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A Proposed Life Cycle Forecasting Model of Complex Recycling Technical

Systems by Implementing Neural Super Network

Khalil A. Yaghi Waheeb A. Abu-Dawwas

Department of Management Information Department of Information Systems,
Systems, Applied Science Private University, Petra University, Jordan. E-
Jordan. E-mail: mail:

Abstract only one level of explanation, these levels often

include features whose emergence cannot be
The purpose of this paper is to increase the predicted from their current specifications. Complex
efficiency of functionality and reliability of Complex systems theory also includes the study of the
Recycling Technical Systems (CRTS) community, interactions of the many parts of the system.
through improving the control quality of their life Examples of such complex systems include
cycle. Automated Control System (ACS) on the basis ground/air transportation systems, health care
of Neural Super-Network learning for forecasting systems, supply chain systems, and military
damages and ensuring its information representation systems. These systems are typically highly
for learning was proposed. In the paper it was complex and dynamic with tightly coupled
suggested an architecture and a method of learning interacting components (or subsystems).
of a neural super-network for forecasting the This paper is organized as follows: first, we
progress of CRTS community life cycle. demonstrate an overview of neural networks and
complex systems, followed by the life cycle of
Keywords: Automated Control System (ACS), CRTS overview. Then building a neural super-
Complex Recycling Technical Systems (CRTS), Neural network model is presented. A description of how
Network (NN), and Neural Super-Network. neural super-network works is discussed. Finally,
we provide a conclusion.
1. Introduction
2. The life cycle of CRTS
Artificial Neural Networks have become objects
of everyday use, although few people are aware of During the life cycle of CRTS in its state,
it. Their superior performance in optical character quantitative changes are collected that leads to
recognition, speech recognition, signal filtering in quantum leaps in exploitation suitability [2]. The
computer modems etc. have established Neural description of CRTS (a zero point of its life cycle)
Networks (NN) as an accepted model and method. provides integrity of states.
However, neural networks have not yet been At the realization of CRTS some problems could
established as a valid and reliable method in the occur, for example, poor quality of manufacturing,
business forecasting domain, either on a strategic, absence of reviewing the drawing details,
tactical or operational level. Selected applications connections and welded seams [8]. Thus, during the
of NN which have demonstrated their applicability assembly of an object, there will be various defects
in specific scenarios are presented [3]. in it. Product exploitation (or testing) comes to the
Many different models of neural networks have end during the moment corresponding to the limited
been proposed. The feed-forward multi-layer design state, i.e. exhaustion of its resource.
networks with the back propagation learning As specified above, the condition of CRTS
algorithm are the most commonly used in the exploitation is the accumulation of undefined
software quality prediction field [9]. various characters and derivation.
Neural networks are widely used for modeling Modern methods of forecasting the CRTS life
complex systems. A complex system can be defined cycle, in the condition of the absence of clear
as a system which involves a number of elements algorithm or principles of problem solving at large
(such as machines, humans, technical systems, etc.), number of specific examples, large amounts of
arranged in structure which can exist on many scales input data, incomplete or redundant data, and noise
[10]. These go through processes of change that are or inconsistencies based on modeling of
not describable by a single rule nor are reducible to exploitation of such object in the form of NN [5].

978-l-4244-4615-5/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE 503

However, a community of CRTS, which elements learning selection, represents a serious problem [6].
work in different places, different situations and at Therefore, the aim of this work is to increase the
various times, the construction of a suitable NN efficiency of functionality and reliability of CRTS
and, most important, ensuring its representation of community, through improving the control quality of
their life cycle in the exploitation process by iterations of life cycle modeling: Y completes the
creating an Automated Control System (ACS) on previous iteration, and ХС "opens" the subsequent,
the basis of learned Neural Super-Network for i.e.:
forecasting damages and ensuring its information Y;_i — Xc,;
representation for learning. Where i is the number of iteration; i G (1, N). In
the beginning of modeling (i = 1), vector ХС
3. Building a neural super-network responds to the state of a new system Х С,1, yet the
model previous is not in exploitation, and learning
selection receives from the information or from
One of the most adequate models for forecasting working places of new CRTS.
a technical state of CRTS can be NN [1]. It is Thus, learning selection on the first iteration of
necessary, before building a neural network, to life cycle has the following form: <{ХВ,1; ХС, 1}>
precisely define the set of input and output <Y1>, on the second - <{ХВ,2; Y1}> <Y2>, or in
parameters of the network. For the purposes of general form:
forecasting it is necessary that the set of output
parameters must be a subset of the inputs set. As we can see from these expressions, after each
Let the input vector X of the NN consists of not iteration of the NN is exposed "going out" of the
only "external" factors that influences ХВ reflecting state in which it was after learning the previous
the functionality conditions of CRTS, but also iteration, and re-learning for new selection.
consists of the set of "internal" factor states of Х С This approach has a main disadvantage, which
determining the specific technical condition of does not allow it to be used for the modeling of a
CRTS in general and its elements separately: community of elements with long life cycle, and
X = {XB; XC} such elements, which are beginning to work not at
The output of the network creates a vector the same time, that is, the beginning of life cycle
response Y, the size and the content of which fully which does not matches: after each re-learning, the
meets the size and content of the "internal" part of model "forget" the previous iteration and yet the
the vector X, i.e. the ХС. On the architecture of the content of current systems cannot be used to
NN this fact is reflected in this way: forecast the state of CRTS at these stages [7].
The network provides feedback (see figure 1) Therefore, we proposed the model as a "Super-
from output Y to the input ХС. Network" in which each iteration corresponds to its
own network and transfer information Yi-1 —> ХС,i is
not obtained by feedback but by connecting
XB Xc networks which modeled in sequential iterations as
shown in figure 2.


Figure 1. The NN architecture with feedback

from Y. Figure 2. Neural Super-Network architecture.

But we cannot put the equal sign between them As we can see from the figure, in this case, any
(Y *■ ХС), because they belong to different elementary NN stores acquired during the learning
information, and may be pre-learning by data that is
continuously coming from different CRTS from
their exploitation.

4. How neural super-network works

The neural super-network works as follows: 1.
Choosing the CRTS representation and
performed accelerated testing range of its life

cycle before the first failure. Test provides iterations of modeling: Y1, Y2, Y3 ,., YN and for
data on the external influences on the damages that occur at these iterations.

Defines the initial internal state of CRTS - values and the values reflecting the significance of
ХС,1. each indicator.
3. Achieving learning of the first network on the
3. learning selection: 6. References
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obtained values characterize the degree of deviation
of the forecasting performance of the planned


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