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Top 10 Foods Highest in Selenium

Selenium is required by the body for proper functioning of the thyroid gland, and may help
protect against free radical damage and cancer. A deficiency in selenium can lead to pain in the muscles
and joints, unhealthy hair, and white spots on the fingernails. In long term cases it may even lead to
Hashimoto's disease, a condition in which the body's own immune system attacks the thyroid. An excess
of selenium can lead to bad breath, diarrhea, and even hair loss. The current RDA for Selenium is 70μg
(micrograms), below is list of selenium rich foods. It is important to note that the amount of selenium in
any product varies greatly by the amount of selenium in the soil in which it was produced/grown/raised.
Be sure to check individual labels, and if you have a deficiency in selenium, get tested after changing
your diet to be sure you are eating adequate amounts.

#1: Nuts (Brazil Nuts)

Nuts, especially Brazil nuts, are a great source of selenium. Brazil nuts, which are also rich in magnesium,
provide the most selenium with 1917μg (2739% RDA) per 100 gram serving, 2550μg (3642% RDA) per
cup, and 96μg (137% RDA) in a single kernel or nut. Mixed nuts by contrast provide about half as much
selenium with 422μg (77% RDA) per 100 gram serving, 607μg (111% RDA) per cup, and 118μg (169%
RDA) per ounce.

#2: Shellfish (Oysters, Mussels, Whelk)

In addition to selenium oysters and shellfish are also a great source of iron, zinc, copper, and vitamin
B12. Pacific oysters provide the most selenium with 154μg (220% RDA) per 100 gram serving, or 131μg
(52% RDA) per ounce, and 38.5μg (55% RDA) per oyster. Other shellfish high in selenium include blue
mussels and whelk which provide 90μg (128% RDA) of selenium per 100 gram serving, 76μg (109% RDA)
per 3 ounce serving.

#3: Liver

The liver of most any animal is packed with nutrients like selenium. Often appearing on the culinary
scene as pâté, liver can also be eaten in sausage (liverwurst), and prepared steamed or fried with onions
and herbs. Lamb liver provides the most selenium with 116μg per 100g serving or 166% of the RDA. That
is 99μg (141% RDA) of selenium in a 3 ounce serving.

#4: Fish

Fish is a heart healthy food, a good source of protein, and rich in vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, and B12.
Orange roughy provides the most selenium with 88μg (126% RDA) per 100 gram serving, 75μg (107%
RDA) per 3 ounce serving. It is followed by canned tuna, canned anchovies, swordfish, pickled herring,
and lastly tilefish which provides 52μg (74% RDA) of selenium per 100 gram serving, or 44μg (63% RDA)
per 3 ounce serving.
#5: Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds are great as a snack or as an addition to salads, they are also a great source of vitamin
E, iron, vitamin B1 (thiamin), B6, protein, magnesium, potassium, and copper. Sunflower seeds provide
79μg (113% RDA) of selenium per 100 gram serving, that is 102μg (145% RDA) of selenium per cup
hulled, and 22.2μg (32% RDA) per ounce.

#6: Bran (Wheat, Rice, and Oat)

Rice, Wheat, and Oat bran are great additions to breads and breakfast cereals like oats, rye, and

Wheat bran contains 78μg (111% RDA) of selenium per 100 gram serving, which is 45μg (64% RDA) per
cup, and 3μg (4% RDA) per tablespoon. Oat bran provides 45μg (65% RDA) of selenium per 100 grams,
and rice bran contains much less selenium with 17μg per 100 gram serving.

#7: Caviar

Caviar is not as expensive as people think and is a great source of iron, protein, and vitamin B12. 100
grams of caviar will provide 65.5μg (94% RDA) of selenium, or 18μg (26% RDA) per ounce, 10.5μg (15%
RDA) per tablespoon.
#8: Bacon and Pork Chops

Despite being a high cholesterol food bacon is a good source of selenium. 100 grams of bacon will
provide 65μg (93% RDA) of selenium, or 5μg (7% RDA) per slice. Lean pork chops provide 43μg (61%
RDA) of selenium per 100 gram serving, 31μg (44% RDA) per chop.

#9: Lobster and Crab

Lobster is most commonly served baked, steamed, or in bisque. A 100g serving of spiny lobster provides
59.2μg (85% RDA) of selenium, that is 96.5μg (138%RDA) in a whole lobster, 50.3μg (72% RDA) in a 3
ounce serving. Dungeness crab provides 47.6μg (68% RDA) per 100 gram serving, 60.5μg (86% RDA) per
crab, and 40.5μg (58% RDA) per 3 ounce serving.

#10: Shrimp (Prawns, Camarones)

Despite being a high cholesterol food shrimps are rich in iron as well as selenium. Shri mps provide
39.6μg (57% RDA) of selenium per 100 gram serving, 34μg (48% RDA) per 3 ounce serving, and 8.7μg
(12% RDA) of selenium in 4 large shrimps.

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