origin of the Universe

Ok, with that being said, what about the history of the
Universe? Surely time did not exist before the Universe…
hmm…here again we have a conundrum. We come to the
question, who or what gave birth to the Universe? For if it
was born, mustn’t it have a Mother or Creator of sorts?

OK Enough Philosophy

So you may be thinking now, “I get it, philosophical

speculation of time produces little in the way of satisfying
results. So what?” Well this brings me to my next point.

Taking Things For Granted

There are few things in our lives as members of the human

species take for granted as a concrete fact more than time.
But upon close speculation as we just saw, there is nothing
concrete about time behind the massive illusion that it
projects to so many simultaneously.

So, if one of our most universally accepted concepts is not

even based on fool proof evidence, then what else in our
lives do we take for granted for no good reason?

The Impossible is Possible

It was once thought man could never fly and that he could
never fly and that he could never visit the moon, but
humankind has since gone on to “prove” these facts as

The Earth is flat – proved false.

We cannot fly – proved false.

Earth is the Center of the Universe – proved false.

The Sun is the Center of the Universe – proved false.

We cannot visit Outer Space – proved false.

And now . . . satellites, telecommunications, submarines,

ocean liners, cities, sewers, subways…

Humankind has again and again proved that it is capable of

the impossible. I have read and experienced innumerable
accounts of incredible encounters, unbelievable
experiences and of the odds being defied that I propose
nothing is really impossible.

Anything put forth as impossible can be spun on its head

with creativity and the ability to think outside the box.

Of course this requires cooperation with all involved parties.

Negativity is Possible Too

Just as I claim that nothing is impossible that includes the

possibility for close-minded people or the faithless to shut
down many wonderful possibilities for themselves and for
others – this is also possible.

Too Fantastic Too Be True?

Humans flying like birds and swimming like fish without the
aid of technology. Astral travel. Instantaneous
transportation. Telepathy. Seeing auras. Seeing through
walls. Living in a ever-present state of meditation surviving
on only one meal in a year. Rapid self-healing. Happiness
everyday. Miracles…

The Paradigm of Time

But along with these many fantastic possibilities I would like

you to first take into consideration perhaps one of the
biggest of our blindly and widely accepted paradigms. Time.

The Expendibility of Time

I propose that it doesn’t exist. Why? Well I offer that it

exists only because we say it does and then collectively
agree and hold it high over our heads in silent agreement
that it was here before and will be here after us. But I am
here to argue that it came with us! We brought time and we
will take it with us when our race eventually leaves the

Without us the Universe will once again be Timeless.


So if we brought it with us we can discard it any time? Well

yes and no. We also brought some other grand illusions
when we came here…

The Body

We can no more discard time than we can discard our

bodies, but what we can do is acknowledge, that, like our
bodies, like our feelings of isolation, like the illusion of
power and several other things, time is only as real as we
give it credit for being.


One simple example of this can be illustrated by the

difference in the perception of time in the following
persons: a prisoner, a school boy on summer vacation, a
lover making love, a mother in her ninth month of
pregnancy, a student on the first/ last day of school, a man
on death row.

Clearly in these examples it is easy to see that time does

not occur the same for any of the above examples. So what
does this tell us about time?

For one thing it is quite flexible. It is a matter of Perception.

Ahh here is the key to Time. Perception.

Does time exist for a wall? An insect, a machine, a cloud???

Can An Insect Be Late?

Maybe an insect can manage some degree of perceiving

time, but maybe not… I do not know for sure what it feels
like to be an insect.


What about a newborn? I can recall at the beginning of this

lifetime was a very powerful sense of security, peace,
tranquility and power. I felt that anything was possible and I
had complete faith that all my needs would be met. I don’t
think I understand what needs were, but I know I did not
waste time worrying about them. If something was
unpleasing, scary, or otherwise distasteful I had one strong
defense mechanism – to cry. But I do recall that I did not
choose to cry until I was a bit older.


Crying was an automatic response for particular situations.

It wasn’t until I began to decipher some of the mechanics of
the world of manipulation that I decided to “use” crying to
produce some desired benefit or effect.

Does Time Exist for Newborns?

So how was time experienced by this infant? The general

impression left in my memory from that period was one of
an indefinitely long period of time, of safety, of occasional
discomfort, but mainly a life of peace.

Eternal Beings

I can confidently say that in the very early stages of my life

I seemed to exist in a state of eternal life.

Now I know I eventually aged, but at that time I did not

really “know” that I would age and therefore inhabited the
present moment very deeply and therein very often
touched a piece of eternity.


What is age? Length of time in the body? On the Earth?

Well, if time is an illusion then mustn’t age be as well?

Today I am 29 years old, but not very long ago I was 20 and
before that 5 and before I was born I was … ageless …

Is Age Real?
Some say that age is just a number. The main thing is how
old you feel. This has truth to it certainly. Haven’t we met a
young person who seems wise beyond his years as well as
an elderly person who acts like a stubborn child? Surely age
is but another illusion.

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