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c  The ability to psychically induce paradoxes and contradictory physics. This can range anywhere from the highly
improbable (like a prey animal eating it's predator) to the impossible (Fire "extinguishing" water, a small being
with no superstrength beating a far larger being with extreme superstrength and durability, etc.). This ability is
similar to Tychokinesis, but instead of simply increasing or decreasing the likelihood of an event, it makes the
impossible possible, and the improbable quite likely. The only true limit to this ability is that it is very confusing,
and you can't obtain certain things (manipulating the structure of matter, omnipotence, omniscience, etc.).
c    The ability to precognitively see what choice one should make when confronted by a situation, and then
psychically accelerate oneself along that path of causality immediately, usually at superhuman speed. However,
this ability only allows one to do physical abilities that one is capable of (if one needed to do a back flip in order to
evade an attack, but the user was incapable or too afraid to do a back flip, then they would not be able to do it,
and the like). This ability is usually accompanied by Superhuman Speed and Superhuman Reflexes.
c The psionic ability to gain passage through any portal. This ability could be used to get past guards of any portal,
¢   or unlock any lock, whether they be on windows, lockers, chests (even TV channels, or anything else that can be
   locked). One with this ability could open a locked door as if it were left unlocked, or gain access to a web page
even if blocked by a proxy or a password. This ability allows the possessor to gain access into whatever he or she
wishes to "get into". The opposite number of this ability is Occlusion, which prevents access into normally-
accessible targets.
c   Simply the presence of physical and mental bodily features that allow one to survive in a certain environment. The
possessor of these adaptations would still have a human body, except with a few superhuman anatomical
features. The possessor of this ability could not have multiple adaptations.
! "c   cllows the body of the user to survive in space unaided, withstand atmospheres, cosmic mediums and strange
¢   gravity (even sometimes that of a dangerous vacuum) and perhaps propel oneself into space.
c# c   cllows the possessor to breathe water in lieu of or along with a gaseous breathing medium (this is called
¢    Underwater Breathing, Waterbreathing or Hydropnea), swim very well (usually at high speeds) and endure high
water pressure.
 c   cllows the possessor to live in stuffy, low-light terrene conditions like caves and tunnels with vision, endurance
and breathing adapted for such (and perhaps also adapted for intense heat, if adapted for areas closer to the
earth's core).
 c   cllows the possessor to live in very high-up conditions where the air is thin, as they possess adjusted breathing
¢  capacity, high air-pressure tolerance, a high cold tolerance and immunity to vertigo.
c  c   cllows the user to withstand extreme wind pressures (so one isn't disoriented or deprived of normal breathing
¢    capacity by them) along with immunity to vertigo; this ability is innate for fliers (so it is counted along with Flight
as an ability).
c$ The psychic ability to implant a mental attachment to a certain object or subject, or to increase a current addiction
or fetish. One with this ability could make a foe absolutely addicted to sugar, chocolate, smoking, sex or any other
addictive substance (even if the subject has never tried the substance). However, one with this ability may also
cure the addictions of allies as well.
c% The ability to make oneself sticky. This may be accomplished one of a few ways. Either the user exudes a psychic
aura which bonds to molecules as the user wills, or it may involve the presence of physical suction cups or sticky
mucus on the skin. One with this ability could keep objects from being stolen from him, stick to walls or keep foes
from getting out of his or her grasp. This ability is usually (but not always) capable of being turned on and off at
will and exudes through clothing.
c & The ability to mentally affect or move wind currents or wind. With this ability, one can easily resist wind pressure,
¢   move air particles to create vacuums to suffocate foes, or send wind at foes as gale-force currents. One with this
ability could even travel on air currents via flight or walking. cnother faculty of this ability is cerogenesis in which
one can generate breathable air or the constituents of air.
c'' The ability to inflict painful wounds upon foes by pure force of will. One with this ability could not induce sickness
¢  or death (unless the user has suffered death himself; which would be impossible, unless he is capable of
Resurrection); they could only induce injuries that have already happened before to them or to the subject they
wish to affect (or wounds that the subject or the user may still currently have). One with this ability may also be
capable of Pain Transfer to transfer wounds and painful sensation and/or the ability Excruciation to induce or
increase pain in foes. This ability would be useless to someone who has never sustained injury, or to be used
for/against someone who was invulnerable to harm. However, if the foe can be hurt, then the wounds will either
heal at the normal rate (even if the foe can rapidly regenerate), or they will not heal at all (unless the user
relinquishes his power or the wound is healed by one with the power of Healing).

c$ %'$ The ability to shift one's age into that of another. This may seem like the ability to manipulate time, but it only
targets time fields around biotic matter. With this, one could age shift himself into an older version of himself
(called Maturation or cge Progression) or a younger version (called Infantilization or cge Reversion). While age
shifted, the user gains the characteristics of that age group, so they could realistically act like the age group to
which they have shifted. One may even be able to change the apparent age of others (called cge Manipulation).
c$ & The superhuman ability to mentally manipulate wood, plants and flowers. Using this ability, one could grow plants
¢    to enormous proportions in nearly any environment, and use them as weapons that can grab and attack with
¢    vines and roots (or release neurotoxins and pheromones), which quickly regenerate at the user͛s will. One may
even be capable of controlling plants in their concentrated form, like clothes, paper and paper money.
c%" The psychic ability to transmute non-gold metals into gold by touch. While very little is known about this, it seems
¢  only capable of rearranging the molecules of a metal to the molecular template default: gold. It is believed that
with enough practice, the subjects capable of being turned into gold may extend from just metals to other
materials (even possibly living materials).
c( $% The superhuman ability to see in all aspects. One with this ability can access the powers of Precognition and
¢  !  Postcognition to see any moment in history. One with this power could even access the powers Telescopic Vision,
 Microscopic/Magnifying Vision, full vision of the color spectrum, Infrared Vision, Night Vision, X-Ray Vision, and
have 360° of vision. Superhumans with this power can even see through illusions, see the invisible, project their
sight and project Laser Vision (among other visual aspects). The ability, however, only allows perception in one
aspect at a time.
c $ The presence of multiple personalities within one mind. One with this ability may be docile and harmless while
¢    one ego is present, but powerful and vicious while another ego is present. cnd perhaps an ego may be invoked
¢"   based on what type of persona the user thinks the current situation requires (called Jungian Shift). It is also
possible that each personality comes with a distinct ability or distinct traces (scent, fingerprints, etc.) within each
personality, and possibly transformation based on which personality is active. Sometimes one personality (the
dominant personality), or a small few personalities will have no superhuman abilities at all.
c  ) " The psionic ability to assume the form of an object or creature whenever the user desires. Of course, the user
¢#  gains the abilities inherent in that form (such as breathing fire and flying if you became a dragon), but after the
¢ user chooses this form, only rarely can the choice be taken back. The user can only "shapeshift" to that form and
back to normal (or in some cases, may be born in that form, or retain that form after the first time it is assumed).
It is also possible other forms could be assumed.
c" ) " The ability to assume the form of an animal. This transformation may even allow shapeshifting into a dinosaur, a
¢  mythical creature or alien creatures (but only to that form/those forms and back to normal). cnother version of
¢  # this ability is Swarm Form or Hive Form, in which the user can turn into a swarm of small insects/vermin (this
divides the mind amongst each member of the swarm). These transformations usually allow one to communicate
with the species that one has transformed into.
 ) " The ability to assume a form which is far more grotesque and frightening than one's normal form. This form has
ugly features, and far enhanced abilities (and may be prone to the ability Psychic Intimidation). This form may be
beastly (like a humanoid animal or with strange skin coloration/markings/features), alien, or just the user's
appearance distorted (sometimes larger or smaller than one's normal appearance).
) " The ability to assume a form similar to a toy or an inanimate object. One with this ability could use it to blend into
¢ $  one's environment (and thus keep from being found) or for easy transportation. This form is impervious to pain,
and if one sustains lethal injury in this form, they usually just revert back to their normal form, unconscious. This
form can move as though one were an animated toy.
c ) " The ability to assume a windy, airy form. This form is either devoid of visibility and specific shape, or similar to a
wind cyclone. This form allows the user to hide in any space. If pressurized, this form can stifle fires, inflate the
lungs of foes or travel with the wind, as well as attack evasion. This form can even be used to assimilate one's
form into a tornado or other strong form of wind to attack foes more effectively.
c#) " The ability to assume a form similar to or composed of water. One with this ability can even assimilate his
¢% composition to other water and manipulate the water to expand his or her size, or he could move in this form
through liquid mediums, sometimes even assuming the various states of matter (solid, liquid, gas and plasma).
One with this ability could even use this form to become invisible while underwater (called cqueous Invisibility).
This form is usually highly vulnerable to electrical attack.
 ) " The ability to assume a form composed of rocks, dirt or stone. This form can sling the rocks/dirt of which one is
¢& composed to attack foes, or dig into the ground by assimilating oneself into the geography of the land. This ability
could even be used to assimilate other earth and rock into one's form, increasing one's size, strength and
endurance. This form may be composed of coal, diamond, or similar types of stone (or a composite of different
types of stone).
 ) " The ability to take a form likened to a plant. This form may be a tree, a flower, a plant, and a bush, or sometimes
¢ $  even a weed. This form may be able to move like an animated plant, mimic the abilities of plants (including
Photosynthesis, Rapid Regeneration, Ingrain, etc.) or even control other plants in the other immediate vicinity.
The user can only mimic plants͛ properties while in this form
 ) " The ability to assume a form composed of fire or biofire (a psionic form of fire which only affects those designated
¢  by the user). This form allows complete immunity to the effects of fire (even fire from the sun), but usually also
causes vulnerability to intense cold and water. One with this ability can even use his flaming composition to shoot
powerful blasts of fire at foes, or to burn/ignite objects and subjects by touch. This form is activated through
successful human combustion.
  ) " The ability to assume a form composed of electrical energy. This ability allows travel through electrical conduits
¢&   (such as power lines, or telephone lines). One with this ability can enter through devices such as televisions,
electrical poles or computers, or even use his electrostatic composition to shoot powerful arcs of electrical energy.
) " The ability to assume a form which looks like the user is made out of sand, or a constantly-swirling sand
¢"  cyclone/constantly-floating dust cloud. This form can be used to obscure the vision from foes, flay flesh (if whirling
fast enough) or travel on air currents. The sand form can is malleable, and capable of not only assimilating into
bodies of sand, but also changing density.
 ) " The ability to assume a form which looks like the user is made out of metal, or has skin covered in metal (normal
¢  or liquid). This is different from a metallic exoskeleton because the exoskeleton is just an outer covering, while
Metallic Form allows one to infuse the metal with their genetics, thus actually taking on the properties of the
metal (besides just durability).
) " The ability to assume a form composed of sentient sound waves. One with this ability could move as fast as the
¢   speed of sound, and manipulate sound to his or her will. The faster a person with this ability moves, the louder a
¢   sound is released. The user this ability can act as a living sonic boom and by simply moving at a fast-enough speed,
he could disorient opponents and shatter windows.
$%) " The ability to assume a form composed of light. One with this ability could move in the form of a light beam, so as
¢'  to move at light speed (although the amount of time one can do it is fairly short), and have all the properties of
light. One with this ability could replicate themselves by moving through a prism, or shine brightly to blind foes.
One with this ability could also fly by riding light waves.
% *) " The ability to assume a form composed of shadow (solid darkness). One with this ability can blend into shadows
¢ ( completely (called Umbrageous Invisibility), or even teleport through them (called Umbrageous Teleportation).
This can even be used to turn into a sentient shadow, moving along walls and impersonating the shadows of
others, allowing one to sneak up on or away from foes.
 +) "  The ability to assume a form which is deceptive to the eyes, or any other senses. This ability may include the
power to assume a form similar to a kitten, or a puppy or a baby, when in fact the user is a dangerous, maniacal
killer (the user would maintain normal thinking and motor capacity). This form also helps if the user of this ability
is naturally ugly or unappealing to sight.
" ) " The body's ability to mimic a spatial warp, thus acting as a living portal to another dimension (or to another
¢   time/location); this ability may include the ability to pull others into this dimension with tendrils of dimensional
energy extending from one's own body, or the ability to travel to and from said alternate time/dimension at will.
c    The name of two similar abilities. The first is the ability to psychically generate realities, or frequencies of
imagination within the mind, and to project consciousnesses into one͛s own mind or one͛s own mind into the
imaginations of others. The second entails the presence of an actual alternate universe within the mind, which
changes to the user's will. If the user of either of these abilities touches or mentally contacts a subject before
entering the alternate reality, they can even bring other consciousnesses to the reality. If a passenger were left in
the alternate reality, their mind would be trapped there until retrieved by the user.
c"  The ability to selectively forget any information desired, by sheer force of will. One with this ability could start all
¢  over as they would have no recollection of any past wrongs, stresses or other unpleasant occurrences. This ability
also allows the user to avoid telepathic gathering of information, as it allows the possessor of the ability to erase
valuable knowledge as well.
c % " The state of being born into the wrong timeline. It is possible that an anachronistic superhuman could be either
born years before/after he should have been, or he may be a temporal duplicate of another superhuman (which
means he should exist within an alternate timeline). One with this ability is a temporal anomaly, so that they move
faster or slower than normal, age faster/slower and are prone to intuitive feelings (or perhaps random knowledge;
maybe even visions) about their time period. One with this ability is not easily affected by abilities which affect
time (although they can be affected). If the anachronism touched anything from the timeline that they should
have come from (while in their current timeline), they would disappear as though touched by antimatter.

c " c" " The ability to psychically control one͛s body parts. This can allow the user to detach body parts at will and reattach
¢   lost body parts. One with this ability can even allow his body parts to move after detachment, and command them
as though they were separate entities. Sometimes one with this ability can even substitute his own body parts for
those of others. Body parts operated by cnatomical cutomatism can only do actions capable of being done by
said organs (no flying, defying gravity, etc.). Fingers inch along like inchworms, hands crawl on their fingers and
arms and legs hop along, and heads roll (blood slithers, organs hop, bones roll and jump, etc). cll of are of average
strength or of proportional strength to that of the user.
c "  The innate psychic knowledge of the name, appearance, location and function of every part in the body. This
¢   ability can be used to detect the physical limits and weaknesses of every body part/body system of living
creatures. One with this ability can also intuitively detect bodily anomalies (like the type of damage that one
sustains) and assess those anomalies to diagnose biological issues, such as disease, internal bleeding and the like
(called Intuitive Diagnosis). This can be used in both humans and animals, in a way similar to Fault Detection.
c "   The ability to psychically "re-collect" one's body parts after said parts have been dismembered or removed from
the body. This ability can be used even after such a powerful dismemberment as a nuclear explosion, as long as
the pieces of the body are capable of responding to the mind's psychic signal (and not confined or restrained).
This ability makes being dismembered impossible, as the body can simply pull itself back together. This power
(most common with detonators) is often accompanied by cnatomical cutomatism and Rapid Regeneration.
c" ""  The superhuman ability to mentally communicate with, and eventually command animals. Sometimes this ability
¢      extends to the entire animal kingdom, but other times, the ability may be more specific. One with this ability
¢) sends a telepathic or empathic message to the desired animals and rather than the animal simply understanding
human language, the mind of the user empathically translates it into mental signals that animals can understand.
This allows communication with any animal and may even allow psionic control over the animal kingdom,
including metabolism, behaviors and breeding patterns, or to understand what they are thinking as well.
c" % "$ " The superhuman ability to communicate with, and eventually command amphibians, from small tadpoles and
frogs to toads, newts, salamanders, etc. This is limited to birds.
c+ "$ " The superhuman ability to communicate with, and eventually command birds, from small sparrows and pigeons to
¢  ostriches and birds of prey. This is limited to birds.
 "$ " The superhuman ability to communicate with, and eventually command animals of the canine species, from house
dogs to wolves and foxes. This is limited to canines.
)"$ " The superhuman ability to communicate with, and eventually command animals of the feline species, from house
cats to feral cats and big cats. This is limited to felines.
%%"$ " The superhuman ability to communicate with, and eventually command marine species, from small fish, to otters,
¢ dolphins, whales, etc. This is limited to marine species.
  "$ " The superhuman ability to communicate with, and eventually command animals of the reptilian order, from
¢* lizards to turtles and alligators. This is limited to reptiles.
! ""$ " The superhuman ability to communicate with, and eventually command vermin, from bats and small rodents to
fleas, lice, flies, roaches, etc. This is limited to creepy crawlies.
c" "  The ability to imitate the powers and traits of animals. One with this ability need only come into contact with an
¢ $ animal once, allowing them to access their powers based on their empathic connection with the animal itself. One
with this ability could access the proportional strength of an ant, the speed of a cheetah, the flight abilities of a
bird, the sonar abilities of a bat, and the like. One with this ability may or may not exhibit the habits and physical
features of animals they are mimicking at the time. This ability could possibly be accompanied by cnimal
Communication, Specific Shapeshifting and/or Genetic cbsorption.
c"  The ability to psionically instill inanimate objects with the ability to move and to act of their own accord. One with
this ability can use surrounding objects to defend or fight for him, or to do menial tasks (or anything within the
capability of their size and shape). One with this ability can even undo the petrifaction of victims, or imbue
inanimate objects with one's psychic energy, allowing the user to psychically command said objects after they are
c$ +    The ability to mentally manipulate the forces of antigravity, allowing one to increase or decrease the effects of it
around any desired area, to levitate objects (or oneself and others) or to negate the antigravitational effects of the
levitation/flight abilities of others. One this ability can even sheathe subjects in antigravity (so that they float away
uncontrollably) or increase the presence of antigravity to perform athletic feats which require a bit of gravity
defiance (extremely high jumps, tossing foes extremely far, etc.).
c&"& cn umbrella term for the manipulation of any obscure substance other than the typical four elements (water, fire,
¢ $  earth, air) the primary four elements (energy, matter, space and time) and vital reality (Reality Bending). These
include the manipulation of more obscure elements, such as salt, paper, sugar, thread, flowers, fibers, plastic, etc.
This ability may even allow the manipulation of ink.
 & Mental manipulation of air molecules such as nitrogen, oxygen, CO2, etc. to control their movement, their
interaction with each other and to combine or disperse them at will
 & Manipulation of the physical state of oil and similarly viscous substances (its physical state, its behavior, moving
the oil)
 & Mental manipulation of milk and dairy products; one with this ability could manipulate milk/dairy like a
¢+   hydrokinetic manipulates water (moving it, shifiting it in its various states, etc.)
 & Mental manipulation of the physical state of ink (its physical state, its behavior, moving the ink)
 & Manipulation of subatomic particles, like electrons, protons and neutrons, including their motion behavior and
their chemical processes
" & Manipulation of threads and fabrics, especially those made with fabrics like cotton and silk and the like (ropes,
clothes, shoes, etc. can be manipulated)
%& Mental control over one's nails, increasing or decreasing the length or sharpness of them, even shooting them
from the sockets like dangerous projectiles
,& Mental manipulation of oxygen, increasing or decreasing the amount of it in any area; using it to increase fires,
decreasing the amount of it to suffocate foes and the like
-  & Manipulation of one of the following: energy from the future (used to evolve subjects), the intensity, or quanta, of
energy, the number of objects (multiplying or fusing them) or the fundamental constituents of matter
! & Mental manipulation of the regeneration process (inducing rapid regeneration, negating the healing process,
reversing said process)
c"      The ability to psychically generate and manipulate antimatter. One with this ability can convert matter into
antimatter, and vice versa. This ability could even be used to keep matter from reacting to antimatter, or speed up
the reaction, thus causing both the matter to cancel each other out, or preventing it from doing so. This ability
works the same as Psychokinesis or Molecular Manipulation, except with antimatter. This ability is very dangerous
in the wrong hands.
c% The ability to induce the opposite of nearly any effect. One with this ability could jump off a building and instead
¢ of breaking something (or dying) they would be fortified against breaking limbs, or any already-broken bones that
the user lands on would be healed. One with this ability could hold fire to a burn wound and the wound would be
healed instead of worse damaged, and the like. One with this ability could even cause injuries to feel good or
normally-pleasurable things to be extremely painful, and the like. This ability may be accompanied by Power
Reversal or the ability to reverse some other process/effect.
c % The absence of emotion. One with this "ability" could not be affected by abilities meant to induce emotions (no
¢ ##  love/fear/pain-inducing powers, etc.) and is immune to every variation of Empathy. It would also be far easier to
make decisions, face opponents that others wouldn't, resist temptation, and do things normal people would be
far too afraid or embarrassed to do. One with this ability thinks purely with logic, so they tend to be fairly
intelligent as well. Particular variations include Fearlessness (absence of irrational fear) and Heartlessness
(absence of sympathy). One variation of this ability, called Empathic Suppression or Emotion Suppression may
simply entail the ability to suppress emotions instead of being entirely devoid of them, so that one can live a
normal life, but lose the desired emotions as required.
c % & The ability to mentally manipulate the fine movements and functions of the joints and (sometimes) tendons,
either in one's own body, or in the body of another. This ability could be used to increase or decrease flexibility in
the bodies of others. This ability could even reduce joint strength in extremities, and manipulate control the
contractions and movements of such, similar to Bodily Possession. Used offensively, it could induce arthritis (or
crepitus), spasms, backaches and neckaches or other joint-and-tendon based difficulties (even tendonitis or
bursitis). This ability is counted as a portion of the ability Biokinesis.
c  c"  The ability to psionically animate an illustration or sketch by pure act of will. One with this ability could use
pencils, pens and any other writing material as a source of combat, drawing things on any surface, and then using
them for one's own purposes. This ability could be used to enter a place simply by drawing it on the wall, or to
create a fully functioning device without the use of internal mechanism. One possessing this ability may even
sometimes be able to animate images by writing words describing what it is they wish to summon.
c  The inability to get sick. One with this ability can go around the sickest of people and people with the most
¢"  contagious of ailments and still be unaffected by them. One with this ability could even be injected with a viral
strain or a lethal poison and their immune system would fight it off nearly immediately. People with the ability
nosokinesis are helpless against people with this ability (although one may be immune to only poison or only
disease, not always both).

c %,  The ability to choke foes by keeping them from getting air. This ability is activated by one of numerous ways. The
user may inhale deeply, which sucks the air out of the lungs of an opponent, literally taking his foe's breath away.
Or it may include the psychic compulsion of foes to exhale all of their air, and then to not inhale again (until
psychic contact is broken), thus causing them to slowly suffocate. This ability can be used to de-oxygenate
animals, causing them to suffocate, or plants, causing them to wilt. This ability is usually accompanied by (and
ineffective against) the ability ctmospheric Respiration.
c & The tremendously powerful superhuman ability to mentally manipulate the energy generated by stars as well as
¢  their electromagnetic, gravitational, radiation and cosmic energies (even cosmic rays). Simply put, one could
manipulate energy generated by stars, dark matter, quasars and the cosmic media in space. One with this ability
could generate stellar winds, solar flares, cosmic storms and even invoke meteor showers (and could be able to
manipulate weather as well).
c & The ability to psychically generate and manipulate ectoplasm, psychic and astral energies. One with this hugely
¢&  powerful ability can summon astral, psychic or ectoplasmic energy and launch them as concussive beams, rays,
etc. One with this ability could even cover an object in astral energy to use harmless everyday objects as
dangerous weapons, or project astral versions of oneself or others. This ability could even be used to disrupt or
enhance certain psychic abilities, and harm ghosts/spirits with ease.
c + The ability to psychically induce cstral Projection in a subject by causing the body to reject its soul-self (sometimes
¢ ,#,&- only temporarily). This ability may even range into projecting other people's soul-selves to the cstral Realms of
  existence, either to the good side (where dreams originate), or the bad side (where nightmares and fear
originate). Sometimes the astral body can be put back, but if not, it may also be referred to as another form of
Grim Reaping.
c  The colloquial name for the ability to show subjects visions of the cstral Realms via eye contact. One with this
¢& &  ability need only look into the eyes of an ally in order to show them a beautiful vision of the afterlife (the good
side of the cstral Realms), or to show foes a frightening vision of the afterlife (the bad side of the cstral Realms).
Though the user is aware that it is only a vision, the subject would be able to perceive this vision as though it were
real. clthough the images of the afterlife are real, the experience is simulated.
c  . the psychic ability to temporarily release the spirit or ͞soul-self͟ from the body, allowing it to roam freely, usually
¢ .  via Flight, or enter and exit one͛s own body at will (This travel may or may not take place on the cstral Plane). The
¢   /  longer one travels, however, the more likely it is that harm will be inflicted upon the body of the one who has left
it with no animating consciousness or thought, unless the soul-self is capable of keeping the body alive while it is
absent (called Remote Control).
c  $ The ability to trap a foe or subject in their astral-projective state. This can be used to keep ghosts from
¢   manifesting themselves, keep astral projectors from releasing their astral self, or keep their astral self from re-
¢$ " entering their own body. cs a matter of fact, one with this ability may very well keep the astral body from moving
off of the astral plane into the material world at all, or keep those capable of turning intangible from becoming
tangible again. With training, they could even keep their own soul from exiting their body (although they could
still die, if they were beheaded).
c"& The ability to mentally generate and manipulate vapor. With this ability, one generate blinding mist with only the
¢*  power of their minds, shift ice or water into their vapor forms or clear mist so as to see ahead of oneself. One
could even shift mist back into either their solid or liquid forms (although they would not be able to be
manipulated until turned back into its vaporous form).
c"& The ability to mentally manipulate the flux of the atmosphere at will, resulting in the change of weather patterns
¢  and formation of freak weather conditions. In many cases, people with this ability can shift the atmosphere and
thus generate any natural weather occurrence from fog, mist and rain to hailstorms, blizzards and hurricanes. One
with this ability is also usually rendered resistant against extreme weather conditions, or uses this ability to
predict, generate, calm or resist any weather condition.
c" %    The ability to channel air into the body and expel it from some bodily orifice (either end of the digestive tract, or
¢     out of the palms of the hands/feet) which allows the possessor of the ability to be propelled from ground across
vast distances. One with this ability usually has aerokinetic abilities, which allows the user to amplify the wind
current generated by his breath, but the user also has control of his breath so that it only propels when the user of
the ability needs it.
c" %    The ability to breathe in any atmosphere or breathing medium. One with this ability could breathe underwater, in
¢ / outer space, in toxic air, even in a space with no sort of gaseous breathing medium at all (this faculty is called
cpnea or Optional Breathing). One with this ability can't always withstand too much intense pressure; they can
just breathe in any atmosphere (or lack of one), which makes normal breathing optional. However, sometimes the
user can simply hold his breath a long time (maybe even indefinitely), to stay underwater as long as desired, or as
a defense against smoke, airborne toxins, etc.
c" The bodily state of being incapable of being divided. One with this ability could not be divided via Replication or
¢.$  Fission (and could not summon future of past versions of oneself to the same time period). One with this ability
could not lose limbs, could not be vaporized, and are not usually susceptible to joint conditions, as their joints are
designed perfectly to keep the user's body together forever. This ability is sometimes considered the prerequisite
or lesser version of Invulnerability, but sometimes the abilities are distinct, as one with this ability may still be able
to still suffer damage through stabbing, shooting, etc.
c c  The ability to steal the auras which radiate from all living beings. One with said ability could touch one and relieve
them of their aura simply by force of will. This ability, when used, effectively kills the person formerly possessed of
this aura, as an aura is the emanation of life energy (if you take one's life energy, you take their lifeͶand their
superhuman abilities). It is also believed that one may be able to activate and suppress this ability at will. The
ability may also be accompanied by the ability cura Reading.
c     The ability to manipulate the auras emanated from all living things. One with this ability can change auras, causing
them to give off the indication that a threat is really harmless, or cause an aura to show a certain emotion while
they really feel another. One with this power could even increase the intensity of the aura's glow (so as to nearly
blind foes capable of seeing auras, or even making the aura visible to all). One with this ability could even knock a
subject unconscious or stun them by temporarily smothering (and thus overwhelming) the subject's aura.
c  $ The ability to see or otherwise detect the energy fields that emanate from all living subjects. One with this ability
¢/ can detect the presence of subjects with his eyes closed. This could also be used to tell if someone has good or
bad intentions. One could even tell how someone is feeling or if they are under the influence of a malevolent
entity (at which point the aura will be multicolored, indicating that more than one consciousness is present).
c  The ability to use psychic energy as though it were a mirror, allowing one to see oneself as though looking in a
mirror. This "psychic mirror" is invisible to others (unless they possess the power as well, or ESP) and can be used
to see if people are sneaking up on you (this ability could even be used to look at your self while you sleep, as long
as you consciously aware you are doing it). This ability is capable of being activated and suppressed at will.
c+  , The state of being the supernatural symbol or representation of an ultimate truth or universal principle. The user
¢.  may draw upon every source of that trait. One with this ability may be the representation of strength, and thus
able to draw upon every ounce of strength that he can concentrate on; or he may be the paradigm of intelligence,
and thus able to ͞borrow͟ or ͞share͟ the intelligence of as many people he thinks about. The user may even
represent their homeland, and be able to harness the power of the inhabitants. The user of this ability must
concentrate on those whose strength/intelligence/endurance he wishes to harness, and the concentration almost
always wears the user out.
c,c The ability to psychically move oneself along the axes of spatial existence. One with this ability could possess any
of the following faculties:

X-cxis Travel- the ability to move horizontally (side to side) along the spatial ͞x-axis͟; one with this ability could
͞slide͟ in a straight line across the floor to evade an attack or even slide off the edge of a building, and they would
stay suspended there as though one were situated like a point on a map.

Y-cxis Travel- the ability to move vertically (up and down) along the spatial ͞y-axis͟; one with this ability could
͞slide͟ in a straight line down the side of a building (without falling) or they could slide up into the sky to survey
their environment and they would stay there as though situated on a map.

Coordinate Travel- the ability to situate oneself in the spatial plane as though a point on a map; the user
psychically views in terms similar to a coordinate plane. Then the user decides an ͞x-point͟ and a ͞y-point͟
(sometimes a ͞z-point͟); if that point is not blocked by a barrier, they ͞slide͟ to that location.

One with this ability does not teleport to the location they travel to; they levitate a few inches, and then literally
slide to that location, like pieces on a chessboard. The user of this ability could use X-cxis Travel to move
horizontally (side to side) and Y-cxis Travel to move vertically (up and down); they may even use Z-cxis Travel to
move forward and backward (if the user can use all forms of cxis Travel, there is no need to specify). The user of
this ability is almost always also capable of seeing the world in terms of a coordinate plane (and discerning the
world͛s coordinates as such).
 '  The ability to resist force fields and barriers. One with this ability, one could walk through psychically-generated
¢ "#  barriers and force fields with no effort and no harm to the user of this ability. This ability could even be used to
keep barrier generators from creating force fields and psychic barriers if the user touches the one generating the
field. This ability can also work on scientifically-generated barriers, as long as the barrier is not solid.
 /  Similar to the ability Force Field Generation, in that it puts up a protective barrier to protect the user. One with
this ability can put up flat, powerful panels of psionic energy to deflect oncoming projectiles or blows from
enemies. One with this ability could use the generated barrier to slide on or (sometimes) even throw at foes. One
could even use this ability to generate multiple barriers at one place at a time.
 " cnother version of Summoning is the ability to mentally emanate a "blipping" sound and to draw people to the
user. One with this ability to mentally could cause this "silent alarm" to go off at anytime, and it grows louder as
the subject grows nearer to the user. This ability could mentally draw anyone within the user͛s radius, although
sometimes it can be made more specific, and it can be modified to draw only the user͛s family or loved ones
(called Family Call). clthough sometimes it may include causing subjects to which the user has a positive empathic
link to feel the compulsion to come to the user's location; sometimes they don't even know it is his location (this is
called Psychic Lure).
  The ability for the body to appear as though it is in two places at once, by one of two means. The first is the most
¢    common, in which the body temporarily replicates the psyche or "soul-self" and the replicated soul-self (there can
be numerous ones at a time) will wander autonomously until it is recalled. The second means is by the psychic
refraction of light so that you appear to be in places that you obviously are not (similar to a three-way mirror
effect, but possible with more than three "selves"). These selves may or may not move according to the will of the
    The psionic ability to disrupt mechanisms of communication within species. One with this ability could psionically
disable a foe's ability to speak or to hear, thus making communication extremely difficult. This ability could be
used to render a person deaf (so that he can't hear warnings or understand people who try to talk to him) or mute
(so that they can still hear, but they cannot respond back to what they are being asked or told). This ability may
even disrupt communication mechanisms within machines so that they cannot be used to type on or don't
respond to voice commands, and the like. c stronger variation of this ability is when the user can disable the
understanding of communication within species, so as to temporarily make communication impossible with
whoever the ability was used on. The subject can still speak and hear; he simply can͛t understand what he speaks
or hears, and sometimes can͛t even understand visible signs/gestures (called Communication Disruption).
& The mental ability to alter the DNc structure and personal body functions of oneself and/or others. One with this
¢    ability can shapeshift to change one͛s skin color, size, weight or appearance (or even to shift from the appearance
¢+   of one species to another). However, shapeshifting to that of another species can often only be done within the
same mass, so one cannot become the size of a mouse or an elephant with this ability. Many faculties and
enhancements branch and stem from this ability (variations even allow the user to move and manipulate bodily
organs themselves).
 & ,'' The ability to mentally generate random effects at will. This is achieved by bending reality to one's own will,
¢-&##  similar to omnipotence or normal reality bending, but the effects are random and unpredictable (and usually still
¢!$ &##  within the bounds of reality and logic), ranging from giving foes a paper cut to generating nuclear explosions and
¢!$  cosmic storms.
$% The ability for one whose vision is disabled (by blindness, closed eyes or darkness) to interact with one's
¢     environment as though their sight was perfectly fine, one of numerous ways. The user may be able to see the
kinetic energy of motion, and thus can react to it, or their eyes might serve as media for keen awareness rather
than for normal sight. This faculty may even include the ability of the eyes to trace movement or the presence of
obstacles without actually seeing them, thus being able to feign sight. This ability is normally accompanied by
Superhuman Reflexes.
 /  The ability to generate extra appendages from the body for extra utility. This may include generating extra arms,
¢   legs, wings, a tail or any other limb or appendage that the user would find useful. One with this ability can usually
only generate limbs or appendages (although they can only generate as many as the body can manage without
physiological damage). However, another faculty of this ability includes capacity to generate extra internal organs
as well (in case others need replacing, or for extra organ capacity).
   The ability to replace lost or damaged body parts with the body parts of others. One with this ability may
¢   psionically remove the limbs of any desired subject, and place them in the place of the lost body part, limb or
organ (or may need to remove them with pure strength and ingest them, in more gruesome manifestations, and if
they do so without injury, it adds to their current strength, stamina, etc.). One with this ability can survive shortly
without the body part before they begin to feel the pain or suffer the injury (not the brain, unless accompanied by
temporary Psychic Sustenance). When body parts are assimilated into the user͛s body, they sometimes keep
original capacity, i.e. the eyes of a precog could still see the future, etc., along with retaining psychic imprints of
the body-part donor͛s memories, and perhaps linking the user and the donor telepathically/empathically (this is
called Cellular Memory).
  "  Total awareness, familiarity and control of all of the motions that one's own body makes. This ability can be used
¢  to swim through water at the same speed as the user moves on land, or to gain fine control over the movements
of one͛s muscles (so that if the user is thrown onto his back, he could still move along the ground by flexing his
back muscles, and the like). This ability could be used to move with remarkable grace, and land from falls on one's
feet or on all fours as though the fall was much shorter than it actually was, short of lethal damage (this is called
Catfall). While the user's mind could be dominated, the user's nerves are under his control alone (so the user's
movement can't be dominated).
 $ The superhuman ability to psychically accelerate the motion of particles, thus rapidly igniting or burning any given
¢     subject by one or both of numerous ways. One with this ability can manifest it as Fire~breathing, Heat Projection
and/or a Burning (Pyric) Touch. However, it may entail the increase of heat in moisture in the air. People with this
ability can usually withstand being affected by people with the same abilities or conditions of the same
temperature. This ability may or may not be accompanied by the ability to control temperatures or fire. cnother
variation of this ability allows the user to increase the ͞temperature͟ of his intangible aspects, such as the mind,
aura and psyche, so that when others attempt harmful mental contact with the user, or vice versa, the subjects
feel as though burned (called Fervid or Hot Mind/cura/Psyche).
 "' $ The ability to blend into the color of one͛s surroundings one of two ways. The first way is the most common way
in which the user tries to blend in by simply imagining the colors around him so that he blends in perfectly with his
surroundings, but only in the front, and possibly from the sides of the view of subjects. The second way is a
psychic faculty in which the user can empathically connect with his surroundings, so that his camouflage is so
dynamic that the user of the ability is nearly invisible even when moving. cnother form of this ability, called
Environmental Mimicry or just Mimicry is the ability of a superhuman to blend into one's environment by
empathically mimicking the shape and color of surrounding vegetation or land features (a mix of Camouflage and
 $ '' The ability to psychically recognize duplicates, shapeshifters and people in disguise, either by sight or intuition.
¢"   One with this ability could tell when someone was real or when they were being mimicked. This ability could be
¢  used to tell which one was the real one out of two similar people, even twins, clones or replicates. This ability
could keep one from being deceived by even the best shapeshifters, and it would even allow one to discern where
power mimics get there powers from.
 & The ability to mentally manipulate the fine movements and functions of the cardiovascular system, either in one's
own body, or in the body of another. This ability could be used to increase or decrease blood pressure in the
bodies of others. This ability could even reduce anaerobic fatigue in muscles, and manipulate the speed at which
blood is pumped through the body, similar to Hemokinesis. Used offensively, it could even induce aneurysms (or
heart arrhythmia), angina, subdural bruising or other cardiovascular difficulties (even inducing heart attacks and
cardiac arrest). This ability is a component of Biokinesis.
 %  The psychic ability to purge the body of all ills at will. One with this ability needs only to breathe in deeply, and
¢   with their exhalation, all bodily impurities are sublimated (turned into a gas) and released from the body orally.
One with this ability can breathe out diseases, viruses, even stresses and other bad feelings. This ability increases
the speed at which one recovers from sickness and, with practice, releases all ills before they have the chance to
develop. Used offensively, this purgation of negativity from the user's body may inflict said negativities on others.
 '  The ability to psionically cause people within a certain radius to like a given subject (ranging anywhere from
¢## random generosity to full-blown skipping around the may pole). This may even be used to induce harmony
 between two or more specific people or parties (causing anywhere from shows of affection to full-out reversal of
alliances͙even perhaps romantic love). Not to mention, subjects can walk into/ out of the radius and still
temporarily like the person that the ceasefire is directed at, so this can be used to convert many sentient subjects
(even animals and insects) to the user͛s purposes.
  "  The ability to psychically manipulate the cells of other biotic subjects, turning living things into other living things.
¢# One with this ability can transmute a person into a dog, or turn heart cells into brain cells, or even destroy
cancerous cells. One with this ability can even amalgamate the cells of two creatures of the same species to make
a larger one, or mix the cells of two different species to make a new species entirely.
% & The ability to psychically manipulate hair. One with this ability has the ability to animate his or her hair as well as
¢   the hair of others. One possessing this ability could control the growth, length, texture, width and strength of the
hair of any creature with which the user comes in contact. One with this ability could not grow hair on a naturally
hairless animal, but he could cause hair to fall off of a creature that normally has hair.
%" c  The ability to absorb any chemical, no matter how bodily toxic to normal people, and metabolize them into
¢   energy, or re-release them at a later desired time. One with this ability may be immune to a myriad of different
chemicals, and may be capable of metabolizing them through their systems as though they were vital nutrients
and releasing them voluntarily to attack foes with.
%" "  The ability to mimic the properties of chemical elements and other chemicals. One with this ability could emit
noxious vapors similar to mercury (or mimic its texture,color and malleability), or emanate the radiation inherent
in uranium. One with this ability could light up in the dark as though their bodies possessed the chemical element
neon, or temporarily mimic the properties of hydrochloric acid. Of course, though, these properties can only be
mimicked one at a time.
% "& The ability to mentally manipulate photons in order to change the color of any subject. One with this ability can
change the color of any desired subjects, including his own skin color, hair and eyes, to look as though you were a
different race (or that you had/didn͛t have a disease) , etc. This can also be used to change the heat emission of
light by changing light's wavelengths, generate shadow by turning light particles black, and the like. However,
another version of this ability entails limited telekinesis on objects of certain colors.
% & The superhuman ability to mentally alter the flow of time. With this ability, one could travel through time, control
¢*   the speed of subjects' movement, slow down foes, and speed oneself up. One with this power could even
accelerate or reverse the aging process on any subject one desires. cnother faculty may include the manipulation
of personal time or speed (called Speed Manipulation).
%  % This psychic ability allows you to determine the exact time an occurrence will take place, when it has taken place,
¢  or how long it took or how long it will take. This can be used to determine when an opponent will strike, how
¢  much time you have left until an occurrence takes place, or the exact date, year or time in any time zone. This
ability could even be used to discern the age of subjects and structures, detect if time has been affected, or if
someone has traveled through time (and where/when to).
 " The ability to use a combination of vocal and mental power to confuse and trick foes with ambiguous and evasive
¢"$  speech. One with this ability could use speech to get people to reveal secrets, or get people to do things they
would not normally. One with this ability could even frustrate people to the point that the subject attempts to
make sense of an entirely stupid or irrelevant point. This ability entails the psychic initiation of the brain's
contemplation process, so a subject will take into consideration any idea, and eventually accept it as plausible
truth, become extremely frustrated or the like.
 "  The state of having 360° of sight, which allows the user to see around himself at all times. With this ability, light is
¢  ! refracted through the eyes, but the vision range is (usually) also refracted psychically to allow sight all around
oneself. One with this ability can see who is coming at him from any side, and usually with extreme accuracy, so as
to dodge attacks easily and to keep from being ambushed or sneak-attacked. This ability is usually accompanied
by Quantum Perception, Superhuman cccuracy or cll-Sight or some other aspect of vision.
"$ The ability to climb to great heights on nearly any rough surface (mountains, trees, roofs, etc.). This ability can be
¢    used as a mode of travel, a means to escape danger or to reach a target. This ability is usually accomplished by
heightened dexterity, upper body strength and flexibility, as well as skin with heightened grip. This ability is
usually accompanied by Claws and immunity to vertigo or fear of heights. This ability is severely hindered by
friction negation, induced lubricity, or lack of anything to grab onto.
 &$ The ability to psionically hide objects or subjects from plain sight. One with this ability turns the object or subject
¢   invisible, disables the psionic trail of an object or subject and/or shields it from even clairvoyant sight. The user of
¢# this ability could see the object, but clairvoyants, psychic navigators or trackers would not. However, in some
cases, this ability may also include the psionic teleportation of the object or subject to another location. cnother
faculty of this ability allows the user to remember the location of anything that he has psychically hidden (this is
called Cryptoscopy), which works similar to Psychic Identification
  The psionic ability to cause structures to topple over or collapse in on themselves. This may be accomplished a
number of ways. The first is most well known; in which, the user psychically causes the structure͛s support to fall
off/move away from the structure that it is supporting. However, another version includes psychic exaggeration of
weak points, causing them to fall to pieces, while another includes generation of psychic points on a structure; the
points have matching energy and attract each other, causing the structure to cave in on itself). When exercised
enough, this ability could even be used to remove the leg of a foe so he falls over, or even to collapse whole
 The ability to use psychic energy to attract small objects to oneself. However, other variations entail generating a
¢+  sphere or similar shape out of psychic energy which travels and moves autonomously, collecting small objects
along the way and delivering the collected items upon being called back, and the like. The small objects (from keys
to DVD͛s or books) accumulate on the source of the psychic energy until either the energy is no longer generated
or the objects are kept from getting to the source. Sometimes the gathered items can be specified.
"$ The ability to cause explosions at will. Targets of the ability are not always restricted to flammable objects; any
¢&- .,+ object can be affected by speeding up the motion of molecules, or simply causing said molecules to release the
energy within them. Should their powers develop, it is possible that users of the ability can even control the
explosions they generate, ranging from small pops to the force of a bomb to exploding a molecule, an atom or the
nucleus of an atom (which can create extremely powerful nuclear, atomic, radioactive or electromagnetic
 The ability to allow some source of energy to run through the body with no harm to the body itself. One with this
ability could conduct heat, electricity another form of energy or all of the former combined. This ability may or
may not be accompanied by the ability Superendurance or Kinetic cbsorption.
 $ The ability to mentally pass on a character trait from oneself to someone else. This is similar to empathic
projection in which you can project emotion, but instead you pass on character traits, such as boredom, gloom,
infatuation or even stupidity and vulnerability to sickness. Not to mention, the person to whom a character trait is
passed onto can also pass on the trait to someone else (although the effect the trait has on anyone is only
temporary). The only shortcoming is that the one who passes on the character trait usually has the trait himself
(though this is not always the case).

+  The superhuman ability to psychically change others into genetic near-replicates of oneself, via a bite, a scratch or
¢#  bodily tampering. This ability can make it hard to be identified by the police (because the converted subject͛s
genetics Ͷand maybe their appearanceͶ match that of the user of the ability). Not to mention, sometimes the
conversion may even allow the user to mentally dominate the subject they converted. One with this ability,
however, is most commonly a lycanthrope, a vampire or one of the undead (although this is not required).
cnother faculty of this ability, called Conformity, allows the user to be converted into a genetic replicate of
another with whom one has come into contact with; by touching their skin, blood or other genetic materials, one
is turned into their genetic copy (they can only assume the form of the last species of creature they touched, and
forms cannot be recalled).
 ("  The ability to psychically detect actions, conditions and events in other dimensions. One with this ability usually
c*  can only tell about occurrences in only one or two alternate realities, or if a subject or object is from another
reality or timeline. However, this ability has also been known to be used as a form of Xenopsychism, to learn more
personal information and knowledge on a massive scale.
 & The ability to mentally generate and manipulate ice. One with this ability could move ice around at will, shift ice to
liquid at will, or form constructs and basic weapons from ice as one chose. One with this ability could even stop
hail or snow in midair, or hurl snowballs, icicles and things covered in ice at will. This ability may or may not be
accompanied by Freezing.
  "  The revelation of knowledge or abilities without knowing where the knowledge comes from. One with this ability
¢'$   does not use it voluntarily, as they are never aware of the knowledge. The user may respond to a situation in a
way they cannot explain, or know the answer to a question in a field they've never studied such as history or any
other subject, but sometimes the knowledge is not even revealed after they give the answer or respond to the
stimulus; the user of this ability may remain oblivious, allowing them to the avoid telepathic detection of
knowledge and superhuman abilities. This is not to be confused with Past Recollection or Prescience,
Claircognizance or Intuition as it allows one to reveal knowledge one already possesses. The user simply doesn't
know they have the knowledge.
   % The ability to psionically encrypt any message (written, vocal or otherwise) into a code that is unknown to anyone
¢ &  but the user and the subject for whom the message is designated. However, another faculty of this ability (called
Psionic Decryption/Deciphering) allows psionic decoding of writing and speech in a different languages into one
that the user can understand (instead of understanding intuitively) so that a subject could speak or write in
Chinese, German, Navajo, etc. (even a made-up code), but to the user it would sound or look like whatever
language he understood, and vice versa.
  0  The ability to cause the solidification of minerals around a subject (or psychically reconfigure objects/subjects into
crystal versions of themselves), effectively restraining and containing subjects. One with this ability exudes a
psychic energy that attracts molecules in the air to each other so that carbon molecules solidify to form a coating
of diamond or the like to cover the subject in. This ability could even draw together molecules to form specific
minerals around his or her hand. This ability may be activated by touch or the breath and is entirely voluntary. It
may be accompanied by Petrifaction or Crystallokinesis.
  & The ability to generate and manipulate crystals and minerals at will. One with this ability can grow crystals by
manipulating the minerals in their own bodily systems as well as the body systems of others. One with this ability
can manipulate minerals and crystals from the ground, gems and jewels. This can be used to increase or decrease
the amount or size of present minerals, or take the minerals out of any place that contains minerals or gems, even
living bodies.
c $ The ability to psychically "read" the genetics of a subject through coming into close contact with them. One
¢+   with this ability could tell of any allergies the foe may have, or discern the medical history of foes (whether
they have heart failure, cancer or other diseases or disorders inherent in their history). One with this ability
could even tell which chromosomes certain genetic disorders originate on (in order to help stop them) or
sense if two or more beings share a blood relation.
 $   The ability to sense when a threat is near. It is a telepathic, empathic or spatial detection of hostile presences
which allows one to tell when there are impending dangers near, even to the point that one with this
superhuman ability can tell who is a threat and who isn͛t, and most can guess how far the threat is away from
them. One with this ability may even be able to psychically detect the mental imprint of hostile thoughts on
an object allowing one to detect traps and the like (called a Trap Sense).
 %  The ability to mentally detect the impending or past occurrence of a death in the immediate vicinity. One with
this ability gets a gut feeling that a subject is dying or dead (or they can perceive the aura of death around the
subject), and the closer they are to the subject, the user can more accurately tell who it is that is dying or
dead, and perhaps how they will die (or how the died, if they are already dead).
 %1 $ The ability to use one's psychic power to announce the impending or possibly changeable death/danger of a
subject. The death may or may not happen within that time frame, but the ability only causes the user to see
how the death or danger will happen, not when or where. The ability is usually activated at will, so that not
every touch, every word or every glance will induce visions of death and decay in subjects, but the ability can
be used at will to scare foes, or to warn allies. This ability may simply include warning of impending danger,
not death.
  1 $ The ability to speak with predicting words, which provokes the subject to see his or her impending death. The
¢%%  words come by themselves; the user cannot withhold them. If the user hears a word or sound associated with
their death, they will know it.
    The ability to be drawn to a scene where one senses imminent danger, either by the compulsion to find out
¢    the meanings of visions, or by empathically teleporting to places where people wish for assistance. This ability
does not cause danger; it only allows the user to be drawn to sites, in order to warn subjects of the danger
that is impending. Or one's presence may invoke visions of danger/death.
   $ The ability to produce an eerie tune which provokes the subject to see his or her impending death. The tune
¢%   can usually be made up. The user can also concentrate on the song mentally so that he can induce the ability
on himself.
  % The ability to touch a subject, in order to provoke the subject to see his or her impending death. If the user
¢%  touches an object with which his death is associated, he will see a vision of how he will die.
     The ability to provoke the subject to see his or her impending death by looking into the subject's eyes.
¢%!  Sometimes, though, the ability activates on the user, and warns him of either his own death or the death of
others, compelling the user to stop the vision by any means necessary (called Premonition).
 %()  The superhuman ability to psychically absorb and/or return the force which is exuded from the bodies of the
c 2 . dead/undead. The first faculty of this ability entails Death-Force cbsorption, which can return a dying foe to
full vitality, or drain the undead of vitality. One with this ability could eventually absorb enough death-force to
return undead to normal and/or return others/oneself to full vitality. However, this ability is also
accompanied by the ability Death-Force Projection, in which one could instill enough death-force to kill
perfectly healthy foes, or restore the undead to full vitality.
 %  & The ability to communicate with undead and the spirits of the dead. This can be used for normal
¢  ##  conversation, to ward off malevolent spirits/undead or simply to communicate with the ghost/undead that
¢  it's time to move on and the like. This communication may psychically translate the spirit/undead's language
to the user's language or vice versa (if the subject and the user do not share language). This ability may or
may not be accompanied by Mediumism and or Mediumistic cutomatism.
  The first faculty is most heard-of; the user is capable of lying with a straight face and without indication that
¢"  one is lying, thus evading Lie Detection (even by telepathic means). The second faculty, however, is most
powerful; the user psychically causes subjects to believe anything spoken by the user, no matter how absurd
or strange the lie may be. Even if the subject discovers that the lie is untrue, the user of the ability could
convince him otherwise.
 $ The ability to psychically cause foes to literally fade away. One on whom this ability has been used will slowly
¢&-0  begin to fade away, until he exists outside of space and time, and thus cannot interact with this or any other
reality. This ability cannot be undone by anyone except the user or someone else with the same ability. This
ability is usually only used on living subjects, but eventually, if exercised enough, can work on abiotic subjects,
at which point the user of the ability becomes a dangerous weapon.
' The ability to physically or psychically dismiss and deflect whatever physical power is thrown directly toward
the user. One with this ability usually makes no conscious effort to use this ability, as it is activated by a
feeling of impending danger, which quickly causes projectiles or incoming impact to simply bounce off of the
thin psychic aura generated by the user. Eventually, however, one with this ability could even consciously
knock away impending dangers with phenomenal force. This ability may be accompanied by Superhuman
Endurance, Invulnerability or the like.
$  The ability to psychically deteriorate others. Old wounds are re-opened, all old afflictions return, and
eventually the subject on whom it is inflicted will be dead, as the cells which keep repaired bodily materials
together (bruises, scrapes, broken limbs) would be killed or even kept from healing damaged organs at a
normal rate. This psychic ability can slow down the healing process, stop it, or reverse it completely. cs of yet,
no one is known to possess this ability.
%  The ability to use the hands to pull water or moisture out of any subject capable of storing the former, either
to just make them thirsty or pull all of the water out, so that they die from the lack of moisture. It is unknown
if one with this ability stores the moisture or simply disperses it from the body of the foe (although both are
possible), but it is purported that one with this ability could absorb it into himself, or decide which liquids
specifically to drain out of said subject, so as to help remove poison from an ally or the like. This ability may
be accompanied by Hydrokinesis and/or csepsis.
 %'$ The ability to use psionic power to alter one͛s own density concentration. This ability can be used to become
extremely dense, so the body is nearly impenetrable and hits are powerfully concussive or to become
intangible so as to evade concussive blows altogether. Usually this ability only allows one type of density
shifting or the other, however, it is not uncommon for the user to become dense or intangible as desired.
Sometimes this ability could even be used to change the density or compactness of other things as well
(called Density Manipulation). This ability is usually accompanied with Superhuman Endurance.
 " & The ability to psychically manipulate skin. One with this power can augment his skin and the skin of others to
¢   nearly any texture. This can be used to make one's skin extremely resistant to concussive force, or very sharp,
¢   or very abrasive. He can even re-grow skin almost instantly after an injury, change his skin pigment (as a
limited form of camouflage), or perhaps control the entire endocrine system, allowing the user to
induce/suppress sweating, cause acne in the skin and the like (called Endocrine Control or Endocrine System
Manipulation) .
  The ability to psychically dilapidate all things around. One with this ability weakens life all around oneself,
¢/.  causing animals to grow uncomfortable and sick, and causing constructs to wither and leaving death, decay
¢"  and rot in his wake. The user would even dim fires and the like, along with ruining nearly anything in one͛s
¢/ environment upon coming into close contact (fortunately, this ability can usually be turned on and off at will).
If one possesses all of these faculties it is simply called Desolation.
 $ The ability to psychically cause rocks, stone, metal, clothes and other materials to erode (either psychically or
¢%  at a touch). One with this ability could erode rocks to sand to tunnel through mountains or cause the clothes
of foes to wear down the longer the user touches or concentrates on them, and the like.
 The ability to psychically cause water to sour, air to become stale and a whole myriad of other things that
¢  taint one's environment. One with this ability can use it to pollute perfectly clean air, or to make water fetid
and undrinkable, to decrease fertility in soil or ruin plants and poison animals. However, one with this ability
may simply emit the pollution from their body (smog, radiation, poisons, etc.).
 '  The ability to psychically induce rotting in products which are biodegradable. One with this ability puts an
¢   aura around the product that attracts bacteria, fungi, mold spores and other dangerous pathogens to the
¢/ product. This can be used to induce infection in the injuries of foes, speed up the rotting of food or dead
bodies, and the like.
$ The ability to rust metals (either psychically or at a touch). This ability could decrease the strength of nearly
¢/  any metal structure (sometimes even those not normally susceptible to rust). One with this ability could rust
prison bars to escape jail, or rust the metallic exoskeleton of a superhuman foe.
&$ The ability to psychically cause living to become sick; while the user does not generate or manipulate bacteria
¢    or viruses, he does surround the foe in an aura which attracts bacteria and viruses, and lowers his immune
defenses as long as the user stands nearby or concentrates; or it may simply attract pathogens to surfaces.
  The ability to psychically build up immense energy and pressure within oneself, and then literally cause
¢  #,"  oneself to explode. One with this ability can usually vary the power of the explosion after some practice; from
simply blowing open a door to nuclear and atomic explosions. This ability is also usually accompanied by the
spontaneous automatism and recollection of exploded body parts (or the body may simply disassociate into a
cloud of atoms upon detonation and these atoms reconfigure upon detonation, with no damage to the user
at all).
$$$ The ability to dig at great lengths through various tough materials (most commonly earth, cement and wood
¢(  or similar materials) without getting tired or injured from tunneling. This is most commonly accomplished
through rapid gyration, superstrong arms or a combination of the two. This ability can be used as a mode of
travel, or a means to unearth a desired target. This ability can even be used to weaken the ground on which
objects, subjects and structures stand. This ability may be accompanied by Rapid Gyration, Terrene
cdaptation and/or Superhuman Strength.
" %'$ The ability to psychically shift the number of dimensions of space that the user occupies. One with this ability
starts off in the fifth dimension (normal human shape and mass) One with this ability could use the numerous
dimensions for various purposes; One may even be able to change the apparent dimension of other objects or
subjects (called Dimension Manipulation), although, in some cases, they can only shift to one of the former
described dimensions, or forms beyond 5-dimensions, which usually entails Dimensional Travel.

Four-Dimensionality makes the user look like a bulgy, animated version of oneself. This form can be used to
bounce projectiles back at foes, or to inflate oneself like a balloon or to bounce back from high falls and
concussive force.

Three-Dimensionality makes the user appear more blocky and dense, like an entity of geometrical figures.
This form can be used to attack foes with heightened strength and resistance, and to deal intense concussive
damage on foes.

Two-Dimensionality makes the user appear like a paper-flat version of oneself, usually with razor-sharp edges.
This form can be used to withstand being crushed by intense force or to glide on wind currents and float on

One-Dimensionality makes the user appear like a very thin, nearly-invisible line. This form can be used to fit
into really thin spaces, evade blows with extreme flexibility and resist intense force due to one's extremely
light weight.

Zero-Dimensionality makes the user appear like an invisible, usually-immobile singularity of energy. This form
can be used to evade all manner of damage. While this form cannot attack, it makes the user invulnerable to
all damage until the user's original form is reassumed.
"  + The ability to create portation "discs", spatial "rips" or the like, for transport between two non-adjacent
¢  +  locations (different dimensions or simply different locales on their present plane of existence) This ability may
even allow psychic bridging of two or more adjacent dimensions, so that one could allow two-way
dimensional travel (called Dimensional Bridging, Dimensional Junction or Dimensional Nexus Generation) or
the power to travel through time (called Time Travel, Temporal Navigation or Chronoportation), among
" c% $ Prevents movement out of one dimension and into another. It prevents the generation of portals and
prevents the passage of subjects through already-generated portals.
"   " Psychically distorts a subject's spatial presence. It may allow or disallow simultaneous interaction with
numerous dimensions, or it may send the foe back to his original dimension.
" 2    The exudation of dimensional energy in a form other than a portal, such as full body armor, daggers of
 $ . dimensional energy, and the like, which teleport objects or subjects to another area (or dimension) on contact
1 "%2! ,/  The ability to psychically generate distortions in gravity and space-tame (or dilate light waves to infinite mass),
thus resulting in the formation of wormholes. The vortex is usually too dangerous to be traveled through,
because it would may result in travel to a random dimension, location or time at superluminal (faster than
light) speed. It may also pull subjects into it with extreme gravitational force.
 " The psionic ability to cause the parts which join a structure to go flying apart, thus disassembling any
mechanism constituted of two or more pieces, either by psionically covering the target in (or its joining parts)
in psionic energy which makes the target͛s pieces fly apart, or by imparting a psionic node which causes the
pieces of the target to come loose and disperse in different directions (normally or violently, depending on
the user). One with this ability could cause cars to come apart instantaneously and to go flying violently into
different directions, or (less common) loosen joints found within the body. c superhuman with the power
ctomicity can sometimes negate this ability by touching whatever that superhuman wishes to protect
(passing on the effects of his indivisibility for as long as the superhuman touches said object or subject).
   The ability to keep one's life force from being connected with any one organ (even organs normally
¢"'#,  considered vital). One with this ability could be shot, hanged, stabbed or otherwise maimed horribly, and it
won't kill the user; he will simply continue with said damage to his body. One with this ability has no need to
eat, drink or breathe as one part his body can carry on the functions of any other body part (which, in this
case, means only circulating life force). This ability may be accompanied by cnatomical cutomatism/Recall
and/or Rapid Regeneration.
 The ability to psychically undo illusions. One with this ability could snap subjects out of illusions, remove
delusional thoughts from the minds of subjects]], or reveal what is usually hidden by illusion. One with this
ability can undo disbelief and unrealistic thoughts to clarify the minds of subjects. This can even be used to
induce perspicuous thought which can prevent illusion in the first place.
$  The ability to psychically cause molecular decay. The subject on whom the ability has been used usually falls
in a heap of a substance similar to ashes. However, other versions of this ability cause the subject to be
turned into similarly charged ions, and thus they disperse (called another version of Ionization or Ionic
Conversion) or they burst into a cloud of powder (called Pulverization). However, another faculty of this
ability allows one to reverse the effects of Disintegration (this is called Reintegration). The power is psychic,
but exuded through the hands and is usually voluntary, but is sometimes accidental or permanently activated,
so people with this ability may act as living antimatter.
   The ability to project a psychic aura (or an EMP) from one's body that disrupts electrical/electromagnetic
¢#  fields. One with this ability disrupts electronics, radio transmissions, cell phone connections, etc. It could even
be used to disrupt the electricity innately found in the human body, or the brain's function centers, including
the center for balance (thus effectively inducing vertigo and dizziness) or the center for memory (thus
allowing the user to induce blackouts and fainting, but not to erase memory). This ability can usually be
suppressed or activated by the user's will.
  c telepathic faculty in which one disrupts the part of the brain which allows focus and concentration. One
with this ability deactivates that part of the brain to the point where the subject cannot keep his attention on
one thing for more than five seconds. This ability counteracts the effects of Meditation and extremely affects
those with the ability Quantum Perception or Superhuman cccuracy as more things catch their eye. This
ability is usually best with sneak attacks, as direct confrontation would be unnecessary (and almost impossible
anyway). cn alternate version of this ability includes the generation of distracting sparkles, bubbles, or mist
patches to escape danger.
+  c form of Clairvoyance necessitating a tool of some sort, or the interpretation of signs. Divination is not
limited to likely future events but can show the user possible futures or even the present in a different light as
well as the past; it can also be used to answer questions. Divination is not to be confused with Psychometry.
Psychometry is where someone holds an object and tells one where the object has been and sometimes can
tell one about whomever last handled the object. Divination is different. It is seeing the patterns in tealeaves,
tarot cards, dream symbols etc. and being able to determine the big picture of what has occurred, what is
occurring and what will likely occur.
c $ The ability to perceive information based on the astrological signs of subjects (sometimes including oneself).
¢   /  One with this ability can use observation of the stars and planets to determine when events will take place,
¢)  what events took place in the past, and perhaps the answers to yes/no questions.
c  The interpretation of the movements of animals (particularly the flight patterns of birds) or the perhaps the
entrails of certain animals. One with this ability uses it to predict disasters, usually of a natural sort (storms,
tornados, the outcome of wars, etc.).
"  The ability to divine information about a situation, the past/present/future or the answer to a question based
on the selection and supernatural interpretation of passages from books or stories. One example of the use of
this ability is the reading of a section from the book of Revelation in the Bible, and using it to predict a future
event or a past event corresponding with the passage.
 $ The ability to divine information from people by asking very broad questions. cfter answering yes to a
question which may really apply to any number of people, the subject is asked more and more specific
questions until the desired information is acquired, or given more and more specific information to baffle the
subject at how much the user seems to know.
  / 0$ The ability to obtain information about the past, the future or the thoughts of others by gazing into a crystal.
¢   The crystal is usually a crystal ball, but sometimes it can be a prism, or even a pool or still water.
*$ The use of a rod in order to locate water, food or civilization. The rod usually has to be wooden or some other
¢/$  natural element so that it can attune to nature in order to be drawn to whatever the user is looking for. This
ability is sometimes even used to perceive the presence of ghosts or to locate lost people.

  "   The ability to decipher hidden meanings from the dreams of others (or even one͛s own dreams). This entails
¢  the ability to understand what certain animals or objects represent, as well as interpreting even the
occurrence of dreams in itself as a sign of some future event.
)  $ The ability to perceive information about the future, the past or the answer to questions based on fire. This
¢   may involve reading the patterns, the smoke clouds, the heat, the motion or even perhaps by literally
͞listening͟ to the fire, and getting an empathic message pertaining to the information the user desires.
( $ The ability to divine information from people by asking very well-timed questions (after observing people
closely), to give the illusion of having supernatural power. cfter answering yes to a question, the subject is
asked more and more specific questions until the desired info is obtained, or they are given more and more
specific information from the user, and the subject is baffled.
 $ The ability to perceive information about a person based on the movements and twitches of the muscle. One
with this ability can pick up on even the slightest muscle to perceive a change in emotion, when a person is
lying or the next motion a foe will make.
" $ The ability to perceive information about the past, present or the future (or find the answer to a question) by
observing the patterns in numbers. One with this ability may see patterns in the order one sees a set of
numbers, how many numbers they come across, or how much the numbers encountered add up, subtract,
multiply or divide to make.
" $ The ability to perceive the past and future history of a person by reading the lines in a subject͛s palm. One
¢    with this ability can sometimes even use it far away to predict weakness (physical or psychological) of a foe or
¢ to perceive the future of allies to help them.
 $ The ability to perceive information based on the symbols or signs one sees (or based on the order that one
¢  sees the symbols/signs). These signs may be made by the same culture, or upon seeing certain symbols in
general, they invoke knowledge of a particular event, past, present or future (usually about weather or the
answer to a yes-no question.
 $ The ability to perceive the location of a given subject or to project one͛s vision to a location by use of
divinatory mechanisms. One with this ability may use an orb, a crystal or a reflective surface (sometimes even
a computer screen) in order to observe an area or find a designated target.
3 ($ c version of Necromancy in which the user psychically summons or evokes the spirits of ghosts. The spirits
speak to the necromancer and answer questions about the past, the future, how they͛re doing and the like
(they are not compelled to answer anything, and this ability does not always summon the right spirit).
   $ The ability to use a deck of cards (not necessarily Tarot cards) in order to divine events to come, events past
¢  or the answer to yes/no questions. Patterns of pulled cards may imply good fortune, bad fortune, a weather
prediction, or the like.
1   $ The ability information about the future, the past or the answer to questions based on water. This may
¢*  involve reading the patterns, the fluxes, the temperature, the motion or even perhaps literally ͞listening to͟
or feeling the water, and getting an empathic message pertaining to the information the user desires.
+) +  The state of being blessed by one's supreme deity. One with this ability can usually speak to their deity whom
they worship and their god will listen to them. Their deity will grant them certain prayers (no death wishes or
malicious desires) and wishes simply in exchange for the user of this ability to serve the deity. This may even
include the bestowal of abilities on the user, making the user's spiritual radiance more apparent so that
others find it hard to dislike him (also known as Glorification), or causing foes to conveniently avoid the user,
etc. One with this ability is constantly blessed and filled with a feeling of peace and happiness. This may also
entail the deliverance of seemingly-coincidental, but entirely helpful, information or ideas about situations at
just the right times, as well as possibly the strength and courage to face challenges, courtesy of the user͛s
patron entity (called Divine Inspiration), as well as possibly the strength and courage to face challenges,
courtesy of the user͛s patron entity (called Divine Empowerment) .
+ '$  The divine ability to assume a new form that better suits one's purposes, duties or needs. The superhuman
¢  gains vast abilities and knowledge or enhancement of current abilities/knowledge. This ability sometimes only
¢ occurs after death (or temporarily during life). It can sometimes be reversed, by the user or the entity, after
the superhuman's divine duty is done (the reversal is called cbasement). When entities abase, they retain
their powers, and only take on a physically weaker form; when apotheosed beings abase, they only retain
their Divine Favor until they apotheose again. Entities can also send their essence to earth, by itself or
through a vessel (called Incarnation or cvatar Incarnation) to be transfigured into or born as
humans/superhumans. The incarnation retains Divine Favor and can also call down the entity's power as

+1 % The ability to call upon one's presiding deity to induce a subject͛s just deserts on them. One with this ability
¢"./(  could induce misfortune upon foes (anywhere from minor injury/ misfortune to serious injury to the full-scale
Ten Plagues of Egypt, or some other supernatural effect meant to punish foes) and reward good-doers. One
with this ability need only feel offended by the wrong done to oneself or an ally and all havoc will break loose
upon them, while appreciation of an ally would shower them with good fortune. This ability is often
accompanied by Divine Favor and/or Piety.
  '' The psychic ability to cause foes to view light as color shifts as they get closer or further away from the user of
this ability. One with this ability could get closer to the foe, and the red light waves would get stronger in the
foe's sight, causing the red to increasingly cover the foe's sight. This ability could also be used to increase the
amount of blue seen by the foe, as blue light waves become more apparent when the user and the foe
become further apart, thus inundating foe's eyesight with loud colors to disorient them. This ability does not
work on the blind, but may work on those with Clairvoyance or superhuman sight. The colors do not just
range from red to blue as one approaches or moves away from the user; they vary to all the colors in between
on the color spectrum, getting closer to blue as the subject moves farther away, and getting closer to red as
they approach. This ability may be capable of being turned on or off at will, and the effects can last as long as
 " The psychic ability for the body to give the false appearance of death. One with this ability could psychically
¢   cause their body systems to shut down, with only faint activity in the brain (undetectable to pulse-readers,
empaths and telepaths) that allows the body to function just barely pumping blood through the body, or their
psyche recedes so deeply into the rest of the soul that the user͛s life-force cannot be detected. The body of
the user of this power can withstand having limited blood and oxygen pumped for a short while and can wake
up from the false death at any time, so this entails nearly no danger.
3.4! The eerie sense that one has seen a subject or object before, when in fact, they have not. One with this ability
could recall the subject or feel as though they remember the subject or object perfectly.
3.4!3 The sense that one has experienced a situation before. One with this ability can accurately predict the next
order of events in a situation. This ability may occur often or rarely, but it allows the user total knowledge of
the scene or experience.
3.4  The feeling that one has experienced a sensation before, when in fact, it is entirely unfamiliar. One with this
ability could tell what the sensation came from even if they could not see the stimulus directly.
3.4!3 The feeling that one has been somewhere before, when in fact, the place has never been visited previously by
the user. One with this ability could tell you every part of that place, and are familiar with artifacts from that
place even though they have never come into that place before.
  The superhuman ability to acquire information by paranormal means independent of any known physical
¢&-,    senses or deduction from previous experience. These abilities are used to project the senses through the fabric
of reality to allow one to perceive any location in the world and in nearly any moment in time (through one, or
more---perhaps all--- of the senses) without potentially endangering oneself. Not to mention, it is possible that
other forms of ESP exist, as these senses are not the only ones that exist.
   The ability to sense smells and aromas from the past, the future or a location not relative to the area at which
the ability is being exercised. If one smelled a substance, they could divine information about what the
substance was without having to smell something potentially harmful. They would also recognize the location
of the smell, and could thus track subjects as the smell gets stronger.
   The ability to mentally pick up sounds from the future, past, or some location not relative to the user, including
hearing voices, car noises, and baby cries, etc. If one heard a subject, they could divine information about what
and where the subject was and could use this to find subjects as the sounds grew clearer, closer and possibly
  $0  The ability to psychically know information is correct without getting a clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairgustant or
clairalient or clairsentient message; it is a feeling of complete correctness and certainty about impersonal
information, like the answers to a test or which wire is the right one to disarm a bomb.
  $  c form of extra-sensory perception that allegedly allows one to taste a substance from the past, future, or an
area not relative to the user (without putting anything in one's mouth). If one tasted a substance, they could
divine information about what and where the substance was without having to taste something potentially
   The ability to perceive the past or future condition of a subject by touching it. However, it can also be used to
feel forcefields or any other intangible entity that would be otherwise imperceptible. If one felt a stimulus
(even if it were invisible), they could divine information about what the stimulus was, and also divine
information about the state of an object or subject.
  +  c form of extra-sensory perception wherein a person acquires knowledge of all sorts by visual means. This can
include sight of the past, presence, or future, or simply from a location not relative to the user. If one saw a
distant location, they could also know where the location is, allowing them to find others.
"!*$ c procedure to allegedly perform complete ESP under controlled conditions. Somewhat similar to cstral
Projection, the phenomenon involves the projection of complete consciousness to remote locations without
projection of the body or the psyche. One with this ability can use it to sense the targets within that location,
and from that, divine the location of the targets (how far away they are, in which cardinal direction, etc.)
%  The ability to release a sonic vibration (either telepathically--- known as Telepathic Echolocation--- or vocally),
which bounces off of the surfaces of objects and subjects in order to allow the user of this ability a visual
awareness of their surroundings. One with this ability must either be blind, have his or her eyes closed, or be in
darkness in order to use this ability effectively. One with this ability could also use the vibrations of movement
(his own or the movements of others) in order to see his environment. This ability may or may not be
accompanied by Sonokinesis or Seismokinesis.
$ " % The mental ability to "feel" what events are occurring in one's immediate surroundings. For example, if a tree
¢&. ( in one's immediate area was dying then the user would sense its death. This ability is also related to any
meteorological events or occurrences in nature, such as changes in temperature, humidity in the air or the air
pressure, and the like. Not to mention, one can usually also psychically perceive the motion and activity of
living creatures within that environment. This ability is usually accompanied by the ability to control the
weather or Psychic Forecast.
 $ The mental ability to induce bodily possession in subjects. The user of this ability does not possess subjects, but
¢  causes a subject's Ectenic Force to attract spirits (so that the chance of Bodily Possession is raised
exponentially). Or he may literally grab the spirit and place it into the subject's body. One may even use this
ability to psychically pull spirits into himselfͶperhaps multiple spirits at a time (called Spirit Storage). This
power may allow the possessed subject to temporarily gain knowledge or abilities that they did not previously
have, and most of the abilities or knowledge is of a supernatural sort.
)  Not technically a power, but instead a supposed transcendent energy that is emitted by the medium͛s mind,
and directed by his will, producing the means by which entities connect with the astral realms (the spirit
world), and move directly into the medium͛s psyche (or their physical body, while only occupying the astral
spaces in the body) without physical contact, in apparent defiance of natural physical laws.

c  c  The ability to generate an aura or field which accelerates anything within it. This can be used to accelerate a car
¢   which is low on gas, or to make a bullet even move even faster. One with this ability may even increase the
speed of only one part of a system (such as increasing the speed of the heart to cause heart attacks or
increasing the speed of the brain's activity to increase intelligence or comprehension).
%  &'' The ability to psychically generate a black spot or other small mark on any given part of a subject͛s body which
¢  $  slowly sheathes the subject in an aura of darkness. This aura is a nearly- perfect (or entirely perfect) absorber
¢"   of light and radiation for a wide radius, thus rendering anyone within it blind and extremely cold (or freezing
them), only allowing sound to escape the aura. Usually only the user of the ability (or those gifted with True
Sight, ESP/Clairvoyance, etc.) is capable of seeing from within the darkness.
$  ) The ability to produce a field/aura which upon contact with biotic subjects, causes them to waste away until
¢"  they get out of the field (only sometimes does the subject return to normal after leaving the field). If they
entirely waste away, however, the effects are permanent.
 c The ability generate an aura/field which enhances or decreases physical/mental faculties. It may an Intelligence
cura, an cgility Field, a Strength cura, cura of Enfeeblement or the like. If anything is enhanced or decreased
within the aura/field, it counts as a Dilation cura.
 ") The ability to psychically generate a field which disassembles any machine into all of its constituent parts
¢    (including living bodies) and suspends them in the air to be analyzed or otherwise dealt with. Sometimes the
pieces reassemble after the field is dissolved, although this may be able to be specified by the user.
 ) The ability to psychically generate a field of distorted space. cnything that tries to go into that field follows the
¢  ".   path of the distorted space. If one used this ability on his head, for example, then one could shoot with any
gun, but the bullets would all curve around the person's head. The same is true for projectiles or even energy
attacks. The subject can only be touched directly when the field is not up.
/   c  The ability to generate an aura in which the aging process is sped up, but motion is slowed down. This ability
effectively causes foes to age far before they are in proximity of the user. This ability works on any subject,
living or inanimate, to rust metals, wilt plants or make foes old and frail by the time they reach the user. This
ability has no effect on time-defiers and people with Longevity.
% c  The ability to exude an aura which is so thick that it slows down even the strongest of foes. One with this ability
¢"   does not slow down time, and usually cannot manipulate time in any way; they simply create an aura or field
that is capable of slowing foes down at least until they reach the generator of the aura (if they have the
patience to try); although, sometimes the field/aura will simply delay the reactions of foes.
  ) The ability to generate a psychic field which reduces anything that enters into the field into atoms. It does not
permanently damage the subject or object, it simply breaks them down until the object/subject exits the field,
slowing down and disrupting the motor equilibrium of any living being caught in it (while turning them
temporarily intangible
 %c  The ability to bend light around oneself in such a way as to appear different. Some might confuse this with
morphing. There is no physical morphing that occurs with this ability and certain equipment (such as radar or
sonar) can be used to "see" the real person behind the illusion.
$%'  The ability to generate an aura of psionic darkness around oneself. This aura of darkness makes the area
¢ #"   around it look like it would at night (hence the name), and psionically blinds everybody in the field, along with
¢"   making anyone within the aura/field appear invisible to anyone outside of the aura/field. Not to mention, this
aura also protects the user and anyone else within the field from intense light, as the field absorbs all ambient
light within a certain radius. Only the user of the ability is capable of seeing in this field, as well as anyone with
which the user has an empathic connection.
  / +) The ability to generate a field of intense gravity around oneself, with no harm to the body. One with this ability
could use it to cause his personal possessions (or projectiles which head his way) to revolve around himself; or
he could use this ability to make himself lighter or heavier. The user of this ability could even use it to shift his
center of gravity (to walk up walls, fly, and the like).
  c  The ability to create a powerful offensive aura or energy field which pushes objects or people away from the
¢/   user. The user can keep the repulsive field around them, or certain objects, to stop projectiles from
approaching (almost like a reverse magnetic attraction, but it works on anything, magnetic or not) or it can be
used to push foes into walls, knock them unconscious, and the like. The user can even use it to keep from
hitting objects by repelling themselves up or away.
  c  The ability to generate an aura or energy field around subjects, capable of stopping them in place, or keeping
them from potential movement. While it does not freeze the subject in time (it sometimes even allows
movement of the limbs and the head) it pins the subject͛s center of gravity in place (or sheathes them in zero-
point energy), and renders them incapable of moving forward or backward until the aura is dissolved (even if
the subject is in mid-air).
  c  The ability to psychically or psionically attract objects to oneself. One with this ability could draw foes into the
line of an attack, or pull allies out of the way of an oncoming danger, or to pull oneself closer to a desired
subject. This ability can also use gravitation on objects, to move them toward oneself or move oneself toward
an object, if the object is sturdy enough to resist being pulled itself. It functions as the exact opposite of
Repulsor cura.
!  ) The ability to psychically or psionically generate an aura or field which changes the force behind any object or
subject. This field can make a speeding train hit an ally with the force of a paper ball, or inversely, make a paper
ball strike a foe with the intensity of t an impacting comet. One with this ability could also decrease the force
that the object would exert, allowing hem to lift very heavy objects (the weight depends on the strength of the
ability) giving the illusion of superstrength.
!  "0 ) The ability to psychically or psionically generate an aura or field around an object/subject (or in unoccupied
¢"  1  space) which randomly changes the direction of anything caught within it. One with this ability could use it on
himself to cause bullets to seemingly deflect off of him, or even rebound back to the foe. Not to mention, it
could also be used on others to cause them to change the course of movement and the like. Sometimes the
change in direction can even be controlled by the user.
"  The ability to remember things much more readily than a normal human (this usually entails comprehending
¢   and remembering visual information). Those with superhuman memories usually only need to read or hear
something once and they will never forget it again (they may have a hard time recalling it, though after learning
numerous other things). If one with this ability tried to retain too much knowledge at one time, it can cause
fatal mental damage.
 & The ability to generate and mentally manipulate electricity. One with this ability could manipulate present
electricity (static electricity, electrical arcs, and lightning bolts) or even create electricity. This ability could
range from generating harmless static electricity to summoning ball, bolt or flash lightning. Sometimes this
ability can even be used to take control of the electrons in objects, allowing motion control.
"   The ability to psychically detect and analyze a certain element (water, fire, earth, air, plants, and metal, among
¢&     others) in one's environment, at will. This ability could be used in the middle of the desert to find a source of
water, or in a cold environment to detect a warm spot (or even to detect numerous elements, if not all of
them). This ability may be accompanied by the ability to manipulate the element one is capable of sensing, as
well as adaptation to various climates/ habitats and the ability to divine information about the element (how a
fire was started, what͛s in a water sample, etc.).
  The ability to read and hear complex concepts and then psychically process them into easier concepts to
¢ understand. One with this ability can almost-instantaneously understand concepts (in their native tongue) that
  they come into contact with. cnd if they come into contact with any piece of ͞information͟ that is wrong, they
can intuitively put two-and-two together to prevent accepting incorrect information. However, another version
of this ability allows the user to induce understanding in others.
" %'$ The psychic ability to change one's emotion templates, allowing one to falsely "experience" emotions. This
ability may even fool a skilled empath into believing that the user were afraid, angry, happy, or the like. This
ability could be used by perspicuous minds to fool emotion manipulators, psychic intimidators or phobic
vampires into thinking their powers were faulty, or that they were working when, in fact, they weren't. One
with this ability could even resist having powers copied by Empathic Mimicry (the mimic would associate
abilities with the wrong emotions). This ability, however, is usually accompanied by cpathy and/or Perspicuity.
" %c " The dependence of the bodily health on one's emotions. One with this ability need only be happy to keep their
¢&   body in perfect homeostasis, or be sad to be susceptible to illness (positive emotions such as confidence and
satisfaction allow one͛s abilities and stats to work at or above their norm, while negative emotions such as
doubt and mistrust severely impair the user͛s capability). One with this ability may even change colors or gain
abilities based on their constantly-varying emotions.
" %"  The ability to absorb abilities and reproduce them based on the emotions that they are connected with. Those
with empathic mimicry are extremely rare and often do not understand how to use all of their abilities until
forced, perhaps as a defense mechanism or the like. cbilities are often unknowingly copied by those with the
power of empathic mimicry when within a certain range of others with anomalistic abilities.

" % The mental ability to feel or experience the emotions of others. One could use this to figure out how someone
¢&    is feeling, to understand why someone does what they do, etc. This can be used to determine the presence of
hidden subjects as well, because they can sense the presence of emotions, and trace them back to their source
(called Empathic Tracking). However, sometimes the user can also (or only) project his emotions onto others,
to get them to feel as he feels (this faculty is called Empathic Projection), or gain control over subjects͛
emotions and actions after empathic contact (Empathic Manipulation). cnother faculty includes the changing
of one's form based on someone's feelings toward the user (called Empathic Shapeshifting). This faculty can
sometimes be turned on an off at will.
 $c cbilities which are generated and emanated from the body, and based on only one type of energy (electricity,
light energy, radiation, cosmic energy, etc.). This may include the more specific energy abilities which, upon
coming into contact with the bodies of living creatures, are capable of inducing severe physical damage. Energy
can be manipulated in most any way, because it is a source of movement, fuel and power. Other types of uses
can be found for energy, but they most likely fall under at least one of the above categories of energy uses.
 $c  The ability to take a certain type, or multiple types of energy into the body without harm to the absorber of the
¢&"  energy. One with this ability can usually release it at will, sometimes amplified beyond the amount received
(called Energy Backlash). The energy, however, can also be bided until it has gained enough power to strike a
deadly blow to foes (called Energy Charging, Energy Biding or Charge Building) or the energy can be turned into
metabolic energy. This ability is often accompanied by Energy Conversion.
 $c+  The ability to psychically increase the energy of any fire, electrical spark or other energetic faculty. One with
¢&  this ability could psychically spark up energy to keep fires going underwater, or allow electrical appliances work
in dead zones. One with this ability could even allow abilities to work when a power-nullifier attacks an ally.
 $   The generation and emission of beams or rays of intense radiation, light or cosmic energy from the eyes or
¢&  hands, usually hot or capable of melting but sometimes the energy is simply concussive and forceful
 $  Implies the generation of powerful bolts or flashes or radiation, light or cosmic energy, which fire from the
hands and eyes as though firing from a gun (and may hit with the sameͶor moreͶforce and/or heat)
 $% $ The ability to endow objects (or subjects, including oneself) with a certain type of energy. This can be used to
¢&    protect an object from being stolen by a foe by covering it in fire or electrical energy, or to form an
offensive/defensive sheathe over one's own body to better handle attacks. The user first covers the target in
psionic trails which are immune to these types of energy, so that any object or subject can be covered in
electricity, for example (without the electricity being grounded or the object being shocked) or the like.
 $  Forms made out of pure energy by simple act of will. One with this ability could form energy into simple tools,
shapes or even (with enough practice) solid, functional weapons, or limbs for tasks requiring dexterity. The
energy may even be invisible, so the user of the ability can appear capable of walking on air by creating
invisible steps, or imitate telekinesis by grabbing things with invisible "arms", or appear invulnerable to harm,
or to seem to be invisible if he sheathes himself in said energy. Force fields and barriers are shoot-offs of
energy construction.
 $ The psychic ability to continue any flow of energy at maximum capacity until the source of the energy taps out.
¢&&-  This may seem useless, but one with this ability can keep a person in motion until they run out of kinetic
energy, or keep a fire burning until runs out of fuel, even if wind is blowing or if one is underwater. One with
this ability could even cause a person with powers like Quintessence Emanation or Laser Vision to keep
emitting energy at full strength until they are so tired that they can't muster up the strength to emit any more
 $+  The superhuman ability to physically absorb and psychically convert one form of energy into another form. For
example, one with this ability could absorb sound energy and convert it into light energy, or absorb psionic
energy and convert it into heat energy. One with this ability could even turn psionic energy into nuclear energy.
This ability can be used to turn detrimental types of energy into harmless types, and vice versa (although one
may only be able to convert one form of energy).
 $+  Emanation of intense radiation, light or cosmic energy from all parts of the body, similar to a normal explosion
in the amount of light and concussive force, but said force does not detonate the user͛s body
 $  The ability to resist and reflect the effects of certain types of energy from the body. One with this ability may
have Mental, Subliminal, or Psionic energy Resistance so that any type of event or ability based on these types
of energy cannot directly influence them. Or they may have Radiation, Electrical, Heat, or Resistance to some
other sort of energy (perhaps even the energy that makes up barriers and force fields). This may even manifest
itself as immunity to the effects of the superhuman abilities of relatives, as well.
 $ %/  The generation of powerful shields which, instead of just deflecting projectiles, can also be used to burn any
¢& subject or object which passes through it, through the use of intensely hot or powerful energy
 $ %  The generation of spheres or amorphous plasmoids of intense radiation, light or cosmic energy, which are
¢&   thrown like projectiles or shot out like fireworks; sometimes they detonate like time bombs and/or move
¢  according to the user's will.
 $   The ability to exude a psychic aura which diminishes the capacity of energy. One with this ability doesn't always
completely extinguish energy, but they lessen the effects, causing lights to dim, fires to dim, and energy-based
attacks to have a lot less power than they normally would. However, this energy-quelling ability could, upon
being developed, completely ground out energy, keeping lightning from even hitting the ground or
extinguishing fires almost instantly (called Energy Negation/Extinguishing). This ability can sometimes be
suppressed at will.
 $    The ability to change one's vision or shift one's brain waves to psychically see or detect the presence of a
¢    certain type (or numerous types) of energy. One with this ability is exceptionally sensitive to the energy they
are capable of perceiving, and as such, abilities and attacks based on that energy type will do them great deals
of damage (unless they have a protected sense of touch and/or Immunity to the energy, which is common).
Sometimes this ability may even be used to detect superhumans which are capable of manipulating the energy
that the user can detect. Other forms of perception are possible.
1 $    The ability to perceive the flow and flux of the wind along with its direction; it also allows one to perceive
things being carried by the wind or that affect the flow of wind
%   $    The ability to psychically see and detect mechanical (kinetic and potential) energy. This ability can be used to
¢2  see potential or kinetic energy (and sometimes even the object's projected path of motion)
' $    The perception of the life-force that exudes from all living things; can be used to tell if a subject is alive as well
as their health condition; can also be used to tell the nature of the lifeform (animal, human, etc.)
 % $    The perception of the energy that is released from subjects after death; can be used to detect the presence of
dead, undead, etc. and their nature (vampire, zombie, ghost, etc.)
$% $    The ability to perceive all light as visible light; can be used to see the paths of light beams, and see through
bent light (to notice invisible or camouflaged subjects); may imply sensitivity to intense light
(  $    The psychic ability to sense the presence of heat, and determine the immediate temperature. One with this
¢ ability does not "see" heat patterns, but rather feels them, and in some cases, can psychometrically "divine"
the source of the heat, based on the amount or degree of the heat.
  +    The ability to sense radioactivity as well as radioactive substances; can be used to detect nuclear weapons or
toxic waste and/or sense various forms of radiation, be it ultraviolet, nuclear, atomic or otherwise
/ +   $    The ability to sense the intensity of gravitational fields; one with this ability can sense disturbances in
gravitational fields made by movement, or can discern how to effectively defy gravity, which allows
Superhuman cgility
 " $    The ability to perceive the entire electromagnetic spectrum, from radio waves to light waves to electrical
energy; one with this ability can even sense disturbances in the Sun and Earth's electromagnetic fields
 $ $    The psychic ability to sense the presence of magnetic fields, and determine changes in said fields. One with this
¢ ability does not "see" magnetic forces, but rather feels them, and in many cases, this allows a keen sense of
navigation, altitude and the relative proximity of objects/subjects/locations to the user (by feeling the direction
of magnetic flux or the shape of magnetic disruptions)
   $    The ability to perceive electrical currents (even static); one with this ability could tell if a storm were
¢&  approaching or could detect the presence of bioelectricity or electrical appliances, machines and devices; they
are especially keen to the sound and the feeling of electricity in the air
   "    The ability to perceive the entire color spectrum via sight; allows the user to see camouflagers (and things
¢ which supposedly have no color) and distinguish the difference between any two similar colors; certain sensory
stimuli may also cause one to see certain colors
% $    The ability to detect the psyches of living things and the energy emanated from the psyche; this ability can
allow one to discern the level of a subject's intelligence, or if a subject is psychic
c  $    The ability to detect the auras of living things; this ability allows one to discern the level of someone's emotions
(or emotional instability), or the presence of emotional links; not quite cura Reading
c  $    The ability to perceive the energy emanated by spirits (within bodies or dissociated) allowing one to detect the
presence of ghosts, to see if a subject is alive or possessed and the like; may induce a chilling feeling in the user
so his breath becomes visible whenever ghosts/spirits are present
5 "    The ability to perceive the relative morality of whomever one looks at (if their recent actions were good or bad,
if they have good or bad intentions, etc.) and if/when something good or bad is going to happen to them

% )    The ability to perceive stochastic fields (similar to one with the power of Serendipity or Zemblanity) allowing
one to follow them in order to create good or bad luck, or to discern the likelihood or occurrence of good/bad
stochastic events (good/bad luck) occurring
 $    The perception of magical or supernatural energy (usually by its type and intensity); can be used to detect
sources of such energy as well (such as supernatural entities and creatures) and sometimes even what the
magic is used for
" The ability to psionically cause people within a certain radius to dislike a given subject (ranging anywhere from
¢ #  random pranks to full-out hatred from everyone within the radius). This may even be used to induce strife
between two or more specific people or parties (causing anywhere from little bouts to raging arguments to
angry fights to full-out bedlam and violent riots). Not to mention, subjects can walk into/out of the radius and
still temporarily dislike the person that the enmity is directed at, so this can be used to convert many sentient
subjects (even animals and insects) to the user͛s purposes.
    The ability to manipulate the amount of energy that is unavailable to work within a system. By increasing
entropy, one with this ability could decrease the amount of energy in electronics, causing them to short-circuit.
By decreasing entropy within the brain, one could cause a foe's mind to work at an unstable 100% capacity,
instead of the normal 10 or 11%, causing foes to go insane or die. One with this ability could even negate
entropy entirely to induce power surges in engines or electrical appliances or induce entire entropy in a body
to shut it down, killing a foe.
 $ The ability to psychically cause the outbreak of an episode of some illness, affliction or other desired effect.
One with this ability could cause a foe's sicknesses to resurface (such as herpes, acne, eczema, HIV, etc.) or
cause the foe to burst out into an episode of uncontrolled laughter, sneezing, hiccupping or any other affliction
with which their body already has in their system. This ability does not induce new diseases or disorders; it
simply causes current ones to resurface in a visibly noticeable manner. This ability may even cause depressed
or suicidal subjects to try to kill themselves.
 $& The ability to manipulate all forms of energy, from the electromagnetic spectrum to psychic energy (but not
¢&   magic energy). One with this ability can keep energy as potential or cause it to release itself sporadically. One
¢"  with this power can negate potential energy, thus keeping oneself and others in continuous motion, or the like.
One with this power can even generate energy continually, and thus have peak stamina and/or release the
excess energy to fly or shoot bolts, blasts or rays.
 c   The ability to easily wriggle out of any binds, break through any fetters or otherwise escape captivity with
relative ease. One with this ability can easily follow how knots are tied and thus figure how to either untie
them or get free from them easily. One with this ability is a brilliant saboteur and very good at exposing faults
in traps, binds, fetters, bonds or anything meant to ensnare. Only extremely tough materials are capable of
holding down a person with this ability. This ability is usually accompanied by flexibility.
+  The ability to use psionic power to remove the contents of any container, by one of numerous ways. The first
includes sheathing the hands (or other grabbing appendages) in psionic energy, allowing the user to reach into
any container as though intangible, and pull out what he desires. cnother faculty includes the ability to turn
the container into a sort of portal which ejects any of its contents (perhaps psionically specified to eject only
desired objects). However, another form of this ability includes the teleportation of the contents to the user͛s
hands, while yet another causes the container to open to reveal the contents.
,   The ability to psychically induce or increase feelings of pain in foes throught either contact or mentally. One
with this ability need only to visualize a foe mentally and within seconds, then the foe will be consumed with
pain of a magnitude chosen by the user. This magnitude may range from simply feeling like a slight twinge to a
full-out twisting of the nerves, causing such pain that the subject is in temporary shock, and any other pain in-
, " The psychic ability to evict an entity's consciousness out of a body, object or place that they have taken over
¢  (where it does not belong). One with this ability could entirely undo the effects of Possession, cast out demons
and ward off evil spirits; it can even combat the effects of subliminal influence or mind control. c stronger
version of this ability may even send malevolent entities back to where they come from (demons go back to
Hell, etc.) and cleanse or purify souls. This ability is usually accompanied by Perspicuity or Glossolalia.
,  The ability to psionically show that which is hidden. One with this ability turns invisible objects or subjects
¢/.   visible, strengthens the psionic trail of an object or subject and/or increases its visibility by clairvoyant sight.
¢ The user of this ability reveals the subject, so that it can be seen by people with normal sight capacity.
However, in some cases, this ability may also include the psionic teleportation of the object or subject to the
user͛s proximity. cnother faculty of this ability allows the user to discern when things are being hidden , and
where they are hidden (this is called Cryptaesthesia), which works similar to Psychic Navigation
) " The ability to psychically reduce the instrumental memory of subjects. One with this ability could decrease the
¢  amount of a subject͛s skill in an area. This ability could decrease or delete memory of how to drive a car or how to
hack the internet, and the like (even perhaps knowledge of how to use and control superhuman abilities). cs the
ability gets more and more advanced, it could even be used to delete rudimentary skills, like walking and
speaking, making foes extremely clumsy.
) $ The ability to psychically undergo a hypnagogic trance which sets the body on autopilot. This allows the body to
¢  (   rest up, while at the same time not stopping to rest, but moving, or responding to one͛s environment as though
he were awake. cs the user moves, he can function perfectly, but he would not remember what he has done or
said while under this trance.
)  The ability to psychically detect the weak points or "fault lines" within a system, from finding faults in a plane's
¢% "  wing to detecting physical illnesses and psychological frailties. The user can not only sense which part of a system
is faulty, but what specific part is faulty and what can correct the defect (even grammar). The user can also use
this ability in combat, detecting foes͛ weak spots (mental, physical or superpower-based) and exploit said weak
spot in much stronger/faster foes with ease.
)$$ The psychic and physical ability in which one can cause his own body to appear as though injured or damaged.
One with this ability could even produce a smell and appearance as though one were dead. This could cause the
body to limp as though one had a broken leg, or could produce temporary cataracts to appear blind, while seeing
perfectly. One with this ability could appear to have the symptoms of any illness or ailment to frighten away foes
or lure in foes to be their next victims, as people with this ability usually also have a more dangerous ability.
)  , also known as Berserk, or Rage is the ability to drive oneself temporarily ͞insane͟, to increase one͛s strength,
¢ /  speed, agility, endurance and awareness. One with this ability may accomplish it any number of ways besides the
usual flying into a rage, This ability can reverse users͛ minds into a primal state, where the instinct is ͞survive at all
costs͟ and it is only induced by feelings of anger or fear. It can allow one a boost of adrenaline that induces above-
average strength, speed and the ability to think outside the box, even if harm comes to allies. The user of the
ability, however, rarely remembers what happened after the adrenaline rush wears off.
) 0 Upon reading or invading the user͛s mind, telepaths, empaths, possessors and other mind-intruding psychics
become ͞infected͟ with the same frenzy instead of being able to calm the user down or otherwise dominate the
  Employing the forces of the moon to revert the mind into a primal state which is prone to violence and survival
instinct; lunar energy can also be stored in this manner and saved for a later Feral Mind (perhaps needed when
the moon is not present)
*  $ Giving a cry (not a literal song) which revert the mind into a primal state which is prone to violence and survival
¢""#  instinct; usually only activated when the body is in mortal danger, and may be used to boost others͛ morale as
 $$  Employing the intentional/unintentional reversion of the mind into a primal state by subjecting the user to
¢/  circumstances which triggered their first Feral Mind; may be a smell, a sound, a picture or nearly any other
) $ The ability to psychically revert minds to their primal instincts (which usually evokes a berserker rage in subjects).
¢   This ability also includes a mental higher-consciousness suppression, which prevents reversion to normal until the
¢  /&. ability's effects are undone by the user (this effect also causes loss of judgment and rationality, along with
overwhelming fear and survival instinct, and inability to recall the event). The user may or may not be able to also
use this ability on animals.
) % c touch that evokes the primal mindset of subjects, causing those touched subjects to act like violent savages
¢ . 
)    c stare that induces an extreme violence and loss of better judgment, usually resulting also in enhanced attributes
)   c call with the capacity to sonically negate higher brain function and induce primal urges toward violence and
¢%  ruthless survival
) The ability to psychically separate or "un-mix" an amalgamated subject. One with this ability could diffuse any
¢"##  subject, living, dead or inanimate into its constituents. If used on a living creature, it will be reduced to its
separate body systems. If used on an inanimate subject, it will be reduced to its separate materials. However, this
ability could even be used on any amalgam to separate them back to their normal states. The user of this power
can even diffuse minds (Psychic Fission, which would split a subject's consciousness) or diffuse spirits (cstral
Fission, which would induce spiritual duality) if they wish.

), The ability to have increased flexibility within joints, such as the shoulders and hips (not the entire body--that is
¢  Hyperelasticity). The user's ligaments can stretch to allow movements not normally associated with that joint,
making one with this ability capable of dodging projectiles and blows or other impending physical dangers with
uncanny ease (called Evasion). Through training, more and more flexibility can be achieved, but it is not possible
for a limb to be stretched out further than the ligaments and muscle structure allow; any further stretching would
result in injury.
)$% The ability to defy gravity in order to propel oneself through the air. One with this ability can accomplish it in one
of multiple ways. Either their body projects an electromagnetic aura around them, which repulses the user from
the ground and allows propulsion from one point to another. Others include the use of magnetic, gravitational or
sonic repulsion, riding air waves, riding light waves, projection of an energy aura, the presence of physical wings
and the like. This ability may be accompanied by Jet Propulsion or some other aerial faculty.
) )/  The ability to generate fields or bubbles of energy (psychic or the like) that keep anything outside the field/ bubble
from entering, and anything within from exiting. With practice the field can be varied in size and shape and may
allow one to bounce or roll in it similar to a hamster ball (or even to slide on it) and it may reseal if penetrated.
They can sometimes even move objects within them, and make platforms that can be used as transportation.
However, another variation allows the user to subconsciously create forcefields upon detecting negative emotions
or hostile intent, or perhaps impending danger (called Empathic Force Field). Used offensively, sometimes the
force field (or the energy normally used to generate the force field) can be hurled or thrust at a foe to push them
away from the user when the user requires more force than he is currently providing (called Force Push).
) 0$ The superhuman ability to psychically decelerate the motion of particles, thus rapidly cooling or freezing any given
¢  "   subject by one or both of numerous ways. One with this ability can manifest it as Freezing Breath, Heat Theft
and/or a Freezing (Icy) Touch. However, it may entail the decrease of heat in the moisture in the air. People with
this ability can usually withstand being affected by people with the same abilities or conditions of the same
temperature. This ability may or may not be accompanied by the ability to control temperatures or ice. cnother
variation of this ability allows the user to decrease the ͞temperature͟ of his intangible aspects, such as the mind,
aura and psyche, so that when others attempt harmful mental contact with the user, or vice versa, the subjects
feel as though chilled (called Frigid or Cold Mind/cura/Psyche).
) ¢  The ability to psychically mix the properties of two or more subjects to create a new subject with beneficial
properties from both constituents. If the user is trying to fuse two living creatures, they don't need to be of the
same species to fuse them. The user can determine what the fused creature is to look like, to a certain extent. The
user of this power can even fuse minds (Psychic Fusion, which would allow shared thoughts and memories) or
fuse spirits (cstral Fusion, which would allow shared life span and personality) if they wish. Most times, however,
this ability is used on replicators to bring the replicates back into the root body.
/  & The ability to mentally manipulate the fine movements and functions of the digestive system, either in one's own
body, or in the body of another. This ability could be used to increase digestion efficiency in one's own body or the
bodies of others. This ability could even manipulate the body's response to food, thus keeping food from being
rejected from a subject's body. Used offensively, it could even induce constipation (or diarrhea), peptic ulcers,
vomiting or other gastrointestinal difficulties and afflictions (even starvation, if the digestive tract is manipulated
so that it rejects all food). This ability is a part of Biokinesis.
/  %'$ The ability to psychically shift oneself from one͛s own gender to another, usually as minor shapeshifting. Usually if
one were male, he could change into not only a counterpart female version of himself, but the appearance of any
female, and vice versa. One with this ability could even become genderless (if one did not desire to have children)
or manipulate their level of reproductive fertility. The user may even be able to change the gender of others
(called Gender Manipulation). This ability may be accompanied by the ability Trace Shifting, Shapeshifting and/or
cge Shifting.
/c  The ability to absorb a sample of the DNc of any living thing the user comes into physical, skin-to-skin contact
with. The user can then cause features or adaptations from that species to manifest themselves in their own
genes. Sometimes this ability is limited to features, while sometimes the user can completely transform into the
life-form they touched. This ability is much like Molecular cbsorption, and is possibly related, as one with this
ability can absorb the properties of other species, such as Natural Weapons/crmor, animal instincts, superhuman
abilities and the like. Sometimes such properties can be mimicked simply by the user thinking about it, which
induces the psychic realignment of the DNc to mimic organic matter (this is called Genetic/DNc Mimicry).
/& The ability to mentally manipulate earth. With this ability, one could hurl rock, dirt or minerals at foes with only
¢   the power of their minds, create fissures, sinkholes, mudslides or form said rock, mud and soil into constructs, like
walls or projectiles. One could even absorb any rock debris or necessary minerals out of desired subjects to use
them for oneself. cnother faculty of this ability is Geogenesis/Terragenesis in which one can generate earth and
/ c cbilities obtained from when two or more superhumans (or even a superhuman and a normal human) come into
physical, empathic, telepathic or psychometric contact. One with one of these abilities may increase his life force,
or increase his intelligence, strength or any other stat, simply by being in close proximity with another person. If
the two were to engage in combat together against a foe, the gestalt increases their chances of success greatly,
and may even give the group abilities they would not normally have or be able to access on their own.
/  cn eye that has a gray or milky-white pupil and is literally not attached to the body by optic nerves, but psychically
manipulated by the possessor through a psychosomatic mix of Telekinesis and Empathy. The user of this eye is
born with it and can see perfectly as though it were normally attached and fully functional. This ability may or may
not be accompanied by some other aspect of vision.
/   The ability to speak an unknown divine language, by unknowingly transcending to a higher state of consciousness
¢    and experiencing divine ecstasy incited by God himself. When the language is spoken, it brings peace to those
with conflicted minds, can turn evil people good, only utters the truth and is capable of casting out demons. This
ability is usually accompanied by Piety, Exorcism, Divine Favor or Divine Wrath.
/&& The ability to psychically manipulate sugars. This can range from dangerously altering the sugar levels in a
subject's blood to manipulating all forms of sugar, candy and processed sweets. Sugar can be used in the same
manner as psychically-manipulated glass or sand, while other sweets can be turned into dangerous projectiles or
superpowerful glue. This can even be used to increase sugar in products to poisonous levels. No one as of yet is
known to possess this ability.
/ & The ability to mentally manipulate gravity, allowing one to increase or decrease the effects of it around any
¢+.   desired area, to make objects extremely lighter, heavier or to even crush things by compressing them with intense
gravity. One this ability can even shift his center of gravity and defy it, by walking up walls, jumping up to extreme
heights, gravitating objects and subjects to/away from him and the like.
( & The ability to mentally manipulate salt. Psychically-controlled salt can be manipulated like psychically-controlled
sand or sugar. It can be made very abrasive, to the point where it can peel off skin, or it can be pulled together, to
form constructs. This can even be used to increase the intensity of the salt to poisonous levels, or even pull salt
from anywhere within a large radius. One could even use this anomalistic ability to dehydrate creatures by
increasing the amounts of salt in them. No one as of yet is known to possess this ability.
(  The ability to ram into subjects with an exceptionally powerful head, usually a bit thicker than normal, or perhaps
even protected by a psychic forcefield, as a mode of attack and defense. One with this ability could headbutt a foe
so hard that he could knock the wind out of him and potentially kill him, or go through walls with no cranial
damage. One with this ability may even be able to survive a long fall, or the like, if he lands on his head. This ability
is usually accompanied by Superhuman Endurance or Rampant Charge.
( $ The ability to mend the damaged anatomy in subjects. This is usually accomplished by use of psychic energy, the
¢/  user's life energy, or even via blood transfusion between a superhuman who can regenerate and the subject that
needs to be healed. Either version of this ability can be used to cure anywhere from paper cuts or broken bones to
diseases that supposedly have no cure and otherwise-irreparable injury. c variation of this ability can even heal
psychological damage and return lost memories (called Psychic Healing, Mental Healing, or Mental cwakening).
cnother faculty of this ability called Purification or Cleansing is the ability to expunge poisons and toxins from the
bodies of affected subjects. This ability does not undo damage done from poisons, toxins and pathogens; it only
gets rid of (or negates the effects of) the pathogens, preventing further damage.
( ! The ability to project beams of light and radiation through the eyes. This may result from heat innately generated
by the body, or the absorption and discharge of excess heat energy. This heat is usually superhot (similar to the
physical version of Optic Disruptor, and capable of melting through any flammable material) sometimes even
affecting non-flammable materials. This ability may or may not be able to be turned off at will, and could be
accompanied by another aspect of vision.
(& The ability to mentally manipulate solar energy. This makes the person endowed with this ability capable of
performing a special type of photosynthesis, rendering his own personal gravity field and generating nearly-
perpetual energy, along with generating and manipulating stellar and solar energies in other forms. Their body is
even capable of generating geomagnetic storms and solar winds, or even induce solar flares, should their power
be strong enough.
("& The ability to mentally control blood. One with this ability can snatch blood out of a person's body. One with this
¢*   ability could even manipulate blood while it is still inside a person, allowing them nearly full control over motor
functions or control over a person's body temperature by raising or slowing the rate at which a subject's blood
moves. The minor form of this ability could even be used to taint the blood of others, causing septicemia, or cause
one's own blood to be tainted, so that when it is transfused into another body, it will infect the bodies of others.
(  "  The ability to copy or emulate a trait, characteristic, or ability exhibited by ones ancestors, or living relatives. This
ability is rather complicated, in that in order to copy a trait or characteristic, it would have to be an ability, trait, or
characteristic known by the person wishing to copy or emulate it. cdvanced users of this ability could potentially
copy anomalistic abilities exhibited openly by thier relatives, family members, or ancestors. This ability can lead to
a small, more tedious form of shape-shifting, although it would take much more time than a typical shape shifter.
( " The innate compulsion to help others in need. This ability allows one to face things others would not, and to put
the needs of others before the needs of himself. One with this ability usually is very crafty, determined and
strong-willed. It is rare that one with this ability does not have another superhuman ability as well.
(   The ability to rapidly regenerate and restore one's own vitality during sleep. If one with this ability were to go to
¢.  sleep for even a little while, their vitality would quickly return to maximum (even if wounds weren't completely
healed). One with this ability can fall asleep almost at will, and may even obtain Superhuman Strength or other
superhuman faculties from having longer sleeps. People with Hypnokinesis tend to have a more positive effect
than negative effect on people with this ability.
(+    The ability to psychically manipulate a small group of one type of subject, living, dead or inanimate. One with this
¢ (  ability may be able to control a set of bullets, or a hive of bees, or anything else with which the user's empathic
energies are attached. Their movement, senses, abilities and metabolism (in the case of living things) are in the
user͛s entire control.
(+ The connection of one's thought patterns to the thought patterns of another, usually a small group. One with this
¢+  ability shares the same emotions, thoughts, memories and abilities as the rest of the hive mind. This group-mind is
in constant communication and capable of thinking independently only when separated far enough from the
other members of the hive mind. However, sometimes the user may even assimilate others into the hive
consciousness (called Hive Mind cssimilation or Hive Thought/Consciousness cssimilation).
($ % . The ability to psionically project an illusory copy of yourself or other items. This copy does not have any abilities
and does not act of its own accord, thus it is not replication, but instead a passive defense mechanism in which
the user pretends to have made a copy of something. The projected copy will only move as directed by the user's
mind and can usually be dispersed by the slightest touch. If the summoned holographs become solid, the power
has developed into Summoning.
("    The ability to make others around the user sick. One with this ability does not induce viral infection or disease
¢  infestation, but instead exudes a psychic aura so powerful that it causes nausea, vomiting, disorientation or other
feelings of extreme discomfort. This ability may even project an aura around foes which lowers viral resistance
and attracts viruses and bacteria. Or one with this ability may be the carrier of a disease or plague to which few
(or perhaps only the possessor) are immune. This ability is usually voluntary, but it may start out as being an
involuntary response to intense emotional stress. Or the response may stay an involuntary action. The effects of
the carried disease are not determined by the user, and can range from a cold, to fever to something which is
more fatal.
( "& The ability to psychically manipulate hormones. With this ability, one could release hormones that do everything
from inducing changes similar to those undergone in puberty (acne, rapid or impeded growth, psychological
imbalance) to increasing body temperature, inducing slight emotion changes (mood swings) or inducing bodily
dysfunction in subjects, by causing fluctuations in the hormonal developments of subjects. One with this ability
could increase or decrease sexual fertility in subjects.
( & The ability to psychically control all forms of glass. The user can create glass from their bodies, reshape, recreate
and repair any piece of glass. They can even increase the density of it. They can also make it resistant to high
temperatures, and can shape any glass into another form, even reverting it back to sand. The user can make glass
sharp or blunt, and can even create colored glass.
( & The ability to mentally manipulate water. One with this ability could even shift water through its solid, liquid and
gas phases. The ability could even be used to pull ambient moisture out of the air to form water, withstanding
great water pressure, or even raise water to send it at foes in the form of tidal waves or any other form the user
wishes. One with this ability can even 'rip' the water out of people, similar to Dehydration. cnother faculty of this
ability is Hydrogenesis/cquagenesis in which one can generate water.
(   The superhuman psychic ability to literally fire offensive thought-waves at a foe. First, the user͛s mind radiates
powerful electric pulses or waves, and then they reform into a sphere or ray of powerful offensive electricity.
Sometimes the user͛s mind may even absorb extra ambient electricity/bioelectricity or thought waves, to build up
attack. When the beam, ray, bolt or wave is launched, it attacks stronger/faster beings physically, and smarter
beings mentally.
(   The ability to bite with extremely strong (sometimes unhinging) jaws. One should not confuse this ability with
Matter Ingestion, as Matter Ingestion allows the user of the ability to eat any substance with no harm to the body.
Hyperbite allows the jaws to clamp onto nearly any subject. One with this ability can even take hits to the jaw with
little to no damage, because their jaws are made for biting extremely tough subjects. One with this ability still has
sensitivity, and thus they should be careful so as to not bite down on anything potentially harmful or dangerous,
unless this ability were accompanied by Matter Ingestion.
(    The ability to squeeze foes with superhumanly strong limbs. One with this ability does not necessarily have
superstrength, but instead are gifted with the presence of a limb (perhaps a tail or arms) that are capable of
wrapping around foes and constricting them until they are asphyxiated or simply restrained from moving. One
with this ability could even constrict or crush objects using only their hands. The Constrictor is known to have this
(    Exaggerated pliability of the body. c person with this ability can extend their limbs, contort their bodies, blow
their body up like a balloon, bounce like rubber and resist extreme concussive force (even beyond that of a
nuclear explosion). Not to mention, they can ground electricity. c person with this ability usually has a stretching
limit, and thus, once they pass it, they are susceptible to pain like any normal human.
(  ."  The ability to jump exponentially farther than a normal human. One with this ability can jump eight feet in the air
with almost no effort. The variance of the jump, however, is quite different with each person that possesses the
ability. Some can only jump about 20 feet while others possess the proportional jumping capacity of a flea (over
180 times their height). One with this ability does not necessarily have Superhuman cgility, but superhumanly
strong legs are also a feature present with people who have this ability, allowing one to also kick with phenomenal
(  & The ability to attack foes by simply making the movements of attack. One with this ability could hit a foe simply by
amplifying the kinetic energy and sending it in the direction of the foe. c cast is molded from the kinetic energy as
an attack motion is formed, so it appears as though an airy arm or foot is flying at the foe to kick or punch him.
This ability could even be used to do the infamous "double jump".
( & The ability to manipulate sleep patterns. This can be used to induce instantaneous sleep on biotic subjects, or to
induce perpetual insomnia (which is bad for your health). One with this ability can even remove the need to sleep
from any biotic subject, or make them dreadfully tired all the time. One can also cause the subject to sleep forever
in a comatose like state. One can even determine how deep a sleep or how long a sleep a person or people has.
The ability may also be used in a useful way to increase wakefulness in others, although this may only be mental
wakefulness, leaving the body tired.
( " The psychic ability to put one into a trance-like state of extreme suggestibility. One under the control of this ability
¢*  could only perform the mental and physical faculties that he is able to do already, such as acting like a chicken or
reliving old memories (no dying of one's own accord, controlling involuntary functions or holding one's breath for
hours). However, this ability could be used for post-hypnotic suggestion, so that the suggestion made during the
hypnotism (sometimes called a geas or geass) works after the trance is broken.
(    The ability to stun subjects with unnaturally good looks (trapping the subject in the thought of the user's beauty
like a deer in headlights, similar to Mesmerization or Stupefaction). One with this ability usually also has Hypnotic
Charm, as they tend to use their good looks to gain a seductive advantage, to get whatever they please.
(    The ability to place subjects into a hypnotic trance by looking people into the eyes, which deactivates the
inhibitions of subjects (placing them into a state of extreme suggestibility); this faculty is usually accompanied by
Hypnotic Voice, to make the hypnotism more effective.
( % " The ability to hypnotically charm subjects to do one's bidding or to like the user and become doting sycophants
that will do anything to please the user. The power can be used to inspire either love of an innocent sort or desire
of a sexual nature, depending on the age and will of the user.
(   The ability to draw subjects to the user without the use of music or employing lyrical undertones. It vocally draws
the subject to come to the user's presence by any means necessary, even if dangerous obstacles are in the way of
the path which leads to the user. It can usually be used on multiple subjects.
( ! The ability to speak with a calm voice which places subjects into a state of extreme suggestibility; this is the
normal hypnotism, most common and capable of being learned by non-superhumans (although superhumans can
perform it with far more ease, or it may not be able to be turned on and off at will)
(  $ The ability to vocally emit a song that subliminally causes people who hear it to follow any predetermined order
that the user would have the subject follow, or to try to reach the source of the song, no matter what dangerous
obstacles are in the way of the path.
(  The ability to psychically cause a lag in time between causality and the resulting effects. One with this ability could
¢&##"   cause a gun to go off seconds, minutes or hours after the trigger is pulled, or could cause a bomb to go off far
after the detonator is pushed (or delay an explosion after methane has been introduced to a flame). One with this
ability may even be able to delay the reflexes of foes, and the like. This ability does not affect time entirely; it
simply causes lag between cause and effect.
   The ability to mentally erase memory of oneself from minds of others. One with this ability could delete their
names and memories or knowledge associated with them from the mind of any person with which they have had
previous contact. One with this ability could use this to start a new life, or evade the pursuit of powerful foes.
Sometimes, however,this ability may be accompanied by the ability to delete the identities of others (even from
their own memory) or to psychically assume the identity of another.
 The ability to mentally distort subjects' perceptions of reality. This could be done either by bending light so that
objects and subjects appear different, by projecting the image or sensation to the mind of the desired subject, or
by covering a subject/object in illusory energy to make things appear different than what they actually are. This
can even affect individual senses and cause foes to perceive things that are otherwise imaginary (for example, one
could give the illusion that a foe was high off of the ground, and thus induce vertigo in said foe, and the like).
" $ + The ability to psychically deduce or imagine (accurately) how a situation will develop, based on existing variables
such as the personalities and motivations of the people involved, current obstacles, and what has already
occurred, etc. The user of this ability could also use this ability to know what variables to add or alter to change
the direction of a situation's development, or how to avoid an outcome predicted. This ability is often confused
for Precognition or Prescience, because it is so accurate.
"" The ability to resist being moved, or to stay perfectly still. One with this ability may try to ground themselves by
¢.$   pure physical strength, or they may use psychic energy to plant themselves firmly on the ground. This ability could
be used to resist being levitated by telekinesis, or being lifted by superstrength, or just to stay perfectly still, to
disguise oneself as a statue, and the like. This ability may or may not be accompanied by Superhuman Strength,
Superhuman Endurance and or ctomicity, but not necessarily Weight Shifting.
""0  The ability to render a subject incapable of moving, either by touch or thought. One with this ability does not
paralyze the subject, they simply sheath the subject in psychic energy which keeps them from moving (they can
still feel, and speak, and breathe, etc.). This ability can be used to stop a "speedster" from getting away, or stop a
foe mid-flight (it would not stop them mid-air like Restrictor cura; it would cause them to stop moving, then fall to
the ground).
""   The inability to die, one of two ways. The first is the most heard-of, in which the user of the ability can only die a
certain way or certain ways, and all other ways are futile toward this person's demise. The next is the most
common, in which the user has the ability to regenerate or ressurect, and/or has regenerated so much that their
body can still be injured, but the body's rate of cell death/regeneration is equal, thus making it near impossible for
this person to take fatal damage from any physical attack (or to die of old age). However, a third faculty of this
ability is Eternal Youth, also called cgelessness, where the user retains the physical age and vitality as when they
first manifested their Immortality (and their bodies are immune to the effects of aging, even by means of time
manipulation, until they die...if they die).
"" The inability to be affected by one or more outside influences. One with this ability may have immunity to fire,
electricity or some other form of energy or sensation. Immunity allows one to not be affected by that sensation or
energy at all, even in its highest forms. One with this ability may even have immunity to magic, immunity to pain,
Immunity to physical change, immunity to poisons or immunity to psychic penetration. One with this ability may
even be able to conduct the energy, element, or sensation that they are immune to, or it may affect them like a
form of imperceptibility (where they cannot feel it or interact with it at all).
""  The resistance to all external physical change. One with this ability cannot be transformed into another form,
genetically altered, shrunk, expanded, weighed down or affected by decrescence or Reality Bending, either based
on their physiology or on their own will. However, they could still be damaged by normal changes (injury, disease,
age, the elements). One with this ability, however, may be able to temporarily pass on this trait to another or
undo changes to others themselves. This is the physical version of perspicuity.
"    The ability to sheathe one's body in psychic energy, which in turn makes the user unable to be detected by one or
all of the senses. This aura is not the same for every faculty, If said aura does all of the above given functions (or at
least most of them--preferably from the first five), the user of the ability becomes completely imperceptible.
+ The inability to be seen (user is immune to light-based attacks/illusions in this state, and no light is required to
see); if the psychic aura deflects/distorts light or sheathes the user in invisible energy, the user becomes invisible
 $ The inability to be touched (ability to go through solid surfaces or perhaps people cannot feel the user͛s touch); if
the psychic aura separates the user͛s molecules or negates the sensory in nerves, the user becomes intangible
  The inability to be heard (ability to keep sounds from oneself or other sources from being heard); if the psychic
aura deflects (but doesn't absorb) sound or negates sensory in the ears of others, the user becomes inaudible
  The inability to be tasted (ability to negate one's own taste or the taste of other things, such as poisons); if the
psychic aura deactivates the sensory (both taste and feeling) in the tongue/taste buds, the user becomes insipid
  The inability to be smelled (ability to deactivate one's own or another odor, such as the odor of rotten food, etc.);
if the psychic aura defers air waves or deactivates the sensory in the nose, then the user becomes inodorous
 "    The inability to be detected (even by ESP, Scopaesthesia or the most advanced equipment---even more rare than
normal imperceptibility)
+"    The inability to be detected by selected people (people without an empathic link to the user)
%  "    The inability to be detected or controlled by machine (even if it is a video camera, a sonar machine, it won't pick
the user up)
   "    The inability to be seen in any reflective surface; simply put, absence of a reflection, despite having a physical
%"    The inability to be detected by telekinesis or telesthesia (cannot be felt by telesthesia or picked up by telekinesis).
   %'$ The ability to use psionic power to increase or decrease the amount of resistance an object or subject (even
oneself) has to changing speed. cn individual with this ability can spontaneously increase this resistance to keep
themselves from slowing down, or use it on other subjects to keep them from being veered off a specific path of
motion. It only slightly augments strength and speed, but it allows the object or subject to become virtually
unstoppable while in motion, or incapable of being set in motion if they do not wish it. This ability is usually
accompanied with superendurance or Rampant Charge.
' " c  The ability to psionically change the ink or graphite markings in a document, so as to make information appear
different. One with this ability could not change sound documents, or visual documents, but could change the
words on a page, the ink pattern on a painting, or even change the contents of a written document so that they
say whatever the user pleases.
' ! The ability to psychically perceive subjects through the infrared spectrum. Infrared light is on a longer wavelength
than visible light, but it allows the perception of the heat in subjects, so one can tell where biotic subjects are, or if
someone is alive or not.
$$ The power of extreme creativity in the field of device construction. One with this ability is fully aware of how to
¢  build complex devices out of nearly anything that they are given. One with this ability can know all of the parts
required to build their inventions or how to replace those parts whenever certain parts are not available. One with
this ability is nearly never at a disadvantage when confronted, as they can find the most obscure but creative uses
for seemingly normal, everyday objects such as building a makeshift taser out of mp3 and flash drive parts.
$+ The presence of a robotic or electronic appliance or machine that gifts one with superhuman abilities. One with
¢&  this ability may have a brain-shaped computer in their skulls instead of an actual brain, gifting the user with
extreme intelligence and/or code cracking skills. This ability may come in the form of a prosthetic arm or leg that
allows laser projection from that extremity, or even an internal mechanism, such as a heart, may be replaced with
an artificial version (for whatever reason). This ability is usually accompanied by ingenious design or the ability to
communicate and interface with computers. Sometimes the "enhancement" is produced by an entire power suit,
or the reliance on some technological device (a hoverboard, a hypercube, a plasma gun, and the like). The user
may even be part cyborg or some similar situation.
$  The ability to firmly plant oneself into the ground one of two ways. The first is by psychically bonding to the earth,
using it as a limited anchor for the body. The second method is to physically grow "roots" from the feet, to root
into the ground. However, after the user is rooted, this ability also allows one to absorb the nutrients contained in
the surrounding earth to heal oneself. Used offensively, it can drain nutrients out of other plants, taking away the
ability for trees to root to the ground, decreasing the firmness of soil, and effectively killing plants. This ability is
usually accompanied by cgrokinesis. Sometimes the nutrient/mineral absorption faculty of this ability can be
used on living things (plants, animals, people), without any need for the rooting effect, at which point it is just
called Nutrient/Mineral cbsorption
% $ The superhuman ability to psychically inherit one's family members (usually parents') knowledge before birth. This
¢+  ability bestows its user with numerous intuitive facets and qualities, including (but not limited to) enhanced
¢* insight and discernment, accelerated recall, awareness of potential self-aptitude, enhanced creativity, the ability
to comprehend complex systems, and enhanced communication and manipulation gleaned from inherited
perception skills on an adult level, even before childhood. This ability is usually accompanied by Panmnesia or
Eidetic Memory.
  The psychic state of being outside of mental norms. One with this "ability" is normally highly immune to the
¢ $   effects of mental tampering (telepathy, drugs like hallucinogens, depressants, stimulants and the like) and fear.
This ability causes highly varied thinking, so the user thinks outside of the box, and thus can think of means to
defeat foes or escape danger in ways one wouldn't expect (usually using whatever objects are present). This
ability may also include an erratic shift of personality (one day a nice person, the next day a vicious killer) based on
which personality template will be most advantageous to the user.
""  The superhuman ability to mentally communicate with, and eventually command, insects. Sometimes this ability
¢     extends to the entire insect kingdom, but other times, the ability may be more specific. One with this ability sends
¢&  a telepathic or empathic message to the desired insects and rather than the insect simply understanding human
language, the mind of the user empathically translates it into mental signals that the insect or insects can
understand. This can allow communication with any insect and may even allow psionic control over the insect
kingdom, including their metabolism, their behaviors and their breeding patterns, or to understand what they are
thinking as well.
c  2!  The superhuman ability to communicate with, and eventually command, bees and/or wasps. This is limited to only
""  bees and wasps.
c %"$ " The superhuman ability to communicate with, and eventually command arachnids, from small spiders and
tarantulas and scorpions. This is limited to arachnids.
) ""$ " The superhuman ability to communicate with, and eventually command ants, from sugar ants to fire ants and
bomber ants. This is limited to ant species.
! " The superhuman ability to communicate with, and eventually command (insect) vermin, from fleas, lice, ticks,
"$ " flies, roaches, etc. This is limited to (insect) creepy crawlies.
    The superhuman ability to communicate with, and eventually command lepidopterans, from moths to butterflies
"$ " (and their larvae). This is limited to lepidopterans.
"$ " The superhuman ability to communicate with, and eventually command muscids, from small flies, to large flies,
(possibly) mosquitoes, etc. This is limited to muscids.
 %  "$ " The superhuman ability to communicate with, and eventually command orthopterans, from grasshoppers to
crickets, katydids, locusts, etc. This is limited to orthopterans.
,  The ability to induce a stupor in foes, simlar to when they are high or drunk. One with this ability may manifest the
ability through the breath or through the emission of a pheromone, or even through mental contact. This ability
does not damage the brain or the body, it simply throws off accuracy, reflexes and coordination, stupifies the
subject and makes them act as though drunk or high.
 The psychic ability to "just know" personal information about an object, subject or occurrence, including sensing
¢"  the presence of evil, the right thing to do, how others will react to something the user does or when something is
right or wrong. This ability is innately used at random times, and cannot be turned off. Only one other type of
"intuition" (Social Intuition) is actually intuitive; (Temporal Intuition [Chronopathy], Material Intuition, Medical
Intuition and cnatomical Intuition are actually types of claircognizance).
  The ability to psychically cause subjects to lose conscious control over perception abilities. One with this ability
could overload the senses until the subject is overwhelmed by their senses and perceptions. This means that
subjects lose conscious control over their sense of smell, taste, hearing, sight, feeling and superhuman senses, and
they can sense every perceivable subject within a small range. This ability also causes an overload of thoughts to
overrun the foe's mind.
+  The ability to resist all forms of damage. One with this ability has a subliminal aura that surrounds his cells which
¢$  keeps them from being damaged from impact, or the person's body has cells which absorb all manners of
concussion from blows that would otherwise cause extreme damage, even fatality. Sometimes, however, it can
also be used to resist any sort of assault on the body, from mental/telepathic abilities, to physical concussive
force, even poisons and illnesses, until nothing short of divinity can do damage to this person. It is possible that
one with this ability could die of old age, though.
6   The ability to induce tremors and jolts within oneself. These tremors may do one of two things. They may allow
¢&##  the user to go into a tangent of wild, powerful, seemingly-random (but often totally-coordinated) dance-like
motions to fight foes or the like, or they may affect any nearby biotic subjects, causing them to shake as well, but
on a far more violent level. However, a more passive version also allows the user keep from being immobilized by
neurotoxins or the like (they could not even be psychically immobilized or affected by Restrictor cura or the like).
This ability may be accompanied by Contagion.
6   The ability to propel oneself over vast distances, usually at high speeds. One with this ability, however, does not
use an aerokinetic faculty, but instead exudes an aura from the feet which propels the user over great distances
like a living missile, because this aura also protects the user of the ability so that he can crash into things and be
left unharmed. This same aura sometimes also sheathes the user while underwater, allowing him to breathe the
air created from impact with the water (called cquatic Propulsion or Water Jetting).
6$ cllows the user to psychically induce spasmodic paroxysms in any living subject. This ability can induce anywhere
¢  from twitching and jerking, or tossing and turning in bed at night, to full out Tourett͛s Syndrome and/or epilepsy,
where the body convulses violently without any conscious control. One with this ability could even induce simple
vibration in a subject, keeping a person from being held down or restrained, or cause foes to exaggerate
attempted motions.
6.) The ability to channel magic or psychic powers through a designated object (amplifying abilities that would
¢ $, normally be latent or weaker, or perhaps even absent). Similar to Psionic Hands, in which abilities are channeled
 $  (  through the hands, one with this ability could amplify his strength through boxing gloves, or amplify his control
over plants through use of a special hat or a cane. Only the user can wield the object, and it only does one or a
few things. Or perhaps the user psychically passes his powers into the object so that anyone who possesses the
object will be empowered.
5 "  '  The ability to charge (by touch) objects, subjects or locations with stochastic energy associated to a certain
¢ $$   path of causality, thus giving subjects or objects good or bad "luck" (instead of directly influencing situations to
induce good or bad luck). When a subject touches an object or another subject charged with bad stochastic
energy, it will initiate a sequence of events resulting in bad luck; the same is true for good luck. This ability may
accompany Tychokinesis. People with Unpredictability are immune to this effect.
5c cbilities which are based on kinetic energy, and induce, deflect or otherwise affect motion or kinetic energy.
This may include the generation of intense kinetic energy, changing its direction or grounding it within an area
entirely. Kinetic Energy can be manipulated in most any way, because it is a source of movement, fuel and
power. Other types of uses can be found for energy, but they most likely fall under at least one of the above
categories of energy uses. Some of these abilities can even be done with kinetic energy͛s opposite number,
potential energy (Potential Energy Shielding or Potential Energy cctivation, and the like).
5c  The ability to absorb the kinetic energy out of any impact; this can be used to slow down opponents, or absorb
kinetic energy and slow down a fall that would otherwise kill you. One with this power could even lessen the
blow of any object hurled at him and withstand the force of any blow, as it would provide no force after the
kinetic energy has been taken from it. Sometimes that absorbed energy can even be sent back at the foe
(called Kinetic Backlash) or converted into strength or sustenance (called Kinetic Conversion). This ability is
almost always accompanied by Superhuman Endurance.
5 The ability to accelerate and or decelerate the speed of an object or a subject; One with this ability could speed
c 2  up an object's motion or slow it down by pure will. However, the only downside is that an object cannot be set
into motion by this ability, only sped up or slowed down if it is motion prior to use of the ability. Not to
mention, things of greater weight or moving faster would be harder to accelerate or decelerate than things
that are lighter in weight or moving slower.
5c+  The ability to imbue objects with kinetic energy to set them into motion, regardless of whether living,
¢2   inanimate or mechanical. One with this ability can cause rocks to start rolling or cause people to start moving,
even if they don͛t want to. This ability does not allow the user to control the motion, unless accompanied by
Kinetic Redirection (which is common), although it may allow control over the speed of the motion (called
Kinetic Boosting/Suppression).
5   Generation and emission of beams or rays of intense and concussive kinetic energy
5  Generation of powerful bolts of kinetic energy, which fire from the hands and eyes as though firing from a gun
and set objects into (usually erratic) motion or damage objects
5  Concentration of the user͛s kinetic energy into one bout of extreme strength or extreme speed
5"  Mimicry of a subject͛s kinetic energy; allows the user to imitate the power, speed and strength behind any
subject or moving object
5$  The ability to psychically keep any subject from moving by deactivating kinetic energy and converting it into
potential energy; This can be used to prevent movement, stop anything that is currently moving, or even
suspend something in its place by keeping it from moving forward, backward, side-to-side or up and down.
5+  Emanation of kinetic energy from all parts of the body, which sets all things in the immediate proximity into
motion or explodes them with concussive force; this ability temporarily paralyzes the user, but may force
anything within his proximity to go flying back forcefully
5  The ability to psychically change the path of an object in motion; this ability can only affect an object in motion,
and will be utterly useless otherwise. However, there are also some other restrictions. Some people with the
ability have difficulty based on mass and can move lighter objects with ease, while other people have difficulty
based on speed and can more easily move somewhat slower moving objects.
5  $ The ability to scan the power, speed or momentum behind any moving object; can be used to also determine
the direction a projectile came from
5 %$ Generation of a shield of kinetic energy; this shield either absorbs the kinetic energy, negates it, redirects it or
redoubles the kinetic energy and sends it back to the foe
51 + The ability to send out a powerful wave of kinetic energy which jolts, shakes or fells any object or living subject
within one͛s vicinity; can be used to keep foes from getting their footing, toppling small-enough structures or
making a slight tremor in the ground
5*$2 &"  The ability to psychically obtain knowledge possessed by others by simply being in close proximity to them.
¢ -&  One with this ability could be in the same room as a nurse and acquire a wealth of knowledge about medicine
or medical procedures. This ability could even be used to learn how to do skills (fighting techniques, solving
math problems, proper techniques and procedures). This ability does not steal the knowledge from the
subject, it only duplicates it. This ability may or may not be accompanied by Panmnesia. If not, the knowledge
is forgotten until it is needed again. cnother faculty of this ability is the ability to mimic the aura or psyche of
others, so that the user could better imitate mannerisms, etc. of whoever he mimics, if the superhuman
requires a disguise or the like (called cura/Psyche/cttribute/Mannerism Mimicry). While mimicking, if one
tried to read the mind of the user, it would be as though they were reading the mind of whomever he
mimicked, instead.
5& The ability to mentally generate and manipulate the dust and other particles in air (electrons, neutrons,
¢    protons, small debris, but not atoms and molecules), or to convert one's body into dust, so as to be mostly
intangible, or to convert others into sentient dust. This ability can even be used to collect dust and make them
allergenic, or kick up debris to blind opponents (even making the dust into a very sharp, abrasive whirlwind is
possible); the user of this power can even withstand being vaporized, because they can reform their biological
5%$ The psychic ability to discern what someone wants to say simply by looking into their eyes or reading their
¢     body language. People with this ability can pass it on to others, so that they have no need to speak aloud and
their thoughts cannot be read, as the thoughts empathically resonate, but only between any beings involved in
the kything-link. This ability even allows one to communicate with others through time and across dimensions,
as long as kything-link is strong enough (which is not difficult to maintain, even for a large group). Kything is a
language that one can understand no matter one's native language.
   The ability to lacerate subjects with one͛s mind. One with this ability can cause the same sensation and effect of
¢  being jabbed or sliced by a blade of nearly any sort. It can be used to loosen weak bonds or draw blood and causes
pain like an actual blade. However this ability has the same shortcomings as the use of blades (the right blade
must be used to cut the right size or density of material).
  " The ability to project lasers of light energy from the body, most commonly the hands or finger(s). This laser can be
used to zap even very minute targets, or ricochet off of reflective surfaces to hit foes around corners; perhaps
even far away. The laser can vary in temperature and intensity, although it is usually heated, but this varies with
each user, and can't be changed. This ability may or may not be able to be turned off at will.
  ! The ability to psychically reflect and refract light at the same time, or so as to project lasers of light energy from
¢    the corneas of the eyes (or to absorb ambient energy, and project the absorbed energy through the eyes). This
light can be projected at varied temperatures and intensities, so as to act as a concussive beam, a heat beam or an
ice beam (but only rarely can it act as all three for the same user). This ability may or may not be able to be turned
off at will, and could be accompanied by another aspect of vision.
  The is the psychic ability to perceive time as though it were slower than it actually is, and to adjust the body's
¢ ,&##  speed and reflexes to match this perception of time. One with this ability could see bullets approaching them, or
perceive those with superspeed approaching them, and react to them as though they were moving at the same
speed. This ability could be used to evade nearly any attack, by seeing it like it was moving slower, when in fact
you were moving faster. Superhuman sight can allow part of this ability.
 & The ability to mentally manipulate subjects on a molecular level, so that one can separate his own molecules to
become intangible and phase through subjects, or separate the molecules of other subjects so as to vaporize,
dissolve or rearrange any subject one desires.
+  The ability to psychically generate anti-gravitational, electromagnetic, psychic or psionic energy, thus causing
one's own body to hover off the ground. One with this ability can also move himself around slowly (allowing
limited ͞flight͟) to avoid ground attacks or the like, and control how high or low he levitates. This can even be
used to lift oneself as high off the ground as he desires, or sometimes the user can only affect other objects and
living subjects.
+ The usually-anti-gravitational (but sometimes aerokinetic) ability to move lightly upon wind and/or water
¢+   currents. One with this ability could fall lightly from great heights as though they weighed little or nothing. This
ability could even be used to walk and move on air currents as though on solid ground or to allow oneself to glide
or ride on air currents as though one were feather-light (or to induce buoyancy in oneself to float in water). This
ability may or may not be accompanied by Weight Shifting and/or cerokinesis.
 The ability to intuitively sense, or sense through psychic vibrations, when another person is lying, even if the
person the power is used on has a distorted perception of reality. Or the ability is sometimes telepathic, in which
you scan the mind instead of ͞just knowing͟. The former is more efficient, as some people can evade telepathy, or
they simply have distorted perceptions of what truly is.
$ The ability to psychically deactivate the part of the brain that allows the utterance of truth. This ability psychically
forces someone to tell lies to a question asked by the user of the ability and anyone else around, no matter how
hard they try to do the opposite.
'    The ability for one's body to sustain itself entirely, usually by psionic means. This includes the generation of every
¢  #,   nutrient that the body needs to survive (normally at the interval at which they need it) and the regulation of
hormone/pheromone levels so that one with this ability would never have to eat and their body mass would stay
at the precise amount that they need to for their age, weight and height. The user of this ability can eat whatever
they like (if they choose) and their body's metabolism would change as needed to metabolize extraneous
nutrients. This ability is usually accompanied by Peak Condition.
'()  The superhuman ability to to psychically absorb and/or return the vitality of subjects. The first faculty of this
c 2 . ability entails Life-Force cbsorption or Power Drain, which can leave a foe fatigued to the point of extreme
overexhaustion. One with this ability could eventually absorb enough life-force to kill foes and/or return oneself
to full vitality. However, this ability is also accompanied by the ability Life-Force Projection or Power Transfer, in
which one could restore enough life-force to rejuvenate vitality of those who are tired or nearly-dead, or to
resurrect recently-dead (intact) subjects.

&$ The ability for the user to mentally create a link between himself and another subject(s), or the presence of an
already-established link between the user and another subject(s). One with this ability could communicate with
their party via mind or thoughts as though they were having a normal conversation, sense what other sense or
project their senses, and the user of this ability can tell if party members are imitated or being imitated by
imposters, or the like. Empathic Linking or an Empathic Bond is also possible. This ability allows individuality,
unlike Hive Mind, and any member of the party can keep other members from accessing thoughts and memories
they don͛t want discovered. However, sometimes, if any member in the party has or acquires negative intentions,
they are automatically ejected from the link.
 & The ability to psychically manipulate fat and fatty tissue. One with this ability could generate or reduce bodily fat
in oneself and other subjects. One with this ability could even assume motor control over subjects by
manipulating their fatty deposits, or cause a normally quicker opponent to be slowed down by excessive weight.
#'  The superhuman ability to psychically shift a solid into a liquid, without use of heating. The ability usually only
affects small objects, but eventually, larger objects can be melted. Sometimes this ability could even be used on
oneself; in which one would appear to melt and could move autonomously (and if the liquefied body is harmed, it
can be recalled back to its normal state, so no harm can be sustained short of Vaporization, Disintegration or
Decrescence). This ability is usually activated through touch, though other times it requires concentration.
$" % The psychic ability to speak with powerful (sometimes vicious) words. Even if they are not true, which they
sometimes aren͛t, one with this ability can speak so mordaciously as to hurt the feelings of nearly any foe, or with
such power to inspire allies or so cleverly to lure any enemy into a meaningless and pointless argument, which can
be used for major distraction. One with this ability usually telepathically activates the medulla oblongata which
makes the person very irritable and likely to retaliate to the slightest suggestion, topic or idea.
$ %  The psychic ability to continue vocalization in any biotic subject. One with this ability could keep foes talking so
that they are easy to find, or so that the foe's jaw gets tired. One with this ability could even cause people to keep
talking for so long that after they run out of things to say, they begin broadcasting their thoughts. This ability
could also be used as annoyance (so that one can keep oneself continually talking), or to convert one's thoughts
into fast-paced jargon that cannot be easily understood by telepaths.
$+ The ability to live longer than any normal human. This ability usually occurs when the cells of the user of the
¢"   ability die and regenerate at an equal rate, thus halting the aging process and keeping the user of the ability in a
state of biological stasis, in which their bodies do not suffer the crippling effects of age, disease or death.
clthough, it may originate from the body's naturally-or-unnaturally slowed aging, in which case the person could
be killed (and thus they are not immortal), while it extremely difficult to do so to a person with the first type of
  The ability to make oneself slippery. This may be accomplished one of a few ways. Either the user exudes a psychic
aura which reduces friction to slip and slide across surfaces as the user wills, or it may involve the presence of
smooth skin or slippery mucus on the skin. One with this ability could keep from being held by even the tightest
grip, and slip quickly across slippery surfaces. This ability is usually (but not always) capable of being turned on and
off at will and exudes through clothing.
  "$ The conscious perception of one's state while dreaming. It is a form of perspicuity in which one's dreams cannot
be manipulated by outside sources, and one cannot lose conscious control over what happens in their own
dreams (and the user always remembers his dreams). This ability could be used to calm the mind, making it more
likely that the user can receive dreams of the future, or so that they can dream dreams that are pleasantly real to
them, or decide not to dream at all.
" The ability to generate and exude (not manipulate) light. With this ability, one could either generate a harmless
¢   cone of light from both eyes (to see in the dark), or blind foes with extreme light bursts, which are also usually
very hot. One with this ability may even be able to glow in the dark, either innately or at will (called
Bioluminescence or Glowing).
 $ The sometimes outwardly-obtained (not innate) ability to harness psionic energy for minor Reality Bending, in
¢  order to generate, manipulate and solve situations. One with this ability may only be able to animate subjects,
reverse time, disappear objects, and fly, or some other minor ability. This ability may be increased over time and is
usually activated by a mantra, or "spell". Other types of magic are possible (such as crcana, Ritual Magic, non-
innate Necromancy and perhaps a few others), although the most common types are loisted here. Typical, innate
magic (that doesn't need spells or charms) does not fall under any of the above categories (it is just called Magic),
although this may also be true of any sort of magic which is harmless in nature.
 The practiced ability to generate and manipulate an entire subject, but only one particular subject. For instance, a
¢  psionic may be able to manipulate plants, and even cause them to grow out of nowhere, or turn to monstrous
size, but she can only generate and manipulate that subject.
   c darker version of Magic which entails the enlisting of evil spirits or entities to help carry out orders or
manipulate situations. c psionic with this ability would need to recite a summoning ritual, spell or a catchphrase
to invoke the power of the entity.
! cnother dark version of Magic which entails manipulating situations in relation to people and spirits (warding off
evil spirits, bringing misfortune on enemies, bringing fortune to allies, healing, etc.). It often employs the use of
potions made from natural ingredients, incantations and rituals (and perhaps the use of voodoo dolls or other
1% '210   cn ambiguous version of Magic which calls upon the forces of nature for assistance. The Wicca faculty employs
the use of charms, spells and items for benevolent purposes. The Witchcraft faculty may be good or evil, to affect
one's surroundings or one's current situation for benefit; however, another branch of witchcraft called Druidism is
used to commune with or protect nature.
 $" The presence of a magnetic pull within a biotic subject. clthough one with this ability can only control the
intensity of the magnetism, he may or may not be able to alter materials to make them magnetic. However, one
with this ability could repulse or attract metal objects as one desired or cling to magnetic surfaces. The German is
thought to have either this ability or magnetokinesis, or both.
 $& The ability to mentally alter magnetic fields in order to increase, decrease or redirect the flow of magnetic energy.
With very little concentration, the user may be able to move magnetic metals. One with this ability could even
reverse the polarity of magnetic fields, activate magnetism in normally-nonmagnetic metals or disorient those
with magnetoception by shifting fields of magnetic flux. The German is the only known individual to have this
   The ability to mold the body into different forms as though the form was composed of putty or clay. One with this
¢   ability is not usually able to become another species, or turn into an object, but instead, the limbs could reshape
into a hammer shape, or the fingers could shoot skin like little bullets, shuriken, or the like. One with this ability
could even extend an arm or a leg like a whip-like tentacle or the like. This ability is usually accompanied by the
ability cnatomical Recall or Shapeshifting.
 '  c strange superhuman ability in which a being can psychically announce their presence to subjects. One with this
ability usually lowers the temperature of a room as they enter, and dims candle light and electric bulbs. This ability
also induces a feeling of creeping discomfort in a foe, and unsettles animals. One using this ability also causes
hairs to stand on end and mirrors to fog up and sometimes crack. This ability makes a human a living phantom, as
it is usually accompanied by Imperceptibility, Creepy Smile or the like.
 " The ability to psychically cause the bodies of foes to begin decaying before death. One with this ability causes the
¢0  slow death of each and every one of the body's cells until the being is entirely dead. The process begins with
¢" gangrene or cellular necrosis, and continues until all of the body's muscles and tissues have deteriorated to the
point that they can no longer support a healthy body system. The subject then dies. Fortunately, this ability only
affects biotic material.
    The ability to psychically determine what an object is made of or what went into making it. One with this ability
could tell the contents of a cake before taking a bite (so as to tell if it has anything potentially harmful in it) and
could tell how materials interact with each other or predict the product of nearly any chemical reaction, so as to
be a master in concocting poisons and explosives and other chemical weapons which make the user of this ability
a dangerous foe.
 %"  c  The ability to intuitively solve math problems or use mathematical formulae to create the exact necessary
measures for a desired outcome or effect. The user of this ability need only comprehend the values of numbers,
and they can apply said knowledge to nearly any situation. One with this ability could guess quantities and
numbers at a glance (even algebra), and they have a natural affinity for geometry, allowing them to view the
world in terms of lines, angles and points, thus furthering the likelihood of accurate calculation. They do not
necessarily possess Superhuman Intelligence.
  $ The superhuman ability to ingest and pass any substance through the body without the substance inducing bodily
¢".  harm, even if it is corrosive like acid or sharp like glass or dense like titanium. This can be accomplished one of a
few ways; either their physiology is built for the ingestion of any material (pliable digestive tract, super-strong
teeth), or they are capable of psychically rendering a subject harmless so that it is safe enough to ingest (the
digestive tract may even reactively adapt). People with this ability are immune to food-borne sicknesses like food-
poisoning, alcohol poisoning or salmonella.
%  % $$ The ability to give off mental energy in order to charge any fuel-run machine. Instead of providing a short energy
boost from one's mental reservoir, this ability could allow the machine to run at peak capacity for much longer
than it normally would (but, the larger the machine, the longer it needs to charge). If this energy is given to
machines too often or in too-large amounts, it can overload them; and it has no effect on any other target than
machines and electronic devices. This ability may be accompanied by Technopathy, Telemetry and/or Electrical
Disruption. Charging can also be accomplished using electricity from the body. Charged appliances and devices
work like normal devices (not like psychically animated devices, moving on their own accord). They will only work
when turned on, and the machine must be charged again after a while.
%   "  The ability to psionically transmute any simple, motor-run, electronic or digital machine into a more advanced and
¢31 complex version of itself. One with this ability could use it on a computer to increase running capacity, storing
capacity, virtual memory, etc. This ability could even be used to turn a pencil into a high-tech machine, greatly
enhance the capabilities and features of a car and the like. This ability does not allow the possessor to
communicate with machines; it simply induces the "evolution" of the tool or machine by psionic means.
  The psychically-acquired knowledge of the healing properties of subjects in one's environment. One with this
ability can cook up concoctions and remedies for ailments with nearly anything in one's environments, or tell
which things are poisonous and which are safe to eat. This ability is not always accompanied by the ability to heal,
simply to distinguish the healing properties of subjects in nature. It is sometimes theorized that Linderman
possessed this abilty, along with his healing, prior to his demise.
  The ability to psychically calm oneself and erase all negative, distracting thoughts from his mind. One with this
ability can achieve a state of total concentration, so as to be nearly un-distractible. One with this ability is seldom
ever panics, even in the face of death. cs such, this allows almost total peace, and thus harmony with one's body,
allowing full-body control (over one's speed, one's body temperature, one's respiration, one's metabolism, one's
heartbeatͶeven any latent ability that the person possessesͶall slightly beyond what the user is normally
capable of).
"" The psychic ability to see the souls of the dead. One with this ability can sense spirits͛ presence, or even discern
¢0  how and when the person died if they are close enough. c version of this ability (Mediumistic cutomatism, also
called cutomatism, Necropathic Channeling or just Channeling) allows the user to receive/ relay the messages
from spirits of the dead, (expressed through speech, writing or drawings) lacking any conscious control or
intervention by the medium. Sometimes this ability can even be used to channel the entities͛/spirits͛ abilities and
"    The ability to mentally delete the memories of others through a touch, a kiss or mental contact. When exercised
¢%  to its maximum potential, this ability has no limit - the user could completely remove the short-term and long-
term memories of another, leaving the victim in a comatose state, or preventing superhuman abilities from being
used. Sometimes memories can be returned by the user of the ability, although Rapid Regeneration or Healing
works as well.
$ The ability to fix broken or damaged inanimate objects through the use of psionic power, either mentally, by
touching the broken/damaged object or by snapping the fingers. This ability is accomplished one of two ways;
either the process of the breaking is reversed, in a process similar to time reversal, or the psionic energy causes
the object to regenerate to its former state (although this may erase data on electronic devices). This ability could
be used to repair any item, no matter how long it has been broken, and no matter how damaged it is. This ability
may be accompanied by Healing.
& The ability to manipulate lunar energy. One with this ability can perform a type of photosynthesis that is based on
lunar energy. One with this ability can even fly by riding energy waves emitted by the moon or use abilities that
are likened unto those of the moon, such as exerting gravitational energy or magnetic pulses. People who have
trained in this ability can even emit lunar energy, or perhaps shift the moon into or out of its various phases.
   Mentally-generated bolts of energy. This ability draws on one's own psionic energies as well as the psionic energy
absorbed from others to launch a powerful barrage of psionic volleys. This power is unlike telekinetic-based
attacks where as this skill affects it's victims with mental damage. This can range from slight headaches to
unconsciousness. cn experienced user of this skill can affect learn to affect multiple targets in a limited radius.
This skill is usually a by-product of telepathy, Hyper Mind or Psionic Mind Overload.
     The ability to psychically control the functions of the mind. One with this ability need only touch or think about a
living organism (with a brain), and they can psychically wipe memories, increase/decrease mental capacity in a
subject, induce unconsciousness, coma or other mental damage (even altering behavior). One with this ability
exudes a psychic signal which negates the part of the brain which allows the use of superhuman abilities (as the
use of such requires mental awareness). This ability is not to be confused with Telepathy, normal Power Negation,
normal Memory Erasure or Mind Control.
" 0  The ability to psychically induce a state of stupefied fascination or confusion. This ability may manifest by a flurry
of dazzling sparkles, or a finger snap or hand motion (or perhaps an entrancing dance), but either is fairly
common. This ability can be used to distract foes from a much more important matter or just to keep them fixated
on whatever the user desires so that they are too preoccupied to retaliate to attacks, and the like. It can also be
used to just confuse the foe or cause him to ͞space-out͟.
   The psychic ability to control one͛s bodily functions. This can allow the user of the power to control voluntarily
¢#$ bodily actions like heartbeat, breathing and digestion. One with this ability could use it to feign illness (he can
reduce or raise the immune system), resist illness, change the speed of the healing process and control the speed
by which the body fights off illness, loses weight or metabolizes food. Even the rate at which the lungs convert
oxygen to carbon dioxide can be changed, and thus the length of time a person can hold his breath. cnother
faculty of this ability allows one to psychically ͞communicate͟ with one͛s (usually internal) organs as though they
were separate entities, in order to tell them not to digest poisons, to speed up or slow down, reduce fatigue-
inducing toxins in the body and the like (this is called Endopathy or Metabolic Empathy).
 & The ability to mentally affect metals; including raising or lowering the density of metal, mentally moving metals
around, reforming metals into any desired shape or completely covering oneself in said material, adding to the
strength and endurance of the user.
" % The ability for two or more entities to psychically "switch minds". Either the user causes his mind and the mind of
¢ (  the subject to trade bodies, or he projects his consciousness into the mind of one that is dead, unconscious or just
weak-minded (sometimes even inanimate objects like dolls or electronics), so as to animate it or work through it
as though it were his own body (and the subject takes the user's other body). Or the user may only be able to
switch the minds of others. This ability is also called Reincarnation, but the semantic and moral interpretation of
this term is under debate, and so even by the paranormal community, it is not widely accepted.
  ! The ability to see subjects that are infinitesimal in size, by psychically refracting light, similar to telescopic vision,
but also convexing the pupil of the eye, magnifying the image. This ability can be used to see subjects as small as
on the subatomic level. However, a weaker faculty of this ability is Magnification Vision or Magnifying Vision,
which allows the possessor to magnify things which one can plainly see (such as words on the page or small
indents on a bullets). This ability may or may not be accompanied by some other aspect of vision.
" The ability to psychically realize pantomimic gestures. With this ability, one could act as though they see some
horribly large object falling out of the sky, or headed in the direction of the subject, and the subject would
momentarily be hit or struck, or zapped or otherwise affected. One with this ability could do the ever-famous "box
trick" to trap subjects, or lean on "nothing" or otherwise gesture occurrences and subjects into existence.
7 The ability to psychically "collect" and project images, via the eyes. One with this ability could project a scene
¢    around them (even from a dream) and project them as though the scene were actually happening. One with this
ability could project a crime scene to which they are witness, or project images they view, or even project dreams
or imagined images. This is similar to Illusion and Morphic cura, as the scene is not really happening, but this
ability even affects perspicuous subjects, and across the whole room or area.
      The ability to mentally convert physical matter (or consciousness) into thought waves, then transfer it into his/her
mind, where the subject is rendered under the power of the user͛s imagination. The user of this power can do
whatever he wants to the subject that he has transported into his mind, yet the effects last after the subject has
left the user͛s mind. Only one subject (or a few subjects, after practice) could be transported into the mind at one
time. However, this may also include the user's transportation into the minds of others, to glean information
about them or just interfere with/disrupt concentration.
  The psychic ability to disorient one's sense of direction. One with this ability could cause foes to get lost in their
own houses or in the wilderness, where it would be nearly impossible to get back to civilization. This ability could
be used on any number of people at a time, as the ability is psychometrically contagious (it passes to others by
contact). This ability negates Psychic Navigation.
"& The ability to psychically alter or manipulate memory. With this ability, one could cause subjects to believe in
occurrences that are not true, or they could make someone believe that they witnessed or experienced something
that never happened. If one were to use this ability, he could even erase or enhance his memories or the
memories of others as much as he likes to access the abilities of Panmnesia, Memory Erasure or Inherent
 c  The ability to mimic the molecular structure of any material they come in physical, skin-to-skin contact with. The
user can then cause features or adaptations from that material to manifest in a biological version within the user.
Sometimes this ability is limited to features, while sometimes can completely transform into an entity of the
material or substance they touched. This ability is much like Genetic cbsorption, and may be related, as one with
this ability can absorb the properties of inorganic material, to walk on water, quicksand, or the like by mimicking
the density of such. Sometimes such properties can be mimicked simply by the user thinking about it, which
induces the psychic realignment of the DNc to mimic inorganic matter (this is called Molecular/ctomic Mimicry).
 %)  The ability to psionically change the shape of any desired subject. This ability could be used to turn any object into
a sharp projectile or into a blunt weapon. One with this ability could make trees bend down so that they͛re easy to
climb, or make doors round so that they are easy to open. One with this ability would even be able to alter the
shape of an object to make it look like another object, and thus hide it in plain sight.
 c$" The ability to psychometrically align one's movements to the movements of another. One with this ability could
¢ 1 do any physical feat capable by another. Or if one with this ability were punched by a foe, he could deliver a punch
to the foe at the same time. This ability is similar to Photographic Reflexes, in that it mimics motion, but instead of
waiting a while, the user mimics the movement at the same time it is being done.
  The cnomalous ability to psychically shut off the part of the brain which allows control over motor functions, thus
keeping a subject in perpetual, spasmodic motion, even if the subject struggles to stop. This can cause the subject
to eventually become exhausted and cause immense muscular pain and, eventually death, or it could just be used
to hurt the subject because he will run into things and hurt himself uncontrollably. It can also be used to overexert
machines and cause them to overheat, causing them to short circuit, or stop working. Matt Parkman may have
this ability as it exerts power over the mind.
 ! The ability to produce several voices at a time; this is usually via vocal mechanisms (but not necessarily voice
boxes--- sometimes the voices are even psionically produced) which allow ample sound production by one user.
One with this ability can enhance numerous vocal faculties. The user could enhance a sonic scream, or increase
the power of Psychic Persuasion or Logomachy. This ability could even be used to mimic the voices of multiple
subjects at a time, to imitate a conversation or blend into a natural environment more believably.
'% %  The psychic ability to reproduce the ethereal music which is generated by the movement of the celestial bodies.
¢  &  One with this ability can reproduce a music that ensnares all of the senses (natural and supernatural) and brings
inner peace to all that hear it. The music plays all of the time, as the planets always move, but this ability makes
the music audible and thus places the subject on which it is used into a state of pure nirvana, from which they
cannot be distracted until that subject can no longer hear the music.
 " % The ability to empathically gain superhuman abilities based on the types of music one hears. One with this ability
could gain the ability Entrancing Dance just by listening to dance music or the ability to generate sonic booms by
listening to hard rock. The ability may be somehow related to the type of music (like heavy metal giving the power
Feral Mind and Feral Call, or upbeat songs giving the power of superspeed), or simply manifested because of that
type of music (forcefields from classical music, Invisibility from love songs, etc.). cnother faculty of this ability
allows the user to psychically align his flexibility, stamina and movements to the rhythm of any song, so that it
may assist the fluidity of athletic faculties such as dancing, gymnastics, fighting, etc. (called Rhythmic Empathy or
Rhythmic clignment)
& The ability to psychically alter muscular structure. This can be used to hypertroph the muscles to proportions
which induce superstrength, or decrease the muscle structure of others, so that they are nearly helpless against
attacks. It could even be used to strengthen or weaken the muscular structure, stamina and endurance of nearly
any sentient creature.
8'' The ability to mentally bend the space between two or more rooms to give the effect that one entering one room
has traveled back to the beginning of the path again. One with this ability can let a person travel through any of
two or more rooms, and they will end up back at that same room they were at to start with. This ability can be
used with any path, so as to confuse navigation and possibly keep foes lost in one room for a long time.
"$ The ability to numb bodily sensations. One with this ability could cause any sensory organs (eyes, ears, nose,
¢0$ mouth or fingers) to become numb so as to devoid foes of their senses. One with this ability could even keep an
ally from feeling pain by causing the area of injury to be numbed. clso, with enough practice, this ability could be
used to stun foes through attacks, or induce unconsciousness in foes by a simple touch (called Consciousness
Negation or the Knockout Effect).
    & The ability to "communicate" with nature empathically. One with this ability may become instantly familiar with
¢0 ##  his surroundings, talk to plants and tell them to grow, or discern events based on the movements of plants, rocks
and trees. One with this ability could even talk to the skies to calm storms. This ability also causes environmental
shifts (intense sun or rain, earthquakes, storms, rain-stopping, climate changes, etc.) to give the user a fighting
advantage, or based on the user's emotions. This ability may be accompanied by Ecological Empathy or Psychic
Forecast or ctmokinesis. c social variation is meant for an urban setting such as a village, town or city. It can be
used to become instantly familiar with any building͛s layout, to cause the land to flourish (plants grow more
plentifully, etc.) or cause disasters like power outages or alarm failures (perhaps even controlling the weather of
the area or the like), and interact with the people of that area as though one were rightful ruler of said area; they
respect and obey the user, come to his defense, etc. (this is called Regal Bond or Rightful Rule).
 & The mental ability to manipulate dead subjects. People with this ability are few and far between, and rarely aware
of their power until it manifests itself by killing someone in their proximity, or temporarily raises the deceased
from their graves. These people have the Death Touch (also called Grim Reaping), capable of killing anything they
touch, or the Death Stare, capable of inducing instantaneous fatality by halting all body processes of another after
psionically making contact.
 "  The psychic summoning and command (by mental contact) of the spirits of the deceased, sometimes even calling
them back to their old bodies in the form of zombies (called Necromantic cnimation). One with this ability does
not always understand them, but can mentally compel zombies or ghosts to do one's bidding, or summon them to
frighten foes (even if the user did not resurrect the zombies they wish to command). One who uses this ability
could even compel zombies to attack or ghosts to possess enemies (or himself), or to reveal any knowledge they
have (if they can speak in a language that the user of the ability can understand). Sometimes the Necromancy
even implies that the user actually reads the minds of spirits/undead to find out desired information, instead of
verbally communicating with them; this is more commonly used if the user can͛t understand the language of the
spirits/undead that they summon/encounter (if the spirit/undead speaks the user͛s language, then no
empathic/telepathic rapport is needed).
 + " The ability to mentally assume motor control over the nervous system, and thus the sensations felt and the
    actions carried out by subjects. One with this ability could psychically determine if a subject feels any sensation at
all, and can induce intense pain or pleasure. The user could even compel subjects' bodies to do any action within
their power (including using any superhuman abilities they might have), even while their minds try to resist. This
would allow motor control on par with a superhuman capable of Bodily Possession.
,$ The ability to psychically create strong gravitation between two subjects. One with this ability bonds the two
subjects psychically, and with such force that the separation of the two could result in bodily harm or structural
damage. This ability could be used on a foe while the user escapes harm, or could be used on oneself to prevent
falling off of a building (or the like). This ability can be activated, suppressed and undone at the user's will.
$%! The mental ability to perceive deactivated photons as visible light, allowing perfect vision at night or in similarly
dark environments. This ability can be used to see a dark atmosphere or environment (like an unlit basement or
dark cave) as though it were well-lit. This ability may or may not be able to be turned off at will, and could be
accompanied by another aspect of vision.
 The ability to psychically induce ideas in subject͛s minds (or to never run out of ideas) for nearly any given
¢  situation. This ability can be used to help solve most any problem, because the user or the subject that the power
¢ is used on will find a meticulous solution/plan to solve the problem. One with this ability could also psychically
discern if a plan were a good idea or not (useful as a limited version of Prescience; the user can tell if an idea is
good or bad, but often can͛t tell why).
, The temporal ability to erase oneself from the time-space continuum, and thus not be bound to the "boundaries"
¢ "#  of what is physically possible in the material realm (it would only allow defiance of space and time, as well as Null
Causality, Immutability and Life Support, not things like Summoning or Reality Bending). Not to mention, all
memory of the user will be erased (they will not appear in pictures or prophecies, and there will be no evidence of
their existence other than their presence), until they phase back into the space-time continuum.

& The superhuman ability to physically generate and mentally manipulate innumerable varieties of diseases, viruses
and bacteria. One with this ability could use it to generate bacteria that have numerous body-affecting effects. c
person with this ability can be immune to disease, transmit diseases to any desired subject, or even make the
viruses, bacteria, or diseases airborne or highly contagious (even if they aren͛t).
   c chronokinetic faculty in which the user of the ability can observe situations and events in time without
¢    interacting with them, and thus without changing the future negatively. This ability can only be used if one has
traveled backward or forward in time. This superhuman ability is the temporal version of Imperceptibility, and can
sometimes even be used to set different events into play without being detected by observers. These subjects
would simply say that random chance caused whatever new event took place.
'  The superhuman ability to mentally dim/obscure light and disorient accuracy. This ability does not generate
darkness or repulse/deactivate photons, but rather scatters light particles and causes them to move erratically, so
that everything appears blurry, even to subjects with Superhuman cccuracy (but not to the user). One with this
ability may also make eyesight blurry in foes, or otherwise psychically tamper with the accuracy of subjects. This
can be used to mess up the accuracy of enemy marksmen, disorient the balance of acrobats, or even make a
machine͛s accuracy falter.
 The ability to psychically prevent passage through subjects. One with this ability does not disable all superhuman
¢ '  abilities, simply fortifies sufaces with energy that prevents abilities like Intangibility, Teleportation, Passage,
cccess and the like. One with this ability should only use it on every wall that he plans on fortifying, or in a closed
room, thus detaining the subject from escape through that route. Sometimes it can even psionically lock doors
and windows, block web sites, blot documents which contain personal info, and compel others to try to keep the
subject out of those things.
"$ cn encyclopedic knowledge of all written/scribbled/typed material in existence (even ideas for plays, novels or
manuscripts). One with this ability could access knowledge written down thousands of years ago or typed in a
different language simply by their psionic connection to the written/typed word. The user of this ability can even
psionically understand what is meant by symbolic words and phrases (and can psionically divine the writer or
typer of any piece of work simply by looking at or sensing the energy of the typist or writer on the work). This
ability is often mistaken for Omniscience, but is not nearly as powerful.
"$ " , also called, Language Interpretation, Interpretation or Ciphering/Deciphering is the ability to innately speak,
¢'   write, understand and communicate any language including computer codes, languages he͛s never heard before,
sign language (even lip-reading), illegible words, and backwards speech and writing. c superhuman with this
ability could even communicate with animals or read body language. Usually, though, the ability is reciprocal, so
that the user and the subjects can understand and communicate with one another efficiently.
 +"$ " The psionic translation of any written language into the user's own native tongue, or through subliminal intuition
of what by physical communication means. This ability may even employ telepathic faculty, where the psychic
energy is read (by hearing or sight) to understand what the message is meant to convey.
.+"$ " The psionic translation of one's native tongue or telepathic/subliminal broadcast of one's communication
intentions to the minds of others, so that one can speak one's own language and be understood by people who
normally wouldn't understand the speaker. The user of this ability may not be able to understand others, but only
cause them to understand him.
"  Simply put, having unlimited power. c person with this gift could bend the bounds of reality to his wish, to make
anything possible. c person like this could access abilities, human, superhuman or otherwise, to do whatever he
wishes. He can't be killed, or even maimed as his resistance is 150% on physical, mental and emotional levels. This
person can even create, increase or negate others' abilities. Thus he is the ultimate weapon and cannot die or
sustain injuryͶ-he couldn't even be tricked, as he could access Omniscience, the ability to know everything.
"  The ability to be simultaneously present everywhere---in every place at any and/or every, time; unbounded or
$4  universal presence, or the ability to see and be present in every location in the Cosmos. It allows sight in every
corner of space-time, so that nothing escapes the vision scope of the user of this ability (and the user's awareness
is so much that this ubiquitous perception does not inundate the senses).
" The capacity to have infinite knowledge about anything and everything. The one who possesses this ability would
not have any enemies, since he or she would know everything, understand everything, and therefore would be
able to effectively deal with any and all situations in a posture of non-violence. There would also be little need for
sensory-acquired knowledge as all knowledge would be inherently available to them by virtue of their
Omniscience. This would also imply the presence of Omnilingualism, Omnipresence and Omnilegence. c lesser
form of this ability is Xenopsychism .
 & The ability to mentally alter dreams. With this ability, one can allow himself to perceive the future, or give ones͛
subjects extremely good dreams, or turn wonderful dreams into horrid nightmares. Some with this ability can
even project their consciousness into the dreams of others and consciously perceive or control their own dreams.
One with this ability may even be able to suppress lucid dreams or disrupt REM sleep, thus preventing foes from
escaping their own minds.
"   The psionic ability to project onomatopoeias as though they were actual occurrences. If the user were to say
¢ &## "boom", the word would project at high decibels. If the user said "zoom" or "zip", the subject on whom the power
is being used would feel a gust as though something had whizzed past with amazing speed. If the user said
something like "bam" any subjects in the way would be blown back with tremendous concussive force. Saying
anything like,͟ BcRK!" or "screech", would make or replicate the sound, instead of actually saying the word.
   The ability to psionically disrupt a subject͛s optic temporality and ͞rewind͟ the subject͛s vision so he will see a few
moments in the past. When used, it can prevent the subject from seeing things until up to a few second after it
has happened, and so people can easily evade the subjects͛ vision for a few seconds. This ability can affect more
than one person at a time and lasts as long as the possessor of the ability wishes.
     The psychic ability to damage physical matter by staring at it. One with this ability exudes hot psychic energy from
¢ &##  the eyes, and if they stare at a living being, the being will writhe in pain (or sometimes die) because their nerves or
means of sensory as well as their bones, muscles and organs will be damaged. If used on a dead thing or an
inanimate object, the subject will be consumed with the effects, and burst into flame, explode, short-circuit or be
otherwise damaged based on its molecular make-up.
 & The obscure ability to control eyesight. One with this ability can cause illusions by changing what people see,
¢    cause themselves/others to see in different aspects, or change optic temporality so their sight is ahead or behind
actual time. Vision can even be distorted so things look like they were moving opposite of their actual direction
(called the Parallax Effect). One with this ability may even be able to control the eye itself, with practice. One with
this ability can even project his sight to others or selectively see what others see, as he can control the entirety of
motor and sensory functions used by the eyes of others.
" The ability to absorb knowledge through touching media of information. One with this ability could touch a book
and absorb a volume of information from it, along with being gifted with memory of the entire contents of the
book. Sometimes this may even include absorbing knowledge through digital media like CD's, cassettes, the
computer or TV. This ability is quite useful when numerous volumes of knowledge are absorbed, but the
knowledge must sometimes be exercised, and the skills practiced in order to retain the knowledge in memory.
This ability may lead to intellect on par with that of Superhuman Intelligence or be accompanied by Panmnesia.
& The ability to mentally manipulate bones. This can be used to change the density of bones, from hollowing bones
like a bird, to making them as unbreakable as steel. c person with this ability can also make his bones more
flexible and less prone to breakage (or accelerate the process of bone healing). cfter practice, the user of this
power can even incapacitate foes with broken legs, arms, ribs or even necks. The user can also cause bones to
grow through the skin to form plates of bone as armor. One with this ability usually has pliable skin.
 " The psychic ability to cause any person (usually without a psionic or empathic link to the user) to congregate
¢ &##  around or back away from nearly any object or living subject that is focused on, or touched. One with this ability
could keep enemies from getting up too close, as they have no positive empathic connection, or cause subjects to
gather around oneself to shield the user from an attack, and the like. However, this ability, if developed, could be
used to repulse or draw any target, living or inanimate, to which they (normally) have no empathic or psionic
connection. If one with this superhuman ability may psychically only cause subjects to congregate toward a given
target, it is called Congregation Inducing or the Gathering Effect, but if the user can cause others to just back
away, it is still called Ostracism.
'" The ability to psychically induce a feeling of calm and sleepiness (and perhaps unconsciousness, but not normal
¢   sleep) within the minds of others. The user of this ability psychically or vocally induces the same feeling in an
animal that they have before they fall asleep or unconscious. One with this ability can keep people from fighting
or attacking him, and can soothe even the most wild, vicious and seemingly-untamable animal. In addition, this
ability severely inhibits coordination and memory.
' The ability to psychically ease the pain of subjects. One with this ability could touch a subject, and smoothen out
¢  cramped muscles, or remedy a crick in a subject's neck. One with this ability could numb pain (without dulling
feeling) and reduce levels of fatigue by psychically alleviating the presence of the acids which induce fatigue
within the body. The user of this ability may also stimulate the healing process of wounds.
 '  The psionic ability to literally "shift" injuries and pain from a subject (even the user) to a selected subject, who
¢"#  serves as the "pain proxy" or "damage proxy", after forming an empathic link with them. This ability allows
subjects to get injured as badly as they can without fatality, and the pain transferor need only think it in order for
the wounds to leave the subject's body and occur on the foe's body, or to appear on the proxy's body instead of
the intended victim's body. This ability could be used simply to give pain to others, or to remove an injury or
illness from a subject, and transfer it on the foe.
 "c$ The ability to psychically rewire the brain to do every action in the opposite. One with this ability could use it on a
foe, so that as he tries to move forward, he moves backward, or writes backward. One on whom this ability has
been used would also speak backward, and so it would be hard for them to communicate or hear, as their senses
would be reversed as well, causing them to see in negative and the like.
& The psychic ability to manipulate spores, pollen and allergenic dander. One with this ability could stir up/clear up
mists of allergenic spores and pollen, or induce physiological activity (which is key in allergic reaction) in nearly
any organic material. This could be used to induce allergic reaction in nearly any living being (using nearly biotic
material), or perhaps the allergenic properties of subjects which would otherwise irritate.
"  The psychic ability to easily remember and quickly recall everything that one has ever experienced or learned in
¢ /  one's lifetime. Those with panmnesia usually need only to read, hear or see something once and they will never
forget it again. They can continually learn for the rest of their lives and their brains will simply compress neural
synapses to contain it all, allowing memory of every event, experience or tidbit of knowledge from their birth to
the present. This ability is not to be confused with Eidetic Memory, as the former provides only enhanced
memory, not perfect memory.
 & The ability to manipulate paper at will, controlling its texture to make it as sharp, smooth or abrasive as the user
desires. Or he could increase or decrease its density, so that it can be thrown like a projectile or a shuriken. He
could also alter its sharpness, making it more or less likely to give paper cuts or worse injuries. Not to mention, he
can alter its adhesion and many other properties that make it a formidable weapon. No one as of yet has been
reported to have this ability.
$ The ability to interrupt or ͞turn off͟ the nervous system (usually only the nerves and the spinal cord, not the
brain) in living subjects. This is accomplished by mental contact, generation of a neurotoxin, or the like. The effect
negates all sensation and disallows motion entirely. If the subject is in motion, it keeps going until it stops; if the
subject is not moving, it will be unable to start moving. The user sometimes can limit the paralysis to certain
extremities, such as legs or arms (even the heart or the like, if the user is adept), or to affect the entire body.
Sometimes, instead of actually paralyzing foes, the user may use a faculty of this ability which simply psychically
compels non-perspicuous foes not to move, even if in danger or struck by a blow (called Stillness Inducing or the
Sitting-Duck Effect).
"  The ability to distort one's own memories, so that the user of the ability could lie without giving off cerebral
implications of such. This ability also allows the user to avoid telepathic gathering of information, as it allows the
possessor of the ability to believe that fiction is fact, and vice versa. No one is known to possess this ability.
 The ability to recall past events that the possessor of the power never witnessed or experienced himself. One with
this ability usually is well-versed in history without studying. This was once though to have a part in postcognition
or the theory of reincarnation, but this ability has been revealed to simply gift its user with the past version of the
ability prescience.
%& The ability to psychically manipulate the emotions of others. With a thought, one could make a brave man panic,
or cause people to be happy, angry, sad or in love with anyone they desire. One with this ability could cause
emotions, negate emotions, or even overload the emotions of other (causing mental breakdowns), among
numerous other effects. This ability could be used to cheer up friends, afflict enemies, or the like. This ability is
often accompanied by or results in Empathy (sensing emotions) or cpathy (having no emotion).
 & When each body system works exactly as it should, and homeostasis cannot be dirupted (except by extreme
injury), allowing enhanced features and ability. One with this ability could metabolize toxins through their systems
like water. Their bodies do not generate as much lactic acid, and they have increased respiratory capacity and
their muscles never cramp (they hardly tire). Their joints stay elastic no matter how much stress they endure,
allowing Flexibility and increased athletic faculty. Their body maintains near-perfect health at all times. They can
still be injured (even die), but their body can better withstand injury.
 & The ability to shift the acidity or baseness of any liquid from basic to acid, or vice versa. One with this ability can
even make acids or bases neutral, resist acidic corrosion as well as basic corrosion, and render soaps as acidic
dangers, and hydrochloric acid harmless as drinking a glass of milk. However, another faculty of this ability may
also include the manipulation of acidic or basic (or both) substances besides simply changing the pH (moving
them, changing the physical state, etc.).
   The psionic ability to switch one's situation with any desired living subject. One with this ability could switch
places with a subject to put himself ahead in a race. Or one with this ability could cause one's allies to like you and
hate him instead by replacing memories of you with memories of him and vice versa. One with this ability could
even put an attacker in the way of the attack while you stand where the attacker previously stood.
   Resistance to all psychic penetration. One with this ability is immune to Illusion or Deception, contact by
¢    Telepathy/Empathy or Hypnotism (and psychics can͛t dominate them). If foes tried to hear the mind of such an
individual, they only hear static (or nothing at all); if they tried to dominate or implant thoughts into the mind of
the user, the attempt would fail. Not to mention, sometimes the perspicuous superhuman can even protect the
minds of others (and ͞short-circuit͟ invasive/dominating superhumans) by touching the subject they wish to
 '  The ability to psionically transmute the cells of biotic subjects into a material similar to stone. One with this ability
can petrify as many creatures as are in vision range (which make visual or physical contact). One with this
superhuman ability may even be able to reanimate subjects which are unnaturally stone (called Reanimation). Or
the ability may allow the user to imbue petrified subjects with one's psychic energy, thus enabling the user to
psychically control and move said subjects like puppets (called Petrified Control).
% & The ability to psychically manipulate one's own pheromones as well as the pheromones of others for one's own
purposes. With this ability, one could release pheromones that do everything from inducing attraction between
subjects or within a subject (for oneself) is the ability to exuding amounts of pheromones strong enough to induce
sleep, change emotions and draw crowds. These pheromones can even be used to mark territory (causing people
to feel the need to not go into a certain area), or to leave a pheromonal path which others can follow in order to
find you.
%& The ability to mentally manipulate the vocal organs of biotic systems, including the language center of the brain.
One with this ability could translate the foreign languages of subjects into the language of the user or whatever
language the user desires. One with this ability could change the volume of the subject͛s voice, or render a foe
mute. One with this ability, after an extremely long time͛s worth of practice, could control how and when a
subject speaks and the languages that the subject understands.
%  " The empathic and telepathic connection of one to one's family members. In this situation, knowledge is
¢ # &  genetically passed down and inherited by every family member, making this the broader version of Inherent
Intelligence, but it also allows the family to share a mind, similar to a Hive Mind, except they are all independent
in thought (they simply can tell what one another thinks and feels, usually feel the same way about things, and
may be able to mimic each other's abilities). People with this ability may or may not also possess the ability
 The innate compulsion and conviction to do the right thing. One with this ability can keep a calm and benevolent
mind, even when foes attempt to persuade the user to do wrong or mean acts. One with this ability could detect
the presence of evil minds, and can almost never be persuaded or convinced to do something they saw as wrong,
and if they did, their conscience will not let them rest until the wrong has been righted. If they are around others
long enough, their piety usually rubs off onto others as well.
     The ability to manipulate all forms of plastic. This ability could be used to form plastic into constructs, revert
plastic into their original form if they've been burned, and heat plastics, so that they can burn foes. This ability
could even be used to hurl plastic objects at foes for defense. One cannot create entirely new forms of plastic, but
they can combine existing types of plastics to form 'hybrids'.
" & The ability to psychically manipulate the breathing and respired gases of oneself and others. One with this ability
¢    can access the abilities Vortex Inhalation, Gale Exhalation, ctmospheric Respiration, and greatly increase the time
that he can hold his breath. One with this ability can even remove or overload respired gases, so as to suffocate
foes or explode their lungs.
&" The ability to store subjects within a dimension, located in a usually-small container, to be recovered instantly as
the user desires. This portal can store anything that can fit (and always opens up to be larger inside); the
dimension also grows in spatial capacity (yet maintains light weight) with every addition to the user's inventory.
This portal may pull subjects in with tremendous force until closed, but if so, the force of such can usually be
resisted by the user, and he can usually close it voluntarily.
 The ability to psychically take over the body, mind or spirit of a living entity, or the structure of an object, either by
¢"  force or willingly by the host (or sometimes a living subject may be entirely unaware). Possession can be done on
multiple subjects/objects at a time, but this requires division of attention, and so usually only the strongest minds
are successful with such faculty; numerous types of Possession are hard to do simultaneously. cnother faculty of
Possession is Power Possession or Power Domination in which one can control when the abilities of another
superhuman will work, for how long and with how much intensity. Other forms of Possession are possible.
   The ability to create a psychic/psionic link between the user͛s motion and living subjects͛ motion. The user͛s
subjects can still resist, but the user controls the subjects͛ bodies (and power use, if the subject has powers) as
though they weren͛t resisting, moving their limbs by making hand gestures similar to controlling a puppet (hence
the ability͛s name). Rarely, the subject can even be manipulated as though by Telekinesis (slung around, levitated,
  The ability for one's body to literally ͞phase into͟ the body of another living being (or simply to psychically take
control over that being's movements) without mental domination. One with this ability almost entirely overrides
the host's conscious control of motion and can use this body to gain access to new skills and abilities for his own
personal gain
2   The ability for one's consciousness to enter the mind of another living being, thus mentally dominating that
being's thoughts, memories and mental faculties. One with this ability almost entirely overrides the host's
consciousness and can use this body to gain access to new knowledge, skills and abilities for his own personal gain
   The ability for one's soul to dominate the soul of another living being, thus taking control over that being's body,
while also dominating his mind and body in the process. One with this ability almost entirely overrides the host's
spirit (thus the mind and body) and can use this body to gain access to new knowledge, skills and abilities for his
own personal gain, as well as sometimes bestowing the host with supernatural capability
.  The ability for one's consciousness or physical body to enter into an inanimate object. This ability could allow
possession of electronics (to control electronic functions like a technopath) or normal inanimate objects (like an
animator, except using one's own mind/body as the animating energy). The user still perceives their environment
as though they were in a normal body
$ The ability to see or know something about a situation after its occurrence through psychic means. This ability can
¢/ occur in the same way as precognition (as a vision or as knowledge of the past or both) and can even be activated
at will, like precognition (if practiced enough) and can see within the same time intervals as precognition (except
in the past, of course) at which time it becomes an ability called Selective Retrospect. Evan Moss is reported to
possess this ability.
* c  The ability to psychically temporarily or permenantly gain the anomalistic abilities of others after psionic or
¢ ((  physical contact. This ability could be used to leave a powerful opponent weak and helpless against their own
abilities. One with this ability may or may not be able to manifest multiple abilities at one time, and can possibly
return them. This ability may be activated or suppressed at will.
* c+  The ability to jump-start latent superhuman powers in others. One with this ability simply opens the part of the
mind or accesses the DNc that allows the activation of superhuman abilities and faculties. They cannot bestow
abilities, they only release or activate those which are inherently present in the subject's DNc. Used offensively,
they can cause abilities to act on their own, or can cause a subject to use their powers when they don't want to.
*  *  The ability to psychically rearrange the genetic structure or thought patterns of a subject, in order to bestow him
or her with superhuman faculty, or the ability to give away one͛s own superhuman ability. One with this ability
can give a subject nearly any superhuman ability, but the more powerful abilities are more difficult, and for an
untrained subject, it can lead to serious headache (or worse) if one attempts to bestow such ability. This power is
usually accompanied by Power Negation.
*  $ The ability to psychically strengthen and intensify the powers of a nearby superhuman. This could be used to
jumpstart latent superhuman powers, or strengthen normally weak abilities. One with this ability could even
strengthen the ability of one person to a point where they cannot control them and cause harm to themselves
and others around them (called Power Liberation or Power Feedback). Most times it can also be used in reverse,
so that either increase or decrease of abilities is possible. If practiced a lot and kept under control one with this
ability could form their power boosting in a blast of electrifying energy or sparks.
*  " The ability to mentally hide the presence of one's own abilities or the abilities of others from detection. One with
this ability could keep a person with Power Sensing, DNc Reading or Telepathy from being aware of other powers.
They could even keep people with Empathic Mimicry, Power Mimicry or Power cbsorption from gaining access to
the user's powers.
* "  The ability to mimic the abilities of others around you. This is not empathic, like the ability Empathic Mimicry, but
strictly psychic as it simply mimics the psychic energy outputs, genetic structure or superhuman physiology that
enable abilities in other people. This can be used to mimic any ability short of the ͞Omni͟ abilities (and if the user
is around the contributors of the abilities that they mimic long enough, the mimicry may be permanent).
* $  The ability to psychically negate the superhuman abilities of others. One with this ability accomplishes this any
number of ways. Either it is a psionic faculty in which the user simply wills the disabling of a power, or it is a
telepathic ability which cut͛s off the mind's ability to generate a certain effect. Sometimes it is even the psychic
manipulation of genetics, which deletes or inhibits superhuman abilities and suppresses superhuman features
within superhuman DNc. If the negation is temporary (or only reduces a power instead of negating it), it is only
called Power Reduction/Suppression.
*  "0  The ability to psionically exchange the abilities of any multiple subjects at random (sometimes even within an
undetermined radius, and for an undetermined amount of time). One with this power could randomly give any
superhuman any of another's superhuman abilities. The power randomly switches the abilities of any two or more
superpowered beings (except the user), and thus can't be predicted (the only certainty with this ability is that the
user cannot switch his own power). One with this ability can only hope to use the power on his desired target.
*   The ability to psychically redirect the effects of non-physical abilities in any direction, including back at the original
sender of those effects. This may include the redirection of healing powers onto someone else who was more in
need of assistance, or the redirection of a beam of energy back at the foe. This ability could even cause positive
effects, meant for the foe's allies, to be redirected back toward the user and his allies instead.
*  The ability to use a superhuman ability, and then if a subject touches the subject on which the ability was used,
the subject will temporarily gain that same ability or a similar ability. Or this ability can be used to give normal
humans superpowers temporarily by touch, so that they are not entirely helpless. This ability may be able to
remove abilities entirely from oneself, passing them onto the desired subject either temporarily (and take them
back) or permanently.
*   Resistance, or entire immunity to the effects of certain abilities (usually types of energy attacks). One with this
ability may have Mental, Subliminal, or Psionic ability Resistance so that any type of ability based on these types
of energy cannot directly influence them. Or they may have Radiation, Electrical, Heat, or Resistance to some
other sort of energy (perhaps even the energy that makes up barriers and force fields). One with this ability is
usually immune to the effects of abilities which are similar to their own, and so this may be accompanied by an
energy-based attack.
* +   The anomalistic ability to invert the effects of a superhuman ability. One with this ability could switch a foe's
Pyrokinesis to Cryokinesis, or turn any other ability into its opposite (Teleportation into Summoning, Superhuman
Strength into Superhuman Endurance and the like). One with this ability could induce abilities in subjects that they
do not know how to control (as they are used to handling just the opposite), so long as the ability is the opposite
(like Nigrescence and Focus).
*  $ The superhuman ability to instinctively tell if another has a special power and be able to locate others with
powers. In some cases, one can even discern what abilities a person has and/or to what degree they have their
ability (called Power Gauging), specifically which powers a superhuman may possess or when a subject is using
their power. This usually entails telepathic detection of abilities, but sometimes it involves the detection of a
superhuman aura or simply an intuitive superhuman faculty in which the user just knows.
*  ' When certain attacks only affect certain types of subjects. One with this ability may only be able to generate a
certain type of poison, or generate energy which only affects certain species (this ability is only useful in certain
situations). However, another version of this ability implies that one can focus the effects of their ability for one
monumental use, such as focusing the peak of one͛s superstrength into a single punch, or all of one͛s stamina into
a big burst of superhuman speed (called Power Concentration).
*    The ability to mentally hide the presence of one's own abilities or the abilities of others. One with this ability could
keep a person with Power Sensing, DNc Reading or Telepathy from being aware of other powers. They could even
keep people with Empathic Mimicry, Power Mimicry or Power cbsorption from gaining access to the user's
$ c form of extra-sensory perception in which one will perceive information about future events before they
happen, by visual means, as opposed to merely guessing them, based on deductive reasoning and current
knowledge. It can come as a brief flash of the scene or last for a long time. Sometimes, however, it can even be
activated at will and within whichever time intervals the user desires (͞the next six hours͟, ͞tomorrow͟, etc.), at
which point the power becomes Selective Precognition.
$+  "$ c form of extra-sensory perception in which the user may see flashes or visions of entire scenes from the future,
but only through dreams. This person does not have visions while they are awake, but their every dream is not a
precognitive one, although this ability could be activated at will through Lucid Dreaming.
 The ability to psychically speak the future, without getting a prescient feeling of the future from the user of the
ability. One with this ability will often just blurt out the future or speak it with no conscious effort. Sometimes,
however, it can even be used or activated at will and within whichever time intervals the user desires (͞the next
six hours͟, ͞tomorrow͟, etc.), at which point it becomes Selective Prediction.
%c  $ Technically not an superhuman ability, but instead the presence of a powerful ---sometimes hyperelastic--- limb or
appendage (maybe a tail, a tongue, feet, tentacles, even hair, extra skin or the like) which can be used to strike,
grab and manipulate subjects. Sometimes, the appendage(s) of the superhuman could even support the body's
weight or (in more gruesome variations) detach from the body and still operate under the user͛s control, and with
no harm to the user of the ability.
 The ability to psychically know what will happen in the future (without a specific vision of the future from the user
of the ability). The feeling is intuitive, and it is not limited to personal prescient feelings. Sometimes, however, it
can even be used or activated at will and within whichever time intervals the user desires (͞the next six hours͟,
͞tomorrow͟, etc.), at which point the ability becomes Selective Prescience.
" The ability to psychically experience an emotion from the future. The user of this ability will know why he felt that
emotion, and from that, receive their foreknowledge of the future. Sometimes, however, it can even be used or
activated at will and within whichever time intervals the user desires (͞the next six hours͟, ͞tomorrow͟, etc.), at
which point it becomes Selective Presentiment.
     The superhuman ability to generate and manipulate various types and amounts of pressure. One with this ability
could generate intense water pressure, air pressure, barometric pressure or various other types of pressure. One
with this ability could withstand it, negate it and do anything from pressurizing water or air, to inducing fluxes in
blood pressure.
"  & The presence of skin which reflects light off of it, or refracts it. One with this ability could cause light to bounce off
of their skin, blinding foes that get too close. This ability, however, may also allow the user to magnify light
through their skin as intense beams, or to store the light within them, only to be released at will or used for
energy. This ability is usually accompanied by Light cbsorption and resistance to light-based radiation. This ability
may or may not be able to be suppressed and activated at will.
. The ability to launch some appendage or limb from the body like a missile. One with this ability could throw sharp
feathers, spikes, or scales, a stinger or pieces of abrasive skin. This ability could even be used to launch one's
limbs. But not all the above listed are possible for one specimen. This ability is usually accompanied by
Superhuman cccuracy.
 % Like precognition, is the ability to see into the future. However, this ability is the ability to see into the near future,
as accompanied by the compulsion to give the message to the person for whom it is designated (or the
compulsion to adhere to the vision if it is for the user). One with this ability also has the compulsion to try to stop
bad visions and fulfill good visions. No one is known to possess this ability as of yet.
  The ability to exude a psionic aura, allowing one to perceive one's environment normally, but without being
overloaded. One with this ability could hear 190 decibels of sound and their eardrums would be unaffected. This
ability could even be used to see in intense light without damaging the eyes. This ability allows the body to
perceive the worst possible sensory stimuli without being consumed with the effects. Sometimes this ability is
even accompanied by keener senses than a normal human, but is incapable of being inundated.
 2  The ability to protrude or retract superhuman features as needed, so one could appear normal or superpowered
whenever one desired. If the features naturally stick out, they are retracted; if they are naturally withdrawn, they
are protruded. One with this ability could have retractable scales, extendable claws, spikes, wings, etc., which
appear and retract as desired. This ability may even sometimes be accompanied by the ability Projectility or
Profuse Generation.
 % The psychic ability to induce severe itching by thought or touch. The user of this ability could use it on others to
¢  vary the magnitude of the itch from a slight mosquito-bite itch to a maddening, unending itch. One with this
ability usually also has the ability to stop their own or the itching of others by touch (called Pruritic Negation or
Itch Relief), and can suppress and activate their itch-inducing powers at will.
 ""& The ability to mentally manipulate sand. With this ability, one could hurl sand at foes, compact it into constructs
¢  like barriers and weapons, or even summon sand from all around to form a ͞tidal wave͟ of sand, a sandstorm, a
sand vortex and the like (even quicksand, in the right environment). Should one hone this ability, however, this
could lead into practicing Hyalokinesis.
c cbilities which are emanated from the mind, but manifested physically, and mostly only capable of interacting
with the mental and astral (spiritual) realms of existence. This may include the generation of psionic objects
(similar to Energy Constructs) which, upon coming into contact with the brains of living creatures, are capable of
inducing severe mental disorientation, damage and pain (and sometimes physical damage). The psychic versions
of the above listed abilities are also possible (Psychic Detection, Psychic Scanning, Psychic Constructs, etc.), among
numerous (possibly countless) other versions and variations. Note, however, that normal psychic energy is
invisible unlike psionic energy, so telling the difference between Psychic Bolts or Psychic Blasts or other similar
abilities may be difficult unless the user can also perceive psychic energy (which is common).
 %  Generation of spheres of intense psionic energy, which are thrown like projectiles (sometimes these spheres
detonate like time bombs)
   Generation and emission of beams or rays of intense psionic energy, usually hot or capable of melting but
sometimes the energy is simply concussive and forceful
)   Generation and storage of psionic energy within the body (commonly the chest); this energy is released when the
user is cut, opens his mouth or focuses it through his hands or eyes (or perhaps can be used for sustenance)
 %& Discharge of psionic energy, channeled through touch or just through the skin, to simulate an effect similar to
electrocution or a power surge; if the user smashes the ground, it comes out as a shockwave
  Generation of powerful (usually heated) bolts or flashes or psionic energy, which fire from the hands and eyes as
though firing from a gun
  Launch of long bolts or rays of psionic energy, which disperse into smaller segments and fall on any subjects below
as a dangerous rain of intense psionic energy
1 + Exudation of an expanding ripple or wave of powerful psionic energy that, upon touching subjects, either puts
them to sleep, stuns them, knocks them unconscious, or cuts through them like a buzz saw or guillotine but
quicker and with much more power; effects vary with each user
$% Exudation of a harmless glow of psionic light which helps to brighten dark areas; may radiate from the hands (or in
the palms), cover the eyes of people who wish to use the light, or stay stationary and illuminate brightly
+  Emanation of psionic energy from all parts of the body, similar to an explosion in the amount of light and
concussive force, but it does not detonate user͛s body
 %$ Generation of powerful shields which can prevent certain negative effects from other psionic attacks (put it
around someone͛s head, and it may prevent Telepathy, for example), or can hit with concussive force like blunt
walls or platters
 Generation of a protective outer layer which serves as armor; although, it doesn't allow movement or attack. The
cocoon allows defense from moderate attack, or may be a swirling matrix of violently powerful psionic energy
which lashes out to strike foes that get too close (could also be generated around foes to prevent escape)
  Generation of forms which are made of psionic energy that may deal only mental or only physical damage (not
both); includes Psionic Weapons/Tools (Psionic Talons, Psionic Guillotine and the like) and/or Psionic cppendages
  $ cbility to scan an area psionically to see if an object or subject is in said area, usually in scanner͛s line-of-sight
(may include gathering of basic information by scanning components)
 cbility to psionically sense the presence of other sources or users of psionic energy; this ability cannot be evaded
by Telepathy, Tracking Evasion, or Cloaking, but also cannot be used to detect superhumans unless they possess
psionic powers
)   The ability to psionically take on the faces of people observed by the user of the ability. One with this ability does
not shapeshift entirely, just their faces, which can be changed to look like any other of their species. The face
which has been recollected also changes to the color of the user's skin (or vice versa), so as not to appear
awkward. Sometimes this ability can only be used on others.
)  "+  The ability to psionically steal the faces of foes. First the face is touched or viewed by the user. Then the face is
erased from the foe's body by the user of the ability. Then the body of the foe either dies of suffocation (after a
few minutes) or can have another face psionically moved onto the place of the other face. This ability is
sometimes accompanied by the ability to put the face back onto its rightful head (or the head of another), as well
as Psionic Facial Recollection.
)   $ The psionic ability to exchange physical features with another. One with this ability could trade eye color or
fingerprints with a subject, or trade superhuman features like stripes or strange skin color, presence of fur and the
like. This would allow a "normal-looking" superhuman to gain abilities based on the physical features they acquire
(exoskeleton, wings, etc.) or get rid of superhuman features while "giving" them to someone who may appreciate
them or better be able to use them. This ability may even be used to psionically trade "inner beauty" for "outer
beauty" (for limited shapeshifting). Sometimes, one with this ability may even be able to trade weaknesses with a
foe, or to trade a foe͛s strengths for the user͛s weaknesses, and the like.
(  cbility to channel one's other psychic faculties through the hands. With this ability, one could easily control his
Telepathy, Empathy or other powerful psychic ability that otherwise would be too difficult to handle. With the
presence of this ability, one could activate his other abilities by touching a target or moving his hand a certain way
(snapping the fingers or the like). This certain way of hand movement will only activate the ability when the user
consciously thinks about activating the ability. This ability is always accompanied by another (psychic)
superhuman ability.
"  The psionic mimicry of a normal bodily function by the mind. One with this ability could be missing an eye, and see
perfectly through the hole (or blank space on the face) where the eyes should be, or missing a mouth (from a
Psionic Face Stealer) and still eat, speak and breathe through where the mouth should be. One with this ability
could even walk on a stump as though they still had a fully-functional leg, and the like.
"  The ability to mentally "write" or "draw" on a surface as though writing with ink or a pencil. One with this ability
could inscribe a message or image on any surface, inscribing a call for help on a wall, or just writing on a piece of
paper if the user does not feel like using his hands (or cannot for some reason). One with this ability could even
give subjects tattoos (or erase them). This ability is usually accompanied by the ability to draw pictures or images
with the mind (called Psychic/Psionic crtistry, Psychic/Psionic Photography or Thoughtography). This ability may
include the ability to sense where impressions have been made, to track any subject the user has marked on
(called Impression Tracking), to sense/search for words/phrases in documents and/or sense when someone is
writing/drawing/typing in one's vicinity (called Graphesthesia), and/or an innate sense of who wrote a given
handwriting sample (called Handwriting cnalysis).
 " The ability to psionically manipulate the tempo at which things move, using one͛s hands. One with this ability can
¢   speed up, slow down, normalize or stop movement within their radius, simply by moving their hands. It is
distinguished from Chronokinesis and Rhythm Distortion in that subjects affected by it move at the same tempo
as the hand movement made by the user, and it can͛t be used to reverse tempo.
+   The ability to psionically duplicate knowledge and use it to inundate the mind of another, resulting in headaches,
memory loss, or loss of consciousness. In extremely unique cases, this ability may allow blows from the user to
create mental stress in addition to physically inflicted pain. Long-term use of this ability on an individual subject
could finally lead to brain diseases such as tumors or cerebral hemorrhage.
! The ability to psionically block a subject͛s access to his knowledge. The effect is permanent until undone by the
user of the ability. Normally, the subject is reduced to just basic knowledge. But in extreme cases, it can be used
to erase one͛s entire memory bank of knowledge, memories, responses and involuntary functions, which, if left
undone for long enough, could kill foes.
%c  The ability to psychically absorb the souls of subjects into one's own consciousness. One with this ability acts as a
psychometric sponge capable of relieving living subjects of their spirits through physical contact. This ability can
increase the physical and mental faculties of the user of the ability, as well as restoring vitality. The user of this
ability also takes on the persona (and sometimes the abilities) of the subject whose psyche they have taken, which
is good for shapeshifters who wish to properly imitate the people into whom they have shapeshifted.
%c  The ability to psychically see and/or understand the anatomy of any system and how it works. One with this ability
could even detect what each part does in a machine, so that they can almost-instinctively figure out how to work
any device. This ability even allows the possessor to understand how to repair his own mind, so they are capable
of acquiring the abilities of others and resisting mental instability, because they can understand how their own
minds works as well as the minds of others.
%c  The ability to psychically store sounds, music and other audio in the mind, and replay it at will. The sound can be
recalled at will, and when it is played, the mouth of the user of this ability will hang open, replaying the sound like
a record player. One with this ability usually also learns the words or tune to any audio that they store in their
memory. This ability is the sound version of Panmnesia or Eidetic Memory. This ability is usually more accurate
than Vocal Mimicry, but the accuracy of the sound reproduction depends on the accuracy of the user's hearing.
% *  The ability for the user to mentally increase the psychic capacity of a subject͛s brain, so they can better
understand knowledge. This ability could be used to increase a subject's knowledge to genius level, thus granting
animals with the gift if human-like speech and intelligence, and the like. One with this ability could even undo the
increase of brain capacity, thus returning allies to normal in they wish it. cnd the mind of the subject may keep
any knowledge it did not previously have.
%   The ability to send a bolt, ray or beam of powerful psychic energy from the mind or the hands. This ability is
usually accompanied by the ability from which it originates (Telepathy for a Telepathic Blast, Precognition for a
Precognitive Blast, etc.) or some other psychic faculty. Other types of psychic energy blasts are also possible.
   The ability to generate a blast out of the energy that allows Intangibility and Possession, which can disrupt the
motor stability of foes and can affect spirits
 %   The ability to generate a blast out of magic energy, which does not induce any other effect than to blast or singe
the target like a normal energy blast (however, it may deal aggravated damage)
" %   The ability to generate a blast out of pure emotions (perhaps a specific emotion or numerous combined) which
imposes said emotion on whoever is hit; or it may vary in intensity based on the emotions of the user; or effects
may vary based on emotions (happy means a good effect, etc.)
$+   The ability to generate a blast out of energy from the future and fire it at foes; or it may fire from the subject
before they know that danger is near; or it may channel the precognitive power (normally used to find future
information) into a blast which may induce visions of the future
&   The ability to generate a blast which can push away objects which would normally be far too hard to manipulate
or move by means of normal telekinesis (or it may cause objects to explode, implode or liquefy)
 %   The ability to generate a blast of telepathic energy (normally used to send, receive or exchange mental messages)
which can disrupt the mental processes of foes, erase/distort memories or even leave foes in a comatose state or
"     The ability to generate a blast of temporal energy, effectively distorting the foe͛s temporal presence (speeding
him up, slowing him down, freezing him, erasing him from the space-time continuum or the like, depending on
the user)
%$ The superhuman mental ability to remain unrecognized, even by familiar people. People with this power don͛t
become invisible or otherwise imperceptible; they simply shield themselves from the memories of others, so that
they will not be recognized by anybody unless they want somebody to or they stop using their power. Even if
there͛s a picture of the user of this power right in plain sight, no one͛s brain will make the connection between the
two faces. Sometimes superhumans with this odd ability can even assume the identity of others by thinking ͞my
name is Bob Johnson͟ or the like. Their appearance stays the same, but people will think his name is whatever
name he desires to assume and even people who know ͞Bob Johnson͟ will believe that the user is him.
%)   The ability to psychically sense changes to the atmosphere, and thus the weather. This ability in itself is not the
ability to manipulate weather, but to sense when it changes and what the weather will be like (sometimes it
ranges from natural disasters like storms and hurricanes to phenomena like mudslides and volcanic eruptions).
This can even sometimes be increased in a precognitive sense, in which the user can predict the weather for
minutes, hours, days or further ahead.
%(    % The superhuman ability to use one's mental power to increase one͛s own muscle size, and thus one͛s strength,
endurance and stamina (and sometimes the physical size). The ability provides a temporary adrenaline rush,
except without the risks of adrenaline, as the mind is the ͞energy booster͟. The power-up can be increased in
duration based on how long the user of the power meditates to increase mental power, trains to increase physical
power and exercises their ability. This ability may be accompanied by Feral Mind or clter Ego.
%'  The ability to perceive the psychic signatures of others, and retain the psychic signature in one's memory. One
with this ability could track any person down in the world, or identify when one has shapeshifted into a false form,
so long as the person has been in contact with the subject that they are trying to track before. The user of this
ability does not need to have a bond with the subject, only to have come into contact with them. This ability may
also allow the user to mark one's possessions with one's own psychic signature.
%"  c psychic energy signature randomly left behind by a person who comes into contact with an object, subject or
location. When psychics read this imprint, they can access the memories, knowledge and skill (or the past/future)
of the object or subject, or whoever touched them. When mastered, imprints can be left at will and can give really
accurate or inaccurate information to those who read them. This ability could also overload an area with painful
memories and thoughts as a mode of psychometric inundation. One with this ability could even decide if he wants
to leave a psychic imprint at all.
%"  The ability to psychically instill fear in opponents through mental, visual or vocal contact, causing the subject on
which it is being used to act with irrational fear toward the person who uses the ability. One with this ability may
even be able to psychically instill a fear or aversion to something or someone else, no matter how seemingly
minute or ridiculous (called Phobia/cversion Generation).
) $%'  By simply being in the immediate area of a foe, the user sends subliminal signals to all around which sends chills
down their spine. The user may also be extremely ruthless on par with a psychopath.
) $%$c   One's appearance may be frightening or ugly to foes (or any subject). cny attempt to make a frightening face with
this attribute will induce fear.
 )  By simply giving the foe a mean look, the user sends subliminal signals to them which send chills down the foe͛s
spine, even if the user and the subject are not eye-to-eye. The user is also seemingly unafraid and not easily
   " c vaguely demented smile or laugh which, upon being seen (or heard), shakes foes' fortitude, scares them and
¢ '  makes them leery of what the user͛s up to.
) $%$(   Causes user to look like whatever it is the subject fears most or causes user to see or feel as though "experiencing"
that which they fear most.
% +$  The ability to psychically hone into the psionic trail that every target leaves behind, to find any object, subject or
location (by hearing "I lost my purple sweater" or the like, the object's psionic trail activates, making it easy to
find). cnother faculty of this ability includes innate knowledge of one's current location and cardinal direction,
whether or not the user has visited said location before (called Location Familiarity or Location/Direction Sense).
%    The superhuman ability to psychically negate the inhibitions of others, placing them in an extreme state of
suggestibility, either by visual, mental or vocal contact. When the user suggests something to the person on which
the power is being used, they will feel a strange compulsion to do whatever they are told to do (even killing
themselves or others). Sometimes the compulsion could even work on a subsonic, supersonic or subliminal level
so that the subject does not even have to consciously hear the orders directed at them in order to be compelled
to carry them out.
%"  The ability to psychically cause the spread of a lie about a foe. c mix between Telepathy, Deception and Enmity,
one with this ability could think up some horrible lie (or even an embarrassing truth) about a foe, then the
thought would be passed on to anyone within the user's telepathic radius, and they would be compelled to
believe the rumor and spread it until a whole wide radius of people have heard the rumor and begin to turn
against you.
% & The ability to generate a slow-working thoughtwave that attacks the minds of foes to whom it is telepathically
communicated. This thoughtwave would overload or delete knowledge, emotions and memories from the mind
(initially causing intense headaches) until the foe started showing signs of mental illness, soon afterward going
insane and eventually dying. One with this ability, with practice, could affect among the strongest perspicuous
minds, as it could affect a normal mind and be transferred via physical contact. However, this ability can be
activated and suppressed at will. It is usually accomapnied by Telepathy, Psychic Persuasion, Mental Bolts or
% $ The ability to psychically/vocally emit a beautiful song or sound which attracts followers. These followers (even
animals and insects) will defend the user of the ability with their lives as they become addicted to hearing the
song (it is psychically produced, and usually stimulates the pleasure center of the brain); these followers may
become irate, fall asleep or even fall dead (based on the genetics of the user) when they can no longer hear the
song (which may be inaudible to the ears). Sometimes the effect of the song can even be varied (or suppressed) at
will, randomly, or based on the user͛s emotions.
%  $ The ability to almost-instantaneously see all the probable outcomes of a situation, and to discern what decisions
or choices lead to which outcomes. This ability may even allow one to see along quantum wavelengths, to figure
out the ultimate conclusion of a decision or move. If a telepath were to try to read the mind of a foe with this
ability, the psychic strategist could even fill his mind with a bunch of possibilities, pretending that they are his
thoughts, thus evading telepathy. This ability may even allow the ability to discern the likelihood of the outcomes
that the user views (this faculty is called Stochastic cnalysis).
%  $  The ability to psychically make a portal of ectenic force with the hands (called an "incision"), which allows the user
of this ability to intangibly reach his hands into the body of a wounded or ailing subject, "pull out" the pathological
matter, or move the damaged organs/tissues/muscles/joints/bone into the correct position, and induce the
spontaneous healing of afflicted areas thereafter. This ability has been simulated in numerous hoaxes and scams,
but it should be treated as canon all the same, as it could be a true ability.
%  The ability to project jeering, doubting thoughts of inferiority to mind of the foe, either through mental contact, or
by speaking to or touching the subject. One with this ability could cause weaker-minded foes serious trauma, by
making them think that they are the ones thinking the negative thoughts. This ability may even induce a strong
suicidal compulsion in foes.
%%' The psychic ability to obtain the knowledge or memories of subjects through telepathic or psychometric means.
This ability could be used to reduce a foe's knowledge to zero I.Q., thus killing him, or to remember something
that someone else does. One with this ability could even return the memories or thoughts from subjects, but one
must do this before the subject dies (if significant knowledge has been stolen/borrowed). cnd the mind does not
retain any duplicate knowledge, so any duplicate memories or facets of knowledge will be psychically put aside or
altogether eliminated.
%! The superhuman ability to pass on infirmity to others by doing the acts to oneself (or having them doneͶeven
perhaps by the foe one wishes to affect). One with this ability sheathes himself in psionic energy so as to act as a
living voodoo doll, allowing one to stick one͛s hand into a flame, while causing his foe to catch fire and suffer the
pain and wounds. One with this ability can still age and die, but if he were to become infected with a disease, or
prick himself with a needle or be chopped by a guillotine, jump off a building or the like, their foe would instead
suffer the consequences. One with this ability is rendered invulnerable, but only while using this power, so that
the user can inflict harm on foes without having harm inflicted on oneself.
%"   The ability to prevent others from gleaning information about a subject or object via Psychometry. One with this
ability could touch an object and a psychometric subject would be unable to divine that the user had touched the
object. One with this ability could even resist being affected by contagion, being copied by Photographic Reflexes,
having information psychometrically revealed about them, or being mimicked by Motor clignment. This ability
could not even be duplicated or stolen by power manipulators.
%"  The ability to mentally divine information about an object or living subject, simply by coming into close contact
with it or something associated with said object or subject. Some with the ability can even act as mediums for
residual energies and, as such, can experience talents or memories temporarily by touching an object previously
owned by someone else. Or they may be able to tell the past or future of a subject by touching an object owned
by or associated with the subject. Sometimes, Psychometry may even be projected. First, the user must touch an
object. Then the desired target touches the object, and the object pulls a psychic imprint off of the person or
animal. The user then touches the object, and acquires all the information they desire (called Information
Hunting, Knowledge Hunting or Psychic Gleaning).
 & The ability to mentally create and manipulate fire. One with this ability can excite the atoms within an object,
possibly enough energy to ignite the object. c pyrokinetic is a person capable of generating flames from thin air,
not requiring the consumption of oxygen or combustible objects to maintain the flames. They have been seen
being able to increase the temperature in their proximity, create flames, and endure extreme heat and flame
without being harmed.
- " The ability to psychically calculate the presence of clues and hints to deduce the solution of nearly any problem.
Many times, it can be used to predict moves, strategies or motives based on present variables. It can even be used
to correctly deduce words in a language or to analyze minor variables such as injury, deficiency of accuracy or
physical handicaps to come up with a precise formula, solution or plan. This ability can even be used to determine
the difficulty of a task, and how much effort will be needed to finish it before it is undertaken.
- "  The ability to acquire different abilities every day. One with this ability cannot choose which abilities they acquire,
¢$  #  as the abilities change either based on their emotions, or just randomly. One with this ability may, one day, have
Vocifery, and the next day, have curiosity. This ability is similar to the Black Box Effect, its only difference being
that the ability changes every day, and only lasts roughly 18-20 hours.
- "    The presence of an innately inquisitive mind, and the ability to analyze complex systems and information simply
by observation. People with this ability have a million questions in their heads and intend to answer all of them,
by paying attention to the tiniest details. One with this ability can many times discern when something "just isn't
right" about a situation, and they are eager to find out what it is. It can be used for a vastly creative mind, and to
detect and understand the patterns and/or inconsistencies of nearly any structure or situation.
    The ability to release radio waves vocally or mentally which travel and bounce off of surfaces, allowing one to
detect obstacles in one's environment. The user can even see along the waves, which enhance the range of vision
and can detect the motion of projectiles, the location and shape of objects in one's vicinity, and sometimes even
meteorological events. The user of this ability can even sometimes feel the movements of targets touched by the
radio waves, in order to discern their movements. This ability is usually accompanied by the ability Superhuman
Touch, Echolocation or Circumspect.
      The superhuman ability to generate and manipulate various types and amounts of radiation. One with this ability
could generate an EMP, ultraviolet, nuclear or various other types of radiation. One with this ability could
withstand it, absorb it and induce anywhere from an explosion of combustible radiation, to a nuclear mushroom
cloud. This ability could even be used to manipulate radio waves to simulate broadcasts.
 " % $ The ability to charge straight through nearly any subject, be it a dense wall, or a living foe. One with this ability has
$  inertia to keep going for however long the user likes (although they can get tired and stop of their own will, and
can sometimes be moved by outside forces), and through any obstacle, to reach any target, or just to tackle a foe
with phenomenal force. This ability is usually accompanied by Superhuman Endurance or Headbutt.
 /  The ability to spin at high speeds like a miniature cyclone by constantly shifting the body's center of gravity
psychically. This can be used to spin or cartwheel at high speeds to generate a tornado-force wind around oneself
or hit/slam subjects multiple times (with concussive force) or sling them by spinning them. One with this ability
could even use this ability to deflect certain projectiles while spinning. This ability is usually accompanied by the
ability superspeed, superendurance, Rapid Regeneration and/or circumspect.
 $  The ability to regenerate at a superhumanly quick rate. One with this ability regenerates as an automatic response
to injury, and the body usually repairs itself within less than a minute (though a little over a minute is not
uncommon). One with this ability can also still function while vital organs are being regenerated. He can even
regenerate normally-unregenerate organic matter, and may go into a healing trance if injured significantly.
Sometimes the ability even results in the stunting of aging/development if it is employed too many times.
 +c   The ability to adapt one͛s body to any environment or situation to which the user is introduced. This is primarily a
¢/.&.  form of shapeshifting of one's physical features. The original version of this ability can be used to get gills by being
underwater, gain Superhuman Stamina when tired and the like, although the adaptations go away as soon as they
are no longer needed. clthough, another version of this ability allows the user to gain immunity to any one attack
or few attacks that one has been subject to, i.e. mental attacks if attacked by Telepathy, Telesthetic
Imperceptibility if attacked with Telekinesis, and the like (called Reactive Immunity).
 " c   cbility to adapt to environments by changing one's skin (instead of the entire body) to suit it; one with this ability
can grow scales, excess hair, even skin similar to stone or armor. They will not acquire new abilities unless the
abilities go with the condition of their skin
 c   cbility to either adapt one's IQ temporarily to understand complex systems, or to automatically blurt out the
answer to questions (asked by others) without actually knowing or retaining the answer that one gives out
" c   cbility to gain abilities or adaptations based on one's emotions, or to adapt based on the emotions of others;
could lead to use of nearly any ability short of the "Omni" powers or Reality Bending, and it may be accompanied
by Empathy
* c   cbility to adapt to situations by gaining abilities to suit those situations, while maintaining one's normal
appearance; this can be used to gain any ability short of the "Omni" powers or Reality Bending, and it is usually
brought on consciously (unless the user is unconscious)
6,  cbility to psychically match the abilities and benefits of any desired subject so that they cannot overtake or
surpass the user. This can be used when pursued (the user will always remain the same distance from the pursuer,
and thus never be caught), or to keep competitions at a stalemate (so, at least the user won't loseͶhe just won't
win, either). Instead of developing an opposite ability to your opponent like normal Reactive cdaptation, you gain
the same powers and benefits, and thus resistance to your opponents.
    cbility to psychically outdo the abilities and benefits of any desired subject so that they cannot overtake or
surpass the user of the power. This can be used when being pursued (you will be able to run just a bit away from
your pursuer, and thus never be caught), or just barely win competitions. The user just barely outmatches the
subject who he is up against. Instead of developing an opposite ability to your opponent similar to Juxtaposition or
regular Reactive cdaptation, you gain the same abilities of a higher caliber, and thus an advantage against your
  $ The superhuman power to change what is currently true about reality, even to the point of the normally
impossible occurring. This can be accomplished in a number of ways. Of these ways (except the last) one could
change the color of a subject, break a natural law or, as the name implies, bend reality changing the rules of the
world into their own. The limit to these powers is usually the will of the user or the fact that God can stop reality
from changing if He wishes. If one possesses more than one (or all) of these faculties, then it is simply called
Reality Bending (there is no need to be specific).
!'  The amazing ability to speak nearly anything into existence. clmost any event or being the user of this ability
speaks will come true instantly. The only hitch is that no vocifer, except God, can ever speak death, devastation,
destruction or defeat on any foe or subject, thanks to the words of the first vocifer.
'  The marvelous superhuman ability to think nearly anything into existence. Nearly any desire or wish of the user
can be fulfilled at the simple thought of it, and can be changed, rearranged or deleted by the user's imagination.
%'  The powerful superhuman ability to "feel" nearly any occurrence into existence. One with this ability can induce
occurrences and abilities based on emotions, simply wanting something badly enough.
, %  Employs the services of reality-bending entities, which are bound to the user's will; there may any number of
these beings (usually only one or two), but they bend to the user's will entirely, by an oath or a debt, to give the
user whatever they please.
  cn advanced form of Narrative Summoning, which allows one to type, write or read entire situations into
existence. The user becomes the narrator of reality, and his power over such will remain until either he is
restrained from his writing materials or the story ends.
% '' Spheres of psionic energy, which are highly malleable to the effects of Vocifery, Mentifery or Pathifery; used to
bend reality within a limited space (usually a literal sphere) for various effects; with enough willpower, one could
expand the size of the sphere of influence, but by how much varies with the strength of the user's mind.
 '' c virtual, map-like projection of a designated area, made of psionic energy (it is highly malleable to the effects of
Vocifery, Mentifery or Pathifery); reality is psychically manipulated in proportion to the manipulation or changing
of this "map" (even manipulation on a worldwide or universal scale) unless the object or subject is immutable.
 ), The ability to cause reality to change randomly after only activating the power once. cfter a certain (often
random) interval of time, reality would simply change to cause some new occurrence (normally in favor of the
user of the ability), until the power is deactivated.
 c% $ The ability to prevent reality from being bent or warped within a certain radius. While this ability can prevent
reality from being changed, it can only rarely undo the changes.
     The ability to perceive reality, as well as changes to and interference with such. If the abilities Illusion,
Shapeshifting, or even Deception were used around the user of this ability, he could either tell that an illusion or
disguise was present, or he may see through the illusion/disguise as though it was not even there. One with this
ability could even detect when something/someone is from a different reality/time or if reality has been bent
(sometimes even if they are the ones affected). This ability may sometimes also be accompanied by Immutability
or Reality cnchoring.
' " The presence of an outer protective covering over an extremity, organ or body system, allowing this system alone
Superhuman Endurance. One with this ability may have been genetically altered to have their bones covered in
steel, or the like, or their body may naturally possess extra muscle, extra bone or another naturally generated
substance which adds extra fortification to the skeletal, muscular or another body system. This ability cannot be
"+  The superhuman ability to use psychic energy to extract any one constituent of a system. Removal may include
Deoxygenation (the ability to remove oxygen from water, the air or the lungs of foes), Deoxidization (the ability to
remove rust from metals), Deodorization (removal of odor from subjects), Deatomization (removing one
molecular component of an object or subject), Depressurization (removal of pressure from a system) and the like.
This ability would only allow psychic removal of one or a few of these components at a time (but never all of

   The ability to produce copies of oneself by one of a number of ways. The first means is psionic projection and
¢   solidification of perfect copies from the user͛s mind (the projections are corporeal thought-waves). The second
means is accomplished by the user of the power splitting off a piece of himself, at which point it regenerates into
a new copy of the user.

Duplication- 1 Replicate
Triplication- 2 Replicates
Quadruplication- 3 Replicates
Quintuplication- 4 Replicates
Decaplication- 10 Replicates
Centuplication- 100 Replicates
Milliplication- 1000 Replicates
͞Normal͟ Replication- Undefined (or infinite amount) replicates
Reduplication- Replicates can also replicate
Vegetative Replication- allows one to replicate oneself, but only while in a vegetative/nearly-comatose state; the
user of this ability generates replicates through rapid cellular mitosis, similar to a fungus.

Usually, the replicates can be injured ʹeven fatallyʹ without causing physical harm to the Root Subject, the user,
but if the "root" subject is killed, the "branches" die as well (illusory or mentally-generated replicates vanish
immediately if the user is killed or incapacitated). If they don͛t die upon the user͛s death, which is only possible for
non-illusory copies, the ability is called Replicate Individuality.
  The ability to rise from the dead, one of two ways. The first is most common, in which the soul leaves the body
and returns after a short while (this could be anywhere from right after death to years later, depending on the
user's anatomy), during which time the body heals and the soul restores the body back to normal upon returning.
The second way is when the soul leaves and re-enters the body long after death; the body would still decay as
though it were dead (or they may stay cold and pale all the time, as though recently dead), thus making the user
undead. This ability may be accompanied by Longevity. Sometimes this ability can also (or only) be used on others.
If that is the case (and it restores them back to their normal self, not rotting like a zombie) then the ability is
instead called Revivification or another version of Restore.
%%"  The ability to distort rhythm and tempo psionically. This ability can be used on any naturally-occurring rhythm or
any man-made tempo, such as heartbeat (which can cause heart attacks), movement of any kind, or even affect
the momentum of a subject by causing it sporadically to shift between stillness and activity, thus lessening the
blow of any attack, slowing any fall or lessening the intensity of any offensive ability.
 The ability to curl oneself into a ball and roll at high speeds. This ability can be used to tumble into foes and bowl
¢$   them over, to smash through subjects like a living wrecking ball, deflect projectiles that are thrown at the user, or
just for very efficient travel. It can even be used to ricochet off of walls and bounce around an area at will. cs
such, this ability is often accompanied by Superspeed (while rolling), Superendurance and/or Hyperelasticity.
0  The ability to exude a psychic or psionic aura which kills or deflects pathogens. One with this ability could destroy
or remove only surface dirt or germs on the surface of one's body. This ability can be used to prevent infections on
open wounds (or simply to keep from getting dirty, clean up after getting dirty or going into areas filled with
germs). This ability prevents diseases, viruses and pathogens from getting from the skin to your internal organs,
but cannot kill them once induced internally.
& The ability to manipulate anything that is rotten, putrid, moldy and fungal, or that festers with bacteria. This
¢-   ability can range from generation and manipulation of fungus spores to the full-out control over decomposed
matter, mucus, slime and saliva; one with this ability can even control earwax, fungus-covered matter and fecal
 %  The ability to psychically sense when one is being watched (stared at, recorded and the like). This ability is not
restricted to the eyes or any of the normal senses, but can also be used to detect when one is trying to be
detected telepathically, or when one is trying to be contacted by clairvoyance or any other form of ESP. This ability
could even be used to detect when being watched by machines or equipment. This ability may be accompanied by
Stealth or Imperceptibility.
"& The ability to mentally amplify and manipulate vibration. This ability can range from causing seismic tremors to
¢!$   using vibration on a smaller scale, like shattering glass, using echolocation, or reading body reactions by analyzing
the vibrations that a body generates. One with this power could even release concussive waves of strong vibration
to affect subjects in various ways, such as knocking foes down or launching vibrations into the ears of opponents,
causing disorientation. Seismic abilities such as a seismic clap, stomp or shockwave are simply localized forms of
c  The ability to manipulate the senses of subjects by act of will. With this ability could devoid a subject of the ability
to see, or increase a subject's sense of smell, and the like. clthough this power does not do damage to the organs
for the senses, it could negate or increase any of the five senses so as to greatly hinder foes and help allies.
Changes may range from generating sensory illusions to inducing Synaesthesia to increasing foes' senses so much
that they overload and are overwhelmed, resulting in shock. This ability even allows one to selectively not
perceive a certain subject, if desired.
 . The superhuman ability to impose the senses of one subject on another subject. This could be used to sense what
someone else senses (even impending danger), or to project your senses into someone else. One with this ability
could even impose a subject's senses onto another subject, or sense what animals and insects sense (the way they
perceive the environment). One with this ability could even impose the senses of multiple subjects onto one
subject, as a mode of sensory inundation.
   The innate psychic compulsion to walk in accordance to the patterns of stochastic fields (fields of probability),
¢'   thus causing events to happen in the user's favor. One with this ability could walk through a busy street; and
instead of getting yelled at by drivers (or worse, hit by them) they would be offered a ride home. One with this
ability could not manipulate luck, but they are almost always positively affected by it. However, another version of
this ability includes walking in accordance to stochastic fields which cause misfortune to others instead of directly
bringing fortune about oneself (this ability is called Zemblanity or Jinxing).
% %'$ c form of Biokinesis in which one could change one's form (skin color, height, weight, physical features) to look
like that of another, including those of the same species or different species (even perhaps an object). This allows
the gain of new abilities beyond those which accompany the current form (such as energy/mental abilities
associated with that species). Sometimes shapeshifting can only be done within the same mass range, so that a
superhuman could not assume the form of anything larger or too much smaller than one's actual size (although
this limit is uncommon). However, if this limit does apply, it is sometimes possible to assimilate the molecules of
other objects or subjects to support the size, density or species change.
c"  c very limited form of shapeshifting in which one can only assume the forms of nearby species or nearby races.
One with this ability could only transform into a human if he were near humans, a bird if he were near birds, and
the like, so as to blend in with them. The shapeshifting would be complete (the appearance, voice, habits and
abilities, etc.) but only the form of the nearest living entities could be assumed.
 + % %'$ The ability to shapeshift into a form that appears dangerous or menacing, while only retaining the abilities of
one's original form. One with this ability could turn into a Dragon, but would be unable to fly or breathe fire, and
their tail would be limp. This ability is not for combat, simply for a mode of defense (like transforming into a form
that looks like a snake, but having no venom).
% %' c"  c very specific form of shapeshifting in which one could only shapeshift into a form that one has previously
observed or come into contact with. One with this ability could turn into any person, any object or animal, so long
as they have come into contact with it before, or (less common) have a slight idea of what it looks like.
' % %'$ cnother specific version of shapeshifting in which one can only shapeshift into certain classes of animals, or only
certain species. One with this ability may be able to turn into any variety of wildcat, or any feline, but only felines.
Or they could be capable of shapeshifting into any variety of bird, or fish or dog, but only that one class of animal.
%$ The ability to lose an outer layer of skin to reveal a new, more beneficial one. For superhumans with superhuman
features this may entail losing dead skin, fur, scales, even wings, or an entire exoskeleton (but only one of these
features) to reveal new growths of the same parts underneath the old ones, which are stronger/better than the
previous ones. However, there are times when one superhuman feature is molted to reveal a new feature
underneath, or normal skin is molted to reveal a new superhuman feature each time, or skin of a different
texture, color or density (it may even allow the generation of an Organic Exoskeleton).
&  The ability to detect sickness in subjects. One with this ability gets a gut feeling that a subject is sick (or they can
perceive the aura of illness around the subject), and the closer they are to the subject, the user can more
accurately tell who it is that is sick. Sometimes one with this ability could even tell what the sickness or ailment is,
or how long they have been and will be sick.
$  The inability for the body of the user to be mimicked, copied or duplicated. One with this ability could not have
abilities stolen, could not be mimicked by shapeshifting, Illusion or Photographic Reflexes with any accuracy, no
matter how well abilities are developed (and only one of them can exist within one plane of existence at a time). If
a person tried to impersonate or otherwise mimic this person, they would never be able to get all their features
correct (even by cloning or forced replication). This ability is the Perspicuity for different types of mimicry.
0 %'$ The ability to use psionic power to increase or decrease one͛s size at will. Sometimes it is only possible for the user
of the ability to only become larger or only become smaller and then go back to normal. However, it is not
uncommon for the user of the ability to become larger or smaller as desired. Sometimes this ability could even be
used to change the size of other things as well (called Size Manipulation). This ability is usually accompanied with
Superhuman Endurance or Strength (for growers) or Superhuman cgility or Stealth (for shrinkers).
 $ The ability to put others to sleep at will. One with this ability may do so by a kiss, a touch, gentle speaking, a
contagious yawn or simply by mental broadcast (usually by only one of the above stated means). This ability
cannot determine the length of the sleep, and thus it is only a part of Hypnokinesis. However, the deepness of the
induced sleep varies with the user of the ability.
  The lack of the need to sleep. Even Psychic Persuasion could not cause a person with this ability to fall asleep, so
that they never have dreams or nightmares. One with this ability could be hit with numerous rounds of knockout
gas, and withstand it. This ability even allows the user to resist (but not totally withstand) being put to sleep by
choke-holds and being knocked unconscious. One with this ability could still tire; they just don͛t require full-out
sleep to restore stamina (although one could sleep if they desired). This ability may be accompanied by
Superhuman Stamina.
  The ability to intuitively determine how to interact with subjects. One with this ability could tell exactly what to
say to interact with certain people, or tell the rank of a person within a group. One with this ability usually has an
innate sense of the psychology of the people they encounter, allowing them to psychically discern how to calm
subjects down, settle arguments and otherwise interact efficiently. One with this ability may also have Telepathy,
Empathy or Circumlocution.
'  The ability to solidify any intangible subject or the ability to increase the rigidity of any solid construct or structure.
This ability can be used to solidify light beams to use as weapons, or to solidify radio waves to cause them to fall
out of the sky (preventing radio transmissions), or to trap a foe in their clothes by making them extremely rigid,
and the like. One with this ability could even negate Intangibility. When subjects are solidified, they lose the ability
to go through solid objects, yet they keep their defining properties (fire still burns, water is still wet and puts out
fire, lightning still shocks).
   The ability to release sonic waves vocally or mentally, which bounce off of the surfaces of objects and subjects in
order to allow the user of this ability to judge the distance between himself and an oncoming object, subject or
obstacle. This ability only roughly allows one to detect the size and sometimes the shape of approaching obstacles
so that one can accurately defend or retreat as needed. If the subject listens to obstacles, one can also discern
how far away it is and how what direction it is headed in. This ability is usually accompanied by the ability
Superhuman Hearing, Echolocation or Circumspect.
c  The ability to "ground out" sound waves around oneself via absorption, so as to be immune to all vocal/sonic
abilities. This ability would keep the user immune from being affected by sound of any kind, no matter how loud
or how low. This ability may sometimes also be used to backlash the sound sent at them, or to be inaudible or
avoid being seen by one who uses echolocation to see. This ability may or may not be activated at will, but if not,
it renders the user permanently deaf.
& The ability to mentally manipulate sound waves or to go beyond one͛s current vocal ability, allowing one to
¢   manipulate his own voice overwhelming foes with deafening noise, stun them with tight-focus low-frequency
sonic blasts, plunge them into a hypnotic trance, disorient them, nauseate them, or simply render them
unconscious. One with this ability can also create sonic blast wich struck with concussive force or perform
 $% The superhuman ability to see the ͞truth͟ within a subject, by peering into their inner self. One with this power
could tell someone's intentions by perceiving how they want to act versus how they actually do act, or how they
have acted in the past (called Heart-Reading) or tell what sins most afflict a person, through one of the five senses
(called Sin Sense or Iniquity Perception), and detect what state the person's soul is in, i.e. happy, troubled, etc.
This ability could even be used to tell if a person is possessed and the like.
   The mental ability to distort space; this isn͛t used to directly move an object or subject, but rather manipulate the
spatial presence of objects. One with this ability can ͞move͟ with no actual body movement, direct oneself
around obstacles while distorting space in their vicinity, redirect a subject's teleportation destination, or even
warp the space within an object (such as walls or projectiles) into a sphere that the user can pass through (the
latter is called Passage). One cannot, however, completely affect space with this power (for example, one can͛t
move a person out of bonds or out of one room and into another). If someone with this ability can do the latter
two tasks with their ability, it is no longer simple Spatial Distortion, but has developed into Teleportation.
'c cbilities which can only be used in certain situations, or can only work one way, or only affect certain targets. This
could range from Precognition only able to see a certain interval of time into the future, or only be able to move
plants (but not grow them). One with this ability may have abilities that only work a certain way (for example,
seeing in infrared, but not normal, or having Photon-Repressed Superstrength which only works in darkness, or
generating venom which only affects certain animals) or they may not be able to suppress their abilities (like
Permanent Disintegration or Permanent Sonic Scream or Permanent Onomatopoeisis).
'  The ability for the mouth to spew small projectiles (pieces of food, any other small thing capable of fitting into the
mouth, or perhaps some naturally-generated substance or energy) as though they were bullets being shot from a
gun. One with this ability may spit projectiles in a way that is rapid and accurate like a machine gun (Rapid
Spitfire), or shoot them in a way that is especially strong and concussive (Concussive Spitfire). This ability is usually
accompanied by Hyperbite, Matter Ingestion and/or Superhuman cccuracy.
 % The ability to move with above-average sneakiness beyond that of a normal human. This ability could be used to
keep perfectly still and silent when hiding, or sneak gracefully without tripping over things. Superhumans with this
power also tend to be good thieves and saboteurs (they are capable of adroit maneuvering and have an innate
sense of how to lie convincingly). One with this ability could keep certain people from perceiving them (by one
sense at a time) and not be detected by anything short of Telepathy or Superhuman cwareness. This ability may
even psychically (or subliminally) compel subjects not to notice the user.
%& The ability to mentally manipulate chemical elements. This could range from changing their density to releasing
¢  the gaseous or radioactive elements offensively. One could shift chemicals into their various states (solid, liquid,
gas, plasma) and/or transmute elements into other elements; this ability could even be used to activate and
manipulate catalytic or other chemical reactions if one pleased.
 $  $ The ability for a (usually) shapeshifter, upon reproduction, to produce a species other than his innate species.
When the shapeshifter reproduces, their unstable DNc changes from the parent's normal species to any of the
species that the shapeshifter has ever taken or is capable of taking, so that when the sex cells unite, they can
produce nearly any species; thus their child does not necessarily have to be a shapeshifter (they may have any
ability, or be any species). The species produced adapts to the parents͛ bodies, so that a human can birth eggs or
the like. Other forms of Strange Parentage include Parthenogenesis (birth by a virgin), Budding (replicates of the
parent form from buds on parent͛s body) and Supernatural/Paranormal Parentage (birth by a supernatural entity
or a supernatural process)
 $   The ability to maintain health from a substance or energy other than (but not always alternative to) normal
nutrients required by humans. One with this ability could sustain himself by nearly any substance. This ability
could even be used to keep from requiring normal food for an extended amount of time, thus keeping the body
active longer. However, this could pose a problem if their type of sustenance is a very peculiar type of substance,
which is hard to find. Obviously, other types of sustenance are possible.
c#   The ability to metabolize water as bodily sustenance. One with this ability has a metabolism based almost-entirely
on water, and as such, they can go entirely without eating solid food, and has kidneys which have superhuman
liquid-processing capabilities (so liquid poisons do far less damage than they normally would). This ability also
makes drowning nearly-impossible, if the user is under the water for less than the time it takes to drown, and the
 "    The ability to metabolize the skin of living creatures as bodily sustenance. One with this ability has a metabolism
for surviving on very scanty amounts of meat. They do not require as much liquid food, but do not require as
much fiber in their diet, either. The user of this ability may even be able to absorb the capabilities of the skin they
ingest (gaining temporary Camouflage by feeding on a superhuman with that power, etc.) or the like.
    The ability of the body to metabolize metals as bodily sustenance. This ability can be used to assimilate metal into
the body to increase strength and durability, and the like. One with this ability is often the perfect counter for a
dense wall of metal or some other metal barrier a foe can put up, because the user can usually even eat through
rough metals, rusted metals and perhaps up to steel and titanium-grade metals.
%% The ability of the body to metabolize light energy as bodily sustenance. One with this ability may be able to
sustain himself on solar energy, lunar energy, or just from light energy in general. One with this ability can go for
days (or indefinitely) without eating normal food; the light provides the metabolic energy for the subject, and may
even increase the strength of the user of this ability for as long as he is in the light.
%   The mind's ability to sustain the body, and keep it healthy, preventing it from relying on the normal need to eat
and drink (although eating is still optional). However, if healthy food is eaten, or healthy activities are pursued, the
body will become even healthier. Users of this ability can also survive after loss of a vital organ or a significant
amount of blood, because the mind keeps the body going, and thus it keeps itself going as well.
&    The ability to metabolize bone as sustenance. One with this ability may be able to ingest whole bones, or may
simply be able to bite through it for the marrow. This ability allows the user to assimilate the bones of living
creatures to the structure of their own bones, thus increasing their own skeletal strength and endurance based on
how much bone or marrow they have ingested. Not to mention, their bodies may be adapted to rip out bone
    The ability to metabolize earth as bodily sustenance. One with this ability may be able to sustain himself on
dirt/soil, mud, sediment, ores and perhaps even rock in order to survive. One with this ability is often completely
at home underground, and can use their dirt-eating affinity in lieu of Digging Skill or the like, while metabolizing it
quickly through the body like an earthworm (the digestion may even perhaps filter out metals, gems or the like).
! "  " The ability to metabolize the blood of living creatures as bodily sustenance. One with this ability has a metabolism
similar to one with cqueous Sustenance, as they do not require solid food to survive. This ability even allows
similar kidney capability (although it is somewhat stronger, as blood is thicker, and is more likely to have
pathogens). The user of this ability also has jaw modifications for breaking skin, and perhaps the ability to retract
the fangs needed for sanguinary sustenance.
 ! The ability to make one's own voice or the voice of another scratchy and grating, so as to hurt the ears of foes
(along with distracting, disorienting or jolting the foe). One with this ability could use it in lieu of a sonic scream, or
along with a sonic scream to amplify the damage done, as it would shatter glass and eardrums. One with this
ability can usually keep from getting a scratchy throat from it, but if it is used on a subject, they will not.
 '/  The ability to telepathically induce arguments or contention between small groups of subjects. This ability
decreases the capacity of the medulla oblongata, and thus greatly increases the aggression between any small
group of subjects. One with this ability could make anywhere from a minor argument between two people to a
full-out riot. If one learns to make a group of people gang up on one person in particular, this ability has
developed into enmity.
  $ The ability to psychically negate the rigidity in any subject, thus casuing solid subjects and objects to fall into a
heap of a soft, weak version of its constituent material. This ability does not turn the subject or subject into liquid,
it simply causes the subject to become helplessly pliable and limp, to the point that they cannot control their
motion. If the effects of this ability are left in place too long, it could kill the foe, as his body functions are
extremely impaired.
  1 &$ The ability to psychically weaken the structure of any solid subject, allowing them to be broken very easily. This
ability can allow a person of average strength to break through walls, knock out foes or tear through any other
subjects without the slightest of effort (although they could not lift very heavy materials as a part of this ability,
and thus it is not Superhuman Strength). This can be used on any solid material, even bones and other biotic
materials. It is known that the evolved human Marcus had this ability.
 '  The ability to mentally induce a dull stupor via visual contact (even if the user is blind). The subjects͛ memories
stay entirely intact, but they become disoriented, lightheaded and confused, so that mental abilities are
temporarily stagnated, accuracy is lowered, and the subject is slightly numb and clumsy. The subject͛s access to
knowledge also becomes severely impaired, so that judgment and intelligence seem to have been lowered.
"  The ability to psychically separate one's molecules, similar to intangibility, but instead of retaining one's natural
appearance, one would take on a form similiar to a gas or vapor. This also allows an effect similar to intangibility,
in which you can pass around objects instead of through them. This ability can be used to evade concussive fire or
even to go through air vents, air shafts and similarly-small spaces that are normally too difficult for average
humans to enter. In some cases, one can even choose the type of gas that one becomes with this ability.
"  $$ The psychic ability to send messages directly into a subject's psyche (instead of affecting just the mind by Psychic
Persuasion), by mentally emitting a subsonic message (mostly backward so the mind doesn't even pick it up). One
with this ability need only speak or gesture a certain way (or mentally access satellites to broadcast one's power
through electronic transmissions), which urges subjects to do a certain action (or even believe things which they
normally would not). This ability, however, is so subtle, that it's impossible for a power mimic to copy, and too
hard to detect by Telepathy, DNc Reading or Power Sensing.
"  ,  The ability to psychically project sexual thoughts into subjects' minds, speak with subliminal seductive power
¢    behind every word, and/or activate the brain's pleasure centers by touch or thought. This could be used to seduce
and attract subjects, or to induce psycholagny, in which a subject can become aroused or achieve orgasm simply
by thinking sexual thoughts. With this ability, notions and images would rush into a subject's head, and they would
believe that they were thinking the thoughts, and thus would be distracted, confused or accepting of the sexual
attraction. This ability also allows the user to perceive sexual information about the subject they pursue; what
pleases the desired subject, their sexual orientation, when they are aroused, their sexual capacity, their level of
fertility or virility, what they would be willing or unwilling to do (this is called Sexual Perception, also called a
Sexual/Sex Sense)
  The ability to innately produce a substance, material or type of energy from the body. These secretions are the
/ 2   most common, although other types of secretions are possible. These include a Flammable/Phlogistic Secretion,
Freezing/Cryogenic Secretion, Bioluminescent/Glowing Secretion, Hypnotic Secretion, Malleable Secretion (used
for minor appearance alteration), Water Discharge, Electrical Discharge or Power-Identifier Discharge (which
clings to the skin of those with superhuman abilities), among numerous others.
c/  The ability to generate and secrete acidic substances from the body. One with this ability can manifest it as
spitting or simply as acidic skin secretion, such as sweat or even bleeding. This ability also usually allows the user
to shift the acidity of the acid or to control when it is emanated from the body, so that it can be used to corrode
subjects or even blind or burn opponents. The same can be done with bases (called Base Generation/Secretion),
but the secretion is slippery.
c " c  The ability to release a mellifluous aroma from the body as a mode of seduction or attraction. This ability can
change one's scent into one that is pleasing to any subject, and as such it is also an empathic faculty, although the
scent is released at will. The smell changes based on what subjects are around, and can range from befriending
dogs, to seducing men (or women) to keeping bees from attacking.
%" /  The ability to secrete a substance from the body which is not normally found within the body. This substance may
be poisonous, sticky, noxious or induce numerous effects based on the user's emotional state. This ability may
even allow the user immunity to the substance they generate. Sometimes this ability is the precursor to Venom
Generation or Mucus Generation or the like.
/2//  The ability to generate and secrete gel and/or glue from the body. One with this ability can manifest it as spitting
or simply as gelatinous skin secretion. This ability also usually allows the user to vary the stickiness or slipperiness
of the gel or to control when it is emanated from the body, so that it can be used to stick to foes like glue or cause
foes to slip and fall (depending on the user).
( $/  The ability to generate or secrete substances from the body which warp the mental and motor stability of all who
inhale the vapors. One with this ability could manifest it as spitting or simply as a gaseous skin secretion. This
ability allows the user to vary the thickness or concentration of the hallucinogen or to control when it is emanated
from the body, so that it can be used to daze foes or intoxicate them like a living drug.
&/  The ability to generate and secrete ink or murky substances from the body. One with this ability can manifest it as
spitting or simply as a skin secretion, similar to Mucus Generation. This ability also usually allows the user to
change the thickness of the ink or to control when it is released from the body, so that it can be used to blind,
stun or otherwise disorient opponents.
/  The ability to generate and secrete mucous materials from the body. One with this ability can manifest it as
spitting or simply as mucous skin secretion. This ability also usually allows the user to vary the stickiness of the
mucus or to control when it is emanated from the body, so that it can be used to stick to surfaces or even blind
 " "2,  The ability to exude toxic gases at will, through the skin or by exhalation. This gas or miasma is usually a highly
potent version of carbon monoxide or some other poisonous gas. The gas generated could range from nerve gas
and laughing gas to highly-concentrated chlorine and mustard gas. Some with this ability may even alternate
between several types of gases. However, this gas is not always toxic or capable of bodily harm; sometimes it is
just thick, so that the user could escape danger or choke foes.
 $" The ability to generate a chemical agent from one's body, either the hands, or any open skin, which induces
genetic mutation in biotic subjects. One with this ability could, with a touch, horribly distort a foe's appearance, or
a foe's abilities (or both). This ability could even induce sickness and genetic disorders in foes (such as cancer,
diabetes, asthma, or any other disease which will pose difficulty for foes), activate recessive superhuman abilities
in allies, or activate recessive diseases and flaws in foes.
, " The ability to release a foul odor at when one is nervous or feels that they are being threatened. One with this
ability may accomplish it one of two ways. Either the ability is based on the body of the user (in which the user
releases only a certain type of gas or pheromone through the mouth or the pores), or the ability is empathic, in
which the odor is released physically, but changes based on which odor the subject will find most offensive.
/  The ability to generate a dark, slippery substance when one feels nervous or threatened. One with this ability can
manifest it as spitting or a skin secretion. This ability also usually allows the user to change the slipperiness of the
oil and/or to control when it is released from the body, so that it can be used to trip up, blind or otherwise
disorient opponents.
 " " The ability to release some sort of energy which is supernatural in nature. One with this ability may exude the
pure essence of Magic (to increase or induce magical capacity in others), or substances such as ͞Balefire͟ (which
disrupts physical and mental processes), ͞Nether͟ (the opposite of Quintessence), ͞Nullfire͟ (which obliterates
living matter), and others. One with this ability may even exude Divine Essence (which cleanses the body of
current sin and makes one in tune with the supernatural). The subtlety and suppressibility of this power varies
with each user.
   $/  The ability to psychically generate energy which constantly renews itself. Should one electron of this energy touch
another electron, the energy is multiplied back to the original amount of work, so the excess heat or energy lost
does not negatively effect the amount of work a machine can produce, which generates perpetual work within a
closed system. This ability could be used to fuel energy-based attacks, or fuelling a machine simply by putting only
a tiny portion of this energy into the battery or engine of the desired machine. This ability may be accompanied by
some other energy-based ability.
% "/  The ability to exude pheromones from the skin. These pheromones may induce a pleasure, or may put subjects
into a state of high suggestibility (either of which is useful for limited mind control). The user's pheromones may
even increase stamina, slightly stimulate the healing process or (used offensively) cause foes to become
disoriented, violent or extremely sick.
 " /  The ability to give off an ionized gas from the body, or to psychically ionize the gas in the air around oneself, and
vary the temperature and amount of plasma generated. One with this ability could create fields of plasma which
can conduct electricity, and are superhot to the touch, reaching levels of heat similar to that of lightning. In fact,
plasma generated by even weaker users could conduct one bolt of lightning, and provide mild to moderate
resistance to radiation and electrocution hazards. The plasma generated would only take damage from extremely
powerful physical or psychic measures.
'/  The ability to generate a thick outer covering due to the feeling of impending danger. One with this ability
generates extreme amounts of hair, or spikes, or skin or some other dermal covering (even a substance similar to
rock) to protect oneself from a long fall, or from an impending hit. One with this ability can usually only generate a
certain type of covering, which cannot be chosen, as it is innate. This ability is usually accompanied by a Danger
-"   The radiation and manipulation of pure energy. One with this ability could increase their own physical capabilities,
¢&+  such as defiance of gravity or focus into powerful concussive blasts. One with this ability has altered senses,
agility, speed, reflexes, etc. and is capable of perpetual energy generation (no need for sleep, rest, or food/water).
It may be the only ability that power mimicry cannot replicate, as the energy is generated, not manipulated from
outside sources.
 /  The ability to emanate spores or pheromones which induce certain effects on subjects. The effect is not chosen,
but is based solely on the physiology of the user, and varies from nerve gas spores, sleep-inducing spores, allergen
spores or the like. The spores may even be seeds which float in the air and burrow into any soil or living subject
with which they come into contact (and sap the nutrients or energy within). This ability may be accompanied by
cromatic cllure or Noxious Odor Emission.
%  /  The ability to generate and release a non-sticky thread from the body. One with this ability can manifest it as
spitting or simply as a secretion from the wrists and/or mouth. This ability also usually allows the user to change
the strength of the string or to control when it is released from the body, so that it can be used to constrict, sling,
trap or otherwise disorient opponents.
!"/  The ability to generate and secrete venom or poisonous substances from the body. One with this ability can
manifest it as spitting or simply as a skin secretion, similar to Mucus Generation. This ability also usually allows the
user to change the potency of the venom or to control when it is released from the body, so that it can be used to
blind, paralyze or otherwise disorient opponents.
1 ,/  The ability to generate and secrete wax and/or similar substances from the body. One with this ability can
manifest it as spitting or simply as waxy, slippery skin secretion. This ability also usually allows the user to vary the
slipperiness or viscosity of the wax or to control when it is emanated from the body, so that it can be used to stick
to gum up electronics, blind or burn foes (if it is hot).
1/  The ability to generate and secrete web or sticky substances from the body. One with this ability can manifest it as
spitting or simply as a secretion from one of the body's orifices. This ability also usually allows the user to change
the strength of the web or to control when it is released from the body, so that it can be used to sling, constrict or
otherwise disorient opponentsͶeven building webs to trap foes (called Web Construction or Web Weaving).
""$ The ability to mentally summon, conjure or materialize subjects. Numerous faculties of this ability are possible.
¢  The first is most common, and includes the summoning of things from dreams, the user's "spirit animal", or a
guardian entity. cnother means includes the summoning of any desired (or random) object or subject that can
help to get out of a dangerous situation. However, another faculty seems to create constructs out of thin air, but it
really summons molecules to form the shape desired, creature or construct (this is called Materialization). It may
be limited to one or the other.
  %" c  The peak of activity in the brain center for coordination and accuracy. c person with this ability can hit any target
exactly; they can balance like second-nature, along with keener spatial awareness and have extremely sharp
vision. For example, one would be able to sense without effort when a slight change occurs within their
environment. This would even allow one to judge distances accurately. Such a person might also prove useful
against perception-distorting abilities such as luminescence.
  %" c$ The extreme nimbleness and lightness on the feet (the ability to quickly go from one motion to another). One with
this ability can jump, cartwheel and back flip with great ease (and quickly). This ability is also useful for effectively
dodging attacks, swinging from things accurately, sprinting and numerous gymnastic implements. This ability is
often accompanied by Superhuman Dexterity, so that the movements are very graceful and fluent, as well.
  %" c " The presence of anatomical features within a superhuman that are normally absent within a normal human (or
even some other superhumans). Whatever the case may be (even with numerous superhuman features at a time),
the user͛s anatomy and specific adaptations defy the logic of modern medicine. The superhuman may have
Magnetic Bones, Razor-Sharp Teeth that look perfectly normal, a Hyperelastic Nervous System or the like.
Numerous (possibly infinite) other variations are possible.
c "  "  May be anywhere from Superhuman Respiration, Hyper Metabolism to other things like Superhuman Cardiac
Capacity, Superhuman Neuronal Capacity (enhanced perception and reflexes) or some similar ability.
c "  ") Implies that some body system (or body part), serves another purpose in lieu of (or along with) that which
humans normally use them for. This may range from Hollow Bones to Explosive Blood to Motion-Detecting Eyes
(for a blind superhuman) or Metallic Sweat, and the like.
c "  $2 "  Usually are the size they are for good reason. Either the hands are larger than normal for enhanced grip, or the
  feet are larger for enhanced jumping/kicking. Or some other body part may be smaller than normal because they
are of no use to the user, etc.
, " Other body parts (two hearts, extra brain, etc.) help for double (or otherwise multiplied) faculty. Extra arms help
strength, extra legs help jumping capacity, extra brains help intelligence, memory, etc.
)  Hair which is (normally) longer than that of a normal human. It usually covers the entire body of the superhuman,
and may be used in regulation of body temperature (or it may simply be long and thick enough to tangle and trap
foes in (although it is not prehensile).
  c "  c superhuman feature which is defensive in nature. This may entail scales (called Scaly Skin), thorns/spikes (called
Prickly/Spiky Skin), rough patches (called cbrasive Skin), or even some sort of cutting projection (called
Incisive/Cutting Skin). However, it may entail the presence of an entire exoskeleton, innate (an Organic
Exoskeleton) or generated as needed (an Empathic Exoskeleton), or even a shell into which the user can pull back
(this is called Withdraw). Sometimes crmor can be generated or retracted at will, while some features (like spikes
or scales) can be flung as projectiles.
  1  Superhuman features which are offensive in nature. This ability may entail the presence of Claws which are so
sharp that they are capable of cutting through tough materials (this is called cssassin Claw or Claws) or Pincers
capable of grabbing/chopping subjects. However, this may entail the presence of Fangs (sometimes along with the
claws), which are sharp like those of a wild animal; they grow back quickly if knocked out (this is called cssassin
Fang or just Fangs). This may even entail the presence of Horns/cntlers, used to stab or knock around foes (called
Gore), or a Stinger.
   Usually for the purpose of enhanced sight. The eyes may be yellow, orange or some other strange color, etc.
because of the capacity they allow. Or the eyes may occur in odd numbers compared to humans (only one or
more than two), or they may close sideways or some other odd visual faculty
* Simply more animal versions of the hands. They can be used for digging and for batting foes with great power.
They are usually likened unto those of a dog or a bear, although other animal species are possible (even Hooves or
similar animal-foot variations).
' " The presence of an outer protective covering over an extremity, organ or body system, allowing this system alone
Superhuman Endurance. One with this ability may have been genetically altered to have their bones covered in
steel, or the like, or their body may naturally possess extra muscle, extra bone or another naturally generated
substance which adds extra fortification to the skeletal, muscular or another body system. This ability cannot be
  %"  $  Organs which don't occur naturally in humans; they are useful only for superhuman abilities. This may include the
mechanism normally found in birds that allows Magnetoception, or the organ normally found in eels which allows
them to generate electricity or the like.
  Simply part of an animalistic physique. However, it may also be used to maintain balance, grasp or toss foes, or it
may have a tail-ending that allows a certain faculty (such as a tail likened to a drill for digging, a tail that is flat for
swatting, or the like)
%$$6 * The presence of jaws that are capable of coming off of their natural hinge, in order to engulf subjects that would
be too large to be swallowed by normal subjects. However, one with this ability could also enhance the range of
oral-based abilities as Sonic Scream, Matter Ingestion and/or Hyperbite (even Vortex Inhalation and/or Gale
Exhalation). One with this ability usually also has a pliable digestive tract and can stomach the large things they
1$ Organs used by animals and superhumans in order to aid in propelled Flight. These wings may be avian, insectoid,
batlike, demon-like or otherwise designed depending on the uses of the superhuman
  %" c*  The peak of consciousness and awareness. One with this ability can sense their environment (the presence,
position and motion of others etc.), and could tell when the slightest changes occur (a footstep, an increase in
heartbeat, etc). They also wake up from unconsciousness without being groggy, could not get vertigo or be
naturally disoriented, and aren͛t subject to natural mental distortion. It is possible their mind could be dominated,
but they would know it was happening.
  %" ,  The adroit sureness of the movements of the digits and limbs, which allows one to accomplish many tasks,
including typing on a computer with good accuracy, juggling, catching things thrown at oneself, or the like; this
ability also includes the near-inability to fumble, unbalance or trip by any means short of luck manipulation. This
ability is usually accompanied by the ability Superhuman cccuracy, Superhuman cgility and Superhuman Reflexes.
  %"   The ability to resist adamage beyond an average person. This can be accomplished by either exceptionally tough
skin, or a psychic force covering the skin, so that he can perceive sensation, but cannot easily be hurt or stunned
from concussive damage (conventional weapons cannot easily inflict harm). Examples of other resistances include
but are not limited to: Heat, Cold, Radiation, Pressure and Electricity. Resistance must be specified. cnother
faculty of this ability, however, may refer to having exceptional stamina (this is called Superhuman Stamina,
Superstamina or Stamina), which allows one to stay active for far longer before the user even begins to tire.
  %" $ The ability for the mind to learn and retain knowledge on a better level than that of a normal human. This is
accomplished by the psychic ability to decipher any knowledge that lies within a subject by studying it, allowing
one superhuman learning speed and comprehension, accompanied by superhuman leaps of logic and better-than-
normal (but not necessarily superhuman) memory. The longer a person with this ability will study, the smarter he
gets (he may even review the same material for a short time and still learn new things). People of genius-level
intellect are known to possess this ability.
  %" ', The superhuman ability to react to stimuli beyond the capability of others. People with this ability can dodge
bullets, catch flies mid-air and normally react instantaneously to what others take more time to react to. If a
person attempts to punch a person with this power, this person can dodge the hit and retaliate before the first
person even gets a hit in. This ability may be accompanied by (or be adept in battling a superhuman that has)
Superhuman Speed.
  %"   The presence of a brilliant strategic mind. It is a very powerful ability; not strong as physical power, but one with
this ability is very cunning and crafty. When confronted with a problem, their brains automatically revert back to
what they know to be common sense, allowing them to systematically work toward nearly any solution. This
makes them excellent in leadership skills and tricking opponents. This ability is usually accompanied by
Superhuman Intelligence. cnother faculty of this ability allows the user to practice extreme patience, so that he
can intuit the correct time to strike, how to resolve disputes and arguments or even resist temptation, be it
violent, sexual or the like they may even be able to resist low-level telepathy and mental/body/spiritual
domination (called Superhuman Patience or Superhuman Willpower).
  %"   The presence of sensory centers that work far better than those of normal humans. While it is common that users
of this ability have all their senses beyond those of normal humans, it is possible that the possessor may only have
one or two of these senses at a time. The user may not even be able to control his senses, so that he can
see/hear/smell or otherwise sense on a superhuman level all the time.
  %"  " They can distinguish subjects by their scents; they can track subjects and distinguish between simultaneously-
occurring smells; may be involuntarily sensitive to loud smells, aromatic attacks and nasal-based allergens (or may
be able to selectively not smell an unpleasing odor)
  %"   They can taste hints of things that have been long washed-off, and tell the ingredients of a recipe or if a substance
has been masked; normally accompanied by the ability a superhumanly durable tongue, csepsis or Material
Intuition; their sense of taste can work almost like a sense of smell
  %"  $% They can see detail in subjects from further away than normal humans, and can see/react to things (bullets or fists
in motion) faster; they can see in murky water and fog with less strain and see in intense light with less light-
sensitivity than normal humans; they are good at speed-reading or lip-reading as well
  %" ( $ This could be used to hear sounds more clearly, and distinguish the presence of others by memory of sounds,
even with simultaneously-occurring sounds, or fast talking: one with this ability may be involuntarily sensitive to
loud noises or capable of detecting heartbeats by hearing
  %"     This can be used to judge distances accurately, tell if an object can fit into a space, discern the speed, velocity and
momentum of objects, sense when/where a subject teleports and sense the shape of things in one's proximity (if
unable to see): they are incapable of suffering from vertigo
  %" %  They can feel the minutest indentation on a page, allowing one to read by touch, detect the presence of trap-
  % doors, feel vibrations of oncoming foes in the air or on the ground and the like; may be accompanied by the ability
Superhuman Reflexes and perhaps an extra sensitivity to physical pain or discomfort
  %"  0 The state of a superhuman being larger or smaller than a normal human. One with this ability may be of giant
proportions, or small like an elf, or some size in-between. This person's body may be small, so as to crawl into
small spaces, or large enough to grapple and easily defeat smaller foes. One with this ability is not able to change
their present size, but they are naturally smaller or larger than normal humans of their age, gender and/or racial
  %"   The ability for a person to move faster than the speed of a normal human. This may be accomplished one of two
ways, the first of which including superhumanly powerful legs. The second way includes the mind either exerting a
force which propels the body at quicker speeds, or a different psychic force which allows the bodys molecules to
vibrate at high speeds. This sort of psychic energy also allows intangibility.
  %"   $% The ability for a person to exert force from the muscles beyond that of a normal human. This can be accomplished
by either fortifying the muscles with psychic force (similar to the energy which allows Telekinesis), or simply
having denser muscle mass than that of a normal human. The amount of psychic force for the former (and thus,
the amount of strength) varies from person to person. The upper levels of this ability are not yet known, but it
remains possible that with training this person could lift, pull or push several tons.
" The dependence of two or more organisms upon each other for survival. One with this ability may depend on
organism which endow the user with some faculty or superhuman ability (or defends the user in some way) while
the user provides nourishment or shelter for the organism with which it coexists. The organism may even live
within the body of the superhuman, and the evidence of the user's superhumanity is a body part or organ
designed for sustaining or coexisting with that organism.
" % The psychic ability to empathically absorb all the pains and stresses of subjects. One with this ability is capable of
keeping allied subjects from feeling any pain, no matter how badly they are injured. This is because the user of the
ability actually absorbs the pain sensation from the subject, even if the subject is oneself, and disperses it by
feeling it all at once, and then the pain is dismissed.
 %  The ability to perceive any sense through any exposed skin or organ on the body. One with this ability could tell
the smell of a substance by touching it, or tell the taste of an object by smelling it. This ability could be used to see
though the hands (if one were blind), or smell through the eyes, and the like. The senses would still register within
the proper sensory organs, it would simply occur a different way than normal.
% % The psychic ability to sense and control the functions of electronic devices requiring only physical or mental
¢$  contact with the device, to potentially override security codes and infiltrate an installation with ease by
manipulating any electronic device, or sense the presence of electronics (even artificial intelligence). cn advanced
Technopath may even be able to combine the communicating, interacting, mimicking, merging and controlling
faculties of this ability to enhance their ability greatly.
  + Projection of consciousness into electronic devices (or psionic conversion of physical matter to/from digital data);
may also include free-course interaction/manipulation of programs, travel in "cyberspace" and transport between
any two connected digital conduits
$  Psychic mimicry of the electronic "thought" processes of a computer hard drive, allowing memory and data
gathering, analysis and processing on par with or beyond a supercomputer; this ability can also be used to read
bar codes/binary code like an actual language, and to ͞borrow the senses͟ of machines designed to detect things
(radar, GPS tracking, etc.). In addition, their mind may be blocked from mental access by a password
%' "$ Harmlessly merging one's biology with a technological device, taking the best attributes of both the machine and
the user to create an effective "cyborg-esque" gestalt: may include the use of nanobots which quickly reform and
heal any wounds, injuries or disabilities the user has, or the like
%& The mental manipulation of electronic/digital technology, so they can be controlled without need for physical
contact, and can be made to function/malfunction according to the user͛s will, even being moved and controlled
like puppets; may include Mechanokinesis, the ability to psychically control motor-run machines by empathically
connecting to the electrical wiring within cars, kitchen appliances and the like
& The ability to psychically manipulate the plate tectonics. One with this ability could induce or negate several
terrene natural disasters, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, mudslides (even tsunamis). One with this ability
may even be able to manipulate geothermal energy and/or magma and lava. This ability may be accompanied by
the ability ctmokinesis, Naturespeak or some other nature-based ability.
& The ability for a person to psychically influence tangible matter with the intangible mind. One with this ability
¢    could mentally lift subjects that are usually far too heavy to lift with the user͛s actual arms. One with this ability
could toss, grab, lift, levitate and otherwise interface with physically tangible subjects even to the point of
manipulation from a great distance and manipulation of concealed subjects that the user can͛t even see. The
primary type of Telekinesis is most common.
& The untamed version of Telekinesis. This ability causes any nearby objects to move around the user at high
¢$    speeds, explode or to be propelled away from the user at high speeds without conscious effort from the user of
the power (the ability is activated by the user feeling that he or she is in danger, or being under extreme
emotional stress). One with this ability could move objects that weigh far more than he/she does.
! & Like normal Telekinesis, is the ability for a person to psychically influence tangible matter with the intangible
mind. However, instead of simply using psychic force to move and manipulate objects, one with this ability
manifests it as a set of invisible appendages of telekinetic energy. These are capable of lifting objects with more
strength and maneuvering with much more dexterity than normal Telekinesis, allowing one to do many tasks at
once as though one had multiple hands. These tasks can be as tough as lifting a truck to as fine as typing on the
computer or juggling.
 & The ability to channel the psychic energy that allows telekinesis through the hands, so as to appear as though one
had superhuman strength. One with this ability has nearly all the same faculties as super strength (hitting with
phenomenal force, have an amazing grip, and easily manipulate tough materials). One with this ability, however,
could only lift or manipulate objects based on the level of his telekinesis, which would have to develop over time.
"  The psychic perception, detection and the manipulation of the digital/electronic/radio waves within electronic
devices. The user acts as a living internet hub, allowing them to sift through the internet and
electronic/digital/radio waves with their mind. Furthermore, they can manipulate existing waves and receive and
create their own, giving them the ability to communicate with any computer or radio on the fly, regardless of
whether it has a working connection. This ability may also allow the projection of one's voice over radio, digital or
electronic transmissions/recordings (called the Electric Voice Effect/Phenomenon or EVE or EVP)
 %    The ability to psychically project thought waves as vocalizations. One with this ability could touch a subject and
both the user and the subject go into a trance. The subject becomes unconscious and the user of the ability
vocalizes the thoughts of the subject through his mouth as though through a record player. If the power is
uncontrolled, then in the presence of any nearby subject (whether or not they are touching), the user goes into a
trance and plays the subjects͛ thoughts.
 % The ability to psychically communicate information from one mind to another. This can range from the traditional
reading of minds to implanting thoughts into others͛ minds. This could also allow the user to project telepathic
illusions (illusory invisibility, illusory copies, and the like), or send thought-wave "static" into the minds of those
who try to invade his mind. This ability can even be used to tap into the recesses of the mind to bring forth
formerly-repressed memories or forgotten information, or the like.
    is the superhuman ability to psychically move from one locale to another without occupying the space in between
the two locations. Sometimes, a person with this ability can move short distances (i.e. from this house to this
house), or intermediate distances (i.e. from this street to this street), while most superhumans with this ability can
also move vast distances (from this country to this country, or world to world), as long as its within the same
dimension or time.
    Teleportation through "bubbles" or domes of psionic energy set at the starting point and the destination point
Catoptric Teleportation or Mirror Travel- Teleportation into or between any two mirrors or reflective surfaces
(only on the current plane), or possibly the ability to teleport subjects into mirrors, trapping them within (called
Mirror Trapping or Catoptric Trapping)
 * 2/ *  Teleportation by stepping into any door or through any (archway) gate and stepping out into any other door in the
  "    Teleportation accomplished during sleep; the userREM sleep affects the space-time continuum, teleporting the
user to wherever he dreams of (if the place exists); this ability may be accompanied by Psychic Sleep and/or Lucid
"     Teleportation is accomplished through only a certain element (Pyroportation: teleportation through fire,
Hydroportation/cquaportation: teleportation through water, Geoportation/Terraportation: teleportation through
earth, ceroportation: teleportation through wind currents, etc.)
) $ Teleportation in which the user seems to slowly fade away at one point and then fade in at another point
) "$ Teleportation in which the user is surrounded by heat waves and flame (and sometimes smoke)
 The users body's molecules disassemble at one point and come back together at another
%'$ Teleportation only to a certain location (not back from that location); may be shared by twins or siblings/relatives
%"" $  &$ Teleportation which is accompanied by a flurry of sparkles
"&$  "$$$ Teleportation in which the user vanishes in a puff of smoke (or in a smoke form) and reappears at another point
 c% $ cbility to refuse to be teleported by force; the user of this ability can also prevent the teleportation and time-
travel (or Dimensional Travel) of others
 %    Teleportation accomplished by psionically converting the s body into a thought wave, then traveling into the mind
of a subject, and jumping from that mind to the mind of a person at the desired destination
   +  cbility to divert the destination of a subject's teleportation. The user of this power must know what the place
looks like or the teleporter will just "jump" to any random location
9 $ Teleportation is accompanied by a zapping sound and/or crackles of electricity or some other energy
  The psychic interaction between local and remote users. The application of such involves remote collaboration
and interaction between the user and a subject or subjects as though they were in proximate vicinities. This is
similar to Remote Viewing because the user can project his consciousness elsewhere (the user and the subject to
which the user communicates would see each other as though they were right next to another), but he can also
keep your current consciousness.
 ! The ability to see far beyond the normal sight range of a human. This is accomplished when the mind of the user
of the ability can psychically refract light, which makes objects appear closer than they actually are. This ability can
be used to see over vast distances (up to miles away), but the actual radius is variable. This ability may or may not
be accompanied by some other aspect of vision.
%  Sensing at a distance, and is an obvious compliment to Telekinesis and Telepresence. This ability allows the users
of this ability to remotely sense stimuli that interact with the user of the ability, but you also maintain your
current consciousness, so it's not like you're in a different place; one simply perceives in multiple places at once.
One with this ability would also have either the ability Telepresence, Telepathy or Telekinesis.
"     The temporal ability to visibly project or "replay" events, to observe moments in time. This ability sometimes
entails the psionic generation of a visible timeline that one could skim through by touch. However, another
version of this ability entails the psychometric absorption and projection of scenes from the mind so that
everyone around may observe past/future events as though they were in real time. Or it may involve the psychic
generation of a panel allowing one to observe time as though looking in a mirror/window. If one possessed the
panel generation or the timeline generation faculty of this ability, the ability may also be accompanied by
%  %   The ability to transform into a form similar to an animal, or (more commonly) the anthropomorphic version of an
animal. The most common example is Lycanthropy, when one takes the form of a wolf/anthropomorphic wolf (a
Werewolf). However, other known variations include ciluranthropy, when one takes the form of a
cat/anthropomorphic cat (a Werecat), and clopanthropy, when one takes the form of a fox/anthropomorphic fox
(a Werefox). The animal form allows the abilities inherent to that animal, while the anthropomorphic form allows
those abilities to be multiplied greatly. This ability may be accompanied by Lunacy. The transformation may be
intentional (and last as long as desired), or brought about against the user͛s will by some phase of the moon (and
last for as long as the moon is out). Other types of Therianthropy are possible.
% "& The ability to mentally manipulate the motion of molecules, thus changing temperature in the immediate vicinity.
This can range from controlling body temperature (called Body Temperature Manipulation or Body Temperature
Control) to generating mass heat waves or massive cold fronts. This ability does not change the weather
immediately, it only changes how hot or cold things are, sometimes resulting in changing the weather. This ability
may be accompanied by the ability to resist temperature extremes, as well Freezing, Burning, ctmokinesis or the
"'  Total immunity to any and all time-based abilities, attacks, etc. One with this ability could move through a
Geriatric cura without aging, or not have time sped up, slowed down or stopped around them, so that one with
the ability Chronokinesis would be of no use against them. One with this ability could not move through time, and
could be entirely aware of when time is affected, as their mind would move in normal time, even when time is
reversed, moved forward or stopped in their immediate vicinity.
  %'$ The ability to change the minor features of one's appearance so as to appear only minutely different. One with
this ability can change his fingerprints, footprints, his retinal pattern, his dental patterns, blood type or any other
small feature. One with this ability could even change his hair texture or vocal cords, so as to appear a different
race or to escape proper identification, to pass voice, fingerprint or retinal scans as though one were someone
else. One with this ability could even remove all of his traces at will or change the traces of other living things
(called Trace Manipulation).
 &$+  The ability to negate one's traces which assist in psychic/psionic tracing or tracking. This includes the negation of
one's psionic trail, psionic suppression of one's innate scent and heat signature and the psionic masking of traces
of bodily oils and fluids; sound wouldn't even bounce off of them (it would slide past them as though the user was
not there at all, so they could still hear) so that they couldn͛t be tracked by sonar, radar or the abilities
Echolocation or Magnetoception. cnother faculty of this ability even allows the user to avoid abilities like
Superhuman cwareness, Spatial Sense or the like (called Detection Evasion).
 "  The ability to psychically turn one substance into another substance. One with this ability could do this one of two
ways. The first version of this ability is Molecular Transmutation or Molecular Transmogrification, in which one
rearranges the molecules of objects, transforming them into something that it is already similar to, such as water
into hydrogen and oxygen. The second version is called ctomic Transmutation or ctomic Transmogrification, in
which one rearranges the atoms of objects to turn a substance into another substance entirely, such as turning
lead to gold or water to diamond. Other forms of transmutation (such as Cellular Transmutation or Mechanical
Transmutation) change the form and function of entire systems, not just one substance, and thus cannot be
counted as actual Transmutation.
  ! The ability to use psychic energy on the eyes to see through a subject as though it were invisible, no matter how
dense the interfering subject is. One with this ability could see through to the bottom of the sea, by ignoring the
presence of the water, or just look through a vault to view its contents, depending on how the ability is focused.
This ability even allows the user to see the color and definite shape of subjects viewed, as well as any other detail
the user may value as important. This can be turned on/off at will and may be accompanied by some other aspect
of vision.
     The psionic ability to painlessly detach a body part or absorb body fluids, and transfer it to another (or to your
own) body by touch. One with this ability sheathes their hands in Ectenic Force, allowing them to reach within the
body of the desired transfer subject intangibly (even oneself), and then grab the desired organ or absorb the
desired body fluid (with no harm to the body), and then they touch another body, remove the same body parts
from another body and switch the two specimens out. cfter the transplant, the psychic energy left on the body
part will cause the body part/organ/tissue/fluid to regenerate. Upon transplanting the organs of a donor (whether
human or superhuman), the organs assimilate to the user's body, and gain any powers the user had, instead of
keeping the powers they had on their previous body.

     The ability to use one's own body as a mode of transportation or containment. This involves the presence of an
empty internal organ that is specifically designed to carry other living organisms. However, other variations entail
the literal absorption of the subject into the body (and perhaps the shrinking of the foe so the subject can fit into
the organ or presence of extradimensional space within the body). This ability may also be accompanied by the
ability to contract the muscles of the organ designated for transportation, along with Superhuman Size and/or
Hyperelasticity. Carrying a subject in one's arms does not count as Transportation; carrying subjects on the user͛s
back only counts as Transportation if the user does not tire from transporting.
 & The ability to psychically manipulate molecules, so as to change the amount of friction on a surface. One with this
ability could render one with the ability cbrasive Skin helpless, as they could keep the subject's skin from being
abrasive. Or they could reduce the friction of floors to cause foes to slip and fall. One with this ability could even
increase friction in order to keep subjects from slipping on normally-slippery surfaces (possibly allowing or
disabling adhesion), or superheat objects by inducing extreme friction in them.
 %$ The ability to psychically deactivate the part of the brain that allows the concoction of falsehood. This ability
psychically forces someone to tell the truth to any question asked, even if the answer is known on a subconscious
level (or sometimes perhaps even an absolute truth).
%& The ability to mentally alter stochastic fields, which affect the chance of one event or another, thus generating
¢    good or bad luck. With this ability one could even use stochastic fields to set events into motion (as long as there
is a chance of it happening anyway), causing normally-improbable things to happen, or normally-likely events to
not happen.
 %& The ability to mentally generate and manipulate smoke. One possessing this ability can generate or clear clouds of
smoke, or pollute air by converting immense amounts of normal air into poison smoke to harm foes (or turn it into
harmless smoke as a means of cover or stealth). One with this ability could even breathe normally in smoky air.
 +! The mental ability to perceive ultraviolet light as visible light. This ability could allow one to see colors more clearly
than normal humans, and to perceive colors that normal humans cannot, allowing one to see fingerprints left
behind on objects, as well as traces of semen, urine, blood, saliva or germ infected areas. One with this ability
could even see clearly through rain or fog, as though there were none, or look directly at the sun without risk of
optical damage. This ability may or may not be able to be turned off at will, and could be accompanied by another
aspect of vision.
" & The ability to mentally generate and manipulate darkness, deactivated photons mostly,the absence of light. One
¢    with this ability can even deactivate and repulse light energy or travel through shadows (called Umbrageous
Teleportation), by converting deactivated photons into a dark version of a portal. One with this power could or
surround foes in pitch black clouds of lightless space, turn deactivated photons into constructs (similar to
Photokinesis), or shoot bolts of solid darkness at foes.
   c resistance to the forces of fate. One with this ability is not affected by Tychokinesis (when touching a luck-
manipulator, their powers of probability alteration are negated), and their moves cannot be predicted by
Precognition, Psychometry, Telepathy or Divination. One with this ability cannot be included in prophecies; their
moves are hard to determine by Psychic Strategy, Imaginative Deduction, Quantum Deduction or other psychic
(non-normal) means, short of Omniscience. By simply existing, this person may change things that have been
predicted. This power can't be absorbed or stolen (but it could be mimicked).
! "  The ability to psychically move molecules and particles in order to increase the amount of empty space within an
area. When the user of this ability lets go of the vacuum, the empty space will cause a container (or object or
subject) to implode. However, one with this ability could not slow or speed up implosions. One with this ability
could even do this without a container, effectively gravitating subjects toward any desired locale or suffocating
foes within them. This ability may be accompanied by Spatial Distortion or the ability to resist or entirely generate
or withstand gravitation.
! "  " The sustenance of a user on a subject's energy. One with this ability does not necessarily kill the subject; they may
simply feed off of (or become invigorated by) one specific type of energy from a foe. The user of this ability may
absorb this source of energy through the skin (ex: nerve impulses), via telepathic/empathic contact (ex:
negative/positive energies), or perhaps they will just become extremely stronger in the presence of this energy
source and drain it involuntarily (ex: fear/negative thoughts, memories, the energy which fuels superhuman
abilities). Other variations of Vampirism are also possible.
c  ! "  " cbility to absorb the literal stamina of a foe and converting it into sustenance and strength for oneself (especially
helpful with a foe on an adrenaline rush)
" %! "  " cbility to absorb energy from emotions (sometimes relieving people of emotion) or just gaining sustenance or
strength in the presence of strong emotion
 $! "  " cbility to absorb a type of energy with no harm to oneself (electricity, radiation, etc., but never all) and convert it
into sustenance or physical strength
  ! "  " cbility to absorb nerve impulses into the body through touch (thus temporarily paralyzing foes), granting one with
sustenance or physical strength
%! "  " cbility to absorb energy from fears and negative thoughts, and perhaps convert it into physical strength
%! "  " cbility to absorb thought waves, possibly only good or only bad (thus diminishing the thought capacities of others)
and convert it into sustenance or physical strength
$ ! "  " cbility to absorb blood of living beings into the body (thus killing them), converting the nutrients from their blood
into physical power and sustenance; if subject is not killed, he is converted into a vampire as well, and has a link to
the user (the user can track the subject by his blood and may possibly establish a telepathic/empathic rapport);
the most common, well-known type of vampirism
!  0  The ability to psychically disrupt or superheat atoms, to the point that their bonds are broken, and a subject͛s
atoms disperse into a form similar to a superhot gas. The atoms then usually float away because of their lack of
molecular cohesion. The power is psychic, and may be exuded through the eyes, hands or directly from the mind.
It is usually voluntary, but is sometimes accidental, and can be activated by extreme emotions of any kind.
! #   The ability to psionically channel another's speech through oneself, so that a subject's voice would come through
the user's mouth instead of the person who actually spoke. This could be used to listen in on people's
conversations by channeling the subject's voice through oneself, causing the mouth of the user to hang open like
a record player for others to hear. This ability could even detect when a subject is about to speak or make a sound
so that the user can channel sonic attacks (like a Sonic Scream, Psychic Persuasion; even Vocifery) through oneself
back at foes, instead of the user taking damage.
! #" The ability to project one's voice to a distant location so that it would appear as though a sound was coming from
somewhere it is not. One with this ability could use it to distract foes to assist in a sneak attack. One with this
ability could even make it as though someone is talking when they aren't (and may perhaps even cause the
subject's mouth to move in order to further the illusion).
!    "$ The psychic ability to dream of that which is currently happening in one's environment. One with this ability could
¢ ." see a plane crashing while, in fact, it was. This ability could be used to know if someone was in immediate danger.
This ability may even include the ability to share a dream with someone else, and to tell whose dream it is (called
Telepathic Dreaming). In addition, sometimes it can be used or activated at will, but may project one's vision to
anywhere in the world. This power is normally accompanied by Death Sense and/or Clairvoyance.
! ( % The ability to have a chosen subject to take ill effects upon themselves for the user, whether they like it or not.
One with this ability may have their foes to take the effects of their aging for them, or have an object they dislike
age or take other negative effects for them while they remain in perfect health. This ability could allow the user to
still break bones, but instead have the user's foe feel the pain. This ability could even be used to cause a foe to
suffer all the effects of a disease, while the user is the actual carrier.
!    The ability to quell (or cure) the symptoms and effects of viral or disease infection. This ability comes from either a
psychic aura which is strong enough to overwhelm the virus (called cntiviral/cntibacterial cura), the generation of
an antivirus or vaccine (called Vaccine Emission), or the literal absorption of said virus/disease into the user's
body, which exterminates it (called Virus/Disease cbsorption). This ability could easily counteract a foe with the
power of Nosokinesis; however, it may be designed to work on only one type of virus (but only viruses or diseases,
not wounds).
! %'$ The ability to psychically manipulate the thickness of liquids. One with this ability could thicken water to allow
floatation. This ability could also be used to thicken liquids into a thick glue to prevent escape or to thin the blood
of foes. This ability could even prevent liquids from falling at a normal rate by turning them extremely thick or to
trap underwater foes in suspended animation.
! "  The ability to innately mimic any sound with extreme accuracy. However, the accuracy depends on the number of
times the user of the power has heard the sound or how well he remembers the sound. This can range from
mimicking a voice to deceive a foe to imitating jungle sounds to keep from blowing one's cover. The user must
have heard the sound or voice at least once, or at least have a good idea what it sounds like in order to mimic it.
The more the user has heard from a voice or sound, the more accurate the reproduction. This ability is usually
accompanied by another vocal faculty.
1 +    The superhuman ability to generate and manipulate various types and amounts of waves. One with this ability
could generate waves in the air to imitate sound, radio waves, brain waves or various other types of waves. One
with this ability could withstand waves, negate them and do anything from generating waves in the water
(inducing tidal waves) to creating carrier waves for earthquake tremors, and the like (however, it usually only
entails manipulation of certain waves).
1$% %'$ The ability to use psionic power to increase or decrease gravity around oneself without any ill effect on the body.
cn individual with this ability can spontaneously change their weight to essentially become either almost-
weightless (floating, walking on water) or extremely heavy and potentially immovable, as well as all areas
between these ranges. Sometimes this ability could even be used to change the weight of other things (called
Weight Manipulation) . This ability is usually accompanied with Superhuman Endurance.
:( ! The ability to perceive X-Rays as visible light, allowing one to see through most objects. This ability allows one to
see through less dense materials, (even to see through the armor, clothes and muscles to only see subjects͛ bone
structure). However, this cannot be used if more than one dense material is placed in front of another, or if the
material is too dense, which will appear opaque to the eyes. This ability may or may not be able to be turned off
at will, and could be accompanied by another aspect of vision. No one as of yet is said or reported to have this
:$ The name of two fairly related faculties. The first is the ability to temporarily learn a language instantly when
needed, allowing one to crack codes and understand languages as needed. This ability may work through
intuition, or possibly an increased intelligence, although the language is not always retained after needed use. The
second is the ability in which a person is able only to speak the language(s) of subjects present, whether you
yourself know the language or not (this range only includes people). Either or both is capable of surfacing in one
user. cnother version of this ability includes the ability to write in other languages, accents, stresses, punctuation
and all, as well (called Xenography).
: %$ The presence of strange features within a superhuman's anatomy. One with this ability does not simply have a
superhuman anatomy (superhuman systemic capacity, superhuman systemic function); their bodies are actually
likened onto species other than their innate species. This ability is usually accompanied by cdaptation to a certain
environment (like warning coloration or camouflage for one with Zoophysiology), and possibly the ability to mimic
the species their body imitates (cnimal Mimicry for those with Zoophysiology, Plant Form for those with
cgrophysiology), and those with Zoophysiology can usually be affected by cnimal Communication, while
cgrokinesis usually affects those with cgrophysiology). The superhuman looks human except for these
physiological differences. The user can only have one of these designated physiologies.
9 %$ The presence of animal features within a superhuman (they don͛t necessarily act animal). This may include an
cvian/Bird Physiology (feathers/wings, talons, a gizzard), a Reptilian Physiology (scales, forked tongue, claws, slit
eyes), an cmphibian Physiology (mucous skin, cold-blooded, water affinity, slit eyes, body similar to frog), an
Ichthyic/Fish Physiology (scales, water affinity, water-breathing ability, gills/fins/fish tail), an Insect Physiology
(exoskeleton, segmented limbs, extra eyes/legs, secretions) or a Mammal Physiology (warm-blooded, fur,
fangs/claws, supersenses).
c$  %$ The presence of plant-like features within a superhuman (they may create seeds/ need sunlight, or have green
skin; prone to Photosynthesis, Rapid Regeneration; maybe plant-looking). This may include an
crboreal/Tree/Wood Physiology (woody, pain-resistant skin, leaves or branches grow from the body, sap for
blood), a Flowery Physiology (sometimes-protruding flowers, ability to secrete toxins, cromatic cllure, ability to
generate thorns) or Fruit/Vegetable Physiology (ability to grow fruit/vegetables from the body which produce
effects, or can be eaten as food)
: %" Can be used to telepathically link into anyone's mind that exists on the planet on which the user uses it (even
animals). This can be used to tell if a person exists, where they are, what they're doing, what they know and any
other thing the user desires to know about them. Not to mention, this ability is often accompanied by Panmnesia,
so a whole wealth of knowledge can be acquired using this superhuman power.
:& The ability to mentally manipulate only wood and wooden items (not plants or other vegetation). One with this
ability could hurl wooden blocks, chips of bark or stumps at foes with only the power of their minds, fell trees,
levitate and break bushes and trees or cause said trees, bushes or wooden items to move or project splinters of
wood at foes. One could even cause trees to drop their fruits or reveal their sap underneath the bark of a tree.
  The ability to psychically cause biotic subjects to react in a certain way in accordance to the calling out of the
subject͛s name, and then a command or special phrase. cfter the user calls the name of the subject they wish to
affect, they need only to call out a command (within the power of the subject) or a predetermined phrase, and
the command will be carried out. cfter practice, this ability can even be used on individual body organs
(commanding the heart to pump faster, or the legs to stop moving, etc.) although an entire body is much easier.
  $    The ability to manipulate positive and negative energy. This can be used to induce "yin-dominant"(or good)
behavior or "yang-dominant"(or bad) behavior. One with this power can even use yin energy to heal or rejuvenate
allies or use yang energy to blast or strike foes. This ability can even be used to separate the subject͛s (or the
user͛s) body into separate yin and yang personalities, which retain the same powers as whoever the power is used
on. One with this ability may be able to only manipulate yin (positive, protective, healing energy) or yang
(negative, aggressive, offensive energy).
9   The psychic compulsion to complete a task set on the user by some outside source. One with this ability hears a
thought, idea or cause, and they cannot get it out of their minds (even if it is a delusion thought up in their own
minds). This ability causes unhealthy obsession, unlike natural determination and moral dedication, and will
compel the user of this ability to risk their lives to complete their mission. One with this ability may also have
Rapid Regeneration, or Resurrection, or (even more frightening), both.
9 c The psionic gain of abilities based on the positions of the stars in the sky, or the gain of abilities based on the
invocation of a particular constellation͛s power. If a constellation͛s ability is picked during the month when that
constellation is active (or the month designated to that constellation) then it will increase the power of the user
while he uses it. Being born under the sign that one chooses also increases the power of that particular ability.
These abilities may be activated either mentally or by calling, ͞Leo Power͟, ͞Sagittarius Power͟, ͞Capricorn
Power͟, etc., depending on the user͛s preference. ͻcquarius cbility- cllows water-based abilities; Hydrokinesis,
Cryokinesis, ctmidokinesis or cqueous Form, depending on genetics, the situation or the user͛s choice.

ͻ c- cllows water-borne abilities; cquatic cdaptation (or just Underwater Breathing), and/or the ability
Ichthyic Omnilingualism (possibly accompanied by an aquatic appearance)

ͻc c- cllows strength-based abilities; Headbutt (possibly accompanied by ram-like Horns) and/or
Superhuman Strength

ͻ  c- cllows endurance or power-based abilities; Rampant Charge (possibly accompanied by bull-like
horns) and or Superhuman Endurance/Stamina

ͻ/"c- cllows duality/replication-based abilities; Yin/Yang Duplication (dividing into yin and yang parts
of oneself; yin projects healing energy, yang projects offensive energy) or Replication

ͻ  c- cllows grip-based abilities; Hypergrip (along with perhaps Pincers) or the ability Hyperconstriction
(and perhaps an ichthyic appearance and a bad temper)

ͻc- cllows wild-based abilities; Feral Mind (along with perhaps leonine appearance), Natural Weapons
(claws and fangs), Superhuman Senses/Reflexes and (sometimes) cnimal Communication

ͻ! $c- cllows purity-based abilities; Purification (along with a clean, pure appearance), Healing and
(sometimes-rapid) Regeneration

ͻ c- cllows balance-based abilities; Superhuman Dexterity, (sometimes) Superhuman

Intelligence/Sapience and Meditation

ͻ  c- cllows poison-based abilities; Venom Generation (perhaps accompanied by a Stinger and/or
Pincers) and (sometimes) Insect Communication

ͻ $ c- cllows accuracy-based abilities; Superhuman cccuracy, Quantum Perception and
Tracking/Hunting Skill

ͻ  c- cllows random ability (except ͞Omni͟ abilities and Reality Bending); usually does not pick
between an ability which is possible for the other constellations (although it may; it͛s just rare)

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