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After four years in operation, the Hacienda is pleased to share some exciting news.

We have
been selected by Changemakers as one of the top three geotourism projects globally.
Changemakers is an international sustainable tourism support organization with three major
sponsors: Much Better Adventures, National Geographic Society, and the Inter-American
Development Bank. Projects were ranked on sustainability criteria for both freshwater and
ocean destinations. The multi-organizational judges chose the Hacienda for its many social
and ecological accomplishments over the last four years, giving us the coveted prize of a life-
long membership to international networking and free advertising. This will help the
Hacienda to continue to expand its’ scope and scale. This is of course huge news for the
Hacienda, but the real recognition should go to all the volunteers that have contributed to our
diverse projects over the years. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to all of
those who have been part of making this dream a reality.

Our story: Hacienda Tranquila is a small volunteer organization located on a 147 acre ranch
in the highlands of San Cristobal Island, Galapagos. The Hacienda Tranquila local staff, and
volunteers from over 10 countries worldwide, have accomplished a diverse range of
environmental improvements for the Hacienda and the larger community. We currently have
three volunteers up in the highlands and one volunteer working in the office helping with
administrative tasks. As the rain is coming in for the next few months things will be greener
and we will be seeing more volunteers, including a group of 15 more international volunteers
in April.

Current projects:
Reforestation: We have planted 1,855 trees in
three different areas of the island to protect
endangered species. We have also created a
nursery with 2,650 seedlings to be transplanted
and distributed to schools and farmers in the
community. We are helping to restore native
and endemic forests and hope to increase the natural harmony and tranquility of the island
through our reforestation efforts.
Agriculture: We are helping fifteen families (fifty people) of the community to recover the
overgrown areas of their farms; in particular, we help with cultivation techniques to improve
organic production and increase yields to supply local markets. Local production helps to
prevent excessive importation of fresh fruits and vegetables. This can assist in controlling the
number of introduced species that endanger the endemic ecosystems.

Community water access: Local staff and

volunteers have worked for over a year burying
eight kilometers of plastic water pipe, along rough
terrain, to supply water for the community. (Check
out the hard working volunteers in the photo to the
left.) As in any community, water is vital for
agriculture, livestock, and personal hygiene.

Carbon sequestration: The project has planted 750 trees to assist with the natural process of
carbon capture from the atmosphere. We decided to plant two native species in line with our
reforestation practices. Of the 750 trees planted, 250 are Manzanillo, with each tree capturing
470 kilograms per year, and 500 are Martazarno, with each tree capturing 148 kilograms per
year. Cumulatively, these 750 trees capture 191 tons of CO2 from the atmosphere each year.

Children: We have created a program of hippo-therapy

for the children of the Ecuadorian National Institute for
Children and Family. Hippo-therapy uses horses to
assist with personal growth and development. It is
particularly therapeutic for children with internal
balance issues, such as those suffering from Down
syndrome. We have served 180 disadvantaged and
disabled children over the last four years. We received
150 children this summer, like this little girl pictured at
English lessons: We have also helped to refurbish and
furnish the school in the community, and have supplied
them with materials for English language learning. This
summer, we hosted classes on the Hacienda, as depicted
in the picture at right.

Testimonies from farmers in our community:

“The Hacienda helps the community in various ways. The project of installing the water pipe
in order to bring clean water to La Soledad has been extremely beneficial. The Hacienda has
also helped us to establish a communal composting facility which will enrich the soil of all
the farmers and allow their agriculture to flourish. Personally, the Hacienda helps me through
the exchange of ideas between the community and the volunteers. During the volunteers’ free
time, they interact with the community through, soccer, basketball, volleyball and even a
little dancing. These social interactions help us to learn English and give us experience in
socializing with people from outside our community. Our community has benefitted greatly
from the Hacienda and the volunteers. We value their work.” Nelson Francisco Simbaña
Ballesteros, President of the community La Soledad

“The Hacienda has helped all of the farmers in La Soledad. The volunteers help through the
irradication of the invasive species. These invasive species, especially the thorny blackberry,
scratch our cows’ udders which then affects the milk production of our community. The
Hacienda helps my family directly by cleaning the fields, allowing me to farm organically
and provide more food for my family. We are grateful for the volunteers that come to the
Hacienda. The Hacienda is the only form
of help the farmers receive, and without
the help of the volunteers, the work that is being done would not be possible.” Angel Pallo,
President of the school in La Soledad

This past January, the community of La Soledad hosted a dinner for David Essoyan, owner of
the Hacienda, to show their appreciation for all the work that has been done for the benefit of
their community. Each one of the families contributed a separate dish, and the table was full
of members of the community, volunteers, and the Hacienda team. The city hall of San
Cristobal has also shown recognition of the Hacienda this weekend by placing a big sign at
the Hacienda’s entrance (see photo above). The city also mentioned the Hacienda’s
accomplishments on their website.

Ongoing projects: We continue to expand our outreach, and accelerate our environmental
accomplishments on the island. Currently, connections are being made with local hotels and
restaurants to buy the organic produce from the farmers associated with the Hacienda. The
Hacienda’s projects have helped to provide forests and green growth for people, restoring
endemic forests while protecting vulnerable farmers from invasive species. They are
providing the community with improved access to water, therapy, education, and intercultural
exchange of ideas, values and a love for our planet. We encourage everyone to participate in,
and contribute to, our ongoing efforts, by getting involved. Help keep the Galapagos green
and the local community smiling.

That’s all for now. To keep in touch feel free to connect with us on Facebook, or through our
website: Drop by and leave some love.

Until next time,

Hacienda Tranquila

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