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GEOLOGY - Foundation of the present; key to California's Mure.

~,ALIFORNIA September 1979



Generalized Geologic Units

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Callto.n'a·s p,esent,c p.ov,nces are the 'esult 01 gaotog,c p,ocesS(lS wh,cll
hllva been lIct,ve to! m,II'ons 01 years Some althese processes 1I,e S(ldtme''llal'on. vol-
canosm. plulon,c ,nl.uSlon. melamo,ph,sm. e.os,on. ""d tec!On,sm Fo' it SI.'mmary 01
lhe geOteClo",c developmanl 0' Calliorntll. see Ihe lIrttcle 0" pllge 187
Note: This article summarizes the con- versity of C.tlifomie Los Angeles IUCLA) space scientists. Rubey Volume No.1 enti-
tents of the first Rubey Volume. a new se- and career scientist for the U.S. Geological tled THE GEOTECTONIC DEVELOPMENT
ries in Earth and plenetary sciences. nemed Survey. ElIch volume will present the writ· OF CALIFORNIA describes the plate tec·
in memory of the late W.W. Rubey. Profe. ten product of an annual UCLA colloquium tonic framework of the state and adjacent
lOr of Geology end Geophysics at the Uni- on a tepic of interest to geologists and regions.


W.G. ERNST. Chairman

Department of Earth and Space Sciences

University of Californie. Los Angeles
The geologic history of California is CONTINENTAL MARGINS complex interplay among diverse con·
unique and complelt. Dynamic interactions structional and destructional processes.
of lithospheric plates through time have AND THE GEOLOGY
OF CALiFORNIA The Atlantic type (figure la) is a rifted
left intriguing puzzles yet to be fully solved.
The following article summarizes the find· margin produced by divergent plate mo-
ings of many workers studying plate tec- There ace four principal types of lithos- tion. Both the Andean type (figure tb)
tonic geology in California. Because of the pheric plate boundaries involving conti- and the Japanese type (figure tc) are con·
nature of the subject. the geologic con- nental margins. They are: (I) the vergent plate junctions. TheCalifornillD
cepts may be unfamiliar to many readers. Atlantic, (2) the Andean, (3) the Japa- type (figure Id) is characterized by strike
To help the reader understand this descrip- nese, and (4) the Californian (figure I). ~lip movement, and it is, therefore, a
tion of Ihe processes which led 10 the The geology of each margin is a function conservative plate boundary. The conver-
present geologic configurlltion of the of its own unique history and represents a gent models (Andean and Japanese) may
state. a glossary of plate tectonic terms is
included wilh this article (p.194). A brief (01 ATLANTIC TYPE (bl ANDEAN TYPE -..-
summary of the basic concepts of plate rOOr}eocIile 011100 subduclial bean: P'Jklnic
teclonics can be found in the Oct. 1978 is-
sue of CAliFORNIA GEOLOGY.... Editor. ~'T'(""" ====~
complex basil
-;;;;,. arc

The present-day geology of California rifled bc:rde!tlnd
is an intricate lithotectonic collage. Litho-
tectonic belts reflect the complex inter·
play between semicontinuous igneous,
sedimentary, and tectonic constructional
Figure 1 Diagrammatic sketch of the four major types of continental margins showing
processes and the episodic occurrence of cruslal topologies: (a) Atlantic type. divergent margin: (b) Andean type and (cl Japa·
destructive plate motions which have nese type. Both (b) and (c) are convergent margins (nOI shown is oblique subduction
truncated, pulled apart, dispencd, and or possible tectonic removal ollhe leading edge of the nonsubducted slab): (d) Califor-
carried away segments of the continental nian type. transform margin.Lithosphere-asthenosphere contact not illustrated. After Dic-
crust. kinson. 1976.

California Geology september 1979 187

'-'-MOdoc: Basin and Range
Transverse Ranges Province
Plateau ! Portions of the San Gabriel Com:p\a.
I have been fragmented and reasaembled at
I different times, and some portions are
:.::'., i probably still being modified due to ongo-
ing translational motion along the San
\ Andreas fault system. Lithologies pre-
",Iit" served in the San Gabriel Mountains indi-
cate continental metamorphism at deep
crustal levels, and the addition of both
mafic and felsic calc-&1kaline igneous
material. The oldest rocks are the
,, Mendenhall Gneiss and related quartzo....
•• feldspathic gneiss-amphibolite complex
o Late \ of 1715 ± 30 m.y. age, intruded by 1670
± 15 m.y. old granitic gneisses. The San
Mesozoic'-?( Gabriel anorthosite - gabbro - syenite
complex was emplaced about 1220 ± 10
Franciscan ::' m.y. before present (b.p.). The thermal

terrane \co oS' aureole produced by this differentiated

Meso- \"';

,,,. mafic pluton caused the amphibolitiza-
tion of relict granulites in Mendenhall
Gneiss on the south and southeast mar-
ZOIC granitic \-0
,- gins of the anorthositic complex (pboto
terrane \, 0 c""l~":'i::4~ I). It is not known if an early stage of
metamorphism attending intrusion pro-
dlliJ M'dr MeSOZOIC.
""" Un!'!s \'-\
\?o'\ ~ duced the granulites (Ehlig, in press), or

[J3 Large~ Poleozaic units \ \

~' \-..~
whether tbey formed prior to emplace-
ment of the anorthositic complex, at
\ GV \ about 1440 m.y. ago (Silver and otben,
~ Ophiolitic complexes \ \ 1963).

"" \
Mojave Desert Province

,.. 120. ""::-,~,~rde~lond Isolated masses of Precambrian base-

ment rocks protrude through a veritable
sea of alluvium in the Mojave
Figure 2 Aspects of the generalized regional geology of California. InpartllfterH8milton. Desert. The basement rocks are intruded
'978. Major faults: Coast Range thrust (CAT); Garlock (G); San Andreas (SA); San by Mesozoic granitic rock
Gabriel (SG); San Jacinto (SJ); San Simeon-Hosgri (SSH); Other abbreviations: Grest and overtain by volcanogenic units.
Valley sequence (GV); Pelona and Orocopia schists (Pl. Limited lateral continuity hampers re-
gional correlations, but where outcrops
involve pure "head 00" subduction, but tory is somewhat obscure. NC'\etheless, occur, they are almost completely ex-
oblique underflow is apparently more we know that lithosphere, hydros- ,."...
common. In either case, the convergent phere. and atmosphere bad evolved to es.-
motion may result in accretion of re- sentially a modern aspect by about 2,000 Two major belts of ancient crystalline
worked sialic (silica-alumina-rich) mate- million years (m.y.) ago (Windley, rocks have been recognized based on ge0-
rial adjacent and landward ofthe trench,or 1977). Crustal sections from that time 00- chronologic data for cogenetic zircon
tectonic erosion"of segments of the conti~ ward can be correlated in large part with suites in granites and their country rocks
oental margin (oot shown on figure 1) currently active earth-building processes. (Silver and Anderson, 1974). The older
may occur. A notable exception is the apparent lack terrane to the northwest is characterized
of ophiolites; sensu stricto, which would by a 1820 m.y. old metamorphic basement
The present-day disposition oflithotcc- represc:ot an early phase of sea floor intruded by granitic plutons which are
tonic belts in California is sbown on figure spreading prior to Phanerozoic time. 100 m.y. younger. The younger, more
2 (Hamilton, 1978). southeasterly terrane consists of 1720
Occurrences of Precambrian rocks in m.y. old country rocks intruded by 1650
California have been hypothesized in sev- m.y. old granites.
PRECAMBRIAN eral batholithic terranes, such as the
HISTORY Salinian block. of the Coast Ranges, al~ It has been bypothesized that ancient
OF CALIFORNIA though Precambrian rocks are known crystalline belts were juxtaposed in early
with certainty only from the Transverse Mesozoic time by a left-lateral
The preserved Precambrian lithologic Ranges (San Gabriel and San Bernardino fault which transccted the Mojave Desert
sections in California are limited and frag- Mountains), the Mojave Desert, in a roughly north-south direction. As in
mentary. Consequently, the deduced his- and the Basin and Range provinces. the San Gabriel Mountains, this Precam-

18. California Geology september 1979

DEVONIAN-MISSISSIPPIAN (Salinian block) in the west-eentral por· construction of a late Paleozoic volcanic
tion of the state. in the Mojave Iksert arc lying west ofa newly formed marginal
province, and in the Ttarulvene basin. The latter was presumably the site
Ranges province (San Gabriel Moun- of accumulation of the Calaveras Forma-
tains) to the south. Judging from unit tion. Unlike the present-day Japanese ar-
thickness and sedimentary facies trends, chipelago (a typical island arc) which
the ancient Pacific continental margin of faces the subducting oceanic crust-
North America trended roughly north- capped lithospheric plate, these Paleozoic
south, from southernmost Idaho and cen- island ares of central California apparent-
tral Nevada into southeastern California ly faced North America, reflecting west-
(figure 3) prior to the Ander orogeny of ward underflow of the marginal basin.
Late Devonian l and Early Mississippian This volcanogenic unit constituted
time (Burchfiel and Davis, 1972; Stewart the leading edge of the continental crust-
and Suczck, 1971). The onlapping sedi- capped slab. During the Sonoma orogeny
ments have a thickness of about I kID on at the end of Permian to earliest Triassic
the southeast near the shelf edge, and time, this lithologic plate moved eastward
thicken northwestward to a section of along the Golconda thrust towards the
nearly 10 km. One or more early Paleo- North American craton (figure 5).
zoic island ares were located to the west
in the provinces of the Klamath Moun- Klamath Mountains Province
tains and northwestern Sierra Nevada
(68'=4). In the Klamath Mountains province, a
Figure 3 Generalized plate tectonic set-
ting of California during the Antler orogeny general trend of units becoming younger
(Devonian - Mississippian Period). After Sierra Nevada Province to the west and the tectonic imbrication of
various sources. including Burchfief and middle and upper Paleozoic and Meso-
Davis. 1972: 1915: Dickinson. in press., In latest Devonian-earliest Mississippi- zoic units along eastward-dipping thrusts
an time an eastward-directed overthrust- (Irwin, 1960; 1917) suggests that subse-
ing along the Roberts Mountains. thrust quent to the Antler orogeny, the paleopa-
brian terrane reflects deep-level sialic ad- brought volcanogenic argillites of a sub- cffic plate descended to the east beneath
ditions to the continental crust. Simila.r duction complex over an autochthonous the accreting continental margin. Here
metamorphosed rocks crop out to the miogeoclinal sequence (Stewart and the east-dipping Trinity thrust jux-
south in the San Bernardino, Chocolate, Poole, 1974). The Antler orogeny sig- taposed the eastern Paleozoic and Triassic
and Orocopia Mountains. naled the closure of an intervening mar- eugeoclinal section - a marginal basin
ginal basin (figure 4) and the suturing of assemblage (7) which appears to correlate
Basin and Range Province island arc material onlo the western pe- in part with the northern Sierra Nevada
rimeter of North America. The Shoo Ay Shoo Ay Formation - and the underly-
Precambrian rocks are found as far Formation in the northern Si- ing Trinity Ophiolite against the structur-
north as Death Valley, where they are un- erra Nevada bears; evidence to this event. ally lower, more westerly central
conformably overlain by a weakly recrys- Dickinson (1971) presented the case for metamorphic belt. The age of metamor-
tallized sedimentary series of latest westward consumption of the marginal phism of this belt, 380-400 m.y., suggests
Precambrian age. These strata, and the basin, whereas Burchfiel and Davis a Devonian event. However, the time of
overlying most recent Pre- (1975) explained the suturing event (mal assembly in the eastern Klamath
cambrian and lower Paleozoic section, through a process of eastward plate Mountains, judging by late Paleozoic-
represent well-sorted, chemically mature descent involving uncoupling and over- earliest Mesozoic depositional ages. indi-
sediments produced along an Atlantic- thrusting (obduction) of the island arc cates that late slages of the thrusting
type continental margin (Stewart, 1972). superstructure. probably should be correlated with a
The initiation of rifting resulted locally in phase of the Sonoma orogeny (latest Per-
formation of the Amargosa aulacogen Renewed subduction offshore at the mian to earliest Triassic time). The plate
(fault-bounded intracratonic trough or latitude of the Sierra Nevada allowed the tectonic interpretation of the central
graben). Thus the time m1er'Yai from
latest Precambrian to early
Paleozoic was dominated by shallow DEVONIAN-MISSiSSIPPIAN
water, passive margin-type deposition Klamath-N. Sierran
(such as formed the Pahrump Group) in Island are
Antler forelond
this portion of California. erc-trench QCIP marQinel allochthon clastic croton
basin be"

Rocks of Paleozoic age are present in

large tracts of eastern Califomia (Sierra
Nevada province) and crop out as far
west as the Klamath Mountains province Figure" Hypothetical. generalized diagram depicting the Antier plate tectonic regime.
in the north western area of the state, not to scale. In this interpretation. westward subduction is postulated to be responsible
possibly in the Coast Ranges province for the eastward overthrusting of the Antler allochthon. After Poole and Sandberg. '971.

September 1979
California Geology

~ the Coast Ranges, are cb..aracterizcd by served in the lithologic record - the lub-
carbonates and orthoquartzites depos.ited duction zone, the intervening aro-trench
in flat-lying strata, and lack abundant gap, and the volcanic-plutonic arc. Evi-
do~ics volcanogenic detritus. This widespread dence supports the existence of at least
but relatively thin sequence is thought to one marginal basin. In addition, both
have been deposited on the continental oblique rifting and continental fragmenta-
CRATON shelf and slope (Burchfiel and Davis. tion. large-scale strike-slip faulting. and
1972; 1975). The miogeoclinal units pass probably subcrustal erosion as well. have
to the northwest into a eugcoclinal facies; caused the truncation of pre-existing
fragments of the units are preserved in the structural trends.
Sierra Nevada batholith north of the lati-
tude of the White Mountains and Klamath Mountains Province
throughout the Western Foothills belt as
the Shoo Fly Formation. the exotic Kings The Klamath Mountains mark the site
-Kaweah ophiolite. and perhaps older of a seaward prograding continental as·
units of the Calaveras Formation. sembly. The late Paleozoic process of tec·
Summary - tonic imbrication along east-dipping
Figure 5 Plate tectonic s9nin9 of Califor- thrust faults continued throughout Meso-
nia during the Sonoma orogeny (Permian Tectonic Characteristics
zoic time. with the western Paleozoic and
_ Triassic Period). After various sources.
To summariz.e, the Paleozoic Era was Triassic belt (North Fork, Hayfork and
including Burchfiel Slid Davis, '972; 1975:
Dickinson. in press.
characterized in much of eastern and Rattlesnake Creek units). the western Ju·
southern California by deposition along a rassic belt (Galice and Rogue Forma-
passive continental margin which became tions), and the Franciscan terrane
metamorphic belt is uncertain; whereas deeper to the north-northwest. Offshore occupying successively more oceanward
Hamilton (1969) regarded it as a mi· island arcs were accreted to the continent positiollJl along the western margin of
crocontinental fragment rafted into the by the (westward?) consumption of inter- North America. Ophiolitic slabs and
subduction zone, others have suggested vening back-arc basins and eastward~­ slices, such as the Josephine ultramafic
that it is the remnant of an island arc. In reeted overthrusting along the Roberts complex (possibly correlative with the
any case. it is a relatively thin section of Mountains (latest Devonian-earliest Mis· Smartville block of the northern Sierra
Paleozoic metamorphic rocks tectonically sissippian) and Golconda (latest Permian Nevada and the Great Valley block)
overlying the Calaveru-equivalent -earliest Triassic) thrusts in Nevada. arc obducted remnants of the suture zones
western Paleozoic and Triassic belt, along which these lithotectonic belts have
which locally contains Jurassic strata (Ir. In the Klamath Mountains of Oregon been jw:taposed. The Franciscan Com-
win and othen, 1977; 1978). and northern California, however, the age plex. which is confIned to the Coast
relations andjw:tapos.itiollJl of the various Ranges, lies tectonically beneath the
Paleozoic miogeoclinal-eugeo::linal fa- lithic belts suggest that at the end of De- South Fork Mountain thrust and repre-
cies trends are abruptly terminated on the vonian time the eastern Paleozoic sents voluminous late Mesozoic episodic
southwest by north-northwest trending belt. plus underlying Trinity Ophiolite offscrapings from the subducting slab. as
Mesozoic lithotectonic belts which rough- were. obducted to the west over well as exotic lithologic entities brought in
ly parallel the present continental margin. the subducted and recrystallizing central by oblique convergence (Alvarez and oth·
Because of this profound truncation ofthe metamorphic belt. Effects of the Sonoma ers, 1979). In contrast, the two older,
Paleozoic system, Hamilton (1969) and orogeny are confmed to the ultimate jux- more easterly Klamath Mountains belts
Burchfiel and Davis (1972) have p0s- taposition ofthese two terranes. Renewed each contain telescoped lithic remnants of
tulated a major rifting event at the end of thrusting in Triassic and later time along probable subduction zone, arc-trench
Paleozoic time. The latter authors cor- the east-dipping Siskiyou thrust on the gap. and volcanic island arc regimes (Ir-
related the Klamath Mountains western western margin of the central meta· win, 1972; Burchfiel and Davis. 1975).
Paleozoic and Triassic belt with the Cala· morphic belt apparently reflects normal The entire Klamath Mountains province
veras Formation of the Sierra Nevada, Pacifie--type underl10w and westward has been intruded by discrete, pre-Creta-
and suggested that the rifted margin lay continental growth. eeous calc-&kaline plutollJl. High-pres-
on the continental side of these units. On sure subduction zone recrystallization is
the other hand. Dickinson (in press) indicated by isolated tectonic blocks of
related this pronounced depositional off· MESOZOIC HISTORY 214-223 m.y. old blueschist in the Hay-
set to an original configuration of the late OF CALIFORNIA fork and North Fork terrane, and blues-
Precambrian rifted margin. now some.- chist of unknown age in the eastern
what obscured due to Cenozoic strike slip Igneous, metamorphic, and sedimen· Paleozoic and Triassic belts. Thus. addi-
on the San Andreas transform system. tary rocks of Mesozoic age are widespread tions to the Klamath Mountains conti-
Tectonic erosion is yet another possibility and abundant throughout all portions of nental crust during this time period
as suggested by Scholl and Vallier (1979). the state. In aggregate, the rocks r/XOrd a involved both surficial accretion and deep
very active stage of episodic continental -seated emp1acement.
Southern and Southeastern accretion which evidently accompanied
California lithospheric plate convergence. Oblique Sierra Nevada Province
subduction. possibly at a low angle of con-
Upper (?) Paleozoic strata of southern vergence, seems to have been the domi- Farther to the southeast, the Sierra Ne-
and southeastern California, including al- nant process in central California. Three vada and White-Inyo Ranges are domi-
leged equivalents in the Salinian block of principal tectonic environments are pre- nated by coalescing granitic plutonll

,.. California Geology September 1979

(Bateman and Eaton, 1967; Bateman, Mariposa--Smartville complex, equivalent tary mBaDges, representing
1974). AJthoU8h the earliest bodies are as to Rogue--Galice-Josephine units of the mid-submarine fan and olistostromal
old as Triassic, the major bath- Klamath Mountains, is predominantly units, respectively, were deposited exclu-
olithic units are Cretaceous in age (photo early to mid-Mesozoic in age. The com· sively on an allochthonous oceanic su~
2). Five major intrusive episodes in the plex lies oceanward from the more east- strate---the capping crust of one or more
Late Triassic-Late Cretaceous time span erly, predominantly Paleozoic sectiOn. In paleopacific plates (figure 7).
are recognized (Kistler and others, general, stratigraphic tops of the units
1971). These epochs, each of which in- face eastward in both younger and older CRETACEOUS-EARLY TERTIARY
volved intrusive events over a 10-15 m.y. western Sierra Nevada terTanes (Bateffien
Frmciscon subdue/ion . ,"c.
interval, are separated in time by about 30
m.y. The initial mSrr'Sr ratios of the gra-
and Eaton, 1967). '
.. """"".'
·~.:~<~·:':;~~L- ~~.
nitic rocks appear to reflect the relative Although some older ophiolitic units,
proximity to the Mesozoic continental such as the Kings-Kaweah complex,
margin (Kistler and Peterman, 1973). seem to have boen tectonically trans- • •• '/1'_.";" _'- P,
. ....\... .. va..,..... ,"'......'
Evidently the magmas interacted isotopi- ported thousands of kilometers north- \.... I.·.·
cally with the pre-existing crust during ward during early Mesozoic sea floor \ \.'.i.·.· ..
assimilAtion or anatexis, or the melts were spreading, the northwest-trending tec- \ \\~( .......... ftl........• l··;~{]·
\ , ....... ~'IC-¥,ul\''''1C "~
derived from isotopically distinct portions tonostratigraphic and batholithic belts in
of the upper mantle. All of the batholithic the Sierra Nevada seem to reflect stages \ \....•., ore ~ ':fi!i
rocks possess textures indicating emplace- involving large components of oblique li- \ ~'.'.'.'.
i \-..........

NG"'" 11>,
rI: .:
'.,. ........
:',; (,;
ment as crystal mushes - hence it is dif- thospheric plate convergence (figure 6). .~-/ . . ";.
ficult to see how the magmas could The Sierra Nevada foothills suture consti-
represent uncontaminated, high-temper- tutes the contact between Mesozoic accre- ... -:::::.->
ature liquids derived directly from the tionary terrane and the more easterly
mantle. Paleozoic basement terrane. The Klamath
Mountains and the Sierra Nevada are cor·
Remnants of the volcanic country rock relatable in terms of their petrotectonic
into which the plutons were intruded, histories (Davis, 1969); but the Sierra
such as the rhyodacitic Ritter sequence, Nevada terrane probably represents expo- Figure 7 Plate tectonic setting of Califor-
are confined to central and eastern Sierra sure of somewhat deeper structural levels nia during tha Cordilleran orogeny (Creta-
Nevada roof pendants. Eastward-dipping than the Klamath Mountains. Westward ceous-Early Tertiary Period). After vBrious
reverse faults in the Western Foothills movement of the Klamath Mountains sources, including Dickinson. in press.
belt have juxtaposed oceanic crust against complex relative to the Sierra Nevada belt
the continental margin (Saleeby, 1978; appears to have begun by the end of Early Much of the Franciscan Complex has
1979; Saleeby and others, 1978). This tec- Cretaceous time (Jones and Irwin, 1971). been thoroughly tectonized in contrast to
tonic regime, the Logtown Ridge-Mari- Total left-lateral strike slip displacement the rather orderly Great Valley sequence.
posa-Smartville complex, contains on this series of tear faults was approxi- The two terranes are juxtaposed along the
subduction zone olistostromes, ophiolites, mately 100 km. generally east-dipping Coast Range
calc-alkaline volcanic island-arc rocks thrust and related faults (Bailey and oth·
(andesites and dacites), and eugeoclinal Coast Ranges Province ers, 1970) (photo 3). Movement along
sedimentary rocks. The Logtnwn Ridge- this system may have OCCllITed at various
The Great Valley-Franciscan couplet times in the Cretaceous and early Tertiary
lies on the Pacific Ocean side of the Klam· Periods subsequent to initiation of the
ath-Sierran volcanic-plutonic belt. Al- subduction zone about ISO m.y. ago. Prior
though its plate tectonic setting has been to the westward movement of this junc-
recently reinterpreted as a striko-slip col- tion, the convergent lithospheric plate
lage (Jones and others, 1978), this pair of boundary lay roughly 100 kIn to the east
lithologic belts has been widely recog· in the vicinity of the Sierran western
nized as a classically developed arc- Foothills bell. The time of step-out
trench gap section and trench milange, must have followed generation of the
respectively (Dickinson, 1970; Page, Great Valley ophiolite at 155 ± 5 m.y.
1978). Both assemblages consist chiefly of ago (Lanphere, 1971; Hopson and others,
poorly sorted, flrst-cycle clastic sedi- t 975), but before deposition of the overly-
ments derived in large part from the adja- ing Tithonian cherts 140 m.y. ago (Pes~
cent calc-alkaline volcanic-plutonic arc sagno, 1973). Alternatively, Schweikert
(Dickinson and Rich, 1972; Jacobson, and Cowan (1975) have suggested that
1978). At least the Cretaceous portion of the ophiolite represents oceanic crust
the Great Valley sequence represents a flooring a marginal basin which lay im·
miogeoclinal wedge laid down on the wes- mediately to the west of an east-facing
ternmost Sierra Nevada, Klamath Moun- western Sierran island arc. Although
tains, Salinian block, and Peninsular large components of northward move-
Range basement and immediately sea· ment of the oceanic lithosphere have been
Figure 6 Plate tectonic setting of Cali- ward oceanic crust-all generally regard- postulated (Jones and others, 1978), the
fornia during the Nevadan orogeny (Late ed as portions of the North American contrasts in deformation and in inferred
Triassic-late Jurassic Period). After VBr- lithospheric plate. In contrast, the Fran- pressures of metamorphic recrystalliza-
ious sources. including Dickinson in press. ciscan coherent turbidites and sedimen- tion across the Coast Range thrust system

cali/omia Geology september 1979 19'

require periods of rapid convcrgmoc and faulted ~ IUpporta the theory d a The PcIona Schist bu alternatively
profound underlIow of the Franciscan ter- late Mesor.oic convergent boundary been interpreted as a Franciscan equiva-
l'UIe prior to decoupling from the sub- marking the western termination of the lent that was initially deposited to the
ducting slab (Ernst, 1965, 1911; Suppe, North American lith08pberic plate. The west, and later wu subducted to relatively
1972). great width of this terrane suggests tec- &hallow depths far to the east beneath the
tonic duplication accompanying strike- cale--alkaline plutonic arc (Yeats, 1968;
Peninsular Ranges/Related Areas slip faulting (Howdl and Vedder. in Burchfiel and Davis. in press). The rocks
preu). sub3equc:ntly were displaced upwards to
Most of the Mesozoic volcanic and gra- reappear in windows framed by the over-
nitic rocks of the Mojave Desert (includ- Transverse Ranges Province lying granitic terrane.
ing the San Bernardino Mountains), the
granitic sliver that constitutes the Salinian The Transverse Ranges in general, and Whatever the origin and sense ofmovc-
block, and the Peninsular Ranges bath- the San Gabriel Mountains in particular, ment on the Vincent--<>COCOpia thrust sys-
olith represent southward prblongations contain some of the most puzzling Meso- tem, the rocks of both upper and lower
of the Klamath-Sierra NC'lada volcanic- zoic rocks exposed in the state. The a1kaI- plates seem to have reached their meta-
plutonic arc. These units mark the mid to ic 220 :!: 10 m.y. old Lowe Granodiorite morphic culminations in the present loca-
late Mesozoic continental margin of has intruded the Precambrian and Paloe> tion relative to one another-hence
North America, although Cenozoic tran- zoic(?)scctions. Plutons of early Triassic recrystallization evidently outlasted
slations along the San Andreas tnnsform age, which are similar to plutons in the thrusting. In contrast, the Coast Range
system have displaced segments of this San Gabriel Mountains, have been em- thrust (with which this system is often
temme 300 k.m to as much as 550 k.m placed in the Mojave Desert. San Bernar- compared) juxtaposed rocks of different
northwest of their original positions dino Mountains, and the Wbite-Inyo metamorphic ages and pressure-tempera-
(Page, in press). Range (Miller, 1977; 1978). The occur- ture conditions of formation-that is,
rence of these plutons possibly indicates thrusting outlasted metamorphism.
Plutons in the Peninsular Ranges are the onset of Mesozoic lithospheric plate
generally similar to plutons in the Sierra convergence and inferred deep-seated
Nevada. The more mafic plutons in the partial fusion of subducted, eclogitized CENOZOIC HISTORY OF
Peninsular Ranges possess low initial oceanic crust. This Mesozoic volcanic- CALIFORNIA
lIISr;e'Sr ratios and exhibit unfractionated plutonic terrane passed eastward to a
rare earth element patterns. These mafic "shallow" back--arc sedimentary basin in Volcanism
plutons occur on the west side of the Pe- the eastern Mojave Desert (Burcbfiel and
ninsular Ranges. The more silicic, more Davis, 1975). The San Gabriel Mountains Volcanic rocks, predominantly of calc-
potassic, plutons with higher lIISr;e'Sr are also the site ofseveral Cretaceous gra- alkaline affinities, were erupted in much
ratios are situated progressively farther nitic intrusions, which have induced a of the eastern portion of California during
east. In addition, the age of post-Jurassic metamorphic overprinting on the adja- Cenozoic time. Cenozoic age volcanic
granitic emplacement and crystallization cent country rocks. rocks are also located sporadically in the
tends to decrease towards the craton. Plu- California Coast Ranges and western
tons on the south and west are character- About 55-60 m.y. ago, this calc-al.k.a- Transverse Ranges. The Modoc Plateau
iz.ed by very high KlRb ratios, analogous line plutonic arc complex apparently was consists of extnasive units (photo 4)
to isotopically primitive island arcs; this tectonically transported en mass representing the southern terminus of the
ratio decreases in granites of the northern northeastward over the eugeoclinaJ Pelo- currently active Cascade Mountain
and eastern Peninsular Ranges: Gastil na Schist terrane along the gently west- Range and its Tertiary volcanic arc and
and others (1978) have proposed that the dipping Vincent thrust (Ehlig, in press; plateau basaltic precursors. Continental
western, more mafic portion of this ter- Graham and England, 1976). The Pelona tholeiites, high-aluminum basalts, ande-
rane was an island arc constructed on oce- Schist (Orocopia) protolith was depos- sites and dacites are widespread in this
anic basement, whereas the more easterly ited in a late Mesozoic back-arc basin northeastern portion of California. These
volcanie-plutonic belt was sited near the which may have been a southwesterly, volcanic rocks presumably represent the
North American continental margin. more oceanic extension of the shallow superjacent covering of continental mar-
Eastward consumption along two parallel depositional basin of the eastern Mojave gin cale--alkaline plutonic rocks and back
subduction zones is presumed to have continental regime. After deposition, the -arc lavas generated over the eastward-
obliterated the hypothesized intervening rocks were deformed and recrystallized descending Farallon lithospheric plate.
marginal basin, with collision and fmal during southwestward subduction accom-
suturing occurring in earliest to mid--Crc- panying latest Cretaceous closure and de- Farther to the southeast, in the block
tac.eous time. struction of the depositional trough faulted, extensional Basin and Range and
(Haxel and Dillon, 1978). Evidence im- Mojave Desert regions, alkalic
Southern Extent of Great Valley - plying the above modd includes areal and basalts occur in the volcanic assemblage,
Franciscan Couplet structural disposition of the Pelona indicating the derivation of magmas from
Schist, and both relict volcanoclastic and different upper mantle (as well as crus-
The California borderland, including new, relatively high-pressure meta- tal?) levels. This change in basaltic com-
the islands of Santa Catalina, Cedros, and morphic mineral assemblages. Fragments position may reflect the transition from
San Benitos, as well as Palos Verdes of this hypothesized marginal basin se- early Tertiary plate convergence to the
peninsula and San Sebastian Vizcaino quence arc dispersed along the San An- ongoing state of complex northwest-
peninsula, contains the southern equiva- dreas fault, extending from the C8Stern trending right-lateral transform motion
lents of the Great Valley-Franciscan cou- Transverse Ranges southeast to the Sal- in Miocene time. This transform motion
plet. The presence of this terrane, ton Sea and into southwesternmost Ari- also involved east-west crustal extension
although poorly exposed and complexly rona. as well as local compression.
"l T S,'ve'. p.'.""o' cOmmunoc.lIon. 1978

California Geology September 1979

Photo 1. Pre~mbrian anorthosit..-gabbro complex in the San
Gabriel Mountains. The differentiated mafic pluton exposed in this
roadcut was formed by the settling of crystals from the magmo.
resulting in II cumulus. llIIysred structure. The top of the magma
chamber is on the right indicating post-crystaUiUltion tilting of
about 90'. The light-colored diapiric structure in the left center of
the photo. which is composed almost exclusively of enorthosit9.
clearly indicates the top of the magma chamber during crystlliliul-
lion. Photo by W.A. Srpnt.

Photo 2. Mesozoic granitic rocks form the steep eastern lace of

the Sierra Nevada; view from lone Pine. in Owens Valley. looking
west. The Alabama Hills, composed of Mesozoic volcanic and
granitic plutonic rocks. occupy the foreground. The earthquake of
1872 occurred along the Owens Vallev fault. a segment of which
passes ecross the foreground just beyond the fence. Photo by
~ WA. Bf)'lInt.

Photo 3. Deformed segment of the Soda Creek thrust. a seg-:-"

ment of the Coast Range thrust (1). in the Coast Ranges. south of
Clear lake: view east. Sheared mudstone of the Opper Jurassic
Knoxville Formetion is to the left of the fault zone: serpentinite lies
to the right of the fault. The Knoxville Formation is the basal mem.-
ber of the miogeoclinal Great Vallev seQuance. The isolated ser-
pentinite at this location may belong to the eugeoclinal Franciscan
Complex. but post Mesoloic deformation has obscured the evi-
dence. Phoro by WA. Bry4nl.

Photo 4. Surprise Vallev fault line scarp. looking

south-southwest from Surprise Valley. CenOloic
Werner basalts comprise the tilted fault block of the
Warner Range (background). The structural geologyl
in this portion of northeasternmost California is char-
acteristic of the Basin and Range geomorphic pro-
vince. but the lithology is more representative of the
Modoc Plateau geomorphic province. Photo by

california Geology September 1979 193

l'binping of the crust and uaociated North American plate .... duplicated the PatIClIlJ and Sclater (1977) recopiu:d
volcaniam. aloog a northern extrapolation volcurio-plutoaic an; aro-tn::neb pp, that water depths are rouJbly proportion-
or the Eut Pacific Rise (Menard, 1964) and aubductioo. zone in the ocntral Coast al to the age of the oceanic lithosphere;
may rdlect baek--&rC spreading in the Ba~ Ranges and borderlaDd (Crouch, 1979). hence as the mean age of the ocean buin5
rio and Range province (Stewart. 1978). increases, sea water tends to drain from
The top of the low-velocity zone in the Although the pracnt-day kinematic the contincots. Diclrinson (in press) has
mantle (asthenoephere) is at the base of deformation is complex, movement along pointed out that world-wide marine
thie attenuated crust, and along with high the San Andreas fauJt system in general regressions should be characteristic of
beat now measurements, indicates the appcan to have stepped eastward with times in which yOUDI oceanic crust-
pn:IeDt-day cxiste:nce of a diffuse mantle time. Earlier stages of Ilip on the San An- capped lithosphere is preferentially sub-
heat source beneath the Basin and Ranac dreas fault system occumd chiefly along ducted-as wouJd be the case when North
province. Ovcrridinl of the East Pacific the San Simeon-HOllgri, southern Califor· America encroached upon the Rut Pa-
Rise can be inferred from eumination of nia borderland complex. and San Gabriel cific Risc. Thus the local obliteration of
figme 2. faults during slivering of the Salin.ian this ridge system alonl the California
block (Hall, 1975; Crowell, 1975; Howell coast in mid--Cenozoic time could have
The Coast Ranges and western portion and Vedder. 1978). Movement along the been responsible for the ubiquitous hiatus
of the Transverse Ranges bear evidence of fault system has gradually int.cnsified on in shallow marine deposition on the conti-
widespread basaltic and calc-alkaline vol- later breaks sueb as the San Jacinto and nents and the flood of t.crTcstriaillCdimen·
canism and hypabyssal intrusion from Hayward faults (AlIco, 19S7; Garfunkc1, tation durinl OliJOCClle time. It also
late Oligocene time to the present. These 1974) (figure 2). This eastward migra. seems likely that regional elevation of the
rocks are of secondary importance. tion of the active strike-elip zone proba- lithOlphere would accompany the over-
however. compared to the voluminous bly is a result ofthe progrcssiveovcrr:iding riding of the ridge crest by the leading
clastic 5Cdimcntary units. Igneous activity of the East Pacific Rise by the North edge of the continent.
appears to be related to a thcnnal event American continental crust--capped li-
associated with the proJI'CSSively pa.ter thospheric plate.
over-riding of the Rut Pacific Rise thcr~ GLOSSARY
Measurements of the ~cot mag- '" parI. after GloSS8ry of Geologr.
mal anomaly commencinl approximately American Geological Instmlla. /972.
29 m.y. ago (Atwater, 1970; Hawkins, netism of Miooene volcanic rocks from the
1970). The shallow level of derivation of western Transvcnc Ranges indicate Cl'Up- allochthon - a mass of rocks that has baen
the melts is indicated by the absence of tions at about 10" lower magnetic latitude. moved Irom its original site 01 origin by
alkali bualts and hypcral.kalic felsic plugs. An approximate 7S clockwise rotation of tectonic fOfces. as in a thrust sheet,
these units occurred durinl tectonic
anatexis - melting of preexisting fock
Depositional Basins transportation to their present location
(Kamerling and Luyendyk, 1m; 1979), aulacogen - a fault-bounded i"tracratonic
Cenozoic marine depositional basins Such rotation implies that individual scg- lrough or graben.
covCl'Cd most of the western half of the ments of the weatlm Transverse Ranges
ttate but are curTeI1tly mueb reduced in may have behaved as coherent blocks autochthon - a body of rocks that remains
areal extent to the present-day narrow caught in the master right-latera1 San An- al its sile of origin, where il is rOOled 10
continental shelves and the moderately dreas fault its basemenl I rocks may be mildly to
broad southern California borderland. In considerably deformed) .
contrast, continental deposition has pm· Eaatcrnmost California during
cralon - a part of the Earlh's crust which
cecdc:d at high local rates in the Basin and Cenozoic time was the lite of subdue. has attained stability. with litlle defor-
Ilangc province, and in. parts of the Great tion zone ca1c-&lbline igneous mation over a long period of time.
Valley, the Coast Rangcs, the Mojave Dee- activity-Ioc:ally cxtinJUished by the ces-
ert and the Tranlvcrse Ranges provinces. sation of convergent lithospheric plate eugeoellne - area of contlnenul rise
motion-block faultinl and extension, where strata areldeposi ted on the
Tectonic Development uplift (espccially in the batholithic ter· ocean floor beyond thelcontlnentll
ranes), and local continental aUuviation. slope; vo I canogen 1c I sed; ments\are
Both on-thore and off-6horc areas are Western California was subjected to wid&- derived from the landward arc.
characteriz.ed by hent and graben strue- spread but retreating marine embay-
hypabyssal - pertaining to an igneous intru-
tuns; the California Coast RanICS and menta, restricted igneous activity of
sion. or to the rock of that intrusion.
borderland are also typified by moderate- exclusively shallow derivation, loc:al com· whose depth is intermediate between
ly intense folding. rdlcctinl loc:al com· pression and oblique rifting-all associat- that of abyssal (great depth) and the
pression. Increasing numbers of rotations ed with an early stage of oblique surface.
and pu.U--.part structures associated with subduction, gradually s.ucceeded by the
the San Andreu strike-slip system in North American-Pacific transform. sys- island arc - curved chain of iSlands. gener-
westlm California arc being rccogniud tem. This major strain system, although ally convex toward the open ocean,
(Crowell, 1974; Hall, 1978). Positive simply expressed within the ocean basin, margined by a deep submarine !fInch
topographic areas along thiJ shear system has taken on a very complex aspect in the and enclosing e deep sea basin.
reflect "locking bends" where excess mass medium of sialic crust. lithosphere - Upper, relatively brittle layer
has accumulated; the San Gabriel Moun- of the Earth.
taim represent a prime cu.mple. Because Sea Level Fluctuations
the transform boundary transects the con~ lithotectonic - a term used to de-
tinental margin at a low angle. northwest~ A final point of interest involvcs fluc- scrlbe l an assemblage of rocks
ward tranlportation of the Sa- tuations in sea level. While studyinl the formed in a particular tectonic
liniaa-Nacimicnto block relative, to the bathymetry of mid-occanic rift systems, environment.

". California Geology September 1979

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1979, Radiolarians from pre-Nevadan aly: TectonophysiC$, v. 47, p. 223-246. tor, Tectonics and sedimentation: Society
rocks of the Klamath Mountains, Califor· Page, B.M., in press, The soulhern Coast of Economic Paleontologists and Minera1-
nia and Oregon in Howell, D.G., and Ranges (Chapter 13) in Ernst, W.G., Edi- ogists, Special Publication No. 22, p. 23-57.
McDougall K.A., Editors, Mesozoic paleo- tor, The geotectonic development of Cali- Stewart, J.H., and Suczc:k., CA., 1977, Cambri-
geography of the western United States: P.· fornia (W.W. Rubey Volume: No. I). an and latest Precambrian paleogeography
cific Section, Society of Economic Paleon- Parsons, Barry: and Sclater, J.H., 1977, An, and lectonics in the VfCStem United States
tologists and Mineralogists, Pacific Coast analysis of the variatm of ocean floor bath- in Stewart, J.H., Stevens, C.H., and Frit-
Paleogeography Symposium 2,p. 303-310. ymetry IIDd heat flow with age: Journal of sche, A.E.. Editors, Paleozoic paleogeogra-
Irwin, W.P., Jones, D.L., and Pessagno, E.A., Geophysical Research, .... 82, p. 803-g27. phy of the western United States: Pacific
Jr., 1977, Significance of Mesoz.oic ra- Pessagno, E.A., Jr., 1973, Age and significance Section, Society of Economic Paleontolo-
diolarians from the rocks of of radiolarian chcns in the California Coast gists and Minera1ogists, Pacific Coast
the southern Klamath Mountains, Califor- Ranges: Geology, v. I, p. 153-156. Paleogeography Symposium I, p. 1-11.
nia: Geology, v. 5, p. 557-562. Poole, F.G., and Sandberg, C.A., 19n, Missis- Suppc. John, 1972, Interrelationships of high-
Jacobson, MJ., 1979, Petrologic variations in sippian paleogeography and tectonics of the pressure metamoll)hism, deformation, and
Franciscan $IUIdstone from the Diablo western United Stales in Stewart, J.H., Ste- sedimentation in Franciscan tectoniC$, USA:
Range, California in HowclJ, D.O., and vens, C.H., and Fritsche, A.E., &li1Ol'$, Pa- 24th International Geological CongTCSS,
McDougall, K.A.,Editors, MCIOZOic paleo- leozoic paleogeography of the western Montreal, Reports Section 3, p. 552-559.
geography of the weslem United StaleS: United States: Pacific Section, Society of Windley, B.F., 1977, The evolving continents:
Pacific Section, Society of Economic Pale- Economic Paleontologists and Minera1o- John Wiley &; Sons, NC'N York, 385 p.
ontologists and Minera1ogbts, PaciticCout gists, Pacific Coast Paleogeography Sympo- Yeats, R.S., 1969, Rifting and rafting in the
IPaleogeogn.pby Symposium 2, p. 401~ 17. sium I, p. 67-86. southern California borderland in Dickin·
Jennings, C.W., 1977, Geologic Map of Cali- Saleeby, J.B., 1978, Kings River ophiolite. son, W.R., and Grantz, Arthur, Editors,
fornia, Scale 1:7SO,CDl: California Division southwest SierTll Nevada foothills, Califor- Conference on Geologic Problems of the
of Mines and Geology. nia: Geological Society of America Bulle- San Andreas F.ult System, Proceedings,
Jones, D.L, Blake, M.C., Jr., Bailey, RH., tin, v. 89, p. 617-636. Stanford, California, 1967: Stanford. Uni-
and McLaughlin, R.L., 1978, Distribution Saleeby, J.B., 1979, Kaweah serpentinite me.. versity Publications in Geological Sciences,
oflate Mesozoic mlianges along Ihe Pacific lange, southwest Sierra Nevada foothilb, vol. 11, p. 307-322. ~

". GaJifomia Geology September 1979

Thirty new revised Special Studies were issued by the California SPECIAL STUDIES ZONES MAPS
Division of Mines and Geology on July I,
1979. These nups were distributed to the
alTocted cit~, counties, and Slateagcncies NEW AND REVISED
for preliminary review. Cities and coun-
t~ review the maps and submit com-
F,gUUI 1 LocatIons 01lh8 30 mlllp& 01 new or .evlsed ronas. Supplement NoS to
ments to the State Mining and Geology Publicetion .2.
Jenue.y 1977 edition.
Board. Revisions are nude where war-
ranted. The official maps will be issued by
the Slate Geologist on January I, 19S0.

C'l,et tnd CQun"es lI11eCled bv p,opoHld nllw Of

,evlsed SpeClel Slud,es Zooet tl'lOWO 00 p.elimi-
n•• v '.Vlew mllps of Julv I. 1979
B.e. Hem"l Al,m~.

COfon. L,ke EISI"",e Imp.".1

O• •n lola' Un,on CIty O•• n08
S4:1",.gs YOf~ L,nda R, .... tod.
F,etnOtl' $.lin .Jtc,nIO $.lin O..go

These maps constitute the sixth group

of zone maps issued in compliance with
the Alquist-Priolo Special Sludies ZDnes
Act of 1972. Under this Act, the State
Geologist is required to delineate Special
Studies Zones to encompass traces of p0-
tentially and rcoently active faults that
"constitute a potential hazard to struc-
I -{
tures from surface faulting and fault
creep" (Section 2622. Chapter 7.5, Divi-
sion 2, Public Resources Code). In com- - ,~i-
---_.-.---- _._._---
-lr---; ,

pliance with the Act, the State Geologist

has a continuing program to revise exist-
ing wncs and delineate new ones.
.I 10 ••• ,i:~~:~t,:1Z :. }
,I 13 14 71
Special Studies Zones arc delineated on II" 'IS 16 ._._._-_._._.: _.--_.--_.- l:
topographic quadrangle maps at 8 scale of
one inch equals 2,000 feet ( 1:24,000). A 11 I )
total of267 official maps have been issued f1iT19'Iil"., ~
I • • I I • l ..

.r "
to date. These maps may be seen at the S'~ 1100 1

plannins departments of the alTcctc:d cit- 21 23 24 25 I 21 29,.

ies and counties or at any CDMG District 21 !2J
Officc (los Angdes, Sattamento, San
Francisco). Maps also may be purchased
- ,

from Blue Print ScrvK:e Company, 149 o, zo t

' ,
Second Street, San Francisco 94111
(Phone (415) 497-87(0). There is a
minimum charge, plus handling and
C.O.D. charges. The maps shook! be or- Table 1 Quad.angle Meps of new and reVIsed Speciel Studies zones ,ssued on July I.
dered by quadrangle name (see table).

Details of the Alquist-Priolo Special -,,

1979 lor preliminary r8Y18W (numbers mdlCele loceliOn of quedrengle on Indell mepl

YOI'~ LJnde "

EI.."",e "n ~~
E:enhquek. v-V

Studies ZDnes Act arc described in
CDMG Special Publication 42. Fault -.-, Ptll<lo Oem
Monumenl Peel<
Ague S4:1"ngs
Hazard Zones in California. This publica-
tion may be purchased OYCT the counter at
-,-, oe.,! HOI $ptlngt
s...... Pelm. "'.Ilev """ Temecula
"'''ovo Tap,lI<Io
S_nav P " .
Call1zo Min
any CDMG District Officc or ordered by -,, San JactnlO
Heme, "" Pala
M.... G••nde "
-" 8,.wl6y
mail from California Division of Mines Corona Soult> W •• ne.. Rel\Ct> -" AlamollO

'"" -'"
Lake Malh"""s Ranch", HoltVIlle We"
and Goology, P.O. Box 2980, Sacramento,
CA 95812, for $I.OO.... Eari W. Hart. , ReVIsed rone map
California Geology september 1979
1977 1978
Thelollow,ngUKcerptsaretakenlrom MINERALS IN THE ECONOMY OF CALIFORNIA. Slate Mineral Profile 1979. by
John McWilliams, Slate Liaison Ofheer, U S Bureau of Mines: James F DaViS. State Geolog,st. California DiVISIon of Mines and Geology:
and William B. Clalk, Geologist. California Division 01 Mlnesand Geology. SMP was published by the BUfaau of Mines. U.S. Department
of the Interior. in cooperation with California Department of Conservation. ,Editor

A total of 34· non-fuel mineral com- ue. Non-metallic minerals comprise 90% (95%) located in District 6 which com-
modities are produced in California (ta- of the total value of non-fuel mineral pro· prises the area north and east of San Fran-
bles I and 2). California leads the nation duction in California. Preliminary pro- cisco Bay. In 1978, 313 billion cubic feet
in the production ofasbestos, boron, Port- duction data for oil and gas show a slighl of natural gas were produced, a decrease
land cement, diatomite, sand and gravel, dedineofO.6% and 1.3% respectively ac· of 1.3% from 1977.
rare earths. and tungsten. It is third in the cording to the California Division of Oil
production of crude petroleum and is a and Gas.
major source of natural gas, salt, clay, GOLD
stone, magnesium compounds, sodium Metallic Minerals
compounds, gypsum, iron ore and talc. Troy Gold Industries of Alberta, Can-
The important metallic minerals are ada, reopened Ihe Blazing Star Mine in
iron ore. which declined in production in the Mother Lode country near West
MINERALS PRODUCED 1978 but maintained its ovcrall value; mo- Point, Calaveras County. Up to 165 tons
lybdenum. which declined sharply in pro- of ore per day can be processed by the
Non-Metallic Minerals duction but increased substantially in combination gravity and notation mill to
value; tungsten. which increased strongly yield I to 1.5 ounces' of gold per ton.
Excluding natural gas, natural gas liq- in quantity but only slightly in value; and Tungsten, copper, and silver arc also pro-
uids, and crude petroleum, mineral pro- rare earths which increased in both quan- duced. The mine was first located in 1857
duction in California increased 6% in tity and value. These four minerals com- and worked in the oxidized zone to a
1978 to reach $1.4 billion and rank third prise 99% of the value of metallic mineral deplh of 400 feet.
in the nation. Cement was in the lead with production or $138 million.
32% of the total value. Boron, with 19%,
and sand and gravel, with 18% of the Gold declined 20% in production but GEOTHERMAL
total mineral value were next. These three registered a 4 % increase in total value RESOURCES
commodities aecount for $%3 million or because of higher unit prices. In 1978, sil-
69% of the total mineral value and 94% ver increased 5% in quantity and II % in Union Oil Company of California re-
of the increase in value in 1978. value compared with 1977. Copper in- portedly has proven geothermal reserves
creased 18% in quantity and 17% in val- equivalent to 165 million barrels of oiL
Production of cement declined 282,000 ue over 1977. The company is operator and half owner
Ions (3%) in 1978 but ils overall value of The Geysers operation in northern
increased 10% to $445 million because of Oil and Gas California, the only commercial geother-
higher unit value. Production of boron mal operation in the Uniled States and the
was up 4% to 1.5 million tons and its California continues to be a major largest in the world. The steam is used by
value was up 10% to $260 million. Sand source of oil and natural gas (table la). Pacific Gas and Electric to power 12 elec-
and gravel production remained essential- Oil was produced from 234 active fields in trical generators with a 10lal capacity of
ly unchanged (up less than 1%) and val- 16 counties at a rate of more than one more than 500,000 kilowatts. The cost of
ue was up only slightly (2.8%) to $258 million barrels per day. Approximately geothermal sleam purchased by Pacific
million. 50% of the state's total oil production was Gas and Electric at The Geysers increased
from Kern County. During 1978 com- from 14.18 mils per kilowatt hour to 16.02
Other significant changes in non-me- bined State and fields mils per kilowatt hour but remains the
tallic mineral commodities include asbes- accounted for 17% of the oil and 7% of cheapest source ofenergy for PO &E other
tos, which declined 10% in quantity and the natural gas produced in California. Ihan hydro-electric power. For compari-
5% in total value, and lime, which de- Most of the State off-shore production son, electrical energy from oil costs 45
creased 13% in quantity and 20% in val- came from the Wilmington and Hunting- mils per kilowatt hour. Geothermal ener-
ue. Feldspar, lithium' compounds, ton Beach fields. All of the Federal off- gy provides 6% of the electrical energy
magnesium compounds, sodium carbon- shore production came from Carpi:nteria used by the company's 5.7 million cus-
ate. sodium sulfate, clay, diatomite, gyp- and Dos Cuadras fields. About 50% of tomers in northern and central California.
sum and stone all declined in quantity but the natural gas production in 1978 was The tOlal Geysers project is expected to
only lithium compounds, feldspar. and so- associated with oil production. The rest eventually achieve a capacilY of 2 million
dium sulfate declined significantly in val- came from natural gas fields largely kilowatts.

'98 california Geology September 1979

Additional sites drilled and tested by Southern California Edison Company's stantial. In 1978, mineral leases on Fed-
Union Oil Company of California are in Coal Gasification Project. in San eral land returned over $2.9 million in
the Brawley area in the Imperial Valley Bernardino County. ThiI 5-ycar royalties. On-shore oil and gas leases re-
where the company has agreed to sell geo- piJot. project will'testla, process developed turned $16 million in royalties from oil
thermal energy to Southern California by Teuco, Inc., to produce non-pol- and $4.5 million from natural gas. OfT-
Edison. The power company will build a luting gas from coal to be used di- shore oil and gas leases returned SI1.7
l(),OOO Kilowatt generating plant to begin rectly in Southern California Edison's million in oil royalties and over $314,000
operation in 1981. This plant will test tbe electric power generating plant at Dag- in natural gas royalties. There was no
economic and technologic feasibility of gett, 12 miles east of Barstow, California. commercial production of goothermal en-
using the highly corrosive hot brines for ergy from Federally leased land in 1978.
generating electrical power. If successful,
the agreement could lead to construction MINERALS IN THE The State collects rents and royalties
of as much as 460,CKlO kilowatts of capaci- ECONOMY from mineral, oil and gas, and goothermal
ty. Other geothermal test sites in the Im- leases on State-owned lands and on lands
perial Valley include the Sallon Sea in the Employment in the mining industry for which the mineral rights are reservccl
northern section and Heber in the south- averaged 37,000 in 1978, including oil and in whole or part to the State. For the peri-
ern section. natural gas workers, earning a total of od ending June 30, 1979, mineral and
$687.7 million. The average annual wage dredging.royalties to the State areestimat-
was S18,587. About 0.4% of the State's ed to be S339,500, oil and gas royalties are
COAL RESOURCES non-agriculturallabor force is employed estimated at 587.2 million, and royalties
in mining. The average hourly wage was from geothermal energy at $4.3 million.
Ca1i£ornia has insignificant coal re- down 19% from 58.86 to 57.18, and aver- The latter funds are placed in a trust fund
sources of its own but anticipates that as age weekly earnings were down 9% from pending the outcome of litigation to deter-
much as 15% of its energy needs may be 5373.01 to S34O.33 in 1977. Average mine ownership of geothermal energy. At
provided by coal by 1990, up from the6% hours of work per week increased from issue is the question of whether it should
presently supplied, according 10 the State 42.1 to 47.4. be regarded as a mineral with ownership
Energy Commission. Two applications by the mineral-rights holder, or as water
for coal-using plants arc presently before With nearly half (43 %) of California owned by the holder of surface or water
the Commission: the Pacific Gas and land under Federal ownership, revenue rights. At the Federal level, geothermal
Electric plant in northern California and from mineral and oil and gas leases is sub- energy is regarded as a mineral.

Table I. Mineral Production in California

1917 '978 pi

Min...1 Ou.n"ly Vllu. OUln",y
Ilhou ..""11 (thou.""11
B",on 1.4,,,,,,.,......
on"" 'on•. 76.207
• HUn A.m
u. •

- -
th"", .."" ...."" lOn' .. ~'m ~


,. .. _.,as w
•. w W

Cloy•.. 00. ,.~ 11.7'" 2.016, 13"28
C""p., 1'<><:0 1>10 ot 0'''. "0.) ....o,t 'on•. ~ ~
G.m S,on
Gold I ,""O
, .

l>Ie oon'.nl ot ",... "0 I

'h""..nd ....ort 'O/l' ...

"oy""ne. . ,.

- . .=
~ "4

-- ., ,- ....,
, •.=,
Gyp ,., til""' .."" oh"" 'on•.. '.m ,.~

1.0 (,.oo....bItI oon'.n' 01 ",... "0 I

M.,ou,¥ ..
...."" 'Onl .
lh.,...."" .... ",1 lO/l.
7&-1>"""" '11.1:0 ... w
m ,9.1,9

S."" •..., G'
til"".."" ""on 'Onl ..
,~ ~
I. 00 ~$'
SI....' I ,.oo blo oon'.n' 0' ",... "0 I 'h"", .."" troy "",no •• A

.. - .-
C'u ...." Ih.,...."" ....",t Ion. :l.Iml lIO.loI6 ~.= ~,oo

O'm."",o" .. do _....
• ,=
hlc: ..._
Zinc: ('00"".,.1>10 oon,."l ot ",... "0 I
~", "n, 109.816

Comb'.......Iu. 01,um ohl",id•. O"bon diox"'•• I.ld....,. ~o" "". W"um oompo,,,,,, •• m.g ....·
....m oompound •. molybd.num. 1'00" p.'IU•. phosph.,. 'oot ('9771. .. II.. "''''
... 11, m.,.1 oono'n".'''. "". """"um eo,bono'., """,oum ...It.'•. 'ung",,,, oonc.nll.,••""
i'.m. indio.,... by Symbol W 241. '33
To'" 1.-ooo.'1!;g

I' P••limln.. y. Nil. No' •••,I.b" W W,'hlHlld '0 •• o'" <lIOClOoing incll.,"u.1 oomp.ny OO/lhd.nti.llnlo,m.,ion: ••Iu. Inc"""" wun ,·V ..... ot u.m. ,n.1 eoMolM ",OClOud·
XX Hol .pplk.t>lO I
• P,oduotlon •• m..... 'fI"
by m,n. "'''pmfln,., ..I... ", ml,tl"blo p.oduotlon I 'fIO"'ding con..,mp'io" by p.oduo.'11

". Oil and Gas PrOduction ,n California'

1971 1976" "17
C,ud. 0,1 N.,u,.1 G..
On_ohor. 'hou .."" 12 s.lIon 1>1I..... 266.965 m.= On_ohor. m.lhO/l cubic I. .' 297,767
Olt_....",. O,.
OU_ ....
S,.,. 00 11I,196 15.000 S,.,. 00 11.237
F...... I 00 12.3lXl
"..... FOd ...1 00 .~

ro,.1 00 :l.I9.161 ~, ..... To'" 00 3'1.100 313.200

• 1976 Clhlo''''. 0.1."" G.. P,oduc,.on S,."...

C. """ N.w ",.n Op..."on. p,.lom'n.. y '.1'0", PubloCI'oon No PAOJ.1A .."",c. . "'S"""Y 01 C.IoI"'",". Oeplrtmon, 01 Conso, •• l,on
"P,elom'nI'y. F,g",. . . . . . ."me'" b...d on nine mon,h. 01 l"O,,,.o,,on

California Geology september 1979 199

Table :t Mineral Production. Counties 01 California. 1977

COMMOOITY OUA",T'TY VALUE C.m.n' 2.042.(100, ,,,,,. $81.2lli5.OCO

I th"" .. ndol C~y •• __ "'or, ,,,,,. __
Al..A""IU\ 0"'0"';'. ~"" $2.31'.(0)
"'0" '0'" ._, _
........ _.. ... _.-

""" ~''''' '"mic.
''''' _-_...._._._._.-
IIftCW1 ,an.
Sand .nd C•• v<ol
'.1fI3.(O) .....,""' ......
"'or, u'n. _ _..• 1t1.393.QXl
5 ..... 0"" C.....I V~.QXl IIftCW1 ,,,,,. _ ..__
,,,,,. -_... _- ".8'$.(0)
C""_ _ _ _
Tung".n Co"",.n,.... ''''''''' SS.s:».1X:O

To. .

~~ ---"--. __._._- ......... _-- ..-- LAKE

PumlC. .. ..... ................. _....-


Sand."" C.....,

''''' ....., 'on.
S.nd .nd C .....,

...on Ionl __...__._
To'. -""
="" ''''''IC. ,"" ....., 'on.
ClOy' 120.000 "'0" 'on. >_._..' 11.082.1X:O ,,-
send ...., Cro".1
sho., ,an.
shott 'on.
Sand .nd Cro...1
<- '"-''-'''--'''
~.= ....Of'lOn.
............ ", .... " ............
To,.1 _.=
To,.1 CI.yo.. ____ n.= "'Of' ton •. ,,~""
L.m. -
Sond .nd C.....I ___
$ond .nd G....., l.IS9'(o) ....or""".
".~ ,,-
~~= "'Of' ton.
A_ ..o ..._____ To"'l
33.512 111.5OII.QXl

of'on 'on. "AOEIIA
_._---. >_._._..._._-_.._... NOlu." Goo
Sond _ G ...., """"ton.
<---- ,,~
""""'",,1- .. • TOIOI
Sand.nd Gro...'
To'''' P3.2!;e'(o) .. AlliN
S,one ..____
_ _---
... -- .._-_..
'O~ $0"" ."" G....I ~= shon 'onl
Cloy....._ ..__...... '91.(0) "'or' ,on.

"'Ot' 'on•.
~''''' MAIIIPO'A
S.nd .nd G••••I .. ,,= "'on ton. ~=
$ofId .n<! Gr....1
Stone ="" 12.9llO.QXl
5101'• .
DEL NOIlTE S.nd..., G,....I ~ 1',2'6.1X:O
$ond .fId C,.".I
"'Of' '''''' •
"'ort ,on.
Stone •.= "'or, tOl'l'
To'.. ,,=


$0"" .nd C....... 112.QXl
....a'. tOl'l'
I 1.1l2 '.IX:O
$ond..., G.....I ~
sho" ,on.
sho" 'onl
11. 'lIS.(O)
Tole 'ooop ..onel MODOC
FIIUNO PumlCo "'ort 'on. I'2UIXI
A_",ol '""" ......, 'on. m""
,~ IIoy"""",oo 11lll1.000
S."" Ond G.......
<,- """
-= ....,;., tOl'l' 1711.(0)

$0"" .nd G..vel '"
3.019.QXl shor' 'on ••___

T""9"en Copp.,

To'.' $9-01l1.CX1O '0.
L,m' PumlC.
$ond .nd Grov.I __.. ,= m""
$ond.tId G.....
short ton.
_ . toni __.__

""" Sd".,

,o~ 1'.624.1X:O
$0"" _
_"on. ___...

M.g"''''m Como"""'"
,,-"" $0"" .nd G....I ___..
,,- 112.aD ......, tOl'lI IU69.1X:O



"'or' 'on'


$ond.nd G.....I 't6.1X:O sho<' 'on. II,128.aD ~,

10tol Sind ond G..".I
•.= "'or, tOn' .,""
80'onM'....... TO'41
Copp., Cloy.
","on ton. 11.9I1I,lXX1
S.nd.nd G..... ,~=
-= tO~1


... .
Mo/yt><l.n~m To ..1

, .. ~ .. I elud.l
G..... """

....,., tOl'lO ...._ -""


send."" G......
short 'on•

_ , 'on,

To..1 Cloy........
-~"" _"OI'l' ,~""
lIoron M,n...I,
C"tIP" O,a• .,.
send .nd G""OI

200 California Geology September 1979

G_ ." .............. _..-
,,- .~""
....., ton._
Tolo' -""
Soo"" ."" G.....'
="" _tton••.. 547t.lXXl ....IITA CflUZ

_.. __._.. _... _._ ......

.. , ............................
C.....", .. .. __ __..._'-.._- .. _--- ,- ,--_._._..
S."" _ G••••t
ohort ,on•.._..._...
ohorl Ion. ____
C.... , _
Iron 0..
S_."" G, ....,
.-... _-- ,~=

,"on 'on.......__

"'-t 'on••_....._ ...

Tolo' It7'-.col

SI".... •. l.!\4l,lXXI ""on 'on. ".09'.col Cl.oy.,

T01., Pu",>ce ...................-
Gold ..._._..._..
,on• ,,-
S.""."" G.....,
.... , ..... .... , .... ,'.--
1.&lt.1XXI oIlo<' ton ...'t.col

S."" ."" G••••, •. 7lIUIXXI
..."', ,on.

-"" IIlllflA
To'.' S17.~.col

IAlII Il,UTO S,..... ..............................

"_010. To,.l
C....-:. II.ICIYOU
S8nd ."" 0'....' _ _.__
,- •n"" "'0<' "."• ~,.= pumice
S.""."" G...... «""
ohof' toni __.__
oho<' Ion. -""
Bo'on ........, ...
Toto' Sl".... ..
="" _ 1 ,on.
C.le...",'......, ... .,u'"

-"" Ih<>n 'on. 11.631.col

C.",.nt 3.773.1XX1
S."" ."" G...., 2.6/l8,1XXI oIlon 'On' $5.":trm
"'0<' 'on. Itli8.791.1XX1 'o~ SI,-,1XXI
CI.o¥... 257.1XX1 oil"" ,on. SI.09,1XXI 10NOMA
Gyp ...",
"'0<, Ion.
-= ,,-
Gooll>o''''.' S'"", ttroO
~on 0..

Lol.....'" .... ,...,.,.
P.. ,,,., • ..,.,,,, ••ll
Go. noyouneos 1100.0:0
POt.... 2,266,1XX1 1h<>.1 ,on.
S."" ."" G••••' ".1".0:0
R.,. E.nlr .... 'n•••l. SUTTlIl
s."" ."" G'.vol HTJ.l.QO'J ",,0" 'on. S'3.309,1XXI s."" ."" G,.....I
Sod,..", C.'bon.'. To'.'
Sod,u", TEHAMA

S""'" 0"" G••••, 2.S.o:o
""""'on. _ ...
">fl. ~-
1&.650 """",on.


...56m2.o:o nUNITY

SAN 011:00 G_ ltoyouneeo

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Table 2a. Cahlorn,a's role ;0 US minerSI supplV in 1978"

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California Geology 5eptembel" 1979 201
Summary of Activities



California Desert Conservation environmental standards in wilderness

Area (CDCA) areas, particularly those connected with
air pollution, would require similar stand-
The Board visited the Barstow area in ards in proximity to wilderness areas.
April 1979 to observe the potential for Such standards could prevent mining
mined lands reclamation in the desert. even though the mining activity is outside
Two operating mines (NL industries' the wilderness area.
Hectorite mine and the Blue Star gold
mine) and American Smelting &Rerming San Fernando Valley Classification
Company's Waterloo Project, low-grade
silver deposit were toured. Operators at At the May 2S, 1979 meeting, the
these sites discussed future reclamation Board accepted from the State Geologist
plans with the Board. Visual impacts, the first formal report on mineral lands
dust generation, and reestablishment of classification. This report, entitled "Min-
vegetative habitat appeared to be the prin- erai Land Classification of the Greater
cipal reclamation-related problems as- Los Angeles Areas: Parts I and li", iden-
sociated with these operations. tifies sand and gravel deposits, and
projects SO-year needs for these mineral
Following the tour, representatives resources, in the San Fernando Valley Re-
from the U.s. Bureau of Land Manage- gion. Other regions in the Los Angeles
ment discussed the Bureau's COCA study area will be classified in subsequent re-
in a Mineral Resource Conservation ports by the Division of Mines and Geol-
Forum convened by the Board. Repre- ogy.
sentatives from industry and from local,
state, and federal agencies participated in This report is precedent setting both in
this discussion. its content and scientific rationale. It is
the fU'St formal mineral lands classifica-
The COCA study will provide recom- tion under California's Surface Mining
mendations for federal land-use decision and Reclamation Act, and thus estab- Stata Mining and Geology Board Chairman
making in the desert, an area comprising lishes the methodology for future classifi- Robert H Twissl on right} and Board mem-
one-fourth of the state, and known for its cation programs. It represents the first ber Raymond Krauss I center) watching
high recreation and environmental values stage of the Act's classification-designa- Ray Lint's technIque lor separating gold
as well as great mineral potential. The tion process which is a unique approach lrom are coneentrates produced from his
Federal Land Policy and Management to the conservation and development of Blue Star mine in the CaliCO Mountains.
Act of 1976 requires that this study be mineral resources through stale and local San Bernardino County
completed and in the hands of Congress cooperative planning efforts.
by September 30, 1980.
Ventura County Classification Control District restnctlons on digging
The Board is concerned that informa- Priorities' depths make it necessary to allow aggre-
tion on the mineral potential of the gate mining in areas outside the river's
COCA is not commensurate with the The Board revised its classification pri- flood control channel or to import sand
scope of pending land-use decisions by orities to move coastal Ventura County and gravel to assure a continued supply of
the Federal Government. In cooperation from Priority 3 to Priority I under urban construction aggregate.
with the Division of Mines and Geology, areas. This action was taken in response to
the Board is seeking ways in which the pending land-use decisions which threat- The County officials and aggregate pro-
state can make available timely and effec- en the availability of aggregate resources ducers, as well as the State Geologist, feel
tive infonnation on mineral potential of in the area. that the classification of this area is
the desert to the Federal Government. essential for assessing existing
Ventura County is faced with a one- re:serves and locating new aggregate
The BL M was unable to offer much year deadline for completing an Environ- resources.
enlightenment in response to Board ques- mental Impact Report. which is required
tions on the effects of particular land before conditional use permits can be is- For information on the Board's month-
management policies on mineral resource sued to sand and gravel operators in the ly meetings and other activities, contact
development. Of particular concern was lower Santa Clara River of coastal Ven- Douglas W. Sprague, Special Representa-
the effect of wilderness designation on the tura County. This area supplies about tive, Department of Conservation, Room
development of adjacent mineral deposits 90% of the sand and gravel for the Ven- 1327, Sacramento, California 95814,
and whether the maintenance of certain tura-(hnard area. Ventura County Flood (916) 322-1082.... Douglas W.Spraguc. ~

2" California Geology September 1979

Condensed from a speech presented to the California Seismic safety Commission by Bruce A. Bolt on April 27.1979. Dr.Boll is the Director
of the Seismographic Station at the University of California. Berk.eley.

BRUCE A. BOLT. Commissioner
California Seismic Safety Commission
There are a number of connicting quakes in California. There was a large Paleoearthquakes
stands and interests that go into reassess- earthquake in 1836, centered on the Hay- Thirdly, trenches recently excavated
ing the present earthquake hazards in ward faull. From what we know these days, across the San Andreas fault in southern
California, such as the improved con- it would probably bec1assed as"great". An California have revealed evidence of past
struction of public schools and hospitals earthquake in 1838 was felt strongly in great earthquakes. The liquifaction effects
as opposed to the multiplicity of designs San Francisco. It opened a great crack of paleoearthquakes have been preserved
and materials of new structures. These many miles in length along what is now in beds of sand and peat. They indicate
conflicts become more difficult to quanti- called the San Andreas fault. that the average recurrence interval of
fy as the population continues to grow In 1868 there was again an outstanding great earthquakes on the San Andreas
and society becomes more complex. There earthquake on the Hayward fault along fault in southern California is aboul 200
are two seismological aspects of these con- the base of the hills to the east of San years - sometimes more, sometimes less.
flicting ingredients of risk evaluation. The Francisco Bay. This earthquake produced This recurrence interval extends back at
first is the earthquake occurrence proba- destruction in San Jose, Hayward. and least one thousand years. Therefore. given
bility itself, lind the second is the pre- downtown San Francisco. Until 1906 it the time that has elapsed since the last
paredness of California to respond effec- was referred to locally as "the great earth- great earthquake, we should. as a working
tively to an earthquake when it occurs. quake". A group of laymen got together hypothesis, expect a great earthquake
and wrote a report on that earthquake, somewhere in California within the next
EARTHQUAKE OCCURRENCE but the report seems to have been su- 10 years. The odds are about even that
PROBABILITY pressed because no copy has been found in this will be the case. and for every year
this century. However. in 1906 some per- that goes by now these odds will grow
We must now say that time is running sons who had gone through the 1868 steadily.
out so far as the next big earthquake of earthquake were asked to give their recol- If more specific earthquake predictions
magnitude 7 or greater is concerned. The lections - these will be referred to later. could be made they would help in pre-
late Professor Perry Byerly, my predeces- And then there was the great earth- venting loss of life from collapse of struc-
sor at Berkeley, said that when he first quake of 1906, with no major rupture of tures. but seismology has not yet
had the job of keeping track of earth- active faults in northern California since advanced to the stage of practical precise
quakes in northern California he never that time. In southern California the great earthquake forecasting. Even if valid
closed the door of his garage. He felt that Fort Tejon earthquake occurred in 1857, earthquake prediction were possible, the
perhaps any night the next great earth- and apart from the Kern County shock of hazard to vulnerable buildings in Califor-
quake in the Bay area would come and he 1952. again there has not been an earth- . nia, and the resulting economic loss,
would have to hop into his car. and go quake of major size near metropolitan would remain.
down to the University and lead the stud- areas for more than 100 years.
ies of its aftermath. But when the earth- EARTHQUAKE PREPAREDNESS
quake had not come after 30 years he Tectonic Movement
closed the door of his garage. In the 16 Secondly, the geodetic survey that has The need to reduce earthquake hazards
years since I have been at the University gone on in the San Francisco Bay area for must be balanced against other social de-
of California, there has been no great about a century and a half indicates that mands. The effort to mitigate against
earthquake in California and for various the Farallon Islands, Mt. Tamalpais. and earthquakes must be expressed in terms of
reasons, each year, it has seemed appro- MI. Diablo continue to move relative to jeopardy to life and cost benefit so that
priate to think of an occurrence in the one another at a rate comparable to thaI people can make reasonable decisions on
next 10. or 20 years. observed prior to the 1906 earthquake. what is an adequate level of earthquake
We can no longer keep pushing this The Farallon Islands are moving north safety for society.
time window forward for a number of relative to MI. Diablo at the rate of about Consider the two words "earthquake
reasons. The evidence now is much stron- 2 inches a year and there can be no doubt risk". An equation between the occur-
ger than 30 years ago or even\16 years that strain is building up in the crustal rence of great earthquakes, and the risk
ago that a large earthquake is imminent. rocks like the tightening of a watch they produce must be considered. A
spring. The level of strain that was steady state situation in California should
EARTHQUAKE EVIDENCE reached prior to fault rupture in 1906 is be the goal. The steady state situation
known from geodetic measurements of would be one in which the citizens,
Historical Record the last century, and a comparison sug- through the tax base, allocate a certain
The first line of evidence comes from gests that a sudden slip will have to occur amount of resources toward maintaining
the historical record. In the last century along one of the main faults in the area to the status quo of adequate earthquake
there were a number of very large earth- relieve the present strain before too long. preparedness. In other words, the pUblic

California Geology september 1979 '03

must accepl thai after preparalion at a framework than the one used in the past its foundation. Ihe chimney was torn
lolerable level is reached, it must be sus-- - a framework thai will consider earth- from the roof. the the porch was
lained economically for many years. quakes in relation to the whole economic wrenched away. dishes were bro-
There is still a long way to go in tenos of system. We mUSI detennine how building ken. and everything was in contu-
individual, state and corporate etTort, edu- codes are being applied. how communities sion. I found thaI most of Ihe houses
cation, and expenditure of funds, before were in Ihe same condition as my
are responding 10 suggestions to prepare own-Ihrown from their founda·
Ihis steady stale is reached. for earthquakes, and particularly we must tions. with chimneys down. porches
Much is now known about earthquakes assess the cost benefits thai can accrue by knocked sideways. elc. All the while
and about how to reduce earthquake dam- properly carrying oul earthquake mitiga- the ground was shaking and contin-
age. This knowledge must be transferred lion plans. Expendilure of public funds ued to shake for days. even weeks:·
quickly. There has been progress in the musl be fully justified and clearly efficienl
study of ground motion itself over the in order to achieve a steady state within Report #2:
"I was then about 15 years of age
past 10 years. In engineering design there the next few years.
end my home was near Irvington.
has been advancement in ways to handle We musl delve more deeply into emer- When the shock came I was alone in
these seismic forces. Presumably the gency preparedness Ihan we have in Ihe the house with my baby brother and
changes in building codes have signifi- past. Although the speclre of added ex- my mother called to me to get the
cantly improved them. There is now more pense is often used as an excuse for inac- baby. I mal\8ged to get the child
help from the Federal governmenl under lion, much can be done within a over my arm. lace down with a pil·
Ihe Earthquake Hazard Reduclion ACI reasonable cost. So often when dealing low on top. then falling and crawling
which is designed 10 reduce Ihe risk of life wilh specific groups and siluations, I worked my way to Ihe kitchen
and property from future earthquakes. progress can be made by people al grass door. My mother was on the ground.
The establishment of the Seismic Safety roots level if Ihey only know whal to do. and every time she tried 10 get up
she was thrown a9ain. As I sat there
Commission in California has brought to- Today there are more people concerned I could see the ground in waves like
gether often very disparale kinds of inter- about earthquakes in the communily than the ocean. After the main shock I
eslS fbus stimulating more etTeclive Ihere were a few years ago. Quile apart think we had a hundred shocks duro
mitigation activity and needed legislation. from governmenl plans, community ing the first 24 hours. not a house
groups are coming together at Ihe local was left with a chimney on it. The
Recent Damages level to eKamine such queslions as: piano was out of the room and the
Despite advances in earthquake stud- What can we do in this particular neigh- safe had broken through the wall:·
ies, substantial losses have occurred in borhood if a big earthquake occurs (on Such direct, unediled infonnation gives
relalively small earthquakes over the last Ihe Hayward fault, or on the San An· people a chance 10 reassess what Ihey
few years. The Santa Barbara earthquake dreas fault)? thought they were going to do when the
of August 13, 1978, was a relatively small What can we do before the nexl earth· great earthquake occurred. Some people
earthquake (M 5.6) The strong ground quake to see whal hazards can be re- assume Ihey will make emergency calls on
motion in this earthquake lasted 2-3 sec- duced? the lelephone, and some people think they
onds and shook only a restricted area, yet - Will adequate fire fighting facilities be can gel in Iheir car at work and go home
il caused up to 57 million damage to prop- available in Ihe area after the earth- to their families! They are probably nOI
erty. For comparison, the strong ground quake? going 10 be able to do such things. There
motion in the great 1906 earthquake last- Tbe Seismic Safety Commission, is a gap between whal will be possible and
ed 40 seconds. The amount of energy Ihrough its Earthquake Education Com- what people think they are going to do.
released was spread over much of coastal miltee, and other groups can encourage That is one of the uncertainties thai goes
California, and was at least one thousand this grass roots activity IhroughoUI the inlo the reassessment of what Ihe conse-
times greater than in the Santa Barbara state. The University of California at quences of the earthquake are going to be.
shock. Berkeley had an "Earthquake Awareness
In the 1978 Santa Barbara earthquake Day" on April 18, 1979. In Ihe course of EARTHQUAKE DEFENSE
65 people were injured by falling objects planning this program there were many
and glass. Damage in the earthquake in- meetings of administrative officers, cleri- A very important componenl in trying
cluded a number of buildinp built after cal statT, laboratory managers, officials in- to reach the sleady state in a relatively
1952, Ihus disputing the concept that only volved in environment, health and safely, shon lime is to have more earthquake
old buildings from another era should be and representatives from student groups. education. We must get the allention of
considered when assessing earthquake The committee met regularly wilhout a the whole California populalion and de-
dangers in California. Reports from the lag in interest. Apparently there is a desire scribe what Ihe earthquake experience is
University of California at Santa Barbara for specific infonnation aboul just whal going to be like, so thai each person will
outlined cases where the building code will happen when another great earth- be able to respond in a sensible way. We
was not followed and errors seemed to quake occurs. have 10 think about whal will happen on
have been made in construction. These California is fortunale to have exlensive every level in anolher greal earthquake.
facts raise questions about proper inspec- eye wilness accounts of some of the big More assistance must be given 10 local
tion during construction of both state and earthquakes. These kinds of reports help community groups so that they can take
privately owned buildinp in California. a greal deal to educate the public. The action themselves to assist in fire fighting,
following accounts describe the 1868 first aid, and home safety procedures. As
Public Awareness earthquake on the Hayward Fault as il a consequence, the public may give
If a small magnitude 5.6 earthquake is was in San Leandro: stronger support for Ihe expenditure of a
able to produce significant destruction in small part of the overall California budget
a limited area, what is to be done to pre- Report #1: 10 reduce the earthquake risk. Let us in
pare for a great earthquake? Firsl, de- ··1 managed 10 get out of the build- the next five years move earthquake risk
tailed re-examinalion of earthquake risk ing in San leandro when the shaking equation toward Ihe sleady stale of mini-
in California is needed. We need a broader started. The house was thrown from mal risk, for time is no longer on our side. ~

California Geology September 1979

L o

I ~z~

~ B 125 Manganese in California $2.00 _ _ CR' Trinity County. California. Mines and mineral ra·
• B 174 Pumice. pumicite. and volcanic Cinders in Califor- sources 01 $3.50
nia $2.50 _ _ CR 5 Monterey County. California. Minesand mineral re-

I~==: :~
Geology of northern California $9.00 sources of $5.00
Mineral resources of California $3.00 _ _ CR 6 Shasta County. California. Mines and mineral re-
~ _ _ B '''' The mineral economics of the carbonate rocks. sources of $7.50
limestone and dolomite resources of California _ _ CR 7 Imperial County. California. Mines and mineral re-

I~ __ B '96
San Fernando. California. Earthquake 019 February _ _ CR.
sources of sa.50
Alpine County. California. Mines and mineral re-

1971 $13.00 sources of $3.50
B 197 L,mestone, dolomite. and shell resources of the

" B "B
Coast Range Province. California $6.00
Urban geology master plan for California $2.50

IgQ m
B '"

B 200
8asic geology of the Santa Margarita area. San
Geologyof the San Diego metropolitan area $12.00

Io• _ _ B 202 Geology of the Point Reyes peninsula. Marin

County. California $4.00
_ _ 5P 33
_ _ 5P"
Minerals and rocks $1,00
Geology of placer deposits $1.00

_ _ SP 39 Earthquakes: Be preparedl $0.35
___ SP 41 Basic Placer mining $0.35
_ _ SP42 Fault hazard zones in California with supplements
___ SP 45
Meeting the earthquake challenge $2.50
_ _ SP49 California jade $2.00
; SR 55 FranCiscan chert in California concrete aggregate
_ _ 5P 50
- $050 Colemanite deposits near Kramer Junction. San
1~ SR S6 An annotated bibliography 01 California Creta-
_ _ SP 51
Bernardino County. California $1.00
State Policy lor surlace mining and reclamation
I ceous microfOSSilS $1.00

~z - - - SA 87 E>:pansible shale resources of the Sen Jose-Gilroy
_ _ SP 52
praClice FREE
area. Santa Clara County. California $1.50 Earthquake calalog of CalifornIa. January " 190:>-
SR 88 Geology 01 the Queen of Sheba lead mine. Death December 3t, 1974 $3.00
0 Valley. 'nyo County. California $1.50
1~ SA 98 Natural slope stability as related to geology. San
Clemente area. Orange <Ind San Diego Counties.

~ SR 118 San Andreas lault In southern California $4.00

SR 121 Sand and grovel 01 Sacramento area $1.50
SA 122 Englneefing Geology 01 The Geysers geothermal
resources area. lake. Mendocino. and Sonoma
___ The Elephant as they saw it $2.00
___ Fabncas $2.00
___ B 190 TRIP G Mineralogy of the Laytonville Quarry. Men-
m Counties. California $3.50 docino County $0.50

IQ m~ ___ SR 123 Character and recency of faulting. San DIego met- ___ A walker's gUIde to San Francisco. California $0.50
ropolitan area. California $4 00
SR 124 OrovIlle California earthquake. 1 August 1975 $3 50
n --- SR 125 MInes and mineral deposits In Death Valley Na-
Io lional Monument. Callforn,a $3 50
~ SR 128 K-feldspar in Upper Mesozoic sandstone umts
'0'" near Atascadaro. Santa Lucia Range. San Luis PRELIMINARY REPORTS
/ ObISpo County. California $1 50
' SR 130 Indax to gaologlc maps of CalifornIa, 1969-1975 _ _ PR 22 Compllauon of strong-motlon fecords recovered

I~ ~e~ncy
from the Santa Barbara eatlhquake of 13 Augusl
SR 131 and character of faulting along the Elsl- 1978 $1.00
2) nore fault zone in southern Riverside County. Call- _ _ PR 23 Processed data from the parlial Slrong-mOlion

l ::u
SR 133
SR 134
forma $2 50
Clay mineralogy and slope stability $1.00
Erosion along Dry creek. Sonoma County, Calif Of-
records of the Santa Barbara earthquake of 13 Au-
gusl 1978. preliminary results $1.00

m nia $3 00
1g SR 135 SeIsmicity of CalifornIa 1900-1931 $250
SR 137 San Gregono-Hosgri faull zone $2.50
ECONOMIC MINERAL MAPS - 1'1.000.000 plan,metric base.
I~c __ EMM Quicksifver $1.50

__ EMM 3 Chromlte $060
__ EMM 7 lead and -zInc $ 1 25

- California Geology september 1979


_ _ MS21 Geology of the BOdie quadrangle $4.50 ___ Map No. I. Fault map of California with locations of vOl-51
_ _ MS 22 Geology of the Matlerhorn Peak quadrangle $4.50 canoes. thermal springs. and thermal wells 1975 w
_ _ "'. 23 Maximum credible rock acceleration from earth-
quakes in California S1.!50 Rolled $6.50
~_MS 25 Carbonate rock resources of the Striped Moun-
tain area. California S1.7S o FOlded $5.00 o
_ _ MS 26 Offshore surficial geology of California Rolled. "
mailed in sturdy tube Sg.OO; FOlded. S7.50
_ _ "'. 29 Geology of National City. Imperial Beach and
___ Map No.2. Geologic map of California t977
Otay Mesa quadrangles. southern San Diego met-
ropOlitan area. California $6.00 Colored
_ _ MS31 Geology of the Willow Creek quadrangle. Hum- o ROlled $9.50 •
bOldt and Trinity Counties. Calilornia $4.50
_ _ "'. 33 Geology of the southwestern part of 1I1e Oat o Folded sa.OO 81
MountaIn quadrangle. Los Angeles County. Cali- "
fornia $4.50 Uncolored
_ _ MS 35 Kaweah Peaks plUlon and its relationship to Ihe o Rolled only. in a tube 55.50
age of the Kern Canyon fault. Tulare County. Cali- •
fornia $3.00
_ _ "'. J6 Geology of the southem Mother Lode, Tuolumne
and Mariposa Counlies. California $3.00
_ _ MS 37 Geology of the Haiwee Reservoir IS'quadrangle. "
Inyo County. Califofl'lia $3.50
_ _ "'. 38 Geology of the Keeler IS' quadrangle. lnyo State Wide Coverage

County. Cahfomia $350
_ _ MS 39 Earthqueke epicenter map of California $2.00 ___ Geomorphic map of California Scale 1 SI.00
___ Shaded relief map of California Scate l:l,250,CXXI S1.60 "
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___ Los Angeles Sheet >

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___ Santa Rosa sheet
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Death Valley sheet $4.00 STATE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-'-'UIP'--- ~I
Los Angeles sheet $3.00
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