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Why do companies want to pursue ISO 14001?

Fundamentally, it is everyone's job to protect the environment by

preventing pollution and continually improving the air we breathe, the
water we drink, and the earth we inhabit. Organizations are becoming
increasingly concerned in achieving sound environmental performance,
often while delivering cost savings and demonstrating that you are a
"Good Corporate Citizen".

Market Pressure

Many organizations decide to Implement ISO 14001 and obtain

registration because it assures customers, shareholders, suppliers,
regulators and the community at large that the company has a good
Environmental Management System (EMS) in place. An organization
with an effective EMS will typically meet customer expectations and
comply with regulations better than an organization that does not have an
effective EMS. Many organizations require their suppliers to have ISO
14001 Registration.

What are the benefits of the ISO 14001?

There are several benefits from implementing the Environmental
Management System (EMS), and ISO 14001 is the most recognized EMS
in the world.
An EMS meeting the requirements of ISO 14001:2004 is a management
tool enabling an organization of any size or type to:

 Identify and control the environmental impact of its activities,

products or services
 Continually improve its environmental performance
 Implement a systematic approach to setting environmental
objectives, to achieving these and to demonstrating that they have
been achieved
 Ensure legal compliance

The main is that it is the right thing to do!

All of us wish to leave a world, for future generations, in which we have

done a responsible job of protecting the environment. It can be stated that
ISO-14000 serves as a driver and reminder that is everyone's job to
protect the environment by preventing pollution and continually
improving the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the earth we inhabit.

Not only do you want to protect the environment, you also want to
improve your environmental performance as an organization. You can
accomplish this by doing what you do more efficiently and with better
controls because you will have systematically thought and planned out
your actions.

Internal Benefits:
 provide assurance to management that it is in control of the
organizational processes and activities having an impact on the
 assure employees that they are working for an environmentally
responsible organization.

External Benefits:
 provide assurance on environmental issues to external
stakeholders – such as customers, the community and regulatory
 comply with environmental regulations
 support the organization's claims and communication about its
own environmental policies, plans and actions
 provides a framework for demonstrating conformity via
suppliers' declarations of conformity, assessment of conformity by
an external stakeholder - such as a business client - and for
certification of conformity by an independent certification body.
In addition, you want to maintain your position in the market place
because more and more customers and countries are becoming
environmentally conscious and are beginning to require that suppliers and
companies show proof of sound environmental commitment. The proof
and commitment are reflected in the ISO 14001 certification of your
Environmental Management System.

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