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Digital Modulation FSK is a form of constant –amplitude angle

modulation similar to conventional frequency
 Transmittal of digitally modulated analog modulation except that the modulating signal is a
signals between two or more points in a binary pulse stream that varies between two
communication system. discrete voltage levels rather that a continuously
 Applications changing analog waveform.
• low-speed voice band data
communications modems The general expression for a binary FSK signal is
• High speed data transmission
system v fsk ( t ) = Vc cos[ 2Π ( f c + v m ( t )∆f ) t ]
• Digital microwave and satellite Where:
communications systems vfsk(t) = binary FSK waveform
• Cellular telephone Vc = peak analog carrier amplitude (V)
fc = analog carrier center frequency (Hz)
Digital transmission vm(t) = binary input (modulating) signal (V)
Δf = peak change in analog carrier frequency (Hz)
- transmittal of digital pulses between two or
more points in a communications system The center or carrier frequency is shifted by
- require a physical facility between the the binary input data. As the binary input signal
transmitter and receiver such as changes from a logic 0 to a logic 1, and vice
o metallic wire pair versa, the FSK output shifts between two
o coaxial cable frequencies; a mark or logic 1 frequency and a
o optical fiber cable space or a logic 0 frequency.

Digital radio FSK Bit Rate, Baud, and Bandwidth

- transmittal of digitally modulated analog • Output rate of change is equal to

carriers between two or more points in a the input rate of change.
communications system • Bit rate – bits per second (bps), rate
- transmission medium is free space or Earth’s of change at the input to the modulator
atmosphere • Baud/baud rate – reciprocal of the time of
one output signaling element, rate of
Why use digital modulation? change at the output of the modulator.
Bit rate = baud rate
• Ease of processing • The minimum bandwidth is
• Ease of multiplexing B = 2(Δf + fb)
• Noise immunity
Bandwidth considerations using Bessel functions
Digital Modulation Techniques
The fastest input rate of change occurs when the
1. FREQUENCY SHIFT KEYING (FSK) binary input is a series of alternating 1’s and 0’s:
FSK is a relatively simple, low- namely, a square wave. If only the fundamental
performance type of digital modulation. Binary frequency of the input is considered, the highest
modulating frequency is equal to one-half of the
input bit rate.
fa = b

MI =

where: MI = modulation index

Δf = frequency deviation (Hz)
fa = modulating frequency (Hz)
Δf = peak freq. dev. of the carrier

f m − fs
∆f =

fa = fund. freq. of the binary input

fa =

where fb = input bit rate

f m − fs
MI =

Example: For a binary FSK modulator with

space, rest and mark frequencies of 40, 50 and 60 FSK modulator
MHz respectively and an input bit rate of 10
Mbps, determine the output baud and the FSK RECEIVER
minimum required bandwidth.

f m − fs 60 − 40
MI = = =2
fb 10

Bessel Function Chart

2. Amplitude-Shift Keying
• Similar to standard amplitude modulation
except there are only two output amplitudes
• digital amplitude modulation (DAM)
• On-off keying (OOK)
A 
Vask ( t ) = [1 + Vm ( t ) ]  cos ωc t 
 2 

Vask(t) = amplitude-shift keying wave
Vm(t) = digital information signal (V)
A/2 = unmodulated carrier amplitude (V)
ωc = analog carrier radian frequency in

ASK Bit Rate, Baud, and Bandwidth

• Bit rate = baud rate Balanced Ring Modulator

• Bit rate = minimum Nyquist bandwidth

Determine the baud and minimum bandwidth
necessary to pass a 20 Kbps binary signal
using ASK.


• another form of angle-modulated, constant

amplitude digital modulation
Logic 1 input
• similar to conventional phase modulation
except that with PSK the input signal is a
binary digital signal.


- two output phases are possible for a single

carrier frequency. One output represents a logic 1
and the other a logic 0.
- (PRK) Phase Reversal Keying
Logic 0 input
- Biphase Modulation
(a) Truth table

Output phase versus time relationship for a BPSK


Bandwidth Considerations of BPSK

(b) Phasor Diagram
output = (sin ωat) x (sin ωct)
fundamental freq unmodulated
of the carrier
modulating signal

= ½ cos(ωc - ωa)t - ½ cos(ωc + ωa)t

The minimum double Nyquist bandwidth (fN) is

ωc + ω a ωc + ω a
-(ωc - ωa) or -ωc + ωa

(c) Constellation Diagram

and because fa = fb/2

fN = 2(fb/2) = fb

Determine the minimum bandwidth and baud for a

BPSK modulator with a carrier frequency of 40
MHz and an input bit rate of 500 kbps. Sketch the
output spectrum.
BPSK RECEIVER QPSK Constellation Diagram



• four output phases are possible for a single

carrier frequency.
• the binary input data are combined into
group of two bits

M-ary Encoding

N = log2M
Where: N = number of bits
M = number of output conditions possible
with N bits
QPSK Phasor Diagram

Output phase versus time relationship for a QPSK

QPSK Transmitter

The output of the balanced modulators can be

expressed mathematically as

output = (sinω at) (sinω ct)

½ cos (ω c-ω a)t - ½ cos (ω c+ω a)t
ω at = 2∏fb/4t and ω Ct = 2∏fct
output = ½ cos 2∏ (fc - fb/4)t - ½ cos 2∏ (fc +

QPSK Receiver
Bandwidth considerations of a QPSK modulator

QPSK Receiver

The receive QPSK signal (-sin ωct + cos ωct) is

one of the inputs to the I product detector. The
other input is the recovered carrier (sin ωct). The
output of the I product detector is
The output frequency spectrum extends from fc +
I = (-sin ωct + cos ωct) (sin ωct)
fb/4 to fc – fb/4 and the minimum bandwidth (fN)
QPSK Input signal carrier
= (-sin ωct) (sin ωct) + (cos ωct) (sin ωct)
= -sin2 ωct + (cos ωct) (sin ωct)
(fc + fb/4) - (fc - fb/4) = 2 fb/4 = fb/2
= -½ (1 – cos 2ωct) + ½ sin (ωc + ωc)t
+ ½ sin (ωc - ωc)t
Minimum Nyquist
Bandwidth (fN) I = -½ + ½ cos 2ω ct + ½ sin 2ω ct + ½ sin 0
= -½ V (logic 0)
= fb/2

The receive QPSK signal (-sin ωct + cos ωct) is

one of the inputs to the Q product detector. The
other input is the recovered carrier shifted 90° in
fc - fb/4 fc + fb/4
phase (cos ω ct). The output of the Q product
Suppresed carrier frequency
detector is

Q = (-sin ωct + cos ωct) (cos ωct)

QPSK Input signal carrier 8 PSK Phasor Diagram
= cos2 ωct - (sin ωct)(cos ωct)
= ½ (1 + cos 2ωct) - ½ sin (ωc + ωc)t - ½ sin
(ωc - ωc)t
= ½ + ½ cos 2ω ct - ½ sin 2ω ct - ½ sin 0
= ½ V (logic 0)


- a form of angle-modulated, constant amplitude
digital modulation wherein we encode three bits to 8 PSK Truth Table
have eight possible output phases.

Eight PSK Transmitter

8 PSK Constellation Diagram and Output

Waveform with binary input

Bandwidth Considerations of 8-PSK

I- and Q-channel 2-to-4-level converters: truth
table and PAM levels With an 8-PSK modulator, there is one change
in phase at the output for every 3 data input bits.
Consequently, the baud for 8-PSK equals fb/3, the
same as the minimum bandwidth. The balance
modulators are product modulators; their outputs
are the product of the carrier and the PAM signal.

Mathematically, the output of the balanced

modulators is

θ = (X sinω at)(sinω ct)

sinθ sinΦ = ½ cos(θ -Φ ) - ½ cos(θ +Φ )

θ = ω ct Φ = ω at = ½ cos 2π (100 – 3.333)t - ½ cos 2π (100 +
where ω at = 2π(fb/6) and ω ct = 2πfct = ½ cos 2π (96.667)t – ½ cos 2π (103.333)t
modulating signal carrier
The minimum Nyquist bandwidth is:
and X = ± 1.307 or ± 0.541
fN = (103.333 – 96.667) Mhz
thus = X(1/2 cos (ω ct - ω at) – ½ cos (ω ct + = 6.666 or 6.67 Mhz
ω at)
The baud rate equals the bandwidth:
baud = 6.67 Megabauds
ω a = 2π fa fa = ½ (fb/3) = (fb/6)
ω c = 2π fc
Bandwidth = 6.67Mhz

= X/2 cos2π(fc – fb/6)t – X/2 cos2π(fc + fb/6)t

The output frequency spectrum extends from fc +

fb/6 to fc – fb/6 and the minimum bandwidth (fN) 6.667Mhz 103.333Mhz
(fc + fb/6) - (fc - fb/6) = 2 fb/6 = fb/3 Suppressed Carrier Freq.


1-5 For an 8-PSK modulator with an input data

rate (fb) equal to 20 Mbps and a carrier frequency
of 100 Mhz, determine the minimum double-sided
Nyquist bandwidth (fN) and the baud. Sketch the
output spectrum. With Q = 1, C = 0, and I = 0.

The bit rate in the I, Q and C channels is equal to
one-third of the input bit rate:

fb1 = fbQ = fbC = 20 Mbps / 3 = 6.667 Mbps Eight PSK Receiver

The highest modulating frequency to either With Q = 1, I = 0 and C = 0, the modulated output
balanced modulator: from the linear summer may be computed:

fa = fb1 /2 = fbQ/2 = fbC /2 = 6.667 Mbps / 2 =

I = (-0.541)(sinω ct) = -0.541 sinω ct
3.333 Mhz
the output from the Q – channel product
The output wave from the balanced modulators is:
modulator is:

= (sin 2π fat)(sin 2π fct)

Q = (1.307) (cos ω ct) = 1.307 cos ω ct
= ½ cos 2π (fc- fa)t - ½ cos 2π (fc+ fa)t
outputs from the I- and Q- channel product
modulators are combined in the linear summer to
produce a modulated output of:

summer output = -0.541sinω ct + 1.307 cos

ω ct

Note: The C bit determines the magnitude of the

output signal:
logic 1 = 1.307 & logic 0 = 0.541 Phasor Diagram

The I or Q bit determines the polarity of the

output analog signal:
logic 1 = +V & logic 0 = -V


• Amplitude and phase shift keying are

Constellation Diagram

Output phase and amplitude versus time

relationship for 8-QAM

8-QAM Transmitter block diagram

Truth Table


• Encoding technique that allows data
transmission rates in excess of 56 kbps over a
standard telephone circuit.
• Increase transmission bit rates using QAM
or PSK with fixed bandwidths.
• Allows highly efficient transmission of
information over band-limited channels
• Modulation technique with hardware error
detection and correction

• MODEM – modulator and demodulator
-interface computers, computer networks,
and other digital terminal equipment to
analog communications facilities.
 Bell system 103 modem
 Bell system 212 modem


• Half duplex operation
• Two-wire telephone line
• 600 bps (bit rate)
• Dial-up transmission facility
• Asynchronous mode
• FSK modulation
• Full duplex operation
• Four-wire telephone line
• 1200 bps (bit rate)
• Private line transmission facility
• Synchronous mode
• QPSK modulation

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