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Colégio Nossa Senhora de Lourdes Valor:


Aluno: __________________________________________Nº ______ Série: 9º ano____

Professor: _LENINHA_________________________________ Data: 18/09/2010

Match the words to their definitions.

1. landfill ( ) a large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry.

2. soil runoff ( ) contains unusually large amount of harmful chemicals as a

result of the burning of substances such as coal and oil.
3. floods
( ) the portion of precipitation on land that ultimately reaches
4. overpopulation streams often with dissolved or suspended material

5. acid rain ( ) layer of air high above the Earth which contains a lot of ozone,
and which prevents harmful ultraviolet light from the sun from reaching
6. ozone layer the Earth.

( ) getting rid of large amounts of rubbish by burying it, or a place

where rubbish is buried.
( ) it has too many people for the amount of food, materials and
space available there.

a) 2, 3, 5, 4, 6, 1
b) 6, 1, 4, 3, 5, 2
c) 3, 5, 2, 6, 1, 4
d) 4, 6, 1, 5, 2, 3

Fill in the blanks using the words from the box. These words are related to environmental context.

cattle rancher / sustainability / activist / conservationist / rubber tapper

1. ______________________ person who protects plants and animals, natural areas, and interesting and
important structures and buildings, especially from the damaging effects of human activity.

2. ______________________person who extracts an elastic substance made either from the juice of particular
tropical trees or artificially.

3. ______________________something which causes little or no damage to the environment and therefore able to
continue for a long time.

4. ______________________ a person who believes strongly in political or social change and works hard to try
and make this happen.

5. ______________________ a person who owns or works on a large farm ranch and keeps animals for their milk
or meat.

a) rubber tapper / conservationist / cattle rancher sustainability / activist

b) conservationist / rubber tapper / sustainability / activist / cattle rancher
c) sustainability / cattle rancher / activist / rubber tapper / conservationist
d) cattle rancher / activist / rubber tapper / conservationist / sustainability
Read the text and answer questions 3, 4.

Non-renewable sources

Most of our electricity comes from power stations that use fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas to generate the
They are called non-renewable sources because you can’t make any more and they will eventually run out.
Unfortunately, burning fossils fuels produces greenhouse gases like carbon dioxin and methane which may
cause global warning.
VOCABULARY: coal – carvão
Tidal - marés

The expression “run out” on line 4 means

a) to be used completely, finish

b) to be faster than anyone else
c) to be renewable completely
d) to be changed enough

Fossil fuels are called non-renewable sources and they can

a) reduce radiation.
b) protect way of life.
c) preserve rainforest.
d) cause global warning.

Read the text and answer questions 5 a 8.

1 Bullying can lead teenagers to feel tense, anxious, and afraid. It can affect their
concentration in school, and can lead them to avoid school in some cases. If bullying
continues for some time, it can begin to affect teens' self-esteem and feelings of self-
worth. It also can increase their social isolation, leading them to become withdrawn and
5 depressed, anxious and insecure. In extreme cases, bullying can be devastating for teens,
with long-term consequences. Some teens feel compelled to take drastic measures, such
as carrying weapons for protection or seeking violent revenge. Others, in desperation,
even consider suicide. Researchers have found that years later, long after the bullying has
stopped, adults who were bullied as teens have higher levels of depression and poorer
10 self-esteem than other adults.

Self-worth – o valor que você dá para sua vida e suas realizações.

Withdrawn – você é tímido e quieto e prefere ficar sozinho.

What is the best title for the text above?

a) What is bullying?
b) Which teens are most likely to become bullies?
c) How does bullying affect teens that are the targets of bullies?
d) What can schools do to stop bullying?
Which group of words are adjectives?

a) tense, anxious, depressed, insecure, drastic

b) concentration, self-esteem, isolation, consequences
c) affected, avoided, compelled, stopped, bullied
d) measures, weapons, revenge, teenagers, researchers

The word “compelled” on line 6 means
a) tensed to do something
b) forced to do something
c) avoided to do something
d) stopped to do something

The text says adults who were bullied when they were teens have

a) had a lot of educational problems and they had problems to get good jobs.
b) much more psychological problems than adults who didn’t suffer bullied problems.
c) taken drastic measures, such as carrying weapons for protection or seeking violent revenge.
d) had their concentration affected in school, and can lead them to avoid school in some cases.

Read the text and answer questions 09 e 10.

Renewable sources

Renewable energy sources like the sun, wind, waves and the heat of the earth are also used to make electricity.
Renewable sources can be used again and again and should not run out.
Renewable sources are either carbon neutral or do not produce greenhouses gases so are much less harmful to
the environment.

Which energy sources are renewable or non-renewable? Apenas escreva na linha as palavras “RENEWABLE ou

1. Biomass uses the energy from plants and waste materials to make electricity. For example, wood or animal
droppings can be burnt to make steam that turns turbines to make electricity.

2. Wind is made when the sun heats the Earth and the area above land gets hotter than the area above water. The
hot air above land rises upwards leaving an area of low pressure. Cooler air moves into this area of low pressure
making wind which we use to turn wind turbines and make electricity. Wind used to be turn windmills to grind
wheat into flour.
Which of these are renewable energy sources? Nuclear, wind, coal, sun, oil, tidal?

Read the text and answer questions 11, 12, 13, 14.

World Report: April 18, 2008 Vol. #13 Iss. #24

Why the Amazon Is Shrinking

1 Brazil's Amazon jungle is bursting with rare plants and animals. As many as 250 species
of trees may be growing in one acre. But this unique habitat surrounding the Amazon
River is being threatened by deforestation, the loss of trees and native plants. Loggers
cut down trees for wood and paper. Farmers clear the land to plant crops or graze cattle.
5 Brazil is the world's biggest exporter of beef and soy. It also leads the world in the race to
turn sugarcane into fuel. But Brazil's booming agriculture industry is bad news for the rain

Recent satellite data shows that deforestation in the Amazon is on the rise, and is moving
10 into new areas. The statistics show that 1,250 square miles an area about the size of
Rhode Island were cleared over the last five months of 2007. One government group
says the true figure may be closer to 2,700 square miles. "It is very worrying," says Joao
Paulo Capobianco of Brazil's Environment Ministry.

15 Brazilian officials have banned deforestation in the worst-hit areas. Those who ignore the
laws will be fined. Many environmentalists approve of the tough new rules, but worry that
the government will not be able to enforce the ban.,27972,1730235,00.html

Shrink – reduzir, encolher
Burst – arrebentar
Acre – acre (4.047 metros quadrados de terra)

The meaning of the word “banned” on line 13 is

a) – people who cut trees.

b) – the cutting down of trees in a large area.
c) – the natural surroundings in which an animal or plant usually lives.
d) – the government prevented it from being cut.

Match the words to their definitions.

1. Loggers ( ) the cutting down of trees in a large


2. Deforatation ( ) an amount of money that has to be

paid as a punishment for not obeying a rule or

3. Habitat ( ) becoming smaller

4. shrinking ( ) people who cut trees

5. fine ( ) the natural surroundings in which an

animal or plant usually lives
a) – 2, 5, 4, 1, 3
b) – 4, 5, 2, 3, 1
c) – 3, 4, 1, 5, 2
d) – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

What is this text’s theme?

a) – slash-and-burn agriculture
b) – landfill
c) – deforestation
d) – soil runoff

Choose the reasons why deforestation happens

1. ( ) Loggers cut down trees for wood and paper.

2. ( ) Leakage of petroleum onto the surface of a large body of water.

3. ( ) Farmers clear the land to plant crops or graze cattle.

4. ( ) Brazil’s booming agriculture industry is bad news for the rain forest.

5. ( ) Retention of the sun’s radiation resulting in an increase of the earth’s temperature.

a) – 2, 4, 5
b) – 1, 3, 4
c) – 1, 2, 3
d) – 2, 4, 5

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