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HeinOnline -- 62 Stat. ii 1918-1949


LIST OF PUBLIC LAws______________________________________
PUBLIC LAWS -------------------------------------- V

PUBLIC LAws____________________________________________
LAWS -------------------------------------------- 33

HeinOnline -- 62 Stat. iii 1918-1949

• . . .

HeinOnline -- 62 Stat. iv 1918-1949


Law Date Page
396 --- Veterans' Preference
Veterans' Preference Act of 1944, amendments.amendments. AN AN ACT To To
extend veterans'
veterans' preference benefits to widowed widowed mothers of
certain ex-servicemen
ex-servicemen and ex-servicewomen
ex-servicewomen _______________
..... _ Jan.
Jan. 19,1948
19, 1948 __--
_ 3
397 Flood Control
--- Flood Control Act, 1937, amendment. AN ACT To amend
1937, amendment. amend sec-
tion 3 of the Flood Control
tion Control Act approved August August 28, 1937,1937,
and for other
and for other purposes__
purposes _________________________________ _ Jan. 19,1948
Jan. __ _
19, 1948_-- 4
398 Veterans of Indian
___ Veterans Indian wars, pension rates.
wars, pension rates. AN ACT To provide
increases in the rates of pension payable to veterans
pension payable veterans of Indian
wars and the dependents
dependents of such veterans _________________
------------------ _ Jan. 19,1948
Jan. 19, 1948 __- _ 4
399 --- Philippine Rehabilitation
Philippine Rehabilitation Act Act of 1946, amendments.
amendments. AN ACT ACT
To amend
the Philippine Rehabilitation Act
Philippine Rehabilitation
_____________________________________________ Act of 1946, as_
amended _ Jan. 26,1948
Jan. 26, 1948 __- _ 4
400 --- Civil Service Retirement
Retirement Act, amendments. AN ACT To amend
Service Retirement
the Civil Service Retirement Act so as to make such Act appli-
officers and employees of the National Library
cable to the officers
for the Blind
for the Blind ....__________________________________________ _ Jan. 26,
Jan. 26,1948 __ _
1948___- 5
401 ______ U. S. Soldiers'
Soldiers' Home,
Home, D. C. AN ACT To amend section section 2 of
the Act prescribing regulations for the Soldiers'
prescribing regulations Soldiers' Home located
Washington, in the
at Washington, the District of Columbia, and for other pur-
approved March
poses, approved March 3, 3, 1883 (22 Stat.Stat. 564)564)______________
-- _ Jan. 27, 1948 __
Jan. 27, ---_ 5
402 __---_ U. S.
S. Information
Information and Educational Exchange Act
and Educational Act of 1948. AN AN
ACT5 To promote the better understanding
ACTli understanding of the United
States among the peoples of the world and to strengthen strengthen co-
operative international
operative international relations _________________________
......... _ Jan. 27,
27,1948 __ _
1948__- 6
403 __ _
--- South Pacific Commission. JOINT RESOLUTION
Pacific Commission. RESOLUTION Providing Providing
for membership
membership and participation
participation by the United States in the
South Pacific Commission and authorizing authorizing an appropriation_
therefor ______________________________________________
therefor ..... JaIl. 28,1948
Jan. 28, __ _
404 __ _ 15
404 --- Gettysburg
Gettysburg National Military Park,
National Military Park, Pa.Pa. AN ACT Relating to to
the exchange of certain private and Federal properties properties within
National Military Park, Pennsylvania, and for
Gettysburg National
other purposes
other purposes-__________________________________________ _ JaIl. 31, 1948
Jan. 31, __ _
1948.--_ 16
405 --- Joint Committee
Joint Committee on the Economic Report. Report. JOINT JOINT RESOLU-
TION To change change the date for filing the report of the Joint Joint
Committee on the Economic Report Report-_____________________ _ Feb. 2,1948
Feb. 2, __ _
1948__. 16
406 ._- Delaware Indian lands.
Delaware Indian lands. AN ACT To authorize authorize the filing of
actions in State courts to quiet title to lands described in a
treaty between the United States and the Delaware Delaware Indians,
dated October
dated October 3, 3, 1818
1818 __________________________________
.... _ Feb. 5, 1948
Feb. 5, __ _
1948_--- 17
407 __ _ Indian
--- Indian lands,
lands, rights-of-way.
rights-of-way. AN ACT To empower empower the Secre- Secre-
tary of the Interior to grant rights-of-way for various purposes
across lands of individual Indians Indians or Indian tribes, communi- communi-
ties, bands
bands or nations __________________________________
...... _ Feb. 5, 1948
Feb. 5, __ _
1948_-_ 17
408 . - _ Osage
Osage Indian Tribe, Okla.
Indian Tribe, Okla. AN ACT To provide for the granting granting
of certificates
certificates of competency
competency to certain members of the Osage
Indian Tribe in Oklahoma,
Oklahoma, and for other purposes ___________ ------------_ Feb. 5, 1948 __
Feb. 5, --_ 18
409 --- Interparliamentary
InterparliamentaryUnion. Union. AN ACT To amend amend the Act of June
1935, entitled
28, 1935, entitled "An"An Act to authorize
authorize participation
participation by the
United States
States in the Interparliamentary
Interparliamentary Union" Union" ____________ _ Feb. 6, 1948
__ _ 19
410 . National-forestland.
National-forest land. AN ACT Making Making it it aa petty offense to enter
any national-forest land land while it it is closed to the publicpublic _______
-------- _ Feb. 10, 1948
Feb. 10, __ _
1948-- 19
411 Veterans, subsistence
Veterans, subsistence allowance.
allowance. AN ACT To provide increased increased
subsistence allowance to veterans
subsistence allowance veterans pursuing
pursuing certain
certain courses
under the Servicemen's
Servicemen's Readjustment
Readjustment Act of 1944, as amended, amended,
and for other purposes
and _____________________________ - _- _-_
purposes---------------------------------- Feb. 14,1948
Feb. 14, __ _
1948-. 19

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Law Date Page
412 --- House Representatives, oath of office. AN ACT To amend sec-
House of Representatives, sec-
tion 30 of the Revised Revised Statutes of the United States (U. (U. S. C.,
title 2, sec.
title 2, sec. 25)_ 25) ________________________________________ _ Feb. 18, 1948 __ _
1948--- 20
413 Servicel3 Procurement
__ Armed Services Procurement Act of of 1947. AN ACT To facilitate
procurement of supplies and services
procurement services by the Departments of
the Departments
the Army, the Navy and the Air Force, the Coast Coast Guard, and
the National
National Advisory Committee Committee for Aeronautics,
Aeronautics, and for for
other purposes ________________________________________ _
other purposes__ Feb. 19,1948 __ _
19, 1948_.- 21
414 __---_ Life insurance,
insurance, D. C. C. AN ACT To amend section 1, and pro-
amend section
visions (6),
(6), (7),(7), and (8) of section
section 3, and provision (3) (3) of sec-
tion 4 of chapter V of the Act of June 19, 1934, entitled "An
entitled "An
Act to regulate
regulate the business of life insurance in the District of of
Columbia", and
Columbia", and to add add sections 5a, 5b, and 5c thereto ________
---------_ Feb. 19, 1948 ___
1948--- 27
415 Synthetic-rubber scrap.
--- Synthetic-rubber scrap. AN ACT ACT To provide
provide for the free impor-
tation of synthetic-rubber
synthetic-rubber scrap __________________________
_ _ Feb. 25, 1948---
1948 ___ 34
416 --- Polson,
Polson, Mont., Michel addition.
Michel addition. AN ACT Authorizing
Authorizing the sale
of undisposed of lots in Michel Michel addition to the town of Polson, Poison,
M ontana _____________________________________________
............ _ 25,1948
Feb. 25, ___
1948-- 35
417 --- natives. AN ACT To permit
Alaska natives. permit the issuance of unrestricted
town-site lands held by Alaska Alaska natives, and
deeds for______________________________________________
purposes and for other_
purposes .... Feb. 26, 1948 ___
1948___ 35
418 --- L' Anse Band of Chippewa
L'Anse Indians, Mich.
Chippewa Indians, Mich. AN ACT ACT To author-
ize the sale of certain lands of the L'Anse Band of Chippewa Chippewa
Indians, Michigan _____________________________________ _
Indians, Michigan- 27, 1948 ___
Feb. 27,
Feb. --- 35
419 --- Albuquerque Indian School, N.
Indian School, N. Mex. AN ACT ACT To authorize
the Secretary of the Interior to dispose of certain certain lands here-
tofore acquired for the Albuquerque Indian School, New
Mexico _______________________________________________ _ Feb.
Feb. 27, 1948 ___
27, 1948___ 36
420 __
--- _ Fort
Fort Peck project, Mont.
Peck project, Mont. AN AN ACT To transfer certain certain trans-
mission lines, substations, appurtenances, and equipment in
connection with the sale and disposition of electric electric energy
generated at the Fort Peck project, Montana,
purposes ______________________________________________ Montana, and for other_
p urp oses ----------------------------------------------- 27, 1948 __
Feb. 27, ---_ 36
421 __ _ War and
--- Departments, condemned
and Navy Departments, materials. AN ACT
condemned materials. ACT
To amend an Act to authorize authorize the Secretary of War and the
Secretary of the Navy to make certain disposition
Secretary disposition of con-con-
demned ordnance, guns, projectiles, and other other condemned
material in their
material their respective Departments
Departments-- __________________ _ Feb. 27,
Feb. 27, 1948 ___
1948_--_ 37
422 --- Housing and
Housing and Rent Act Act of 19.1.7,
1947, amendment.
amendment. AN ACT To con- con-
tinue for a temporary
temporary period certain provisions provisions of the Hous-
ing and Rent Act of 1947 _______________________________
--------------------------------_ Feb. 27,1948
Feb. 27, 1948 ___
--- 37
423 --- U. S. Maritime
Maritime Commission, Commission, temporary
temporary authority. JOINT
authority. JOINT
RESOLUTION To continue until March March 1, 1949, the author-
ity of the Maritime
Maritime Commission to sell, charter, and operate
vessels, and
vessels, and for for other purposes __________________________ _
other purposes-_ Feb.
Feb. 27,
27, 1948 ___
--- 38
424 __
--- _ Fort
Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, N.
Indian Reservation, N. Dak. AN ACT Providing
for the per capita payment of certain certain moneys appropriated
settlement of certain
in settlement certain claims of the Indians of the Fort Ber-
thold Indian Reservation
Reservation in North North Dakota
Dakota _______________ _ Feb. 28,
Feb. 28, 1948 ___
--- 38
425 --- Public
Public Health
Health Service Act, amendments. amendments. AN ACT To amend amend
the Public Health Service Service Act in regard
regard to certain matters of
personnel and and administration, and for other purposes _______ _
-------- Feb. 28,1948
Feb. ___
28, 1948_-- 38
426 --- Civil Service Retirement
Retirement Act, amendments.
amendments. AN AN ACT To amend amend
the Civil Service Retirement Retirement Act of May 29, 1930, 1930, as amended-
amended_ Feb. 28, 1948___
Feb. 1948 ___ 48
427 --- Second Decontrol
Second Decontrol Act of 1947, amendment.
amendment. AN ACT To con-
tinue for a temporary
temporary period certain certain powers, authority,
authority, andand
discretion conferred
conferred on the PresidentPresident by the SecondSecond Decon-
trol A
trol Act
ct of
of 1947
1947 _______________________________________
----------------------------------------_ Feb. 28,
Feb. 1948 ___
28,1948--- 58
428 __
--- _ National
National Archives, re8trictions records. AN ACT To
restrictions on use of records.
amend the Act entitled "An
amend "An Act to establish National Ar-
establish a National
of the United States Government, Government, and for other pur-_
chives ________________________________________________
p o ses."- --------------------------------------- Mar. 3, 1948 ___
3,1948_--_ 58
429 __
--- _ National
National Service
Service Life Life Insurance
Insurance Act Act of 1940, amendment.
amendment. AN AN
ACT To amend subsection subsection 602 (d) (5) of the National Service Service
Life Insurance Act of
Life Insurance of 1940, as as amended, to extend for
to extend for two
years the time within within which eligible
eligible persons may apply for
gratuitous insurance
gratuitous benefits ____________________________
insurance benefits -----------------------------_ Mar. 3,
3,1948 __ _
1948_-- 59
430 __ _ Urgent
--- Appropriation Act, 1948.
Deficiency Appropriation
Urgent Deficiency 1948. AN ACT Making Making
appropriations to supply urgent
appropriations deficiencies in certain
urgent deficiencies certain appro-
priations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1948, and for other other_
purposes ______________________________________________ Mar. 3,
3,1948 __ _
purp oses ----------------------------------------------- Mar. 1948_-- 59

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LA.WS vii
Law Date Page
431 ___ Caribbean Commission.
--- Caribbean Commission. JOINT RESOLUTION RESOLUTION Providing for
membership and participationparticipation by the United States in the
Caribbean Commission
Commission and authorizing authorizing an appropriation appropriation
therefor-______________________________________________ _ Mar. 4,1948 ___
4, 1948__-- 65
432 --- Navy Department,
Department, organizational
organizational changes. changes. AN ACT Making
certain changes in the organization
certain organization of the Navy Navy Department,
and for
for other purposes _________________________________ _
other purposes----------------------------- Mar. 5,1948
5, 1948 ___
--- 66
433 --- Navy or Coast Coast GuardGuard vessels. AN ACT To amend the Act of
December 3, 1945,
December 1945, so as to extend the exemption exemption of Navy or or
Coast Guard
Guard vessels of special construction from the require-
special construction
ments as to the number, position, range, or arc of visibility of
number, position,
lights, and for
lights, for other purposes.
purposes ____________________________
...................... Mar. 5,1948___
Mar. 5,1948_-_ 69
434 ___
--- Colonial National Historical
Colonial National Historical Park, Park, Va. AN AN ACT ACT To authorize
the Secretary
Secretary of the Interior Interior to prepare prepare plans and estimates
for a sewage-disposal
sewage-disposal system system to serve the Yorktown Yorktown area of
the Colonial
purposes National Historical
National Historical Park, Park, Virginia, and for other
______________________________________________ other_
purposes ................... Mar. 5, 1948 ___
1948_-- 70
435 ___ -- Homme Reservoir
To provide
provide for the designation designation of of the Park River dam and
reservoir project
project in Walsh Walsh County, North Dakota, as the
Homme Reservoir
Reservoir and and Dam ____________________________ _
Dam...................... Mar. 5, 1948S-_
1948 ___ 70
436 -- ArmyArmy personnel,
personnel, tours tours of duty. AN AN ACT To repeal the laws re- re-
lating to the length length of tours of duty of officers and enlisted enlisted
men of the Army at certain certain foreign stations stations _______________
........ _ Mar. 8, 1948 ___
8,1948--_ 70
437 -- Civil War War battle
battle streamers.
streamers. AN ACT To authorize the carrying carrying
. of Civil War battle battle streamers
streamers with regimental colors...... _______ _ Mar. 9,1948 ___
9,1948-- 71
438 -- Unknown American of IVorld World War War II, II, Medal of Honor. Honor. AN AN
ACT To authorize the President President to award award the Medal of Honor Honor
to the unknown American American who lost his life while serving serving over-
seas in the armed forces of the United States during the Second Second
World WaY- _ _ ____ _ __ _ __
World War...................................__ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ____ __ _ __ _ Mar. 9, 1948___
~lar. 1948--- 71
439 ___
--- Military departments,
Military departments, etc., acceptance of gifts for
acceptance of giftsior institutions. AN institutions. AN
ACT To a.uthorize
authorize the Secretary Secretary of the Army, the Secreta.ry Secretary of
Secretary of the Air Force, or the Secretary
the Navy, the Secretary Secretary of of the
Treasury to accept accept and use gifts, devises, and and bequests for
schools, hospitals, libraries, cemeteries, and other institutions
libraries, cemeteries, institutions
under the jurisdiction of the Department of the Army, the
Department of the Navy, the Department of the Air Force, or
Department or
Department of the Treasury
the Department Treasury respectively,
respectively, and for other
purposes____ __ __ __ _ ______ _ __ __ ___ _ _ _____ _ __ __ ____ _ __ __ _
purposes ....................................... Mar. 11,
Mar. 11, 1948_
1948_-__ 71
440 --- Uintah
Uintah and and Ouray Indian Indian Reservation,
Reservation, Utah. Utah. AN AN ACT To de-
fine the exterior boundary of the Uintah Uintah and Ouray Indian
Reservation in the State of Utah, Utah, and and for other other purposes.
purposes_ -- _ __ 1948_--
Mar. 11, 1948_
Mar. __ 72
441 --- De Soto National
National Memorial Memorial Fla Fla. AN ACT To authorize the
establishment of the
establishment the De goto Soto National
National Memorial, Memorial, in the State
of Florida, and for other purposes_________________________
purposes ...... Mar. 11, 1948 --
Mar. 11,1948___ 78
442 --- Constellation.
Constellation. AN ACT ACT To provide for the preservation preservation of the
Constellation and to authorize
frigate Constellation authorize the disposition disposition of cer-
replaced parts of such vessel as souvenirs, and for other
tain replaced other
purposes ...... Mar. 13,
Mar. 13,1948___
1948_-- 79
443 ___ demonstration plants.
liquid fuel demonstration
_- Synthetic liquid plants. AN ACT To amend
the Act entitled
entitled "An authorizing the construction
"An Act authorizing construction and and
demonstration plants to produce synthetic
operation of demonstration
operation synthetic liquid
fuels from coal, oil shale, agricultural agricultural and forestry products,
substances, in order to aid the prosecution
and other substances, prosecution of the
war, to conserve
conserve and increase increase the oil resources resources of the Nation,
and for other purposes", approved approved April 5, 5, 1944
1944 (58 Stat. 190)--__
(58Stat.190) Mar.
Mar. 15,1948 ___
15, 1948_--- 79
444 ___
--- Grow Tribe.
Crow Tribe. AN ACT To give to members of the Crow Tribe
the power to manage manage and assume charge of their restricted
their own
lands, for their own use or for lease purposes, purposes, while such lands
remain under
under trust trust patents
patents ______________________________
..... _ Mar.
Mar.15, 1948 ___
15, 1948_-- 80
commissioners. AN ACT Relating
445 --- Alaska, commissioners. Relating to the compensation compensation
of commissioners for the Territory Territory of Alaska Alaska ______________
--- --.-----_ Mar.
Mar. 15,
15, 1948 ___
1948-- 80
446 --- Glacier
Glacier National
National Park, Mont. AN ACT Relating
Park, Mont. Relating to the acqui- acqui-
sition by the United United States of State-owned State-owned lands within Gla-
cier National
National Park, in the State of Montana, and for other
purposes ______________________________________________
........... Mar.
Mar. 16,1948 ___
16, 1948--- 80
447 __
___ U.U. S. Park Police. AN ACT To authorize the United States
Park Police.
Park Police to make arrests within
Park within Federal reservations reservations in the
environs of the District of Columbia, Columbia, and for other purposes. purposes_ Mar.
Mar. 17,1948 ___
17, 1948.- 81

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Law Date
Date Page
448 Great Lakes;
Great Lakes navigation.
navigation. AN AN ACT ACT To To amend
amend the the ActAct entitled
"An Act
HAn Act to to reJulate
regulate navigation
navigation on on thethe Great
Great Lakes Lakes and and their
connecting and tributary waters",
connecting an tributary waters", approved February approved February 8, 1895- Mar.
8, 1895_ Mar. 18,1948
18, 1948___--- 82
449 .-- Shasta National Forest, Calif. AN ACT
Shasta National Forest, Calif. AN ACT To add certain public To add certain public
and other
and other lands
lands to to the
the Shasta
Shasta National
National Forest, Forest, California ____ Mar. 19,1948
California-... Mar. 19, 1948___ ___ 83
450 --- Alien
450 Alien fiancees
fiances or or fiances,
fiancs, admission
admissioninto into U. U. S. S. AN AN ACTACT To To ex-ex-
tend the
tend the period of of validity
validity of of the Act Act to to facilitate
facilitate the admission
into the
into the United
United States
States of of the alien
alien fianc~es
fiances or or fianc~s
fiancbs of of members
of the
the armed
armed forces of of the United States States ____________________
-------------------- Mar. Mar. 24,
24, 1948
--- 84
451 ___ Seminole Tribe.
-- Seminole Tribe. AN ACT ACT To To authorize
authorize payment to to certain
certain en- en-
rolled members of
rolled of the Seminole
Seminole Tribe Tribe of of Indians
Indians under under Act Act of of
July 2,_________________________________________________
gress) 1942 (Public,
1942 (Public, Numbered
Numbered 645, Seventy-seventh Seventy-seventh Con- Con-
gress) ------------------------------------------------- Mar. Mar. 24, 1948___
24, 1948 --- 84
452 ___
--- National cemeteries,
National cemeteries, superintendents.
superintendents. AN AN ACT ACT To To provide
provide for
selection of of superintendents of of national
national cemeteries from meri- meri-
trustworthy members
torious and trustworthy members of of the
the armed forces forces who
who have have
been disabled
been disabled in in line of dutyduty for for active
active fieldfield service
service _________
......... Mar. 24,
Mar. 24, 1948 ___
1948--- 84
453 --- Transportation
453 Transportationof iron ore. JOINT RESOLUTION
iron ore. RESOLUTION To author-
ize vessels of Canadian registry to to transport iron ore ore between
United States ports
United ports on on the
the Great
Great Lakes during during 1948 -------- Mar.
1948 ________ Mar. 24,1948 ___
24, 1948_-- 84
454 --- Lignite.
454 Lignite. AN AN ACTACT To To provide for for the
the establishment
establishment and opera- opera-
tion of a research laboratory in in the North Dakota Dakota lignite-
consuming region for investigation
consuming investigation of the the mining, preparation,
and utilization of lignite, for for the development of new ultles uses andand
markets, for improvement of health and and safety
safety in mining; and
for aa comprehensive
comprehensive study of of the possibilities
possibilities for increased increased
utilization of the lignite resources of t.he the region to aid in the the
solut.ion of its economic problems problems and to make its natural and
human resources of maximum usefulness in the reconversion
human reconversion
period and time of
and time peace _________________________________
of peace ................................ Mar. 25,
Mar. 25, 1948 ___
1948_-_ 85
455 ---
___ Huntington,
Huntington, W. W. Va., site for FederalBuilding.
for Federal Building. AN ACT To pro-
vide for the acquisition of a site for aa new Federal
vide Federal Building in in
Huntington, West Virginia,
Huntington, Virginia, adjoining
adjoining existing Federal build-
ings there, as an economy economy measure, before before land values have
increased as aa result of improvements _____________________ --------------------- Mar. Mar. 25,
25, 1948 ___
1948_-_ 86
456 --- Omaha, Nebr., post-office
Omaha, Nebr., post-office site. AN ACT To authorize authorize the pur-
chase of a new post-office
post-office site at Omaha, Nebraska.........__________ Mar. 25, 1948 ___
Mar. 25, 1948 -- 86
457 --- Portland,
457 Portland, Oreg.,
Oreg., post office. AN AN ACT To provide for the acquisi- acquisi-
tion of a site and preparation
preparation of plans and specifications specifications for a
new postal
new postal building
building and for remodeling remodeling of the existing main
post-office building
building in Portland,
Portland, Oregon, and for other pur-
poses __________________________________________________
p o ses -------------------------------------------------- Mar. 25, 1948
Mar. 25, ___
1948 --- 86
458 Field postal service, promotions. AN onACT To
To ratify the adminis-
458 --- Field promotions. AN ratify the from
trative promotions of employees military furlough the
field promotions
postal service, of in employees
certain cases, on military
and for related furlough from the
field postal service, in certain cases, and for relatedJurposes-- Mar. Mar. 25,
25, 1948 ___
1948.-_ 87
459 --- Territory
Territory of
of Minnesota,
Minnesota, commemorative
LUTION To authorize the issuance of a special series of RESO-
commemorative stamp. JOINT
L UTION To authorize
commemorative the issuance of aanniversary
of the one-hundredth special series of ofthestamps
tion of the of theofone-hundredth
Territory Minnesota anniversary of the crea-
tion of the Territory of Minnesota ________________________ Mar. Mar. 25,
25, 1948
1948 ___
--- 87
460 ___ Armed
460 --- Armed forces
forces reserve
reserve components. AN AN ACT ACT To To provide
provide for in- in-
active dutyduty training
training pay pay forfor thethe Organised
Organized Reserve Reserve Corps, Corps, to to
provide uniform
uniform standards
standards for inactiveinactive duty duty training
training pay pay for for
all Reserve
purposes components
components of of the
the armed
armed forces,
_______________________________________________ forces, and and for for other
p u rposes ----------------------------------------------- Mar. Mar. 25, 1948 ___
25,1948 -- 87
461 ---
461 ___ Knights
Knights of of Khorassan.
Khorassan. AN AN ACT ACT To To amend
amend the the Act Act entitled
U An ActAct to to incorporate
incorporate the the Imperial
Imperial Palace,Palace, DramaticDramatic Order Order
Knights of of Khorassan",
Khorassan", to increase increase the the amount
amount of of property
which the the corporation
corporation may may hold from $100,000 $100,000 to to $5,000,000-_
$5,000,000 __ Mar. Mar. 27,
27, 1948 ___
1948___ 91
462 --- Provo River project,
Provo River project, Utah.
Utah. AN AN ACT ACT To To provide
provide aa means means for for the
orderly continuation and
orderly continuation and completion of completion of thethe Deer Deer Creek
Creek and and
aqueduct divisions
divisions of of the
the Provo
Provo RiverRiver project,
project, Utah Utah --------
________ Mar. Mar. 29,
29, 1948
1948 ___
--- 92
463 --- Klamath Welfare
Klamath Welfare Act. Act. AN AN ACT ACT To To provide
provide for for the
the general
welfare and advancement
welfare and advancement of of the
the Klamath
Klamath Indians Indians in in Oregon-
Oregon_ Mar. Mar. 29, 1948 ___
29, 1948__-- 92
464 --- Housing
Housing and and Rent
Rent ActAct ofof 1948.
19.t,.8. AN AN ACT ACT To To extend
extend certain
certain pro- pro-
visions of the Housing
visions of the Housing and and RentRent Act Act. ofof 1947,
1947, to to provide
provide for for the
termination of of controls
controls on on maximum
maximum rents rents in in areas
areas and and on on
housing accommodations
housing accommodations where where conditions
conditions justifying justifying such such
controls no no longer
longer exist,
exist, and
and forfor other
other purposes
______________ Mar. Mar. 30,
1948 ___
--- 93
465 --- National-forest
National-forest lands. lands. AN AN ACT ACT To To facilitate
facilitate the the useuse andand oc- oc-
cupancy of national-forest lands, and for
cupancy of national-forest lands, and for other purposes------ other purposes ______ Mar. Mar. 30, 1948 ___
30,1948 --- 100
466 --- D. D. C.
C. Emergency
Emergency Rent Rent Act,
Act, amendment.
amendment. AN AN ACT ACT To To extend
extend for for aa
temporary period the provisions of the District of Columbia
Emergency period
Emergency Rent Act
Act provisions of the District of Columbia
------------------------------------ Mar. Mar. 30,
30, 1948 ___ 100
1948--- 100

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Law Date Page
467 ___ carriers, equipment
.__ Rural carriers, equipment maintenance.
maintenance. AN ACT To increase
the equipment maintenance of rural carriers 1 cent per mile
per day
day traveled by each rural carrier carrier for a period of two years,
and for other purposes-
for other purposes _________________________________ _ l\Iar. 31,1948
Mar. 31, 1948 ___
-- 101
National Housing
468 --- National Housing Act, Act, amendments.
amendments. AN ACT To provide for
a temporary
amended extension of the National Housing Act, as_
amended..-- Mar. 31,
31, 1948_---
1948 ___ 101
469 --- Rubber Act of 1948. AN ACT To strengthen national national security
and the common
common defense by providing for the maintenance
of an adequate
adequate domestic rubber-producing industry, and for
domestic rubber-producing for
other purposes ----------------------------------------
other purposes _________________________________________ _ Mar. 31,
:\lar. 31, 1948
1948 ___
-- 101
Foreign aid,
470 --- Foreign Indians, tax refunds.
appropriations for foreign aid, welfare of Indians,
Making appropriations Indians, and
refunding internal-revenue
refunding internal-revenue collections ___________________
.... _ 31, 1948 ___
Mar. 31, - 109
471 --- Revenue Act of 1948. AN ACT To reduce individual individual income tax tax
payments, and
payments, and for other purposes
for other purposes ________________________
--.. _ Apr.
Apr. 2, 1948---
1948 ___ 110
472 --- Foreign
Foreign Assistance Act Act of 1948. AN AN ACT ACT To promote world world
peace and the general welfare, national interest, and foreign
policy of the United States through economic, financial, and
policy and
other measures necessary to the maintenance maintenance of conditions conditions
abroad in which free institutions may may survive and consistentconsistent
maintenance of the strength and stability
with the maintenance stability of the
United States _________________________________________
United States---------------------------------------- _ Apr. 3, 1948
3, 1948 ___
- 137
Veterans' Administration,
473 --- Veterans' Administration, expenditures.
expenditures. AN ACT To provide
administrative expenditures
basic authority for certain administrative expenditures for the
Veterans' Administration,
Administration, and for other purposes _________ _ Apr.
Apr. 3, 1948
1948 ___
- 160
474 --- Philippines,
Philippines, Veterans
Veterans Administration
Administration offices. AN ACT To
extend the authority
authority of the the Administrator
Administrator of Veterans' Veterans' Affairs
continue offices in the territory of the Republic
to establish and continue Republic
of the Philippines
of the Philippines ______________________________________ _ Apr.
Apr. 3, 1948_--
1948 ___ 161
475 --- Tariff Act Act of 1930, amendment.
amendment. AN ACT To amend the Tariff
Act of 1930 with reference to platinum foxes, and platinum
with reference platinum fox
furs, and for
furs, and for other
other purposes
- - - _ Apr.
Apr. 5, 1948
___ 161
476 --- Hawaii
Hawaii and Alaska,
Alaska, trade
trade statistics.
statistics. AN ACT To exempt Hawaii
requirements of the Act of April 29, 1902,
and Alaska from the requirements
procurement of statistics of trade between
relating to the procurement between the
United States and its noncontiguous
United noncontiguous territory _____________ - _ Apr.
Apr. 7, 1948___-
7,1948 ___ 161
477 --- Oregon and
___ Oregon and California
California Railroad,
Railroad, etc., grant grant lands.
lands. AN ACT To
revested Oregon and California
reopen the revested Railroad and
California Railroad and
reconveyed Coos Bay Wagon Road grant lands to exploration,
location, entry, and disposition under the general mining laws_ laws- Apr.
Apr. 8, 1948 ___
8,1948 - 162
Interstate Commerce Act,
478 --- Interstate Act, amendment. AN ACT ACT To amend amend the
Interstate Commerce Act,
Interstate Act, as amended, and for other purposes_ purposes- Apr.
Apr. 9, 1948 ___
9,1948 - 162
479 --- U. U. S.
S. Naval Hospital, Houston,
Naval Hospital, Houston, Tex. AN ACT To authorize the
Council, Navy League of the United States, to con-
Houston Council,
struct a reflecting pool at the United United States naval naval hospital,
Houston, Texas _______________________________________ _
Houston, Texas..................................... Apr. 9, 1948
___ 170
480 ___- Mineral leases, Mont., N.
Mineralleases, N. Dak., S. Dak., and Wash. Wash. AN ACT To To
authorize the States of Montana, North Dakota, South
authorize South
Dakota, and Washington to lease their State lands for pro-
and Washington
duction of minerals, including leases for exploration exploration for oil,
hydrocarbons and the extraction thereof, for
gas, and other hydrocarbons
years and on such conditions as may be from
terms of years
such terms
provided by the legislatures
time to time provided legislatures of the respective
States .... _ _ ___ _ ___ _ __ ____ _ __ ___ _ ___ _ __ __ ___ __ __ _ __ ___ _ _ Apr. 13, 1948_ __
1948... 170
481 ___
--- Utah, high-school
Roosevelt, Utah, building. AN ACT Authorizing
high-school building. Authorizing an an
appropriation for the construction, extension,
appropriation extension, and improve-
ment of a high-school
high-school building near Roosevelt, Utah, for the
embracing the east portion of Duchesne County and
district embracing and
the west portion
portion of Uintah County County ____ -- __ __ _ ___ ______ __ ___ _ _ 1948 _
Apr. 15, 1948_ _
-- 170
Jacinto-San Vicente aqueduct.
482 --- San Jacinto-San aqueduct. AN ACT Relating Relating to the
construction and disposition of the San Jacinto-San Vicente
aqueduct- __ __ __ _ ____ ___ __ ___ ___ __ __ ___ ______ _ ____ _ ___ _
aqueduct---------------------- Apr. 15,
15, 1948_
1948 _- _ 171
Port Newark Army
483 --- Port Base, N. J.
Army Base, J. AN ACT To provide provide additional
Newark, New Jersey, for paying
time to the city of Newark, certain in-
paying certain
stallments on the purchase price of the Port Newark Army
Base, and for other
other purposes............................
purposes _____________________________ Apr. 15, 1948 -
15,1948___ 171
--- Army
484 ___ uniform. AN ACT To amend the Act of June 3, 1916, as
Army uniform.
amended, to make it
amended, applicable to the Canal Zone, Guam,
it applicable
American Samoa, and the Virgin Islands ------------------
Virgin Islands__________________ Apr. 15,1948___
15,1948--- 172

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485 ___--- U. S.
U. S. Merchant
Merchant Marine Marine Academy,
Academy, Kings Kings Point, Point, N. N. Y.
To authorize the
To the construction
construction of of aa chapel
chapel and aa librarylibrary at at the
United States
United States Merchant
Merchant MarineMarine AcademyAcademy at at Kings Point,
New York,
New York, and and to authorize the the acceptance
acceptance of private private contri-
butions to
butions to assist
assist in in defraying
defraying the the cost
cost of of construction thereoL
thereof_ Apr. 17,
17, 1948 ___
1948___ 172
486 --- Federal
486 FederalAirport
Airport Act, amendments.
amendments. AN AN ACT ACT To To extend the pro- pro-
visions of of the
the Federal
Federal Airport Act Act to to thethe Virgin
Virgin Islands ______------ Apr. 17,
Apr. 17, 1948 ___
1948_-_ 173
487 D. C.
D. C. Traffic
Traffic Act,
Act, 1925,
1925, amendment.
amendment. AN AN ACT To To amend section
77 of the District
District of Columbia
Columbia Traffic
Traffic Act, 1925, as amended,
Act, 1925, amended,
to provide for learners' permits, permits, and for for other purposes ______ ------ Apr. 20,
20, 1948 ___
1948.__- 173
488 --- Practice
488 Practice of of healing
healing art, art, D. C. C. AN ACT To amend amend an an Act en-
titled "An"An Act to to regulate the practice
practice of the healing healing art to to
protect the public health in in the District of of Columbia",
Columbia", ap- ap-
proved February 27, 1929, as as amended
amended _____________________
- Apr.
Apr. 20, 1948 ___
20, 1948 --- 174
489 ___
--- D. C. C. Alcoholic
Alcoholic Beverage
Beverage Control
Control Board.
Board. AN AN ACT ACT To To provide
that compensation
that compensation of members of of the the Alcoholic BeverageBeverage
Control Board of the the District
District of of Columbia shall shall bebe fixed in in
accordance with the the Classification
Classification Act of 1923, 1923, as amended
amended_- __ Apr.
Apr. 20,1948 ___
20, 1948--_ 176
Tariff Act of 1930,
490 --- Tariff 1930, amendment.
amendment. AN ACT ACT To amend amend paragraph
1629 of the the Tariff Act of 1930 1930 so as as to provide for the free im-
portation of exposed
portation of exposed X-ray film X-ray film ___________________________ Apr. 20, 1948
Apr. 20, ___
1948..-- 176
Independent Offices Appropriation
491 --- Independent AppropriationAct, 1949. AN ACT Making
appropriations for the Executive
appropriations Executive Office and sundry inde-
pendent executive
pendent executive bureaus, boards, commissions, commissions, and and offices,
the fiscal year
for the year ending June 30, 30, 1949,
1949, and for for other purposes_
purposes- Apr. 20, 1948 ___
20, 1948 --- 176
492 --- Social-security
Social-security coverage.coverage. AN ACT To exclude exclude certain vendors
of newspapers
newspapers or magazines from certain provisions provisions of the the
Social Security Act and Internal Revenue Code ______________
Social ----------- Apr. 20, 1948 ___
20, 1948 -- 195
493 --- National
National parks,parks, appointments
appointments of commissioners.
commissioners. AN ACT To
provide that appointments
appointments of United States c'ommissioners commissioners
for the Isle Royale, Hawaii, Mammoth Cave, and Olympic Na-
tional Parks shall be made by the United States district courts
without the recommendation
recommendation and approval of the Secretary Secretary
of the
th e Interior
In terior __________________________________________
------------------------------------------ Apr. 21, 1948 ___
21, 1948- - 196
494 --- Remount Service. AN ACT ACT To transfertransfer the Remount Remount Service
from the Department
Department of the Army Army to the Department Department of
AgricuIture ____________________________________________ 21,1948
Agriculture -- ------------------------------------------ Apr. 21, 1948 ___
--- 197
495 ___ Bankruptcy
495 Bankruptcy Act, amendment. AN
Act, 1898, amendment. AN ACT ACT To amend amend an an
Act entitled "An "An Act to establish a uniform system of bank-
ruptcy throughout the United States", approved approved July 1, 1898, 1898,
Acts amendatory
and Acts amendatory thereof thereof andand supplementary
supplementary thereto----thereto ____ Apr.
Apr. 21,1948
21, 1948 ___
-- 198
496 ---
496 ___ Foot-and-mouth
Foot-and-mouth disease. disease. AN ACT To enable enable the Secretary
Secretary of
Agriculture to conduct research
Agriculture reseaxch on foot-and-mouth
foot-and-mouth disease disease
and other
other diseases
diseases of animals and and to amend amend the Act of May May
29, 1884
1884 (23 Stat.
(23 Stat. 31),
31), as amended, by adding
as amended, adding another sec-
tion ___________________________________________________ Apr. 24, 1948 ___
24, 1948_---
t io n --------------------------------------------------- Apr. 198
497 ---
___ National
National parks,parks, surplus
surplus realreal property.
property. AN AN ACT ACT To authorize
transfer of surplussurplus real property
property to to the the jurisdiction
jurisdiction of the
Department of the Interior Interior for for consolidation
consolidation of of Federal
holdings within
within areas areas administered
administered by
holdings________________________________________________ by the National
National Park
Service Apr.
Service ---------------------------------------------.. Apr. 24,1948
24, 1948 ___
--- 199
498 ---
498 ___ Navy Department,
Department, sesquicentennial.
To provide
provide for for the commemoration
commemoration of of the
the sesquicentennial
anniversary of the
the establishment
establishment of of the Department
Department of the
Navy _________________________________________________ 26,1948
Apr. 26,
Navy ------------------------------------------ Apr. 1948 ___
--- 199
499 ---
499 ___ Maryland,
Maryland, land land conveyance.
conveyance. AN AN ACT ACT To provide for the
To provide the con-
veyance to to the State of
the State of Maryland,
Maryland, for the use of of the Univer-
sity ofof Maryland,
Maryland, of the the northern
northern portion
portion of of a parcel
parcel of of land
previously constituting
constituting aa part part of thethe campus
campus of the university
and previously
previously conveyed
conveyed by by thethe State
State of Maryland Maryland to the the
United States
United States for the use use of the
the Bureau
Bureau of Mines- Mines ___________ 27,1948
Apr. 27, ___
1948-.. 200
500 --- Gambling
Gambling ships. AN ACT ACT To To prohibit
prohibit the the operation
operation of gam- gam-
bling ships,
bling ships, and for other other purposes
purposes ........
________________________ Apr. 27, 1948 ___
27, 1948_-- 200
501 --- U. S.S. Code,
Code, title 17, amendment. AN AN ACT ACT To To amend title 17
amend title 17 of
- the
the United
United States
States Code Code entitled
entitled "Copyrights."
"Copyrights." ____________ 27,1948
Apr. 27,
Apr. ___
1948--- 202
502 --- Fort Peck Indians.
Fort Peck Indians. AN AN ACT ACT Authorizing
Authorizing the the Secretary
Secretary of of the
Interior to to pay
pay salaries
salaries and
and expenses
expenses of of the
the chairman,
chairman, secre-
tary, and clerk of the Fort Peck General
clerk of the Fort Peck General CounCil, members Council, members
of the Fort Peck Tribal Executive Board,
of the Fort Peck Tribal Executive Board, and other commit- and other commit-
tees appointed
appointed by said said Fort
Fort Peck
Peck General
General Council,
Council, and and official
delegates of
delegates the Fort
of the Fort Peck
Peck Tribes
Tribes _________________________
......... Apr. 28,
Apr. 1948 ___
28, 1948. 203

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Law Date Page
503 --- Southwest Indian
Indian Mission,
Mission, Inc., Utah. AN ACT To authorize
Inc., Utah. authorize
the sale of certain
certain public lands in San Juan County, Utah, to to
the Southwest
Southwest Indian Mission,Mission, Incorporated---
Incorporated ______________ _ Apr. 28,1948
28, 1948 __ _
--- 203
504 --- Fort
Fort Sumter National Monument, S. C. JOINT
National Monument, RESOLUTION
To establish the Fort Sumter National National Monument in the the State
of South Carolina ______________________________________
of South Carolina ............. _ 28,1948
Apr. 28, 1948 __
-- _ 204
505 --- Canton
Canton andand Enderbury Islands. AN ACT To amend the Act of
Enderbury Islands. of
August 13, 1940 (54 Stat. 784), 784), so as to extend the jurisdiction
of the United States District Court, Territory of Hawaii, Hawaii,
over Canton and Enderbury
over Canton and Enderbury Islands Islands _____________________
....... _ 29,1948
Apr. 29, __ _
1948___- 204
506 --- Daylight
Daylight saving time, D. C. C. AN ACT To authorize authorize the Board of
Commissioners of the District of Columbia Columbia to establish day-
light saving
saving time
time inin the
the District-
Districk _________________________ _ 29,1948
Apr. 29, 1948 __
-- _ 205
507 --- D. C.
C. Emergency Rent Act, 1941, amendments. amendments. AN ACT To
amend and extend the provisions of the District of Columbia
Emergency Rent Act, approved December December 2,1941, 2, 1941, as amended-
amended_ Apr. 29, 1948 __ _
1948_--- 205
508 --- Mescalero Apache Indian
Mescalero Indian Tribe.
Tribe. AN ACT Providing for pay-
ment of of $50 to each enrolled membermember of the Mescalero Mesealero Apache
Indian Tribe from funds standing to their credit in the Treas-
ury of the "C"nited States
ury of the United States__- ________________________________ _ Apr. 30,1948 __ _
30, 1948__-- 206
509 --- C. Revenue Act
D. C. Act of 1947, amendments.
amendments. AN AN ACT To amend amend an
Act entitled "An "An Act to provide
provide revenue for the the District
District of of
Columbia, and for other purposes", approved approved July July 16, 1947 __ _
1947--- May
May 3, 1948 __ _
1948_-_ 206
510 --- Tariff ActAct of 1930, amendment.
amendment. AN ACT To amend paragraph
1803 (2) of the Tariff Act of 1930, 1030, relating to firewood and and_
otherwoods ___________________________________________
other woods ....... May 3,1948
3, __ _
1948--- 207
511 --- Naval service, medical services. AN ACT To authorize authorize the pay-
ment of certain
certain claims for medical treatment of of persons in the
naval service; to repeal section 1586 of the Revised Statutes;
and for
and for other
other purposes
purposes-_ _________________________________ _ May
May 4,
4,1948 __ _
1948___- 208
512 Veterans, subsistence
--- Veterans, subsistence allowances,
allowances, etc. AN ACT ACT To provide addi-
tional subsistence
subsistence allowances and to raise the ceilings on wages
and allowances
allowances pertaining to certain certain veterans___
veterans _____________ _ May
May 4,1948
4, __ _
1948--- 208
513 --- Navy, salvage facilities.
facilities. AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of of
the Navy
Navy to provide
provide salvage facilities, and for other purposes purposes __ -_ May 4,
1948 __
--_ 209
514 Internal Revenue Code,
--- Internal Code, amendments.
amendments. AN ACT To amend sec- sec-
tions 212 (b) and 231 (d) of the Internal Internal Revenue
Revenue Code _____ -- _ May
May 4, 1948 __ _
1948_-- 210
515 -Five Civilized Tribes,
Five Civilized Tribes, Okla., commemorative
commemorative stamp. JOINT JOINT
RESOLUTION To provide for the issuance of a special special postage
stamp in honor of the Five Civilized Tribes of Indians Indians in Okla-_
homa ________________________________________________
homa ........ May 4, 1948 __
-- _ 211
516 -- Loans for Indians. AN ACT To authorize loans for Indians,
for Indians.
and for other purposes _________________________________
__ _ 1948.---
May 7, 1948 __ _ 211
517 --- Army-Navy Nurse Corps,
Army-Navy Corps, retirement
retirement benefits.
benefits. AN ACT To equal-
ize retirement
retirement benefits
benefits among members of the Nurse Corps of
the Army
Army and the Navy, and for other purposes purposes ___________
------------_ 7, 1948 __
May 7,1948 -- _ 211
518 --- Shipping amendment. AN ACT To amend section
Shipping Act, 1916, amendment. section 40
of the Shipping
Shipping Act, 1916 728), as amended
1916 (39 Stat. 728), amended _______
-------- _ May 10, 1948 __
-- _ 212
519 --- First
First Deficiency Appropriation
Appropriation Act, 1948. AN ACT Making Making
appropriations to supply deficiencies
deficiencies in certain appropriations
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1948, 1948, and for other purposes_
purposes. May
May 10, 1948 __
-- _ 213
520 --- Bridge, Afississippi
Mississippi River. AN ACT To extend extend the time for
completing the construction of a bridge across
a bridge across the Mississippi
River at or near Sauk Rapids, Minnesota _________________ ...... _ May 11,
11, 1948 __ _
1948__- 230
521 --- Federal Prison
Federal Industries, Inc.
Prison Industries, Inc. AN AN ACT To authorize authorize the ex- ex-
penditure of of income
income from Federal
Federal Prison Industries, Incor-
porated, for training of Federal prisioners prisioners-_________________ - _ May 11,
11, 1948
1948 __
-- _ 230
522 --- Star-route
Star-route contracts. JOINT RESOLUTION
contracts. JOINT RESOLUTION To authorize the
Postmaster General
Postmaster General to withhold
withhold the awarding
awarding of star-route
contracts for a period of sixty days days_______________________ _ May 11,
11, 1948 __ _
1948___- 231
523 --- Disbursing
Disbursing officers, validation payments. AN ACT To vali-
validation of payments.
date payments
payments heretofore made by disbursing disbursing officers
officers of the
United States Government covering cost of shipment
shipment of house-
hold effects
effects of civilian
civilian employees,
employees, and for other purposes ___ -- _ May 12, 1948
May __ _
1948___ 231
524 __ _ Colonial
--- Colonial National
National Historical Park, Yorktown, Va.
Historical Park, Va. AN ACT To
authorize a bridge, roads roads and approaches, supports supports and bents,
or other structures, across, over, or upon lands of the United
States within the limits of the Colonial Colonial National
National Historical
Yorktown, Virginia ______________________ _
Park at or near Yorktown, May 12, 1948
May 1948__--
__ _ 232
525 __
--- _ Radiotelegraph
Radiotelegraph operators.
operators. AN AN ACT
ACT To To provide
provide for for the
the licensing
of radiotelegraph operators as ship radio officers, and
for marine radiotelegraph
other purposes operators __________
for other purposes .................. ____________ and_
May 1948---
May 12, 1948 __ _ 232

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526 ---
526 ___ National
National cemeteries. AN AN ACT To establish eligibility for burial
establish eligibility burial
in national
in national cemeteries,
cemeteries, and and for otherother purposes
purposes ______________
.......... May 1948___
May 14, 1948.-- 234
527 ___ D. C. courthouse,
527 --- D. construction. AN ACT
courthouse, construction. ACT To authorize the con-
authorize the con-
struction of
struction of a courthouse
courthouse to to accommodate
accommodate the the United
United States
Court of
Court of Appeals
Appeals for the the District of of Columbia
Columbia andand the District
Court of the
Court the United States States for the the District
District of
of Columbia, and
for other
for other purposes
purposes ______________________________________ May 14,
May 1948__--
14, 1948 ___ 235
528 -- Boulder Canyon Project
528 Project Adjustment Act, amendment. AN
Act, 1940, amendment. AN
ACT To amend
ACT amend the the Act Act entitled
entitled "Boulder
"Boulder Canyon
Canyon Project Project
Adjustment Act",
Adjustment Act", approved
approved July July 19, 19, 1940
1940 _________________
__ May 14,
14, 1948_--
1948 ___ 235
529 --- Sale of Indian
529 Indian lands.
lands. AN ACT To authorize authorize the sale of of indi-
vidual Indian lands
vidual lands acquired
acquired under under the Act of of June
June 18, 18, 1934,
and under
and uuder the
the Act
Act of June 26 23; 1936-
1936 _______________________ May 14,
May 1948&--
14,1948 ___ 236
530 ___ Seniority Act
530 Act for Rural Mail darriers.
for Rural arriers. AN ACT To To establish
methods of advancement
the methods advancement for post-office employees (rural
post-office employees
carriers) in
carriers) in the
the field
field service
service ______________________________
........ 18, 1948_-_
May 18, 1948 ___ 236
Disabled veterans,
531 --- Disabled veterans, support.
support. AN AN ACT ACT To increaseincrease temporarily
amount of
the amount of Federal aid to State or Territorial homes homes for the
support of disabled soldiers
support soldiers and sailorssailors of the United States States __- 1948.__
May 18, 1948 ___ 237
Marine Band.
532 --- Marine Band. AN ACT To To authorize
authorize the attendance of the
the attendance the
United States Marine
United Marine Band at the Eighty-second Eighty-second National National
Encampment of the tile Grand Army of the Republic to be held held
Grand Rapids, Michigan,
in Grand Michigan, September
September 26 26 to 30,1948
30, 1948 _______ ------- 18, 1948_-
May 18, 1948 ___ 237
533 ___ General
533 ___ General Accounting Office, building construction. AN ACT To
building construction. To
authorize the Federal Works
authorize Works Administrator
Administrator to to construct
construct a
building for the General
building General Accounting
Accounting Office Office on square 518 518 inin
the District
the District of of Columbia, and for other other purposes
purposes ____________
------------ May 1948 ___
May 18, 1948 --- 238
534 --- Wildlife control
control areas,
areas, Calif.Calif. AN ACT acquisition and
ACT For the acquisition
maintenance of wildlife management
maintenance management and control control areas in the
State ofof California,
California, and and for
for other
other purposes-_-
purposes _________________ May
May 18, 1948_--
18, 1948 ___ 238
Coast Guard,
535 _-_ Coast Guard, retirement.
retirement. AN ACT To amend the the Act of July July
23, 1947
1947 (61 Stat. 409) 409) (Public Law Numbered 219 of the
Law Numbered
Eightieth Congress)
Eightieth Congress) _______________________
------------------------------------ - - - -- - - - - -- - __ May 19, 1948
May 19, 1948 ___
--- 239
536 --- Jeffersonville
Jeffersonville Flood Control Di8trict,
Flood Control District, Ind. Ind. AN ACT For the re-
lief of Jeffersonville Flood Control District, Jeffersonville,
Indiana, aa municipal
municipal corporation-
corporation _________________________
-- 1948_--
19, 1948
May 19, ___ 239
537 --- Wildlife conservation.
conservation. AN ACT Authorizing the transfer of
certain real property for wildlife, or other other purposes __________
.... May 19, 1948
May 19, 1948 ___
--- 240
Immigration Act of 1924, amendments.
538 --- Immigration amendments. AN ACT To amend the
Immigration Act of 1924, as amended_ amended _____________________ May 19, 1948
May 1948_--
___ 241
539 --- Veteran8, mustering-out pay. AN ACT To extend the time
Veterans, mustering-out
application for the benefits of the Mustering-
within which application
Out Payment
Payment Act of 1944 1944 may be made by veterans discharged discharged
from the armed forces before effective date of such Act_--
before the effective Act ___ May
May 19, 1948.__
19, 1948 ___ 241
duties. AN ACT To permit
540 --- Customs duties.
540 permit the temporary
temporary free impor- impor-
tation of racing shells,sheils, and increasing
increasing the amount of exemp- exemp-
tions allowed for personal
tions allowed for personal purchases purchases abroad ________________ May 1948_---
19, 1948
May 19, ___ 241
In8urance rates,
541 --- Insurance rates, D.D. C. C. AN AN ACT To regulation of
To provide for regulation
certain insurance
insurance rates in the District of Columbia, and for
other purposes
purposes _________________________________________
........... 1948_---
May 20, 1948 ___ 242
542 --- Flathead
542 Flathead Reservation,
Reservation, Mont. Mont. AN ACT To authorize authorize the sale of
certain individual Indian land on the Flathead Flathead Reservation to to
the State of Montana
the State of Montana ......... ___________________________________ 20, 1948
May 20,
May ---
1948 ___ 248
543 Rapid City, S. Dak.,
543 --- Rapid Dak., conveyance. AN ACT Authorizing the Sec- Sec-
retary of the Interior to convey certain lands in South Dakota
retary Dakota
for municipal
municipal or or public purposes __________________________
public purposes .... 20, 1948 ___
May 20, --- 248
Navigation on inland
544 --- Navigation inland waters,
waters, etc. AN ACT Relating to the rules
for the prevention of collisions on certain inland waters of the
United States and on the western western rivers, and for other purposes- purposes_ May 21, 1948.--
21, 1948 ___ 249
545 --- Oyster beds, La. and and Miss.
Miss. AN ACT Authorizing an appropria-
tion for investigating the oyster beds damaged or destroyed by by
the intrusion of fresh water and the blockage of natural
sages west of the Mississippi River in the vicinity of Lake
natural pas-
Mechant and Bayou
Mechant Bayou Severin, Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana,
and by the opening of the Bonnet Carre Spillway, Spillway, and for other other
purposes _______________________________________________ 21, 1948..--
May 21,1948 ___
purposes ---------------------------------------------- 257
546 ___ Power and
Carolina Power
546 --- Carolina and Light Co., construction, etc., of dam.
Co., construction, dam. AN AN
ACT Granting the consent of Congress to Carolina Power and and
Light Company to______________________________________
construct, maintain, and operate a dam dam in in
the Lumber River May 21,
21, 1948 ___
1948--- 257
the Lumber River ------------------------------------- 257

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547 __
---_ Supplemental
Supplemental National
National Defense Appropriation
Appropriation Act, 1948.
1948. AN
ACT Making supplementalsupplemental appropriations for the national
purposes for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1948, and for other_
purposes------------ May 21,1948 __ _
21, 1948_-- 258
548 Reconstruction Finance
--- Reconstruction Finance Corporation
CorporationAct, amendments. amendments. AN ACT ACT
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
To amend the Reconstruction Corporation Act, as as
amended, and for other
amended, and for other purposes_ purposes ________________________ _ May 25,
May 25, 1948 __ _
1948_-_ 261
549 National Advisory Committee
--- National Committee for for Aeronautics.
Aeronautics. AN ACT To pro-
mote the national defense by increasing increasing the membership
membership of the
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Aeronautics, and and for other_
purposes ______________________________________________ May 25, 1948 __ _
purposes ........................................... 1948_-- 266
550 --- General Bridge
General Bridge Act of 1946, amendment. amendment. AN ACT To amend the
General BridgeBridge ActAct of of 1946
1946 _____________________________ _ May 25, 1948 __ _
1948___- 267
551 --- East Bay Municipal
East Municipal UtilityUtility District,
District, Calif.
Calif. AN ACT ACT To author-
Secretary of the Navy to grant to the
ize the Secretary the East
East Bay Bay Munic-
ipal Utility District, an agency of the State of California, an an
easement for the the construction
construction and operation operation of aa water main in in
and under certaincertain Government-owned
Government-owned lands comprising a part
of the United States naval air station, Alameda, California California--- __ _ May 25,1948 __ _
25, 1948__- 268
552 __
--- _ Aliens. AN ACT To amend the immigration laws to deny ad-
mission to the United United States of aliens who may be coming
here for the purpose of engaging engaging in activities which will en-
danger the public safety of the United States _____________ _
States............ 1948 __ _
May 25, 1948_-_ 268
553 Boulder City,
--- Boulder City, Nev. AN ACT Directing the Secretary of the
Interior to sell and lease lease certain houses, apartments, and lands
in Boulder City, Nevada
in Nevada._______________________________
----------............... _ May 25,1948 __ _
25, 1948_-_ 268
554 --- Flathead Indian
Flathead Indian irrigation
irrigation project,project, Mont.Mont. AN ACT To provide
for adjustment of irrigation charges charges on the Flathead Indian
irrigation project, Montana, and for other purposes ......... ________ _ May 25, 1948 __- _ 269
555 --- Northport Irrigation District.
Northport Irrigation District. AN ACT Authorizing the execu- execu-
tion of an amendatory repayment contract contract with the North-
port Irrigation District, and for other purposes ____________ ...... _ May 25,1948 __ _
25, 1948___ 273
556 --- Clams. AN ACT Authorizing Authorizing and directing directing the Fish and Wild-
Service of the Department
life Service Department of the Interior to undertake
certain studies
studies of the soft-shell
soft-shell and hard-shellhard-shell clams----
clams ________ _ May 26, 1948
May __ _
1948_-_ 274
557 --- Civil Air Patrol.
Civil Patrol. AN ACT To establish Civil Air Patrol as a
civilian auxiliary
auxiliary of the United United States States Air Force and to author-
ize the Secretary
Secretary of the Air Force to extend extend aid to Civil Air Air
in the fulfillment of its objeetives, objectives, and for other
Patrol_________________________________________________ other pur-_
p o se s -------------------------------------------------- 26,1948
May 26, __ _
1948__-- 274
558 --- Memorial
Memorial Day. Day. JOINTJOINT RESOLUTIONRESOLUTION Requesting Requesting the Presi-
dent to issue a proclamation
proclamation designating Memorial Memorial Day, 1948,
as aa day for a Nation-wide prayer prayer for peace peace................
_______________ _ May 28,1948 __ _
28, 1948___- 275
559 --- Federal Power Act,
Federal Power Act, amendment.amendment. AN ACT
ACT To amend amend section 24 24
of the Federal Power Act
of the Federal Power Act so as to provide so as to provide that the States may
apply for reservation of portions of power sites released for
entry, location,
entry, location, or or selection
selection to the States States for highway pur-_
poses _________________________________________________
poses------------------------------------------------ 28,1948
May 28, 1948 __
-- _ 275
560 - Government, etc., etc., personnel,
personnel, transportation.
transportation. AN ACT To provide
for furnishing transportation for
furnishing transportation for certain Government and
certain Government and
personnel, and for other
other personnel, other purposes
purposes ___________________ _ 28,1948
May 28, __ _
1948___ 276
561 --- Use of public lands lands for for national
national defense purposes. purposes. AN ACT ACT
Authorizing the the head
head of of the
the department or agency agency using the
public domain for national defense
public domain for national defense purposes to compensate purposes to compensate
holders of of grazing
grazing permits
permits and licenses for losses losses sustained by by
reason of such use of public public lands for national national defense
defense pur-
poses ------------------------------------------------- _
poses _________________________________________________ May 28, 1948
May __ _
1948_--- 277
562 --- Alaska, public airports.
airports. AN ACT To To authorize
authorize the the construc-
tion, protection,
tion, protection, operation, and maintenance maintenance of public airports
Territory of
in the Territory of Alaska.............................
Alaska ______________________________ _ May 28, 1948
May __ _
1948_--- 277
563 --- Potash
Potash mining.
mining. AN AN ACT ACT To amend the
To amend the Act entitled "An
Act entitled "An ActAct
to promote
to promote the the mining of potash on on the public domain", ap- ap-
proved February
proved February 7, 7, 1927,
1927, so so as to provide
as to provide for the disposition
for the disposition
of the
the rentals
rentals and royalties
royalties from leases leases issued or or renewed under under
the Act
Act entitled
entitled "An "An Act to authorize authorize exploration
exploration for and and dis-
position of potassium",
potassium", approved approved October October 2, 2,1917 __________ _
1917 ........... June
June 1,1948 __
---_ 279
564 __
--- _ Canadians admitted to U. S.
Canadians admitted S. Naval
Naval and Military
Military Academies. AN AN
ACT To To amend
amend the the ActsActs authorizing
authorizing the the courses
courses of of instruc-
tion atat thethe United
United States States Naval Academy and
Naval Academy and the United United
States Military
Military Academy
Academy to to be be given
given to to a limited number number of of
persons from the American
persons from the American Republics so as to Republics so as to permit such
courses of instruction
courses of instruction to to be given
given to Canadians............
Canadians ____________ _ June
June 1,1948 __ _
1,1948-. 279

HeinOnline -- 62 Stat. xiii 1918-1949


Public Date Page
Law Date Page
565 -- Kearney,Nebr.,
Kearney, Nebr.,conveyance.
conveyance. AN ANACT ACTTo authorizethe
Toauthorize theSecre-
tary theArmy Armytotoexchange exchangecertain certainpropertypropertywith withthe theCityCity June 1, 1948---
of Kearney, Nebraska __________________________________ _ June 1,1948 __ _ 280
of Kearney, Nebraska --------------------------------- 280
Federal Works
566 --- Federal
566 WorksAgency, Agency,special specialpolicemen.
policemen. AN ANACT ACTTo Toauthor-
ize theFederal
FederalWorks Administratorororofficials
WorksAdministrator officialsofofthe theFederal
Works Agency
Works Agency duly duly authorized
authorized by by him him toto appointappoint special special
policemenfor fordutydutyupon upon Federal
Federalproperty propertyunder underthe thejurisdic-
jurisdic- June 1, 1948 -- 281
tion theFederal
Federal Works Works Agency,Agency,and andfor otherpurposes---
for other purposes __ _ June 1,1948 __ _ 281
Nationality Act
567 --- Nationality Act ofof1940, 1940, amendment.
amendment. AN AN ACT ACT To amend the
To amend the June 1,1948--- 281
567 Nationality Act of 1940 _________________________________ _ June 1, 1948 __ _
Nationality Act of 1940 -------------------------------- 281
568 Fairbanks,
568 --- Fairbanks, Alaska,
Alaska, conveyance.
conveyance. AN
To transfer
transfer lot
lot 11 inin
115, citycityofof Fairbanks,
Fairbanks, Alaska,totothe
Alaska, thecitycity ofofFairbanks,
Fairbanks,_ June 1,1948 -- 283
laska . ___________ - ___________________________________
. .............................. June 1,1948 __ _ 283
Alaska, district
569 --- Alaska,
569 district court court division.
division. AN AN ACT ACT To amend the
To amend the fourth
paragraph of
paragraph ofsection
section 4,4, chapter chapter 1,1, title title I,I, ofof thethe Act Act entitled
An ActAct making
making further further provision
provision for for aa civil government for
civil government for
Alaska, and and for for other
other purposes",
purposes", approved approved June June 6,6, 1900 1900 (31 (31 June 1, 1948--- 283
Stat. 322;
Stat. 322;48 48 U. U. S.S. C. C. sec.
sec. 101),
101), as as amended
_______________ _ June 1, 1948 __ _ 283
570 __ _ Boulder
Boulder Canyon
Canyon Project Project Adjustment
Adjustment Act, amendment. AN
Act, amendment. AN ACT ACT
570 ---
To provide
To provide for for the distribution among
the distribution among the the States of
States of Colorado,
New Mexico,Utah, Utah,and andWyoming
Wyomingof ofthethereceipts of the
receipts of the ColoradoColorado
River Development
River Development Fund Fund for for useuse in the fiscal
in the years 1949
fiscal years 1949 to to
1955, inclusive,
1955, inclusive, on on aa basis which isis as
basis which as nearly equal
nearly equal as as practi-
cable and
cable and to to make
make available
available other other funds for the investigation
funds for the investigation
and construction
and construction of of projects
projects in in any
any of of the States of
the States the Colo-
of the Colo-
rado River
River Basin Basin in in addition
addition to appropriations
to appropriations for for said
said June 1, 1948_-- 284
purposes from the
purposes from the Colorado River Colorado River Development
Development Fund
Fund ______
------- _ June 1,1948 __ _ 284
Mineral Leasing
571 --- Mineral
571 Leasing Act, Act, 1920,1920, amendment. AN AN ACT ACT To To amend
the Mineral
Mineral LeasingI_easing Act Act of February 25,
of February 1920, to
25, 1920, permit the
to permit the June 1,1948_-- 285
exercise of
exercise of certain
certain options
options on on or or before
before AugustAugust 8, 1950--.
8,1950 _______ _ June 1, 1948 __ _ 285
572 --- Inaugural
572 Inaugural ceremonies,
ceremonies, quartering quartering of of troops.
TION To provide
provide for for the quartering, in
the quartering, certain public
in certain public build-
ings inin the
the District
District of Columbia, of troops
of Columbia, participating in
troops participating in the
the June 1, 1948 --- 285
inaugural ceremonies
ceremonies of of 1949
____________________________ _ June 1,1948 __ _
inaugural 285
573 --- Weather Bureau. AN
Weather Bureau. AN ACT To provide basic authority for
basic authority for certain
and . . . . Bureau, . . for otherother_ June 2, 1948 --- 286
purposes and .activities
. . . . of. the
. activities . .Weather . . . and
June 2, 1948 __ _ 286
Inaugural ceremonies, maintenance of public order. JOINT
574 -_- Inaugural
574 ceremonies, maintenance of maintenance
for the
public order. of JOINT public
order and the protection To provide
provideof life forandthe maintenance
property in connection of publicwith
order and the protection ofceremonies
life and property in connection with June 3, 1948 --- 286
the Presidential inaugural
the Presidential inaugural ceremonies of
of 1949-------------..
1949 _______________ _ June 3, 1948__ _
Inaugural ceremonies, permits to committee. JOINT
575 __--_ Inaugural RESOLU- 286
575 ceremonies, the permits to committee. permits JOINT
to the RESOLU-
TION Authorizing
on Inaugural Ceremonies granting
on the of
occasion of the inauguration
TION Authorizing the granting of permits to the Committee
of the
on President-elect
Inaugural Ceremonies on the 1949,
in January occasion and forof theother purposes_ June 3, 1948 ---
inauguration 287
576 --- Mineral leases,
of the President-elect public lands. in January AN 1949, ACT and To foramend otherthe Mineral
purposes __ June 3, 1948__ _ 287
576 __ _ Mineral leases, public lands. AN ACT To amend the Mineral Act of
Leasing Act of February 25, 1920, and the Potassium
February Act7, of 1927, February
in order25, to 1920,
promote andthe thedevelopment
Potassium Act of
of cer-
tain minerals
February on the
7, 1927, order domain;
in public to promote andthe other purposesb
for development of cer- June 3, 1948 ..- 289
tain minerals on the public domain; and for other purposes
ofhospital AN ACT ___To _ June 3, 1948 __ _ 289
577 __ - --_ Veterans'
Veterans' Administration,
for the acquisition
provideAdministration, acquisition
acquisitionof theof hospitals. at Camp
AN ACT White,To
Medford, Oregon, and Schick General
provide for the acquisition of the hospital at Camp White, Hospital, Clinton, Iowa,
for use as asOregon,
domiciliary and Schick facilities General
by the Hospital,
Veterans' Clinton, Iowa,
for 292
578 - tionuse
domiciliary facilities by the Veterans' Administra-_ June 3,1948___
powerboat mail service. AN ACT To amend an Act en- June 3,1948 __ _ 292
578 __ _ Alaska, "An Act to
titled powerboat service.theAN
mail ACT To General
Postmaster amend an to contract
Act en-
for certain
titled" An Act powerboat
to authorize service Alaska, and General
theinPostmaster for othertopurposes_
for certain powerboat service in Alaska, and for other purposes", June 3,1948 --- 292
579 approved
approved August
RiverAugustNational 10, 1939 (53
10, Wildlife
1939 Stat.
Stat. 1338) 1338)---------------..
Mass. AN ACT To re-
_________________ _ June 3, 1948 __ _ 292
579 in area
duce River
Parker the Parker
National Wildlife RiverRefuge, Mass. Wildlife
National AN ACT Refuge
To re- in
duce area the Parker Riverand
Massachusetts, for other
National purposes
Wildlife Refuge in June 3, 1948--- 293
580 --- Snake
County, Idaho and Wyo. AN
Massachusetts, andACT Granting
for other purposes _______ of
the consent _ June 3, 1948 __ _ 293
580 River, to
SnakeaCongress the States
Idaho and Wyo. of Idaho AN and ACTWyoming Grantingtothe consentand
negotiate of
enter intotoa the
Congress Statesfor
compact the division
of Idaho and Wyomingof the waters of the Snake
to negotiate and
anda its compact
tributaries for the division of
originating in the waters
either of the of the
two Snake
River and its into
and flowing tributaries
theother originating in either of the two States June 3, 1948___
..........................---- 294
581 and
Hawaiianflowing Homesinto the other ______________________________
Commission Act, amendment. AN ACT To _ June 3, 1948 __ _ 294
581 __ _ Hawaiian -- vamend Homes 203
section of the Hawaiian
Commission Act, amendment. Homes Commission AN ACT Act, To
amend section certain
203 of public lands as available
the Hawaiian Homes home Oommissionlands Act, t- June 3, 1948__- 295
582 --- Hawaii,
designatingcertain interest
certain rates.
public lands AN as ACT
available home sections
To ratify lands ______ 1 and _ June 3,1948 __ _ 295
.582 __ _ Hawaii, Joint Resolution 7 enacted by
2 of certain interest rates. AN ACT To ratify sections 1 and the Legislature of the Terri-
2tory of Hawaii
of Joint Resolution enactedsession
in its7 regular by the of 1947-------------
Legislature of the Terri- June 3,3,1948
1948.-- 295
tory of Hawaii in its regular session of 1947_______________ _ June __ _ 295

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Law Date Page
583 __
--- _ Interstate
Interstate Commerce
Commerce Act, amendment. amendment. AN ACT To amend sec-
tion 20 (12)(12) of the Interstate
Interstate CommerceCommerce Act, with respect to to
recourse, by an initial
recourse, initial or delivering
delivering carrier, against the carrier carrier
on whose line loss of, or damage damage or injury to, property is sus-
law account of expense incurred in defending actions
on account
__________________________________________________ actions at at_
law ....... June 3,1948
3, __ _
1948_-- 295
584 __
--- _ Hawaii,
Hawaii, revenue bonds. bonds. AN ACT To approve Act Numbered Numbered 74
of the Session Laws of 1947 1947 of the Territory
Territory of Hawaii, Hawaii, entitled
"An act relating to revenue bonds
"An bonds of the Territory Territory of Hawaii", Hawaii",
and Act Numbered 95 of the Session Laws of 1947 of the Terri-
Act Numbered
tory of Hawaii, entitled "An "An act relating to Territorial Territorial and and
county publicpublic improvements
improvements and the financing thereof by the
issuance of of revenue bonds" bonds" _____________________________ _ 3,1948
June 3, ___
1948k__ 296
585 --- Hawaii,
Hawaii, water
water supply of Honolulu. Honolulu. AN ACT ACT To ratify ratify Act 237 237
of the Session
of the Session Laws Laws of of Hawaii
Hawaii 1947 1947 ______________________ _ June 3,
3, 1948
1948 ___
--- 296
586 --- Fort
Fort Peck project, Ilont.
Peck project, Mont. AN ACT To authorize authorize paymentspayments to to
the public
public school district or districts serving the Fort Peck
project, Montana, for the education of dependents dependents of persons persons
engaged on on that
that project
project ________________________________
- _ June 3,
3, 1948
1948 ___
--- 297
587 __
--- _ Coast
Coast and Geodetic
Geodetic Survey CommissionedCommissioned Officers' Act of 1948.
AN ACT To provide provide for the distribution, promotion, separa-
tion, and retirement of commissioned commissioned officers officers of the Coast Coast and
Geodetic Survey, and
Geodetic and for other purposes purposes __________________
...... _ June
June 3,1948
3,1948 ___
--- 297
588 __
588 --- _ Oklahoma,
Oklahoma, land conveyance. AN ACT To provide for the con- con-
veyance of certain land to the State of Oklahoma for the use
and benefit of the Northeastern
Northeastern State State College
Oklahoma College at Tahlequah,
Oklahom a ................ June
June 3,1948 ___
3,1948_-- 301
589 --- Department
Department of the Interior, Interior, oaths.oaths. AN ACT To eliminate eliminate the
requirement of oaths
requirement oaths in certain land matters, matters, and for other other_
purposes ______________________________________________ 3, 1948
1948 ___
purposes ............. June
June 3, --- 301
Cape Hatteras
590 --- Cape Hatteras National
National Seashore
Seashore Recreational
Recreational Area project. project. AN AN
ACT To provide for the addition addition of certain surplus Govern- Govern-
ment lands to the Cape Hatteras Hatteras National Seashore Seashore Recrea- Recrea-
tional Area project, and for other purposes ________________
tional -----------------_ June
June 3, 1948__-
1948___ 301
591 -__--_ Coast
Coast Guard,
Guard, service
service credit.
credit. AN ACT To allow service service credit
credit for for
certain enlisted
enlisted men of the Coast Coast Guard who acted as police-
men and guards at the Ivigtut Cryolite Mine, Greenland,
during 1940
during and 1941
1940 and 194L-----------------------------------
_________________________________ _ June
June 1948___
3, 1948___ 302
592 _ Coast Guard.
Coast Guard. AN ACT To amend amend the Act of July 23, 1947 (61
gress) 409) (Public Law Numbered Numbered 219 of the Eightieth Con-_
gress) June 3,1948 ___
3,1948 --- 302
Alaska, taxes. AN ACT To amend
593 --- Alaska, amend section section 9 of of the Act Act of
August 24, 24,1912
1912 (37 Stat. 512) __________________________ _ June
June 3,1948 ___
-- 302
Hawaiian Homes Commission
594 --- Hawaiian Commission Act, amendment. amendment. AN ACT To To
amend section 203 of the Hawaiian Hawaiian Homes Homes Commission Act,
designating certain
designating certain public lands as available home home lands ____ --- _ June 3, 1948k--
3, 1948 ___ 303
Hawaii, public-improvement
595 --- Hawaii, public-improvement bonds. AN ACT To confirm and and
ratify Act 205 of the session session laws of 1947 1947 of the Territory of of
Hawaii, relating to the issuance public-improvement bonds-
issuance of pUblic-improvement bonds_ June
June 3,1948 ___
3,1948 --- 304
Veterans, homestead entries.
596 --- Veterans, entries. AN ACT To amend amend an Act entitled
"An Act to allow credit
"An credit in connection
connection with certain homestead
entries for military or naval service service rendered
rendered during World World
W ar III."
I ." _____________________________________________
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. June 3, 1948 ___
June 305
597 __ _
597 --- Departments
Departments of State, Justice, Commerce,
State, Justice, Commerce, and the JUdiciary Judiciary
Appropriation Act, 1949. AN AN ACT Making appropriations appropriations
for the Departments
Departments of State, Justice, Commerce, and the
Judiciary, for the fiscal year ending June June 30, 1949, and for
other purposes ________________________________________ _
other purposes------------------ June 3,
3, 1948
1948 ___
--- 305
598 __ _
598 --- Roads
Roads leading
leading to national
national parks,
parks, etc. AN ACT To authorize the
conveyance to States, or political political subdivisions, of roads leading leading
to certain
certain historical areas administered administered by the Department of
the Interior, and for other purposes--_ purposes ______________________ _ June 3, 1948
3, ___
1948_-- 334
599 __
--- _ Escorts repatriatedwar
Escorts of repatriated war dead.
dead. AN ACT To amend amend the Act of
May 16, 1946 (Public Law
May 16, 1946 (Public Law 383, Seventy-ninth Seventy-ninth Congress), Congress), as
amended, to provide increased allowances for the escorts escorts of
repatriated war war deaddead ____________________________________ _ June 3,1948 ___
-- 334
600 --- Aliens, reentry permits.
Aliens, reentry permits. AN ACT Relating to the issuance of
reentry permits to certain certain aliens--
aliens __________________________ _ June 3,1948
June 3, 1948 ___
- 335
601 --- Protestant Episcopal Cathedral
Protestant Episcopal Cathedral Foundation, Foundation, D. C.
amend an
amend Act entitled
an Act entitled "An "An Act Act to to incorporate
incorporate the the Protestant
Episcopal Cathedral Foundation of the
Episcopal Cathedral Foundation of the District of Columbia", District of Columbia",
approved JanuaryJanuary 6, 1893, as amended ____________________ _
amended----------- June 3, 1948 ___
3, 1948--- 335

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Law Date Page
602 ---
602 __ _ Lower Yellowstone Irrigation Districts Numbered 1 and 2. AN
Irrigation Districts
ACT Authorizing
Authorizing modifications in the repayment repayment contracts
with the Lower
with Lower Yellowstone Irrigation District Numbered 1
Lower Yellowstone
and the Lower Yellowstone Irrigation
Irrigation District Numbered 22 __ - -_ June 4, 1948
1948 __
-- _ 336
603 __--- _ Cass
Cass County,
County, Minn., fish propagation.
propagation. AN ACT To authorize authorize
the State of Minnesota to condemn condemn lands owned owned by the
United States in the county of Cass, State of Minnesota, for for
propagation, and for other purposes
fish propagation, purposes_. __________________ _ 4,1948
June 4, __ _
1948__- 337
604 --- Yellowstone National National Park, facilities. AN ACT To pro-
Park, school facilities.
vide adequate
vide adequate school facilities within Yellowstone Yellowstone National
Park, and
Park, and for other purposes
for other purposes ____________________________
....... _ June 4,1948
June 4, __ _
1948-_- 338
605 --- Armory Board, Board, D. D. C. C. AN ACT To establish a District of of
Columbia Armory Board, and for other purposes purposes __________
-----------_ 4,1948
June 4, 1948 __- _ 339
606 --- Second Decontrol
Decontrol Act of 1947, amendment. AN ACT To continue continue
for a temporary period certain powers, authority, and and discre-
tion conferred on the President by by the Second
Second Decontrol Act Act
of 1947, and for other
of 1947, and for other purposes purposes __________________________ _ June 4,1948
4, __ _
1948__- 342
607 --- Volunteer firemen,firemen, commemorative
commemorative stamp. stamp. JOINT
TION To provide for the issuance issuance of a special postage stamp stamp
series in honor of volunteer
volunteer firemen
firemen_______________________ _ 4,1948
June 4, 1948 __
---_ 343
608 - Fort Kearney,
Fort Kearney, Nebr., commemorative
commemorative stamp. JOINT RESOLU-
TION To authorize
authorize the issuance
issuance of a special series of stamps
commemorative of the one
commemorative one hundredth anniversaryanniversary of the
founding of Fort Fort Kearney in the State of Nebraska ________ ---------_ June
June 4, 1948
4, 1948 __
---_ 343
609 ___ _ New York City, commemorative stamp. stamp. JOINT JOINT RESOLUTION
To authorize the issuance of a stamp commemorative commemorative of the
golden anniversary
anniversary of the consolidation
consolidation of the Boroughs of
Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, Brooklyn, Queens,
Queens, and Richmond, which which
boroughs now comprise
boroughs comprise New York City __________________ _ June 4,1948 __ _
4,1948___ 343
610 -- Meat
Meat inspection.
inspection. AN ACT ACT Relating
Relating to the meat-inspection
service of the
service the Department of Agriculture
- _ June 5, 1948
5, __ _
1948__- 344
National Archives. AN ACT To amend
611 --- National amend section 10 of the Act Act
establishing a National
National Archives of the United States Govern-_
ment _________________________________________________
ment___ June 8, 1948 __ _
1948__- 344
612 --- Tariff Act Act of 1930, amendment. AN ACT To amend paragraph paragraph
813 of of the Tariff Act
the Tariff Act of 1930 ____________________________ _
of 1930 June 8, 1948 __ _
1948___ 344
613 _ Tariff duties duties on scrap
scrap iron,
iron, etc. AN ACT To continue until the
close of June 30, 30, 1949, the present
present suspension of import duties
on scrap
scrap iron, scrap steel, and nonferrous nonferrous metal scrap ______ ----- _ June 8, 1948 __ _
--- 344
International Industrial
614 --- International Exposition, Inc., Atlantic City, N.
Industrial Exposition, N. J. J.
RESOLUTION To permit articles imported imported from
foreign countries for the purpose of exhibition exhibition at the Inter-
national Industrial
Industrial Exposition, Incorporated,
Incorporated, Atlantic City,
New Jersey, to be admitted without payment payment of tariff, and and
June 8,1948
1948 __ _
615 --- S!xO;:a(;t'p~e;croU;~h~~sb~c:-ANACT-T~-p;;~d~-f;;th~-t;e-a""t~
for other purposes-_ June 8, --- 345
Sexual psychopaths, D. C. AN ACT To provide for the treat-
sexual psychopaths
ment of sexual psychopaths in the District of Columbia, and
for other
for other purposes__
purposes _____________________________________ _ June 9, 1948
9, __ _
1948__- 346
616 - Surplus Property
Property Act Act of 1944, amendment.
amendment. AN AN ACT To amend
section 13 of the Surplus Property Act of 1944, as amended,
Surplus Property amended, to to
provide for the disposition of surplus real property property to States,
political subdivisions, and municipalities
municipalities for use as public
parks, recreational
recreational areas, and historic-monument
historic-monument sites, and
for other
for other purposes__
purposes _____________________________________ _ June 10,
June 1948 __
10, 1948 _
--- 350
617 -__ _ Civil Service Act, amendment. AN ACT To amend
617 amend the Civil
Service ActAct to remove
remove certain discrimination
discrimination with respectrespect to to
the appointment
appointment of persons
persons having any physical
physical handicap
handicap to to
positions in the classified
classified civil service _____________________
........ _ June 10,1948
June 10, 1948 __ _
--- 351
618 __
_ _ Chesapeake
Chesapeake and and Ohio
Ohio Canal,
Canal, parkway study. AN ACT To au-
thorize the Secretary of the Interior Interior to have made made by the
Public Roads Administration and the National Park Park Service
a joint reconnaissance survey of the Chesapeake
joint reconnaissance Chesapeake and Ohio
Canal between
between Great Falls, Maryland, Maryland, and and Cumberland,
Maryland, and to report to the Congress upon the advisability
and practicability
practicability of constructing
constructing thereon a parkway, and for
other purposes_________________________________________ _ June 10,
June 10, 1948
1948 __ _
--- 351
619 --- FortFort Story, Va. AN ACT To provide for the disposal disposal of surplus
sand at Fort
Fort Story, Virginia ........................
_____________________________ _ June 10, 1948 __ _
1948--- 352
620 - -- Theodore Roosevelt National NationalMemorial
Memorial Park. Park. AN ACT To amend amend
the Act of April 25, 1947, relating relating to the establishment
establishment of the
Roosevelt National Memorial Park, and for other
purposes other_
purposes ............... 10,1948
June 10, __ _
1948--- 352

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LAWS xvii
Law Date
Date Page
621 __
____ Poultry
Poultry industry,
industry, commemorative stamp. JOINT RESOLU-
TION To authorize
TION authorize the issuance
issuance of a special
special series of stamps
commemorative of the one-hundredth
commemorative anniversary of the
one-hundredth anniversary the
poultry industry in
poultry in the United States ____________________
-- _ June 10,1948
10, 1948 __- _ 354
622 __
--- _ American Turners, commemorative
American Turners, commemorative stamp. stamp. JOINT
TION To authorize the issuance of a special series of stamps
commemorative of the one-hundredth one-hundredth anniversary of the
founding of the American Turners Turners Society in the United
States ________________________________________________ United_
States---------------------- June 10, 1948 __- _ 354
623 __
- -- _ Civil
Civil service,
service, certain
certain salaries.
salaries. AN ACT To provide for payment payment
of salaries covering
covering periods of separation separation from the Govern- Govern-
ment service
service in the case of personspersons improperly
improperly removed from from
such service ___________________________________________
such service----------------- _ June 10,1948
10, 1948 __
-- _ 354
624 __ _
--- Emergency housing,housing, Oreg.
To amend section
scction 303 of the Act entitled" entitled "AnAn Act to expedite
the provision of housing
housing in connection
connection with national defense,
and for other purposes"
and for other purposes" ________________________________ _ June 11,1948 __ _
11, 1948_-- 356
625 __ _ Women's Armed Services Integration
--- Integration Act oj of 1948. AN ACT To
establish the Women's Army Corps in the Regular Army, to to
authorize the enlistment
enlistment and appointment
appointment of women women in the
Regular Air Force, Regular Regular Navy and Marine Corps, and in in
the Reserve components
components of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and and
Marine Corps,
Marine Corps, and for other purposes
purposes- ____________________ _ June 12,1948 __ _
12, 1948_-- 356
626 __--- _ Army
Army and and Air Force, construction at military
Force, construction installations. AN
military installations. AN
ACT To authorize the Secretary Secretary of the Army and and the Secre-
tary of the Air Force to proceed proceed with construction
construction at military
installations, and
installations, for other purposes
and for other purposes- _____________________ _ June 12,1948
12, 1948 __ _
--- 375
627 __
---_ Highland
Highland Falls,
Falls, N.N. Y., Y., water-filtration plant. AN ACT To
water-filtration plant. To
authorize the payment of a lump sum, in the amount of
authorize of
$85,000, to the village of Highland Falls, New N ew York, as a con- con-
tribution toward the cost of constructionconstruction of a water-filtration
plant, and
plant, and for
for other
other purposes
purposes ____________________________
..... _ 12, 1948_--
June 12,1948 ___ 381
628 --- Naval vessels. AN ACT To remove
Naval remove the statutory limit of of appro-
priation expenditures
expenditures for repairs or changes to a vessel of the
Navy June 12,1948
June 12, 1948 ___
-- 382
629 --- project, Wash., Kennewick Division.
Yakima project, Division. AN ACT To
authorize the construction,
authorize operation, and maintenance, under
construction, operation, under
reclamation laws, of the Kennewick division of the
Federal reclamation
Yakima project,
Yakima project, Washington---------------------------
Washington ____________________________ _ June 12,1948
June ___
12, 1948_-- 382
630 - amendment. AN ACT To amend paragraph
1930, amendment.
Tariff Act of 1930, paragraph
1772 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended- amended _______________ _ June 12,1948 ___
12, 1948--- 383
631 Theodore Roosevelt National
--- Theodore National Memorial
Memorial Park. Park. AN ACT To add
certain lands to the Theodore
certain Theodore Roosevelt National Memorial Memorial
Park, in the State North Dakota, and for other purposes--
State of North purposes __ June 12,1948 ___
12, 1948-- 384
632 Richmond County,
--- Richmond N. Y., railroad right-of-way.
County, N. Y., railroad right-oj-way. AN ACT AN ACT To To
amend an Act of Congress approved February February 9, 1881, which which
granted right-of-way for railroad purposes through certain
granted a right-of-way
lands of the United States in Richmond Richmond County Count~ New York- Y orL__ June 12,1948
June 12, 1948 ___
-- 385
633 amendment. AN ACT TO
Commerce Act, amendment.
Interstate Commerce
--- Interstate to amend
amend sec-
tion 303 (e) of the Interstate
Interstate Commerce Act, as amended amended---- ___ _ June 12,
12, 1948 ___
- 386
634 -- Hawaii, control
Hawaii, control of
oj certain land. AN ACT To withdraw
certain land. withdraw certain
available land within the meaning of the Hawaiian
land as available Hawaiian
Homes Commission Act of 1920 (42 Stat. 108),
Homes Commission 108), as amended,
and to restore it it to its previous status under the control of the
Territory of
Territory of HawaiL ___________________________________ _
Hawaii ....... June 12,1948
12, 1948 __- _ 387
635 --- Revenue Act amendment. JOINT RESOLUTION
Act of 1942, amendment. RESOLUTION To To
extend the time for the release, free of estate and gift tax, of of
powers of appointment, and for other other purposes ____________
- _ June 12, 1948 __- _ 387
636 Washington and Lee University.
lFashington University. JOINT JOINT RESOLUTION
observance of the two-hundredth
viding for appropriate observance two-hundredth anni-
versary of the founding of Washington
versary Washington and Lee University---
University __ _ June 14,1948
14, 1948 __ _
--- 388
637 - -- Port
Port Chicago, claims. A~
Calif., claims.
Chicago, Calif., AN ACT To provide a method method of
certain unsettled claims
paying certain claims for damages sustained as a
damages sustained
explosions at Port Chicago,
result of the explosions Chicago, California,
California, on July
on JUly
1944, in the amounts found to be due by the Secretary
17, 1944, Secretary of_
the Navy
the Navy _____________________________________________ 14,1948
June 14, __ _
1948_-- 389
638 __
--- _ Hawaiian
HawaiianHomes Homes Commission
Commission Act, Act, 1920, amendments. AN
1920, amendments. AN ACTACT
To amend sections 207,
amend sections 207, 213, 215, 216,
213, 215, 216, 220, 222, and
220, 222, and 225,
225, ofof
title 2 of the Hawaiian
Hawaiian Homes Commission Commission Act, 1920, 1920, as_
amended _____________________________________________
a men d ed .... . . .. . .. . .. . .. . ... . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. .. . . .. .. . June 14,1948
14, 1948 __
-.-_ 390
68706-49v-P. c-n

HeinOnline -- 62 Stat. xvii 1918-1949


Law Date
Date Page
639 ---__ _ Labor-Federal
639 Labor-Federal Security
Security Appropriation
Appropriation Act, Act, 1949. AN AN ACT ACT
Making appropriations
Making appropriations for for the
the Department
Department of of Labor,
Labor, the the
Federal Security
Federal Security Agency,
Agency, and and related independent agencies,
related independent agencies,
the fiscal year
fiscal year ending
ending JuneJune 30,30, 1949,
1949, and
_________________________________________________ and forfor other
other pur-pur-_
poses ------------------------------------------------- June 14,
June 1948_---
14,1948 ___ 394
640 __ _ Treasury and
640 ___ Treasury and Post
Post Office
Office Departments
Departments Appropriation
Appropriation Act, Act, 1949.
AN ACT Making
Making appropriations
appropriations for for the Treasury and
the Treasury and Post
Office Departments
Office Departments for for the
the fiscal
fiscal year
year ending
ending June
June 30,30, 1949,
June 14,1948
June 14, 1948 ___
--- 408
Le;rs1aff:e o~~~~c~uA;;~~p;i~tio""n-
Branch Appropriation A;t~ Act, -i949~ Maki~g
and for other purposes--------------------------------
641 --- Legislative
641 --
1949. AN :(N-A61'-
ACT Making
appropriations for
appropriations for the
the Legislative
Legislative BranchBranch for the the fiscal
fiscal year
ending June
ending June 30,30,1949, and for
1949, and for other
other purposes-
purposes ______________
- - _ June 14,
June 1948_--
14,1948 ___ 423
642 --- Social-Security
642 Social-Security coverage. JOINT JOINT RESOLUTION
RESOLUTION To To maintain
the status
the status quo
quo in in respect
respect of of certain
certain employment
employment taxes taxes andand
social-security benefits
social-security benefits pending action by
pending action Congress on
by Congress on ex-
tended social-security coverage ---------------------------_
tended social-security coverage __________________________ June 14,
June 1948_---
14,1948 ___ 438
643 __
643 --- _ World
World Health Organization.
Organization. JOINT
for membership and
for membership and participation
participation by by the United States in
United States in the
W orId Health
Health Organization and
Organization authorizing an
and authorizing
therefor ______________________________________________ an appropriation
therefor ---------------------------------------------- June 1948 ___
June 14, 1948_-- 441
644 Preston Bench project,
644 --- Preston project, Idaho.
Idaho. AN AN ACT To To authorize
authorize the Secre- Secre-
tary of
tary of the Interior
Interior to construct the
to construct the Preston Bench project,
Preston Bench project,
Idaho, inin accordance
accordance with the Federal Federal reclamation
reclamation laws laws -----
____ _ June 15,1948
June 15, ___
1948___ 442
645 --- Golden Nematode Act. AN
645 AN ACTACT To provideprovide for the the protection
and p~~~!~s:~~~~~~~~_
for other purposes ~r_o_~_~~~ _~o!~~~ _~~~~t_o_~e~
of potato and tomato production from the golden nematode,
---------------------------------- June 15, 1948 ___
June --- 442
646 --- Supplemental Federal Federal Security Agency Agency Appropriation
Appropriation Act, 1949.
AN ACT Making supplemental
ACT Making appropriations for
supplemental appropriations for the Federal
Security Agency for the fiscal year
Security Agency ending June 30,
year ending 30, 1949,
1949, and
for other purposes-------------- June 16,
June 16, 1948
1948 ___
--- 443
647 ---
647 I n~~;n~~foe~lZUA:t~u~""n-
__ _ International :Act: - -AN
Facilities - Act.
Aviation Facilities AN -ACT To ""e;-co~;~g~
ACT -1'0- encourage
the development
the development of an international
international air-transportation
air-transportation system system
adapted to the needs of the foreign commerce of the
adapted the United
States, of the postal service,
States, service, and of the the national
national defense, and and
June 1948____
June 16, 1948 - 450
W~Uia~h;ti~Whit~~ ~;~~~"'a;~ii~~ -st~;;;p~
for other purposes -------------------------------------
648 __-__
_ William Allen While, commemorative stamp. - - JOINT JOiNT- RESOLU-
TION To To authorize the issuance issuance of a stamp commemorative
stamp commemorative
of William Allen
Allen White,
White, whose
whose literary genius genius made such such aa
great contribution
great contribution in the field of American literature ........
American literature _______ _ 16, 1948.
June 16, 1948 ___ 455
649 -
649 Nome, Alaska.
Alaska. AN ACT ACT To construction of
To provide for the construction of
shore protective works
shore works at the town town of Nome, Alaska ........ _______ _ June 16, 1948___
June 16,1948 ___ 455
650 --- Caribou National Forest,
Caribou National Forest, Idaho.
Idaho. AN ACT To authorize the re-
vision of the boundaries
of Idaho boundaries of the Caribou National Forest in the the
State of Idaho ----------------------------------------_
State ________________________________________ June 16,
June 1948 ___
16,1948 -- 455
651 --- Cattle
Cattle grubs.
grubs. AN ACT ACT Authorizing additional research and
Authorizing additional and in-
problems and methods
vestigation into problems
vestigation methods relating to the eradica-
cation of cattle grubs, and for other purposes
cation of cattle grubs, and for other purposes ........ ______________ _ June 16, 1948
June 16, 1948_--
___ 458
652 --- Surplus
652 Surplus athletic
athletic equipment.
equipment. AN AN ACT ACT To aid the associations,
groups, organizations, and institutions encouraging encouraging participa-
tion of the youth of the country in athletic and sports programs
by making surplus athletic equipment available to such asso-
ciations, ______________________________________________
purposes groups, organizations, and institutions, and for other other_
purposes ---------------------------------------------- June
June 16, 1948 _____
16, 1948 _ 458
653 --- Navy, public public works. AN ACT To authorize the Secretary Secretary of the the
Navy to proceed with the construction certain public works,
construction of certain
and for
for other purposes--------------------------------
other purposes _________________________________ _ June 16,
June 16, 1948
__ _ 459
654 - Bridges,
Bridges, Chesapeake
Chesapeake Bay and and Patapsco
PatapscoRiver.River. AN ACT Supple- Supple-
menting the Act entitled "An authorizing the State of
"An Act authorizing
Maryland, by and through its State Roads Commission or the the
successors of said commission, to construct, maintain, and oper- oper-
ate certain bridges across streams, rivers, and navigable navigable waters
which or partly within
within the State", approved April April
7, 1938are wholly or
_______________________________________________ _ 16, 1948__-_
June 16,1948
7,1938 ----------------------------------------------- June 463
655 -__ _ National
National Heart
Heart Act. AN ACT ACT To To amend the the Public Health Health
Service Act to to support research and and training in in diseases
diseases of of the
and circulation, and to aid the States in the development
heart and development
programs for
community programs
of community for the control diseases, and
these diseases,
control of these and
for other
other purposes
purposes __ __________________________________ _
~ 16, 1948__---
June 16,1948
June _ 464
656 --- Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938,
Civil Aeronautics amendment. AN
1988, amendment. AN ACTACT To amend amend
the Civil Aeronautics Act of of 1938,
1938, as amended, by limiting the the
persons not in
certain persons
liability of certain
liability in possession
possession of aircraft ______ ------- _ June 16, 1948
June 16, 1948 __ _
--- 470
657 ___ Thunderstorms,
Thunderstorms, etc., etc., study
study of.of. ANAN ACT To safety in
provide safety
To provide in
aviation andand toto direct aa study of of the
the causes characteristics
causes and characteristics
of thunderstorms
thunderstorms and other other atmospheric disturbances ______
atmospheric disturbances -------_ June 16,
June 16, 1948 __ _
1948--- 470

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Law Date Page
658 __ _ Bridge,
658 -_- Bridge, Mystic River. AN ACT To authorize authorize the Secretary
Secretary of of
the Navy to convey to the Mystic River River Bridge Authority, an
instrumentality of the Commonwealth
instrumentality Commonwealth of l\Iassachusetts,
Massachusetts, an
easement for the construction
easement construction and operation operation of bridge bridge
approaches over and across lands comprising a part of the
United States
States Naval Hospital, Chelsea, l\lassachusetts Massachusetts _____ ------ _ June 1948 ___-
June 16, 1948 _ 471
659 __ _ Virginia,
659 --- Virginia, public-highway
public-highway easement. easement. AN ACT ACT To authorize the
Secretary of the Navy to convey convey to the Commonwealth
Commonwealth of of
Virginia a right-of-way
right-of-way for public-highway
public-highway purposes in certain certain
lands at Pungo, Virginia Virginia _____________________________ - _ -_ June 16, 1948 __
16,1948 _
--- 471
660 __ _ Veterans'
660 --- Administration, travel
Veterans' Administration, travel expenses. AN ACT To amend
Public Law Numbered Seventy-sixth Congress, to in-
Numbered 432, Seventy-sixth
clude an allowance of expenses incurred by Veterans' Veterans' Admin-
beneficiaries and their attendants in authorized
istration beneficiaries authorized
travel for vocational-rehabilitation
vocational-rehabilitation purposes --- purposes ______ - - _ - - - __ -- June 16,1948 __ _
16,1948_--- 471
661 __ _
661 --- Servicemen's
Servicemen's Readjustment
Readjustment Act of 1944, amendment. amendment. AN AN ACT To
extend for one year certain provisions of section section 100 of the
Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, as amended I !.elating
Servicemen's Readjustment relating
to the authoritv Administrator of Veterans'
authority of the Administrator iffairs to
Veterans' Attairs to
enter into leases
leases for periods not exceeding
exceeding five years _________
---------- _ June 16,1948 ___-
_ 472
Interstate Commerce
662 --- Interstate Commerce Act, amendment. amendment. AN ACT To amend the
Interstate Commerce Act with respect
Interstate respect to certain agreements
between carriers
between ______________________ - __ - - _- _- _ - _- _ - - - -
carriers-------------------------------------- June 17,1948 __ _
--- 472
Dade Monument. AN ACT
663 --- Dade ACT Authorizing
Authorizing the Secretary of the
the Secretary
Army to have prepared prepared a replica of the Dade Monument Monument for
presentation to
presentation the State
to the State of Florida ______________________
-----------------------_ June 17,1948
17,1948 __ _
--- 474
Postal accounts,
664 ___ Postal accounts, reimbursement
reimbursement for certain shortages.
for certain shortages. AN ACT ACT
To amend sectionsection 3 of the Act of August August 24,24, 1912
1912 (37 Stat. Stat.
554), amended, so as to provide
554), as amended, provide reimbursement to the
Department by the Navy
Post Office Department Department for
Navy Department
shortages in postal accounts occurring
shortages commissioned
occurring while commissioned
officers of the Navy and Marine Marine Corps are designateddesignated custo-
dians of
dians of postal effects __________________________________
postal effects _ -- -- --- _ 17,1948_-_
June 17,1948 __ _ 474
665 --- Suspension
Suspension of annual annual assessment
assessment work on mining mimng claims.
claims. AN AN
ACT Providing
Providing for the suspension suspension of annual assessment work
on mining claims held by location in the United States _______ -------- _ June 17, 1948 __
17,1948 -- _ 475
666 --- Pinellas
Pinellas County, Fla., Fla., conveyance.
conveyance. AN ACT To provide for the
conveyance to Pinellas County, State of Florida, of certain
public lands
public lands herein
herein described
described _____ ---- '- ______________________ _ June 17, 1948
__ _ 475
667 --- Patents
Patents for public lands. AN
public lands. AN ACT To revise the method method of of
issuing patents for
issuing patents public lands
for public lands __________________________
---------------------------_ June 17,1948
June 17,1948 __ _
--- 476
668 -- Secretary
Secretary of the Navy, discretionary discretionary powers. AN ACT To To
amend certain provisions of law relating to the naval service
certain provisions service
authorize the delegation to the Secretary of the
so as to authorize
discretionary powers vested in the President
Navy of certain discretionary President
of the United
of the United States
States ___________________________________
.... _ 17,1948 _____
June 17,1948 _ 476
Postal service, star
669 --- Postal routes. AN
star routes. AN ACT To provide provide for the carrying
of mail on star star routes, and for other purposes _____________ --------------_ June 19,1948
19,1948 __ _
--- 477
National Defense Act, amendment.
670 --- National amendment. AN ACT To further amend
the thirteenth paragraph of section 127a of the National
thirteenth paragraph National
Defense Act,
Defense Act, as as amended
amended _______________________________ _ June 19,1948
June -- _
19,1948 __ 477
671 --- Census manufacturers, etc. AN ACT To provide for the col-
Census of manufacturers,
publication of statistical
lection and publication information by the Bureau
statistical information Bureau
of the Census _________________________________________ _
of the Census June 19,1948S--
19,1948 __ _ 478
672 -- Investments by life insurance companies, D. C.
insurance companies, C. AN ACT To To
amend section 35 of
amend chapter III of the Act of June
of chapter June 19, 19, 1934,
entitled "An"An Act to regulate the business of life insurance insurance in in
Columbia", as amended, and to repeal
the District of Columbia", section
repeal section
chapter III of said Act, as amended,
36 of said chapter
36 amended, so as to permit permit
certain additional
additional investments
investments ___________________________ _ 19,1948---
June 19,1948 __ _ 480
673 --- U. S. S. marshals, allowance. AN ACT To authorize
mileage allowance.
marshals, etc., mileage authorize
allowance of 7 cents per mile for United
aa mileage allowance United States
marshals and their their deputies for travel on official official business
business ___ --.- _ June
June 19,1948 __ _
19,1948_-- 484
Postal Service, credit
674 --- Postal credit for certain service. AN ACT To credit
certain service. credit
certain service performed by employees
service performed employees of the postal service
who are transferred from one position to another within
are transferred within the
service for purposes of determiningdetermining eligibility for promotionpromotion-- __ 19,1948---
June 19, 1948 __ _ 484
675 __ _ training of officers. AN ACT To amend
675 --- Navy, training amend the Act entitledentitled
"An Act to provide
"An provide for the training of officers for the naval
as amendedand___________________________________________ August 13,
approved August
purposes", approved
for other purposes", 13, 1946,
as amended_ June 19, 1948 __ _
19,1948--- 485

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Law Date Page
676 --- D. C. Code,
Code, amendments.
amendments. AN sections 1301 and
AN ACT To amend sections
1303 of the Code of Law for the District of Columbia, Columbia, relating
liability for causing death by wrongful act _____________
to liability --------------_ June 19, 1948 __
JUlIe --_
677 --- D.
D. C. amendments. AN ACT To amend
C. Code, amendments. sections 235 and
amend sections
327 of the Code of Laws Laws for the District District ofof Columbia ______ ------- _ June 19,1948---
June 19, 1948 __ _ 487
678 --- National Guard
National Guard and
and Reserve forces,
forces, care
care and treatment. AN ACT
and treatment. ACT
To amend the Act entitled "An "An Act to make provision for the
care and and treatment of members of the National National Guard,
Organized Reserves, Reserve Officers'
Organized Training Corps, and
Officers' Training
Citizens' Military
Citizens' Military Training Camps who are injured or con-
tract diseases while engaged in military training, and for other other
purposes approved June 15, 1936, as amended, and
______________________________________________ and for otherother_
purposes ---------------------------------------- June 19,1948_--
19, 1948 __ _ 488
679 __ ---_ U. S. property and disbursing
S. property disbursing officers, credit in accounts. AN
in accounts. AN
authorize credit in certain accounts
ACT To authorize accounts of United States
property and disbursing officers under the War War Department,
and forfor other
other purposes
purposes _________________________________
........ _ June 19,1948_--
June 19,1948 __ _ 488
680 -- Army and Air Force
Army personnel, disabled.
Force personnel, disabled. AN ACT To provide
retention in the service of certain disabled Army and Air
for retention
Force personnel, and for other
Force other purposes
- _ June 19,1948_--
June 19, 1948 __ _ 489
681 Force, longevity pay. AN ACT To amend the Act of Con-
-- Air Force,
gress entitled"
entitled "AnAn Act to credit certain service performed performed by
members of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Coast Guard,
Coast and Geodetic Survey, and Public
Coast Public Health Service prior
Service prior
reaching eighteen
to reaching eighteen years of age for the purpose of computing
longevity pay, or for other pay purposes", purposes", approved March March
6, 1946 _______________________________________________
_ June 19,1948_--
June 19, 1948 __ _
6,1946 489
682 --- CampCamp Phillips, transfer of lands.
Phillips, Kans., transfer lands. AN ACT ACT To transfer
certain lands__________________________________________
at Camp Phillips, Kansas, to the Department Department
of the Army
of the Army -------------------------------------
_ June 19,1948---
June 19, 1948__ _ 490
683 --- Army disbursing
disbursingofficers, supervision.
supervision. AN ACT To repeal section section
1 of the Act of April
20, 1874,
1874, prescribing regulations governing governing
inquiries to be made
inquiries made in connection with disbursements made
with disbursements
174) disbursing officers of the Army (18 Stat. 33;
_________________________________________________ 33; 10 U. S. C._
174) ------------------------------------------------- H},1948 __- _
June 19,1948- 490
684 __
--- _ Postal
Postal Service,
Service, promotions.
promotions. AN AN ACT To amend the Act entitled entitled
"An Act to reclassify the salaries salaries of postmasters,
postmasters, officers, and
employees of the postal service;
employees service; to establish uniform proce- proce-
dures compensation; and for other purposes",
dures for computing compensation; purposes",
approved July 6, 1945, so as to provide promotions for tem-
porary employees
porary employees of the custodial service _ " __ - - _- - - - - _- - - - - - June 19,1948
June 19,1948-__
__ _ 490
685 --- Wadsworth, restoration of lands.
Wadsworth, Nev., restoration lands. AN ACT To restore
certain lands to the town site of
certain Wadsworth, N evada ______
Nevada ------- _ 19,1948---
June 19,1948
June __ _ 491
686 --- Pierre,
Pierre, S.S. Dak., conveyance. AN AN ACT To convey certain certain land
to the
to the city
city of Pierre, South Dakota Dakota __ ~ ___________________ _ June 19,1948
June 19,1948 __- _ 491
687 --- Railway postal clerks, etc., travel
Railway postal allowance. AN ACT To increase
travel allowance. increase
the maximum travel allowance allowance for railway railway postal clerks clerks andand
substitute railway
substitute railway postal clerks-
clerks __________________________ _ 19,1948-
June 19, 1948 __-_ 491
688 -- Great
Great Lakes, Ill., recreational
recreational park. park. AN ACT To authorize authorize the
the Army and Navy Union, United States of America, Depart-
ment of Illinois, to construct a recreational recreational park on the
grounds of the United States naval hospital, United States
naval training center, Great Lakes, Illinois
naval ________________ _
Illinois__- June 19,1948 ___--
June 19,1948 _ 492
689 __
--- _ Defense housing,
housing, sale veterans. AN ACT To amend the
sale to veterans.
Lanham Act Act so as to permit the sale of certain permanent war war
thereunder to veterans at a purchase
housing thereunder
housing price not in
purchase price
excess of the cost of construction-__
excess construction ___________________ - - - _- - June 19,1948___
June 19,1948 __ _ 492
690 --- Naval stoppage. AN ACT To authorize
vessels, work stoppage.
Naval vessels, authorize the
discretion, to permit the stoppage of work
President, in his discretion,
on certain
certain combatant vesselsvessels ____________________________ _ June 19,1948_-
June 19, 1948 __ _ 492
691 ___ Fees for for liens on motor vehicles, D.
motor vehicles, D. C.C. AN ACT To amend the
Act entitled "An Act to provide for the recording
entitled "An recording and re- re-
leasing of liens by entries
leasing certificates of title for motor
entries on certificates
vehicles and trailers, and for other purposes",
vehicles purposes", approved
July 2, 1940, as amended _______________________________
...... _ June 19,1948--_
June 19, 1948 __ _ 493
692 __
____ Civil
Civil Aeronautics
Aeronautics Act Act of 1938, amendments.amendments. AN ACT To To
amend the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, 1938, as amended, to to
make further provision for the recording of title to, interests
title to, interests
in, and encumbrances
purposes encumbrances aircraft, and for
certain aircraft,
upon certain
______________________________________________ for other
purposes ---------------------------------------------- June 19,1948
June __ _
19,1948-- 493

HeinOnline -- 62 Stat. xx 1918-1949

Law Date
Date page
693 __---_ Puerto
Puerto Rico,
Rico, conveyance.
conveyance. AN AN ACTACT To To authorize
authorize the the Secretary
of the
of the Army,
Army, the the Secretary
Secretary of of the
the Navy,
Navy, and and the the Secretary
of the
of the Air Air Force
Force to to return
return certain
certain lands
lands situated
situated in in Puerto
Rico, in
Rico, in accordance
accordance with with thethe terms
terms of of thethe conveyances
conveyances to to
United States
the United States Government,
Government, and and final final judgments in in
certain condemnation
condemnation proccedings
proceedings _______________________ -- June
June 19, 1948 __ _
19,1948-- 495
694 ____ Hospitals,
Hospitals, liens liens for
for moneys
moneys due. due. AN AN ACT ACT To To amend
amend the the Act Act
entitled "An "An Act Act to to establish
establish aa lien lien for
for moneys
moneys due due hospitals
for services
for services rendered
rendered in in cases
cases caused
caused by by negligence
negligence or or fault
others and
of others and providing
providing for for the
the recording and and enforcing
enforcing of of
such liens",
liens", approved June June 30,1939
30, 1939 ______________________ _ June
June 19, 1948 __ _
19,1948_-_ 496
695 __ Admiralty
695 Admiralty jurisdiction,
extension. AN AN ACT ACT For For the extension
extension of of
admiralty jurisdiction
jurisdiction_-- _________________________________ - - June
June 19, 1948 __ _
19,1948_-- 496
696 --- Panama
696 Panama Canal, Canal, recognition
recognition of civilian services.
of civilian services. AN AN ACT ACT To To
amend the Act Act of of May
May 29, 29, 1944, providing for for the recogni-
tion of of the
the services
services of the civilian civilian officials
officials and employees,
citizens of of the
the United States, engaged engaged in in and about the the con-con-
struction of of the Panama
Panama Canal-_CanaL _________________________ _ June
June 19, 1948 ___
19,1948-_- 497
697 __
____ Conservation
Conservationof of wildlife.
wildlife. AN ACT To amend the Act Act of March
10, 1934,
10, 1934, entitled
entitled "An "An Act to promote promote the conservation conservation of
wildlife, fish, and game, game, and for for other purposes", as as amended
by the Act approved August 14, 1946 1946 ____________________ _ June
June 19,1948 ___
19,1948_-- 497
698 __
698 --- _ Bridge,
Bridge, Missouri
Missouri River. River. AN ACT ACT To To extend the authorized authorized
maturity date
maturity date of of certain
certain bridge revenue bonds to be issued issued
in connection
in connection with the with the refunding of the acquisition
acquisition cost of the
bridge across the Missouri River at Rulo, Nebraska _______ -------- _ June
June 19,
19, 1948 ___
1948_-- 497
699 __
-_ _ D.
D. C.
C. Fire
Fire Department.
Department. AN ACT To amend the Act entitled
"An Act
"An Act to to classify
classify the the officers and members of of the Fire Fire
Department of the District of Columbia, and for other pur-
poses", approved
approved June 20, 1906, and for other purposes _____
20,1906, ---- _ June 19,
June 1948 ___
19,1948-- 498
700 -.
700 Army
Army vessel Hygiene. Hygiene. AN ACT To authorize and direct the
Secretary of the Army to transfer to the Territory of Alaska
the title to the Army vessel Hygiene Hygiene _____________________
................ _ June 19,1948
Junc ___
19,1948___ 499
701 --- Arkansas-Mississippi
701 Arkansas-Mississippi Bridge Commission. Commission. AN ACT To in-
crease the the size of the
size of the Arkansas-Mississippi
Arkansas-Mississippi Bridge Commission,
and for other purposes--
purposes _________________________________ _ June 19,1948 ___
19,1948_-- 499
702 --- Housing,
702 Housing, disabled veterans. AN
disabled veterans. AN ACT To authorize authorize assistance
to certain
to certain veterans
veterans in acquiring specially
in acquiring specially adapted housing housing
which they they require
require by reason reason of the the nature of their service-
connected disabilities ___________________________________
------------------------------------_ June
June 19,1948 ___
19,1948_--- 500
703 __
--- _ Arlington
Arlington County,
County, Va., Va., conveyance.
conveyance. AN AN ACT ACT To authorize authorize the
'1onveyance by the Secretary Secretary of the Interior to the Richmond, Richmond,
Fredericksburg and and Potomac
Potomac Railroad
Railroad Company,Company, of certain certain
lands lying
lands lying in in the
the bedbed of of Roaches
Roaches Run, Arlington Arlington County,County,
Virginia, and for otherpurposes
Virginia, and otherpurposes __________________________
---------------------------- _ 19, 1948
June 19,
June 1948 ___
--- 501
704 --- Gettysburg
704 Gettysburg National
National Cemetery. AN AN ACT To enlarge enlarge the Gettys-
burg N ational C em etery ................................. 19,1948 ___
705 --- Del
705 De~u~o~:t~:ua~t~eC~~~?
Norte County, Calif., - ~~;~;y-a-;;c~~
conveyance. - -AN ACT - -T~
AN -11.-61' t;~;~f~;
To -transfer
Junc 19,
June 1948_- 502
Pelican Rock Rock in CrescentCrescent City Harbor, Harbor, Del Norte Norte County,
California, to that county
California, county _______________________________
...... _ 19,1948 ___
June 19,1948_--
June 503
706 --- Internal
Internal Revenue
Revenue Code, Code, amendment.
amendment. AN AK ACT ACT To amend amend section
1700 (a) (a) (1)(1) ofof the
the Internal
Internal Revenue
Revenue Code Code so so asas to exempt
hospitalized servicemen
servicemen and and veterans
veterans from the admissions admissions
when adm
tax when admitted free _________________________________
itted free ----------------------------------_ June 19,1948
June 19, ___
1948_-- 504
707 --- Civil
Civil Service
Service Retirement
Retirement Act, Act, amendment.
amendment. AN A::.l ACTACT To To amend
the Civil
Civil Service
Service Retirement
Retirement Act Act ofof May
May 29, 1930, as
29,1930, as amended-
amended_ 19, 1948___
June 19,
June 1948___ 504
708 --- Puerto Rico and Hawaii, payments to sugar
Puerto Rico and Hawaii, payments to sugar producers. AN ACT producers. AN ACT
To authorize
authorize Commodity
Commodity Credit Credit Corporation
Corporation to to make
make adjust-
ment payments
payments to to certain
certain producers
producers of of rawraw cane cane sugarsugar in in
Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico and and H HawaiL _______________________________ _
awaii --------------------------------- June 19,1948__--
June 19, 1948 ___ 504
709 ---
709 __ _ Navy
Navy and and CoastCoast Guard,
Guard, checkage
checkage of of retired
retired pay. pay. AN AN ACT ACT To To
prevent retroactive
retroactive checkage
checkage of of retired
retired pay pay in in the
the cases
cases of of
certain enlisted
enlisted men men and and warrant
warrant officers
officers appointed
appointed or or ad- ad-
vanced to to commissioned
commissioned rank rank or or grade
grade under under the the Act Act of of
JUly 24, 1941
1941 (55 (55 Stat.
Stat. 603),
603), as as amended,
amended, and
24, ______________________________________________ and for for other
purposes --------------------------------------------- June 19,1948---
19,1948 __ _
June 505
710 ---
710 __ _ Armed
Armed ForcesForces LeaveLeave Act Act of of 1946,
1946, amendments.
amendments. AN AN ACT ACT To To
amend further further the the Armed
Armed ForcesForces Leave Leave Act Act of of 1946,
1946, as as
amended, to permit certain payments
amended, to permit certain payments to be made to surviving to be made to surviving
brothers and sisters, and nieces and
brothers and sisters, and nieces and nephews, of deceased nephews, of deceased
members and and former
former members
members of of the
the armed
armed forces forces ----------
_________ _ June 19,
1948 __
-- _ 506
711 ---
711 __ _ D.
D. C.C. nursery
nursery schools,
school.~, etc.
etc. AN AN ACTACT To To continue
continue aa system svstem of of
nurseries and nursery schools for the
nurseries and nursery schools for the day care of school-age day care of school-age
and under-school-age children of the District
and under-school-age children of the District of Columbia ___ _ of Columbia --- June 19,
June 19, 1948_--
1948 __ _ 507

HeinOnline -- 62 Stat. xxi 1918-1949


Law Date Page
712 __ ____ Department
Department of Agriculture Appropriation Act, 1949.
Agriculture Appropriation 1949. AN ACT ACT
Making appropriations for the Department Agriculture
Department of Agriculture
(exclusive of the Farm Credit Administration) for the fiscal
year ending
year ending June 30, 1949, and for other purposes__ purposes _________ _ June 19, 1948
1948 __ _
--- 507
Public Health
713 --- Public Health Service Act, amendment.
amendment. AN ACT To extend
the provisions
provisions of title VI of the Public Health Service Service ActAct to to
the V Virgin
irgin Islands
Islands _____________________________________
--------------------------------------_ June 19, 1948 __ _
1948___- 531
714 --- Choctaw Coal and Railway Company,
Coal and Company, repeal repeal of Act Act of
of incorpora-
tion. AN ACT To repeal an Act approved approved August 24, 24,1894,
1894, en-en-
titled "An "An Act to authorize the purchasers purchasers of the property and
franchises of the Choctaw Coal and Railway Company Company to to
organize a corporation,
corporation, and to confer confer upon the same same all the
powers, privileges, and franchises franchises vested in that company", company",
and all Acts amendatory thereof and supplemental
amendatory thereof thereto ___
supplemental thereto --- _ June 19,1948 __ _
19, 1948___ 532
715 --- Fort Vancouver National
___ Fort Monument, Wash. AN ACT To pro-
National Monument,
vide for the establishment of the Fort Vancouver Vancouver National
Monument, in the State State of Washington,
Washington, to include include the site of
the old Hudson's Bay Company Company stockade, and for other other_
purposes ______________________________________________
purposes June 19, 1948 __ _
1948--- 532
716 ___
--- Army-Navy Medical
Army-Navy Medical Services CorpsCorps Act Act of 1947, amendment.
amendment. AN AN
ACT To amend amend section 202 of title II II of the Army-Navy
Medical Services Corps Act of 1947, 1947, as amended, to remove remove
the present restriction
restriction on appointments to the Navy Navy Medical
Service Corps
Service Corps- _________________________________________ _ June 19,1948 __ _
19, 1948__- 533
717 --- Grazing
Grazing lands.lands. AN ACT To provide provide for the acquisition acquisition of lands
for grazing
grazing and and related
related purposes
purposes _________________________
............ _ June 19,1948 __ _
19, 1948_-- 533
718 --- Canadian
Canadianfishing fishing vessels, use of Alaskan ports. ports. AN ACT To per-
mit the landing of halibut by Canadian fishing vessels to to
Alaskan ports, and for other purposes purposes-____________________ _ June 19,1948
June 19, 1948 __- _ 533
Langlade County, Wis;.:.
719 --- Langlade Wis conveyance. AN ACT To transfer transfer certain
land in Langlade
Langlade dounty, Wisconsin, to the United States
L;ounty, Wisconsin,
Forest Service _________________________________________
Forest Service ---------------------------------- _ June 19, 1948_---
1948 __ _ 534
720 --- Farm Farm Tenant
Tenant Act, amendments. AN AN ACT To amend title I of of
the Bankhead-Jones
Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Tenant Act, as amended, so as to to
increase the interest rate on title I loans, to provide for the
redemption of nondelinquent insured insured mortgages, to authorize
preservation and protection
advances for the preservation protection of the insured insured
loan security, and for other purposes _____________________
loan .... _ June 19, 1948 __ _
1948__ 534
721 --- Hawaii,
Hawaii, extension
extension of leases
leases of certain
certain AN ACT To author-
ize the
th~. extension
extension of leases of certain land land in the Territory
Territory of
HaWaII- ______________________________________________ _
Hawaii ----------------- June 19,1948
19, 1948___- _ 536
722 --- Veterans' Administration,
Administration, establishment
establishment of internships. internships. AN ACT ACT
To authorize
authorize the establishment
establishment of internships in the Depart-
ment of MedicineMedicine and Surgery of the Veterans'
Veterans' Administra-
tion __________________________________________________
tion .... _ June 19, 1948
June __ _
1948S_- 536
723 --- Public
___ Public HealthHealth Service Act, amendment.
amendment. AN ACT To amend
amend the
provisions of title VI of the Public Health Service Service Act relating
to standards
standards of maintenance
maintenance and operation for hospitals re-
ceiving aid under that title ______________________________
ceiving ...................... _ June 19, 1948_-_
June 1948 __ _ 536
724 ___
--- D. C.
C. Appropriation
Appropriation Act, 1949. AN ACT Making Making appropriations
for the government
government of the District of Columbia Columbia and other other
chargeable in whole or in
activities chargeable in part
part against the revenues
of such District for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1949, and
for other
other purposes
purposes_-_____________________________________ _ June 19,
June 19, 1948 ___
1948___ 537
725 - Lead, import duties. AN ACT To provide for the temporary temporary
free importation of
free importation of lead-
lead ________________________________ _ June 19, 1948
1948_-___ 559
726 -- - Cal1jornia,
California,land land conveyance. AN ACT To authorize authorize the Adminis-
trator of Veterans'
Veterans' Affairs
Affairs to transfer a portion of the Veterans' Veterans'
Administration center
Administration center atat Los
Los Angeles,
Angeles, California,
California, to
to the State
the State
of California
California for the use of the University of California _____ ------ _ June 19, 1948 ___
1948__ 559
___ Supplemental
727 --- Supplemental Treasury Treasury and and Post Departments Appropria-
Post Office Departments Appropria-
tion Act,
tion 1949. AN ACT Making supplemental
Act, 1949. supplemental appropriations
for the Treasury
Treasury and Post Office Departments Departments for the fiscal
year ending
ending June June 30, 1949, and for other purposes purposes _________
----------_ June 19, 1948
June ___
1948___ 560
728 ___
--- D. C. C. Motor
Motor Vehicle ParkingParking Facility
Facility Act Act of 1942, amendment.
AN ACT To amend the District of
AN ACT To amend the District of Columbia Motor Vehicle Columbia Motor Vehicle
Parking Facility
Facility Act of 1942,
1942, approved February 16, 16, 1942 __ -- _ June 19, 1948---
June 19, 1948 ___ 565
--- Veterans'
729 ___
729 Administration, prosthetic
Veterans'Administration, prosthetic appliances.
appliances. AN ACT To aid
in the development
development of improved
improved prosthetic
prosthetic appliances,
appliances, and
for other
for other purposes
purposes _____________________________________
--------------------------------------_ June 19,
June 19, 1948
1948.___ 566

HeinOnline -- 62 Stat. xxii 1918-1949

Law Date
Date Page
730 ___
730 Macon, Ga.,
-- Macon, Ga., jurisdiction
jurisdictionof of COU'l't
Courttoto hear hear claims.
claims. AN AN ACTACT To To
confer jurisdiction
confer jurisdiction upon upon the the District
District Court Court of ofthethe United
United States
for the
for the Middle
Middle District
District of of Georgia
Georgia to to hear,
hear, determine,
determine, and and
render judgment
render judgment on on the
the claims
claims of of the
the owners
owners of of the
the fee-simple
titles and
titles and leasehold
leasehold interests
interests in in lands
lands leasedleased to to the
the United
States by
States by the
the city
city of of Macon,
Macon, Georgia,
Georgia, for for use
use as as aa part
part ofof the
site of
site of Camp
Camp Wheeler,
W heeler, Georgia
Georgia ___________________________
... ........................ June
June 19,
19, 1948___
l948___ 566
731 ___
731 --- Dedication of
Dedication of Palomar
Palomar Mountain Mountain Observatory,
Observatory, commemorative
stamp. AN
stamp. AN ACT ACT To To provide
provide for for the the issuance
issuance of of aa special
postage stamp
postage stamp in in commemoration
commemoration of of thethe dedication
dedication of of thethe
Palomar Mountain
M ountain Observatory
Observatory __________________________
-------------------------- June
June 21,1948___
21, 1948___ 567
732 --- School District 55, Roosevelt
732 ___ School District 55, Roosevelt County, County, Mont., Mont., conveyance.
conveyance. AN AN
ACT To authorize
authorize the the Secretary
Secretary of of thethe Interior
Interior to to convey
certain lands in
certain lands in the State the State of of Montana
Montana to to School
School District
District 55, 55,
Roosevelt County, County, Montana_ ____________________________
M ontana ----------------------------- June
June 21,1948___
21, 1948_-- 567
733 --- Superior National Forest, Minn.
733 ___ Superior National Forest, Minn. AN ACT To safeguard and AN ACT To safeguard
consolidate certain
consolidate certain areas
areas of of exceptional
exceptional public public value value within
the Superior
the Superior National
National Forest, Forest, StateState of of Minnesota,
Minnesota, and and for for
other purposes_
p urposes --- _ _ _--------------------------------------
__ __ _ ___ _ __ __ __ _ _ __ ___ __ __ __ __ _ _____ _ June
June 22,
22, 1948__
1948-- _ 568
734 ___
734 --- SaratogaNational
Saratoga National Historical
HistoricalPark, Park, N. Y. AN AN ACT To To establish
the Saratoga
the Saratoga National
National Historical
Historical Park, Park, in the the State of of New
York, from
York, from the the lands that that have been been acquired
acquired by the Federal Federal
Government for
Government for that purpose pursuant to to the Act of June June 1,
1938 (52
1938 (52 Stat.
Stat. 608),
608), and
and for for other purposes_________________
purposes ........ June
June 22,1948___
22, 1948___ 570
735 --- Alaska,
735 Alaska, mining
mining claims.
claims. AN ACT To To provide
provide for for the suspension
of annual
of annual assessment
assessment work work on on mining
mining claims held by location
in the Territory
in Territory of Alaska________________________________
Alaska -------------------------------- June
June 22,1948___
22, 1948_-- 571
736 --- Chopawamsic
736 Chopawamsic Park, Park, Va. Va. AN AN ACT ACT To authorize the transfer of of
certain Federal
certain Federal landslands within
within the the Chopawamsic
Chopawamsic Park to the
Secretary of
Secretary of the
the Navy,
Navy, the the addition of lands surplus to the
Department of
Department of the
the Army
Army to this park, the acquisition acquisition of addi-
tional lands
tional needed to
lands needed to round
round out out the boundaries of this park,
to change
to change the the name of said park to Prince William Forest Forest
Park, and for other purposes ....................
purposes_____________________________ ... June 22,1948___
June 22, 1948_--- 571
737 --- St.
737 St. Elizabeths
Elizabeths Hospital,
Hospital, D. D. C.C. AN ACT To provide for the volun-
tary admission and treatment of mental patients at Saint
tary admission Saint
E lizabeths H HospitaL ____________________________________
ospital ------------------------------------- June 22,1948___
June 22, 1948 --- 572
738 --- Coast
738 Coast Guard.
Guard. AN ACT ACT To authorize
authorize the Coast Coast Guard to operate operate
and maintain ocean
and maintain ocean stations ------------------------------
stations______________________________ June 22,1948___
June 22, 1948_-- 574
739 --- Postal
739 service, certain
Postal service, certain seniority
seniority rights.
rights. AN AN ACT ACT To preserve
seniority rightsrights ofof ten-point preference eligibles
ten-point preference eligibles in the the postal
service transferring from
service transferring from the the position
position of letter carrier carrier to clerk
or from the
or from the position
position of of clerk
clerk to letter
letter carrier ----------------
carrier________________ June 22,1948___
June 22, 1948 - 574
740 -__ Railway
740 Railway postalpostal clerks.
clerks. AN AN ACT ACT Relating
Relating to the compensation compensation
of certain railway
of certain railway postal
postal clerks ---------------------------
clerks___________________________ June 22,1948___
June 22, 1948_-- 575
741 --- Veterans'
Veterans' Preference
Preference Act Act of of 1944,
1944, amendment.
amendment. AN AN ACT ACT To To
amend section
section 19 19 ofof the
the Veterans'
Veterans' Preference
Preference Act Act ofof June
June 27, 27,
1944 (58 (58 Stat.
Stat. 387),
387), andand for otherother purposes .......
purposes_________________ June 22,
June 22,1948___
1948 -- 575
742 --- Oklahoma,
742 Oklahoma, public public lands.
lands. AN AN ACT ACT To To extend
extend the the public-land
laws of the United
laws of the United States to certainStates to certain lands, lands, consisting
consisting of of
islands, situated in the
islands, situated in the Red River inRed River in Oklahoma -------------
Oklahoma_____________ June 22,
June 22,1948___
1948__-- 576
743 --- Postal service, delivery of certain
Postal service, delivery of certain mails. AN ACT mails. AN ACT Requiring
Requiring all all
mails consigned
consigned to to anan airport
airport from
from aa post post office
office or or branch,
branch, or or
from an airport to a post
from an airport to a post office or office or branch,
branch, within within aa radius
radius of of
thirty-five miles of a city in which there
thirtv-five miles of a citv in which there has been established aa has been established
Government-owned vehicle service to
Government-owned vehicle service to be delivered by Govern- be delivered by Govern-
ment-owned motor mot.or vehicles
vehicles_ _____________________________
- -- June 23,
June 23,1948___
1948--- 576
744 --- Railroad Retirement Act
744 ___ Railroad Retirement Act of 1937 and Railroad of 1937 and Railroad Unemployment
Insurance Act, Act, amendments.
amendments. AN A~ ACT ACT To To amend
amend the the Rail-
road Retirement
Retirement Act Act of of 1937,
1937, as as amended,
amended, and and the the Railroad
Unemployment Insurance Act,
Unemployment Insurance Act, as amended, and for otheras amended, and for other
purposes --.. __-..--------.--------------
______ _ _____ ___ _ _______ _ __ _____ _ __ __ _ __ __ June 23,
June 23, 1948---
1948___ 576
745 D.
745 ___ D. C. C. Code,
Code, amendment.
amendment. AN AN ACT ACT To To amend
amend section section 1064 1064 ofof the
Act entitled
entitled "An "An Act Act to to establish
establish aa Code Code of of LawLaw forfor thethe
District of Columbia", approved March
District of Columbia", approved March 3, 1901, relating to 3, 1901, relating to
admissibility of testimony by a party
admissibility of testimony by a party to a transaction when to a transaction when
the other
other party
party isis incapable
incapable of of testifying
testifying__-- ___ _ __ ___ _- __ ___ __ June 24,
June 24, 1948___
1948__ _ 579
746 ---___ Organic
Organic Act Act of of Puerto
Puerto Rico,Rico, amendments.
amendments. AN AN ACT ACT Relating
Relating toto
salaries of of certain
certain officers
officers and and employees
employees of of the
the United
United States
and certain
certain officers
officers andand employees
employees of of Puerto
Puerto Rico ----------
Rico___________ June 24,1948---
June 24,1948___ 579

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Law Date
Date Page
747 ___
747 ___ Harney
Harney National
National Forest,
Forest, S.S. Da.Dak. AN AN ACTACT To permit, subject
To permit, subject
toto certain conditions, mining
certain conditions, under the
locations under
mining locations mining laws
the mining laws
of United States within that portion of the Harney Na-
the United
of the States within that portion of the Harney Na-
purposes Forest,
Forest, designated as
designated as aa game
game sanctuary,
sanctuary, and for other
_______________________________________________ and for other
purposes ---------------------------------------------- June 24,1948_-_
June 24,1948 ___ 580
748 ---
748 ___ Veterans
Veterans Regulations,
Regulations, amendments.
amendments. AN AN ACT ACT To To amendamend Vet- Vet-
erans Regulation
erans Regulation Numbered
Numbered 11 (a), (a), parts
parts II and
and II, II, asas amended,
to establish
to establish aa presumption
presumption of of service connection for
service connection for chronic
and tropical
and tropical diseases------------------------
diseases ____________________________________ June 24,1948_--
June 24, 1948 ___ 581
Federal Food,
749 --- Federal
749 Food, Drug,
Drug, and and Cosmetic
Cosmetic Act, amendments. AN
Act, amendments. AN ACT ACT
ToTo amend
amend sections
sections 301301 (k) (k) and
and 304 (a) of
304 (a) of the Federal Food,
the Federal Food,
Drug, and
Drug, and Cosmetic
Cosmetic Act, Act, as as amended-_
amended _____________________ June 24,1948___
June 24, 1948 ___ 582
Tariff Act
750 --- Tariff
750 Act of
of 1930,
1930, amendment.
amendment. AN AN ACT ACT To amend the
To amend the Tariff
Act of
Act of 1930
1930 to to provide
provide for the the free importation of
free importation of limestone
to be
to be used
used inin the
the manufacture
manufacture of of fertilizer__
fertilizer _________________ June 24,1948
June ---
24,1948 ___ 583
Fort Des
751 ___ Fort
751 Des Moines
Moines Veterans'
Veterans' Village, Iowa. Iowa. AN AN ACT ACT To To confer
jurisdiction over
jurisdiction over the
the Fort
Fort DesDes Moines Veterans' Village
Moines Veterans' Village upon upon
the State of Iowa _______________________________________
the State of Iowa -------------------------------------- June 24,1948_-_
June 24,1948 ___ 583
Naval Academy,
752 --- Naval
752 Academy, Filipinos.
Filipinos. AN AN ACTACT To authorize the
To authorize the course
of instruction
of instruction at at the
the United
United States
States Naval Academy to
Naval Academy to be
given to
given to not
not exceeding
exceeding four persons at
four persons time from
at aa time from the the Re-
public of the Phili ppines _________________________________
public of the Philippines -------------------------------- June 24,1948___
June 24,1948 ___ 583
753 ___ Department
753 --- Department of the Navy Appropriation Appropriation Act, 194-9. AN
Act, 1949. AN ACT ACT
Making appropriations
Making appropriations for Department of
for the Department of the Navy Navy and and
naval service
the naval service for
for the
the fiscal
fiscal year
year ending
ending JuneJune 30, 1949, and
30, 1949, and
for other purposes ______________________________________
for other purposes ------------------------------------- June 24,1948___
June 24, 1948 ___ 584
754 ___ Choctaw and
754 __ Choctaw and Chickasaw
Chickasaw Nations
Nations of Indians.
TION Providing
TION Providing for the the ratification Congress of
ratification by Congress of aa con-
tract for the
tract the purchase
purchase of of certain lands and mineral deposits
by United States from the
by the United Choctaw and
the Choctaw Chickasaw Na-
and Chickasaw Na-
tions of
tions of Indians
Indians ________________________________________
--------------------------------------- June 24,1948_--
June 24,1948 ___ 596
755 ___ National Dental
755 --- National Dental Research
Research Act. Act. AN ACT ACT To amend the Public
To amend Public
Health Service Act to
Health Service foster, and aid in
provide for, foster,
to provide in coordi-
research relating
nating research relating to dental diseases and conditions, and
diseases and
for other purposes
for other purposes ______________________________________
--------------------------------- June 24,1948.--
June 24,1948 ___ 598
156 ___ Interstate
756 --- Interstate Commerce Act, Act, amendment.
amendment. AN ACT ACT To amend amend the
Interstate Commerce
Interstate Commerce Act Act soso as to permit
permit the the issuance of free
Act to time inspectors of carriers subject to
carriers subject
___________________________________________________ to part I of such
Act -------------------------------------------------- 24,1948-_-
June 24,1948
June ___ 602
Longshoremen's and Harbor
757 --- Longshoremen's Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, amend-
Workers' Compensation
ments. AN ACT To increase benefits payable under
increase certain benefits under
the Longshoremen's
Longshoremen's and and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act-
Workers' Compensation Act- June 24,1948--_
June 24,1948 ___ 602
758 --- National Militar'b Establishment
National Military professional and scientific
Establishment, professional scientific
service. AN A ACT T To amend tthe he Act of August 1, 1947, to to
clarify the position of the Secretary Secretary of the Air Force with
respect to such Act, and to authorize the Secretary of Defense
to establish additional positions in the professional and
establish six additional
scientific servic]
service and for other ~rposes purposes____________________ June 24,1948-_-
June 24,1948 ___ 604
759 ___
759 --- Selective Service Act ct ofof 194-8.
1948. A AN ACT To provide for the the
common defense by increasing the strength of the armed armed
forces of the United United States,
States, including the reserve components components
thereof, and and forfor other
other purposes ___________________________
purposes ---------- ---------- 24,1948
June 24,
June ---
1948 ___ 604
760 ___
760 --- Lafayette Building,
Building, Washington,
Washington, D. D. C.
C. AN ACT To authorize
the Federal Works Works Administrator to lease for commercial
for commercial
purposes certain space space in the building located located at 811 Vermont Vermont
Avenue Northwest, Washington, District District of COlumbia, Columbia,
commonly known as
commonly known as the Lafayette the Lafayette Building ________________
...........--- June 24,1948___
June 24,1948 -
761 --- Lighthouse
761 Lighthouse Service.
Service. AN ACT To further further perfect the the consoli-
dation of of the Lighthouse
Lighthouse ServiceService with the
the Coast Guard ______------ June 24,1948S--
June 24, 1948 ___ 644
762 - -- Spanish-American
Spanish-American War War veterans,
veterans, pensions for widows.
pensions for widows. AN AN ACT ACT
pensions for
provide pensions
To provide for certain widows of
certain widows of veterans
veterans of the
of the
Spanish-American War, including the the Boxer Rebellion and and
the Philippine
Philippine Insurrection _______________________________
Insurrection ----------------------------- June 24,1948__.
June 24,1948 ___ 645
763 ___
--- Marine
Marine Band.Band. AN ACT ACT To authorize the
To authorize the attendance of the
of the
United States Marine Corps
States Marine Corps BandBand at at the national assembly
the national assembly
of the
the Marine
Marine Corps League to
Corps League be held
to be held at at Milwaukee,
Milwaukee, Wis- Wis-
consin, September
September 22 22 toto September
September 25 inclusive, 1948
25 inclusive, 1948______
------ June 24,1948___
June 24,1948 ---
764 ___
764 --- Chickamauga
Chickamauga and and Chattanooga
Chattanooga Nationa i Military Park.
National Military Park. AN
surplus Govern-
certain surplus Govern-
ACT To provide for
To provide addition of certain
the addition
for the
ment landslands to Chickamauga and
the Chickamauga
to the Chattanooga National
and Chattanooga National
Park, in
Military Park,
Military States of
the States
in the Georgia and
of Georgia and Tennessee,
Tennessee, and and
for other purposes _______________________________________
for other purposes -------------------------------------- June
June 24, 1948 ___
24,1948--- 646

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Law Date Page
765 --__ _ Standard
Standard Time Act Act of 1918, amendment.amendment. AN ACT To amend amend
section 3 of the Standard Time Act of March
section March 19, 1918, as
amended, relating to the placing of a certain certain portion of the
State of
State Idaho in
of Idaho the third
in the third timetime zone
zone _____________________ _ June 24, 1948 __ _
1948___ 646
766 __
--- _ Military Functions Appropriation
Military Functions Appropriation Act, Act, 1949.
1949. AN ACT Making
appropriations for military functions administered
appropriations administered by the
National Military
Military Establishment
Establishment for the fiscal year ending ending
June 30,1949,
30, 1949, and and forfor other
other purposes
purposes-____________________ _ June June 24, 1948
1948 __
-- _ 647
767 --- Assistant
Assistant Secretaries
Secretariesof State. AN ACT ACT To continue
continue the authori-authori-
appointment of two additional
zation for the appointment additional Assistant Secre-
taries of
taries State _________________________________________ _ June
of State----------- June 24, 1948 __ _
1948_-_ 670
768 -- Civil Service Retirement Act of 1930, amendment. amendment. AN ACT To
amend the Civil Service Retirement Act of May May 29, 1930, to to
provide annuities for certain certain surviving spouses of annuitants
retired prior to April 1, 1948 ____________________________
retired prior to April 1, 1948---------------------------- _ June 25, 1948 __ ---_ 670
769 --- Customs duties, free entry for
Customs duties, for certain
certain articles.
TION Permitting the free entry entry of certain articles imported imported to to
international good
promote international good will, and for other purposes purposes _____ ------ _ June 25, 1948 __ _
1948___ 671
Contracts for
770 --- Contracts
770 for petroleum
petroleum products.
products. AK AN ACT To ratify and con- con-
firm amendments to certain contracts contracts for the furnishing of
petroleum products
products to the United United States __________________
..... _ June 25, 1948 __ _
1948_-- 671
771 -
771 U. Code, title 3. AN ACT To codify and enact
U. S. Code, enact into law Title
3 of the United States Code, entitled entitled "The"The President"
President" ______ -...... _ June 25, 1948 __- _ 672
772 --- U. S.
772 S. Code, title 18. AN ACT To revise, codify, codify, and enact into
positive law, Title 18 of the United States Code, entitled entitled
"Crimes and
"Crimes and Criminal
Criminal Procedure"
Procedure" _______________________
.... _ June 25, 1948 __ _
1948_-- 683
773 --- U. S. S. Code, title 28. AN ACT To revise, codify, and enact into
Code, title
law title 28 of the United States Code entitled "Judicial "Judicial Code
and Judiciary"
Judiciary" ________________________________________ _ June June 25, 1948 __ ---_ 869
774 --- Displaced Persons
Displaced Persons Act of 1948.
1948. AN ACT To authorize for a
limited period of time the admission into the United States
limited period States of of
certain European
certain displaced persons for permanent
European displaced permanent residence,
June 25,1948 __ _
Ju~~~ Advocate
=rJv~~~~r General,
8:fr~~~su~ U. s~-Ai;F~r~~.---ANA6TTopr~"Vide
and for other purposes _ June 25, 1948___ 1009
775 --- Judge S. Air Force. AN ACT To provide
for the administration
administration of military justice within the United United
States Air
States Force, and for
Air Force, for other
other purposes
purposes __________________
- _ June
June 25, 1948 __- _ 1014
Organic Act of Puerto
776 --- Organic Puerto Rico, amendment. AN ACT To amend the
Organic Act Act of Puerto Rico
of Puerto Rico --------------------
_____________________________ _ June June 25, 1948
1948 __-- _ 1015
777 --- Army, rank rank of Assistant
Assistant to Chief Chief of Engineers. AN ACT To fix
of Engineers. fix
the rank of the Assistant
Assistant to the Chief Chief of Engineers
Engineers in charge charge
of river and harbor and flood-control improvements improvements ________ ---------_ June 1948_--
June 25, 1948 __ _ 1015
778 --- Commodore
Commodore John John Barry,
increase appropriated for the presen-
authorized to be appropriated
increase the sum authorized presen-
tation to Eire of a statue of Commodore John Barry Barry ________
--------- _ June 25, 1948 __- _ 1015
courts, jurors'
779 --- U. S. courts, fees, etc. AN ACT Relating
jurors' fees, Relating to the payment payment
of fees, expenses, and costs costs of ofl·urors---- __________________ _ June 25,1948
jurors .......... 25,1948- __-_ 1016
780 --- U. U. S.
S. courts, probation system. AN
courts, probation N ACT To amend section section 2 of of
an Act, entitled
entitled "An"An Act to provide for the establishment establishment of a
probation system in the United States courts, except
probation except in the
District of Columbia", approved approved March March 4, 1925, as amended
(18 U.
U. S.S. C.
C. 725)
725) -----------------
______________________________________ _ June 25,1948 25,1948_--__ _ 1016
781 --- Public Health Service
Public Health Service Act, amendments.
amendments. AN ACT To amend the
Public Health Service
Service Act to permit
permit certain expenditures, and
for other purposes
for other purposes _____________________________________
......... _ June 25,1948
25,1948_--__ _ 1017
Functions Appropriation Act, 1949. AN ACT Making
782 ___ Civil Functions Appropriation Making
appropriations for civil functions administered
administered by the Depart-
ment of the Army for for thethe fiscal
fiscal year ending June
year ending 30, 1949, and
June 30,1949, and
for other purposes
for other purposes-_____________________________________ _ June 25,1948 25,1948_____ _ 1019
783 -- Nationality
Nationality Act of 1940, amendment. amendment. AN AN ACT To amend sec-
tion 332 (a) (a) of the Nationality Act of 1940 ________________ -----------------_ June 25, 1948 __- _ 1026
784 --- National
National Archives, fees. fees. AN ACT To amend amend the Act of June 19,
1934, providing
1934, providing for for the establishment of
the establishment of the
the National
National Archives,
provide that certain fees collected by the Archivist shall
so as to provide
available for disbursement
be available disbursement in the interest of the National
A rch iv es ______________________________________________
----------------------------------------------- _ June 25,1948 __- _
__ _ Second Deficiency Appropriation 1026
785 --- Appropriation Act, 1948. AN ACT
Act, 191;.8. ACT Making Making
appropriations to supply deficiencies
appropriations deficiencies in certain appropriations
posesthe fiscal year endingending June 30, 1948, 1948, and for other pur-_
p ose s -------------------------------------------------- June 25,1948
June 25, 1948 __ _
--- 1027
786 __
786 ---_ Coast Guard.
Guard. AN ACT To authorize authorize the Coast Guard to es-
maintain, and operate aids to navigation ________
tablish, maintain, ......... _ June 26, 1948 __ _
26,1948--- 1050

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Date Page
787 --
787 Navigation laws,
Navigation laws, amendment. AN AN ACT To To amend
amend sectionsection 5 of of
Act entitled
the Act entitled "An"An Act Act to
to amend
amend the the laws relating to navi-
laws relating
gation, and for other purposes."
gation, and for other purposes." __________________________ June 26,1948_
June -
26, 1948 ___ 1051
788 Statue of Gen. Jose Gervasio
--- Statue Artigas. AN ACT
Gervasio Artigas. ACT To provide provide for for
the acceptance
the acce)tance on behalf behalf ofof the
the United
United States States of of a statue of of
General Jose ose Gervasio
Gervasio Artigas,
Artigas, and
and for other other purposes-
purposes ______ June 26,1948
June 26, 1948 ___
-- 1051
789 --- Cannon's Procedure in
Cannon's Procedure Representatives. JOINT
in the House of Representatives. JOINT
RESOLUTION Authorizing Authorizing the printing and binding binding of of
Cannon's Procedure
Procedure in in the
the House Representatives and pro-
House of Representatives pro-
viding that the
that the same shall be subject
same shall
viding ________________________________________________ copyright by the
subject to copyright the
author June 26,1948---
June 26, 1948 ___ 1052
author ------------------------------------------ 1052
790 --- Bureau of Reclamation,
Bureau Reclamation, emergency fund. fund. AN ACT To authorize
emergency fund for the Bureau
an emergency Reclamation to assure
Bureau of Reclamation
continuous operation
the continuous operation of its irrigation
irrigation and power power systems
systems __ - June 26,1948
June 26, 1948 ___
-- 1052
791 Regular Army
--- Regular Army and and Regular
Regular Air Force,Force, appointments.
appointments. AN ACT ACT
To authorize
To authorize the permanent
permanent appointment
appointment in Regular Army
in the Regular Army
of one officer
of officer in thethe grade
grade ofof general
general and and to authorize the
to authorize the per-
manent appointment in the Regular Air Force
manent appointment Force of one one officer
in the
in the grade
grade of of general,
general, andand for other
other purposes
purposes _____________
_-_ June 26,1948
June 26, 1948 ___
--- 1052
792 --- Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1948. AN ACT To To extend
authority of
the authority of the
the President under section 350 of the the Tariff Act Act
of 1930,
of 1930, asas amended,
amended, and and for other
other purposes----------
purposes ________________ --- June 26,1948__-
June 26, 1948___ 1053
793 --- Foreign Aid
Foreign Aid Appropriation
Appropriation Act, 1949. AN ACT ACT Making appro-
priations for foreign
priations foreign aid, and and for other purposespurposes ____________
-- June 28,1948__-
June 28, 1948 ___ 1054
794 Pan American
___ Pan American Railway Congress. Congress. JOINT JOINT RESOLUTIONRESOLUTION
Providing for participation Government of the United
participation by the Government United
States in the
States the Pan American
American Railway
Railway Congress, and authorizing authorizing
an appropriation
an therefor __________________
appropriation therefor ----------------------------- - _____ - _______ June 28,1948---
June 28, 1948 ___ 1060
795 Independence National
___ Independence National Historical
Historical Park,
Park, Philadelphia,
Philadelphia,Pa. Pa. AN AN
ACT To provide for the establishment establishment of the Independence Independence
National Historical
National Historical Park, and for other purposes_ purposes ____________
- June 28,1948--
June 28, 1948 ___ 1061
796 --- housing. AN
Defense housing. AN ACT ACT To amend amend the Act entitled entitled "An "An
expedite the provision
Act to expedite provision of housing
housing in connection
connection with
national defense, and for other purposes", approved October October
14, 1940, as
14, 1940, as amended ____________________________________
amended------------------------------- June 28,1948__-
June 28, 1948 ___ 1062
797 ___ Washington County, Ark.,
--- Washington Ark., conveyance. AN ACT To authorize authorize
Administrator of Veterans'
the Administrator Veterans' Affairs to convey a certain
Arkansasof land in the State
State of Arkansas
Arkansas to Washington County,
Arkansas --------------------------------------------- June 28,1948
June 28, 1948 ___
--- 1065
798 ___
--- Department of State,
Department State, consular
consular functions for German nationals.
for German nationals.
AN ACT To '.(0 authorize
authorize the Secretary
Secretary of State State to perform perform
?eriain ~on~ular-type functions
certain consular-type fun<;tions within the United States and
Its Terntories
its Territories and possessIOns
possessions- ____________________
-- -- ___ - __ June 28, 1948 ___
28,1948__- 1065
799 ___
--- Bridge, Rio Grande.
Bridge, Grande. AN ACT Authorizing Authorizing the Hidalgo Bridge
Company, its heirs, legal representatives, and assigns, to con-
legal representatives, con-
struct, maintain,
maintain, and operate operate a railroad toll bridge across the
Rio Grande,
Rio Grande, at
at or near Hidalgo,
Hidalgo, Texas ____________________
Texas------------------ June 28,1948__-
June 28,1948 ___ 1066
800 --- Barbers, D.
Barbers, D.C.C. AN ACT To amend section 11 of an Act entitled
"An ActAct to regulate barbers in the District District of Columbia, and
for other purposes."
for other _____________________________________
purposes."----------------------------------- 28,1948__-
June 28,
June 1948 ___ 1067
801 --- Vessels
Vessels of Canadian registry. AN ACT To amend the Act of
Canadian registry.
July 30, 1947, permitting vessels of Canadian registry to trans-
merchandise between Hyder, Alaska, and points
port certain merchandise
in the
the continental
continental UnitedUnited States __________________________
States ------------------------- June 28,1948___
June 28, 1948 ___ 1067
802 ___
--- Veterans
Veterans of World
World War II, II, benefits. AN ACT To Srovide provide further
employees of the United
benefits for certain employees United States tates who are
veterans of World War II II and lost opportunity for probational
civil-service appointments by reason of their service in the
civil-service appointments
forces of the United States, and who, due to service-
armed forces service-
connected disabilities, are unable to perform perform the duties of the
positions for which examinations were taken ________________ .......... June 28, 1948 ___
June 28,1948 --- 1068
803 --- Johnson City, Tenn.
Johnson conveyance. AN ACT To authorize the
Tenn conveyance.
Administrator of Veterans' Veterans' Affairs to convey certain land in
Tennessee to the city of Johnson City City______________________ 28,1948___
June 28,
June 1948 ___ 1068
804 --- Officer Personnel amendment. AN ACT To amend
Personnel Act of 1947, amendment. amend
the Officer Personnel Act of
the Officer of 1947 (Public Law 381, 381, Eightieth
Congress), and and forfor other
other purposes
purposes _________________________
......... June 28,1948__-
June 28, 1948___ 1069
805 --- Dexartment
Department of Agriculture
Agriculture Organic
OrganicAct of amendment. AN
of 1944, amendment. AN
CT To amend section 502 Department of
(a) of the Department
502 (a) of Agricul-
ture Organic Act of 1944 _________________________________ June 29,1948
June 29, ---
1948 ___ 1070
ture Organic Act of 1944 ----------------------------
806 --- Commodity Credit CharterAct. AN ACT To provide
Credit Corporation provide
a Federal charter for for the Commodity Credit Corporation Corporation ____ --- June 29,1948 ___
June 29,1948 --- 1070

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807 -- Alexandria, Va., commemorative
Alexandria, commemorative stamp. AN ACT To authorize authorize
the issuance
issuance of aa stamp commemorative
commemorative of the two-hundredthtwo-hundredth
anniversary of the founding of the city of Alexandria, Virginia_ Virginia- June 29, 1948__-
29, 1948 __ _ 1075
808 Canal Zone Code, amendment.
--- Canal amendment. AN AK ACT To amend amend the Canal
Zone Code for the purpose of incorporating incorporating the the Panama
Railroad Company
Railroad Company _____________________________________ _ June 29,1948 __ _
--- 1075
809 --- Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, commemorative stamp. JOINT
Lincoln's Gettysburg JOINT
RESOLUTION To authorize the issuance of a special series
of stamps commemorative
commemorative of the eighty-fifth anniversary anniversary of of
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address .............. ___________________________ _ June 29,
29, 1948 __ _
1948__- 1080
810 __
--- _ Army and
Army and Air Force Force Vitalization
Vitalization and and Retirement Equalization
Act of 1948.
Act 1948. AN ACT To provide provide for the elimination
elimination of
Regular Army and and Regular Air Force officers and for the
retirement of officers, warrant
retirement warrant officers, and and enlisted men
men of the
Regular Army and the Regular Regular Air Force, Force, and to provide
retirement benefits
retirement benefits for members of the Reserve components components
of the Army
Army of the United States, the Air Force of the United United
Guard United StatesStates Navy Navy and Marine Marine Corps, and
________________________________________________ and Coast
Guard------------------------- June 29,1948_--
29,1948 __ _ 1081
811 __ _ Moina Michael,
--- Moina Michael, commemorative
commemorative stamp. stamp. AN ACT To authorize the
issuance of a special series of stamps in honor and commemora- commemora-
tion of idea
poppy Moina Michael,
Michael, originator
originator of Flanders Field Field memorial
poppy idea ____________________________________________
................. 29, 1948 __
June 29, _
--- 1091
812 __
--- _ Rough Riders,
Riders, commemorative
Authorizing the issuance issuance of a special series of stamps com-
memorative of the fiftieth anniversary organization of
anniversary of the organization of
the Rough Riders (First Volunteer Volunteer United United States Cavalry)
of the Spanish-American
of the Spanish-American WaL War __________________________
----------- _ 29, 1948 __ _
June 29,1948 1091
813 --- Federal
Federal Credit
Credit Union
Union Act, transfertransfer of administration.
administration. AN ACT ACT
administration of the Federal
To transfer administration Federal Credit Union Act Act
to the
to Federal Security
the Federal Agency __________________________ _
Security Agency. June 29,1948 __ _
29, 1948_-- 1091
814 --- Potholes Dam, change
Potholes change of name. JOINT RESOLUTION RESOLUTION To
* change the name of the Potholes Potholes Dam in the Columbia Basin Basin
project to
project to O'Sullivan Dam Dam ______________________________
.......... _ June 29,1948
29, 1948 __
-- _ 1092
815 -_- Civil
Civil Aeronautics
Aeronautics Act 1938, amendment. AN ACT To provide
Act of 1938, provide
for the training of air-trafficair-traffic control-tower
control-tower operators ________ --------- _ June 29,
29, 1948 __ _ 1093
1948___ 1093
816 --- Board Visitors, Naval Academy
Board of Visitors, Academy and Military Academy. AN
and Military AN
ACT To provide for a Board Board of Visitors to the United United States
Naval Academy and for a Board
Naval Board of Visitors to the United
Sta tes Military
States Military Academy, and and for other other purposes __________
-----------_ June 29,1948 __ _ 1094
29, 1948_-- 1094
817 --- Arming of American vessels. AN ACT Relating to the arming
of American vessels
of American vessels ...... ____________________________________ _ June 29,
29, 1948 __- _ 1095
818 --- foreign wild animals
Importation of foreign
Importation animals and birds. birds. AN ACT To pro-
importation of foreign wild animals and birds under
hibit the importation
conditions other than humane, and for other other purposes
purposes ______
------- _ June 29,1948
29, 1948 __
-- _ 1096
819 parcel-post service.
--- Air parcel-post servia. AN ACT To provide for an air parcel- parcel-
service, and for other purposes
post service, purposes ______________________
....... _ June 29,
1948 __
-- _ 1097
820 -_- Army, revolving fund.
Army, fund. AN ACT ACT To provide a revolving fund
purchase of agricultural
for the purchase commodities and raw
agricultural commodities raw materials
to be processed in occupied occupied areas and sold sold ________________ _ June 29,
1948 __
-- _ 1098
821 --- Federal Prison
Federal Industries, Inc.
Prison Industries, Inc. AN ACT Authorizing Authorizing the ex- ex-
tension of the functions and and duties of Federal Prison Industries,
Incorporated, to military disciplinary barracks-
Incorporated, ___________ _
barracks .... June 29,
June 1948_--
29,1948 1100
__ _ 1100
822 --- University conveyance. AN ACT To authorize
Minnesota, conveyance.
University of Minnesota,
Secretary of the Interior to convey
the Secretary convey a certain parcel of land land
in Saint Louis County, Minnesota, to the University University of of
Minnesota ____________________________________________
M in n eso ta ------ --- _ June 29,
------------------------------------ 29, 1948 __ _
1948_- 1100
823 __ _ Army, transfer
--- equipment. AN ACT To authorize
horses and equipment.
transfer of horses authorize
transfer of horses
the transfer horses and and equipment owned owned by the United
States Army to the New Mexico Military Institute, a
Military Institute, State
a State
institution, and for other purposes _______________________
institution, ------------------------_ 29, 1948 __
June 29, _
--- 1101
824 --- industry. AN
Tin-smelting industry.
Tin-smelting AN ACT To extend extend for two yearsyears the
authority to provide for the maintenance
authority maintenance of a domestic tin-
sm industry ______________________________________
elting industry ---------------------------------------_ June 29, 1948 __ _
1948--- 1101
825 ___ Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act, Act, amendment.
amendment. AN AN ACTACT
To amend Reconstruction Finance
the Reconstruction Corporation Act,
Finance Corporation Act, asas
arnended _____________________________________________ _
a m en d ed -- ----------------------------------- --------- June 29,1948_--
June 29, 1948 __ _ 1101
826 Parking lots, D.
--- Parking D. C. C. JOINT RESOLUTION To
JOINT RESOLUTION authorize and
To authorize and
Commissioners of the District
direct the Commissioners District of Columbia to to investi-
gate and study certain
District certain matters relating to parking lots in in the
District of Colum bia ------------------------------------_
of Columbia ___________________________________ June 29,1948-.
29,1948 __ _ 1102

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Date Page
827 --- Theodore Roosevelt National
Theodore National MemorialMemorial Park. Park. JOINT
LUTION Correcting
LUTION Correcting Act Act establishing the the Theodore Roose- Roose-
velt National Memorial Park, as amended _________________ _ _ June
June 29,1948
29, 1948 __ _
--- 1102
828 --- Internal
828 Internal revenue,
revenue, claims
claims forfor warwar losses.
Providing an extension of time for claiming credit or refund
with respect
respect to to war
war losses
losses ________________________________
---------------------------------_ June
June 29,1948
29, 1948 __ _
--- 1102
829 --- Surplus
829 Surplus Property
Property Act of 1944, 1944, amendment.
amendment. AN AN ACT To amend amend
section 13 (a) of the the Surplus Property
Property Act of 1944, 1944, as
as amended_
amended- June
June 29,1948 __ _ 1103
29, 1948_-_ 1103
830 --- Public
830 Public Health
Health Service
Service Act, amendment.
amendment. AN ACT ACT To amendamend sec-
tion 624 of the Public Health Health Service Act so as to to provide a
minimum allotment
allotment of $100,000
$100,000 to each State for the the construc-
tion of
of hospitals
hospitals ________________________________________
-----------------------------------------_ June
June 29,1948 __ _
29, 1948___ 1103
831 __
831 --- _ Cheyenne,
Cheyenne, Wyo., conveyance.
conveyance. AN ACT To authorize authorize the Ad-
Veterans' Affairs to convey to the city of
ministrator of Veterans' of
Cheyenne, Wyoming, for public-park and golf-course pur-
poses, certain land situated situated within the boundaries of the
Veterans' Administration center at Cheyenne, Wyoming _____ _ June
June 29,1948
29, 1948 __-_ 1104
832 --- Los Angeles, Calif., Calif., post-office facilities.
facilities. AN ACT To provide
for the extension and improvement
improvement of post-office post-office facilities at
Los Angeles, California, and for other purposes _____________ --------------_ June 29, 1948 __- _ 1104
833 --- Oklahoma,
Oklahoma, landland conveyance.
conveyance. AN ACT To direct the Secretary Secretary ofof
Agriculture to convey certain land to the State of Oklahoma Oklahoma-__- _- June
June 29,1948
29, 1948 __ _ 1104
--- 1104
834 --- Federal-Aid Highway
Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1948. AN ACT To amend and sup-
plement the Federal-Aid Road Act approved July july 11,11, 1916
(39 Stat. 355),
355), as amended
amended and supplemented, to authorize
appropriations for continuing the construction of highways, highways,
and for
for other purposes __________________________________
other purposes -------------------------------- _ June
June 29,
29, 1948 __ _
1948.-- 1105
835 __
--- _ Bureau
Bureau of Reclamation,
Reclamation, payments
payments to school districts. districts. AN ACT ACT
appropriations for the Bureau of Reclamation for
To authorize appropriations
payments to school districts on certain projects projects during their
construction status
status _____________________________________
--------------------------------------_ June 29,1948 __ _
29, 1948__- 1108
836 __ _ Postmasters.
836 --- Postmasters. AN ACT To amend the Act of July 6, 1945
(Public L Law
aw 134)
134) ______________________________________
---------------------------------------_ June
June 29,
29, 1948 __ _
1948_-_ 1108
837 __
837 -- _ D.D. C. C. Appropriation
Appropriation Act, 1903, amendment. AN ACT To
1903, amendment. To
amend section 7 of the Act entitled "An "An Act making appropri-
ations to provide
provide for the government government of the District of
Columbia for the fiscal year ending June June 30, 1903,
1903, and for
other purposes", approved
approved July 1,1902, 1, 1902, as amended-
amended _______ _ June 29,1948
June __ _
29, 1948__ 1108
838 __ _
838 --- National Service Life Insurance
National Service Insurance Act Act of of 1940, amendment. AN
191;0, amendment. AN
ACT To amend subsection 602 (f) (f) of the National Service
Service Life
Insurance Act of 1940, as amended, amended, to authorizeauthorize renewal
renewal of of
level premium term term insurance for a second five-year period,
and for other purposes ----------------------------------_
and for other purposes _________________________________ June 29,
June 29, 1948 __ _
1948--- 1109
839 __ _ Federal
839 --- FederalWorks Agency,Agency, assistance
assistance to school agencies. agencies. AN ACT To To
provide assistance
assistance to certain local school agencies overburdened
local school overburdened
with war-incurred,
war-incurred, or postwar national-defense-incurred,_
postwar national-defense-incurred,
enrollments ___________________________________________ June 29,1948 __ _ 1110
enrollm ents -------------------------------------------- June 29, 1948___ 1110
840 --- Federal
840 Federal Airport Act, amendment. amendment. AN AN ACT To amend the
Federal Airport
Airport ActAcL...........................
___________________________________ _ June 29, 1948-__
June 29, 1948 __ _ 1111
841 --- Interior Department Appropriation
Appropriation Act, 1949. 191;9. AN AN ACT MakingMaking
appropriations for the Department
Department of of the Interior
Interior for the fiscal
year ending
ending June 30, 1949, and for other purposes purposes _________
---------- _ June 29,
June 29,1948 __ _
1948_-- 1112
National Freedom
842 --- National Freedom Day. JOINT JOINT RESOLUTIONRESOLUTION Requesting Requesting the
President to proclaim February 1 as National Freedom Day __-
National Freedom June 30, 1948
June 30, 1948 __
---_ 1150
843 --- International
International LaborLabor Organization.
Organization. JOINT RESOLUTION Pro-
viding for acceptance
acceptance by the United States States of America
America of the
Constitution of the International
Constitution of the International Labor Organization
Organization Instru-
ment of Amendment, and further authorizing authorizing an an appropriation
for payment of the United States share of the expenses of mem-
for payment
bership of the
and for United
expenses of States
participation by the United of
share of the expenses mem-
bership compact,
844 _.Interstate and for expenses of participation
Mich., Minn., and JOINTthe United States-_
RESOLU- June 30,
June 30, 1948 __ _ 1151
844 Interstate compact, Mich.,
TION Consenting to an Minn.,
interstate andboundary
Wis. JOINT compact RESOLU-
by and
TION Consenting
between the States to of an interstateMinnesota,
Michigan, boundary and compact by and
between the States of Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin __ June 30, 1948
1948 __ _
--- 1152
Act. AN
the ACT ACT To provide for water
845 --- Water Pollution
Pollution Control
pollution control activities in AN Public provide
Health Service of water
Federal control activities
Agency and in the in thePublic HealthWorks
Federal Service of the
Federal Security Agency and in the Federal Works Agency,
and for other purposes- June 30,
30, 1948---
1948 __ _
Sa~na~~oF o~tJ!dla~r1l~~:v;tio_,;, io-;;;~.- - -ii:i ~ol;f~~ jjuris-
June 1155
846 ---
846 __ _ Sac and Fox Indian Reservation,-Iowa. AN A-CT-To
ACT To -confer
diction on the
the State ofof Iowa over
over offenses
offenses committed by or or
against Indians
against Indians on
on the Sac
Sac and FoxFox Indian
Indian Reservation
Reservation ____ June 30,1948_--
----- _ June 30, 1948 __ _ 1161

HeinOnline -- 62 Stat. xxviii 1918-1949

LAWS xxix
Law Date
Date Page
847 _____ _ Oregon
Oregon Short
Short Line Line Railroad
Railroad Company,Company, etc., etc., validation
validation of of certain
conveyances. AN
conveyances. AN ACT ACT Validating
Validating certain certain conveyances
conveyances of of the
Oregon Short Line Railroad
Oregon Short Line Railroad Company Company and and the the Union
Union Pacific
Railroad Company and waiving,
Railroad Company and waiving, relinquishing, and relinquishing, and disclaim-
ing all
ing all title
title and and allall right
right of of reverter
reverter and and forfeiture
forfeiture of of the
United States
United States of America to the lands
of America to the lands described in described in said
said con-
veyances _____________________________________________
..... _ June 30, 1948 ___ 1161
June 30, 1948 - 1161
848 __
--- _ Post
Post Office
Office Department,
Department, pneumatic-tube
pneumatic-tube facilities. facilities. AN AN ACT ACT To To
provide for certain administrative expenses
provide for certain administrative expenses in the Post Office in the Post Office
epartment, including
Department, including retainment
retainment of of pneumatic-tube
pneumatic-tube systems, systems,
and for
for other
other purposes
purposes _________________________________
--------------- -----------------_ June 30, 30, 1948
1948 ___
-- 1163
849 __
849 --- _ Office
Office of
of the
the Comptroller
Comptroller of of thethe Currency,
Currency, retirementretirement system. system. AN AN
ACT To terminate
terminate the retirement svstem system of the the Office
Office of the
Comptroller of
Comptroller of the Currency,
Currency, and and to to transfer
transfer that retirementretirement
fund to to the CivilCivil Service
Service Retirement
Retirement and and Disability
Disability Fund ____ ----- _ June
June 30,
30, 1948 ___
1948-. 1163
850 __
850 --- _ Postal
Postal Service,
Service, credit
credit for
for certain
certain service.
service. A~ AN ACT To To include
include as as
allowable serviceservice under
under the the Act of July July 6, 6, 1945,
1945, service
service per-
formed in the military military forces and and on on war transfer
transfer by employees
field service
in the field service of the the Post Office Office Department-
Department-__________ - _ June
June 30,
30, 1948 ___
1948--- 1165
851 __
--- _ Mammoth
Mammoth Cave Cave National
National Park,Park, Ky. AN AN ACT ACT To To amend section section
11 of the Act approved
11 approved June June 5, 5, 1942
1942 (56 (56 Stat.
Stat. 317), relating to to
Mammoth Cave
Mammoth Cave National Park Park in the the State of of Kentucky, and and
for other purposes ...... 30, 1948 ___
852 --- C:I~Jo~~~~,r
Indians. -A~l To ~;;end
amend th~ Act aI;p-ro~~~f
approved M~y
-.--------------------------- June 30, 1948--- 1165
852 AN A-CT-
ACT To- the -Act May
18, 1928 (45 Stat. 602), as
18, as amended, to revise the the roll of the the
Indians of California provided therein ____________________ ............ 30, 1948
_ June 30, 1948 ___
--- 1166
853 --- Liquidation of u. S. mineral
Liquidation of U. mineral interests.
interests. AN AN ACT To To delay the
liquidation of
liquidation of mineral mineral interests reserved to the United
reserved United States
as required
as required by the Farmers' Home Administration Act of 1946, 1946,
and for other purposes purposes _________________________________
................................. _ June 30, 1948 ___
1948__- 1166
854 - -- Fort Hall
Fort Hall Indian IrrigationProject,
Indian Irrigation Project, Idaho.Idaho. AN ACT To promote
the interests of the Fort Hall Indian Irrigation project, Idaho,
and for
for other purposes _________________________________
other purposes ............... _ JJune
lIue 30, 1948 ___
1948___ 1107
855 -- Virgin Islands
Virgin Islands Company.
Company. AN ACT To continue continue the Virgin Virgin
Islands Company
Company as an agency
agency of the United States ________ _ June June 30, 1948
1948 ___
- 1170
856 -- Land
856 Land patents.
patents. AN A~ ACT Authorizing the Secretary
ACT Authorizing Secretary of the
Interior to issue patents for lands held under color of title title-__- _ June
June 30,1948
30, 1948 ___
--- 1171
857 Internal Revenue
857 --- Internal Revenue Code, Code, amendments. AN ACT To make make
imported beer and
imported beer and other similar other similar imported fermented
fermented liquor~ liquors
subject to the internal-revenue
internal-revenue tax tax on on fermented
fermented liquor _____ June 30, 1948 ___
------ _ June -- 1171
858 --- River and Harbor
River and Harbor Act of Act of 1948 and Flood Control
Flood Control Act Act of 1948.
AN ACT Authorizing
AN ACT Authorizing the the construction, repair, and preserva-
tion ofof certain
certain public works on
public works on rivers and harbors harbors for naviga-
tion, flood
flood control,
control, and for other purposes_ purposes _________________ - _ June
June 30, 1948 ___
1948_-_ 1171
859 __--- _ Bridges,
Bridges, Delaware
Delaware River. River. AN AK ACT ACT To To amend
amend and supplement supplement
section 22 of of thethe Act
Act approved
approved August August 30, 30, 1935,
1935, relating
relating to the
construction and and financing
financing of of toll
toll bridges
bridges over the the Delaware
River by by the Delaware
Delaware River River Joint Joint Toll Toll Bridge Commission
Bridge Commission
of the Commonwealth
Commonwealth of of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania and
the ________________________________________________ and the State State of New New_
Jersey------------------------------------------------- .June 30, 1948 __ _
30, 1948_--
June 1183
860 __
860 --- _ Government
Government Corporations
Corporations Appropriation
Appropriation Act, 1949. AN AN ACT ACT
Making appropriations
appropriations for for Government
Government corporations corporations and and
independent executive executive agencies
agencies for for thethe fiscal
fiscal year year ending
ending June
30, 1949, and and for otherother purposes
purposes --------------------------
_________________________ _ June June 30,
30, 1948
1948 __--_ 1183
861 --- Insanity
Insanity proceedings,
proceedings, D. D. C.C. AN AK ACT ACT To To amend
amend section section 22 of of the
Act entitled
Act entitled "An Act "An Act to to provide
provide for for insanity
insanity proceedings
proceedings in in
the District
District of of Columbia",
Columbia", approved approved August August 9, 9, 1939 -------- _ June 30,
1939 _______ 30, 1948
1948 __- _ 1195
862 --- Supplemental Independent Offices
Supplemertial Independent Offices Appropriation Act, Appropriation Act, 1949.
1949. AN AN
ACT Making supplemental appropriations
ACT Making supplemental appropriations for the Executive for the Executive
Office and and sundry
sundry independent
independent executive executive bureaus, bureaus, boards,boards,
commissions, and offices, for the
commisSions, and offices, for the fiscal year ending June fiscal year ending June 30, 30,
1949, andand forfor other
other purposes
purposes -----------------------------
____________________________ _ June June 30,
1948 __- _ 1196
863 .__ Immigration Act of 1917, amendment.
Immigration Act of 1917, amendment. AN ACT To amend AN ACT To amend
subsection (c) of section 19 of the
subsection (c) of section 19 of the Immigration Act of 1917, Immigration Act of 1917,
as amended,
as amended, and and for
for other
other purposes
purposes ........______________________ _ July JUly 1, 1, 1948__-
1948 __ _ 1206
864 ___ Federal
Federal National
National Mortgage
Mortgage Association.
Association. AN AN ACT ACT To To amend
the Servicemen's Readjustment Act
the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, as amended, and of 1944, as amended, and
for other
for other purposes
purposes ------_____________________________________
------------------------------- _ July JUly 1, Hl48 __ _
1, 1948___ 1206
865 --- Philippines,
Philippines, grants-in-aid.
grants-in-aid. AN AN ACT ACT To To assist
assist by by grants-in-aid
the Republic
Republic of of the
the Philippines
Philippines in in providing
providing medical medical carecare andand
treatment for
treatment for certain
certain veterans
___________________________ _ July JUly 1, 1, 1948
1948 __
- _ 1210

HeinOnline -- 62 Stat. xxix 1918-1949


Law Date
Date Page
866 ---
866 ___ U. S. S. Maritime continuance of
Commission, continuance
Maritime Commission, certain authority.
of certain authority.
JOINT RESOLUTION To continue continue until March 1, 1949,
until March 1949,
the authority
the authority of the United United States Maritime Commission to
Maritime Commission to
make provision
make provision for for certain
certain ocean
ocean transportation service to,
transportation service
from, and within Alaska _________________________________
from, and within Alaska ------------------------------ July
JUly 1, 1948___
1, 1948 ___ 1211
Gorgas Memorial
867 --- Gorgas
867 Memorial Laboratory.
Laboratory. AN ACT To authorize an increase
To authorize increase
maintenance and
appropriation for the maintenance
in the annual appropriation and operation
of the Gorgas Memorial Laboratory _______________________
of the Gorgas Memorial Laboratory --------------------- July
July 1, 1948_
1, --
1948 ___ 1213
868 --- Veterans
868 Regulations, amendments. AN ACT
Veterans Regulations, ACT To increase the
To increase
rates of service-connected
rates service-connected death death compensation
compensation payablepayable toto cer-
tain widows,
tain widows, children,
children, and dependent
dependent parents persons who
parents of persons who
purposes active military
the active military or or naval
naval service,
service, and
in_______________________________________________ and for
for other
purposes -------------------------------- July* 1, 1948---
1,1948 ___ 1213
869 --- Internal Revenue
Internal Revenue Code, amendment.
Relating to
Relating to the marital
marital deduction,
deduction, for estate-tax purposes, in
estate-tax purposes, in
the case
the case ofof life
life insurance
insurance or annuity payments
or annuity payments-------------
______________ July* 1,
July 1948 ___
1, 1948 -- 1214
870 --- Indians. AN
Crow Indians. AN ACT provide for sale
ACT To provide Crow Tribe
sale to the Crow Tribe
interests in the estates of deceased
of interests deceased Crow Indian Indian allottees,
and to to provide
provide for the sale of certain lands to to the Board of
the Board
County Commissioners
County Commissioners of Comanche
Comanche County, Oklahoma, and and
for other purposes ------------------------------------- - ___
for other purposes __________________________________ July 1, 1948_---
1, 1948 ___ 1214
871 ---
--- Armed forces,
forces, markers for
for graves.
graves. AN ACT To provide
provide for the
procurement and supply of Government
procurement headstones or markers
Government headstones
for unmarked graves of members members of the armed armed forces dying
dying inin
the service
service or after honorable discharge discharge therefrom, and other other
persons, and
persons, and forfor other purposes -------------------------
other purposes ___________________________ July 1, 1948 ___
- 1215
872 ___ Civil
872 --- Civil Aeronautics amendments. AN ACT
Aeronautics Act of 1938, amendments. ACT ToTo amend
the Civil Aeronautics
Aeronautics Act of of 1938
1938 by redefining
redefining certain powers
of thethe Administrator, by authorizing authorizing delegation
delegation ofof certain
powers by the
powers the Civil Aeronautics Board Board to the Administrator,
873 ___
873 --- 1!g;
R:d Lake Band
~::d ~t8gi;;~~~
capita payment
per capita
- i ~dia-;8~ - - AN
n for other purposes ----------------------------------
of Chippewa Indians.
payment of $50 each to the members
of $50
ACT -A~-th~~i;i~g-~
A-N -ACT Authorizing a
members of the Red Red
July 1,1948_
1, 1948 ___
- 1216

ake Band of ChippewaChippewa Indians from the proceeds proceeds of the sale 1218
of 1,1948__-
1, 1948 ___
of timber
timber and and lumber on the Red Lake Reservation Reservation--------
________ July
July 1218
874 --- Trading
Trading With the Enemy Act, amendment. amendment. AN ACT To amend amend
1,1948__- 1218
the Trading
Trading With With the Enemy AcL ________________________
Act-......-July July 1, 1948 ___ 1218
875 --- Bridge,
ing the Grande. AN
Grande. of ACT
a toll To
the time
across for commenc-
the Rio commenc-
Grande at
ing the construction of a toll bridge across the Rio Grande at
or near
near RioRio Grande
Grande City,
City, Texas __________________________
Texas-........-July July 2,1948___
2, 1948 ___ 1219
876 --- Veterans
Veterans Regulations,
Regulations, amendment. AN ACT To provide
in active the
rates orof
compensation for
compensation for disabilities
service other disabilities
than in a periodincurred in service
of war active mili-
tary or naval service other than in a period of war service shall
be equal to 80 per centum of the rates payable payable for similar
similar dis- 1219
abilities incurred during active
active service
service in time of war --------
________ July
July 2,1948---
2, 1948 ___ 1219
877 ___
877 --- Disabled veterans. AN ACT To provide increases of compensa-
Disabled veterans.
certain veterans
tion for certain service-connected disabilities
veterans with service-connected disabilities
who have
who have dependents
dependents ___________________________________
-------------------------------- July 2,1948
2, -
1948 ___ 1219
878 ___
878 --- Pensacola National Monument,
PensacolaNational Monument, Fla.
Fla. AN AN ACTACT To provide for the
establishment of the Pensacola National Monument-------- ________ July
July 2,1948
2, ---
1948 ___ 1220
879 ___
879 --- Civil
Civil Service Retirement Act of 1930, amendment. AN ACT To
1980, amendment. To
amend the Civil Service Retirement
Retirement Act of May 29, 1930, as
29, 1930,
amended, to provide annuities for certain Federal employees
Federal employees
who have rendered at least twenty years' service in the investi-
gation, apprehension, or detention of ltersons suspected or
persons con-
or Con- 1221
victed ofof offenses
offenses against the United States tates ----------------
__________________ July 2,1948
2, --
1948___ 1221
880 --- Motor Carrier Claims
Motor Carrier Commission. AN ACT To create
Claims Commission. create aa com-
mission to hear and determine the claims of certain motor
certain motor
carriers ________________________________________________
------------------------------------------- July
July 2,1948
2, -
1948 ___ 1222
881 ___ Indian reservations, N. Y. AN ACT To confer
Indian reservations, confer jurisdiction onon
the State of New York with respect res~ect to offenses committed
to offenses committed on on
Indian reservations
reservations within such State tate --------------------
______________________ July 2,1948__-
2,1948 ___ 1224
882 --- Philippine
PhilippineRehabilitation amendments. AN ACT To
RehabilitationAct of 1946, amendments. To
Rehabilitation Act of 1946 in
amend the Philippine Rehabilitation in connection
with the training of Filipinos as provided for in title IlL III -------
______ July 2,1948__-
2, 1948 ___ 1224
883 ___
883 --- National
National Industrial
Industrial Reserve Act of 1948. AN ACT To promote
the common defense by providing for the retention and main-
tenance of reserve of industrial productive capacity,
of aa national reserve
and for
for other
other purposes
purposes __________________________________
------------------------------- July
July 2,1948_--
2,1948 ___ 1225
884 ___
- Ute
Ute Indian claims. AN ACT Providing for the
Indianclaims. expeditious
the more expeditious
determination of certain claims filed by Ute Indians --------- _________ July
July 2,1948
2, 1948 ___
--- 1228

HeinOnline -- 62 Stat. xxx 1918-1949

LAWS xxxi
Law Date
Date Page
885 ---Okaloosa
885 --- Okaloosa County, Fla.,
Secretary of
Fla., conveyance.
conveyance. AN AN ACTACT To To authorize
authorize the the
Secretary of the
the Army
Army to to sell
sell and
and convey
convey to to Okaloosa
Okaloosa County, County,
State of
State of Florida,
Florida, all all the
the right,
right, title,
title, and
and interest
interest of of the
the United
States in
States in andand to to aa portion
portion of of Santa
Santa Rosa
Rosa Island,
Island, Florida,
Florida, and and
for other
other purposes
purposes __________________
------------------------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- July
July 2,2, 1948
-- 1229
886 ___ Japanese
886 Japaneseevacuation
evacuationclaims. claims. AN AN ACT ACT To To authorize
authorize the the Attorney
General to
General to adjudicate
adjudicate certain certain claims claims resulting
resulting from from evacuation
of certain
of certain persons
persons of of Japanese
Japanese ancestry ancestry under
under military
military ordersorders __-_ July
July 2,
2, 1948
- 1231
887 --
887 Wyoming, land
Wyoming, land conveyance.
conveyance. AN AN ACT ACT Authorizing
Authorizing the the convey-
ance of
ance of certain
certain lands lands in in Park
Park County,
County, Wyoming,
Wyoming, to to the
the State
of Wyoming ___________________________________________
of W yom ing ............................. July
July 2,
2, 1948
-- 1233
888 --- Veterans' Preference Act
Veterans' Preference Act of of 1944,
1944, amendment.
amendment. AN AN ACT ACT To To
amend the
amend the Veterans'
Veterans' Preference Preference Act Act ofof 1944
1944 to to extend
extend the the
benefits of
benefits of such
such Act Act to to certain
certain mothers
mothers of of veterans
veterans __________
---------- July
July 2,
2, 1948
- 1233
889 --- Surplus
889 Surplus property.
property. AN AN ACT To To authorize
authorize the the Secretary
Secretary of of the
Army, the the Secretary
Secretary of of the
the Navy,
Navy, and and the
the Secretary
Secretary of of the
the Air
Force to donate
Force to donate excess excess and and surplus
surplus property
property for for educational
p u rp oses______________________________________________ - 2,
----------------------------------------------- JUly
July 2, 1948
-- 1233
890 ___
890 --- Alcohol plants, transfer.
Alcohol plants, transfer. AN ACT To provide AN provide for for making avail- avail-
able the
able the Government-owned
Government-owned alcohol alcohol plants at at Muscatine,
Iowa, Kansas
Iowa, Kansas City, City, Missouri,
Missouri, and Omaha, Omaha, Nebraska, for for the
production of
production of products products from agricultural commodities
commodities in in the
furtherance of authorized
furtherance of authorized programs programs of the
the Department of
Agriculture, and and for other purposes purposes_- _______________________ July 2,1948 ___
2, 1948-- 1234
891 ___
--- San Diego,
San Diego, Calif.,
Calif., conveyance.
conveyance. AN ACT ACT To authorize an ex- ex-
change of
change lands and
of lands and interests therein between the city of San
Diego, California, and
California, and the United the United States, and for other pur-
poses __________________________________________________
................................................ 2,
July 2, 1948
1948 ___
--- 1235
892 ___
892 _ Confederated Tribes
Confederated Tribes of Warm Warm Springs
Springs Reservation,
Reservation, Oreg. Oreg. AK AN
ACT To provide
provide for for the
the payment
payment of revenues from certain
lands into
lands into the the tribal
tribal funds
funds of of the
the Confederated
Confederated Tribes of the
Warm Springs Reservation Reservation of Oregon, and for other purposes_ purposes- July 3,
3, 1948 ___
1948___ 1237
893 ___
--- Farm labor. AN
Farm labor. AN ACT To provide assistance in the recruitment recruitment
and distribution
and distribution of farm labor
of farm labor for the increased
increased production,
harvesting, and and preparation
preparation for market market of agricultural
agricultural com-com-
modities to
modities to meet
meet domestic
domestic needs needs and foreign commitment- commitment- ___ - July 3,1948
3, ___
1948_-_ 1238
894 ___ Juliette Low,
___ Juliette Low, commemorative
To authorize the
To authorize the issuance
issuance of of aa special series of
special series of stamps
stamps com-
memorative of
memorative of Juliette
Juliette Low, founder and
Low, founder and organizer
organizer of Girl
Scouting in in the United States of America America __________________
.......... July
July 3, 1948
3, ___
1948--- 1239
895 --- Home
Home Owners'
Owners' Loan Loan Act Act of of 1988, amendment. AN
1933, amendment. AN ACT To
amend section 5,
amend section 5, Home
Home Owners'Owners' Loan Loan Act Act of of 1933,
1933, and forfor
other purposes _________________________________________
other p urp oses ----------------------------------------- JUly
July 3,1948
3, ___
1948___ 1239
896 War 1239
896 -
War Claims
Claims Act Act ofof 1948.
1948. AN AN ACTACT To To amend
amend the the Trading
Trading withwith
the Enemy
Enemy Act, Act, as as amended;
amended; to to create
create aa commission
commission to make make
an inquiry and report
an inquiry and report with respect to with respect to war
war claims;
claims; and and toto pro-
vide for relief
relief for internees
internees in in certain
certain cases__-
cases _________________ July
July 3, 1948_--
3, 1948 ___ 1240
897 -___ Agricultural
897 Act of
Agricultural Act of 1948. AN 1948. AN ACTACT To To authorize
authorize the the Secretary
of Agriculture
Agriculture to to stabilize
stabilize prices
prices of of agricultural
agricultural commodities;
to amend section 22 of the Agricultural
to amend section 22 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, Adjustment Act, re-
enacted by by thethe Agricultural
Agricultural Marketing
Marketing Agreement
Agreement Act Act of
of 1937;
and for
and for other
other purposes
purposes __________________________________
---------------------------------- July
July 3,1948
3, ___
1948___ 1247
898 --- Atomic
Atomic Energy
Energy Commission.
Commission. AN AN ACTACT To To provide
provide for for extension
of the
the terms
terms of of office
office of of the
the present
present members
members of of the
the Atomic
Energy Commission
Energy Commission .......... _____________________________________ July
July 3,1948
3, ___
1948___ 1259
899 --- Internal
Internal Revenue
Revenue Code, Code, amendments.
amendments. AN AN ACT ACT To To permit
permit refund
or credit
credit to to brewers
brewers of of taxes
taxes paid
paid on on beerbeer lost lost inin bottling
p eratio n s ._____________________________________________
. . . . . . . .. . . . . ... .. . . . . . . JUly
July 3,1948
3, ___
1948___ 1259
900 --- Postal
Postal RateRate Revision
Revision and and Federal
Federal Employees
Employees Salary Salary Act Act of
of 1948.
AN ACT ACT To To provide
provide for for permanent
permanent postal postal rates rates andand to
to pro-
vide paypay increases
increases for for Government
Government employees-
employees ______________
901 Housing Act of 1948.
July 3,3,1948 ___
1948 -- 1260
901 Housing Act of 1948. AN AN ACT ACT To To amendamend the the National
Housing Act, Act, as as amended,
amended, and and for
for other
other purposes
purposes _.... 10,1948
902 Report of Joint
___________ Aug. 10,
Aug. 1948 ___
-- 1268
902 Report Joint Committee
JOINTof RESOLUTION Committee To onon Labor-Management
for an extensionRelations.
provide Relations.
o1 time
JOINT RESOLUTION To provide for an extension of time
within which
which the
the Joint
Joint Committee
Committee on
on Labor-Management
908 -_-_ United shall make
shall loan its
its final
makeagreement. final report
report .........
______________________ Aug. 10,
10, 1948
1948 ___ 1286
903 ___ United Nations, loan agreement. JOINT RESOLUTION To
--- 1286
authorize the President, following
authorize the President, following appropriation of appropriation of the
the neces-
sary funds by the Congress, to bring
sary funds by the Congress, to bring into effect on the part into effect on the part
of the
the United
United StatesStates the the loan
loan agreement
agreement of of the
the United
United States
of America
America and and the the United
United Nations
Nations signed
signed at at Lake
Lake Success,
New York,
New York, MarchMarch 23, 23,1948 ______________________________
1948 ------------------------------ Aug. 11,
11, 1948---
1948 ___ 1286
Aug. 1286

HeinOnline -- 62 Stat. xxxi 1918-1949


Law Date Page
904 --- Appropriation Act, 1949. JOINT
Supplemental Appropriation JOINT RESOLUTION
Making appropriations
Making appropriations for the
the Housing
Housing and
and Home
Home Finance
Agency and the Veterans'
Agency Veterans' Administration
------------------ Aug. 13,1948___
Aug. 13, 1948--- 1289
905 --- Inflation controls. JOINT
RESOLUTION To To aid in protecting
Nation's economy against
the Nation's against inflationary pressures________
inflationary pressures -------- Aug. 16, 1948 --
16,1948___ 1291
906 --- Organization of
Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of of the Gov-
RESOLUTION To To extend sixty days
extend for sixty days
the time
the time within
within which
which the
the Commission
Commission on Organization
Organization of the
Executive Branch
Executive of the
Branch of the Government
Government maymay make report of
make a report of
its findings
its and recommendations,
findings and other purposes
recommendations, and for other purposes____
--- Dec.
Dec. 31,
31, 1948---
1948___ 1292


HeinOnline -- 62 Stat. xxxii 1918-1949

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