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Section A

[42 marks]
Answer all question

1. Diagram 1 shows a part of the respiratory system.

(a) Name the structures labelled P, Q and R


Diagram 1

Trachea Rib Diaphragm

[ 3 marks ]

(b) Draw lines to show the correct match between the structures and their description.

A sheet of muscles which separates the thorax from the abdomen

Tube supported by rings of cartilage
Space where air passes through

R Bones that form the rib cage to protect the lungs

[ 2 marks ]

2. Diagram 2 shows the process of inhalation in the human breathing mechanism.

Diagram 2

(a) Following the path of the air in the diagram 2, state what happens to the following
parts during inhalation

i. Intercostal muscles

[1 mark]
ii. Ribs

[1 mark]

iii. Diaphragm

[1 mark]

iv. Volume thoracic cavity

[1 mark]

(b) Name three types of gases inhaled in during the process of inhalation

[3 marks]

3. Diagram 3 shows a structure found in plants

Diagram 3

a) i. Label stoma in the diagram above

ii. State one function of the structure in (a) (i)

marks ]

b) What happens when plants lose too much water?

[1 mark ]

c) State the process where plants loss water from the leaf surface

[1 mark ]

c) Why the under surface of a leaf a land plant has more stomata than
the upper surface?

[ 1 mark ]

4 Diagram 4.1 shows a human blood circulatory system.

Diagram 4.1

(a) (i) Label the systems shown in diagram above. [2 marks]

(ii) Name the organ X.

[1 mark]
(iii) State the main function of the heart.

[1 mark]
(iv) Which chamber of the heart has the thickest wall? Why?


[2 marks]
Oxygenated blood is transported through the pulmonary vein from
the lungs to the heart. Then, the aorta transports it from the heart
to all parts of the body except the lungs.

(i) Mark on Diagram 4.1 the flow of blood by using arrows below.

Oxygenated blood

........................ Deoxygenated blood

[2 marks]
(c) Diagram 4.2 shows the cross-section of blood vessel P and Q.

Diagram 4.2

Explain why there is difference in the cross-section of blood vessels P and Q.


[1 mark]

(d) The rate of a student’s heart beat increases after a vigorous exercise. Explain


[1 mark]

5. Diagram 5 shows a excretory organ found in human body.

Diagram 5

(a) Label the following parts on the diagram above.

capsule cortex medulla pelvis

[3 marks]

(b) What is the main function of the cortex?

[1 mark]

(c) State one function of kidney in the urinary system

[1 mark]

(d) Which part of the kidney that collects the urine?

[1 mark]

(e) Name the blood vessel X which carries blood without waste products from the kidney.

[1 mark]

(f) Why must excretory products be removed from the body?

[1 mark]

(g) What are the five products that are excreted by the kidneys?

[1 mark]
6. Diagram 6 shows two types of blood vessels

Diagram 6

(a) State one characteristics of each type of blood cell in diagram above

X : ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Y : ………………………………………………………………………………………………
[2 marks]
(b) What is the function of blood cell X?

[1 mark]

(c) Table 6 shows the blood groups of four students

student Blood group

Marshanda O
Muthu A
Ah Kau B
Lisa AB

(i) Who can donate blood to Muthu?

[1 mark]
(ii) What will happen to Muthu’s blood if he receives blood from Lisa?

[1 mark]

(iii) What happen to the donated blood in the blood bank after 40 days?

[1 mark]

Section B
(15 marks)
Answer all the question

1. Diagram 1 shows the pathway of carbon dioxide when air is breathed out

Diagram 1
What is part Z?

A Mouth B Lung
C Throat D Trachea

2. Diagram 2 shows the structure of human heart

Diagram 2

What is the part labeled X?

A Aorta B Right atrium

B Right ventricle D Tricuspid valve

3. Which of the following conditions contribute to the highest rate of transpiration?

Time Humidity Presence of


A Dawn Humid Absent
B Midday Dry Presence
C Midday Humid Absent
D Dusk Dry Presence

4. Diagram 3 shows the cross section of a stem.

Diagram 4

Which of the labeled parts P,Q,R and S transport water and mineral salts?


5. Diagram 5 shows two excretory organs

Diagram 5

What is the common excretory product of these two organs?

A Water B Urea
C Mineral salts D Carbon dioxide

6. Diagram 6 shows an investigation to observe the effect of oxygen on a sample of fresh

Diagram 6
What is observed after a few seconds?

A the fresh blood turns pink

B the fresh blood becomes bright red
C the fresh blood becomes dark red
D the fresh blood becomes blue-black

7. The information given below shows how the transportation of oxygen takes place in our

P: Oxygen diffuses into the capillaries

Q: The heart pumps the blood to the lungs

R: Oxygenated blood is then sent to all cells in the body through aorta

S: Haemoglobin combines with oxygen to form oxyhaemoglobin and

returns to the heart

Which of the following is the correct sequence for transporting oxygen from the heart to
the body cells?


8. Diagram 8 shows the condition of a stem

Diagram 8

Which of the following explains the condition above?

A The plant could not produce food

B Food could not transported to the root
C Water could not be transported to the roots
D Minerals salts could not be transported upwards

9. Diagram 9 shows the exchange of gases in the alveolus. What is the difference between
blood X and blood Y?

Diagram 9

A Blood X is rich in oxygen, blood Y is poor in oxygen
B Blood X is poor in oxygen, blood Y is rich in oxygen
C Blood X is poor in carbon dioxide, blood Y is rich in carbon dioxide
D Blood X is rich in haemoglobin, blood Y is poor in haemoglobin

10. Diagram 10 shows the path taken by water and mineral salts in a plant

Diagram 10

Which of the following represents X,Y and Z?

11. Each atrium and ventricle of the heart is connected to a major blood vessel. Which of the
following is connected to the right ventricle?

A aorta B vena cava

C pulmonary vein D pulmonary artery

12. The diagram 12 shows a model of the human respiratory system

Diagram 12

What will you observe when the rubber sheet is pulled downwards?

A Air rushes in through the glass tube

B Air is forced out through the glass tube
C The bell jar and the rubber sheet become warm
D Water droplets form on the wall of the glass tube


Which of the following statements explain about red blood cells?

I Red blood cells have a lifespan of about 4 months

II Red blood cells contain haemoglobin that helps in transporting oxygen in the
III There is approximately 5 billion red blood cells for every 1cm3 of blood
IV Red blood cells do not protect the body against bacteria

A II and III only

B I, II and IV only
C I, III and IV only

D I, II, III and IV

14. Diagram 14 shows the cross-section of human heart

Which of the valve in diagram 14 prevents the backflow of oxygenated blood to the

15. The information below describes the breathing mechanism

Air involved contains about 16 % oxygen, 4% carbon dioxide, 78 %

nitrogen and saturated water vapour.

Which of the following .represents R?

I the intercostals muscles contract

II the diaphragm relaxes and curves upwards
III the temperature of the air involved is the same as the body
IV the air pressure inside the thoracic cavity is increased

A I and II only
B II and III only

C I, III and IV only
D II, III and IV only



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